98-663Council File #������ Ordinance � ORIG�NAL Presented By Re£erred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date � RESOIJVED : 1 That application (ID #19980000468) for a Second Hand Dealer - 2 Motor Vehicle (1st) License(s) by MARY COSTAS ENTERPRISES DBA 3 UNIVERSTY AUTO SALES & LEASING at 1852 UNIVERSITY AVE W be and 4 the same is hereby approved with the following conditions: 5 1.The vehicle display area and customer employee parking shall 6 be in accordance the approved site plan, dated March 10, 1995, 7 on fife with the City License Inspection and Environmental Protection s Office. As shown on this plan, the number of vehicles displayed 9 on the lot for sale shall not exceed sixty(60). Nine(9) off-street l0 parking spaces shall be provided for customers/employees and 11 shall be designated with appropriate signage. One handicapped 12 van accessible space shall be provided on site. This space shall 13 be designated with signage displaying the international wheel 14 chair symbol. The customer/employee parking spaces shall also 15 be delineated on the pavement with painted stripes. The signage 16 and stripping for the lot shall be completed by September 1, 17 1998. Yeas Nays Absent Requested by Department o£: r Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by � Ap� � . Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection By: \�� J / I— ��^'V`.�� Foxm Approved by City Att B � �,�.t�l Approved by Mayor £or Submission to Council By: Green Sheet # LP60063 DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED UEP7Licensing GREEN SHEET No. LP60063 R� '6b3 ONTACT PERSON & PHONE InrtaVDate InitiaVDate BLOOM JAMES (JIM) (612) 266-9073 � City Attomey MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ASSIGH 7!??198 �i(.��IG �eur�n NUMBERf-OR Q Cound�Research AOIlT1HG OPDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Coundl approval of the foliowing license applipti0n: License # 19980000468, for MARY COSTAS ENTERPRISES, Doing Business As UNIVERSTY AUTO SALES & LEASING, at 1852 UNIVERSITY AVE W. induding the following business type(s): SeCOnd Hand Dealer - MoWr Vehide (1st). RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve(A) RBjBCt(R) RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST AtVSWER THE FOLLOWING QUES710N5: 1. Has this personffinn ever wofked under a contraet fw this tlepaAment? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMI7TEE 2. Has this persoNftrm ever been a city empbyee? CiVIL SVC CIfdN, YES NO . Does this persoNflrm possess a skill not nortnally possessetl 6y any curtent city employee� YES NO — . Is tnis persp�rtn a Wrgetetl ventloi? — YES NO Explatn all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITtATING PR06LEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (VJho, What, Wheq Where, YVhyj: Requesting Cou�cil approval for Mary Costas Enterprises D6A University auto Sales & Leasing for a Second Hand Dealer-MoWr Vehide License at 1852 University Ave. W. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � >.;. � c �.".;�.:�`^.; i','_?:'.."�.; : �... �'":'.�`.1 ,��4° � c� i���u DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DiSADVANTAGES IF N07 APPROVED: T07A1 AMOUNT OF TRANSACTfON $ WST/REVENUE BUDGETED (C(RCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCF ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) G � ', �� CLASS III LICENSB APPLICATION THIS APPLrCATiO'�t IS �LBJECT i0 REVIEW BY ThE P IC PLEASE IYPE OR PRLNT IN "K Type ofLicer,se(s) bzing zppliedior: �� �'J' z� �`��D a��'L� Company Nazne: If business is incoiporated, give date of ini Doing Bus'vzess As: �� ' � � Business Address: � �S� � ti1 s Stx�t Addcesa G City Behseen W�hat cross s�eeu is the business located? ��^' � -2. U�h i Are the pzemises now occupied? �..� What T}p of B �.Sco Mail To Address: __ '�_ `�_ S� _ 11� N,'1i t r S i'T F }�tV�C -�.�/ Applicant Infonnation: Name and TiUe: _ SVM Ad�eess fct� C�yr,S�i`at0. o5/S��nS -- CITY OF SAI'�T PALJL ��e of Licr.v�z, Ins�e: ions 2�d En.