91-2263��V�fi'�6 ,,___ � � f� , �oun��� r��e � 91 � 2z�3 � Green 6137 RESOLUTION �����— CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �OV 6 1991 Presented By BUGGE�I utira��VE Referred To Committee: Date /�-'/ � -�/ fiHfiBEAS, The Citp's Division of Fuolic Heaith SuAaary A ate�entJPropertp ieanup ac ivi y is requesting additionai spending auihority for a6atenents; and WdfiBfiAS, the spending autnoriiy is needed to finance property cleanups, snow shoveling and vehicie towing; and irc3BRfiAS, a 6igh percenia�e of the summ3rp abateoent costs are recovered t6rough assess�ents to tne property; and iiHBRBAS, The Hayor, pursuani to Section l0,iii.1 of the i;iiy Charter does certify thai there are avaiiaole ior appropriatiion revenues in excess of those estivaied in the 1991 budget; and for the 1991 Ceneral r"und budget: WNfi&EA"s, The Hapor recoeoenns the foiiowing chenges to t6e 1991 budget; � FINANCiKG "rLdN Current Anended GGl GfiNfiBAL NUN11 Budget Changes Budget HfidLifl DIVISiON ------------ ----------- ---------- G"si3G-i3u6 3i5,OGG 9u,�0u 4i5,GGG Ail other fund financing 135,098,18u i39,"v98,160 ------------ ----------- ------------ 1"s9,�23,18u 9u,�?uG i39,513,18G TBANSFfiR TG: uGl UfiNnHAL FUND i;OMMUKITr Sfi�VICBS D"nFABTHENT neaitn uivision u3230 9uuoarp Abaienent ii3230-0299 uther - Nisc, ii1,T30 90,G60 3i1,i5G 03230 uther 9pendin� G 0 G All "ut6er Fund Spending 139,i01,�3G 6 1"s9,Z01,930 ------------ ---------- ------------ i35,423,1H0 90,G00 1"s5,513,100 NET CHANGB 50,G00 Hfi�OLYfiD, ihat t6e City Councii approves tnese changes to ine i99i budget. Approvai 8eco_ end� Budgei Di ector Yeas Pavs Absent R ested by Department of: �. � Co Services � , � BY= Adopted by Councils Date qEL � �9 Form Appro ed by City Attorney � � �� �: l�doption rti ed by Co�i � Secretary g . �� �.-:.-�r , r �r-.��'" ,� _,�� y� , .. '; � �j 1 ; xr':- - �' '; BY= ' �� � �L Appro ed y Mayor for Submission to � Counc�l � �►��►�a yor: te DEC 2 4 1991 ,v; ✓ �/ By �'-'��.v,��.�.:��"' B s �'-��!��� ' Y P��It�HED JAN 4 '92 ql- ZZ�3 ✓ Analyst: Barbara Jeanetta Date: 11/6/91 BUDGET OFFICE ANALYSIS OF BUDGET AMENDMENTS Department: Health Green Sheet Number: 6137 Amount of Request: $90,000 Positions Requested: 0 Amaunt Recommended: $90,000 Positions Recommended: 0 Funding Source: 7306 Transfer from PIR Fund(Abatement Assessments) Subject of Request: Approve increase of spending authority in Summary AbatemenUProperty Cleanup,financed by assessments against abated properties. BaCkground: Health's Summary AbatemenUProperty Cleanup activity has spending authority to cleanup public health nuisances on private property when the owners or occupants fail to comply with an abatement order from the Housing Code Enforcement section. Nuisances include garbage, rubbish,tall grass,broken sewer lines,unshoveled snow on public sidewalks,abandoned vehicles etc. The costs of abatement are specially assessed and collected against the property. Annual transfers are made from the PIR fund to the general fund to reflect 100%of ratified assessments for abatements each year. Major �ssues: RECEIV�p RE�;FlVED NOV 1 y 1991 NOV '7 ���1 �u���r �����:� �uv�...., _. , ..� � Fiscal Impact: (Current Year and Following Year) Costs of abatement orders are recovered through assessments against abated property so only cost of program is for delinquent assessments. Cash flow of actual expense and assessment financing may not balance out in any one year. Recommendation: Increased spending authority is justified given eventual assessment collections and demand to resolve abatement orders. Follow-up Recommended, If Any: 1992 spending authority for abatements may be too low given current year history. However, increases in spending authority would require additional financing since abatement assessment financing is already recognized at$300,000. Perhaps estimated financing and spending for abatement activities should be budgeted at equal amounts. B.1's c:\123datalamandWnal6.wkl.all 11-6-97 ` . - q I-22C�3 � DEPARTM[NT/OFFICE/COUNGL DATE INITIATED �.s./ Pub�i c Heal th 9/26/91 GREEN SHEET No. ������ CONTACT PEFi80M 8 PFIONE DEPARTMENT DIHECTOR �CITY COUNpL ud B r � 92- 7 �� qT1f ATT�INEY �CITV CLERK MU BY lIOU7N/0 B ET DIRECTOR �FlN.