D11336 ., .�..,.,�„r...._ .-�:� _ _.; .-�-.--.. -•� -^�. .. --�„�...« .. : . _ . . _ . .
Whit• — City Cl�rk G I TY O F SA I 1�'T ��A U L
Pink — Finane�D�pt.
Gnsry— D�pt.
Ul''1'[G1: AF THR MAYUR �I I vV�
Bl'IX;ET ItF�7Si0�
Date: I — �� I
:�D���IS�.��I I� �)RDER,Consistent with the authoriry granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and
based on the request of th Director of the Department of Finance & Management Services
to amend the 19�1 bud et of the Sa�ital Im�rovement Bond fund.the Director of the Department
of Finance and Managem t Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner:
Current Amended
Budget Change Budget
1981 C. I.B.
Contingent Re erve
925-90081-05 5-70004 20 ,000 . 00 591 . 62 20, 591 . 62
Engineering & Inspection
Miseellaneou Fire Stations
805-65910-X %%-65011 12,000.00 (584. 82) 11 ,415 . 18
Prep. Cost Bur Bldg.
• 805-65904-X %%-65012 700.00 (6. 80) 693 .20
--------- ----------- ----------
32 ,700.00 0 . 00 32,700. 00
To refleet the return of unused money in the P. I. R. to 1981 CIB
Specified Cont ngeneq.
Pre ed by:Activity Ma ApprovedL��� oY+�Ya�
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R ted by�ent diroctor � Dete