�iromnr,.izl Proteaioa 35: St Pe:a St S•r.e � 5:_�t?r•L'�'= ��c'a <5'.CS (c:�2aS:J?� xt(S�'_j' 3oS�l.d G L � — _� n� — ' r � ,� :_... � ' — $_ 3��• _ N � �{AS� h� Business Phone: � � � - � �� � __�frl Ss`!o�! Stalc Zip Which side Yf the street? ,-�� J� u Zip City � Statc C'o 5-�-,� S /�'� tF�rrlx � zAi ��%+� Y1 c Fi� f �sadte �aasarn> _ _ i,>a rcu� Home Address: � O � �/ �(s �� ��' 41f iw� /� y��(�°� ) t� � � S�R � Sveet Addies! iry Stete Zip Date of Birth: -� 7 _� 3 Place of Birth: i� �� Home Phone: ��q —�l �.� � Have you ever bzen com•icted of any felony, crime or S�iolation of any city ordinance other than traffic? YES � NO Date of azrest: Where� Charge: Con+iction: Sentence: I.ist 2he names and residences of three persons of good moral character, living w7thin the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to ffie applicant or financially interested in the premises or business, who map be referred to as to the applicanYs character: T.TaMF'. ennnFCC ,,,.�,�.,, Hare any of the above named licenses eti•er been revoked? YES IvTO If )'es, list the dates and rezsons for recocation: 2i78,59 List licenses u }-ou c}urrnfly hold, former;y held, or may ha�•e an interest in: Arz you going to operate ttus businzss personall}'? j YES Y.omeAdvw: Svicet\ecie EL Are you going to hace a mznaeer or zssistxnt in ihis business? please eomplete t�e follo�ti'ing i.-ifor�2lioa: Firzt:�e_ae Hor�e.5ddress: S•.xeet\2�e �,:aa�� u;G�i Ot:;a�:�) Cio SLS 6:..�ncr C9�cr�1�°� \fiddlc 7ni'sa! (�Ssidai) City ?�0 If not, �iho ��'iit opzrzte it? ��� ��� Last Datc of sinh Sizte zip Pion<\�cnber I�O if the n�,.zger is not tt;e szme zs the operator, Last S;a:e Zip Datc of Binh List all other officers of the corporation: OFFICER TITLE HO2vfE HOME BUSII�'ESS DATE OF IQAME (Office He3d) ADDRESS PHONE PHOhB BII2TH s;�c ��� �.uaat� �v� �.��a�� t,n Home Addma: Stmt:�ame CiTy Stxte T.ip Phone Numbcr Fint l�ame ?vliddie Initial (�laidrn) I..as[ Date ofBi�th Home Addicss: Strxet \ame Ciry Stnte Zip MINNF.SOTA TAX IDENTffICATION NUMBER - Pursuxnt to the Laws of Minnesota, 1484, Chapter 502, Article 8, SecUon 2{270.72) (Txt Clearance;.Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities are requirefl to provide to the State of Nfinnesota Commissioner of Rerrnue, the Minnesota business taY identification number and the social security number of each license applicant Under the Minnesota Croveaunent Data Practices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to ad�rise you of the following regarding ihe use of the Minnesota Tax Identification I�TUmber: - This information may be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license in the event you owe Minnesota sales, employer's wz2hholding or motor vehicle excise taxes; - Upon receiving ttus information, the licensing authority w�ili supply it only to the Minnesota Department of Reernue. However, under the Federal Eachange of Information A¢eement, the Depar[mem of Revenue may supply tkris information to the Intemal Revenue Serc�ce, Mmnesota Tax Identificanon h'umbas (Sales & Use Ta� htiunber) maybe obtainzd from the State of Minnesota, Business Records Department, 10 River Pazk PJaza (612-296-6 i 81). Social Securitg Number: S��I — 7 7 �� 3 � Minnesota TaK Idenlification Number: ��( I� / h _ If a Minnesota Ta� Ident�cation I��umber is not required For the business being operated, indicate so b}' placing an"X" in the box. 2/I8.'97 Please list }�our emplo}ment history £or the pre��iou fi� e(5) ; eaz period: If business is a partnership, please include the following infa;mation for each paztner (use additional pages if necessazy): ' q�-G6� CERTffICATION OF WORrCERS' CO.�UiPENSATION COVERAGE PURSU.'�tiI' I6'.vll��;vESOTA STATUTE 176.132 I heseby cectif} thai L or my compzrn•, z� i� compliznce �ai1i thz �� orkas' compensation �.�surznce coveraQe :equirem�ts of A/innesota Statu?e 176.182, subditiision 2. I �Iso unders22nd �hat pro�ision of,`zse L`o:mation in this certificetion constimtes su�.