91-2276���IhIAI V(�S►"" �/ �j ( - z��� ��� Council File #� Green Sheet # L�/ C� RESOLUTION - C F SAINT L, MINNESOTA � � Presented ey Referred To • � Committee: Date :l- � WHEREAS, an Ordinance, Council File No. 91-2277� granting permission to the Co-operative Plating Company at 1605 Iglehart Avenue. Saint Paul, Minnesota, to construct, operate� and maintain a pneumatic tube line and communications cable under and across Iglehart Avenue� west of Snelling Avenue� has be�n prepared and introduced to the Council of the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the Co-operative Plating Company has agreed to commence construction entirely at its own risk following the approval of this resolution and the issuance of all � required permits; and WHEREAS, the Co-operative Plating Company has agreed to the removal of the communications cable and pneumatic tube line, and the complete restoration of the right-of-way, to the satisfaction of the Director of the Department of Public Works, in the event said Ordinance fails to be approved by the Council of the City of Saint Paul; now, therefore� BE IT RESOLVED, that pending the said Ordinance becoming effective, the Director of the Department of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to issue a permit to the Co-operative Plating Company for the construction, operation� and maintenance of said communications cable and pneumatic tube line under and across the Iglehart Avenue right-of-way, subject to the same conditions and requirements as set out in said Ordinance pending before the Council of the City of Saint Paul, informal approval � of the construction, operation and maintenance being hereby granted in anticipation of the final adoption and approval of said Ordinance; and �►��C��NAL �� .�.��� - 2 - BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED� that in no way should this approval be construed as approval of expansion of the physicai production facility or production lines. No such expansion of the physical production facility or production lines shall be authorized unless the terms and conditions of Council Resolution, Council File Number 91-338, are complied with. Staff from the City of Saint Paul, Division of Public Health, shall take soil samples for testing during excavation and Co-operative Plating shall permit access to their property by Division of Public Health staff or their designee to conduct the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment according to the terms of the letter, • Attachment A. The City Council by separate resolution, shall establish a fund for the . collectin of both public and private monies for an environmental site assessment at the Co-operative Plating site. Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: � �sr+nt �- n 1 cc ee i- etun .� une i so i By� �pted by Council: Date �,;Z-/ j - �j-(.. Form Approved by City Attorney . � M � � . �ption Ce ie by Counci Se retary gY: j 2� �r�19 � ,� _.>� (` � Approved by Mayor for Submission to �roved by H or• Dat � �L � �� �9g� Council � ��GG������ By: �������n �fl,�� 1� ��2 4_ ' . � y �/ 's ��L� �� Council File � RESOLUTION Green sheet � 1 Cz.?�A CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA •Presented By \ Referred To \ ��b � .r �c5^(�� ��rv� Co�nittee: Date � � � -� � - 5 / WHEREAS, an Ordinan�e, Council File No. 91- , granting permission to the Co-operative Plating Company at 1605 Iglehart.Avenue, Saint Paut, Minnesota, to construct, operate, and maintain a pneumatic tube line and communications cable under and across Iglehart Avenue, west of Snelling Avenue, has been prepared`�nd introduced to the Council of the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the Co-operative Pl�ting Company has agreed to commence construction entirely at its own risk following the approval of this''cesolution and the issuance of all required permits; and WHEREAS, the Co-operative Platin�.Company has agreed to the removal of the communications cable and pneumatic tube line, and the compJete restoration of the right-of-way, to the satisfaction of the Director of the Department of Public Works, in th� event said Ordinance fails to be approved by the Council of the City of Saint Paui; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that pending the said OrdFnance becoming effective, the Director of the Department of Public Works is hereby authorized and directec�t..to issue a permit to the Co-operative Plating Company for the construction, operation, and maintenance of`�aid communications cable and pneumatic tube line under and across the Iglehart Avenue right-of-way;.,subject to the same conditions and requirements as set out in said Ordinance pending before the Counci�..,of the City of Saint Paul, informal approval of the construction, operation and maintenance being herebK granted in anticipation of the final adoption and approval of said Ordinance. Yeas Nays Absent Requested by Department of: Dimond Sos wi t z _ LonQ Public Works LCD/�ht 11-25-91 Maccab _Rettman Thune Wi 1 son By� Adopted by Council: Date Form Ap oved b City Attorn y Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gy; ` � 12 6 `j � BY� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date BY t By: ,�s� �2�,*���� • � �-FQ%-��7� � pEF►ARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL ������ G R EE N S H E ET N o. �s��o Pubiic Works 11/'t5/9t ��� ��n�A� CONTAC7 PERSON 3 PNONE � pEpARTMENT DIRECTOfi�� 4 CITY COUNCIL Linda Dicichut 292-7473 ��� c�rr�rroaN�r r.rtv cx�c MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENOA BY(DATFa ROUl11Ki g�p(�T piRECTOFi a FIN.i MGT.SEAVK�S OIR. DeCember 3, 1991 ORO� 0 MAYOq(OR ASSISTAN'n J TOTA�M OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1_ (CUP ALL LOCA110lIS FOR lKiNATUNE) ASSOCIATE OEPT.ACCOUNTAN7' ACTION REOUESTED Grant informal approval to CO-operative Plating Company to install communications cabies and pneumatic tube line under Iglehart Avenue west of Sneiling Avenue. ��N���y - r� ���NG NECOMMENDATIONS:Approv�(A)o►R�j�i(R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOIIOWiNt3 CUESTIONS: _PUNNINO COMMISSqN _CIV0.SERVICfi COMMISSION 1. Has this psnONfirm ever worked under a eontraet for thb dspertrnMt? C18 COMMITTEE YES NO — — 2. Has this pemoNRrm ever been a ary empbyee? A STAFF _ YES NO OtSTR�CT COU��I 3. Ooes This persoNfirm possess a skill rwt normallY poss�ssed by any eurront ary SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJEC7NE7 employee? YES NO Euplain slt y�s answ�rs on s�pant�shwt and attaeh to�n�n sM�t INITIATINC3 PFi08�EM,ISSUE.OPPORTUN�TV(WNO,NMAT,WFIEN,WFIERE,WNh: Co-operative Piating requests communications access between their two buildings at 1605 Iglehart Avenue and 279 Snelling Avenue North. Approval of this resolution would allow immediate construction pending the Ordinance approvai. ADVANTAGES IF APPqOVED: Altows Co-operative Plating to upgrade their communicatbns between their finro buildings at 1605 Iglehart Avenue and 279 North Snelling Avenue. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Allows another utility in the street DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPqOVED: Puts a hardship on Co-operative Ptating in not being able to upgrade their communications technology. TOTAL AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION S COSTlREVENUE BUOGETED(CIRCLE ON� YEB NO FUNDING SOURCE ACITVITY NUMBER FINANCIAI INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) ( H 71 � , � . �,��-����� :�: CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM December 18, 1991 MEMO TO: Tom Welna Council President Bill Wilson Councilmember Tom Dimond Councilmember Roger Goswitz Councilmember Bob Long Councilmember Paula Maccabee Councilmember Janice Rettman Councilmember Dave Thune FROM: William F. Gunther �,,/��- SUBJECT: Cooperative Plating Environmental Issue As I understand it, I will be taking soil samples from the site that will be dug up to install the pneumatic tubes and telephone wires. I will hold these samples for analysis until an appropriate contract laboratory can be agreed upon. These samples will be separate and distinct from the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment. The Phase I Environmental Site Assessment that would be conducted under a special funding agreement should follow the scope contained in the draft proposal, item C on pages three and four in the August 1, 1991 letter from myself to Victor Rosenblum but as further modified by the Steven Rutzick letter of December 18, 1991. , The consulting firm for the Phase I assessment should be totally impartial with no ties to either Cooperative• Plating Company or to the neighborhood groups. The consulting firm should be chosen from , the list of approved contractors as provided by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. The firm should be experienced in environmental site assessments and be capable of conducting Phase II site assessments. It is reasonable that the consulting firm be agreed upon by both the City and Cooperative Plating. Cooperative Plating should have full access to the data and the findings of the consultant but should pay for any expenses incurred for additional data analysis or testing that they (Cooperative Plating) request other than what has been agreed to in advance. WFG/ld , cc: Kathi Cairns Frank Staffenson .i �'/-���� '"�'�' CITY OF SAINT PAUL � � �� � DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICfS ,... � )�MES scHEisEt DIVISION OF PUBUC HEAITH MAYOR '1954 Uni��ersity Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55'104 (6�2} 292-7717 � August 1 , 1991 Victor Rosenblum Cooperative Plating, Inc. 1605 Iglehart Avenue St. Paul , MN 55104 � `� Dear Mr. Rosenblum: � Enclosed with this letter is a draft of a contract between the City of St. Paul and Cooperative Plating Inc. Any negotiations on this - issue should take place with the Mayor's Office, Tom Wellna; the City Attorney's Office, Paul McCloskey; and .the St. Paul Division of Public Health, Frank Staffenson/William Gunther. If there are any changes to the draft proposal, please call to set up a meeting of the involved parties. Yours truly, YJ � ' �- � ' . . William F. Gunther Environmental Health Program Manager WFG/lv Enclosure c: Tom h'ellna ' Paul McCloskey " . Steven �Rutzick ' � � � � ` ' � � - ' � � Frank Staffer,son S � . Katherine Cairns Prinied or Rccvrled Paper .E�,s . TABLE OF CONTFNTS . ENVIRONMP.N'TAI. SITE A55ESSMF.�dT . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � Snvironmantal Site Assessment . . . . . . . . , � . . . 4 Sol�Cit Pzoposals . . . . . . , � � � � � � � � . � _ � 4 Phase I stufly-Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ReviQw oi Fropcsals and Award Contract-Phase I Study . . 5 Phasa I Sttldy Campleted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Limitad peasibiiity study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Remedial Desiqn and ResponsQ Actiol� Plan . . . . . . . . 6 Re�edial Action . . . . . , � . . . . . � � . . _ . � � 6 Pnforcament . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . Eaaement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 � , Bond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 STR�ET YACATZON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 ' Petitivn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 va�ate streett condit�ons . . . . . . , � � � . � , , � Rezoninq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 : ; _ . . ....._ _ • . . -•-•--._. ... . � • Past-fl"brand fax transmitial memo 7dT1 #otp.Q.s► , 1 z�� 6'u�, ��P�� . � �� � � . p�. a9�- s-i a� . F� �� rjO Faa i + a�D � ' 6 ; T i ocumenl:isw 8/i/9t 12.09 PM,irom:Un�De�ifieA,Creeted:8/i/91 12:09 PM � �` � ►npe 2 ot S � /,� y �—�o� �Y �.� � DR�4FT- t�4T' �OR RELEQS� � , AGREEMENT This Aqre�nent, zaada and �.ntared 'into this day �f J'une, 1991, by and bet�aeen the City o� 8ai�t Paul, a munio�pal corporation of the State of Hinnesota, bereinafter called ^cITY", and Cooperative Platinq Co�upany, a r4innQrota corporation, bnreiAatter called �COO1'ERATIVE". �TITNESSETH: WHEREAS, The City is a municipal corporation of the State o! Hinnesota ahd pursuant to SeCtions 462.351 to 463.365, Hinnesota Statutes 1990� has bee� gYanted authority by tha State to adopt a " Comprehensive p�a� a�nd enact zoning requlations. Acting pursuant to that Legislati.ve authority the City has adopted �ts � � Comprehensive I.and Use Plan and Qnacted tonir,g and la»d use regulations oodffied as Chapters b0 through 67 oP the Saint Paul Legislat�ve Codel and W�REA.S, The City, pursuar►t to section 13.05 of its City • � Charter, hne the powor and authority to vaaate public streetg, � ana the procedures to bg followed in the exercise o� that power and authority arQ rtated fn Chapter 130 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and �HEREA3, Cooperative is a Miru�esota ior-profit carporation