�MOT.SERVICE8 DIR. As Soon As Possible tiu►voRca+�ssisr�an TOTAL#�OF SIQNATURE PAGES 1 (aIP A�L LOCATIONS FOR 81GiNATURE) ACTION REGUESTED: City Council approval for a increase in spending authority for Surmnary Abatement/Property Cleanup (03230) REC�oM�NDATtONS:nDV►ov+W o►�a 1� COUNCII.COM�III M RHPORT _PLANNINO OOMMISBION _CML BERVIC�COMMI8810N ^^�� �^�. e�ivEp _q8 O�AMITTEE _ _STAFF _ �01AMEPITB: V 1 5 ��.., _D18TRICT COURT _ BUPPORTB WHIC.FI COt1PK�l OBJECTIVE9 �� x�rranNa��.�ssuE.oPPOa7u►�urr Nvno,v�nu.wn.n.wh.r..w�yq: This activity is used to reinburse the Parks Division for Property Cleanups and snow shoveling an� the Poiice Department for vel�icl� towing. The cost of these abatements are then assesse� a�ai�ist �rhe abated property with a signific�nt percentage eventually recovered. �� �wv�u�rr�s�,�rr�v�o: � ,j *n�, . Properties will continue to be abated. � � . Grass and weeds wi l l be cut. r�"�"�"'^ ;�--..,,� . Vehicles will be towed. � `� " " . Snow will be shoveled in the winter �sn°"'wr'►c�s iF'►a�ovEo- . RECErVEp ' : � : ' ' SEP 3 v �y91 �ECEIVED rdoNE • , BUu�.�, �� � a�,,� DEC 0 41991 � � �ITY CLERK � aBADVANTMiES IF NOT APPROVED: Responsible property owners will be unhappy as complaints will not be able to be enforced. COUnCif �$�►A��rrh r���p� Cleanups will not be done. � NOV 2 g 1991 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACT�N i �� 7Oj DOD COST/F�VENUE�iETED(qRCL@ ONE) YEH NO ����� General Fund ��,�,�N� 03230 FlNANWN.INWFIMATION:(EXPUUM 730 -T ��,�, Pi�e c/ ��,�->` � . dw F� . � �� . � ' + j"�'�-.. -. ,. . r � 1 ..i � . . NOTE: COMPIETE DIAECTIOMS ARE INCLUDED IIV THE(�REEN SFtEET IM3TRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURqiA3lNti OFFICE(PHONE NO.296�4225). • ROUTIN(i ORDER: Bslow ero pretened routings br the fivs m�t froquent typsa of documenta: OONTRACTS (awmes autho►ized OOUNGL RESOLUTION (Artisrid, Bdpts./ budget exista) l�cc�pt. Qrants) 1. Outside A�ncy 1. Dspartmsr�t Director 2. IniNating Department 2. Bud�et Diroctor , 3. Gty Attomey 3. Gty Attomsy 4. Mayor 4. MayoNAssietarit 5. Finance 6 Mpmt S�a. Director 5. Gty Cour�cil � 6. Fin�Accaurrtinfl 6. Chief/�COUMant. Fln�Mgmt Svca. AQMINISTRATIVE ORDER (�, COUNCIL RESOLUTION (��)�� 1. kctiviry AMm�er 1. Initiatinp DspaRmeM Dlrectot 2. DepaRnwnt AocouMant 2. qty Attomey 3. Dep�Rmsnt Dinator 3. MayoNAesiataM 4. Bud�st DfrsCtor 4. City COtiflcil 5. (Xty C�erk 8. (�isf Acc�uMant� Fln d Mgmt Svca. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (aN�hsrs) 1. InniNirp Dsptutr�t 2: .Gty Attorney 3. Mayod/lssistent 4. qly derk TOTAL NUMBER OF SKiNATURE PACiES Ind�ate ths#�of p�p�s on whk�i sign�es ue required and�CII , ea�of thees ps�e. ACTION REf�UESTED Dsscrfbs v�lut the projecUnqueN s�elcs to accompiish in Nther chronolopi- cal ordsr a order of ImpoAanos.vrMchsvsr is most approp�late tbr the iaeue. Do nM writs oomplets eentences. Bs�in each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the Mws M qusslion hss b.en preeented bsfore srfy body,Public or prtvate. . 8UPPORT3 WHICH COiJNqI OBJECTIVE? IndicsM which Coundl objscdw(s)Y�+�P�'��lu�$�PP�bY Ifsdn� ths key word(s)(HOUSINO, RECREATION, NEI(1H80RFIOOQ3, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDt3ET,SEWER 3EPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE U3T IN INSTRUCTtONAL MANUAL.) COUNGL OOMMIITEElRESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REGIUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATINQ PROBLEM, 183UE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the aituation or condidons that croe�ed a rreed fa Y�+�P� or rmque�. ADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED Indicate whsther Mis is simply an annusl bud�et procedure rec}uired by law/ charter or whether there are spsdflc in whfch tha City of Saint Paul arM its cftizena wiil b�nsAt from thie pr�t/action. DISADVANTACiES IF APPROVED What nsgatiw Nlects or myor chsnyes to sxlsting or pat processes migM . thia projec�//r�quest produce M ft is pe�ssed(s.g.,trailic deidys, noise, tax increa�es a ueessrtNnts)?To Whom?Whsn?For how bng? DISADYANTA(iES IF NOT APPROVED UVhat will bs tFN np�ivs consoquencss M ths promised action is not approved?Inabilky to dslivsr a�rvioe?Condnued hi�h trafNc, noiae, . eccldent rate? Loss of revenus? FlNANqAL IMPACT ARhaph you must tdbr the infamstfon you provide h�re to ths iasue you ars addraainp,in�nsral you mwt answer Mro questlons: How much is it 9dn9 to cost?Who is pokp to p�yt