91-2120.������ . ���.COUCICI�! Fl�l; ir _l_/`�� AL (�j } Green Shee� ,. RESOLUTION CITY OF �A1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA , � . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date BE IT RESOLVED. That the Council of the City of Saint Paul " hereby certifies and approves the action of the Property Cod� Enforcement Board of Appeals pertaining to the following listed property and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Property Code Enforcement Board of Appeals and dated, October 8, 1991 and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE NO: PROPERTY APPEALED APPELLANT 10/8/91 55-91-F 18A2 Ashland Ave. Craig Miller BOARD ACTION: Granted a variance on the present deadbolts locks, with the provision, that when repairs or replacement is necessary, at which time, they must be replaced with the one ( 1 ) inch deadbolts, as per code. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Merriam Park Third Addition to the City of St. Paul E 5 Ft of Lot 1 and all of Lot 2 Blk 7 ---------------------------------- 10/8/91 53-91-F 1137/39 University Ave. John Lindeke The Cherokee Co. BOARD ACTION: Granted a variance to allow• the present tenants in apartment #3 to remain, with the provision, that when the unit is re-rented, there must be a limit on the occupancy, four or less. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Sanborn's Midway Addition to St. Paul , Minn. Lot 21 Blk 8 ---------------------------------- ���G�NAL �-��aa �j 10/8/91 �J�1-91-R 1327 Lafond A•ve. Church of St. Columba Toni Leach BOARD ACTION: Granted a variance for six l6) months on the disconr�ection ofi the rainleaders . PF�OPERTY D�SCRIPTION: 5vndicate No. 5 addition 5ubj to alley over Lot 9 � vac alley accruing and fol Lot s 9 thru Lot 3U Blk 10 ---------------------------------- 10/8191 57=91-R 11U7 Osceola Ave. James Ree BOARD ACTION: Granted a variance on the west half of the northern autter to remain connected ta downspout #3. F�FcOPERTY UESCR I PT I O�I: St. C 1 a i r St. 8 Short L i ne addition to the City of St. Paul , Plat 1 Lot 8 Blk 2 ---------------------------------- and be it. FURTHER RESULVED, That upon passage of this resolution the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this resolution for recording to the Ramsey County Office of Reaister of Oeeds. Ye Navs Absent Requested by Department of: imon � . oswitz' —�-- �tM , �iP �/'�QiS on � Macca ee ✓ ettman �_��� � une i son � By' c� Foy? �� ��2 z,�1 Adopted by Council: Date NQV 2 � 1991 Form Approved by City Attorf�ey Adoption Certified by Council Secretary g -� ���� —Q/ Y� . By• — � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council A roved b Mayor: Date `) '�; 1991 , By: ���✓������ By' P��l9S��D D�C 7 '91 L ����1�� DEPARTM[NTfOFFICEICOUNqL DATE INITIATED � �ommunit service GREEN SI�E wo. 61 9 4 1 3 0 9 iNm�uo�re " � a� 2 92-7 7 7 5 ��eNr ar�c�ra� i� � Jose hine P. Bon iovanni � qTfATTORNEY � crrv MU8T BE ON OaJNpI AOENDII BY(W1T� ROU7Ni�i BUDOET�IRECTOR FIN.8 MOT.SERVICES DIR. ASAP �M�VOR(OR ABSIST J TOTAL#►OF 8K�NATURE PAQES 1 (CLIP A�L LOCATIONB FOR SIONATU ACTION REOUES7ED: Resolution approving the action of the.�.Property Code Enforcement Board of Appeals. NDAT :MW�(N or RN�lR1 COUNC� !'#PORT _PIANNIN(i OOMMI8SION _CIVIL SERVIG OWdMISSION ANALYST PHONE N0. _Cd8 COAMAITTEE _ _STAF'F _ COMAAEtrTB: ' _DISTRIC'f COURT _ C SUPPORTS WNidl COUNpL OBJECTIVET �� INITIATIf�i PFlOBLEM.188UE.OPPORlUNITY(Who.Whu�M111M��WMro�Wh1�: Approving the action of the Property Cade EnforGement Board of Appeals for the meeting of October 8 , 1991 . {See attached minutes) n��;� ��� ADVANTAOEB IF APP�IED: �O� Variances granted to the property will be ratified. � �99J 4 - variances RECEIVED �`�`"��Q'��S Q}��CE Nov 131�91 CITY CLERK DIBADVANTAOES IF APPpOVED: None • _ DISADVANTAOEH IF NOT APPROVED: The action taken by the Property �ode Enforcement Board of Appeals will be returned to the Board by the City Counc�l for further review. , TOTaL AMOtlNT�TRANS�CTION i n/a �gT/pEyENUE�t�OET�(�E pli� YEg Np X FUNDING SOURCE ]].�a ACTIVITY NUMSER 3'�2 6'� FlNANpAL INFORIYUITION:(EXPWN) � dw . ; t � NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE QREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAI AVNLABLE IN THE PURCHA8INO OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTIN(3 ORDER: Bslow sre preMrred routin�for ths flve moet froqusM typee of documsMS: CONTRACTS (aswm�s authorized OOUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend� Bd9tsJ budgst exiata) �.