91-2122 _ ✓
���" '" '� J �q Council File # — /�
Green Sheet � �p�?�
P esented Sy
Referred To Committee: Date r-ai-9/
WHEREAS, the Council has authorized lighting improvements on Hilicrest from Fairview to 400
feet west of Howell on Councii File 91-1152, and
WHEREAS, the cost for such lighting improvements is to be financed 100% by assessment to
benefitting property owners,so
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the
Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, thaf the Capital
Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council is hereby further
amended in the following particular:
Current Amended
Budget Change Budget
Hillcrest Lighting improv.
Assessment 0.00 29,400.00 29,400.00
0.00 29,400.00 29,400.00
Hillcrest Lighting Improv.
Construction Plan 0.00 4,372.00 ,372.
Construction 0.00 �(�8.('P� � ik��'-^i?�zov���ez�t
P 1 Long ��. ��is zequest on
--_- • 0.00 �$6 . ' , .
�date) �•L!�1 and recomraQn�
ae a s Absent Requested by Departm nt of:
o w �— Pul�lic Work�s (DJD) jb �^�
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—TTilson � �� BY� � J t
Adopted by Council: Date — _ _ Form Approv d City Attorney
Adoptioa Ce ied y Counc Se retary By: -
BY' Approved by Mayor for Submission to
Approved by �tay . Date ��� 2 � ���� council
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Committee Report
Finance, Management, and Personnel Committee
December 16, 1991 - Page 3
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10. R�d util� on 91-2122 amending the 1991 Budget by adding $29,400 to the 1991
Capitai—kn�Program - Hillcrest Lighting Project. (Referred from
Council 11/21/91) �
Approved 3-0
11. R s ution 91-2028 - amending the 1991 Budget by transferring $9,000 to the
Fi a ri-rtg-a�d--& ing Plans of PED - Economic Development and Housing
Division from Contin4encv funds. (Referred from Council 10/31/91)
Approved 3-0
Councilmember Maccabee requested that the "Committee be provided with information
from PED on the total amount that has been spent with this NDC contract. Written
informati ' 1 be provided at a Council meeting.
12. esolution 91-2202 - amending the 1991 Budget by adding $40,000 to the Financing
an of Community Services - Nuisance Abatement Fund. (Referred
from Council 12/03/91)
Approved -
13. esolution 91-2204 - mending the 1991 Budget by transferring $24,978 to the
s of Public Health Special Projects for Native American
Health Program. (Referred from Council 12/02/91)
Approved 3-0
The Committee requested that the Division of Public Health provide quarterly
audit reports on the Native American Health Program at the Board of Health
meetings. The Division will provide an official resa]�ution if necessary.
'� 14. Resolytion 91-2121 - amending the 1991 Budget by transferring $6,315 from
Cont%rngent reserve to City Attorney Budget for payment of legal bills
associated with ballot recount for the November, 1989 General Election.
�- Referred from Council 11 21 91
Committee recommended sending this resolution to Council without recomnen-
dation and requested that Councilmember Long, the author of the resolution,
- identify the factUal basis for paying the attorney fees. .
15. Administrative Orders: ,, �
D-11663 - Budget revision in Executive Administration to amend the 1991 General -
Fund. (Referred from Council 10/10/91) -
Councilmember Goswitz requested that the Mayor's Office provide a breakdown
af all items listed in the administrative order by Thursday, December 19.
Councilmember Maccabee requested details on where the money is coming from.