91-2250 Council File # ����L'L= reen Sheet # ���/ RESO!UT10N - � - F SAINT P , tNNESOTA Prssented By • � ReferrQd To Committee: Dat� WHEREAS, Cha�ter 5. 05 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code authoriaed the Purchasing Division to dispose of surplus City property and describes the procedures governing the sale or donation of such property, and i7HEREAS, the Purchasing Systems Manager has identified certain property that is no longer needed by the City and has declared it to be surplus in accordance with chapter 5. 05; and WHEREAS, the City received this property of approximately one-thousand batteries as a grant from the Eveready Corporation for the purpose of Fire Inspectors to install them in smoke detectors within the City of Saint Paul, and � WHEREAS, the grant batteries have now exceeded their recommended storage life and have become unreliable for such a life-safety purpose. � THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the City Council hereby authorizes the donation of the property to the Toys for Tots campaign or similar charitable organization; and be it further ' RESOLVED, said organization shall agree to accept the property as is; and be it finally RESOLVED, that upon the donation the City shall have no further � responsibility for said property and shal� not provide any maintenance, repair or any other kind of ongoing support, nor assume any costs that may be -related to the ongoing use of said property by the donee organization. Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: s.rrron °�''2� � � Fire and Safet Services �ono ✓ �acca'e � ettman un e � By: ��q-v Adopted by Council: Date 0 � 5 1991 Form Ap roved by City Attorney Adoption ti 'ed by_Coy�nci Secretary By: ` �Z.r�...- ' �� , By' F '- � Approved by Mayor for Submission to � �'�,M��' R; 1�4. Approved by M �or: ate - � � Council , gy, �,,, ' B G�u',��i�fd/ -���� � Y• - ��������� (���; �. �+'91 � . ��,�,�5a � �PARTM[NTIOFFICEICOUNdL DATE INITIATED Fire & Safety Services 11/28/91 GREEN SHEET No. 4 '�J��T6 A� CONTACT PERSON 8 PMONE �DEPARTMENT D�RE �CITY COUNqI � Steven Zaccard, 228-620�. �� �CITYATfORNEY �GTVCLERK MUBt 8E ON COUNCIL AQENDA BY(DAT� ROUTMK� �BUOCiET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.SERVI(�8 DIR. �MAYOR(OR AS8ISTMIT) � TOTAL N OF 81QNATURE PAQE8 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 81QNATUR� ACTION REQUEBTED: Passage of a Council Resolution autharizing the donation of approximately 1,000 9-volt batteries originally donated to the Fir� Department by Eveready for use in smoke detectors, whose storage life has been exceeded making � r�ae,,�or�s:�.w«�� couNC�c:o�na��►�+�POar _PLANNINO OOMM18810N _GVIL BERVI�COMMI8810N ANALY8'f PMONE NO. _pB OOMMITfEE _ COMA�iENT8: _STAFF _ _DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS NMICN COUNpL OBJECTNE? IMITIAT1Nf3 PROBL.EM.IS&JE�OPPORTUNITY(Who,What�WINn.WMrs�NThy). Fire Department has approximately 1,000 batteries which were donated in 1990 for use in smoke detectors. The batteries have exce�ded their two-year shelf-life and are no longer useable for smoke detec�ors. Toys -for Tots eou�d still use them in- toy gifts. � ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � Benefit to needy children using the charitable Toys for Tots campaign. City will have disposed of the unreliable batteries. RECEIVED �Y�T���a D EC 0 2 1991 None anticipated. � MaYO�rs oF�icE DISADVMITA(iES IF NOT APPR�IED: What to do with the unreliable batteries will remain undet�rmined. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = � C�TIREVENUE SUDQETED(CIRq.E ONE) YE8 O ���� None required ��N�� FlNANdAI INFORMATION:(EXPWN) NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED lN T1iE OREEN SHEET�INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURGHASINO OFFICE(PH4NE NO.�). ROUTIN(i ORDER: BNow are preferred routings�the five rnost fr.quent typms of documsnta: CONTRACTS , (�sumes authoriud COUNqL RESOLUTION (Amend.BdptsJ budpet sxi�ts) Accept•arants) 1. Outsids:A�sr�cy L DspertmsM DUector 3. �City Atp�� 3. Gtq A�ttornsy« 4. Mayor 4. Ma�ror/AsNetant 5. Finarx:e d�Mgmt 3vca. Director 5. City Coundl 8. Flnar�cs Axounting 8. Chief p►000uMant.Fln d�AA�mt 3vr�. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (1�) COUNqI RE30LUTION (��a�� la 1. Act'�vkY M�naq��. 1. InitiaNnp Department Dirsctor 2. 3. Ma 2. DeputmeM Acoountant 4. g�ud�aroc� 4. «:iy c.o�r�rn 5. Gty t�ertc 6. Chlef AccountaM,Fln�Mpmt S1res. ADMINISTRATINE(�iDER8 (all others) 1. Initiatiny Dsp�rtmsM 2. Ciry Attorney 4. qMa�y��t TOTAL NUMBER OF SI(iNATURE PA(�ES Indicate the#�ot pegss on wl�ich sipnatures ars required and reli �h of these� ACTION REDUESTED Ds�c�ibs what ths projoctlnqw�t ss�ka to axomplhh in Nthsr cn►onologi- cal ord�r or o►der of Importanos,whiche�r�r is rtwst app�opHate for the . iswe. Do n�w�its c�riplsN�. 8egin sac�item in your list with a verb. REOOMMENDATIONS Complete N the issue in quwtion h�bsan proeeMed bsfors any body,Pub�ic or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqI OBJECTIVE? ` Indicats which Counc:N abJrctfve(�Y'W�P�o1�reQ��PP�s bY��9 the key wad(s)(HOUSINQ, RECRFJ►TION, NEICiHBORHOODS, ECOI�IOMiC DEVELOPMENT, BU�iET, 3EWER SEPARATtON).(8EE OOMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAI MANUAL.) OOtJNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL A3 REOtJE3TED BY COUNqL tNIT1ATINO PR�LEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explaln the situation or oo�tions that created a nsed for your project or requ�t. ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED Indicats whsthsr this is aimply an snnual bud�st procedure rsqufred by law/ charter or whether tMro are spedAc wa in wh�h ths Gty of 3efnt Paul and ita cRizens wfll bsnsfd from thia pr��t/action. DISADVANTAtiES IF APPROVED What nsgati�re eftecb w major chenges to exfstlng or pest pror�ses might thia Prolsctlreciusst produc»if it is pas�sd(e.g.�ttaffic dstays, rwiss. tax Increaaea or sa�art�snb)4 To Whom?When?Fa how bng? DISADVANTA�E3 IF NOT APPROVED What wiN be the npativs oor�quencss if the promised ection is not app►ov�d?InabflRy t0 dsUver service?CoMfnued hi�h traMic, noise, accidsnt rate? Loss of mvenus? FlNANCIAL IMPACT ° Althouqh you mwt teflor th�infonrwUon you provide here to the iswe you ars addrsafny,M�al y�ou m�t answ�r two questbns: How much is it poir►p to�sYT Who is�oin�to pay7