91-531 '`�"������� �N� ' Council File � � ? �� �,.�, f, ..�• Ordinance � M�,�,,,N � _ .. �� 1 Green Sheet T ORDINANCE ---- AINT PAUL, MiNNESOTA , , � � �� Presented By Referred To ` Committee: Date - ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS An ordinance amending Chapters 60, 62, 64, 65, and 67 of the Saint Paul � Legislative Code pertaining to the Zoning Code regarding the River Corridor. T'he council of the city of Saint Paul does ordain: Section 1 That Section 60.202 B of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be amended so as to add the following new definition thereto: Basement (River Corridor District only) . Any area of a structure having its floor subgrade (below ground level) on all four sides. Section 2 That Section 60.206 F of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be amended so as to add the following new definition thereto: Flood. A temporary increase in the flow or. stage of a stream or in the stage of a wetland or lake that results in the inundation of normally dry areas. Section 3 That Section 60.208 H of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be amended so as to add the following: Historic Structure (River Corridor District only) . Any structure that is: (a) Listed individually in the National Register of Historic Places (a listing maintained by the Department of Interior) or preliminarily determined by the Secretary of the Interior as meeting the requiremerits for individual� listing on the National Register; ' (b) Certified or preliminarily determined by the Secretary of the Interior as contributing to the historical significance 1 t, 9i-s3� J � � of a registered historic district or a district prelimin- arily determined by the Secretary to qualify as a registered historic district; or (c) Designated by the City as a heritage preservatio:� site. Section 4 That Section 60.215 0 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be amended so a to add the following new definition thereto: Obstruction (River Corridor District only) . Any dam, wall, wharf, embankment, levee, dike, pile, abutment, pro,jection, excavation� channel modification, culvert, building, wire, fence, stockpile, refuse, fill, structure, or matter in, elong, across, or projecting into any channel, watercourse, or regulatory flood plain which may impede, retard, or change the direction of the flow of water, either by itself or by catching or collecting debris carried by such water. Section 5 That Section 60.218 R of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be amended so as to add the following definition thereto: Reach. A hydraulic engineering term Co describe a longitudinal segment of a stream or river influenced by a natural or man-made obstruction. In an urban area, the segment of a stream or river between two consecutive bridge crossings would most typically constitute a reach. Section 6 That Section 65.101 (Intent) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 65.101. Intent and Pur�ose: The River Corridor District and its subclassifications. RC-1, RC-2, RC-3 and RC-4 are map overlay districts, designed to provide comprehensive floodplain and river bluff management for the City of Saint Paul in accordance with the policies of Minnesota Statutes (Chapters 104 and 116G) , Minnesota Regulations (MEQC 54) and Governor's Executive Order No. 79-19. It is the pur�ose of this chapterj„ � �o vrotect and preserve the Mississippi River C�rridor as a unique and valuable resource for the benefit of the health. safetv. and welfare of the citizens of the citv and the state• � ,�,, �o prevent and miti,gate irreversib�e dar�age to the 2 ��.����7��� 9/-�s3 / l l�ississi,ppi River Corridor: ,� ,� �o protect and preserve the Mississippi River Corridor as an essentia�element in the federal state regional and local recreation, transportation. sewer and water systems: 4 To maintain the River Corridor's value and utility for �esidential commercial industrial and public purposes• �„L �o protect and preserve the Saint Paul Mississippi River CQ�ridor's biological and eco�ogical functions: 6 To preserve and enhance the Saint Paul Mississippi River Corridor's aesthetic. cultural. scientific and historic functions: � �o guide develovment of the floodplain so as to minimize loss of li��g�threats to health and private and,publi� �conomic loss caused by flooding: and $,_ '�o guide floodplain develo�ment in order to lessen the adverse affects of floods. but not to reduce or eliminate floodine. Section 7 That Section 65.102 (Establishment) Subdivision (a) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby repealed in its entirety and the following adopted in place thereof: (a) This ordinance shall apply to all lands Within the city of Saint Paul shown on the river corridor overlay zoning district maps as being located within the boundaries of the RC-�1 River Corridor Floodway District, RC-2 River Corridor Flood Fringe District, RC-3 River Corridor Urban Open Space District, and RC-4 River Corridor Urban Diversified District. Section 8 That Section 65,102 (Establishment) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be amended so as to add the following new subdivision (b) thereto, to renumber present Subdivision (b) to be Subdivision (c) , and to amend new Subdivision (c) to read as follows: (b) The twenty-one (21) River Corridor Overlay Zoning Districts Maps� dated July 6, 1987, tagether with all matters attached thereto, are hereby adopted by reference and made a part of this code as if the matters and information set forth therein were fully described herein, The attached material shall include: (1) the Flood Insurance Study for the city of Saint Paul prepared by the Federal Insurance Administration dated August _ 3, 1989; (2) the Flood Insurance Rate Map� dated August 3� 1989 and 3 oR�G��v�� 9, 5 3� July 2, 1991; and (3) four (4) maps entitled River Corridor Floodway District, dated July 6, 1987. (c)(�)Within these districts all uses not allowed as permitted uses or as