operating a light manufacturing busir�ess at its preseht location at 1605 Ig�ehart Avenue, Saint Paul, Mit�nesota, legally de�cribed ~� as . (hereinafter cal�ed "EXISTING SITE") involvinq eleotroplating and has operatad that busir►ess for more thar� 20� yearst and . � . Wx�t$AS, Cooperative acquired property located at 271 xort� Snellinq Avenue, Saint Pau1, Minnesota, 2egally descrfbed as 3ots 1, 2 a�d 3, Block 9, College Park (hereinafter ca1�Qd "NEW STTE") , looated nvrth o! its existing sit� and aczass Zqlehart - = Avenue; ar�d 1+THEREAS, Cooperative wants to expahd its business by �� conatructing a� addition to itg exi.sting building and by � constructing a new strvcture on the new site; and WHER.E7�S, Coeperative�s expansion al�d construction plans raquire the vacatiort of that portion of Iqlehart lhvenue th�t separate$ i.ts two parcels of property and the rezoning of the neW site �rom the exist3nq 8-3 Businesa clnssification to I-1 Liqbt Industrial classification= and . _ 1 v����.�.....o�o.� �� ��.wrr��nv.�....�.y�`y r�uca�c�.�.us� ��.usrn . . POglIO/S ...v ...� �� �.. . . ..r � 1�'iSBRSAS, CoopQxative petition�d th� Baint Paul City Ccuncil � {hereinaft�r call�d *COUNCIL•) requestinq tbe vacation o! a � portion or Iqlehart Av�nu• and amendinq ths zonir�q o2assilication of the Aet�r �it� irom t2ie B-3 ciassisication to the Z-1 - clnssificationJ n.nd � i�HEREAS, Durinq tt�e pr�ocess o! considering thss� petitiwis the Conncil bccam� avare that in th� pazt Coogerativs had placed � vaste vater into the publiv sever systQm ot such a Iow pH content that the sewer pipes became corrodad and brsac2►ed in several plaoes thus alloving waste water contaminated with heavy metals and cyanide to leak out o! the seWers and into the surroundinq � soil, a.nd that Cooperative�s pnst managQpent practices may bave resulted in surface and subsurtace cantaminntion of soil and � - groundwater located immQdiately under and arour�d its existinq eite; and - WHERF.A.3, Tbe Mfnnagota Pollutiori Control Aqe.npy (bereinalter � called "HPCA"j has the regponsibility nr8 �uthority unclQr tUe Mi1z»esota Environmental Response and Liabllity Act (SecLioti . 115B.Oi to 11582q, Minnesota Statutes 1990j ta taka aCtions nscessary to prever�t or remedy any Yelessc or threate�ed release . of pollutants or contaminants wbich present or �rhich threatens to present an immihent And substantial danger to the publiv haalth . or weltare or the environment= and : _ � . WHEREAS, City and Cooperative want to take a�ll rensonable and necessary steps to determi�� whether there may exist any such � ]release or threatened release o�' pollutants or oontamiTlants on CoopQrat�ve�s property; , . � � � WHgREAS, Tha Councfl, by its reso�utian nw�abar 91- , adopted , 1991, indicated that it vauld consi�er qrantir►g th� s�reet vaca�ion and rezoning the naw sita if Cooperative first obta�ned an environmental site assess�er�t, remediate and C3ean up ' any cantamination �ts requirQd by tha Minnesota Pollution Control Aqency Saint paul Publio Xealth Divisian (hereafter called �DIVZSYON") t and WI�REAS, Coaperativ�-request� ths CauncfZ to grant ita - pe�itiohs for street vacation and rezoning, and is villing , . unconditionally to obligate 3tselP to the por�ormance o! the requested environmental gite assessment and remediation as shall . be requirQd by the MPC�i and the Divisioni and Y�HER�AS, T'he purpase of this Agreement states the terms and = Co»ditions �aer wbi�b tnQ Council would grant the petftions to vacate the portion ot Iqlehart Avenue, rezori� Cooperativa•� nev sita rrom B-3 to Z-1 and permit Cooperative to develop its propa�ed expansion arid construction, ax�d that Cooperative �rould periorm the enviroruaental site assessmer►t and complate all I:�US FRS\S Y.GAL`COC)YPUT.CON ~ Z , � ocumenl:►eN B/I/9t 12.09 PM,From:Unsp`c�nea,C�eated:F/1/9t 12:09 PM Pege�of 5 � .�.,. .._ �� ... . . .� � . ( ���� C�� required remediation a5 dete.rmined by the MPG and the Division accordinq to tha terms stated herein. � ' �ow TxEUUE�oRB, rx coxsrn�ATioN or � �+sova �.xn � FOLIAWZNG� CITY AND COOPSRATIVE DO HEREBY AGREB AS FOLIAWSt 1. ENVIRONI�NTP,L 3ZT8 ASSESSMENT A) Enviroruaental Site kssessment. Cooperative shall retain tbe services o! a cCnsultant and obtain a Phasa S Environmental Sita Asssssnent, Phasa ZZ Investigation and a Limited Faasibil�ty Study if contaminatioh o! th4 �ite ig found arid is ot a clgnificant nature as determined by the MpCa. I! tbe xPCA determines that a serious problQm Qxists then Cooperative � shall have presented a Remedia2 Desiqn ResponsQ Actio� Plan and ' � sha1Z taka �uch remedial aation ns shall be required by the MPCA. . 8) Solicit Froposals. Immedistely upon the eyeaut�or� of this Agreement ana usinq the torm o! Raquest !or Propcsals, dated June 1'I, is91, (copy df vhich torm i�s attached ar►d made a part o! this agrQement) Cooperative shall solicit proposal� from companies tbat have previous experiencQ in the following: 1) Conductinq Phase S and Phase IZ environmentdl site assessments � wfth preference qiven to companias possessing experie»ce �rith eleatroplstinq companfest 23 Preparation ot limited feasibility studiQa; and 3) development of relnedial desiqn responsa action plans. The Request tor Pzoposals shal], iridicata th,at pro osals be submitted within 14 days and that copies ba pro'vided to tha Caoperative, the Division and tha MPCA. � � � C) p'hase I Study-Scope. The scop� ot the Phase I • Environmental 8fte Assessment shall be ns Sollowss - � � 1. A Yeview of Saint Paul Public Works reaords and interviews with F+ublic Works staff. � 2. 11 reviQw of MPCA records and interv�ew vith MPC1� stalf. 3. A review oi Ramsey county Ha�ardvus Wasta Control ' records anS interviow �ith County statl. 4. At least one interview session (from one to two hour� duration) with thQ naiqhborhood group representinq ths immediate are�. � � S. A review of Metropolltah i+taste Control com�nfssion records and interview vith Commission staff. b. A reviev of any other readily available qroundwater information regardinq the iauaediate are�. I:�USYRS�SEGAL\COOPPIAT.CON T 3 • ocumenl:FaM B/1/91 12.21►M,From:Unspewlfied,[reete0:B/1/91 12:21/N � �� � Peye i of I 7. A rQView o! Cooperative contra.ct laboratory records (PACB Laboratory) and interview Qt theis' stafl. 8. A revieit of City Counci2 lile�. ' 9. � detailed review of the YeGOrds and optration o! Coaperativa to include oyerational bistory, past s�te expansion, invoicas and annual reports. 