91-2201 C��t�I�AL �un��� r ,e � �o �� ' Green Sheet # q�� �ESt)�.L'TiON , . -,�_.., �„ CITY OF SAINT PAUL, M-INNES�TA ���� ; ,r � -�..� Presented By ` ` �'?� • � Referred To r c �1 �� n � -c ����1 - Committee: Date J� �� -`j� I � i � II WHER�AS, th� Department of �'ire and Saf�ety Servic�s E ui ment Services andtion estimates revenues in excess of,! those pro�ect�d �n the 1990 budget, WHEREAS, the Department has incurred ad'ditional costs in producing the � above revenues, and . WHER�AS, The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10. 07 . 1 ,of the Cit CY�arter, does certify that the�e are available for appropriation, revenu�s in excess of those estimated in the 1991 Budget; ana WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends the folloCURRENTanges to the 1991 �ENDE� FINANCING PLAN• BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET 505--EQUIPMENT SERVICES FIRE AND POLICE 0. 00 15001--FIRE & POL. VEH MAINTENANCE. 4209--SALE OF FUEL 31, 930. 00 116, 000. 00 147,930. 00 USE OF FUND Bp,LANCE 155, 324.46 0. 00 155, 324 .46 ALL OTHER FUND FINANCING 1, 272 , 902 . 00 0. 00 1, 272,902 . 00 ,, i SPENDING PLAN• , � '1, 460, 156. 46 116, 000. 00 1, 576, 156.46 505--E UIPMENT SERVICES FIRE AND POLICE; �5001--FIRE & POL. VEH MATNTENANC�. " � ' 0341--MOTOR FUEL � 30 189. 00 116 000. 00 146 189.00 � ALL OTHER SPENDING i1, 429; 967.46 � 0. 00 1,429; 967.46 '� !,1, 460, 156.46 116, 000. 00 1,576, 156.46 ' NOW, THEREFORE BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED,that that the City Council adopts the above changes �o the 1991 budget. RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL BUDG T DIRECTOR Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: smon � os�+itz FIRE AND SAFETY SERVICES on i acca ee � ettman � � un e i „___ i scn i ��? C t* t �'� �t, � I �' Form Appro e b ity Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ', � Adoption Cert' 'ed Counci�ec etary I By. � ` I By' � G Approved b M or for Submission to Approved by Mayo : Dat DEC 2 4 1991 �oun�il , , � � �� � �� ' /����'!/ n1.; �/��: �� �!f�i By: P���I��E� JAI� � '92 ����� DEPA •NTlOFFICE/COUNGL DATE INITIATED � � FIRE AND SAFETY SERVICES 10-18- 1 GREEN SHEET NO. 9�i�5 AVE (�NTACT PERSON i PNONE 22(+_�H 11 PARTAAENT DIRECTOR �CITY CaJNpL ASST CHIEF WARREN SCHAUB �� ATTORNEY CITV CLERK MUBT BE ON COUNdL AOENDA BY(DA'f� ROIITINO DOET OIRECTOFi �FlN.6 MOT.SERVICES DiR. �u►vo�+(o�+�srMm � GHTEF ACC TOTAL A�OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SKiNATUR� ACT10N REQUESTEO: TO APPROVE A COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ADDITION OF $11:6,000.00 TO THE FINANCING AND SPENDING PLAN FOR FIRE/POLICE EQUIPMENT SERVICES MOTOR FUEL BUDGET 505-15001-0341. THE POLICE DEPARTMENT NOW USES THE EQUIPMENT SERVICES GAS STATIONS AS THEIR PRIMARY REFUEL- RECOMMENDATIONB:Approve(/q a iNJsct(i� QpV(��,�pMM�r�pEpppT _PIANNINO�MM18810N _dVIL�RVIC`COMMIS810N ��� P��. _(�B COMMiTTEE _ COM�AENTS: _3TI1FF _ _DISTRICf OOl1RT _ 8UPPORT8 NMICH OOUNdI�JECTIVE? INITIATINO PR09LEM,IS8UE.OPPORTUNITY(Who.Wh�t,Whsn.Whsro.Why): THE POLICE DEPARTMENT NOW USES EQUIPMENT SEVICES REFUELING STATIONS AS THEIR PRIMARY SOUR.CE OF GAS AS A COST SAVING OPPORTUNITY. EQUIPMENT SERVICES CHARGES ONLY SLIGHTY MORE THAN COST. ...�_p ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED: N�v � 9 19�� POLICE WILL CONTINUE TO BE ABLE TO PURCHASE���AT THE LOWEST POSSIBL� COST. ��`����� DISADVANTA(�E8 IF APPROVED: NONE APPARENT. 018ADVANTA4ES IF NOT APPFiOVED: POLICE WILL PURCHASE FUEL AT HIGHER COST THROUGH PRIVATE VENBORS. ��� '��^ff ��r t'��� C@� PF:i RECEIVED NOV � 0 1991 �ov 2 51g91 �ITY CLERK TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION i 116.OOO.00 COST/F�VENIJE BUDQETlD(C�LE ONE) YES (NO) FUNDING SOIJRCE POLICE• AND FIRE GENERAT, FLTNT_) �crnr�rr Nu�e�n SnS��Snni FINANCIAI INFORMATION:(EXPWN) d�v . �. NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTION3 ARE INCLUpEO IN THE QREEN SNEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHA31Ni3 OFFICE(PHONE NO.298�4226). ROUTING ORDER: Below are prefsrrod routinga for the Hve most frequent types of documsnW: CONTRACTS - (assumss aut�orized COUNqL RESOLUTIQN (Mrond,9d�ts./ bud�et exists) Accept. GreMa) 1. Outside Agency 1. Depbrt►nent Dirsetor 2. �Dspertmsnt 3: Bud�t��or 3. 