91-2243�����a�: ___� - ✓ 25 ouncil File # � � � Green Sheet �` ��� RESOLUTION C OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, the Division of Public Health has requested the City Council to hold. public hearings to consider the advisability and necessity of ordering the repair or wrecking and removal of a deteriorated two story wood frame single family house which is very dilapidated and is an eyesore and a nuisance to the community located on property hereinafter refened to as the "Subject Property" and commonly known as 991 Marshall Avenue This property is legally described as follows, to wit: Lots 26 through 30, Block l, A. B. Wilgus Addition to the City of St. Paul WHEREAS, based upon the records in the Ramsey County Recorder's Office and information obtained by the Division of Public Health on or before October 24, 1991, the following are the now known interested or responsible parties for the Subject Property: First Trinity Church of God in Christ, 981 Marshall Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55104 WHEREAS, the Division of Public Health has served in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code an order identified as an "Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s)" dated October 18, 1991 which is attached and incorporated as part of this Resolution; and WHEREAS, the order informed the then known interested or responsible parties that the house located on the Subject Property is a nuisance building(s) pursuant to Sections 45.02, Subd. 8 and a nuisance pursuant to Chapter 45.03 Subd. 7; and WHEREAS, this order informed the interested or responsible parties that they must either repair or demolish the structure located on the Subject Property by November 1, 1991; and WHEREAS, the enforcement officer has posted a placard on the Subject Property declaring this building(s) to constitute a nuisance condition, subject to demolition; and WHEREAS, this nuisance condition has not been conected and the Division of Public Health has requested that the City Clerk schedule public hearings before the Neighborhood Services Committee of the City Council and the Saint Paul City Council; and WHEREAS, the interested and responsible parties have been served notice in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, of the time, date, place and purpose of theses public hearings; and OR�C���I�.L (��i��s�.�✓ WHEREAS, a hearing was held before the Neighborhood Services Committee of the Saint Paul City Council on Wednesday, December 4, 1991 to hear testimony and evidence, and after receiving testimony and evidence, made the recommendation to approve the request by the Division of Public Health to order the interested or responsible parties to make the Subject Property safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safety and welfare and remove its blighting influence on the community by rehabilitating this structure in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances, Qr in the alternative by demolishing and removing the structure in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances. The rehabilitation or demolition of the structure to be completed within fifteen (15) days of the date of the publication of this resolution; and WHEREAS, a hearing was held before the Saint Paul City Council on Tuesday, December 10, 1991 and all testimony and evidence including the ackion taken by the Neighborhood Services Committee was considered by the Council; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that based upon all of the testimony and evidence presented at the above referenced public hearings, the Saint Paul City Council hereby adopts the following Findings and Order concerning the Subject Property at 991 Marshall Avenue: 1. That the building(s) located on the Subject Property comprise a nuisance condition as defined in Saint Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 45.02 Subd.8. 2. That the costs of demolition and removal of this building(s) is estimated to exceed three thousand dollars ($3,000.00). 3. That there now exists and has existed multiple Housing or Building code violations at the Subject Property. 4. That an Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s) was sent to the then known responsible parties to conect the deficiencies or to demolish and remove the building(s). 5. That the deficiencies causing this nuisance condition have not been conected. 6. That the Division of Public Health has posted a placard on the Subject Property which declares it to be a nuisance condition subject to demolition. 7. That this building has been routinely monitored by the VacandNuisance Buildings Code Enforcement Program. 8. That the City of Saint Paul has had to board accessible openings at the subject property. 