D11341 , ,. _ <•. - - - i Whit• — City Cl�rk G I TY O F ►.SA I 1`'T ��A U L Pink — Finanee D�pt. Gn+rr— D�PC. i OF!''I(TE AF THR MAYOR �I I�� I No: • ADMINISIRATIVE ORDER I - I� "v1 I lil'IX;E7'ItF�'ISIU\' Date: ���ZSTR.����)�ER,,Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 oi the City Charter and based on the request of the �irector of the Department of Fire to amend the 19 86 budge�of the Canital Im,provement Bond fund.the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Amended Budget Change Budget 1986 C. I.B. ----------- � SpeeiPied Contijngeney 925-90086-0565I-70004 72,536. 63 1 , 595 . 00 74 , 131 . 63 Station 24 Addition 805-6590u=%X X-65019 160, 000. 00 ( 1 ,595. 00) 158, 405 . 00 232, 536 .63 0 . 00 232, 536 . 63 • To rePlect the r�eturn oP unused money in the P. I. R. to 1986 CIB SpeeiPied Continigeney. • Pre red by:Activity Ma Approved by:Mayor � R u ted by:Depsrtment diroctor ' Dete 4 �i'�'-G i D