permitted uses subject to special conditions shall be and are hereby prohibited. Legal nonconforming structures or uses existing on the effective date of this chapter or amendment thereto will be permitted to continue as provided in Section 62.102 and section 65.900. Section 9 That Section 65.103 (Compliance) subdivisions (c) and (d) are hereby repealed in their entirety and the following new subdivisions (c) , (d) , and (e) are adopted in place thereof: (c) A site plan shall be submitted to and approved by the planning commission in accordance with Section 62.108 before a permit is issued for any development on property wholly or partially located within the River Corridor District. For any development in the RC-1 and RC-2 districts, the site plan shall include the re�ulatory flood protection elevation; the proposed elevation of fill; the proposed elevation of the lowest floor of new structures, altered structures, and additions to existing structures; and the proposed elevation to which structures will be floodproofed. - (d) All building permits for structures proposed to be floodproofed in the RC-1 and RC-2 districts shall be reviewed to determine whether the structures will be adequately floodproofed. (e) Certification. Before a certificate of occupancy is issuad for any development in the RC-1 and RC-2 districts, the applicant shall submit to the zoning administrator certification by a registered professional engineer, registered architect, registered landscape architect, or registered land surveyor that the finished fill and building elevations were accomplished in compliance with the provisions of this ordinance. Finished fill and building elevations shall be verified by ground surveys. Flood-proofing measures shall be certified by a registered professional engineer or registered architect. Section 10 That Section 65.211 of the Saint Paul Legislative "Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 65,211. Principal uses perm;tted. The following uses shall be permitted within the RC-1 Floodway District to the extent that they are not prohibited by any other provisi,on of the zoning code or other ordinancesi 4 ���� �'`�'q ��+`,� ifi ,��� y� -5 3 � ��.. � The uses are subject to the conditions of the underlying zoning district. to the Standards For Floodway Permitted Uses. Section 65.212. and to the River Corridor Standards and Criteria. Section 65.400• (1) Nonstructural industrial and commercial uses, such as open-loading areas, parking areas, interior service roads, airport service roads and sirport runways. (2) Public and private recreational uses such as golf courses, tennis courts, driving ranges, archery ranges, picnic and camp grounds, boat launching and beaching areas or ramps, swimming areas, parks, playgrounds, wildlife and nature preserves, game farms, fish hatcheries, and hiking, bicycling, horseback or recreational vehicle areas and trails, and other open space uses. (3) Accessory residential uses such as lawns� gardens� parking areas and play areas. 1�.�_��-������ex�;��e�fe�����-;����i-� ��e-��eod�ia3L-8�s���e�--s�-� � � � � � � , Section 11 That Section 65.212 (Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby repealed in its entirety and the following adopted in place thereof: Section 65.212 Standards For Floodway Permitted Uses Permitted uses in the Floodway District are subject to the following standards: (1) The use ahall not significantly obstruct flood flows or significantly increase flood elevations and shall not involve structures� fill, obstruction, excavations, or storage of materials or equipment. (2) The use shall have a low flood damage potential. (3) The use shall not adversely affect the hydraulic capacity of the channel __ or floodway or any tributary to the main stream or of any ditch or other 5 �R��N��. _5_ y� �i drainage facility or system. • (4) No use shall be permitted which is likely to cause pollution of waters, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 115.01� unless adequate safeguards� approved by the state pollution control agency� are provided. Section 12 That Section 65.213 (Standards for floodway conditions uses) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby repealed in its entirety and the following adopted in place thereof: Section 65.213 Permitted Uses Subject To Special Conditions The following uses shall be permitted within the RC-1 Floodway District to the extent they are not prohibited by any other provision of the zoning code or other ordinanc�s. The uses shall be permitted only upon the application and issuance of a conditional use permit by the planning commission. The uses are sub�ject to the conditions of the underlying zoning district, to the Standards for Floodway Conditions Uses, Section 65.214, and to the River Corridor Standards and Criteria, Section 65.400. (1) Railroads, highways, streets, alleys, access roads, bridges, sewers, � utilities, utility transmission lines, and pipe lines. (2) Marinas, boat rentals, docks, piers, mooring anchors, wharves, water control structures, and navigation facilities. (3) Storage yards or areas for equipment, machinery or bulk materials. (4) Structures accessory to permitted uses, Section 65.212, or conditional uses of this section. (S) Placement of fill. • (6) Structural works for flood control such as lavees, dikes, and floodwalls constructed to any height where the intent is to protect individual structures. Section 13 That Section 65.214 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby added to read as follows: Section 65.214 Standards For Floodway Conditional Uses. Conditional uses in the Floodway District are sub�ect to the following � 6 �„�.