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. ., ._ .. ��Z - . '+ ".;.0 '. ' " :-��_�" "7r"c��-- __.` ..T ,�— _.....--�-- WAit� — City C��rk Ci I TY O F SA I 1�'T ��A U L Pink — Fi�anu D�O�• Ca�srY— O�pt. ()1''F/GR OF THI: MAY()R �� I��I_ I No: � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER I _ag.. � • B['IX;ET ItF�7SI0� Date: I . � P :�D�IL��IS�Z.����)RDER,Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of thle Director of the Department of �OIDlll��►!i tv SPrvi rPS - Publ i c HP_al th to amend the 19_�.Q bud et of the �pnpral Funr1 fund.the Director of the Department of Finance and Managem�nt Services is authorized to amend said budget in the tollowing manner: aurrent Amended Budget Change Budget BBALTH GBIiBBAL FM1ND 001-03202-0112 �UILDINC - PBR50KNBL ;17,618.00 �31fi.85 �1T,934,85 001-03208-0111 DAYCABB - PBB80AiIBL �32,789.04 ;6.89 �32,793.89 001-03209-0111 AID9 - PBBSOXIIBL 323,975.80 l�.12 �Z3,779.12 001-63212-011l IPBB90�11iBL - GBIiBSAL �389,176,00 =1,594.58 �390,770.68 001-63213-011l ,B1i11I8. NOl1ITOBItiG - PB8S0l11iBL 1178,454.00 ;331.79 �178,785.79 001-03215-6111 iMgDICAL MAAACBNBtIT - PBB80NNBL �218,217.06 �708.98 '218,925.98 061-03218-0112 j/NINAL C011TBOL -PBB80NNBL ;16,091.OQ �98t,36 f17,073.3b • Od1-03226-0111 '90USING IN3PBCTION - PBB86NNBL f423,790,00 =1,351.18 l425,141.18 601-03227-0111 iiB,BCgING t BOABDING - PEB38ilNBL �2�l,161,00 35,92 �24,166.92 001-03228-011l SiiSBPS - PBB90NNBL 340,670,00 �Z�0.13 ��0,910.13 001-03202-b277 BOILDIIIG - SSFAIB f4,160.04 l5Z4.68 �4,684.68 061-03202-03�9 jBUILDINC - B�UIP PAETS �3,393,66 �2,338.88 45,93Z.43 001-03204-0369 �LAB08ATOBY - OFFICB BUPPLIBB 310�.00 �119.09 =223,09 061-03210-0845 ! DBNTAL - ADYBBTISING �300.60 s99.20 �399,20 001-03210-0351 ;DBtITAL - DBN4AL SUPPLI88 ;3,261.00 �13l.68 SS,395,68 001-03214-OZ75 IlIBDICAL BSCOBD9 - BBPAIB �1,500.00 l309.63 �1,809,63 001-03213-0842 igBDICAL MANAGBNBNT - DUPLICATING �300.80 fZ30.26 3630.t6 001-03218-Ot7� � Al1IhAL CO1IT�OL - �BHL. BBPAI& �2,288,00 �3,06�.45 f5,352,45 001-03223-0369 BNYIB. ADlI. -OFFICB SUPPLIBS 51�040.00 !l8,1Z �1,088.1Z 001-03227-OZ96 N�BCgIiI t BOABDINC - DBKO. f81,707.10 lZ,48l.20 :8l,196.30 001-03200-011l ABI�IAISTBA9'IOli - PBB90NNBL 3341,50E.00 (f533.88} ;340,968.12 001-03t00-OZ19i ADBINISTBATIOX - FBBS =Z6,100.00 (sZ�Z68,45) s23,831.56 0A1-0320A-0389 ADHIlIIBTgATION - BISC. SOPPLIB9 �1,000.00 (;1,000.OQ� �0.00 001-0320Z-0858� BUILDIIIG - TBLBPfl6NB BqUIP. =Z,000,00 (SB1.00) ;1,919,00 001-03t0l-0111 LABOBATOBY - PB880A11BL �87,83I,00 �lil6.as) 587,71�l.1! 001-03Z04-0219; LABOBATOBY - FBBS �1,fi00,06 (l657.66) ;942.94 601-03206-4111; BI�TB i DBATH - PBB8081iBL �145,ZZ5.00 (18,88) �1�l5,Z16.1t 001-03206-OZ21' BIBlB 1 DBATA - POgTAG� �5,700.00 (�503.Z8� �5,196.72 001-03206-0381 BIBTH t DBALTB • BUOIS l260.00 (lZ43,18� 116.82 001-03204-0297 AIDB - DATA PB8CgS3ING ;1,4A0.00 (=735,95) l664.06 • — }- Prepared by:Activity Manager App►oved by:Meyot i Requested by:Depertrtient directot Date . � wn+t. - c��v ci.