°icient grounds for 2dverse action aeainst zll licznses held, including re�'oc2tion and suspens;oa of szid l;censes. 2�Tane of Insera,�ce Compa*ry: Policy I�TUmber: � •—� �'.� � — j �'( � — C I Cocerage from ?� �1 � � 7 to 3 --1 — I hati'e no emplo; ees co� ered »ndet «rorl:zrs compens2tion i su uice (I�ZTL�LS) AiYl' FALSIFICATIO�` OF ActiSWERS GIVEN OR A�ATERL4L StiBMITTED WII,L RESliLT li� DE��I.4L OF TH[S APPLZCATION I hereby state that I hace ans�n�ered a11 of the preceding questiors, and that the information contuned herein is true as�d cotreci to the best of my knou-ledge and belizf. I herzby �te fcrther that I hz� e recziced no money or ott�er considzratio� by �� ay of loa� gift, conhibution, or othecuise, other th� alrzadg disclosed in the application ahich I he:eti��th submitted I also understand this premise may be inspected by police, fire, health and other city officiais at any and all times H•hen thz business is in operation. � � 1-�3 -�� for all applicatioas) Date We witl accept pa}'ment b�' cash, check (made payable to Cit}�of Saint Paul) or credit card (_M!C or Visa). IF PAYING BYCREDIT CARD PLEASE COMPLBTE THE FOLLOWING INFORblATION: � MasterCard � Visa EXPII2ATIOIv' DATE: ACCOL'NT NUMBER: ❑�/�❑ ❑C��❑ ❑�0❑ ❑C]C�❑ OC�OCI of c��,maer of Cazd •"NoEe: If this application is Food/I,iquor re]ated, please contact a City of Saint Paul Healtl� Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to re��iew plzns. If any substanlial changes to structu: e 2re znticig22ed, plezse contact a City of Sa;at Paul Plzn Exanuner at 266-9007 to apply for building permiu. If there are azry ch�mges to the pazking lot, floor space, or for new operations, p]ease contact a Ciry of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-9008, All applications mquim the folloping documents. Please attaeh these documents when submitting your appHcation: I. A detailed description of the design, location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). The followzng data should be on the site plan (preferably on an 8 1/2" x 1 I" or 8 l/2" x 14" paper): - Nazne, address, and phone number. - The scale should be stated such as 1" = 20'. ^N shnuld be indicated toward the top. - Placement of all pertinent features of the interior of the licensed facility such as seating areas, }atchrns, offices, repair area, parking, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or expansion of the licensed facility, indicate both the current azea and the proposed eapansion. 2. A copy of your lease a�eement or proof of ov.nership of the properry. SPECIFIC LICENSE APPLICATIO\S REQL�tE ADDTTIONAL L'��'OR1�IATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR DETAILS >>>> zn a,�s� Council File #������ Ordinance � ORIG�NAL Presented By Re£erred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date � RESOIJVED : 1 That application (ID #19980000468) for a Second Hand Dealer - 2 Motor Vehicle (1st) License(s) by MARY COSTAS ENTERPRISES DBA 3 UNIVERSTY AUTO SALES & LEASING at 1852 UNIVERSITY AVE W be and 4 the same is hereby approved with the following conditions: 5 1.The vehicle display area and customer employee parking shall 6 be in accordance the approved site plan, dated March 10, 1995, 7 on fife with the City License Inspection and Environmental Protection s Office. As shown on this plan, the number of vehicles displayed 9 on the lot for sale shall not exceed sixty(60). Nine(9) off-street l0 parking spaces shall be provided for customers/employees and 11 shall be designated with appropriate signage. One handicapped 12 van accessible space shall be provided on site. This space shall 13 be designated with signage displaying the international wheel 14 chair symbol. The customer/employee parking spaces shall also 15 be delineated on the pavement with painted stripes. The signage 16 and stripping for the lot shall be completed by September 1, 17 1998. Yeas Nays Absent Requested by Department o£: r Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by � Ap� � . Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection By: \�� J / I— ��^'V`.�� Foxm Approved by City Att B � �,�.t�l Approved by Mayor £or Submission to Council By: Green Sheet # LP60063 DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED UEP7Licensing GREEN SHEET No. LP60063 R� '6b3 ONTACT PERSON & PHONE InrtaVDate InitiaVDate BLOOM JAMES (JIM) (612) 266-9073 � City Attomey MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ASSIGH 7!??198 �i(.��IG �eur�n NUMBERf-OR Q Cound�Research AOIlT1HG OPDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Coundl approval of the foliowing license applipti0n: License # 19980000468, for MARY COSTAS ENTERPRISES, Doing Business As UNIVERSTY AUTO SALES & LEASING, at 1852 UNIVERSITY AVE W. induding the following business type(s): SeCOnd Hand Dealer - MoWr Vehide (1st). RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve(A) RBjBCt(R) RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST AtVSWER THE FOLLOWING QUES710N5: 1. Has this personffinn ever wofked under a contraet fw this tlepaAment? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMI7TEE 2. Has this persoNftrm ever been a city empbyee? CiVIL SVC CIfdN, YES NO . Does this persoNflrm possess a skill not nortnally possessetl 6y any curtent city employee� YES NO — . Is tnis persp�rtn a Wrgetetl ventloi? — YES NO Explatn all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITtATING PR06LEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (VJho, What, Wheq Where, YVhyj: Requesting Cou�cil approval for Mary Costas Enterprises D6A University auto Sales & Leasing for a Second Hand Dealer-MoWr Vehide License at 1852 University Ave. W. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � >.;. � c �.".;�.:�`^.; i','_?:'.."�.; : �... �'":'.�`.1 ,��4° � c� i���u DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DiSADVANTAGES IF N07 APPROVED: T07A1 AMOUNT OF TRANSACTfON $ WST/REVENUE BUDGETED (C(RCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCF ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) G � ', �� CLASS III LICENSB APPLICATION THIS APPLrCATiO'�t IS �LBJECT i0 REVIEW BY ThE P IC PLEASE IYPE OR PRLNT IN "K Type ofLicer,se(s) bzing zppliedior: �� �'J' z� �`��D a��'L� Company Nazne: If business is incoiporated, give date of ini Doing Bus'vzess As: �� ' � � Business Address: � �S� � ti1 s Stx�t Addcesa G City Behseen W�hat cross s�eeu is the business located? ��^' � -2. U�h i Are the pzemises now occupied? �..� What T}p of B �.Sco Mail To Address: __ '�_ `�_ S� _ 11� N,'1i t r S i'T F }�tV�C -�.�/ Applicant Infonnation: Name and TiUe: _ SVM Ad�eess fct� C�yr,S�i`at0. o5/S��nS -- CITY OF SAI'�T PALJL ��e of Licr.v�z, Ins�e: ions 2�d En.�iromnr,.izl Proteaioa 35: St Pe:a St S•r.e � 5:_�t?r•L'�'= ��c'a <5'.CS (c:�2aS:J?� xt(S�'_j' 3oS�l.d G L � — _� n� — ' r � ,� :_... � ' — $_ 3��• _ N � �{AS� h� Business Phone: � � � - � �� � __�frl Ss`!o�! Stalc Zip Which side Yf the street? ,-�� J� u Zip City � Statc C'o 5-�-,� S /�'� tF�rrlx � zAi ��%+� Y1 c Fi� f �sadte �aasarn> _ _ i,>a rcu� Home Address: � O � �/ �(s �� ��' 41f iw� /� y��(�°� ) t� � � S�R � Sveet Addies! iry Stete Zip Date of Birth: -� 7 _� 3 Place of Birth: i� �� Home Phone: ��q —�l �.� � Have you ever bzen com•icted of any felony, crime or S�iolation of any city ordinance other than traffic? YES � NO Date of azrest: Where� Charge: Con+iction: Sentence: I.ist 2he names and residences of three persons of good moral character, living w7thin the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to ffie applicant or financially interested in the premises or business, who map be referred to as to the applicanYs character: T.TaMF'. ennnFCC ,,,.�,�.,, Hare any of the above named licenses eti•er been revoked? YES IvTO If )'es, list the dates and rezsons for recocation: 2i78,59 List licenses u }-ou c}urrnfly hold, former;y held, or may ha�•e an interest in: Arz you going to operate ttus businzss personall}'? j YES Y.omeAdvw: Svicet\ecie EL Are you going to hace a mznaeer or zssistxnt in ihis business? please eomplete t�e follo�ti'ing i.