������� � 9i-53i standards: (1) No structure, (temporary or permanent) � fill deposit, (including fill for roads and levees) , obstruction, storage of materials or equipment, or other use may be allowed which will cause an increase in the height of the regional flood or cause an increase in flood damages in the reach or reaches affected, (2) Fill shall be protected from erosion by vegetative cover, mulching, riprap, or other acceptable method. (3) Accessory structures shall �not be designed for human habitation. (4) Accessory structures shall be constructed and placed on the building site so as to offer the minimum obstruction to the flow of flood waters. a, Whenever possible, structures shall be constructed with the longitudinal axis parallel to the direction of flood flow, and, b. So far as practicable, structures shall be placed approximately on the same flood flow lines as those of adjoining structures. (5) All accessory structures must be elevated on fill so that the lowest floor, including basement floor, is at or above the regulatory flood protection el�vation. The finished fill elevation for accessory structures shall be no lower than one (1) foot below the regulatory flood protection elevation and the £ill shall extend at such elevation at least fifteen (15) feet beyond the outside limits of the structure erected thereon. (6) As an alternative to elevation on fill� accessory structures may be structurally dry flood proofed in accordance with the FP-1 or FP-2 flood proofing classification in the State Building Code or flood proofed to the FP-3 or FP-4 £lood proofing classification. in the State Building Code provided the accessory structure constitutes a minimal investment, does not exceed 500 square feet in size, and for a detached garage, the detached garage must be used solely for parking of vehicles and limited storage. All flood proofed accessory structures must meet the following additional standards, as appropriate: a. The structure must be adequately anchored to prevent flotation� collapse or lateral movement of the structure and shall be designed to equalize hydrostatic flood forces on exterior walls; and b. Any mechanical and utility equipment in a structure must be elevated to or above the regulatory flood protection elevation or properly flood proofed. _ (7) Storage of materials or equipment may be allowed if readily remov- 7 �����:�V�►� y'�-5,�i able from the area within the tiwe available after a flood warning and in accordance with a plan approved by the planning commission. (8) Structural works for flood control that will change the course, current or cross section of protected wetlands, or public waters shall be subject to the provisions of Minnesota Statute, Chapter 105. Community- wide structural works for flood control intended to remove areas from the regulatory flood plain shall not be allowed in the floodway. (9) A levee, dike or floodwall constructed in the floodway shall not cause an increase to the regional flood and the technical analysis must assume equal conveyance or storage loss on both sides of a stream. (10) No use shall be permitted which is likely to cause pollution of waters, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 115.01, unless adequate sa£eguards, approved by the state pollution control agency, are provided. Section 14 That Section 65.221, (Principal uses permitted) � of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby repealed in its entirety and the following adopted in place thereof: Section 65.221 Principal Uses Permitted Permitted uses in the RC-2 Flood Fringe District shall be those uses of land or structures listed as permitted uses in the underlying zoning district, except that mining, extraction operations, the disposal of waste materials, and landfills, shall not be permitted. The uses are subject to the conditions of the underlying zoning district, to the Standards for Flood Fringe Permitted Uses, Section 65.222, to the Standards for All Flood Fringe Uses, Section 65.225, and River Corridor Standards and Criteria, Section 65.400. Section 15 That Section 65.222, (Standards for flood fringe uses) � is hereby repealed in its entirety and the following adopted in place thereof: Section 65.222 Standards For Flood Fringe Permitted Uses. Permitted uses in the F1ood Fringe District are subject to the following standards: (1) All structures, including accessory structures, must be elevated on fill so that the lowest floor including basement floor is at or above the regulatory flood protection elevation, The finished fill elevation for structures shall be no lower than one (1) foot below the regulatory flood protection elevation and the fill shall extend at such elevation 8 �,:;` . . ������' I��-�3 � at least fifteen (15) feet beyond the outside limits of the structure erected thereon. (2) As an alternative to elevation on fill, accessory structures that constitute a minimal investment and that do not exceed 500 square fee for the outside dimension at ground level may be internally flood proofed in accordance with Section 65.214(6) . (3) The cumulative placement of fill where at any one time in excess of one- thousand (1�000) cubic yards of fill is located on the parcel shall be allowable only as a Conditional Use� unless said fill is specifically intended to elevate a structure in accordance with subdivision (1) of this section. (4) The storage of any materials or equipment shall be elevated on fill to the regulatory flood protection elevation. Section 16 That Section 65.223, (Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions) , is hereby repealed in its entirety and the following adopted in� place thereof: Section 65.223 Principal Uses Permitted Subject To Special Conditions. The following uses shall be permitted within Che RC-2 Flood Fringe District to the extent they are not prohibited by any other provision of the zoning code or other ordinances, except that mining, extraction operations, the disposal of waste materials, and landfills shall not be permitted. The use shall be permitted only upon the application and issuance of a conditional use permit by the planning commission. The uses are subject to the conditions of the underlying zoning district, to the Standards for Flood Fringe Conditional Uses, Section 65.224, to the Standards for All Flood Fringe Uses, Section 