14. 7� oomplete inspection ot Cooperative�& Zavility and thQ land intmediately surroundinq the buildinq. D) Revie�l of Proposals pnd A�ard Cantract-Phase I Study. _ . Proposals shnll be reviewed by Cooptrativc, Division and MPCai. � It reguested by any of the parties, a8ditional inlonaation sball bQ obtained irom the pztrties submittinq responses. Within 14 days after receip� of proposals, Cooperative shall, �rith the concurrence of .the Division and MPCA, calQCt tha proposal and Qmploy the services of the company. The Contract shall provide - that the Pbase I Study be comp2eted and submitted to Cooperative, Division and MPCA within 30 days "from the date o! the cor►tract. S) Phase I Study Completed. Cooperative, Divisioh arid MPG sha21 reviev the Fhasa I study to determine Whether the study included all the mat�ers state9 in the Soope o! Phass = . Study. Vpcn approval oi thQ study by the Divisian and MPCA, Cooperative shall �iuthor�ze its consultant to prepare a�nd ' .. complets the Phase II Investigatian which shall include the • � iollowing: . 1. All sampling and tQStinq methods will oo»farm to _ appraved MPCA standards cr guidelines. � 2. The nwaber of �oi2 borings and samples should be • reasonably limited but sufficient to fully investigate . ' any possible problems. 3. Sample� will be taken vhere the sewer has been breached �. and at any other reasonable site. I! at all po�siblQ, the seil and qround water cantaminatfon investiqation o! tbe sewer system should be iimitea to �oil and water • samples that can be taken from Qxistinq holes in the sewer �ystem. It necess�►ry, �oil borings, band auqer eampleg nnd monitorinq �.•ells �►iil be used. �. The location, type oL pollutant to be tested, and� depth _ or duration oi any samplinq will be approvQd by the HPCA befor4 the sampla is tested. 5. A scbedule will be proposad to shov start and eompletion dates ot nll sampli� ar►d.test�ng te be � Hone. - . .. . ... . _ _.._. Y:�USERS\SEGAL�COOFPIwt.CON -- 4 Post-1 -brand f reu�sm'.tta!msrta �.��• . 'fb s.ow1 . - • ' � � . D¢ �ha»� F�• Fwi• • � • r . . .. . .�/�� �� 6. The Division staff will be present for all sampling or on-site physical investigation. 7. The investigation into the air contamination situation should address both past and present pollution issues. F) Limited Feasibility Study. If the Phase II Investigation detects significant contamination on either the existing site or in the area affected by the sewer discharges, Cooperative shall authorize its consultant to prepare a Limited Feasibility Study. The Limited Feasibility Study shall be presented to the MPCA and the Division for public cor�unent and _ approval. � G) Remedial Design and Response Action Plan. If the MPCA determines that the degree of contamination is of sufficient ' nature to warrant corrective action, Cooperative shall direct its consultant to prepare and present to the MPCA a Remedial Design and Response Action Plan. This Plan shall provide detailed � design and scheduling for the implementation of the corrective actions to be taken to protect the public health, welfare and env'ironment from the threatened or actual release of hazardous substances, pollutants or contaminants associated with Cooperative or its discharges. � H) Remedial Action. The Plan shall be presented to the Division and MPCA for approval. Comments and required alterations to the Plan shall be submitted by the MPCA, and Cooperative shall comply with any such requests. Cooperative shall take all remedial actions required by the MPCA and shall do so� within the time frame specified in the Plan. � Ij Enforcement. Permission and authority is hereby � granted to MPCA to enter upon Cooperative�s property to.perform � the required remedial actions in the event Cooperative fails to do so within the time frame specified in the Plan. Cooperative agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and reimburse MPCA for all • costs and expenses, including attorneys fees, incurred in the remedial actions undertaken by MPCA. � J) Easement. Cooperative, for its self, its successors and assigns, does hereby grant temporary easement and permission to MPCA, its agents, officers, employees, contractors and assigns on, over and across the following property for the purpose of performing any remedial actions: (legal description of existing site) K) Bond. To guarantee performance of this agreement on the part of Cooperative and if necessary to reimburse MPCA for any costs incurred in performing remedial actions, a surety bond � or cash bond in form approved by the City Attorney shall be I:�USERS\SEGAL�COOPPLAT.CON 5 ���„�ar�.:ran e�vs� ��.�e rn,�rom:un:p'nnea,�realeA://1/91 12:26 PM � �� � Paye t of 1 \ .. � �.. . � • . • prcvided by Cooperative and lilsd tirith Division. The bond shall be in an �aouz�t ot SZ,000,000.40 and shall guarantee periormance of this agrea�ent by CoopQrative, and shall be for the benetit of the city and I�PCA. ' ZI. � STREET VACATZON A)� Petition. Cooperative haa petitionad to vacate that part of Iqlehart Avenua lyinq west oi the southerly extended eaco line o� I�ot 22, Blxk s, Colleqe Park and easterly of the noztheastcrly riqbt-of-way line of t,?'►Q Soo Line Rmilxoad . - (formeYly the Ghicago, Milwaukee, 9t. Paul 3x�d Pacifio Railroad3 as oriqinally pintted in Colleqa Park. � The petition bas been revieved by City departments nnd publia utilities that may be afYeated by tha proposed street vacatio� and no objections weze . • • made to th• proposed vaoation. . • B) Vacate Stxe�t; Conditions. Upon ttse execution oP _ this agreeaaer�t by both partieg thQ City Counail shall vacate the po�rtion ot YqlQhart Avenue described above, which vacation shall take e�fact upon the oompliance with tha followinq conditions: ' ' 1) the filinq and approval 'o� the performance bondf and ' �. 2) R'he lilinq wfth the Division at the Bhasv YI � ' � Environmental SitQ Rssessment Report prepared by � the Consult�nt ratained ;by Cooperativef and 3) (List th• �Z Conditions �from the draLt vacation resolution) � � . � Cj RQZOning. Upon the execution .of thia agreement by both parties tY�e filing and approval oi the performa.noe bond and liling vith the Division ot the 8hasa II Envirorunentsl site Assessment Report prept�red by the Consultant retained by . Cooperative the Cfty Council shall rezone 272 North Snellinq Avenue, Baint pau2, Minnesota, legally de�cribed na Lots i, 2 and 3, Slock 9, College Park Addition to the City o! Saint Paul, ' , Rzt�nsey County, Minnesotzt, from B-3 to �-1. It is also stipulated that construction will not begin on the 6ite until it i� � documQntQd thnt the planned constr�atiori will not, in any way, ' hamper any future testing vr r�mediation ot its site. - , � --- -� - — - --- -- •• - •- •- .. -- . .. . . _ _.. i _.._— . � '' ��y �or pw�+► �/ . . � Ppgt.lt°brat�d}e�(varlsm�tel fre _ : I:�vs�xs\s�cu.