D11381 wn�te - cicyc�e�k GITY OF ►.SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR 1 1 ( {��J I No: •�� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER �' �„ �?I Date: �� • ADMINISTRATIVE QRDER, i WHEREAS, the �goal of the Family Services Rental Assistance Program is to prevent; homelessness by assisting those families and individuals who are facin�g eviction after experiencing an unforseen emergency situation tha�t was beyond their control by providing loans to pay delinquen!t rent or first month rent and damage deposits ; and I, WHEREAS, the City, County, and United Way have agreed to fund this eff ort ih order to prevent homelessness; and WHRERAS, the City previously approved funding for 1990 in the amount of $34, 000 , however the contract award exceeded the originally anticipated amount and rather than go through process of program shut down and rebidding , the parties agreed to fund the additional amount; and NOW, THEREFORE, the Department of Planning and Economic Development is hereby au thorized to make payment to Family Services of Greater • Saint Paul fo* additional 1990 services provided under the Family Services Rent�l Assistance Program in the amount of $4 , 000. FUND SOURCE: �iRA General Fund 145-36610 --E�Z(� APPROVED AS TO F M � �rt Assistant City A�torney Department Head • C.,�(� , Date � ��'� Administrative Assistant to Mayor ?rf�-`�( I, �DI I 3 I��- o,� �S� 8 DEPARTMENTlOFFICE/COUNCIL ��� DATE INITIATED N• _114 4 3 PED - Housing 1-18-9 EEN E T ° CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE TE INITIAVDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTO �CITY COUNCIL V ic tor i a Mur r y 3 3 5 3 ASSIGN �CITY ATfORNEY " �CITY CLERK NUMBERFOR UST BE ON COUNCI�AGENDA BY(D TE) ROUTING �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MQT.SERVICES DIR. 6okn.��- _)y _o'/ ORDER m MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) �A T(�m rlj TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PA ES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED: i The City Coun il has approved funding for the Rental Assistance Program at a level of $34 ,000 . 1990 costs exceeded that warranting an increase of $4 ,000 . (w ich reflects the approved 1991 Rental Assistance contract) RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Re (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLL IN1�(� _ PLANNING COMMISSION CIVIL SERVIC,E COMMISSION �• Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract fOr thi8 depart�rRT������� _CIB COMMITTEE YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? J A N 2 9 1991 _STAFF YES NO _ DIS7RICT COURT 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIV ? p y ES NO p 9� ,�����-�-�y����� Ex laln all es answars on se arate sheet and attach to �� `,o INITIATINO PR�LEM,ISSUE,OPPORT NITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): In 1990 , Counc�' 1 authorized City funding of $34 ,000 for Rental Assistance Program . Upon actual bidding, the cost exceed the original estimate necessitating dditional $4 ,000 from United Way, City, and County. This Administr tive Order allows the City to pay its full fair share. REC€ivED ANTAGE3IFAPPROVED: r�3 6 1991 �F�'� E pF rHE DIRECTOR �'��A ��E�1� OF FlNANCE �ti0 �vi NAGEMENT SERVICES �''-�r;:�f-� FEB 0 � �gg� DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: � '�`r��`'3 OFFi�E DISADVANTA(iE3 IF NOT APPROVED: �:. �.. R�CCIV�D �EB�2i991 �;�'r c�.ER�c TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION 4 ,O O O COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) � YES � NO FUNDING SOURCE UTl ACTIVITY NUMBER 14 5-3 6 610 fi�� ��.� ` FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) NO J�M � (,� � nU ' Vl.