65.225, and to the River Corridor Standards and Criteria Section 65.400. (1) Any structure that is not elevated on fill or flood proofed in accordance with Section 65.222 (1) or (2) . (2) Any us� of land that does not comply with the standards in Section 65.222 (3) or (4) . (3) Sewage treatment plants. Section 17 That Section 65.224, (Standards for flood fringe conditional uses) , of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby added to read as follows: 9 C��IGIN�� y�� - �--� � Section 65.224 Standards For Flood Fringe Conditional Uses. Conditional uses in the Flood Fringe District are subject to the following conditions: . (1) Alternative elevation methods other than the use of fill may be utilized to elevate a structure's lowest floor above the regulatory flood protection elevation. These alternative methods may include the use of stilts, pilings, parallel walls, or above-grade, enclosed areas such as crawl spaces or tuck under garages. The base or floor of an enclosed area shall be considered above-grade and not a structure's basement or lowest floor if: 1) the enclosed area is above-grade on at least one side of the structure; 2) is designed to internally flood and is constructed with flood resistant materials; and 3) is used solely for parking of vehicles� building access or storage. The above-noted alternative elevation methods are sub�ect to the following additional standards: a. Design and Certification. The structure's design and as-built condition must be certified by a registered professional engineer or architect as being in compliance with the general design standards of the State Building Code and� specifically, that all electrical, heating, ventilation, plumbing and air conditioning equipment and other service facilities must be at or above the regulatory flood protection elevation or be designed to prevent flood water from entering or accumulating within these components during times of flooding. b. Specific Standards for Above-grade, Enclosed Areas. Above-grade, fully enclosed areas such as crawl spaces or tuck under garages must be designed to internally flood and the design plans must stipulate: i. The minimum area of openings in the walls where internal flooding is to be used as a flood proofing technique. When openings are placed in a structure's walls to provide for entry of flood waters to equalize pressures, the bottom of all openings shall be no higher than one-foot above grade. Openings may be equipped with screens, louvers, valves, or other coverings or devices provided that they permit the automatic entry and exit of flood waters. � ii. That the enclosed area will be designed of flood resistant materials in accordance with the FP-3 or FP-4 classifications in the State Building Code and shall be used solely for buildfng access, parking of vehicles or storage. (2) Basements, as defined by Section 60.202 B for this river corridor code, shall be sub,ject to the following: ' a. Residential basement construction shall not be allowed below the . 10 � "�t.' ����� ��r I/ -.s3/ regulatory flood protection elevation. b. Non-residential basements may be allowed below the regulatory flood protection elevation provided the basement is structurally dry and flood proofed in accordance with subdivision (3) of this section. (3) All areas of non-residential structures including basements to be placed below the regulatory flood protection elevation shall be structurally dry flood proofed in accordance with the FP-1 or FP-2 flood proofing classifications in the State Building Code. This shall require making the structure watertight with the walls substantially impermeable to the passage of water and with structural components having the capability of resisting hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads and the effects of buoyancy. Structures flood proo£ed to the FP-3 or FP-4 classification shall not be permitted. (4) When at any one time more than 1,000 cubic yards of fill is located on a parcel for such activities as landscaping, roads, or construction of flood control works, an erosion/sedimentation control plan must be subrnitted. The plan must clearly specify methods to be used to stabilize the fill on site for a regional flood event. The plan must be prepared and certified by a registered professional engineer or other qualified individual acceptable to the planning commission. (5) Structures may be constructed below the �regulatory flood protection elevation provided they are protected from 100-year floods by a dike, levee, or floadwall. (6) Storage of material and equipment shall be subject to the following: a. Storage of materials or equipment, including materials that are flammable, explosive, or potentially in,jurious to human, animal, or plant life, may be allowed if: (i) readily removable from the area within the time available after a flood warning system and in accordance with a plan approved by the planning commission; or (ii) flood-proofed according to the state building code; or (iii) elevated above the regulatory flood protection elevation by alternative methods which meets the requirements of Section 65.224 (1) ; or (iv) protected by a dike, levee, or floodwall. �, b. Storage of bulk materials may be allowed provided an 11 �,� � � �a yi_s—,� � .