9. That the known interested parties and owners are as previously stated in this resolution and that they have been properly served notice of the public hearings. -2- ��6� "�,F d II �=Y;, . ► V' ' � p��T� V RDER The Saint Paul City Council hereby makes the following order: 1. The above referenced interested or responsible parties shall make the Subject � Property safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safety and welfare and remove its blighting influence on the community by rehabilitating this structure and conecting all deficiencies as prescribed in the above referenced Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s) in accordance with all - applicable codes and ordinances; Q in the alternative by demolishing and removing the structure in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances. Tl�e rehabilitation or demolition and rem►oval of the structure must be completed within fifteen (15) days of the date of the publication of this resolution. 2. If the above conective action is not completed within this period of time the City of Saint Paul, Division of Public Health is hereby authorized to take whatever steps are necessary to demolish and remove this structure and fill the site and chazge the costs incuned against the Subject Property pursuant to the provisions of Section 45.08 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. 3. In the event the building is to be demolished and removed by the City of Saint Paul, all personal property�or fixtures of any kind which shall unreasonably interfere with the demolition and removal shall be removed from the building by the responsible parties by the end of this time period. If the personal property is not removed, the City of Saint Paul shall remove and dispose of such property and fixtures as is provided by law. . 4. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that a copy of this resolution be mailed to the last known address of the owners and interested parties in accordance with Section 45.11, Subd.6 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. -3- Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: zmon -r" oswztz �- j ' ' � � u�ce5 acca ee i et man � u e "-- � � i son BY� �j ��z� Adopted by Council: Date � �.._ —� � —�1 1 Form Appr ved by City Attorney Adoption ified by Cou 1 ecretary gY; ��� l Ls c� � By� / � �- Approved by Ma,yor for Submission to Approv d ,,,,- �Gj Council S �.15�� By: Y� Pllell NED D�C ? 1'91 . - li1"7/��'" DEPARTM[NTl�FlCE/COUNqI DATE INITIATED � Community Services 11-20-91 GREEN SHE�T No. a 2 6 9 CONTACT PERSON A PHONE ITIAU pATE INITIAUDATE ,,./ ARTMENT DIRECT NI �CITY QOUNCIL Charlee Votel 298-4153 lJ`� �� rror�v -1 � cm c��uc MU8T BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DATE) ppU71N0 DOET DIRECTOR �FlN.3 MOT.8ERVICE3 DIR. December 10, 1991 �„u,Y�cq���,� ❑ TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAOES � (�IP ALL L ATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� Acn�REOUESTED: City Council to pass this reeolution which will order the owne� to remove or repair the referenced building(a) within fiftean (15) daye from the mailing of this resolution. If the owner fafls to comply with the resolution, the City will be authorized to remove the buildinq. The subject property is located at 991 Marahall Averfue. RECOMiriENW►TIONS:Mw�(N a►�1�(� COUNCiI GO�AM11fTEElRE�ARCH _PUWNINf3 COMMI8810P1 _CIVIL BERVICB COMAA18810N ��Y� "�"°. REC�IVED _p8 COMMITTEE _ A _�� _ COMMENTS: CITY ATTORN Nov 2 � ��q, _��� _ . EY 8UPPORTB WNICN COUNdL OBJECTIVE7 �� INITIAl1N0 PROBLEM,ISSUE�OPPORTUNtTY(Vllho.Whet�WI»n.YVh�n.WAy): Thfs building(e) is � nuieance building(s) ae defined in Chapter 45 and a vacant builing as defined in Chapter 43 of the Safnt Paul Legislative Code.. The owners, intereeted parties and responsible parties known to the Enforcement Officer were given an order to repair or reinove the building at 991 Marehall Avenue by Nove�aber 1, 1991, and have failed to comply with thoee orders. RfCEiV�D ADVANTAOE8IF APPROVED: NOV 2 � i991 � The City will eliminate a nuisance. �AY(��r� OFFI� x as�cv��s iF n��o: The City will apend funds to wreck and remove this building(sy. These eosts will be aesessed to the property, collected as a apecial assesement aga�nst the property taxes. DISADVANTAQE8IF NOT APPROVED: A nuisance condition will remain unabated in the City. Thie buflding(a) will continue to blight the comraunity. �ouncil &����a��la Cer�er D�C 0� 1991 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = � � COST/REVENUE BUOAETED(C�I.E ONE) YE8 NO J �p�p gpup(� Nuisance Housin� Ahatempnt ACTIYITY NUMBER �37�� Flwwc���N�wu►nori:cexwu� d c� r ' 'NOTE: OOMPLETE DIRECTION3 ARE INCLUDED IN THE(iREEN 8HEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAIUBLE IN THE PURCHA31NLa OFFICE(PHOHIE N0.288-4225). ROUTINO ORDER: Bslow are preferred routinga for the Nve moat frequent rypes of documeMa: CONTRACTS (�ssurr�s auttrorlasd OOUNCIL RE30lUTION (/lmsnd� Bdqta./ . budget sxists) �.araMs) 1. Outside Agency 1. Dapertm�nt Director 2. InitiaUnp Deputmsnt 2. Budpst Dinctor 3. Gty Attomey 3. Clty Attorney 4. Mayor 4. Msyor/Asslstant 5. Financa d�t�Aqmt Srres. Diroctor 5. City Coundl 6. Flnsnce Accounting 6. Chisf Aa:ountant� Fln&Mgmt 3w:a. