D11387 White — City Clerk Ci I TY O F SiA I 1`'T ��A U L Pink — Finane�D�Dt. � Gnary— Ospt. I ()!�'rIGR OF THI: MA1'()R /�n I I��� � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No: JJ • BI'IX�ET'ItF,�7�I0� Date: �� ��� " � :��IL��ISTR.�TI�yE ORDER,Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the Cit Charter and based on the request of the Director of the De artment oi_�,p � yi�aS - Dl vl S1011 of Pub�l C Heal th to amend the 19��buqlget of the �-leal t�i Ordi nances �n orcement fund.the Director of the Department of Finance and Managerrlent Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: �r Current Amended Budget Change Budget nfiAi,Ta t7&DINAiiCB3 fii�Fq&CBtiBNT 3u6-33261-61I1 AUiSA�1C� auU�iH� ABATBKB1tT - PBBSONN�L 393,234,GG 354�,29 f73,778.29 3"v6-33261-0368 liUI9A11CB HOU9INC A9ATBNfiNT - O�FICB SUPPLIBS �l,OG0,00 �300,00 31,300,OQ 3G6-33261-0439 HUIBAMCS HOUSING ABATBBB�iT - FBIIiCB 319,117,00 336,00 f19,1�3,00 306-33261-6296 NUI3ANCB HOU9IliG ABATBlfBAT - NBSCHIAC � DBKO, s106,534.00 (5880.29) ;103,653.71 ------------ ------------ ------------ ;20I,885,00 f�.60 �261,885,6G • WABRBA9, 6CTIVITY 33261 NBBDS SPBNDING AUT80BITY TO CLBAS VAgI0U8 CHBDIT BALANCg9; AND WHfiEfiAB, TNEEB IS 9PBqDING AUB�OBITY IN 0290 TAAT CAN BB THAii3RFBBBD; TflB&BFOBfi BB RBSOLVfiD; TflAT THB NAY06 APPBGVBS THB CBANGB TO THB 1990 EUDGBfi, • + Prepared b � ty Manager Approved :Mayor I Requested by:Depertment di or `�/� �,,,,,d pete , 'Gj I i DEPARTMENT/OFFlCE/COUNqL DATE INITIA7ED �I I✓ v� s P i Heal th 2 s 9� GREEN S� EET No. 4�0 8 3 CONTACT PER80N 8 PHONE PARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNpL Z 9 — � NUMBBR FOR L_.J"'TY ATfORNEY CITY CLERK 8E ON COUNqL AOENDA BY(DA � ROU71N0 �BUDOET DIRECTOR g flN.6 MOT.SERVICES DIR. �MAYOR(OR AS818T� � TOTAL•N OF SIGNATURE PA E8 1 (q.IP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACT10N RE�UESTEO: To transfer spendin authority between various object codes in Nuisance Housing Abatement. REOOMMENDATIONB:Approve(A)a Rs (A) COUI�IL OOMMITTEEI�I t�PORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMISSION qVll SERVICE COMMI3810N ANALY5T PHONE NO. _q8 WMMITTEE � OOMMENTS: BTAFF _DISTRICT COURT �^,w■^�-■/� SUPPORTS WHICN COUNGI 08JECTIV 7 INI77ATIN0 PROBLEM.ISSUE,OPPO ITY(Who.Whet,N�hee,WMrs.N�h�: Various object code in 33261 need spending authority to clear credit balances. There is speriding in object ode 0296 that can be transferred. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: redit Balances will be cleared. I asnov�rrrnoes iF,w�ovea NONE RECEIVED FEB 2 01991 DI3ADVANTAOEB IF NOT APPF�VED: . F0. TM�-`re `wi�l l ��e a�co ��Cs� wi th �de'fi ci t bal�nces. '� ��t;i:l!!�'t3 �E����i�91 �,�Y C`E�:c aso.z9 OTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN8ACT N ; C08T/REVLNUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ON� YE8 NO �a��� Recei s ACTIVITY NUMBER 33261 FlNANCIAI INFORMATION:(EXPWI� dw