�cooP�wr.co� � 6 t�L 6��'� '°"` f� . � , � �. Uri' i� �, � ' , a 8- S-i Z ; �1 �_ 0 f„�, Z _ � � � • . , , . - �,F�I/-��7� STEVEN R. RUTZICK & ASSOCIATES AITORNEVS&COUNSELORS AT L1iW STE VEN R.RIJTZKK 2010 AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK BLDCi. 10/EAST 5TH STREET ST.PAUL.MINNESOTA 551 O1 PHOni E 612-22 t•t 022 December 18� 1991 PHONE612-222�40t FAX 22356 7 6 Mr . William Gunther City of St . Paul Division of Public Health 1954 University Avenue St . Paul , MN 55104 RE: Cooperative Plating Dear Mr . Gunther : Reference is made to the City Council Ordinance now pending regarding the issuance of a permit for Cooperative Plating Inc. to run underground telephone wires and pneumatic tubes from their current facility to their building located on Snelling and Iglehart Avenue . As you know, the City Council has . directed that an agreement be reached between your office and Cooperative Plating . in regard to the City of St. Paul hiring a consultant to conduct a Phase I Environmental Study on Cooperative Plating's facility and adjoining property. With this in mind, you and I met today and we have worked out the following agreement: The Phase I Study shall be limited to the following: 1 . A review of St . Paul Public Works records and interviews with Public Works staff. 2 . A review of MPCA records and interview with MPCA staff. 3 . A review of Ramsey County Hazardous Waste Control records and interview with County staff , 4 . At lease one interview session (from one to two hours duration) with the neighborhood group representing the immediate area. 5 . A review of Metropolitan Waste Control Commission records and interview with Commission staff. . STEVEN R. RUTZICK Rs ASSOCIATES 6 . A review of any other readily available ground water information regarding the immediate area. 7 . A review of Cooperative Plating 's contract laboratory records at the offices of PACE Laboratory and interview of PACE Laboratory staff regarding ground water, soil and air testing. It is understood that any costs incurred through the use of PACE Laboratory facilities or their employees will be paid for by the City of St. Paul . ' 8 . A review of City Council files. 9 . A detailed review of the records and operation of Cooperative to include operational history, past site expansion and purchase invoices . It is understood, however , that purchase invoices will be provided only to the extent that they are reasonably connected to the Phase I Study and that Cooperative Plating will not incur a financial burden in supplying these records. 10 . A complete inspection of Cooperative 's facility and the land immediately surrounding the building which will be done only by the consultant choasen to do the study. It is understood that no physical testing or sampling will occur during the on-site inspection of the building or land surrounding the building except as agreed to during the Public Works Committee meeting of December 18, 1991 . 11 . It is also expressly understood that Cooperative 's allowance of the City to conduct the Phase I Study does not in any way obligate Cooperative Plating to do a Phase II Study until such time as the contract now being negotiated between the City of St. Paul and Cooperative Plating has been finalized and agreed upon to everyone 's satisfaction. It is also my understanding that the' consulting engineering firm that is chosen will have the capacity to perform not only the Phase I Study but any further studies if needed . It is also my understanding that Cooperative Plating and the City of St. Paul will mutually agree to the choosing of this consultant at a later time. Very truly yours , STEVEN � ; TZICK & ASSOCIATES ,-�"'",. _ �' u�zick A�tt'orne �at:''g,aw �� SRR:dj `� �� ,,,. �,e�o,,,Q, - C.,�'''� ,P�St'--, puw� � IG � io � 1l.��1 �.�//�/9/ /C�`�°��7� � TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency: Chronology, 1985-present, of agency and county activities regarding Co-Operative Plating, Inc.. 2. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency: Recent correspondence regarding air quality at Co-Operative Plating. 3. Materials from various sources regarding the 1986 incident of destroyed sewers from Co-Operative Plating wastewater dischaxge violations. 4. Copy of resolution passed by City Council on April 3, 1991 regarding Co-Operative Plating. 5. Items regarding most recent issuance of administrative permits for construction at Co-Operative Plating. � .;,, . j !. . . . r.. - 12/13i91 16:34 MINfJESOTR POLLUTION CONTROL �a2 _ �- (����`?z7,� Sr.00OOG.M���/Rb1 DEPARl'MENT : pOLLUTION CONTROL AGBNCY S7A7E OF MINNESOTA Office Memc�randum. vA7� : December ].3, 1991 To : Ann� Glumac Assistant Commissioner aaonn : Gordon �. Wegwart Manager H�zerdous Waste �ivision PHONE : �1Z/Z97-8502 . Sl7BJECT = CHRONOLOGY OI� ACTIVITIES INVOLVING COOPERATIVB YLA7,'].NG CUMPANY -- S�� PAUL rl�e MPCA, Metropo�i�tan Waste Control Commision (MWCC), and Ramsey County Aepa�tment vf Lnvironmental Iiealth (County) have a long history of compliance activities involving Cooperative Plating Company (Company), lpcated e�t 1645 Iglehart Av�nue� in 5t. Pa�tl.. The following is a syn�psis of Che history stince 19$5s 1985 9/20%85 � MPCA1County Iiazardous Waste Tnspection Violations: - Failure to evaluate wastes - Pailure to disclose hazardoue waste activities - • - Improper sewering of untreated haza�-dous waste �lating solutfons 1986 2/17/86 - Company�s consu�tai�t submits report of k•aste sampling indicating the►t acid nnd caustic solutione are corrosive haaardous waste 4/28/86 - MWCC issues a Notice of Violation to the Company for sewering waste waters with a pH of less� tha�� 5 � 5/19/86 - MWCC issues a Notice of Violation for sewerir.g waste waters witli � a pH of less than 5 . „ • ?/7/86 - MPCA issues a Notice of Violation to the Company for improperly � seweiing hazardous wastes. ' 8/26/86 - MPCA Board approves a Request for Iseuance of a Request for � Response Action to the Company for eroding concrete sewer lines by dischaLging low pIi waste aaters to the sewer. 