�,dr'v������4����` erosion/sedimentation control plan is submitted which clearly specifies methods to be used to stabilize the materials on site for a regional flood event. The plan must be prepared and certified by a registered professional engineer or other qualified individual acceptable to the planning commission. (7) No new construction� addition or modification to existing sewage treatment plants shall be permitted within the floodplain unless emergency plans and procedures for action to be taken in the event of flooding are prepared, filed with and approved by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. The emergency plans and procedures must provide for measures to prevent introduction of any pollutant or toxfc material into the floodwaters. Section 18 That Section 65.225, (Standards for all flood fringe uses) , of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby added to read as follows: Section 65.225 Standards For All Flood Fringe Uses. All uses in the Flood Fringe District are sub�ect to the following standards: (1) All new principal structures must have vehicular access a� or above an elevation not more than two (2) feet below the regulatory flood protection elevation. If a modifications to this requirement is granted, the planning commission must specify limitations on the period of use or occupancy of the structure for times of flooding and only after determining that adequate flood warning time and local flood emergency response procedures exists. (2) Commercial Uses. Accessory land uses, such as yards� railroad tracks, and parking lots may be at elevations lower than the regulatory flood protection elevation. However, a permit for such facilities to be used by the employees or the general public shall not be granted in the absence of a flood warning system that provides adequate time for evacuation if the area would be inundated to a depth greater than two (2) feet or be sub�ect to flood velocities greater than four (4) feet per second upon occurrence of the regional flood. (3) Manufacturing and Industrial Uses. Measures shall be taken to minimize interference with normal plant operations. Certain accessory land uses such as yards and parking lots may be at lower elevation sub,ject to requirements set out in subdivision (2) above. In considering permit applications, due consideration shall be given to needs of an industry whose business requires that it be located in flood plain areas. (4) Fill shall be properly compacted and the slopes shall be properly protected by the use of riprap, vegetative cover or other acceptable method. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has established 12 ��GINA L y� -�3� criteria for removing the special flood hazard area designation for certain structures properly elevated on fill above the 100-year flood elevation. FEMA's requirements incorporate specific fill compacCion and side slope protection standards for multi-structure or multi-lot developments. These standards should be investigated prior to the initiation of site preparation if a change of special flood hazard area designation will be requested. (5) Flood plain developments shall not adversely affect the hydraulic capacity of the channel and adjoining flood plain of any tributary watercourse or drainage system where a floodway or other encroachment limit has not been specified on the official zoning map. (6) Manufactured homes must meet all the density, setback, and other requirements for residential use of the zoning code and all requirements af the housing and building cade. Travel trailers shall not be used for living quarters. (7) No use shall be permitted which is likely to cause pollution of waters, as defined in Minnesota Statutes� Section 115.01� unless adequate safeguards� approved by the state pollution control agency� are provided. Section 19 That Section 65,300, (Public Utilities, Railroads, Roads, and Bridges) , is hereby added to read as follows: Article III. 65,300 Public Utilities, Railroads, Roads, and Bridges Section 65.301 Public utilities, railroads, roads, and bridges. (1) Public Utilities. All public utilities and facilities such as gas, electrical, sewer, and water supply systems to be located in the flood plain shall be flood-proofed in accordance with. the State Building Code or elevated to above the regulatory flood protection elevation. (2) Public Transportation Facilities. Railroad tracks, roads, and bridges to be located within the flood plain shall comply with Sections 65.210 and 65.220 of this Ordinance. Elevation to the regulatory flood ' protection elevation may be required by the planning commission where failure or interruption of these transportation facilities would result in danger to the public health or safety or where such facilities are essential to the orderly functioning of the area. Minor or suxiliary roads or rail roads may be constructed at a lower elevation where failure or interruption of transportation services would not endanger the public health or safety. (3) On-site Sewage Treatment and Water Supply Systems. Where public utilities are not provided: 1) On-site water supply systems must be _ designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of flood waters into the 13 `<. ',� �:��'�.�' � �/ �3/ systems; and 2) new or replacement on-site sewage treatment systems must be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of flood waters into the systems and discharges from the systems into flood waters and they shall not be subject to impairment or contamination during times of flooding. Any sewage treatment system designed in accordance with the State's current statewide standards for on-site sewage treatment systems shall be determined to be in compliance with this Section. Section 20 That Section 65.411 (Protection of shorelands, wetlands and bluffs) subdivisions (b)(2) (placement of structures) and (c)(3) (grading and filling) are hereby repealed in their entirety. Section 21 That Section 65.413 (Protection of water quality) subdivision (c)(7) is hereby added to read as follows: (7) Plans shall be submitted to the planning commission for any development placed landward from dikes, floodwalls, or levees which is below the flood protection elevation of the dikes, floodwalls or levees. The plans must provide measures to ensure that floodwaters do not back up onto the development from storm water drainage systems. Section 22 That Section 65.506 (Subject to appeal) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 65.506, Sub,ject to appeal. All decisions by the planning comrnission or planning administrator granting or denying a conditional use permit shall be final sub,ject to appeal to the city council - -..