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (B�, COUNqL RESOLUTION (����� � 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiatinp DepaRmeM DI►sctor 2. Depertmsnt AccountaM 2• �Y�Y 3. DspertmeM DUector S. MayoHAtNspmt 4. Budpst DUector 4. qty CoUncil ' 5. City Clerk 8. Chisf�►xouuMant, Fin�AA�mt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIYE ORDERS (all othera) 1. Infti�brq Dspartmsnt 2. City Attomey 3. MayoNAstiatar� 4. Clty Clsrk TOTAL NUMBER OF 31ONATURE PAQES Indicate ths#�of pap�s on whbh si�nsturea are roquirod and paperclip each of thess se. ACTION REOUE$TED Detc�ibs what the proJ�cNrpwst Naks to lu�compli�M eithsr chronObph cal ordsr or o�of imporNncs.whichwK is most appropriate for tM iswe. Do not wrlts cwmpl�t�ssnt�noss. Bpin each ftem in your Bst with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS ComplN•ff the issue in qwsNon Ma b�sn preseMad betors anY�Y� P�blic or private. 8UPPORTS WHidi(�l1NqL OBJECTIVE? Indk;ate which Councfl objsctive(s)Y��P�U���PP�bY��� the key word(s)(HOU81N(9,RE�tEAT10N,NEI(�HBORHOOD3, E�NOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUD(iET,SEWER 3EPARATION).(SEE WMPLETE L18T IN IN8TRUCTIONAL AAANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMI1TEElRESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REOUESTED BY COUNqL INITIATINQ PROBLEM.13SUE.OPPORTUNiI'Y ExpUtin the aitwNon or oondNbne th�t cn�bd a ns�d for your project or roquest. ADYANTAC3E3 IF APPROVED Indicate w�r this fs simply an ennwl budpst proosdun roqufred by law/ cherter or whsther thero ar�spaciflc wa in which the City of 3eiM Paul and Rs citizens will bsnMit hom Mis pro�t/action. DISADVANTA('�iE3 IF APPROVED What negstive sflect�or major changes to axlsting or past processes migM thi�projsct/requsu produCe if it is petesd(•.p.,trafflc delays� nolse. tox increases or assasaments)?TO Whom?Whsn7 For Irow lonq? DISADVANTAC�E3 IF NOT APPROVED Whet will be ths nepative cAnsequsnc�if the promised action is not epp�ared?InabiNty to dsliver eervice? Contlnued hf�h trafNc, noiae, accident nite?loos M rovenue? FlNANCIAL IMPACT Althou�h you must tallor ths informatio�you provids hsrs to the iswe you aro addressinp, in gensnl you must answsr two qw�tions: How much is it �Oin�to c�at�Who is�Oinp to WYt / DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES �/ �J��i`�j !X /� Roy Guna,Director � C1TY OF SAINr PAUL DIVISION OF PUBLfC HEALTH HOUS/NG CODE PROGR,iMS James Scheibel,Mayor SSS Cedar Street 612-292-7771 Saint Pau[,MN 55101-2260 r � November 20, 1991 IRECEIVED NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS �ov 21 �gg� �ITY CLERK Council President and Members of the City Council The Division of Public Health, Vacant/Nuisance Buildings Enforcement Unit has requested the City Clerk schedule public hearings to consider a resolution ordering the repair or removal of the nuisance building(s) located at: 991 Marshall Avenue The City Clerk has scheduled the date of these hearings as follows: Neighborhood Services Committee - Wednesday, December 4, 1991 City Council - 1�esday, December 10, 1991 The owners and responsible parties of record are: Name and Last Known Address Interest First Trinity Church of God in Fee Owner per Owners and Christ Encumbrance Report and Tax 981 Marshall Avenue Statement St. Paul, MN 55104 The legal description of this property is: Lots 26 through 30, Block 1, A.B. Wilgus Addition to the City of St. Paul The City of Saint Paul, Division of Public Health has declared this building(s) to constitute a "nuisance" as defined by Legislative Code, Chapter 45. The Division has issued an order to the then known responsible parties to eliminate this nuisance condition by conecting the deficiencies or by razing and removing this building(s). q�a��3 � � � � Notice of Public Hearing - 991 Marshall Avenue November 20, 1991 Page: 2 Inasmuch as this Order to Abate has not been complied with the nuisance condition remains unabated, the community continues to suffer the blighting influence of this property. It is the recommendation of the Division that the City Council pass a resolution ordering the responsible parties to either repair, ar demolish and remove this building in a timely manner, and failing that, authorize the Division to proceed to demolition and removal, and to assess all costs incuned against the real estate as a special assessment to be collected in the same manner as taxes. Sincerely, - f+" r�''� Charles A. Votel Program Supervisor Vacant/Nuisance Buildings Code Enforcement cc: Jan Gasterland, Building Inspection and Design Division Peter Warner, City Attorneys Office Molly O'Rourke, City Clerk Steve Zaccard, Fire Marshall 7im Murphy, Neighborhood Services Committee Dan Pahl, PED-Housing Division � � a�y�a�� ♦��T��, CITY OF SAINT PAUL ✓ . �.~ � DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTTY SERVICES ' �� `�i i �% .... DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH 555 Cedar Stceet, Saint Paul,Minnceotn 55101 (612)292-7771 7AMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR October 18, 1991 Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s) First Trinity Church of God in Christ, Inc. 981 Marshall Avenue St. Paul, NtN 55104-6506 Dear Sir or Madam: The Vacant/Nuisance Buildings Code Enforcement Unit of the Division of Public Health hereby declares the premises located at: 991 Marshall Avenue (aka: 981 Marshall Aeenue) and legally described as follows, to wit: A B Wilgus Add to the City of St. Paul Lots 26 thru Lot 30 Blk 1 to comprise a nuisance condition in violation of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 45.02, and subject to demolition under authority of Chapter 45.11. On October 17, 1991, a Building Deficiency Inspection Report was compiled and the following conditions were observed. This list of deficiencies is not necessarily all the deficiencies present at this time. This building(s) is subject to the restrictions of Saint Paul Ordinance Chapter 33.03 and shall not again be used for occupancy until such time as a Certif'icate of Compliance or a Cert�cate of Occupancy has been issued. All,repairs must be in accordance with appropriate codes. Changes or additions to the electrical system, mechanical system, plumbing system may necessitate updating or upgrading the systems involved. A deteriorated two story, wood frame, single family house which is very dilapidated and is an eyesore and a nuisance to the communiry. , ���aa�3 � � Order to Abate - 991 Marshall Avenue (aka: 981 Marshall Avenue) October 18, 1991 Page: 2 Interior 1. The basement is unclean, damp and musty. The stairs have a narrow tread and need to be rebuilt, the doors are broken and defective. The foundation walls are spalled, cracked and deteriorated. The first floor system and joists are rotted and the floor is defective. The beams, plates and sills are rotted and defective. 2. The electrical service meter is locked off by NSP. The service will have to be checked by a qualified electrician and upgraded throughout. 1'here are broken wires, exposed wiring, defective switches, outlets and fixtures. 3. T'he water piping and the drain, waste and vent lines are deteriorated by age; may be burst and leaking and clogged and they need total replacement unless checked by a qualified plumber before being placed in ser.vice. The plumbing fixtures are worn out, deteriorated and need replacement. There aze dry, disconnected traps and open sewer connections. 4. The hot water heating system will need to be thoroughly replace or checked by a qualifi.ed mechanical heating contractor before being placed in service. Froz,en, burst pipes may exist throughout the system. Back-flow prevention devices must be installed as required by code. 5. There is lacldng insulation and missing storm doors, storm windows and weatherstripping. Needs to comply with Minnesota State Energy Code before being reoccupied. The ldtchen ceiling is collapsed. 1'he floor is buckled and the floor covering �s worn out and defective. The cabinets and counters are loose, defective and deteriorated. The windows and doors are broken and missing. 6. The walls and ceilings in the living and dining room azeas has defective plaster and are collapsed. The floor is severely buckled and heaved. 1'he windows and doors are broken, defective, open and unsecured. The sanitation is filthy due to vagrants defecating on the floor. 7. The floor covering in the hallway is defective and the walls t� the upper floors are defective. There is no smoke detector visible. 8. The bathroom ceiling is collapsed and the condition of the floor is poor and defective. There is extensive water damage throughout the bathroom. The electrical outlets and fixtures aze defective. The plumbing fixtures are defective, open waste and filthy. The door is broken. ' ����°��3 ✓ Order to Abate - 991 Marshall Avenue (aka: 981 Marshall Avenue) October 18, 1991 . Page: 3 Interior - continued: 9. There are numerous wall and ceiling defects in the sleeping rooms. The windows and doors aze broken, defective and lacldng proper hardware. Exterior _ 10. The front stairs are missing and the rear stairs aze rotted and unsafe. The foundation is spalled, deteriorated with trees growing alongside it. The basement windows are broken and rotted. The drainage is poor. The exterior walls and sidings are defective, rotted with peeling paint. The doors are defective and frames and are missing locks and hardware. The windows need total replacement. The porches and decks are rotted and unsafe. The eaves and trim are rotted, open and defective. The roof covering is worn out, deteriorated and missing shingles. The gutters and downspouts are defective and missing. The chimney is defective, leaning and needs tuckpointing. 