98-658Council File # 4RIGlNAi. Presented Sy: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # 9g - G S$ 61747 �� Referred 70: Committee: Date i 2 3 a s s z a s m ia iz 13 74 is i6 17 ia is zo 27 22 zs za 2s zs z� za zs � 31 32 � � � 36 37 38 39 ao at 42 43 � � as 47 as as so 59 52 53 sa ss WHEREAS, the Hoyt/Montana neighborhood on the City's East Side suffered a devastating flash flood as a result of the July 1, 1997 storm and was subsequently designated a Federal disaster area; and WHEREAS, after many years of large financial expenditures by the City trying to resolve this flooding prodlem unsuccessfully with piping soiutions; and, WHEREAS, the HoyUMontana Flood Remediation Task Force's recommendation to remove andlor demofish 34 homes and construct a dry basin holding pond was accepted by the Mayor; and, WHEREAS, the City will proceed to do the project in three phases: Phase I is acquisition, Phase II is demolition, and Phase ill is contruction of the dry basin holding pond; and WHEREAS, the State DNR has committed up to $1.7 million to the City o4 Saint Paul for this purpose; and WHEREAS, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has committed $570 to the City of Saint Paul for this purpose; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency has committed $125,000 for this purpose; and WHEREAS, over the length of the whole project (notjust Phase I) the City must provide a match of 100% ($1.7 million ) to the DNR grant, and a 25°lo match ($190,000) to the FEMA grant if it expends these funds; and WHEREAS, some in-kind City services, such as staff time administering 1he project, wiil be ailowed as part of the City's share of the match; WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.04 of the City Charter, recommends the following changes to the 1998 operating budget for Phase 1(Acquisition and Demolition) of the project; now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1998 Operating and Capitai Impmvement Budgets, as heretofore adopted and ame�ded by this Council, are hereby further amended in the following particulars: FINANCING PLAN Hoyt-Montana Flood Remediation - Phase I GPL-C98-2B030 State Natural Resource Funds (DNR Grant) - 3408 Other Fed. Dir. Grants-State (FEMA Grent) - 3199 Other State Grants (MHFA Grant) - 3490 Transfer from Enterprise Fund (Sewer Fund) - 7302 1993 CI6 Bonds (1993 Gouncil Contingency) CIB Bonds (1995 CSSP Program) Sewer Revenue Bonds (1995 CSSP Program) Total SPENDING PLAN Hoyt-Montana Flood Remediation - Phase i CPL-C98-2B030 Acqu isition/Relocation Demolition Utility Abandonment Engineeri ng/Contingency Tota1 Current Budaet 0 0 0 0 � 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 Channe 1,700,000 570,000 125,000 33,000 218,�a� 200,000 zoo,000 3,046,000 2,436,000 330,000 80,000 200,000 3,OA6,ODQ Amended Bud e 1,700,�00 570, 000 125,000 33,000 218,�Q� zoo,000 zoo,000 3,046,000 2,436,000 330,000 80,0�� 200,000 3,046,OOD ss 57 58 59 60 st sz 63 � 65 66 67 68 69 �o 7� 7z �a �a �s 76 n 78 7s 8U at az 83 ea 85 86 s7 � 89 90 s� 92 93 9A ss ss 97 98 ss oRiG��aL FINANCING PLAN Depa�tment of Public Works Sewer Utility Enterprise Fund - Sewer Construetion GL-260-22221 Use of Retained Earnings - 9925 Contributed Capital - 9930 AII Other Fund Financing Total SPENDING PLAN Department of Public Works Sewer Utility Enterprise Fund - Sewer Construction GL-260-22221 Other Stru�tures - 0899 All Other Fund Spending Total FINANCING PLAN 1995 Combi�ed Sewer Separation Program CPL-C95-2T628 Transfer from CIB - 7315 Capital Fin. from Ent. Fd. (Sewer Rev. Bonds) - 6964 All Other Financing Total SPENDING PLAN � 1995 Combined Sewer S��ati Pr CPL-C95-2T628 w ; � EngineeringlConstructic�f a .