�, :---' ���-:�, in accordance with Section 64.206. Section 23 That Section 65.501 (Application) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is her2by amended to read as follows: Section 65.501. Application. Conditional use permits shall be issued by the planning commission, except that the planning commission may delegate suthority to issue conditional use permits to the planning administrator according to rules which the commission may prescribe. Such rules will be filed with the office of the city clerk. Applications shall be submitted to the planning administrator together with 14 �tl����'� g�-53 � application fee in the amount determined by the city council. Upon receipt of an application� the planning administrator shall determine whether to require any or all of the following €e�{.1,.} s x 6 items of information supplied by - the applicant as a prerequisite to the consideration of the application: (1) Plans in triplicate drawn to scale prepared by and signed by a registered engineer� architect and/or land surveyor as applicable, showing the nature, location, dimensions and elevation of the land; existing surface contours, structures, streets and utilities; proposed surface contours, structures, fill and the location and elevations of proposed streets, water supply, sanitary facilities and other utilities showing the relationship of the above to the channel and to the designated River Corridor District limits. (2) Specific�tions for buildin� construction and materials flood-proofine ��1�.in�r, dredging r� adin� channel improvements storage gf Qaterials water supplv. and sanitar�facilities. (2)�Typical valley cross-sections of areas to be occupied by the proposed development showing the channel of the stream, elevation of land areas, high water information, vegetation and soil types. {-3-}�Plan (surface view) of the proposed development showing the proposed use or uses of the area and structures and providing location,, relationships and spatial arrangements of those uses and related structures to pertinent elevations, fill, storage location, utilities and other features. {-1f-}�,Profile showing the slope of the bottom of the channel and flow lines of the stream. (6) A written evaluation bv a re�,istered engineer or other expert person or �gencv of the vroposed project in relationship to flood heights and velocities. the seriousness of flood damage to the use. the adeauacv o£ plans for flood protection, and other technical matters. Section 24 That Section 65.509 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby added to re9d as follows: Section 65.509 Notice of increased insurance costs. The planning administrator shall notify all applicants who propose to construct a structure, other than an accessory structure, below the regulatory flood protection elevation, as specified in Sections 65.224 (1) , (2) , or (3) that: ,,V 1) The issuance of a conditional use permit to construet a structure below 15 ',;-}, � r �'i-�.�� �` ` '�,�`�I�'+;1''�4,�_ the regulatory flood protection elevation will result in increased premium rates for flood insurance up to amounts as high as $25 for $100 of insurance coverage and 2) such construction below the regulatory flood protection elevation increases risks to life and property. Such notification shall be maintained with a record of the conditional use. The planning administrator shall report such conditional uses issued in the biennial report submitted to the administrator of the National Flood Insurance Pro�ram. Section 25 That Section 65.60p (Appeal) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby repealed in its entirety. Section 26 That Section 65.650 (Modifications) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 65.650. Modifications. (a) The planning commission is hereby authorized to �eee� grant modifications to the provisions of this chapter where it appears that by reason of exceptional circumstances the strict enforcement of this chapter would cause undue hardship and strict conformity ;With the standards would be unreasonable, impractical and not feasible under the circumstances. The_burden of proof shall rest with the applicant to demonstrate conclusively to the commission that such modification wfll not result in a hazard to life or proper.ty and will not adversely affect the safety, use or stability of a public way, slope or drainage channel, or the natural envirorunent; such proof may include soils, geology and hydrology reports which shall be signed by registered professional engineers. Modifications granted by the planning commission shall be consistent with the general purposes of the standards contained in this chapter and state laws and the intent of applicable state and national lays and programs. Although modifications may be used to modify permissible methods of flood protection� no modification shall have the effect of allowing in any district uses prohibited in that district, permit a lower degree of flood protection than the flood protection • elevation for the particular area, or permit a lesser degree of flood . • protection than required by state law. Appeals from the decision of the planning commission may be taken to the city council in accordance with Section b�8� 64.206. Applications for modification shall be filed together with the required fee with the planning administrator. �b) Notwithstanding anv other grovision of this river corridor code �,L,od;fications m� be g,rantgd �or the re�air or rehabilitation of historic struct�res upon a determination that the repair or rp�+abilitatiQn will not v�gFlude the structure's continued desienation �s a historic structure, the modification is the minimum necessary to 16 ���G���. 9�-.