►k � G I TY O F SA I 1�'T ��A U L Pink — Finane�DeDt. CsnsrY— p�pt. Ut�F[GR OF THI: MAYUR �� (��J No: �JV • ADMINIS'IRATIVE ORDER I — �Q 1 i Bl'1X�E7'[tF�7Si0� Date: U :���ZSZR.����)�ER,Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of th�e Director of the Department of�pIll�Uri]$�L.S2�1!?CP� - Pi�hl i r Naal th to amend the 19��budget of the ��}@a^�� fund,the Director of the Department of Finance and Managemdnt Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Page 2 0 Current Amended Budget Change Budget 001-03209-0367 etDS - OrFICB SUPPLIBB 36A0,00 (�88.66) �511.40 001-03210-0121 DS�TAL - PBBSOb111BL f78,689,00 (�793.95) �17,795,05 001-03212-0256 FO�D - BgCISTBATIOli �1,480,OQ (;62.72) :1,417.Z8 601-03212-0371 BNVIB. - BLBCTBICITY �2,092.00 (=17Z,76) �1,919.24 001-03Z13-0251 BlIY�IQ. d6NITOBIIIC - TBAYBL ;900.00 (�689.42) ;Z16.38 001-03t13-0353 BAHI@. lIONITOBING - LAB. 9UPPLIB9 y2,500.00 (�287.22) 32,212,78 601-03214-0111 dBAaCAL BBCOBD9 - PBB30NNB6 ;68�l67,00 (fZ29.16) =68,E37.84 001-0321l-6368 NB�CAL 6BC08D3 -OFFICB SUPPLISB �3,000.00 (�37,01) �2,962.99 001-0321l-0816 NBD CAL BBC08D8 - fiQUIP. �1,000,00 (;3.Z0► �996.80 061-03215-0368 KBDtCAL KANbGBKBNT - OFFICB 3UPPLIB3 �1,OOQ.00 (�800.OQ) =200,00 • 001-03215-0381 NBDICAL l�AAA6CBN�XT - BOOHB ;50Q.00 �f455.38) �44,6Y 001-03E16-0111 TUB�BCULOSIS - PBB90tINBL f101,863.00 ('2�4.2Z► ;101,618,T8 001-03216-0219 TUB BCOG08IS - FBBB =11,000,00 (�1,76t.24► =9,297.76 001-03Z16-Q381 TUB BCULOSI9 - 800[3 f300.00 (;84.55) �215,45 061-03217-0111 BON L�93 - PBB80KNBL �3�,868.00 (�68.15) �34,799,85 001-Q3217-0299 HON � B85 - gI9C, FBB9 ;300.00 (f61,28) �Z38.72 001-03217-0352 86N S83 - HBDICAL 9UPPLIB9 ;6Z0.00 (;412.92► f47.08 001-03218-6353 ANI L CONTB6L - GA8 f5,63l,00 (l1,013.02� �4,520,88 001-03226-0111 BIiVI . ID!!IN - PBBSONNSL �119,202.00 (568.7Z) �119,1�1.E8 001-03225-0256 BHVI�� AD!lIA, - BBGIBTBATION ;760.00 (516.92) f733.t8 001-03226-0387 80UB$KG CObPLAINT -SUPPLISS ;1,664.00 fs61.36) ;1,608.65 001-03226-0219 80U8#NG - FBB9 =8,000.00 (5878.1bj s7,121.85 001-032Z8-0235 B�BB�B - �ILBAGB �1,500,00 (;71.70) 061-03230-Q299 9UM��BY ABATBKBNT - NI9C, ;276,3U0,00 (f398.00) �276�102,00 -------------- ---------•-- -------------- �2,799,539.65 (�0.00) i8,798,111.35 � -------------- ------------ -------------- -------------- ------------ -------------- WHBSBAS, YARIOU9 HBAL�'fl CBtIBBAL FUND ACTIVITIB9 NBBD 9PBNDING AUT806ITY T6 CLBAE CHBDIT BALAMCB9; AND ONBBBAS, TBBBB I9 AUT�DBIfY IN VABIOUS OTHBB GBNBBAL FUND ACTIVITIBS THAT COULD BB TDAN9FB88BD. TBBBBFOEB BB BB90LVBD, TBAT TBg BAYOB APPBOYB9 Tflfi CBAAGg TO T$B 1990 HUDGBT, • ' � _� Prepared tivity Manager � Approved by:Mayo * Requested by:Depart t director � �� /'�,�� pste rJ [7sa'