-ifor�2lioa: Firzt:�e_ae Hor�e.5ddress: S•.xeet\2�e �,:aa�� u;G�i Ot:;a�:�) Cio SLS 6:..�ncr C9�cr�1�°� \fiddlc 7ni'sa! (�Ssidai) City ?�0 If not, �iho ��'iit opzrzte it? ��� ��� Last Datc of sinh Sizte zip Pion<\�cnber I�O if the n�,.zger is not tt;e szme zs the operator, Last S;a:e Zip Datc of Binh List all other officers of the corporation: OFFICER TITLE HO2vfE HOME BUSII�'ESS DATE OF IQAME (Office He3d) ADDRESS PHONE PHOhB BII2TH s;�c ��� �.uaat� �v� �.��a�� t,n Home Addma: Stmt:�ame CiTy Stxte T.ip Phone Numbcr Fint l�ame ?vliddie Initial (�laidrn) I..as[ Date ofBi�th Home Addicss: Strxet \ame Ciry Stnte Zip MINNF.SOTA TAX IDENTffICATION NUMBER - Pursuxnt to the Laws of Minnesota, 1484, Chapter 502, Article 8, SecUon 2{270.72) (Txt Clearance;.Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities are requirefl to provide to the State of Nfinnesota Commissioner of Rerrnue, the Minnesota business taY identification number and the social security number of each license applicant Under the Minnesota Croveaunent Data Practices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to ad�rise you of the following regarding ihe use of the Minnesota Tax Identification I�TUmber: - This information may be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license in the event you owe Minnesota sales, employer's wz2hholding or motor vehicle excise taxes; - Upon receiving ttus information, the licensing authority w�ili supply it only to the Minnesota Department of Reernue. However, under the Federal Eachange of Information A¢eement, the Depar[mem of Revenue may supply tkris information to the Intemal Revenue Serc�ce, Mmnesota Tax Identificanon h'umbas (Sales & Use Ta� htiunber) maybe obtainzd from the State of Minnesota, Business Records Department, 10 River Pazk PJaza (612-296-6 i 81). Social Securitg Number: S��I — 7 7 �� 3 � Minnesota TaK Idenlification Number: ��( I� / h _ If a Minnesota Ta� Ident�cation I��umber is not required For the business being operated, indicate so b}' placing an"X" in the box. 2/I8.'97 Please list }�our emplo}ment history £or the pre��iou fi� e(5) ; eaz period: If business is a partnership, please include the following infa;mation for each paztner (use additional pages if necessazy): ' q�-G6� CERTffICATION OF WORrCERS' CO.�UiPENSATION COVERAGE PURSU.'�tiI' I6'.vll��;vESOTA STATUTE 176.132 I heseby cectif} thai L or my compzrn•, z� i� compliznce �ai1i thz �� orkas' compensation �.�surznce coveraQe :equirem�ts of A/innesota Statu?e 176.182, subditiision 2. I �Iso unders22nd �hat pro�ision of,`zse L`o:mation in this certificetion constimtes su�.°icient grounds for 2dverse action aeainst zll licznses held, including re�'oc2tion and suspens;oa of szid l;censes. 2�Tane of Insera,�ce Compa*ry: Policy I�TUmber: � •—� �'.� � — j �'( � — C I Cocerage from ?� �1 � � 7 to 3 --1 — I hati'e no emplo; ees co� ered »ndet «rorl:zrs compens2tion i su uice (I�ZTL�LS) AiYl' FALSIFICATIO�` OF ActiSWERS GIVEN OR A�ATERL4L StiBMITTED WII,L RESliLT li� DE��I.4L OF TH[S APPLZCATION I hereby state that I hace ans�n�ered a11 of the preceding questiors, and that the information contuned herein is true as�d cotreci to the best of my knou-ledge and belizf. I herzby �te fcrther that I hz� e recziced no money or ott�er considzratio� by �� ay of loa� gift, conhibution, or othecuise, other th� alrzadg disclosed in the application ahich I he:eti��th submitted I also understand this premise may be inspected by police, fire, health and other city officiais at any and all times H•hen thz business is in operation. � � 1-�3 -�� for all applicatioas) Date We witl accept pa}'ment b�' cash, check (made payable to Cit}�of Saint Paul) or credit card (_M!C or Visa). IF PAYING BYCREDIT CARD PLEASE COMPLBTE THE FOLLOWING INFORblATION: � MasterCard � Visa EXPII2ATIOIv' DATE: ACCOL'NT NUMBER: ❑�/�❑ ❑C��❑ ❑�0❑ ❑C]C�❑ OC�OCI of c��,maer of Cazd •"NoEe: If this application is Food/I,iquor re]ated, please contact a City of Saint