D11386 _ _ ._ _____,T_ - � �, . . . . . _ , _�.Fr -t _-�.=t:.. " � wh�t. - c�tv c�..k C I TY O F SA I 1\'T ��A U L Pink — Finane�O�pt. Gn�►Y— O�pt. i ��lr t"��i N: O F T F!I: M A Y O R No: �113$b • ! ADMINISIRATIVE ORDER � _�r1_� ' � 13l'1XiET KI'175I0� Date: � I i :���ZS�.��'��)�ER,Consistent with the authority�ranted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of t e Director of the Department of ('nmm��m ty SPrvi rPS - Di vi s i on nf Publ�C Heai th Q to amend the 19�_bu et of the �e.qe.�^��- fund.the Director of the Department of Finance and Managem nt Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: I BBALTH GBUBBAL �U1iD Current Amended � Budget Change Budget 061-03202-0371 �BUILDIIIG -nLBCTBICITY i27,91B.40 �1,t38,95 �29,156.45 061-63209-0111 ;AIDB - CBABBAL - PBBSONHBL ;23,245.24 =62Z.48 =23,86?,7i QQ1-032Q9-d243 �AIDB - CBA6AL - FUBLICATFONS l0.00 ;16.84 �16.84 601-03214-0111 �KBDICAL B�Cb8D8 - PBB80NNBL ;68,23�.84 50,31 166,23fl,16 001-03218-OZ74 AYIBAL COIITB6L - YBHL EBPAIS f3,456.45 �435,59 35,SS2.04 OG1-03t00-0161 PUBLIC BBALTH ADll, - 9ALABY ;15,820,00 (;533.88) �15,286.12 001-03202-G279 BUILDIAG - OTBfifl BBPAIB l2,317.60 (;1,683.36) ;931.�4 601-03209-0367 jAIDB - GBNBBAb TflAINING f600,A0 (�88.62) ;511,38 001-03218-0376 AYIKAL COtiTBOI, - CHBMICAf, ;4,91�4.98 (l106.11) =4,808.87 -------------- ------------ -------------- ;148,709.61 30,00 �148,709.51 • WflBBBA3, YABIOi� BBALTH GBIIBBAL FUND ACTIVITIBB i1BBD SPBNDING AUTHOSITY TO CLB6B CBBDIT BALANCBS; AND WHBflSd3, THB�fi ,TS AUTHOBITY Ili YABIOUS OTHBB GBHBBAL FUlID ACTIYITIBS T6AT COULD BB TBA�ISFBQBBO, THBBBFOflB B& BB�OLVBD, TBAT THB NAYO& APPBOPBS THB CBANGB TO T9B 1990 BUDGBT. i i i Prepared b • ' Manager App►oved by:Mayor ` 2i^�/v t f � Requested by:Depertment di �� ., ��� Dete oy / ...s-�` �t I38(o DEPAFlTMENTlOFFICEICOUNdL DATE INITIATEO GREEN SHEET No. 4,�,�,�TE NTA PER N b PHON �EPARTMENT DIRECTOR �GTY COUNCIL ath Mohrldnd 2 -7702 ��r� ❑ciTM"TT°R"e'' �C��RK BE ON COUNCIL ACiENDA BY T'E) R011T1N0 BUDQET DIRECTOR �FlN.6 MOT.SERVICE8 DIR. g MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) � TOTAL#�OF 81GNATURE P GE.S 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 81QiNATURE) ACT10N RE�UESTED: To transfer spendi g authority between various General Health Activities. FINAL RECOMMENDA710N8:Approw(p a �sct(R) COUNCN.COMMITTEFJRE8EARCFI REPORT OPTiONAL _PUWNINO OOMMIBSION pVIL BERVICE COMMISSION ��Y� P"°"E"o. RECEIVED _pB OOMMITTEE _STAFF COMMENTS: FEB 1 4 19�31 _DISTRICT COURT SUPPORTB WHICFI COUNqL OBJE 4 �� INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE, N11Y(Who,What.Whsn.Where,1Nh�: Various Genral Hea th Activities need spendinn authority to clear credit calances. There is spending author ty in various other Health Activities that could be transferred. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: edit balances wi 1 be cleared RECEIVE� a�,►��E$�F���: f EB 2 0199 NONE BUDG�� ����CE VANTAO� I APPROVED ��iere wi��1�e acco nts wi th defii ai_��cbd7.��tq�s� , ��. � ���r�v�� ' �'EB2�i991 �;'►�' Cc.E��c OTAL AMOUNT OF TRAl�A ON = 2�314.1� COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO �uNa�sou� Gen ral Fund ACTIVITY NUMOER Vari ous FlNANCIAI INFORMATION:(EXPW ��