91-2282��r�����. �� -aa�a �' bCouncil File �� ' S`1�� Green Sheet �� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA -, Presented By � '�---�� Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the PROPERTY CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD. RONALD GLASSMAN -Representinq the REAL ESTATE PROFESSION RONALD W. ANRENY -Representinq the ENGINEERING/ARCHITECTURAL COMMIINITY Each shall serve a three-year term which will expire November 12, 1994. Y`H�.n Yea� Nays Absent Requested by Department of: �_ ��: ✓ on ✓, acca ee ..� e man une � i son i By: ,.,,";;�. '�' ��9� Adopted by Council: Date �� �)- `�,Z Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Ce ified by Council Se retary /`� �,r' l�. \ � Dy�� e / � V/ 17 By: C �. Approved by l�t+� or: Date, ���� � ���1 Approved by Mayor for Submission to , ` , / Council gy: /,�jr.-,_�;�f�j� �atr�-�� sy: �tIS�E� JAN 18 `�2 ql -2282 � DEPARTM[NT/OFFICEICOUNqL DATE INITIATED Mayoir Scheibel,' s: Qf.�ice 1,2-2-9�, GREEN SHEET Na 596$ CONTACT PERSON 8 PFIONE INITIAU DA1E INiTIAVDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL MO 1.1�,7 0'Rourke 2 9 8-4 2 31 � qTy ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK MUBT BE ON COUNpI AOENOA BY(DAT� ROUTINO �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MGT.SERVICES qR. �MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn � TOTAI.N OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REOUE8TED: • Ap�roval of the reappointments of Ronald Ankenny and Ronald Glassman to serve three-year terms on the PROPLRTY CODE E'NFORCEMEN�' BOARD. Terms for each shall expire November 12 , 1994 . REOOMMENGATIONS:Approw(/q a R�j�ct(F'� (;Q{�(�(,CpMM�n�JpE$EApCH qEp(�pT ppT10N _PLANNINO OOMMI8810N _dVll SERVICS WMMISSION ANAI'Y8T PNONE NO. GB OOMwtITIEE _ _8TAFF _ COMMENTB: �a � �"���'��� _DIBTRICT COURT _ � '""�d �,:'[�� . SUPPORTS WMICH COUNdL OBJECi1VE7 �/1 � (r �`� INI7IATINQ PROBLEM.ISSUE,OPPORTUNRY(Who.Wl�et,WI»n,Whsrs,Vlflry): � , ��°°p����� ��� ADVANTIkiES IF APPROVED: dSADVANTAOE8 IF APPROVED: RECEIVED �E� 101591 CITY CLERK as�wv�n►c�es�F NoT�oveo: Council Rpse��ch Center DEC Qq 1991 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = C08T/REVENUE OIJOGETED(CIRq.E OME) YE8 NO FUNDMIO SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMSER FlNANCU1l INFORMATION:(EXPWN) d�v �! 1 NOTE: (�MPLETE DIRECTIONS AFlE INd.UGED IN THE OREEN 8HEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABIE IN 7HE PURCHASINCa OFFICE(PHCNVE NO.298-4225). ROUTINCi ORDER: `"�; 8elow�ro preferred routinqs for dhs Nve most hequsnt typsa of documeMa: CONTRACTS (assumes suthorized COUNCiI RESOLUTION (Ame�, BdgtaJ budget�xists) �.GraMs) t. Outaids AgenCy 1. DspsRmeM DireCtor 2. Inftfatinp Depertmsnt 2. Budqst Director 3. City Attomey 3. Gty Attornsy 4. Ma�ror 4. MayodAssiatent 5. Flnsr�ca 8�Mpmt Svcs. Director 5. Gty Council 6. Flnance AcaouMlrp 6. Chiei AcoouMeM,Fln d�Mgmt 3vcs. ADMINI3TRATIVE ORDER (Budpet, COUNdL RESOLUTION (and ORDI�NANCE 1. ActivHy ManspK 1. Initisting DspertmeM Director 2. DepaRmeM M;countant 2• �Y�^oY 3. M /Mdttant 4. B�Dinctorf�� 4. C1�CounCil 5. City Clsrk 6. GMsf Accountant, Fln�M�mt 8vca. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Initiadr�Mp�Rm�nt 2. City Atto►nsy 4. C�Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF 8KiNATURE PA�ES Indicate the M of pspes on which signaturss are required and ape�dfP esch of the�s pq��s. � ACTION REfiUEB'TEO DssaHb�rvhat th�proj�ct/nqusN�sks to�coomplish in either chronoloqi- cal oMK or order of importar�ce�whichever i�mo�appropriat�for the fssue. Do not wrlb oompl�te�aMencss. Bepin eoch item In your Ifst wkh a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complsts K tM iswa in questbn has b�en pr�Med bsMre arry body, put5lic or private. - 3UPPORT3 WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE� Indicate whk:h Coundl obj�ctiw(s)Y�+�P���fe4u��+PP�s bY��� ths koy woM(s)(HOUStNO. RECREATION. NEKiH80RHOODS. EOONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDf3ET, 3EYVER SEPARATI�i).{SEE COMPLETE UST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) OOUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH FiEPORT-OPTIONAL AS RE�UESTED BY OOUNCIL � INITIATINCi PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the sittration c�r oondidor�s thtt cr�ted a nasd for ycw�proJect or nquset. ADVANTACiE3 IF APPROVED Ind�ate whethK this is simply an ennual budpst procedure required by law/ charter or vvtNther thare an spsciflc wa in wh�h the Cly of 3aint Paul and its citizena will bsr»flt from thfs pro�t/action. DISADVANTACiE3 IF APPROVED Whet nspativs eftecta or major ch�ngss to existirp or past proc�mfght Mia proj�ct/roquat producs ff it is pasad(e.g.,traftic dNays, noise, t�x incroases or aa�asments)?To Whom?When4 For how long? DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVEO What will tis the nspaaNw conaequsnces N the promiaed action is not �pproved?InaWliry to deliver aervice?Continued hf�hh traffic, noise, accideM rate? Loss of revenusT FlNANCIAL IMPACT ARhough you must tailor the infamation you provide here to the Naue you are addressinp,in psneral you m�at answsr two questfona: Fbw much is it gdn�to cost?Who is�oirp to pa�R . 9i- �z�2 � � �� :��: CITY OF SAINT PAUI INTERDEPARTMENTAI MEMORANDUM TO: Council President William Wilson Councilmember Janice Rettman Councilmember Robert Long Councilmember Dave Thune Councilmember Paula Maccabee Councilmember Roger Goswitz Councilmember Tom Dimond FROM: Molly O'Rourke ;2i� City Clerk /�� � DATE: December 2, 1991 RE: PROPERTY CODB ENFORCEMENT BOARD Attached is the resolution reappointing Ronald Glassman (Real Estate Profession) and Ronald Ankenny (Engineering/Architectural Profession) to the Property Code Enforcement Board. Each will serve another three-year term that will expire November 12, 1991. Mayor Scheibel requests your approval of these reappointments. If you have any questions, feel free to call me at 298-4231. MOR:j rk cc: Council Research Josephine Bongiovanni, Staff Property Code Enforcement Board