D11398 wn�r� — c��3c�e�k GTTY OF SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept Canary- Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR No: 'DI I3q 8 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Date: �w � � ( � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, From the established 1991 budget for the St. Paul Police Band, funding was provided at a rate of $40.00 per engagement for the St. Paul Police Band's Conductor, not to exceed a total payment of $2,080.00 per year. Unfortunatel;y, at the end of 1990, the Conductor retired from active partici— pation with the St. Paul Police Band. Therefore, it has become necessary to search for and audition a replacement Conductor for the Police Band�at their actual performances. In these cases, it is necessary to reimburse these auditioning Conductors at the established rate of $40.00 per engagement. As there are multiple applicants it is necessary to reimburse several individuals that do not currently have a personal services contract with the City. Therefore, Ghe St. Paul Police Band is seeking authorization to reimburse up to five individuals at the established rate of $40.00 per engagement, not to exceed a tot�al of fifteen engagements. This will enable the Board of Directors • and the Ban� President to evaluate their performance in actual concerts and select the biest Conductor for the job. These fees wiould be charged to 04000-0219-40064. APPRO S TO FORM . GC�(,u ' Assistant City Attorney Department Head � Date Administra 've Assistant to Ma or � l"�� 1 � � ` °J �113�8 c� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED N� _ 1415 3 Police Department � 02/07/91 GREEN SHEET CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAUOATE TMENT DIRECTOR CITY COUNCIL Chief McCutcheon 29 -3588 ASSIGN ITYATTORNEY � � CITYCLERK NUMBER POR ST BE ON COUNCIL AQENDA BY(DATE) ROUTING �BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.&MGT.SERVICES DIR. ORDER �MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGE � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: We are requesting au horization to pay auditioning guest conductors for the St. Paul Police Band the authorized er engagement fee $40.00 in an effort to hire a new full time conductor not to exceed five p ople and fifteen engagements. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Reject ) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWINQi I _PLANNINQ CAMMISSION _ C IL SERVICE COMMIS310N 1• Has this person/firm ever worked under e contreCt fOr this department? ���I�F� _CIB COMMITTEE _ YES J�O �� �" _STAFF _ 2. Has this person/firm r been a city employee? YES No FEB 2 0 1991 _DiS7RiCT COUR7 _ � 3. Does this n sess a skill not normall y possessed by arry current city employee? SUPPOHTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVET � YES NO �-t��� ����y��� Explaln all yes answen on separate sheet and attach to green shl�s U �NITIATIN(i PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUN (Who,Whet,When,Where,Why): The St. Paul Police and is a funded organization under the Police Community Services Section. As part of their funding, service fees are paid to four participants, including the Conductor. Last' year, the Conductor retired, forcing the Band to seek new applicants. Part of the auditio 'ng process includes guest engagements in real concert situations and we need to reimburse the applicants for these performances. � ANTACaES IF APPROVED: It would give the S . Paul Police Band the opportunity to audition candidates for the Conductor's positio . It takes a great deal of time for a Conductor to put together the music for a concert, rehearse the material and then conduct the concert. I DISADVANTAQE3 IF APPROVED: _ . __ _ - __ �-- None apparent. : D13ADVANTAtiES IF NOT APPROVED: Few, if any, Conduc ors will participate in the auditioning without reimbursement for their time. This could r sult in no further concerts which account for over half their public relations activitie and would undoubtedly result in their demise. Parades in this region are governed by wea her. RECEIVED ; FEB 2 8 1991 � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTIO� : i in t� ,�hn(1_O(1 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) ES NO FUNDING SOURCE Commun t Servi ACTIVITY NUMBER 04000-0219-40064 FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) ��