91-2249 �R'����L Council File # .. �? Green Sheet # __�CL�_ -� RESO�.UTION - _� � I O AINT PAUL, M-(NNESOTA � Presented By ,Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, the Department of Fire and Safety Services has purchased and installed smoke detectors in Saint Paul homes through a grant and, WHEREAS, many of these detectors have been in service over a year and need to have batteries replaced and, WYiEREAS, the De�artment's inspectors often come across smoke detectors that are out of service due to battery failure which causes them to write up the failure and provide a reinspection within 3 days at considerable cost to the City, and, WHEREAS, the Eveready Corporation has offered to provide the Department of Fire and Safety Services 1, 123 fresh batteries for use in these detectors, and WHEREAS, installing these new batteries will provide renewed safety and reduce the cost of paperwork and reinspections to the citizens of Saint Paul and now therefore be it RESOLVED, the Council and Maxor authorize the Saint Paul Fire Chief to accept this gift on behalf of the City and thank the Eveready Corporation for the gift of batteries that will be used to provide renewed saftey to the citizens of Saint Paul. Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: imon � oswztz i- o„ � Fire and Safety Services acca ee i ettman � ` �ne � B � Y� � � Adopted by Council: Date DEC 5 1991 Form A ed by City Attorney � Adoption Certified by Coun¢�1 ecretary By � _ � .... �- � � : ; By' � Approved by Mayor for ubmission to Approved M or: Dat ��� 9 ��7� Council � -� ...� / By: �Cs�e,�`,.,t�d� gy: _� :��y',�l�l��;, Pt��#����� OEC 14'91 ��-,�a� DEPARTM[NT/OFFl(�/COUNGL DATE INITIATED Fire & safet services �2-2-9� GREEN S�HEET No. 9�� � CONTACT PER�N 6 PFWNE �TE IN TIA DATE pEPARTMENT DI(iECTOR �CITV COUNdL Steve Zaccard 228-6201 � mnrroRr�r �cmc�au MUST BE ON COUNCII AQENDA BY(DATE) ROUTINO �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.8 MOT.8ERV�CES OIR. �MAYOR(OR A8818TANn � TOTAL#�OF SIQNATURE PACiES (CL.IP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIQNATURE) AC710N REQUESTED: To approve Council Resolution authorizing the Fire Department to accept 1,123 batteries for replacement in smoke detectors found to be inoperable. Estimated value $1,011. FlEOO�eNa►noHS:Mv�e W o►�l�(R) COUNqL COM�IITTEEJRESEARCFI REPORT O�TIONIIL _PLANNINO COMMISSION _pVIL BERVICE�MMISSION ��YBT PHONE NO. _p8 OOMMf1TEE _ COMMENTS: —37'AFF — _DISTHICT COURT _ SUPPORTB YNiICH OOUNpL OBJECTIVE7 INITIATINO PF�BLEM.ISSUE�OPPOR7UPNTY(Who.Wh�t.WhN6�Nhs►e.1Nh�: In the past the de�artment has distri�uted sn�ke detectors to needy families whose homes did not have o�eratinc� cietectors.�� These detectors are now due for replacement batteries. Adc�ii:ionally, our inspectors come across inoperable smoke detectors in other buildings. By replacing these batteries we provide safety to our citizens and save costly paperwork and time required for recheck by our inspection staff. , ADVANTAOEB If APPROVED: � Safety of citizens is enhanced and additio'nal cast of time and paperwork by our inspectors are saved. o�r�►rruu�s iF�o: ��CElVED - None apparent. pEC 0 2 1991 MAYOR'S OFFICE D18ADVANTAOE8 IF NOT APPROVED: Risk to homeowners that the smoke detectors the department has inspected ., are left inoperative and costly paperwork and reinspection time will continue for our inspectors. roTU.�ou�oF TnN+s�cnoN = 1,O 11. O O C06T/REVENUE SIIDOETED(dRCt.E ON� YE8 � Fu��a soun� Donation of Batteries ,�m Nu� FlNMICIAI INFORAAATION:(EXPWi� �,; # ,') NOTE: COMPIETE DIRECTIOIVS ARE INCLUDED IN THE OREEN SHEET IN8TRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN TFIE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO.298�5). ROUTING ORDER: Bebw are proferred routings for the fNs rrwst frequent typss of doc:umerrts: CONTRACTS (aswmos authorized COUNqL RESOLUTIUN (M�end, BdgtaJ budget exisb) Acxept.tirarns) 1. Outside Ag�r�cy 1. DepeRment Director 2. Initiatfng DepartmeM 2. Bud�et Director 3. City Attomey 3. Chy Attomey 4. Mayor 4. MayoNAsefstaM 8. Rnancs 8 Mgmt S1►cs. Director 5. City Council 8. Finance l0.ccourning 8. Chisf AccouMant� Fin 8 Nlpmt Svca. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all othsrs) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Manspsr 1. Initfating Dopertment Dinctor 2. DepeRment AccouMant 3. Ma oN�Iht�iNant 3. Dspertmant arector a. sud�arector a. ary councu 3. Gty c�c 6. Chief Accountant. Fln d�IN�mt Svca. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER3 (all others) 1. Initiatin�Department 2. Gty Attwney 3. MAyor/Assist�nt 4. City qerk TOTAL WUMBER OF SIONATURE PA(3E3 Indicate the#of pages on whksh sf�naturos u�required and I each of tt�se�es. ACTION REOUESTED Mscribe what the projsct/nqwst seeks to aoc�mplish M efther chronologF cal o�x a order of impatance,whk�hswr b mo�t appr�late for the . fasw. Do not write complet�ssntenoes.Bepin s�ch kem In your Iist with a verb. RE�MMENDATIONS Compists M the bsus in question hss besn presentsd before any body.publ� or privat�. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNdL OBJECTIVE? Indk�te which Council objscdw(s)your prcject/request suppoRS by lisdnp ths ksy wo�d(s)(HOUSIN(i, RECREATION, NEKiHBORHOOD3, EOONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDOET, 3EWER 3EPARATION).(3EE COMPLETE LI3T IN INSTHUCTIONAL MANUAL.) OOUNCFL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL A3 REQUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATiN(i PROBLEM, 133UE,OPPORTUNITY Explain ths situatbn or c�r�dttiorn that cro�lsd a need for Y��Prol� w requsst. ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED Indicate whethsr this is Nmply an annuaF budgot prooeduro required by Iaw! charter or whether there aro tpsciflc weya in whbh ths CNy of Sairn Paul and its citizen8 wiii bsneM from thia projsctiactbn. DISADVANTACiES IF APPROVED What neyativs effects or major changes W axisHr�y or past pra�seea might this project/requsst prod�ff it is pesssd(e.g.,traiNc delays, noise, tax increaaes or ss�stn�snts)?To Whom?When?For how lon�? DISADVANTA(iES IF NOT APPROVED What wfll be the�ep�Uve oonaequsnces ff the promised action is not approved?Inability to dsliver ssrvfce?Continusd high traffic, nofae, accidsnt rats?Loss of rsvenus? . FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor ths infonnation you praride here to the issue you er•�dre�ein�, in�nsnl you must answer two queations: How much ia ft qoing to cost4 Who is pdn�to pay?