D11408 - C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ��o�ed copies to: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: -City Clerk(Original) -Finance Dept.'s Accounting Division I -Requesting Dept. No: � �y QS Date: 3-�'9� WHEREAS, Saint Paul will host the Minnesota High-school (MSHSL) Championship tournaments and the WCHA and NCAA college hockey tournaments in March of 1991, and WHEREAS, These events have significant economic benefits for Saint Paul hotels, restaurants, shops, Civic Center, and WHEREAS, This is an important year for Saint Paul's to welcome visitors and make downtown accessible in efforts to retain the Civic Center as the host facility for the MSHSL tournaments, and WHEREAS, In the past two years the "Tournament Trail Program" organized by the Downtown Council has been successful through signage, shuttle busses and brochures at drawing visitors to various downtown hotels, restaurants, and shops, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Mayor directs staff to pay a$5,000 City contribution from hotel motel tax receipts dedicated for marketing Saint Paul towards the$13,000 budget for the 1991 Tournament Trail program to match dollars contributed by the WCHA, NCAA, and the Joint Promotion Fund. • Z—�� 1 � � ����� est by: a ent Director Date A proved by. ayor Date a 1 City Attor ey Date b�'s c:1123data�ao3.wk1.a11 2l22/91 . � � ��` � A DEPARTME•NTIOFFI(�ICOUNGI DATE INITIATED I ��O v C-���� � Executive Administr tion 2/22/91 GREEN SHEET Na 5.9� �� CONTACT PER80N A PHONE ��T�V'�T� INITIAUDATE 298 43/�0�228-3213 OEPARTMENT OIRECTOp pTY COUNCdL Barb Jeanetta /Warr n a son � CITY ATTORNEY �� GTY CLERK T 8E ON OOUNqI AOENOA BY T@y pOUTMq� �BUOOET DIRECTOR O FIN.8 MGT.SERVICES DIFi. MAVOR(OR A8�8TANT) � TOTAL#�OF 810NATURE'PA 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGMATURE� ��RE�E�: RECEIVE Sfgn administrative o�der establishing authority to contribute $5,000 to 1991 Tournament Trail Pr gram �AR 4 1991 nECO��ronno�s:�cN�r couNC�. n�oRr oPrww►� _PLANNINO COMMISSION GVIL SERVI�OOMMISSION ANALVBT PHONE 1�. O R 1�E _CIB CO�AMITTEE _STAFF ��: _DISTRICT C�JRT su�oRrs w�ua�ca,ria��' AAAYC��i'S Of F�CE �rom�nNO ar�e��,issuE, Mmo.v�nse,wn.n.wn.��..wny�: . 1991 budget includes $72,000 in special fund ��50, Special Pro3ects-General Government Fund, . for creating a marke ing strategy for St. �'aul. Spending for the strategy is set by a partnership includin the City, Convention Bureau, Downtawn Council, and Civic Center Authority. The fina cing for the fund is a portion of the City's 3� hotel motel tax on hotel rooms. Becaus spending for the strategy was not determined at the time the budget was adopted, this ad iaistrative order establishes authority to contribute $5,000 to the 1991 Tournament Trai program. �ra��s��o: ty can ma.ke a cont ibution to the 1991 Tournament Trail Program which generates significant onomic benefits Co downtown hotels, restaurants, shops, and Civic Center. The City has ma.de �. ntribution to the Tournament Trail Program for the past several years. DISADVANTAOE8 IF APPROVED: ( None. dSADVANTAQE$IF NOT APPROVED: The 1991 Tournament T ail Program will have insufficient funds to prepare and post signage, hire shuttle busses, nd print and distribute broehures. RECEIVED MAR 0 7 1991 CITY CLERK TAL AMOUNT�TRANSACTION C08T/REVENUE WDOETED(CIRCLE ON YES NO �pp�Na�� 050-30108 Pr,omote St. Paul Acrnmr NuMeeR 30108 FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) �W