D11438 1 wn�a - c�:v c�e�k G I TY OF ►SA I NT ��A U L Pink � Fi�anee Dept. Gn�►Y- Dept. • ' OFFIGF OF THE MAYOR �I I��n 5■1 � No: U ADMINIS'IRATIVE ORDER � _ �_ Q I • � Date: � I ADMINISTRATIV ORDER, In the matter of that certain contract known as Activity No. _29069 for ' Albemarle Nebraska Sewer Se aration Pro'ect City Pro�ect No. 89-P-8038. 89-S-8051 , _ Lametti and Sons, Inc. Contractor, the speeified date of completion is November 15. 1989 and the Contractor did� t complete the contract by said date of completion because DNR on ida io of and it is hereby ORDERED, That t ' City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, extends the time of completion to Janua 10 1990 and it is FURTHER ORDERED,; That the City of Saint Paul hereby does _ waive claim for liquidated damages on this pro�ect. � Further, the specified date of completion for all paving work is October 30, 1989 and the Contractor , 'd not complete the contract by said date of completion ecause of avin delays c used b N.S.P. Ga.s Co any reconstruction of a ma.'or as line on Ne ras a Avenue a� e a ition o aving wor to t e contract an it is ereby • ORDERED, That e City of Saint Paul, througl� its Mayor, extends the time of completion for 11 paving work to November 7, 1989 and it is FURTHER ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul hereby does waive claim for liquidated damages pertain'! g to paving completion on this project, for the period of time between October 30, 1989 through November 7, 1989. Liquidated damages pertaining to paving completi of $3,500.00 are hereby clai:med for the period of time between November 8, 1989� through November 14, 1989, at a rate of $500.00 per day as per the contract specif' ations. Actua.l paving completion date was November 14, 1989. (The liquidated amages of $3,500.00 are deducted in Contract Change Agreement No. 6.) I i t APPROVED AS TO FORM I J Assistant City ttor y D ar ent e I � • ; ��� � Date , ' � Meyor ( _ � _ _ _