10/28/86 � MPCA and County staff ineet with Company officials to discuss Remedial rnvestigation of the sEwers 12i13/91 ib:s4 MI�JESOTA FOLLUTION CONTP.OL 003 , � �. . � . � . � ��l,��a r Ann Glumac . Page 2 ' x987 � 3/9/87 � MPCA, MWCC, Minnesota Department of .Transportation, County, and • . City of St. Paul fitaff ineet with Company o�ficials to discuss the Company's proposal to �:epa�r the damaged port�ons of the sewer � 19$B 6/14/88 - State and City. of St. Paul officials withdraw a civil lawsuit against the Company it� exchange for the Company's payment of the cost o£ repa�iring the sewer system, end tlieir �greement to cease the dischar�e'of hazardous Wastes to the sewer system . 10/28/88 - County Hazardous Waste Inspection Violat�on: . - Fail.ure to disclose l�azardous waste to County officialg 12%28/88 - MWCC fssues a Notice o� Violation to the Comp�ny for sewering waste waters with a pH of less than S and/o� containing toxfc or poisonous aubatances, �ncluding cyanide� lead� cadmium, and chromium . 1989 ' S/22/89 - County Hazardoua Waste Inspection � ' Violation�: . . � railure to properly leUel hazardous waete contniners - Failure to close hazerdoua voaste containers -- Failure to operate a facility to prevent the r�lease o£ txichloroethylene atill bottoms or sodium cyanide - P'ailure to report releases of trichlorosthylene still bottoms and godium cyenide � • - �'eilure to recover rel�aseg of trichloroethylene still bottams and sodium cyanide 1940 • 2/8/90 - MPCA Hazardous Waste Inspection V�.o�ationss ' - Pailure to properly septtrate incompetible wa�ste acid nnd _ cyanide tanks - Pailure to provide proper gecondary contafnment for wa�te � . liquid sto�:age tanlcs - I'ailure to properly close haxardvus �aste conte�inera � Failure to properly label hazardous waste conteinera� 1�%13iy 1 15:3a hi I NNESl7TA POLLUT I C1fJ CC1tJTF.OL 004 ��. i� � ,,c�/-��7� Ann Glumac � Fage 3 . 4/2/90 - MPCA issties �0-day Letter to Company for violations nated in 2/8/90 inspect�on 4/2G/90 - MPCA issues an Administrative Penal.ty Urder (Order) containing a $6,000 nonforgivab�e and $1,S3S forgivaUle penalCy Co .the Company for violations noted in 2/B/90 inspect�on S/25/90 � Company respohds to APO by peying penalty atid cvrr�cting violations 1991 � . 1/16/91 - County/City of St. Paul Hazardous Waste �nspection Vio2ations: - Failure to m�rk accumulation dates on containers ' Other Problema Noted: . - Apparently contaminated (yellow) icicles }�anging vf� of roof � - Pooled yellow liquid observed vn roo� around exhaust fan #3 , - 5ample� of iciclee and liquid col.l.ected for anslysie 2/5/91 - County Nazazdot�s Waste Inspection (follow-up prompted by report that yellow icicles and liquid tested haze�rdoug due la hexavaler�l• chromium contamination) Violations: - pailure to cvaluat� waste liqu3ds on roof ' - Failure to operate facilily co prevent release of h�xavalent chromium railur.e �to report releases of hexavalent chrom�um f�:om �. , ^ Company roof vent . . - Failure to xecover releases of hexavalent chromium from Company roof 2/11/91 - County issues Compliance Orders to the Company for violations noted during 1/16/91 and 2/5/91 inepectio►�s - 2/27/91 = company correcls v�olations and is consider�d to be comp7.ying With State/I�ederal hazardou� aeste regulatiohs And County � Ordinances 0/23/91 -» County Haze�rdovs Waste Tns�,�ctioi� _ Violationsi ' ' . - I'e�ilure to have a�econdary contai�ment o�: engineer certificat�on fot tanks storin.g hasardous waete - ra3lure t�o pronerly label hazardoug wagte containers - I�'ailure to provide annual employee hazaidous aaste refresher training RTB:mh � ��`-�°2�f� Minnesota Pollutian Control Agency 520 Lafayette Road, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55155-3898 � Telephone (612) 296-6300 MINNESOTA 1990 � � � D F�a - s ���; February 4 , 1991 COUNCILPEltSON PAUlA MACCABEE • ---. CERTIFIED 2�lAIL N0. P 057 998 073 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Victor Rosenblum, Owner , Cooperative Plating, Inc. 1605 Iglehart Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 Dear Mr. Rosenblum: RE: Cooperative Plating, Inc. Upon review of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), Air Quality Division (AQD) files on Cooperative Plating, Inc. (Company), located at 1605 Iglehart Avenue, MPCA staff are requesting the Company to complete and submit the attached air emission permit application along with a $50 application fee to the MPCA on or before March 1, 1991. MPCA files in icate that the Com an has a consistent histo of nuisance comp` lals ranging from odors to "co ored" mist releases which exhaust from the Company's roof, and settles on adjoining property. Chroo►ium-plating processes dischar�e ch:omic acid mist. Chromic acid mist is toxic and corrosive, and its discharge to the atmosphere should be prevented. � � Facilities that have a potential to emit more than 25 tons per year of a single criteria pollutant or are sources of odor emissions, are required by Minnesota Rules pt. 7001.1210, to apply for, and obtain an air emission permit prior to operation. The Company should have also received an Emission Inventory Report from the . AQD. This report should be submitted in conjunction with the attached permit application. If you have questions regarding the permit application, _ Regional Offices: Duluth • Brainerd• Detrcit Lakes • Marshail• Rochester Equal Ooportunity Emoloyer • Printed on Recycled Paoer _ .. ._. ___.. ._. __ ,. , • ...r w��/���� . , C� ., {� � n OATE: August .8, 1986 : ���a � T0: F i l e : �U�� . . FROM: L.H. Hermes • CC: City of St. Paul � INDUSTRIAI WASTE .INSPECTION REPORT Name of Industry or Site Inspected: City of St. Paul - Carroll Avenue sewers Community: St. Paul ' WWTP: Metropolitan s Date and Time: 7/7/86 1000 , • Purpos� �of .l';sit or Ir,sp��t�on: Insaect se::er damage, es�e�ia;ly t� see if leakage into the ground is occurring. . • MWCC Personnel: L. Hermes, J. Perlowski, M. Thompson, K: Rogers Industry or Gov't Personnel: Ken Tunell & Bob Ciszewski (St. Paul), Pat Chabot (MPCA) and Ray Erickson (Ramsey County) � ' . Observations and Comments: The manhole at Asbury & Carroll was checked. This � is where the pipe chanqes from a 27" diameter to 42" diameter. A great deal of concrete was missing in the manhole bottom where the transition to join the inverts had been made (crown