Paul Healtl� Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to re��iew plzns. If any substanlial changes to structu: e 2re znticig22ed, plezse contact a City of Sa;at Paul Plzn Exanuner at 266-9007 to apply for building permiu. If there are azry ch�mges to the pazking lot, floor space, or for new operations, p]ease contact a Ciry of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-9008, All applications mquim the folloping documents. Please attaeh these documents when submitting your appHcation: I. A detailed description of the design, location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). The followzng data should be on the site plan (preferably on an 8 1/2" x 1 I" or 8 l/2" x 14" paper): - Nazne, address, and phone number. - The scale should be stated such as 1" = 20'. ^N shnuld be indicated toward the top. - Placement of all pertinent features of the interior of the licensed facility such as seating areas, }atchrns, offices, repair area, parking, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or expansion of the licensed facility, indicate both the current azea and the proposed eapansion. 2. A copy of your lease a�eement or proof of ov.nership of the properry. SPECIFIC LICENSE APPLICATIO\S REQL�tE ADDTTIONAL L'��'OR1�IATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR DETAILS >>>> zn a,�s� Council File #������ Ordinance � ORIG�NAL Presented By Re£erred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date � RESOIJVED : 1 That application (ID #19980000468) for a Second Hand Dealer - 2 Motor Vehicle (1st) License(s) by MARY COSTAS ENTERPRISES DBA 3 UNIVERSTY AUTO SALES & LEASING at 1852 UNIVERSITY AVE W be and 4 the same is hereby approved with the following conditions: 5 1.The vehicle display area and customer employee parking shall 6 be in accordance the approved site plan, dated March 10, 1995, 7 on fife with the City License Inspection and Environmental Protection s Office. As shown on this plan, the number of vehicles displayed 9 on the lot for sale shall not exceed sixty(60). Nine(9) off-street l0 parking spaces shall be provided for customers/employees and 11 shall be designated with appropriate signage. One handicapped 12 van accessible space shall be provided on site. This space shall 13 be designated with signage displaying the international wheel 14 chair symbol. The customer/employee parking spaces shall also 15 be delineated on the pavement with painted stripes. The signage 16 and stripping for the lot shall be completed by September 1, 17 1998. Yeas Nays Absent Requested by Department o£: r Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by � Ap� � . Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection By: \�� J / I— ��^'V`.�� Foxm Approved by City Att B � �,�.t�l Approved by Mayor £or Submission to Council By: Green Sheet # LP60063 DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED UEP7Licensing GREEN SHEET No. LP60063 R� '6b3 ONTACT PERSON & PHONE InrtaVDate InitiaVDate BLOOM JAMES (JIM) (612) 266-9073 � City Attomey MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ASSIGH 7!??198 �i(.��IG �eur�n NUMBERf-OR Q Cound�Research AOIlT1HG OPDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Coundl approval of the foliowing license applipti0n: License # 19980000468, for MARY COSTAS ENTERPRISES, Doing Business As UNIVERSTY AUTO SALES & LEASING, at 1852 UNIVERSITY AVE W. induding the following business type(s): SeCOnd Hand Dealer - MoWr Vehide (1st). RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve(A) RBjBCt(R) RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST AtVSWER THE FOLLOWING QUES710N5: 1. Has this personffinn ever wofked under a contraet fw this tlepaAment? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMI7TEE 2. Has this persoNftrm ever been a city empbyee? CiVIL SVC CIfdN, YES NO . Does this persoNflrm possess a skill not nortnally possessetl 6y any curtent city employee� YES NO — . Is tnis persp�rtn a Wrgetetl ventloi? — YES NO Explatn all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITtATING PR06LEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (VJho, What, Wheq Where, YVhyj: Requesting Cou�cil approval for Mary Costas Enterprises D6A University auto Sales & Leasing for a Second Hand Dealer-MoWr Vehide License at 1852 University Ave. W. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � >.;. � c �.".;�.:�`^.; i','_?:'.."�.; : �... �'":'.�`.1 ,��4° � c� i���u DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DiSADVANTAGES IF N07 APPROVED: T07A1 AMOUNT OF TRANSACTfON $ WST/REVENUE BUDGETED (C(RCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCF ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) G � ', �� CLASS III LICENSB APPLICATION THIS APPLrCATiO'�t IS �LBJECT i0 REVIEW BY ThE P IC PLEASE IYPE OR PRLNT IN "K Type ofLicer,se(s) bzing zppliedior: �� �'J' z� �`��D a��'L� Company Nazne: If business is incoiporated, give date of ini Doing Bus'vzess As: �� ' � � Business Address: � �S� � ti1 s Stx�t Addcesa G City Behseen W�hat cross s�eeu is the business located? ��^' � -2. U�h i Are the pzemises now occupied? �..� What T}p of B �.Sco Mail To Address: __ '�_ `�_ S� _ 11� N,'1i t r S i'T F }�tV�C -�.�/ Applicant Infonnation: Name and TiUe: _ SVM Ad�eess fct� C�yr,S�i`at0. o5/S��nS -- CITY OF SAI'�T PALJL ��e of Licr.v�z, Ins�e: ions 2�d En.�iromnr,.izl Proteaioa 35: St Pe:a St S•r.e � 5:_�t?r•L'�'= ��c'a <5'.CS (c:�2aS:J?� xt(S�'_j' 3oS�l.d G L � — _� n� — ' r � ,� :_... � ' — $_ 3��• _ N � �{AS� h� Business Phone: � � � - � �� � __�frl Ss`!o�! Stalc Zip Which side Yf the street? ,-�� J� u Zip City � Statc C'o 5-�-,� S /�'� tF�rrlx � zAi ��%+� Y1 c Fi� f �sadte �aasarn> _ _ i,>a rcu� Home Address: � O � �/ �(s �� ��' 41f iw� /� y��(�°� ) t� � � S�R � Sveet Addies! iry Stete Zip Date of Birth: -� 7 _� 3 Place of Birth: i� �� Home Phone: ��q —�l �.� � Have you ever bzen com•icted of any felony, crime or S�iolation of any city ordinance other than traffic? YES � NO Date of azrest: Where� Charge: Con+iction: Sentence: I.ist 2he names and residences of three persons of good moral character, living w7thin the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to ffie applicant or financially interested in the premises or business, who map be referred to as to the applicanYs character: T.TaMF'. ennnFCC ,,,.�,�.,, Hare any of the above named licenses eti•er been revoked? YES IvTO If )'es, list the dates and rezsons for recocation: 2i78,59 List licenses u }-ou c}urrnfly hold, former;y held, or may ha�•e an interest in: Arz you going to operate ttus businzss personall}'? j YES Y.omeAdvw: Svicet\ecie EL Are you going to hace a mznaeer or zssistxnt in ihis business? please eomplete t�e follo�ti'ing i.-ifor�2lioa: Firzt:�e_ae Hor�e.5ddress: S•.xeet\2�e �,:aa�� u;G�i Ot:;a�:�) Cio SLS 6:..�ncr C9�cr�1�°� \fiddlc 7ni'sa! (�Ssidai) City ?�0 If not, �iho ��'iit opzrzte it? ��� ��� Last Datc of sinh Sizte zip Pion<\�cnber I�O if the n�,.zger is not tt;e szme zs the operator, Last S;a:e Zip Datc of Binh List all other officers of the corporation: OFFICER TITLE HO2vfE HOME BUSII�'ESS DATE OF IQAME (Office He3d) ADDRESS PHONE PHOhB BII2TH s;�c ��� �.uaat� �v� �.��a�� t,n Home Addma: Stmt:�ame CiTy Stxte T.ip Phone Numbcr Fint l�ame ?vliddie Initial (�laidrn) I..as[ Date ofBi�th Home Addicss: Strxet \ame Ciry Stnte Zip MINNF.SOTA TAX IDENTffICATION NUMBER - Pursuxnt to the Laws of Minnesota, 1484, Chapter 502, Article 8, SecUon 2{270.72) (Txt Clearance;.Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities are requirefl to provide to the State of Nfinnesota Commissioner of Rerrnue, the Minnesota business taY identification number and the social security number of each license applicant Under the Minnesota Croveaunent Data Practices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to ad�rise you of the following regarding ihe use of the Minnesota Tax Identification I�TUmber: - This information may be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license in the event you owe Minnesota sales, employer's wz2hholding or motor vehicle excise taxes; - Upon receiving ttus information, the licensing authority w�ili supply it only to the Minnesota Department of Reernue. However, under the Federal Eachange of Information A¢eement, the Depar[mem of Revenue may supply tkris information to the Intemal Revenue Serc�ce, Mmnesota Tax Identificanon h'umbas (Sales & Use Ta� htiunber) maybe obtainzd from the State of Minnesota, Business Records Department, 10 River Pazk PJaza (612-296-6 i 81). Social Securitg Number: S��I — 7 7 �� 3 � Minnesota TaK Idenlification Number: ��( I� / h _ If a Minnesota Ta� Ident�cation I��umber is not required For the business being operated, indicate so b}' placing an"X" in the box. 2/I8.'97 Please list }�our emplo}ment history £or the pre��iou fi� e(5) ; eaz period: If business is a partnership, please include the following infa;mation for each paztner (use additional pages if necessazy): ' q�-G6� CERTffICATION OF WORrCERS' CO.�UiPENSATION COVERAGE PURSU.'�tiI' I6'.vll��;vESOTA STATUTE 176.132 I heseby cectif} thai L or my compzrn•, z� i� compliznce �ai1i thz �� orkas' compensation �.�surznce coveraQe :equirem�ts of A/innesota Statu?e 176.182, subditiision 2. I �Iso unders22nd �hat pro�ision of,`zse L`o:mation in this certificetion constimtes su�.°icient grounds for 2dverse action aeainst zll licznses held, including re�'oc2tion and suspens;oa of szid l;censes. 2�Tane of Insera,�ce Compa*ry: Policy I�TUmber: � •—� �'.� � — j �'( � — C I Cocerage from ?� �1 � � 7 to 3 --1 — I hati'e no emplo; ees co� ered »ndet «rorl:zrs compens2tion i su uice (I�ZTL�LS) AiYl' FALSIFICATIO�` OF ActiSWERS GIVEN OR A�ATERL4L StiBMITTED WII,L RESliLT li� DE��I.4L OF TH[S APPLZCATION I hereby state that I hace ans�n�ered a11 of the preceding questiors, and that the information contuned herein is true as�d cotreci to the best of my knou-ledge and belizf. I herzby �te fcrther that I hz� e recziced no money or ott�er considzratio� by �� ay of loa� gift, conhibution, or othecuise, other th� alrzadg disclosed in the application ahich I he:eti��th submitted I also understand this premise may be inspected by police, fire, health and other city officiais at any and all times H•hen thz business is in operation. � � 1-�3 -�� for all applicatioas) Date We witl accept pa}'ment b�' cash, check (made payable to Cit}�of Saint Paul) or credit card (_M!C or Visa). IF PAYING BYCREDIT CARD PLEASE COMPLBTE THE FOLLOWING INFORblATION: � MasterCard � Visa EXPII2ATIOIv' DATE: ACCOL'NT NUMBER: ❑�/�❑ ❑C��❑ ❑�0❑ ❑C]C�❑ OC�OCI of c��,maer of Cazd •"NoEe: If this application is Food/I,iquor re]ated, please contact a City of Saint Paul Healtl� Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to re��iew plzns. If any substanlial changes to structu: e 2re znticig22ed, plezse contact a City of Sa;at Paul Plzn Exanuner at 266-9007 to apply for building permiu. If there are azry ch�mges to the pazking lot, floor space, or for new operations, p]ease contact a Ciry of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-9008, All applications mquim the folloping documents. Please attaeh these documents when submitting your appHcation: I. A detailed description of the design, location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). The followzng data should be on the site plan (preferably on an 8 1/2" x 1 I" or 8 l/2" x 14" paper): - Nazne, address, and phone number. - The scale should be stated such as 1" = 20'. ^N shnuld be indicated toward the top. - Placement of all pertinent features of the interior of the licensed facility such as seating areas, }atchrns, offices, repair area, parking, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or expansion of the licensed facility, indicate both the current azea and the proposed eapansion. 2. A copy of your lease a�eement or proof of ov.nership of the properry. SPECIFIC LICENSE APPLICATIO\S REQL�tE ADDTTIONAL L'��'OR1�IATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR DETAILS >>>> zn a,�s