�r m -o FLNANCING PLAN �^� 1 � 1993 Council Contingen� '$ ; CPL-C93-OT010 m � Transferfrom 1993 CI� �i13 � � � SPENDING� ,� a � o 1993 Council Contingene� � CPL-C93-OT010 0, U �:, Current Bu et 0 0 46,026,843 46,026,843 0 46,�26 843 46,026,843 4,311,A06 15,251,962 21,161 325 4Q724,693 40 724,693 Total 40,724,693 218 000 Totai 218,000 � 218 000 Total 218,000 �� `5g Amended n e Budaet 33, 000 3,013,000 0 3,046,0�0 3,646,000 0 3,046,OOQ (200,OOD) (200, 000) 0 (400,000) (400 000) (400,000) (218,000) (218,OOQ) (218 000) (218,000) 33, 000 3,0'13,000 46,026,843 49,072,543 3, 046, 000 46 026 843 49,072,543 4,111,406 15,051,962 21 161 325 40,324,683 40,324,693 40,324,693 0 0 � 0 Requested by Department of: Financial Services O�ce By: -C \� �^"� °� � Approval Recommended by FSO - Director: by By:i �_� Approved by � Y By ' - Form by by Adopted by Council: Date \\ � 9„� ',� � \ °� � F oeaacr�rro�c�coon�ca nare wmnren � � ofliceottheMayorJFinancialservicesOflice 7-1-98 GREEN SHEET NO. 6114 m�wi�am mm�io� ��NfAClPERSON&PHONE O �BAR�'MENI'D�ECfO � QTYLOUNW. I AKI'MEN' BillHuepenbecker 266-8517 " � �y crrrarrow�r � arraouc M(1SIBEONCOUNN.AGETIDABY(DA'C� � �I FAIANQALSptVf OlA � FW.SEAVICESOFF/ACCfG Iluly 15, 1998 � auYOxcoRass�sr 0 c�nccam'rnarr � TOTAL # OF SIGNAT[TRE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCAITONS EOR SIGNATURE) ACRON RFQL1fSfID Appmval of a resolution to begin the process of removing homes and constructing a dry basin holding pond in the HoyNMontaoa neighborhood. [c�Aa�oanaNS: nyp.we<njax�u�u) PERSONAL SERYtCE CONTILACLS hNSL ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUF.STIONS: _PLANNWGCAMM1p55ION 1. H35 �IS ZICISONfiIID ¢VCf WO[�(P.(� �OJV 8 cOnh'u:[ FOf tL15 LLp3ImiCpt� _x_cmcot.mm YES NO cmc s�,ev�ceco�w.uss�ox 2. Has fhis persodfum evtt bezn a city employee? stntF YES NO = 3. Does dtis person/fvm possess a skill not ammally possessedby any t' ployee? YES NO 4. Is tltis persw / fum a targeted vevdor? YES NO (Explain all yes anmers on separate sheet and athach to green sheet) 1Nf11A'RNGPROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY (W6q What, Vheq Where,Nhy) In July of 1997, the HoyNMontana neighborhood suffered a devastating flash flood as a result of a heavy rainstorm. FEMA (the Federal Emergncy Management Agency) declared it a Fedetal disaster azea After irying, unsuccessfully, for many years w resolve the flooding problems with piping solutions, the City convemd the HoytfMontana Flood Remediation Task Force to make [ecommendations on how to resolve the flooding problems. The Task Force recommended that the City acqu've, relocate or demolish the thirty-four affected properties; and construct a dry basin holding pond. FEMA awazded the Ciry financial acsistance for this project. Likewise, fmancial assistance has been awazded by the State of MinnesoYa t6rough DNR and MIffA grants. anv,wrac�.s u pee2ovm: The City can begin the first phase of the project which involves acquisifion, demolition and relocation. Homeowners who live in the area can get some resolution to the problems caused by the flood. DISAD VAMAGES ]F APPROVFA' None known. ��'���`�° JUL 14199� - t�€�Y�R's ;s��t�� D15ADVqNTAGE$IFNOTnPPROVED Thefloodingproblemswilltmtbeiesolved. C+OU�^C.iS , ��-E;;i;2i dUL i � i�� � �.