elevations were matched). This amounted to at � least 2' in areas, but no breakthrough was found. The first manhole east of Snelling was checked, the invert was very bad and a lot of sand was present. � Both sites had exposed or destroyed re-bar in the pipe itself. The last site was at �Pascal & Concordia. The big pipe takes about a 5-6' drop and then exits � in a pipe that aoes, out under I-94. At the manhole bottom, a large hole was found, abou� 3'x 3` . It was at least 3-4' deep, and a probe could be pushed - ri ht throu h the bottom into the soil . There was definite breakthrou h at � this location, and the exit pipe was amaged also. SAMPLES TAKEN- N0: X YES: See Report Number: ' ACTIONS TAKEN AND/OR FUTURE PLANS: The city will re-inspect the exit pipe of ' „ the Pascal/Concordia manhole. Ray Erickson took pictures of the damage. The ' . . � . :� � MPCA will be takin le al action, and the city has a lawsuit endin . The MWCC � �� � � responsibi ity �s to insure •compl�ance y Co-Operative P ating Company. : � � . � - ` , ' , ( , . �. .�. ,,� f,=T:cfl.�l.i�l:��� . _ � :-- `��.�'�'•�:L 1�/3�A�_ �% �o? � � 'Y [ ' l� . �V���� . �fl��i�'�il�1'f�� ��� . '� Tw�Cx;es Area � �jjj� � L(j�' v O . � � ��N 0:4 �986 . "'�, sou� �� � �� May 19, 1986 w�E DIYlSlO� Cooperative Pla.ting 1505 Iglehart Avenue � - St. Paul, N�1 55104 � ATI�V: Victor Rc�enbliIIn . NO�I'ICE OF VIOLATIOCJ Isswed to: Oooperative Plating - pUFt�gUANr � 6 MCAR Section 6.OI8 C y�ou are hereby served with a Notice of Viola- . tioZ for the facility located at 1605 Iglehart Avenue, St. Paul, MN SSI04. T'ne violation of the Waste Discharge Rules for the Metropolitan Disposal Syst�en (6. M�,R Sactions 6.010-5.019) and Industrial Discharge Perimit No. 0134 is as .follaws: -� D'ischarge of a waste�rater with a pH less than 5.0 unit� ico the Metro- . politan Disnosal System (see Attache3 Sheets). - �-us r�riaE oF vzor�TZON zs � �� z� c�sE � nESZSr. A written rzsponse to this Notice of �Violation d�tailing all actions taken t�o ' correct the aforgnentioned viol.ation m•,ist be suY�sn,itted t�o the Catm,ission by �J�me 2. 1986. . Please t,e a�rare that in accordanc2 with 6 r�1CAR ^oection 6�O1? 8.1.�., any Per'san . who continu�s a violation of the Wastre Discharge Rul.es or an Industrial Dis- charge Fermit beyond the time limit pravided for in the written Notice of ViolJation shall be guilty of a misdsn�.�or. If you have anY 4uestions concern- � . iag this Notice of Violation oontact the Industrial Waste Section at 222-8423. � ; . �. Sincerely, . - : i ME'T'�tOPOLITA.'�1 LIASTE OON�tOL OO�A�IISSIOrI . . . ' • �. . _ . . . . � - • , O . . ` . ; �.,.�_ �.` � . .. Staff ineer . � `i Chie �dministrator or Duly Authorized Rzpresentative : . - - � t Jan S. Perlows',ci) . _ . cc: L. H. Hermes, NbJ�7C . . NOV A � . No. 0300 � - � ti . _ , :-..��2-3425 � . . . . . ... . . • . . ,. .. , . . � � � .. . 4. . . . . . . ., , •J� .,..a .3 �r��,K�i�1.1��i��� ` • 7(G' r----= `"�.,�"��:L 1�3fl/i� ���� � Y con��c�. �/c t�i i i�i�l'!SL'��I ��� -- � � �r c�a�, � � � . O . � �UN 0:4 )986 � . �, souv �- . �. May 19, 1986 W�E D(VlSiO� Coopera.tive Plating 1505 Iglehart Avenue • St. Fa.ul, NIl�] 55104 � ATI�I: Victor Rr�enblum . NOTICE aP' VIOLATION Issued to: Oooperative Plating - p�t,g(T� Tp 6 MCAE2 Section 6.018 C you are hereby served with a Notice of Viola- . tion for the facility located at 1605 Iglehart Avenue, St. Paul, !�i SSI04. The vi�lation of the Waste Discharge Rules for the Metropolitan Disposal Systgn (6 M�Ft Sactions 6.010-5.019) and T.z�dustrial Discharge Permit No. 0134 is as .follows: -� D'ischarge of a wastew�ter with a pH less than 5.0 units �c fhe Metro- . politan Disnosal Systeln (see Attache3 Sheets). �us NarzcE oF vzor�,TZON zs � ��t To c�sE � nESZSr. A written r2sponse to this Notice of �Violation d�tailing all actions taken t4 ' correct t-he aforementioned violation m•sst be submitted to the Cannission by �June 2, 1986. . _ Please t,e a{r3te that in accordanca with 6 t'IC�,R �ection 6.O1? E.1.�., any Person . who continurs a violation of the Waste Discharge Rules or an Industrial Dis- charge Pe�it beyond the time limit pravided for in the written Notice of Violation shall be guilty of a misdsn��or. If you have anY 9u�stions ooncern- _ iag this Notice of Violation oontact the Industri.al Waste Secti°n at 222-8423. I Sincerely, . : '` � N�rtOPOLZTA2�1 V+IA�.STE OONT�20L 00�'P+iISSION . i . , O � • . -� �- s�": � . .. Staf f IIz ineer _ Chie Ac3ministrator or Duly Authorized R�presentative : - (Jan S. Perlows',ci) , �_ .. cc: L. H. Hermes, Nbat7C ` . � NOV A No. 0300 � . ` .. . . �•-;,��2.3423 � � . � . � � -� '\ . � � .. .. � . � w � � � 0 .� y : � � � � 34 � : . � � � � Q� ., ti Q ; � - , � � • ' Y h :` . . . �� , �v �' . ` : 5 � � . �: . �: o � � � .. � � � � � � :� � � � . � � .� 3� . � � Q , � s ` v � � N � � Q �. Q ° � H� � v � 7 b� s�+d . . . � ` _ . . . .� _ � � �: . . � . - y ' - ` o o . �i��II sf� 'N � � M . ' Z . • ' � " . . •�v..-�.��,- : �j�N!-��3�5 . . - �� � � . � . � F-- - -- ---- - - . . � �- _ �„���3'� . . ; � �, - . ��. ' � - 3.. \ � �- � _ � �- -._. .._ . �� � _y . \ ° � H V i � _ o . � � � . . � Z 1N3W�H�Vild • ' � REQUEST FOR INSPECTION � �/���7� Q Complaint p Certificste of Occupancy p Elevator Inspection p Other Q Reinspection Assigned To �/0� ��R '� l C� nate �l/�`r/9� Type of Occupancy �����"� 4 c���" ? Type Construction � � � Ir'umber of Stories � Size of Building � ��� �A S�� Zoning � — � Date Report Bequired Re./(oUS ,L !e hav Owner: CO�o e�+a �v� �a ?'� h Co, Received By Request or Complaint By Addreas INSPECTORS REPOR7 Ca-o�o.et�a�,��e ��a�s. ,D�o,JOSe s �o , cor,v C�7'� �GC� s.„�, o� / � / �/ / o,�,��ct SPQ c-Q T'v ${or^q�. P �or //7Coi�n�•� �hoC4c �S. Th � �/J / � _/ lhcHC4Sc� S��htty4 tu/�r /pT /^eS�c �� ih iricn�Ar�� p/�oa�c.c�•�., � . / / � T�tZ �7�vr � � S„auce Gvll� A-2 U,IP� �cN pl�o�a�'f S �l��c� / / . QHe pr�.se ��y` /5tdre�( rc� �h e aiSles o� �7� Q �U�^ce�ccc��o h ahea.� 1�7��� I�es'e ��"°�4c�$ ^ �o Q S�Gv�a,. st ` 5,�nc e 4JC �� � :v e w+5 i c� ¢ � ��� � Q 6� C�t . s�o(�r�. c�;, �s�4o., b� � �� �' ,, . CC� O�$[�".�.���� Jpl4�/<r � �6lr �HQ�,S 7� �jyjGt�e T�Q G� lc � Gl S ? � / � / �_/ X a � ]�O ]��G (J G[i�C, � G C l/G i S �Q .�7`v C C l (F�+� �.ih!� � a �CCOY�r ' T� �P�'fC�. O4/'CGt ' T� �IG'e �irJQ�'c�'C.G` � /�J/S /� / � / �c�dc < <'Iq-S Cekc�e�- oa � •�o Gl�j�elrc��o�.S S/s,c C h e Lt a s 6�c�r j� ��r�,Qc-c�i � �1h5 -ec,�ioHS �1Cv � � GL ro?C• ��oc2 eQVs��� • ��►'� f^op oS�c�V . S��%^� 4v � iv!