D11311 `.,f_ ..c�.- f ,�- a*.w..,,.;.`�.. , .., �r. �-- ��.f �. �--�_ ,. �. ���� _ . . . " �� __.__� - __,----_ _..._._...w . White — City Clerk j No. � [/ � //��� Pink — Finance Dept. � Canary — Dept. Accounting Date _ �'� Q� Slue — Engineer Green — Contractor • � CITY OF SAINT PAUL — OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0.�_ ADMriVISTRAZiIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as PARKTNG iF�ji RFSTnRaTIQN - CIUIC CENTER RAMP ; — � , known as Contract L , City Project No.��(1a , '�rh I2oeoarrh Ca 1 os �,�,� , Contracta, is compo�ed of the following: 1 . Refer t Sec. 00300, Purchase Order Contract and Contract Change Agreement #3. Es imated quantities are revised as follows: Mobilization 3 (ea) Remove Anchorages 405 (ea) PT Replacement. 826,000 (sf) Epoxy Steel 15,615 (lb) Pattch Repair 120 (ea.) $55/ea. new item Jo'int Repair g0 (ea) $15.90/�:�new item � 2. Refer tp Addendum #3 and Sec. 00800. The budgeted amount for this project' is increased to $900,000. Tendon replacement shall be accomplished at leve�s and areas as directed. 3. Refer tp Sec. 00800, par. 9.3. T�me of completion for 1991 work is 170 days. ORDERED, T�at the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in ac- cordance with the s�iecificationa in the sum of $ ** , said amount to be added to the lump sum coa- sideratiai named in �he contract, known as contract L- , and which amount is to be financed from: ** Unit pr'ce contract - actual quantities to govern. Anticipated increase in project cost: $400,000. goa-�oi�/-o�7�' AP VED AS T F M � ll-�Z�ig �/v Tech Research Sales Inc. Assistant City At Contr ctor 19 � � Engineer MCMS • 19 '""'�_ Chief ngineer Head of De tment Financ 19 irector of C i v i c C ter Mayor �O ,b - //�i/ OEPARTM[NT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED Civic Center Aut arit GREEN SH ET No. 86���� , CONTACT PERSON d PHONE �DEpARTMENT DIRECTOR,� " r • �CITY CWNGL • �� �ITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK 8T BE�1 COUNdI AO NDA BY( T� ROUTING BUDOET DIRECTOR FIN.8 MOT.SER1/�CES DIR. �MAYOR(OR A881STAN� �,�d 1 TOTAL#►OF SIONATURE P � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIQNATUFt� ACTION RE�UEBTED: C C'�+���m/�a�y h.`- �� Execution of Co ract Change Agreement No. 4, Civic Center Ramp Renovation ` YF� �- ; � �� D RECOMNIENDATIONB:Approvs pq a � (�UNCI�COMMITTEE/NESEARCH REPOIIT OPTIONAI ANALYST PH�IE N0.p�";r "r�,� �p �����,,4���� _PIANNINO COMMISSION pVIL SERVIC�COMMISSION b a � � C`+ 4 lJ ITTEE �T `�� ..�STAFF COMMENTS: _� �«,� �EC 2 8 199 p BUPP�i'T8 COUNpL OBJE ? ew ,n INITUTINf3 P M�ISBUE� NNiY(1Ma.N�h�t.Wlrn.