__�. YUM1'ALAMUUN'fOFTRANSACTION_ �V 4 000 cosrmeveNUeewcerenecmc�.eoxe� r"es`"' - tvo - �IN��ouna Varlous Ac�mn„r,,,ffi�a Various � ee Attached� FMAWGAL WEORMAT/ON: (IXPLAA� GSY Council File # 4RIGlNAi. Presented Sy: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # 9g - G S$ 61747 �� Referred 70: Committee: Date i 2 3 a s s z a s m ia iz 13 74 is i6 17 ia is zo 27 22 zs za 2s zs z� za zs � 31 32 � � � 36 37 38 39 ao at 42 43 � � as 47 as as so 59 52 53 sa ss WHEREAS, the Hoyt/Montana neighborhood on the City's East Side suffered a devastating flash flood as a result of the July 1, 1997 storm and was subsequently designated a Federal disaster area; and WHEREAS, after many years of large financial expenditures by the City trying to resolve this flooding prodlem unsuccessfully with piping soiutions; and, WHEREAS, the HoyUMontana Flood Remediation Task Force's recommendation to remove andlor demofish 34 homes and construct a dry basin holding pond was accepted by the Mayor; and, WHEREAS, the City will proceed to do the project in three phases: Phase I is acquisition, Phase II is demolition, and Phase ill is contruction of the dry basin holding pond; and WHEREAS, the State DNR has committed up to $1.7 million to the City o4 Saint Paul for this purpose; and WHEREAS, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has committed $570 to the City of Saint Paul for this purpose; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency has committed $125,000 for this purpose; and WHEREAS, over the length of the whole project (notjust Phase I) the City must provide a match of 100% ($1.7 million ) to the DNR grant, and a 25°lo match ($190,000) to the FEMA grant if it expends these funds; and WHEREAS, some in-kind City services, such as staff time administering 1he project, wiil be ailowed as part of the City's share of the match; WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.04 of the City Charter, recommends the following changes to the 1998 operating budget for Phase 1(Acquisition and Demolition) of the project; now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1998 Operating and Capitai Impmvement Budgets, as heretofore adopted and ame�ded by this Council, are hereby further amended in the following particulars: FINANCING PLAN Hoyt-Montana Flood Remediation - Phase I GPL-C98-2B030 State Natural Resource Funds (DNR Grant) - 3408 Other Fed. Dir. Grants-State (FEMA Grent) - 3199 Other State Grants (MHFA Grant) - 3490 Transfer from Enterprise Fund (Sewer Fund) - 7302 1993 CI6 Bonds (1993 Gouncil Contingency) CIB Bonds (1995 CSSP Program) Sewer Revenue Bonds (1995 CSSP Program) Total SPENDING PLAN Hoyt-Montana Flood Remediation - Phase i CPL-C98-2B030 Acqu isition/Relocation Demolition Utility Abandonment Engineeri ng/Contingency Tota1 Current Budaet 0 0 0 0 � 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 Channe 1,700,000 570,000 125,000 33,000 218,�a� 200,000 zoo,000 3,046,000 2,436,000 330,000 80,000 200,000 3,OA6,ODQ Amended Bud e 1,700,�00 570, 000 125,000 33,000 218,�Q� zoo,000 zoo,000 3,046,000 2,436,000 330,000 80,0�� 200,000 3,046,OOD ss 57 58 59 60 st sz 63 � 65 66 67 68 69 �o 7� 7z �a �a �s 76 n 78 7s 8U at az 83 ea 85 86 s7 � 89 90 s� 92 93 9A ss ss 97 98 ss oRiG��aL FINANCING PLAN Depa�tment of Public Works Sewer Utility Enterprise Fund - Sewer Construetion GL-260-22221 Use of Retained Earnings - 9925 Contributed Capital - 9930 AII Other Fund Financing Total SPENDING PLAN Department of Public Works Sewer Utility Enterprise Fund - Sewer Construction GL-260-22221 Other Stru�tures - 0899 All Other Fund Spending Total FINANCING PLAN 1995 Combi�ed Sewer Separation Program CPL-C95-2T628 Transfer from CIB - 7315 Capital Fin. from Ent. Fd. (Sewer Rev. Bonds) - 6964 All Other Financing Total SPENDING PLAN � 1995 Combined Sewer S��ati Pr CPL-C95-2T628 w ; � EngineeringlConstructic�f a .