98-631Council File # �_3 � aR������. OF Piesented Referred To Green Sheet # d 7� Committee Date RESOLUTION TO AS5IST THE UNIVERSTI'Y OF NIINNESOTA IN IDENT]FYING SITES FOR A WOMEN'S SOCCER FACILTTY WHEREAS, the i3niversity of Minnesota wishes to develop a women's soccer facility including a 1,000 to 4 1,500-seat stadium and adjacent practice fields; and WI the proposed site on University owned land at Cleveland and Lazpenteur Avenues in Falcon Heights lacks adequate parking and would have an adverse impact on surrounding residential communities, including Saint Paul's Saint Anthony Park neighborhood; and WHEREAS, the city of Saint Paul and the Ramsey County have identified the need to develop soccer fields to serve the growing number of youth and adult programs in our azea; and 10 WF�REAS, in 7une 1998, the University of Minnesota requested that the City of Saint Paul identify 11 potential sites to develop a stadium and adjacent practice fields for the women's soccer program with the possibility 12 of shazed use with the city and county of such practice fields; and 13 THEREFORE BE TT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint Paul encourages the Administration 14 to continue to assist the University of Minnesota in its efforts to identify a suitable site to develop a women's soccer 15 facility which will be mutually beneficial to the University of Minnesota and sunounding communities. Requested by Depaztment of: INNESOTA � Form Approved by City Attomey By: Adopted by Council: Date , � \ Adopfion Certified by Council cretarS Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B By: Approved b Mayor: e B n\ 4 �, . �--� ������ s�-���'�, ' �b . --c�-�- RESOLUTION GREEN SHEET Councilmember Jay Benanav 2668640 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES o[iAttrmrowECrde 9s-G3t No 60'721 �� rnr caa+w ❑ arv�*rduEV ❑ anawt ❑ m�wew�aeav�cFSOat ❑ wu�t[rt�n�terc ❑r�vaeloRnmratrtl ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approve a resoluflon encouraging the Administraflon to conUnue to assist the U of M in its efforts to identify a women's soccer faciliry site. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION Has this perso�rm eMer worKetl uMer a conhac[ For this department? YES NO Has thie persaNfirm ever been a city empbyee9 7ES NO Dces this PersoM�m Possess a sldl not rwrmal�YP�sessed bY anY cutrent city employee7 YES NO IsMia pe�soMrm atarpeletl vendoR YES NO WIll develop a site mutuatly beneficiai to the U of M, the city and ihe county. U of M may build on a site that will have an adverse impact on the surrounding communities. SOURCE COST/REVENUE HUDfiETED 1qRCLE ONE) YES NO ACTIVITV NUMBER INFORMAT70N (IXPWNj Council File # �_3 � aR������. OF Piesented Referred To Green Sheet # d 7� Committee Date RESOLUTION TO AS5IST THE UNIVERSTI'Y OF NIINNESOTA IN IDENT]FYING SITES FOR A WOMEN'S SOCCER FACILTTY WHEREAS, the i3niversity of Minnesota wishes to develop a women's soccer facility including a 1,000 to 4 1,500-seat stadium and adjacent practice fields; and WI the proposed site on University owned land at Cleveland and Lazpenteur Avenues in Falcon Heights lacks adequate parking and would have an adverse impact on surrounding residential communities, including Saint Paul's Saint Anthony Park neighborhood; and WHEREAS, the city of Saint Paul and the Ramsey County have identified the need to develop soccer fields to serve the growing number of youth and adult programs in our azea; and 10 WF�REAS, in 7une 1998, the University of Minnesota requested that the City of Saint Paul identify 11 potential sites to develop a stadium and adjacent practice fields for the women's soccer program with the possibility 12 of shazed use with the city and county of such practice fields; and 13 THEREFORE BE TT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint Paul encourages the Administration 14 to continue to assist the University of Minnesota in its efforts to identify a suitable site to develop a women's soccer 15 facility which will be