�Nhsrs�MIhY1: F�L+E . Oppo tunity to ccomplish 1991 work at unit prices bid in 1989. (This is a portion '� of t e Civic Ce ter Authority's ongoing effort to improve the parking facility) il �� '• R,��'�l��l� A(iE8 IF APPROVED: �� ��pportunity to ccomplish work at advantageous pricesp���C� �,� J994 ������'�£MT E alR `�. � AIVqG� �F F`�CrpR M�NTS£�VC� ES 018ADVMITA(�ES IF APPROVED: None apparent. �CE�NEp DE�119,90 _ ���r c�� DIBADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: *unit prices to govern OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACT N= _ �QO.00O�` C�T/I�VEMUE SUDOETED(CI�E 01�) YES NO FUNDINQ SOURCE ACTIVITY NUM�R-/d���(����- Do�T� FiNnricia�wFORMnTroro:�ocPwa> _ dui ! - NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE OREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN TFlE PURCHA31N8 OFFICE(PHONE NO.298�42't5). ROUTIN(3 ORDER: � Bolow are preferrod routin�s for the Nvs rtw�t frequsnt types ot documeMs: CONTRACI'3 (assumss autlwrized COUNCIL RESOLUTIQN (Atnsnd, Bdgts.! budpst exists) Accept.OreMs) 1. OuWde A�snCy 1. DepartmeM Directot 2. Inftiating DopartmeM 2. Budget Dirmctor S. GYty Attomsy 3. City Attorney 4. Mayor 4. MayoNAseistant 5. Flnence b Mgmt Svcs.Dir�c:tor 5. City Councfl 6. Flnance Axour� 8. Chief AocouMant. Fln 8�Mgmt 3vcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budp�t, COUNqL RE30LUTION (��a�� i�Melon 1. Activlty M�rnper 1. IniWtinq Dspert�rNnt Dinctor 2. D�putnMnt/locouMant g, �/�Y�M 3. D�putm�nt Direator 4. dty CdUndl 4. Budpst DlreCtor 5. Gty Gerk 6. C�ief AcxouM�nt, Fin d�Mgmt Svcs. ADMINI3TRATIVE ORDERS (all ot�Nrt) 1. Initiating Dsp�rtment 2. dry Anomsy 3. AAayoNAaistant 4. Gty Clsrk TOTAL NUMBER�31�iNATUqE PAQES Indkxte the#�of p�s on wh�h�ign�tuns are requirod and pepercl,p e�h of thsse ep,��s. ACTION RECfUESTED • Dsecrib�whet the proj�cUnq��t sMks to�coomplish In sither chronolopi- ca�o►de�or ords►a�mpbra�nos,whia�sver is moa approp►iace ror a,s issue. Do not write complea s�ntenc�s.8epin�ch ksm in your Iist with a vsrb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete H th�issus in qusNlon ha bsen preeentsd before any body, public or priv�ts. SUPPORTS WHICkI OOUNdL OBJECTIVE? . Indic�ts which Councii abj�ctive(a)Yow proJscvroq�t su�orts bY�in� th�ky wad(a)(HOU81Na.F�CREATION, NEICiHBORHO0D8. EOONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDCiET,3E1NER��EP11R�►'TION).(8EE COMPLETE U3T IN IN8TRUCTIOt�l1L MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARqi REPORT-OPTIONAL A3 REt�UE3TED BY COUNCIL INITfATINCi PROBLEM.1$SUE�OPPORTUNI7Y Explein ths aitt�tfon b►cot�didon�thet creaRed a nesd for your projsct or roquest. /1DVANTAtiES IF APPROVED IndfcMs whsthsr Mb It eimply an annwl budpst proc�duro roquind by lew/ chartor or whsth�r tMn aro ap�ciflc in vrhich the qty of 3airn Paul and its ckiz�s will bsn�flt from this p�t/�ctbn. DISADVANTA(iE8 IF APPROVED What nepetivs elfscts or major changsa to existinp or past processea might this Projscth'aQusat produc�if it fs p8ssed(a.g.,trafifC dsleys, rwise. tax incrseses or ase�asments)�To Whom?Whsn�For how long? DI3ADVANTACiE3 IF NOT APPROVED What will bs th�nsgativs ooraequeru�ss ff the promised ection is not • approved?Inabiliry to deliwr servios?CoMinued hi�h tratficc, noiae, accideM ratsT L�s of revsnue? FINANGAL IMPACT � Althrnph you must Wbr the inlonn�tlon you pravid�hsn W the isaue you ero�id�eing, in p�nsnl ycw must anawer iwo quMtfons: How much is it going to cost4 Who Is�ofng to psy?