�r m -o FLNANCING PLAN �^� 1 � 1993 Council Contingen� '$ ; CPL-C93-OT010 m � Transferfrom 1993 CI� �i13 � � � SPENDING� ,� a � o 1993 Council Contingene� � CPL-C93-OT010 0, U �:, Current Bu et 0 0 46,026,843 46,026,843 0 46,�26 843 46,026,843 4,311,A06 15,251,962 21,161 325 4Q724,693 40 724,693 Total 40,724,693 218 000 Totai 218,000 � 218 000 Total 218,000 �� `5g Amended n e Budaet 33, 000 3,013,000 0 3,046,0�0 3,646,000 0 3,046,OOQ (200,OOD) (200, 000) 0 (400,000) (400 000) (400,000) (218,000) (218,OOQ) (218 000) (218,000) 33, 000 3,0'13,000 46,026,843 49,072,543 3, 046, 000 46 026 843 49,072,543 4,111,406 15,051,962 21 161 325 40,324,683 40,324,693 40,324,693 0 0 � 0 Requested by Department of: Financial Services O�ce By: -C \� �^"� °� � Approval Recommended by FSO - Director: by By:i �_� Approved by � Y By ' - Form by by Adopted by Council: Date \\ � 9„� ',� � \ °� � F oeaacr�rro�c�coon�ca nare wmnren � � ofliceottheMayorJFinancialservicesOflice 7-1-98 GREEN SHEET NO. 6114 m�wi�am mm�io� ��NfAClPERSON&PHONE O �BAR�'MENI'D�ECfO � QTYLOUNW. I AKI'MEN' BillHuepenbecker 266-8517 " � �y crrrarrow�r � arraouc M(1SIBEONCOUNN.AGETIDABY(DA'C� � �I FAIANQALSptVf OlA � FW.SEAVICESOFF/ACCfG Iluly 15, 1998 � auYOxcoRass�sr 0 c�nccam'rnarr � TOTAL # OF SIGNAT[TRE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCAITONS EOR SIGNATURE) ACRON RFQL1fSfID Appmval of a resolution to begin the process of removing homes and constructing a dry basin holding pond in the HoyNMontaoa neighborhood. [c�Aa�oanaNS: nyp.we<njax�u�u) PERSONAL SERYtCE CONTILACLS hNSL ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUF.STIONS: _PLANNWGCAMM1p55ION 1. H35 �IS ZICISONfiIID ¢VCf WO[�(P.(� �OJV 8 cOnh'u:[ FOf tL15 LLp3ImiCpt� _x_cmcot.mm YES NO cmc s�,ev�ceco�w.uss�ox 2. Has fhis persodfum evtt bezn a city employee? stntF YES NO = 3. Does dtis person/fvm possess a skill not ammally possessedby any t' ployee? YES NO 4. Is tltis persw / fum a targeted vevdor? YES NO (Explain all yes anmers on separate sheet and athach to green sheet) 1Nf11A'RNGPROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY (W6q What, Vheq Where,Nhy) In July of 1997, the HoyNMontana neighborhood suffered a devastating flash flood as a result of a heavy rainstorm. FEMA (the Federal Emergncy Management Agency) declared it a Fedetal disaster azea After irying, unsuccessfully, for many years w resolve the flooding problems with piping solutions, the City convemd the HoytfMontana Flood Remediation Task Force to make [ecommendations on how to resolve the flooding problems. The Task Force recommended that the City acqu've, relocate or demolish the thirty-four affected properties; and construct a dry basin holding pond. FEMA awazded the Ciry financial acsistance for this project. Likewise, fmancial assistance has been awazded by the State of MinnesoYa t6rough DNR and MIffA grants. anv,wrac�.s u pee2ovm: The City can begin the first phase of the project which involves acquisifion, demolition and relocation. Homeowners who live in the area can get some resolution to the problems caused by the flood. DISAD VAMAGES ]F APPROVFA' None known. ��'���`�° JUL 14199� - t�€�Y�R's ;s��t�� D15ADVqNTAGE$IFNOTnPPROVED Thefloodingproblemswilltmtbeiesolved. C+OU�^C.iS , ��-E;;i;2i dUL i � i�� � �.