D11417 r.nr,,.. -• � - _ . . .-r-.;`,�--.... . ,,�w�-s��e-+: -..,_ r.— . . _`..-`�`" . . ---. .. Whit� — City C��►k � C I TY O F SA I 1�'T ��A U L Pink — Fin�ne���pL I C�nsrv— D�pt- OFY'IGI: OF THI: MAYOR /T + (� +� No: �'( � • �� ADMINIS'IRATIVE ORDER �' I�'n( � Bl'IX;E7'itF,�7SI0� Date: � :���ZS�.�����)��,Consistent with the authoriy granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of th Director of the Department of General Government to amend the 19 90budg�t of the General Fund fund.the Director of the Department of Finance and Managemerlt Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Amended Budget Change Budget General Government Accounts Employee Insura�ce 001-09001-0219 Fees - Other Prof 40,260 721 40,981 Retiree Insurancte 001-09002-0431 ` Health Ins 2,435,788 167,894 2,603,682 Unemployment Compensation 001-09004-Q432 Unemployment Comp 454,781 77,058 531,839 Workers Compens�tion 001-09020-0443; Medical Exp 720,000 212,814 932,814 • Police Relief Association 001-09010-0416 Expenditure Credit (95,228) 26,418 (68,810) PERA, Soc Sec. , HRA Pension 001-09013-0412 � PERA - Coordinated 2,738,119 (501,848) 2,236,271 Building Trades Fringe Benefits 001-09014-0438; Fringe Benefits 80,592 16,943 97,535 6,374,312 -0- 6,374,312 . . . re :A vi naper Approved by:Ms �b)�/�V ' � Requested by:Depertment director pate � NOTE: COMP QIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE(iREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL 1�UWBLE IN THE PURCHASIN�OFFICE(PHONE NO.208-4225). ���o�R: i Below are roaNngs for the flve most frequeM types of documsnb: OONTRACTS arumes wthorizsd COUNqL RESOWTION (Am�id,Bd�sJ budg�t sxista) /lacspt.(3rauns) 1. Outside 1. Dspertment OifeCtor 2. IMtiatinp nlint 2. Budqst Dir�c:tor 3. City Attomsy 3. City Attom�y 4. Maya 4. MayodMsistaM 5. Ftnance 3 �res. Direc�r 5. City Counoil 8. Flmu�os 8. Chief AcoountaM, Rn d Mpmt S�res. ADMINISTRATIVE R (BucJpst COUNCIL RESOLUTION (aN ottisrs) Rwision) and ORDINANCE • 1. Activity 1. Initi�irp DeputnNnt Dire�Ctor a. oe�msm �. c�iy nnar�► 9. Dap�rtm�M 3. Msyor/ApbtaM 4. Buclpet 4. City Cd�ihc{I S. Gty qsrk � 6. Chief Fln 8 Mgmt S1res. ADMINISTRATIVE 3 (dl othero) 1. Initidin� 2. Gty Attomey 3. Mayor/ ' 4. dty Gsrk TOTAL NUMBER �IONATURE PAC3ES I�e Me�i of � on whkh signaturos ars requirod and pe�l esch of theN _ ACTION REQU • Dea�ib�wh�t d» roqwet seske to aa;omplbh in sithsr chroralogi- cal order ar adsr �.vrhicl�vsr is most ap�lats for the �eus. �o�a a�nplst�aMtenws. Be�n e�h ite�n in your Itat with a verb. RECOMMENDA Complets if ths M question has be�n PreseMed before aM��Y,P�blic or private. 8UPPORT3 WHI . t�OUNdL OBJECTIVE? Indkxts which n�l obj�cfive(s)YW►pro1�4��PP�bY Iistinp the k�y wwd(� N0, RECREATION.NEI�HBORHOODS,EOONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDCiET, SEWE 9�PARATION).(SEE OOMPLETE UST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) OOUNqI COMM EIRESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REOUESTED BY WUNqL INiTIATINO P r , ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY ExplNn ttte sit �condidons th�created a nsed for your projeM or roqusst. ADVANTAGESI AP�ROVED Indicate whsther is is simply an annusl bud{�et proceduro roquired by law/ ch�rt�r or tlNre an�ecific in which ths Gty of Sa1M Paul arM its dtizens I brnelR from this p�action. DISADVANTACiE IF APPROVED Whet negative or major chanpss b existiny or past proceet�migM this ProlscNre4 I�koduce if it la pased(e.g.,traffic delays. noiae, tax fncnases or )?To Whom?When?For how long? DISADVANTA(3E If NOT APPROVED Whet wiH bs ths ive conssquences H the promised action is not � e�ored�inawi 10 dslfver service?Continued hiph trsiNc, no�se, ac�ent rate? of rsvenus? FlNANqAL IMP Althouph you m Wbr tha intormatbn you provMs here to the issue you aro add►estin�� i q�nsral you must answer two questfons: Hcw much ia it 9oinp to c�t? ie Ooin9 to Pey?