�-�� preserve the historic character and design of the structure and the ;gpair or rehabilitation will not cause a significant increase in the height of the regional flood� {-�}(c)A copy of the application for a modification shall be submitted to the commissioner of natural resources sufficiently in advance so that the commissioner will receive at least ten (10) days' notice of the planning couimission hearing. A copy of all decisions granting modifications shall be forwarded to the commissioner of natural resources within ten (10) days of such action. Section 27 That Section 65.700 (Amendments) is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 65.700 Amendments ,�, gll amendments shall be made in the manner set forth in Minnesota Statutes. Section 462.357. The floodplain designations established by this chapter shall not be removed from floodplain areas unless it can be shown that the designation is in error or that the areas are filled to an elevation at or above the flood protection elevation and are contiguous to other lands lying outside the floodplain district. Special exceptions to this rule may be permitted by the commissioner of natural resources if he determines that, through other mea,sure, lands are adequately protected for the intended use. 1. ti. a . r,...«ti, r ea s �.. �i-1�—$}R2{3f�HF2�!�-6—vrrv-�—v�mcv��A �i.�i—�svc—rvx e:r s i�-x s x i�i:v v v a a S�&�t��es, see�#en 46� �`�7; ...� ,.�...,ii ti.,, ..i.....���,.a ..,, .4,,. ...�,...�.. !!!�'rsv'�kl$� ....7 •1... L•...i..,�...1 T�.........�..... A.i...t..S...t....at.... F.... ..L...9,. ..1 ..�.. a,. ...i....a�.... 1..:.—*�.e__i_�. ..1 1 (�) All amendments to this Ordinance including amendments to the R�ver Corridor Overlav Districts maus. must be submitted to and approved by. rt,P Commissioner of Natural Resources prior to adoption Changes to the RC-1 and RC-2 maps must meet the Federal Emergency Management Agenc�,'s, SFEMA) Technical Conditions and Criteria and must receive prior FEMA �pp�oval before adoption The Commissioner of Natural Resources must be g�,ven 10-days written notice of a11 hearings to conside� an amendment to the Ordinance and said notice shall include a draft of the ordinance amendment or technical studv under consideration. Section 28 That Section 65.800 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby added to read as follows: Section 65.800 Administration (a) Record of Elevation of Lowest Floor and Flood Proofing. The zoning administrator shall maintain a record of the elevation of the lowest 17 ta� � r ���-. ��"J�' �� floor (including basement) of all new structures� altered structures, or additions to existing structures in the flood plain. The zoning administrator shall also maintain a record of the elevation to which all new structures and alterations or additions to structures are flood proofed. (b) SCate and federal permits. Applicants for special condition use permits, modifications, and site plan review approval are responsible for obtaining all necessary state and federal permits. (c) Warning and Disclaimer of Liability. This ordinance does not imply that areas outside the flood plain districts or land uses permitted within such districts will be free from flooding or flood damages. This ordinance shall not create liability on the part of the City of Saint Paul or any officer or employee thereof for any flood damages that result from reliance on this ordinance or any administrative decision lawfully made thereunder. (d) Severability. If any section, clause� provision, or portion of this ordinance is adjudged unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent ,jurisdiction, the remainder of this ordinance shall not be affected thereby. Section 29 That Section 65.900 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby added to read as follows: . Section 65.900 Floodplain non-conforming structures. Non-conforming use of structures and land and non-conforming structures shall be subject to the provisions of Section 62.102 and to the following regulations: (1) A structure which was lawful before the passage or amendment of this ordinance but which is not in eonformity with .the provisions of this ordinance may be continued subject to t'he following conditions: (a) No structure shall be expanded, changed, enlarged, or altered in a way which increases its nonconformity. (b) Any alteration or addition to a nonconforming structure which ' would result in increasing the flood damage potential of that structure or use shall be protected to the regulatory flood protection elevation in accordance with any of the elevation on fill or flood proofing techniques (i.e. , FP-1 through FP-4, flood proofing classifications) allowable in the State Building Code, except as further restricted in (c) below. (c) The cost of any structural alterations or additions to any 18 -� ����.��. 9i-s 3 � nonconforming structure over the life of the structure shall not exceed 50 percent of the market value of the structure unless the conditions of this section are satisfied. The cost of all structural alterations and additions constructed since January 28, 1982, must be calculated into today's current cost which will include all costs such as construction materials and a reasonable cost placed on all manpower or labor. If the current cost of all previous and proposed alterations and additions exceeds 50 percent of the current market value of the structure, then the structure must meet the standards of Section 65.210 or 65.220 of this Ordinance for new structures depending upon whether the structure is in the Floodway or Flood Fringe, respectively. (d) When the use of a nonconforming structure is discontinued or ceases to exist for three hundred sixty-five (365) days, the nonconforming structure shall not thereafter be reused until the nonconforming structure is made conforming to the flood protection measures of this ordinance, unless the planning commission, pursuant to a public hearing, finds that the nonconforming structure cannot reasonably or economically be made into a conforming structure and that reuse of the nonconforming structure is consistent with the public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the community and is consistent with the reasonable use and enjoyment of adjacent property. (e) If any nonconforming