�f � �r-✓� �� u.s� � °�'' �. : � / � ,( � � , • � - _ C✓��c��cr e s o G� J cP�ey,�c��/�S . /T-� 7�'i°'t`z �"sp e`'�°� � "'t _ ..... .QfS.C4SSed 7�qQ Q �{CI^qf.oHr S'pp4►�o:"�1��j �, 7'C�e • OL.Jycl�' � __. 7�h e /��G HG..v a r L?•� 7�^� -�v � / is�.I�o�o c�G 4- . /Ql! 4�-t /h ' ��'c�s�,�v,l� ... �Lia.� .. 7�Q "�r,�acas`� ST°�`�/ a�� u;��/ ,�� �QSk�� ,., „��•�S� p,��;��- O� Date f�/�S � � Signe . , • -� _� 3��:�',�. . �•` ��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL ;`�� [ � �'� OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY .. .� c �.tu .� �• •t:[ }I:�li '�/ � �c, vµ � `'�: '��� JANE A MC PEAK, CITY ATTORNEY 800 Landmark Towecs Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612498-5121 JAMES SCHEIBEL FAx 612-29s-5619 MAYOR November 18, 19 91 G � �/ ���� Mr. Jan Gasterland Manager Building and Inspection Design Division Room 445 City Iiall Dear Mr. Gasterland: There has been a request that I clarify the opinion recently issued to you regarding an application for a building permit to construct office partitions for a building at 271 North Snelling Avenue. That opinion was limited to the specific facts of that case which were that all provisions of applicable law had been met and therefore the Division was required to grant the permit. However in the event the proposed improvement fails to meet the standards contained in the applicable laws or fails to comply with laws protecting the public health or safety or general welfare of the community, then your Division would have the discretion to deny the permit. In such an instance reasons for denial must be articulated and facts upon which the decision was made must justify that conclusian. There are permits and licenses issued by the City where standards are more clearly specified in the law which establishes the permit. An example would be the issuance of a special condition use permit by the Planning Commission. The Zoning Code specifies five findings that must be made by the Commission prior to the issuance of the permit (see section 64 . 300 (c) of the Zoning Code) . Please advise me if you have any additional guestions. Yours truly, • - � . JE ME J` GAL . As istari, City Attorney -- . J S:s • . ' , ' - �-� �;'..,ro� , '`��z '���� CITY OF SAINT PAUL �'�."' i"' '�� `�° � '� ' OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY �� �i;i�►i�'.�L�ti r� `2�s ^c u� G `�-.��� JANE A.MC PEAK, CITY ATTORNEY 800 Landmark Towers Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 JAMES SCHEIBEL FAX 612-298-5619 MAYOR November 18, 1991 @�! /���� Mr. Jan Gasterland Manager Building and Inspection Design Division Room 445 City Hall Dear Mr. Gasterland: • There has been a request that I clarify the opinion recently issued to you regarding an application for a building permit to construct office partitions for a building at 271 North Snelling Avenue. That opinion was limited to the specific facts of that case which were that all provisions of applicable law had been met and therefore the Division was required to grant the permit. However in the event the proposed improvement fails to neet the standards contained in the applicable laws or fails to comply with laws protecting the public health or safety or general k�elfare of the community, then your Division would have the discretion to deny the permit. In such an instance reasons for denial must be articulated and facts upon which the decision was made must justify that conclusion. There are permits and licenses issued by the City where standards are more clearly specified in the law which establishes the permit. An example would be the issuance of a special condition use permit by the Planning Commission. The Zoning Code specifies five findings that must be made by the Commission prior to the issuance of the permit (see section 64. 300 (c) of the Zoning Code) . Please advise me if you have any additional questions. Yours truly, • / . JER ME J GAL . As ista� City Attorney _ J S:s � CITY OF SAINT PAUL ���� DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES - • . �4 �J SC � :y� `: ��"��011 '' BUILDING INSPECTION AND DESIGN DIVISION ;. ��u ii u� w� ?4• � 415 City H�II,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55702 � ,... FAX:612-222-2307 612-298-1212 �AMES SCHEIBEI C./' �/_ SJ���/J MAYOR O� October 25, 1991 Joe Greasgraber Star Builders, Inc. 4041 Dorchester Drive t> Woodbury, Minnesota 55125 Ken Rosenblum Co-operative Plating Co. 1605 Iglehart Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 RE: 271 North Snelling, Permit #124169 This letter is to inform you that the Building Permit #124169 and subsequent Electrical Permit #331746 and Warm Air and Ventilation Permit #331734 are issued for the tenant office and the partition separating the vacant area of the 271 North Snelling building. The use of the area being constructed is limited to office use as approved by the zoning code. Nothing in these permits would allow expansion of the production facility at either the 271 North Snelling or 1605 Ig7ehart locations. With this letter you are notified that any expansion of the production � facility without first completing all aspects of environmental testing, clean up, and establishment of monitoring programs would be a violation of Council Resolution #91-338 (copy attached) . The City of St. Paul Building Inspection and Desi n Division will monitor construction to assure compliance wi�h the council resolution. Mr. Rosenblum has indicated to me he is aware of the resolution and does not intend to increase or alter the production facility. If you have any questions concerning either the permits or the resolution please contact me. Yours t , (�{�'f ��Z'� t�� .. Jan s'�erland Building Code Officer JPG:11 cc: Councilmember Maccabee Councilmember Goswitz Ro Garza Ka�hy Cairns _ Jerry Segal Tate Halvorson � . ., _ _ , - � � _ _ S F - a y � , , . � ..... ... . . -. ._ .: ,_.; , '� - _ � :- . , , �, -.� .:. ..., ..:'.. ' ' , yc .+ -" _ _ r 'r: i� � � Y :� '-� �'N, _ ' .�. . ,:. " ..: , . . . " . :. � � .'�" �.. � _ . .. . . .... . .. � .� , . - .. ..:-. .,.��' -...;... ._._.�.. ,._:..� . . . . -�. � +ti� J.+4�.. P; i i' . � _ f 4wY�� } � . - < '`• �. :+ ' r r.. .; � e,s. sc"�, r �, � _ � f � ? ¢ � �- � ���� F� �{'� - .. . ' , �.. . , ' , :. , - - t; �-�-w. - , -_, - , '.. r , ._ . . .,� ; ti� �. _ - � .. r.. r y,` �:� _. k � �' .'.) 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