__�. YUM1'ALAMUUN'fOFTRANSACTION_ �V 4 000 cosrmeveNUeewcerenecmc�.eoxe� r"es`"' - tvo - �IN��ouna Varlous Ac�mn„r,,,ffi�a Various � ee Attached� FMAWGAL WEORMAT/ON: (IXPLAA� GSY Council File # 4RIGlNAi. Presented Sy: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # 9g - G S$ 61747 �� Referred 70: Committee: Date i 2 3 a s s z a s m ia iz 13 74 is i6 17 ia is zo 27 22 zs za 2s zs z� za zs � 31 32 � � � 36 37 38 39 ao at 42 43 � � as 47 as as so 59 52 53 sa ss WHEREAS, the Hoyt/Montana neighborhood on the City's East Side suffered a devastating flash flood as a result of the July 1, 1997 storm and was subsequently designated a Federal disaster area; and WHEREAS, after many years of large financial expenditures by the City trying to resolve this flooding prodlem unsuccessfully with piping soiutions; and, WHEREAS, the HoyUMontana Flood Remediation Task Force's recommendation to remove andlor demofish 34 homes and construct a dry basin holding pond was accepted by the Mayor; and, WHEREAS, the City will proceed to do the project in three phases: Phase I is acquisition, Phase II is demolition, and Phase ill is contruction of the dry basin holding pond; and WHEREAS, the State DNR has committed up to $1.7 million to the City o4 Saint Paul for this purpose; and WHEREAS, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has committed $570 to the City of Saint Paul for this purpose; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency has committed $125,000 for this purpose; and WHEREAS, over the length of the whole project (notjust Phase I) the City must provide a match of 100% ($1.7 million ) to the DNR grant, and a 25°lo match ($190,000) to the FEMA grant if it expends these funds; and WHEREAS, some in-kind City services, such as staff time administering 1he project, wiil be ailowed as part of the City's share of the match; WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.04 of the City Charter, recommends the following changes to the 1998 operating budget for Phase 1(Acquisition and Demolition) of the project; now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1998 Operating and Capitai Impmvement Budgets, as heretofore adopted and ame�ded by this Council, are hereby further amended in the following particulars: FINANCING PLAN Hoyt-Montana Flood Remediation - Phase I GPL-C98-2B030 State Natural Resource Funds (DNR Grant) - 3408 Other Fed. Dir. Grants-State (FEMA Grent) - 3199 Other State Grants (MHFA Grant) - 3490 Transfer from Enterprise Fund (Sewer Fund) - 7302 1993 CI6 Bonds (1993 Gouncil Contingency) CIB Bonds (1995 CSSP Program) Sewer Revenue Bonds (1995 CSSP Program) Total SPENDING PLAN Hoyt-Montana Flood Remediation - Phase i CPL-C98-2B030 Acqu isition/Relocation Demolition Utility Abandonment Engineeri ng/Contingency Tota1 Current Budaet 0 0 0 0 � 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 Channe 1,700,000 570,000 125,000 33,000 218,�a� 200,000 zoo,000 3,046,000 2,436,000 330,000 80,000 200,000 3,OA6,ODQ Amended Bud e 1,700,�00 570, 000 125,000 33,000 218,�Q� zoo,000 zoo,000 3,046,000 2,436,000 330,000 80,0�� 200,000 3,046,OOD ss 57 58 59 60 st sz 63 � 65 66 67 68 69 �o 7� 7z �a �a �s 76 n 78 7s 8U at az 83 ea 85 86 s7 � 89 90 s� 92 93 9A ss ss 97 98 ss oRiG��aL FINANCING PLAN Depa�tment of Public Works Sewer Utility Enterprise Fund - Sewer Construetion GL-260-22221 Use of Retained Earnings - 9925 Contributed Capital - 9930 AII Other Fund Financing Total SPENDING PLAN Department of Public Works Sewer Utility Enterprise Fund - Sewer Construction GL-260-22221 Other Stru�tures - 0899 All Other Fund Spending Total FINANCING PLAN 1995 Combi�ed Sewer Separation Program CPL-C95-2T628 Transfer from CIB - 7315 Capital Fin. from Ent. Fd. (Sewer Rev. Bonds) - 6964 All Other Financing Total SPENDING PLAN � 1995 Combined Sewer S��ati Pr CPL-C95-2T628 w ; � EngineeringlConstructic�f a .