91-2191 OR����a'�� Council File # Q�o�/Q/_ ���"��' ' Green sheet ,# 6379 � RESOLUTION -�, CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA /� � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i�ABBfiAS, The St, Paul Division of Fublic Realt6 has receiaed funding froa the State of 8inneaota, Departaent of Health for a Wo�en's flealth Screening Prograo grant to provide breast and cervical cancer screening to Ninnesota wo�en; and WABSfiA9, a council resolution is needed to enter this �rant on the City of ST. Paul Budget systeA; and WHfiBfiAS, t6is grant rrili fund 1.5 FTB's for a eight eonth period coaaencing Noveaber 15, 1991 thru July 13, 1992, and WHB&fiASt The Kayor pursuant to Section 1G.07,1 fo the City Charter does certify tsat there are available for appropriation revenues in exceas of those esti�aated in tne 1991 bu�get; and (iHfiREAS, The Hayor reco�aends the foilowing c6anges to the 1991 budget: _ _ - Current Aaended Budget Chaages Budget --------------- --------------- ------------------ FINANCiNG PLAN 3G3 Special Projects - Health Fund 3100 KN, Dept. of Health - Fed Grants in AIDi�tate lioaen's Nealth Screening Prograo G i6,000 26,GOG Ali Gt6er Financing 0 0 � --------------- --------------- ------------------ 0 26,000 Z6,000 SPfiNDING FLAN 30� Special Projects - Aealth Fund 33238 Woeen's 8ealth Screening Program 305-33238-0111 Personnel 0 2,624 2,624 306-33238-0219 Professional 9ervices 20'360 ���500 30�-33238-0221 Postage 303-33238-0222 Telephone 20 20 305-33238-0241 Printing outside 0 50 50 305-33238-0242 Duplicating 375 3i5 305-33238-0299 Miscellaneous SO 5G 305-33238-0352 Hedical 3upplies. 1,360 1,366 3Q6-33238-0333 Lsboratory Suppliea 200 200 306-33238-0368 Office Supplies G 100 100 303-33238-0308 6ffice Supplies - Other 100 100 305-33238-0439 Fringe Benefits 0 6Z1 62G 305-33238 All Ot6er Spending 0 6 --------------- --------------- ------------------ 26,000 26,000 Net Change 26,000 Page 1 of 2 �RI����4 � ._ ��r�ai�'r . 8n IT FIiETHB& &ESGL'vfiD that the Citp Council accepts a grant fron the Hinnesota Departoeni of Health to provide screening services to wooen for the period of Novenoer 1S, 1991 thru July 15, 1991, the aaount of the grant being ;i7�,00Q for a eighi sonih period with an option for additional funding period pending avxilibility of funds; and NOW THE�fiFGEfi, be it resoived, that the City Council approves these c6anges io tne 1991 budget. Approval Becoaoended /.�G�t..� -- ---- ---------- Budget irector Page 2 of 2 Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: imon _� on �-� acca ee � une i' ` i son ,- By: F.,rz. o��n2Z.�d Adopted by Council: Date DEC 3 19�� Form Appro d b Cit Attorney Adoption Certif�d by Cou il �ecretary gy: � 1 �, ; BY� �'' ' Approved r for Su mission to Approved by I�a�ror: � DEC 5 1991 Council �.���t�� By: By: �����5��� DEC 14'91 �►�.`l�'� �9/ DEPARTM[NT/bFFlCElCOUNqL DATE INITIATED - • GREEN SHEET No. 6 3 7 9 CONTACT PERSON d PMONE INI IMITIAi/DATE athy Mohrl and - "a'�''�D1�� � cirr oouNa� � � ATTORNEY g CT'CIERK MUBT ON COUNpI AQENDA BY(DAT� R01lTNIO UOOET DIRECTOR �FIN.d MOT.SERVICEB OIR. November 20, 1991 ►�Y����� � Fin�e TOTAL#�OF SIQNATURE PAGE8 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 8KiNATURE) ACTION REGUE8TED: City Council approval to accept a grant for the amount of $175,000 from the MN. Dept. of Heal h Federal CDC monies, for the period of November 15, 1991 thru July 15, 1992. The grant will b extended for another three years if funds are available. RECOMMENDA 8:MD��W p�(� COINrC�COM�MTTEE/ RBPORT OPl'IONAL _PLANNINO WMMI8�ON _pVIL SERVI�CO�AMISSION ANALY8T T_:_YY'J`� PHONE NO. REv���'n _dB OOMMITTEE _ '�r _STAFF _ �ENT8: _o�sn+icr oouAr _ N OV � 9 19 S 1 NO V 1 2 19 y 1 suPPOars w�na+c�ouNa�oe,�cnve� Cp��� a����r�;�S OFEIt;E �raru►nNCa�M.