structure is destroyed by any means, including floods, to an extent of SO percent or more of its market value at the tiwe of destruction, it shall not be reconstructed except in conformity with the provisions of this Ordinance. The applicable provisions for establishing new structures in Sections 65.210 or 65.220 will apply depending upon whether the structure is in the Floodway or Flood Fringe, respectively. Section 30 That Section 65.950 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby added to read as follows: • Section 65,950. Areas Protected by Dikes, Levees, and Floodwalls Areas which the Federal Emergency Management Agency has removed from the floodplain through a revision to the F1ood Insurance Rate Map or a Letter of Map Revision because the areas are protected by a dike, levee, or floodwall shall be exempt from the flood protection regulations of this code. Section 31 That Section 62.102 (Nonconforming lots, nonconforming uses of land, non- -- 19 "1 =� __ �,� 9i-.s,�/ conforming structures and nonconforming uses of structures and premises) subdivision (d)(2)Nonconfortning structure with conforming use) is hereby amended to read as follows: (2) Should.such structure be destroyed by any means to an extent of more than sixty (60) percent of its replacement cost� exclusive of the foundation� at the time of destruction, it shall not be reconstructed except in conformity with the provisions of this code. =n ��e e�se e� �he ���ve� 6A��#�e�, :� _ ,.�. ..�....,,�..�.. a � a ti. .. . � � .-�....� �e F�., i cn� � � � + Pe�een� e€ ��s �a��Ee� �ra��e e� *-1,1. s-�m°--�c -'���°..�.:,. :.. ,.,�..,, ne� �e �eee�s���e�e� @3E68p� �.. ..�,.,�_:,.,. ...�t�,_t,.., ..;..�,. ..F t�e--es�e-r Section 32 That Section 62.102 (Non-conforming lots, nonconforming use of land, nonconforming uses of structures and premises) subdivision (h) (Ma�or alterations) is hereby repealed in its entirety. Section 33 That Section 64.205 (Divisions by the Board of Zoning Appeals) paragraph (e) is hereby added to read as follows: (e) A copy of administrative appeals concerning the River Corridor Districts shall be submitted to the commissioner of natural resources sufficiently in advance so that the commissioner will receive at least ten (10) days notice of the board's hearing. A copy of all decisions granting administrative appeals shall be forwarded to the commissioner of natural resources within ten (10) days of such action. • Section 34 That $ection 64.101 (Duties of Zoning Administrator) paragraph (e) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby repealed in its entirety. . Section 35 That Section 67.504 (Drainage and storm sewers) subdivision (f) Areas of poor drainage of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be amended so as to add the following new clause (5) thereto: 20 _ ��,���:� �/-.5,3/ � (5) For all subdivisions in the RC-1 Floodway District and RC-2 Flood Fringe District: (a) The subdivision and the individual lots shall have road access no lower than two (2) feet below the regulation flood protection elevation. (b) The floodway and flood fringe district boundaries, the regulatory flood protection elevation and the required elevation of all access roads shall be clearly labeled on all required subdivision drawings and documents. (c) The Federal Emergency Managament Agency (FEMA) has established criteria for removing the special flood hazard area for certain structures properly elevated on fill above the 100-year flood elevations. FEMA's requirements incorporate specific fill compaction and side slope protection standards for multi-structure or multi-lot developments. These standards should be investigated prior to the initiation of site preparation if a change of special flood hazard area designation will be requested. Section 36 That Section 65.233 (Standards for urban open uses) is hereby amended by adding new subdivision (d) to read as follows: Section 65.233. Standards for urban open uses. (a) Development shall be limited to forty (40) feet in height. (b) The development of new and expansion of existing commercial and industrial uses shall only be on lands which are on the landward side of blufflines. (c) Mining and extraction operations shall not be permitted. � No use shall be vermitted which is likely to cause pollution o£ water. as defined in Minnesota Statutes. Section 115.01. unless adequate safeguards. apgroved b,y the state pollution control �gencv, are provided. � Section 37 That Section 65.243 is re-numbered to 65.244 and a new Section 65.243 is added to read as follows: Section 65.243. Standards for urban diversified uses. No use shall be permitted which is likely to cause pollution of waters, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 115.01, unless adequate safeguards, `- 21 ����►��VA� �i - s� i approved by the state pollution control agency, are provided. Section 38 That the River Corridor Overlay Zoning District maps, as incorporated by reference in Section 65.102 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, are hereby amended as follows: (1) the lands along Kellogg Boulevard east of Wall Street are re�oned from RC-2 to RC-4 as shown on Maps 11 and 12; (2) the berna north of the Waste Treatment Plant is rezoned from RC-4 to RC-2 and all of the Waste Treatment Plant which is surrounded by the protective levee is rezoned to froa RC-2 to RC-4, as shown on Maps 12, 15, 16, and 18; and (3) the half-moon shaped portion of the Island Station property is rezoned from RC-4 to RC-2� as shown on Map 7. The amended maps accompany and are a part of this ordinance. Section 39 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval, and publication. Yeas N s Absent ri�mm �on�� r n / � Requested by Department of: acM c e �et�man ufi�ne— —�_ Pla in and Economic Deve o ment iA'Z'sori �` C� BY� Adopted by Council: Date MAY (j � 3 Form App ed by City Attorney Adoption C d by C Sec etary By: -ZZ�f3, By: / � � n� Appr v by a3►� r ubmission to Approve y a or: D �l Coun By: B ' 22 � MAY 15 '93