mutually beneficial to the University of Minnesota and sunounding communities. Requested by Depaztment of: INNESOTA � Form Approved by City Attomey By: Adopted by Council: Date , � \ Adopfion Certified by Council cretarS Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B By: Approved b Mayor: e B n\ 4 �, . �--� ������ s�-���'�, ' �b . --c�-�- RESOLUTION GREEN SHEET Councilmember Jay Benanav 2668640 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES o[iAttrmrowECrde 9s-G3t No 60'721 �� rnr caa+w ❑ arv�*rduEV ❑ anawt ❑ m�wew�aeav�cFSOat ❑ wu�t[rt�n�terc ❑r�vaeloRnmratrtl ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approve a resoluflon encouraging the Administraflon to conUnue to assist the U of M in its efforts to identify a women's soccer faciliry site. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION Has this perso�rm eMer worKetl uMer a conhac[ For this department? YES NO Has thie persaNfirm ever been a city empbyee9 7ES NO Dces this PersoM�m Possess a sldl not rwrmal�YP�sessed bY anY cutrent city employee7 YES NO IsMia pe�soMrm atarpeletl vendoR YES NO WIll develop a site mutuatly beneficiai to the U of M, the city and ihe county. U of M may build on a site that will have an adverse impact on the surrounding communities. SOURCE COST/REVENUE HUDfiETED 1qRCLE ONE) YES NO ACTIVITV NUMBER INFORMAT70N (IXPWNj Council File # �_3 � aR������. OF Piesented Referred To Green Sheet # d 7� Committee Date RESOLUTION TO AS5IST THE UNIVERSTI'Y OF NIINNESOTA IN IDENT]FYING SITES FOR A WOMEN'S SOCCER FACILTTY WHEREAS, the i3niversity of Minnesota wishes to develop a women's soccer facility including a 1,000 to 4 1,500-seat stadium and adjacent practice fields; and WI the proposed site on University owned land at Cleveland and Lazpenteur Avenues in Falcon Heights lacks adequate parking and would have an adverse impact on surrounding residential communities, including Saint Paul's Saint Anthony Park neighborhood; and WHEREAS, the city of Saint Paul and the Ramsey County have identified the need to develop soccer fields to serve the growing number of youth and adult programs in our azea; and 10 WF�REAS, in 7une 1998, the University of Minnesota requested that the City of Saint Paul identify 11 potential sites to develop a stadium and adjacent practice fields for the women's soccer program with the possibility 12 of shazed use with the city and county of such practice fields; and 13 THEREFORE BE TT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint Paul encourages the Administration 14 to continue to assist the University of Minnesota in its efforts to identify a suitable site to develop a women's soccer 15 facility which will be mutually beneficial to the University of Minnesota and sunounding communities. Requested by Depaztment of: INNESOTA � Form Approved by City Attomey By: Adopted by Council: Date , � \ Adopfion Certified by Council cretarS Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B By: Approved b Mayor: e B n\ 4 �, . �--� ������ s�-���'�, ' �b . --c�-�- RESOLUTION GREEN SHEET Councilmember Jay Benanav 2668640 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES o[iAttrmrowECrde 9s-G3t No 60'721 �� rnr caa+w ❑ arv�*rduEV ❑ anawt ❑ m�wew�aeav�cFSOat ❑ wu�t[rt�n�terc ❑r�vaeloRnmratrtl ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approve a resoluflon encouraging the Administraflon to conUnue to assist the U of M in its efforts to identify a women's soccer faciliry site. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION Has this perso�rm eMer worKetl uMer a conhac[ For this department? YES NO Has thie persaNfirm ever been a city empbyee9 7ES NO Dces this PersoM�m Possess a sldl not rwrmal�YP�sessed bY anY cutrent city employee7 YES NO IsMia pe�soMrm atarpeletl vendoR YES NO WIll develop a site mutuatly beneficiai to the U of M, the city and ihe county. U of M may build on a site that will have an adverse impact on the surrounding communities. SOURCE COST/REVENUE HUDfiETED 1qRCLE ONE) YES NO ACTIVITV NUMBER INFORMAT70N (IXPWNj