�r m -o FLNANCING PLAN �^� 1 � 1993 Council Contingen� '$ ; CPL-C93-OT010 m � Transferfrom 1993 CI� �i13 � � � SPENDING� ,� a � o 1993 Council Contingene� � CPL-C93-OT010 0, U �:, Current Bu et 0 0 46,026,843 46,026,843 0 46,�26 843 46,026,843 4,311,A06 15,251,962 21,161 325 4Q724,693 40 724,693 Total 40,724,693 218 000 Totai 218,000 � 218 000 Total 218,000 �� `5g Amended n e Budaet 33, 000 3,013,000 0 3,046,0�0 3,646,000 0 3,046,OOQ (200,OOD) (200, 000) 0 (400,000) (400 000) (400,000) (218,000) (218,OOQ) (218 000) (218,000) 33, 000 3,0'13,000 46,026,843 49,072,543 3, 046, 000 46 026 843 49,072,543 4,111,406 15,051,962 21 161 325 40,324,683 40,324,693 40,324,693 0 0 � 0 Requested by Department of: Financial Services O�ce By: -C \� �^"� °� � Approval Recommended by FSO - Director: by By:i �_� Approved by � Y By ' - Form by by Adopted by Council: Date \\ � 9„� ',� � \ °� � F oeaacr�rro�c�coon�ca nare wmnren � � ofliceottheMayorJFinancialservicesOflice 7-1-98 GREEN SHEET NO. 6114 m�wi�am mm�io� ��NfAClPERSON&PHONE O �BAR�'MENI'D�ECfO � QTYLOUNW. I AKI'MEN' BillHuepenbecker 266-8517 " � �y crrrarrow�r � arraouc M(1SIBEONCOUNN.AGETIDABY(DA'C� � �I FAIANQALSptVf OlA � FW.SEAVICESOFF/ACCfG Iluly 15, 1998 � auYOxcoRass�sr 0 c�nccam'rnarr � TOTAL # OF SIGNAT[TRE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCAITONS EOR SIGNATURE) ACRON RFQL1fSfID Appmval of a resolution to begin the process of removing homes and constructing a dry basin holding pond in the HoyNMontaoa neighborhood. [c�Aa�oanaNS: nyp.we<njax�u�u) PERSONAL SERYtCE CONTILACLS hNSL ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUF.STIONS: _PLANNWGCAMM1p55ION 1. H35 �IS ZICISONfiIID ¢VCf WO[�(P.(� �OJV 8 cOnh'u:[ FOf tL15 LLp3ImiCpt� _x_cmcot.mm YES NO cmc s�,ev�ceco�w.uss�ox 2. Has fhis persodfum evtt bezn a city employee? stntF YES NO = 3. Does dtis person/fvm possess a skill not ammally possessedby any t' ployee? YES NO 4. Is tltis persw / fum a targeted vevdor? YES NO (Explain all yes anmers on separate sheet and athach to green sheet) 1Nf11A'RNGPROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY (W6q What, Vheq Where,Nhy) In July of 1997, the HoyNMontana neighborhood suffered a devastating flash flood as a result of a heavy rainstorm. FEMA (the Federal Emergncy Management Agency) declared it a Fedetal disaster azea After irying, unsuccessfully, for many years w resolve the flooding problems with piping solutions, the City convemd the HoytfMontana Flood Remediation Task Force to make [ecommendations on how to resolve the flooding problems. The Task Force recommended that the City acqu've, relocate or demolish the thirty-four affected properties; and construct a dry basin holding pond. FEMA awazded the Ciry financial acsistance for this project. Likewise, fmancial assistance has been awazded by the State of MinnesoYa t6rough DNR and MIffA grants. anv,wrac�.s u pee2ovm: The City can begin the first phase of the project which involves acquisifion, demolition and relocation. Homeowners who live in the area can get some resolution to the problems caused by the flood. DISAD VAMAGES ]F APPROVFA' None known. ��'���`�° JUL 14199� - t�€�Y�R's ;s��t�� D15ADVqNTAGE$IFNOTnPPROVED Thefloodingproblemswilltmtbeiesolved. C+OU�^C.iS , ��-E;;i;2i dUL i � i�� � �.__�. YUM1'ALAMUUN'fOFTRANSACTION_ �V 4 000 cosrmeveNUeewcerenecmc�.eoxe� r"es`"' - tvo - �IN��ouna Varlous Ac�mn„r,,,ffi�a Various � ee Attached� FMAWGAL WEORMAT/ON: (IXPLAA� GSY