D11427 -. White' - City Clerk � No. D I I ��� Pink - Finance Dept. ? (� Canary - Dept. Accountin Date v � f� _ I f Slue - Engineer � Green - Contractor i CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0._]_ ADMINISTRA(rIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as SEWER MAIN'�ENANCE GARAGE - VENTILATION MODIFICATIONS, 41A Bl1RGESS STREET, SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA 55117 , known as Contract,�.,f o��876City Project No.$949.00 , EDWARD T. KOLAR � C0. � I NC. , Contracta, is comp�OSed of the following: i 1 . A¢lditional structural swppor.t for new equipment on roof. . . $2,081 .60 �'``� 2. O�fset existing insul�:ted pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �+§�A- T�bta 1 Added . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � �a'�,csl • �OO • ORDERED, '�hat the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing adc�itions made in ac- cordance with the �speciflcations in the sum of $ 2�5�7. 10 , said amount to be added to the lump sum cott- sideration named in,the contract, known as contract/11- �QQ�7� , and which amount is to be financed from: 260-22206-08�8 Original Contract . . . . . . . $36,091 .00 This Change Order . . . . . . . � ,z�-�34-�.-'r� a,0$�, �ao Tota1 Amount of Contract , �3S,17a, ee OVED AS TO FORM �19�_ Edward T. Kolar Company, Inc. As 's nt Cit ttorn r Contractor � r - �ia-1�� Z'Z �IE.� 19 9I By . Engineer � � 19 + � Ctu r of ce ,�,��,q� � , �19 �� irector of PU I C W R S e Ass tant to the Mayor �� 4 " � NOTE: COM DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE QREEN 8HEET IN8TRUCTIONAL MANU AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHAStNi3 OFFICE(PHONE NO.29�4225). ROUTIN(i ORDE : � Below are preferr routings for the fivve moat frsqusnt types oi documsMs: CONTRACTS (iesumes authorized OOUNqL RE$OLUTION (Amsnd, Bdpts./ budget exlsts) Ac�cept.Oronts) 1. Outside 1. DepaRmsM DireCtor 2. Initiatiny eM 2. B�ph�rector 3. t�ty Att 3. City Attomey 4. MByor 4. MayoNA�M 5. Flnarx;s� 3vcs. Director 5. City Council 6. Flnancs nMnq 6. G'hief AxouMant.fin 8 Mgmt 3vcs. ADMINISTRATI DER R�, COUNqI RESOLUTION (��)N�� 1. Activily M 1. Initiatlng Dsp�utmsnt Dirsctor 2. DeputmsM nteM 2. City Attorn�y 9. Dspartmsnt hctor 3. MayorMNitt�nt 4. Budpst Di or 4. City CounCN 5. City Clsrk 8. Chief Axou . Fln d�M�mt Svcs. ADMINI3TRATI O�lDERS (all others) 1. Inftiatinp 2. City 3. Mayor/ M 4. City dsric TOTAL NUMBER SIGNATURE PA(iES Indicata the#�of a on whk;h signatures are requirod and�,e s�rcN each of thess ACTION RE�UE � Describs wh�t pnpHctlroqu�ssske to accomplish in Nther chronolo�- cd order or ordsr importar�ce.whichsver la most a�ropriats tor the iseue. Do not o0mplete ssMences. Begin each Rem in your list with a verb. REOOMMENDA Completa H ths in queetbn has bssn preseMed beforo any body.public or priva�. SUPPORTS WHI COIJNGI OBJECTIVE? Ir�s which noU objeqive(s)Y��P►��e4��bY��6 the ksy word(s) NQ, RECREATION, NEIQH�RHOODB, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUD(iET,SEWE 9EPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LI3T IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNGL COMM FJRESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL A3 REWJESTED BY COUNqL INITIATINCi , ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explai�ths or c�ondidons that creeted a nsed for your project or request. ADVANTAt�ES IF ARPROVED Indicate whsther is is simply an annual budpM procsdun roquired by law/ charter or thrre are speciHc in which the City of Salnt Paut and its citizer�s I b�nefit irom this pr�/action. DISADVANTAt3E IF APPROVED What neqative or major changes to existinq or pest processes mi�ht this projectlreq pROduce if it is paseed(s.g.,trafNc deleya, rwi�, tax increasss or rns)4 To Whom9 Whsn4 For how long? DI3ADVANTAOE IF NOT APPROVED YVhat will be the ive conaequenc�s if tha promiaed action is not • approvqd?Inabili t0 deUver service?Continusd high traific, noiae, accident rata7 of revenue? FlNANpAL IMP . Althouph you m talbr the information you provide here to the iasue you are addreesing, i �neral you must anawer two gu�stiona: How much is k qoing to cost7 W ts�oing to pey?