�.orPOaruNmr lwho,wna.wn.�.wn.►s,w►�: The Minnesota Department of Health is receiving funds from the Federal CDC Office. The State is contracting with the City of St. Paul 's Division of Public Health to provide Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening for Women in Minnesota. The pragram is to start on Nov. 15, 1991 thru July 15, 1992. If funds are available it will be extended. ADVMITIKiES IF APPfiOVED: Un-insured, under-insured, and low income women will be able to participate in this Women's Health Screening Program. o�►ovrwr�s��ov�o: NONE : RECEIVED ' Nov 2 51991 CITY CLERK DISADVANTA(�ES IF NOT MPR0IFED: Ci ty wi 11 not recei ve funds to parti ci pate i n thi s program. COt1n�'4R �'°T. . �ei�8� NOV 2 p 1991 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANS�CTION � 175,000 �T���,����� � � ��� Federal thru State Funds A��N�� 33238 flNANGAL INFORAAATION:(EXPWN) d� � - '' NOTE: �MPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE QREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAtLABLE IN THE PURCHA31N8 OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTiNQ ORDER: ' Bslow are preferred routings 4or ths tivs moN irsquent typss of documsMs: OONTRACTS (aasum�s authorized COUNdI.F{ESOLUTION (Amsnd� Bdpts./ budgst exisls) Acoept. Orents) 1. Outside AgenCy 1. DepartmeM DireCtor 2. Initlatir►p Departmant 2. Budgst Oirector 3. City Attcxney 3. CiIY��Y 4. Mayor 4. MayoNA�taM 5. Finence d�Mpmt Svcs. Direct� 5. C�y Council 6. Flnancs/lccouMin� 6. Chisf A�ccountant. Fln&Mpmt Svcs. ADMINI3TRATIVE OR�ER ��> COUNqL RESOLUTION ����CE 1. /lctivity Manapsr 1. Initieting DspenmsM Director 2. Dspartm�nt Aocountant 2• �Y�►n�Y 3, pspaRmsM piroc� 3. May�oNApistant 4. Bud�st Dirsctor 4. Gty CoUllCil 5. Cky Clerk 8. Chisf AccouMaM.Fln 8 Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (aH Wh�rs) 1. InitfaUng D�t 2. City Attomey 9. MayodAseistaM ' 4. dty C�.rk TOTAI NUMBER OF SI(iNATURE PACiES Ir�dicete ths#�of pa�sa on which siprwtures are roquired and papsrdip s�ctt of thsse a 9i. ACTION REf�UE8TED � Osocribs what ths Prolect/n4uat tNks to aaomplbh in efther chronologi- cd ordsr or ordsr of imporEanw.vrMcMwr le most approp►iats for the issue. Do rat write oomplsts s�M�noa.Bspin eech item in you�list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Compbb if ths isew in qt�tion has be�n preesntsd beTore any body.publ� or privats, . SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL 08JECTIVE? IndicdM wh�h CouncN objectiw(s)Irow p�ctlroQuest s�bY�I�in� the key word(s)(HOU31NCi,RECREAT'ION, MEIaHBORHOODB, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUD(3ET,SEWER SEPARATION).(3EE GOMPIETE UST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COl1NqL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUESTED BY OOUNCIL INITIATINCi PROBLEM,138UE,OPPORTUNITY Explain ths aituetion or canditions that cro�qd a ns�d for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whsthsr this is simply an annual budp�t proc�dure roquirsd by law/ charter or whether thsre are�padf� in which ths qy of Seint Paul and its citizens wili bsnsflt irom this pro /adion. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED What nepativs sffects or majw chanpss to existin�a past proc�saes migM this projscVroquMt produos if k is pas,ed(s.g.,tnilic delays, noise, tax ir�reuss or asMesmenb)?To Whom4 WMn?For how bng? DISJIDVANTA(3E8 IF NOT APPROVED 11Vhat will bs tM nspativs consequsnces if ths promised actia�ia not a�rand?IneWliry to deliver ssrvice7 ConNnued hiyh trefCc, noisa,— . ac;cident rete�t.oes of rovsnus? FINANCIAI.IMPACT Althouph yKw muat tailor the intormation you provide hero to the issue�rou aro add►epinp,in�snsral you must answer two questions: How much is it �oing to t�st7 Who i8�oinp to pay?