11. The yard areas contain refuse, wood and junk. As owner, agent or responsible party, you are hereby notified that if these deficiencies and the resulting nuisance condition is not corrected by November 1, 1991 the City of Saint Paul, Division of Public Health will begin a substantial abatement process to demolish and remove the building(s). The costs of this demolition, including administrative costs will be assessed against the property taxes as a special assessment in accozdance with law. As first remedial action, a Code Compliance Inspection must be obtained from the Building Inspection and Design Division, Room 445, City HalUCourthouse, (612)298-4212. This inspection will identify specific defects, necessary repairs and legal requirements to correct this nuisance condition. You may request the City demolish the building(s) by contacting the Enforcement Officer at (612)298-4153. Please be advised that all owners and interested parties or lienholders of record must also sign this document. As an owner or responsible party, you are required by law to provide full and complete disclosure of this "Order to Abate" to all interested parties, all present or subsequent renters and any subsequent owners. If you sell, fransfer, or convey in any manner, the ownership or responsibility for this property, you must within seven ('� days, notify the Enforcement Officer with the names and addresses of any new owners or responsible parties. �=��;��3 ✓ 4 � � Order to Abate - 991 Marshall Avenue (aka: 981 Marshall Avenue) October 18, 1991 Page: 4 The Enforcement officer is required by law to post a placard on this property which declares it to be a "nuisance condition", subject to demolition and removal by the City. The Division of Public Health is further required to file a copy of this "Order to Abate" with the Ramsey County Recorder's office and the City Clerk's Office. If corrective action is not taken within the time specified in this order, the Enforcement Officer will notify the City Council that abatement action is necessary. The City Clerk will _ then schedule dates for Public Hearings before the City Council at which time testimony will be heard from all interested parties. After this hearing ttYe City Council will adopt a resolution stating what action if any, it deems appropriate. If the resolution calls for abatement action the Council may either order the City to take the abatement action or fix a time within which this nuisance must be abated in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 33 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and provide that if corrective action is not taken within the specified time, the City shall abate this nuisance. If you have any questions or request additional informatior_ please contac� �har?es Vote1 between the haurs af 8:00 and 9:30 a.m. at (612) 298-4153. Sincerely, � � �- � Charles Votel Program Supervisor Vacant/Nuisance Buildings Code Enforcement Program CV:jm cc: S. Pemberton, PED - Housing City Clerk Ramsey County Recorders Office CITY OF SAINT PAUL '' � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL Members: DAVE THUNE Dave Thuoe, Chair Councilmember Janice Rettman Roger Goswitz COMMITTEE REPORT: Date: December 4, 1991 Time: 2:00 p.m. Place: Council Chambers ; 3rd Floor City Ha 1 NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES COMMITTEE 1. Approval of November 20, 1991 meeting minutes. APPROVAL 2. Resolution - 91-1967 - directing the Department of Community Services to move the original Paul Manship sculpture entitled Indian Hunter With Doq to its historical location in Cochran Park. INDEFINITE LAY OVER 3. Ordinance - 91-2049 - amending Chapter 45.11 Subdivision 2 of the Legislative Code relating to Abatement of Nuisance Buildings. RECOMMEND APPROVAL 4. Resolution - ordering the owner to remove or complete the repair of the referenced building, located at 721 Seventh Street East. If the owner fails to comply with this resolution, the City will be authorized to remove the building. (Laid over from November 20, 1991.) FOUR WEEK LAYOVER 5. Resolution - ordering the owner to remove or complete the repair of the referenced building, located at 991 Marshall Avenue. If the owner fails _ to comply with this resolution, the City will be authorized to remove the building. (Will be on the City Council agenda December 10, 1991.) RECOMMEND APPROVAL, REPAIR OR DEMOLISH WITHIN 15 DAYS 6. Resolution - ordering the owner to remove or complete the repair of the _ referenced building, located at 430 Minnehaha Avenue East. If the owner fails to comply with this resolution, the City will be authorized to remove the building. (Will be on the City Council agenda December 10, 1991.) RECOMMEND APPROVAL, REPAIR OR DEMOLISH WITHIN 15 DAYS CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5679 S�4E Printed on Recycled Paper