D11434 White — City Clerk Na, D ' � ��� Pink — Finance Dept. ' Canary — Dept. Accountin� Date � � � � I Blue — Engineer !I Green — Contractor • CITY OF SAINT PAUL — OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0. 1 ADMINISTR TIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as Linwood P' rk Communit Recreation Center � , known as Ca►trac 1L-009567, City Project No. 688-08-05 George W. O1 sen Construction Co. . Ir�c. Contracta, is com�posed of the following: Item lA and 1B: Contract period Deduct - $25,914.00 Item 2A and 2B: Landscaping Deduct - $10,600.00 Item 3A nd 3B: Temp. Facilities Deduct - $ 1,320.00 Item 4: Waterproofing Deduct - $ 7,521.00 Item 5A: Burnished Block Color Deduct - $ 1,694.00 Item 8A: Concrete Finish Pattern Deduct - $ 1,260.00 Item 9: 'Vestibule Roof Deduct - $ 1,085.00 Item 10: ' Epoxy Re-Bar Coating Deduct - $ 2,260.00 Item 11A 'and 116: Ventilated Roofing Deduct - $10,912.00 • Item 12A and 126: Mech' 1 . Encl . Paving Deduct - $ 778.00 Item 14: ' Shelving: Deduct - $ 1,711.00 Item 15: I Hand and Glove Rails Deduct - $ 9,411.00 Item 21A,� 216, 21C, 21D: H.M. Frames Deduct - $ 2,017.00 continued on page 2 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in ac- cadance with the specificationa in the sum of $ , said amount to be added to the lump sum con- sideration named ip the contract, known as c�tract L- , and which amount is to be financed from: APPROVED AS TO F'ORM 19 Assistant City Attorney Contractor 19 By • Engineer 19 Chief Engineer Head of Department of Finance 19 D'uector of Adminiatrative Assistant to the Mayor White — City Clerk No, D I � �J`'1 Pink — Finance Dept. Canary — Dept. Accountin� Date � w �� ' I Blue — Engineer � Green — Contractor � • ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL — OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0. 1 ADMINL4TR�TIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvemeat described as Linwood �ark Community Recreation Center � I , known as Contract �,- 00956JCity Project No. B88-08-Q5 George W. O1 sen Construction Co. , Inc. Contracta, is com�osed of the following: Item 24: ', Gym Door Add + $40,991.00 Item 25: ' Acoustical Wall Panels Add + $ 4,875.00 Item 26A, 26C, 26D: Electrical Deduct - $ 1,840.00 Item 27: Mechanical - Simplex Deduct - $ 635.00 ------------------------- ' TOTAL DEDUCT - $33,092.00 • deductions ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, ttn�ough its Maya, approves the foregoing l��l�iE�4 made in ac- d aucted f1^om cordance with the specincations in the sum of $�33.092.001 said amount to be �,�d�c1p(the lump sum con- 009567 credited to: sideration named ia the contract, known as contract�,- , and which amount is to be DI��iC Original Contract Sum $2,303,997.00 C90-3Q001-0898-33059 Change Orders to Date -0- Amount this Change (33,092.00) New Contract Sum $2,270,905.00 APPROVED AS TO F'IOR ` 3_�ig� George W. Olsen Construction Co. , Inc. nt C' n y Contractor ,,.., � is— ig� gy letter dated January 14, 1991 . of Parks & Recreation � � 19 Chisf ngineer He d epartm t F' ce `-' 3 is `j e or COmmunity vices Adm strative Assistant to the Mayor