4. Mayor 4. MayoNAesistant 5. Finar�8 Mgmi 3vca. Director 5. (�ty Coundl 6. Flnar�/►ccouMing 6. Chiet AocountaM� Fln S Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNqL RESOLUTION (all oHars) . Rs�rbfon) ,uM ORDINANCE 1. HctivhY Mana� 1. Initkdiir�g DepartmaM Director 2. DspeRmsnt/locouMeM . 2• �Y An�Y 4. Bu�dpst a►�cto► 4. (�CWiWi� 5. Gty Gerk 8. Chief AccouM�M� Fin 8 Mgmt Svcs. ADMIWISTRATIVE ORDERS (all oths►s) 1. Initiatin�D�peRment 2. City Attornsy 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. qty Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIQNATURE PACiEB In�cats ths#of p�s on vififch sigriduros ars required and 0 sach of thsse� ACTION REOUESTED , Ds�cribs what the proj�t/rpusot soeks W accomplish in either chronologi- cal ordsr or ordsr of importanoe�whichsver is most appropriate fa ths fasue. Do rwt write complste ssMenc�ss. Be�in�ech Rem in y�wr Ibt with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complets H the bsus in qusNion he�b�en preesMed bsfors arry body, public or prfvate. SUPPORTS WHlqi COUNdL 08JECTIVE? Indicate whiCh CounCi{objectNro(s)Yan'Pro�/►equest s�APorts bY��inp ths keY word(sI�HOU3INO� RECREATION�NEIC3FIBORHOODS. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET,SEWER 3EPAAATION).(3EE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIQNAL MANUAL.) OOUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL A3 RE�UESTED BY COUNqL INITIATINCi PROBLEM, ISSl1E,OPPOFlTUNITY Explain the sh�tion or condftlons thad cro�ted a nead for your project or requsst. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate Mrtiether this is simpy an annwl txidp�t procedure requirod by law/ chaRer or whether thsre an spedflc in which ths C�ty of Safrn Paul and ita cftizena will bsneAt trom th�p�/actfon. DISADVANTA(iE3 IF APPROVED Whet nepative eif�cts or major changes to exlstin�or paq procesees mipM this projectlrequsM produce if R is paased(e.p..tramc delaya, noiae. tax incre�ees or a�ssertisnta)?To Whom?When? Fo►how bng? DISADVANTA(iE31F NOT APPROVED What will be ths nepativs consOqu�ncea if the promised action is not approved? InebiUry to delhrer servioe?CoMirnisd hiph treiHc, noise, acxident rats?l.oes of revsnus9 FlNANCIAL IMPACT Although you must taibr the information you provfds here to ths isaue you aro addreesinp, in gsnsral you must answer two questions: How much is it 9a�9 to c�st?Who is�ing to pay? � �� 9�- a��`°� -: Committee Report Finance, Management, and Personnel Committee December 16, 1991 - Page 2 Resolution 91-2265 - amending the 1991 Budget by adding $250,000 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Merriam Park Branch Library Project. (Referred from Council December 12. 1991) This resQlu_ ion was adopted at Council on 12/12/91 Resolution 91- 2-3-1' - amending the 1991 Budget by adding $33,355 to the Financing a -S- g Plans of Community Services - Parks & Recreation Supply and Maintenance. (Referred from Council 12/IO/91) Approved 3-0 5. lution 91-1787 � approving the merger of the Police and Fire Communication Centers 'n�-�i-sca�--l�+ear 1992. (Referred from Council 9/24/91) (To be withdrawnZ Committee recommended withdrawal 3-0 ,_-- �e�olution 90-1155 - changing the rate of pay for property clerk. (Referred from our�ci-l—tHE}/90�id over in Committee 7/30/90) (To be withdrawn) Committ��cQ ended withdrawal 3-0 6. R s�ution 91-1895 amending the 1991 Budget by adding $10,000 to the Financing a d Spendin s of Fire & Safety Services - General Fund. (Referred from C uncil 10 08 91 Approved 3-0 7. Resolution 91-2203 - amending the 1991 Budget by transferring $500,000 to the Financing and Spending Plans of Fire and Safety Services for paying and traininq firefiQhter recruits. (Referred from Council l2/03/91) This resol_ution was adopted at Council on 12/03/91 � �x-�f -9i 8. ,�solut�on 91-2� - amending the 1991 Budget by adding $116,�to the Financing r"an��S -endin ans of the Police Fire E ui ment Services Motor Fue P � / q p 1 Budget. (Referred from Council 12/03/91) � • �Approved 3-0 _.____ _ _..___--�----� �Resolution 91-2200 amending the 1991 Budget by adding �14,011.62 to the Fi-rra�cing_.�.rtd_Sp nding Plans of Planning and Economic Development for the Selby _ Avenue Revitalization Pro.iect. (Referred from Council 12j3/91) _ Approved 3-0 � ` . • -