D00673ori c�erx �.' I T Y O F S' A I N T P A U L Copy—Finance Department Copy-Department OFFICE OF THE MAYOR � � l_J �� �� �•��,� xo.: �(ta�l3 �: �a-�-q5 ADMINISTRATTVE ORDER, to comply with Council File No. 267621 regulating eligibiliry for the City's contdbution to the Health and Welfare Program for City employees, the following designated dates shall be applicable for such eligibility and payroll deduction for the emgloyee contribution in the year 1996: Oualifyin�Pay Period December 9 to December 22, 1995 7anuary 6 to 7anuary 19, 1996 February 3 to February 16 March 2 to Mazch 15 Mazch 30 to April 12 Apri127 to May 10 May 25 to 7une 7 7uly 6 to July 19 August 3 to August 16 August 31 to September 13 September 28 to October 11 October 26 to November 8 APPROVED AS TO FORM Insurance Deductions to be Made on the Following Pay Da� 7anuary 5, 1996 February 2 Mazch 1 Mazch 29 Apri126 May 24 7une 21 August 2 August 30 September 27 October 25 November 22 Month Covered January February March April May June 7uly August September October November December 1 l '� � � � ��� , 1 Assistant City Attomey Y � Department Director • Date �(J �� �C/ S !/�' "��Z�'�6��� (�E'��J Administrative Assistant to Mayor T07AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � 31339 ; GREEN SHEET � INRIAUDATE INITIAVDATE m DEPARTMENT DIAECiOR O CfTY CAUNCIL aN QCfTYATfORNEY ^ T5. Q—Zg-4y �CT'CLERK 3ER FOR gUOGET DIRECTOfl � FlN. & MGf. SERVICES Olii. nNG `-� Mnvoa coa nssisru�m � (CLIP A4L LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Establish schedule for 1996 quali£ying pay periods for employee insurance bene£its. __PWlNWGCOMMISSION _CIVILSEHVICECOMMISSION _ CIB COMMRTEE _ ^ STAFP _ _ D�STqICT CAUFiT _ SUPPORTS WHICH GOUNCIL OBJECTIVE? PEHSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUS7 ANSWER 7HE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a contraa for Nis department? � YES NO 2. Has this person�rtn ever 6een a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does Mis persoNfirm possess a skill no[ normally possessed by any current city employee? YES NO Explain a11 yes anawers on separate sheet antl attaeh to green sheet INITIATIRO PFiOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY(Who, What, When. Where, r� , ,�'s�5 Council File 267621 s the annual establishment of monthly qualifying pay periods for the determination of employee eligibility for City-paid insurance coverage on a monthly basis. ��� SEP 29 I995 is an annual Administrative Order as Council Resolution. ��'��� �' �°��� The Risk and Employee Benefit Manager, Ron J Guilfoile, is advised of, and concurs with, the attached schedule. RECEIVEI� OCT - 41995 CITY CLERK � 1: S�P 28 1995 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TIiANSACTION $ FUNDIIaCd SOURCE PINANCIAL INFORMATiON: (EXPLAM} COST/PEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ACTIVITVNUMBEH N/A dW �