(iraMS) 1. Outsids AQsncy t. Dspartment Diroctor 2. Inftlatin�Departmsnt 2. Bud�t Director 3. Cily Attomsy 3. ay nnornsy 4. Mayor 4. MsyorMaslstant 5. Flnar�cs&IN�mt 3vcs. Director 5, qty Council � 8. Fnance Acoou�►tinp 6. Chief Accountant� FM�Mymt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (BudpM COIJNqL RESOLUTION (all othsra) Ftwiabn) and ORDINANCE 1. A�ctivity Managsr 1. Initiatinp DspaRment Director 2. Dep�utrtisnt/1c:couMant 2• CitY AnomeY 3. DepartmsM Director 3. Mayor/Msbtant 4. Budgat Dfrector 4. qry Council 5. City Clerk , 6. Chisf AocouMaM. Fln d�Mgmt Svca. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all othsro) 1. Initiadng Deputrtrent 2. City Atton�r 4. M,�yayor�atant TOTAL NUMBER OF SIC3NATURE PACiE3 Indk�te Ms#�ot p�pss on�signf�uros aro requirod and paps�cUP e�ch of ttteea�ss._ ACTION REOUESTED De�cribe what the proNd/nqueN�seks b aocomplhh in either chronologi- cal order a ordsr of importar�,whlChewr is rtwst app►opriste for the iswe. Do not write oomplsts eentences. Bsgin each item in your liat with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complste if the fsws in quation h�s bNn P��e�Y�Y�P�� or prNate. SUPPORTS WHICH t�UNdL OBJECTIVE? �ndk:ate wnid,courw�i�objsctive(s)r���/ro4�s�PV�M��+�� ths key word(s)(HOUSIN(i, F�CREATION, NEIOHBORHOOD3, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, � BUDOET, SEWER SEPARATiON).(SEE OOMPLETE L13T IN IN8TRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) C�UNGI COMMITT�FJRE3EARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REGIUESTED BY COUNqL INITIATING PROBI.EM, ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY Explain ths situstion o►cor�didons tMt croated a need for your project or requeat. ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED Indbate�this is simpy an annwl bud�t proc�duro requtrod by Iaw/ chuNr a whether thera an apsciflc In which ths City of SeiM Peul end ks citizens wiN bensflt from tMs pr�t/action. DISADVANTAC�ES IF APPROVED 1 What nspative�ffects or maJor chanpss to existinp or pa�procsaess might th�proJ�t/requsst produca If it is paued(e.g.,traiflc delaya� �oi�� tax incr�ses or e�essmeMs)?To Whom?Whsn?Fw how bng? DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED What will bs tIN nspatiw cot�qus�ces if the promised action is not app►oved�Inabflity b dNivsr ssrvfce?CoMinusd high treitio, noise, accident rate?Las of rovenus? FINANCIAI IMPACT ARFiou�h you must tailor the inbrmation you provide hero to the iawe you aro addreseinq, in psnsral you must anawer two qusstions: How much fs it 9a�9 to oost?Wf�o ls 9arp to P.Y? � � � � N �n v a �:,, c� �`' � ti rn _ r, � � � w 0 a 0 � � w � � f- z � 0 � �l w � � m � 0 .� +� .� s. �U � N � +� � C � � � � i � +� � � � � � r--� � � Q - � d J � -� N� S.- �C h- (�� oL E � N S._ �• w >- v � U O �-~+ � +� z U � � U >- >- Z b 41 F-- F-- �O +-� C � r--� pp � O U U M � 'C - C� n. , ��,�a��� � ��c�r�e �r �- PROPERTY CODE ENFURCEMENl- BOARD OF APPEALS 555 CEDAR STREET SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 MINUTES, MEETING OF OCTOBER 8, 1991 MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Glassman, Chairman Ron Ankeny William L. Tilton Don Weida MEMBERS ABSENT: Stephanie Chester James Laughlin Joan Pearson O7HER PRESENT: Pat Fish, Department of Fire 8 Safety Lisa Hammer, Legal Aide - Public Health Steve Herbert, Rainleader Division Dick Owen, BIDD Beth Bartz, PED - 1100 City Hall Annex Sylvia Frank John Monge Dorothy Lyons Val P. Davis Fred Schlomka Craig Miller Steve Johnson John Lindeke Toni Leach Bill Blomquist James Ree Herb Garelick Kent Lyford Staff: Josephine P. Bongiovanni The meeting was called to order by Chairrnan Giassman, at 1 :4� p.m. Chairman Glassman informed the Appellants that the Property Code Enforcement Board of Appeals is a Board of citizens, none of the members work for the City. The Board is made up of citizens who are here to hear appeals , as to whether a variance or an extension of time should be granted on the various code enforcements. There is a representative from the City present also pertaining to each case. 1 . Approval of the minutes for the meeting of the September 10, 1991 as submitted in writing. Motion was made by Don Weida to approve the minutes of the September 10 , 1991 . Seconded by Ron Ankeny. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1 . ��,_�ia ° 2. CASE HEARINGS: CASE NO: PROPERTY APPEALED APPELLANT 52-91-H 2141 Uudley Ave. Kent/Barb Lyford { 1 unit) APPEARANCE : Kent LYford SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting an extension of time to install two duplex outlets in three rooms , _because of financial hardship. PROCEEDINGS: The Appellant requested a variance on having to install two duplex outiets , as the rooms in question are nat being used at the present time. The Appellant installed 100 amp service for safety reasons. The plan is to remodel the house within the next two years. At that time, the wiring would be brought up to code. Dick Owens Senior Electric Supervisor, from Building Inspection, Design Department stated that whenever Electrical Service is updated all wiring must meet the code. Presently, the Building Division cannot grant a variance, as it is considered substandard housing. BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by William Tilton to deny the request for a variance on the installation of two duplex outlets in three rooms, instead the Appellant was given as extension of time for two years , until OCTOBER 15� 1993 to complete the wiring, bringing it into code compliance. Seconded by Ron Ankeny. MOTION CARRTEO UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------- 45-91-H 1812 Reaney Ave. Darothy Lyons (vacant building) APPEARANCE : Val P. Davis Attorney, representing Dorothy Lyons SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a waiver of the vacant building fees in the amount of $1 ,270.00, because of financial hardship. PROCEEDINGS Val Davis stated that she is requesting that the fee of $ 1 ,270. �0 be waived, as it would cause an extreme financial hardship, her clients are the not the present owners, and should not have to pay this fee. The Appellant' s inherited this debt from their father and aunt. Probate for the father and aunt has as yet, not been completed. Eventually the clients will inherit the house. 2 �����a�a� They have been try9ng to renovate the place, tc� hav� to t�ay these additional fees would probably stop or slow down the work. Lisa Hammer, from the Division of Public Health, Vacant Building Section stated that the Ordinance is set up and does require that the new owners can also be held responsible for the vacant building registration fees. This building has been monitored since 1987 . The City has issued nine Summary Abatements ordered on the property for various reasons. The owners have complied with most of the orders that were issued against the property. Currently the fees that are due to the city are $1 ,410.00. Because of the time length and the number of times the city has had to monitor the building, along with the blight the neighbors have had to put up with, that these fees are owed to the City. Val Davis again stated that her clients are not the present owners. She stated that District 2, Community Council , that it is their recommendation that they would like to see the Board abate these fees . Ron G)assman stated that it cost the city a lot of time and money to monitor and maintain all the vacant buildings in the city. There are numerous complaints from neighbors and citizen that these should not be allowed to remain vacant, therefore decreasing the property values. BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by William Tilton to deny the request for a waiver of the vacant building fees. Seconded by Don Weida. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------- 59-91-H 873 Marshal1 Ave. Sunita Staneslow (vacant building) APPEARANCE: Fred Schlomka, Husband SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a waiver of the vacant building fees in the amount of $ 1 , 140. 00, because of financial hardship. PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Schlomka stated that he lives at 877 Marshail . His wife purchased the house at 873 Marshall Ave. The house was boarded up, it has been for a number of years. Mr. Schlomka negotiated with the bank (Norwest) which foreclosed on the house. After prolonged negotiations the bank sold the house to Mrs. Staneslow for the amount of $1 ,000.00. Taxes in the amount of $7 ,500. 00 were due on the property, which have been paid. Structuraliy it is a very sound building. 3 ���_���D Mr. Schlomka stated that he has reliable construction estimates for $81 ,600. 00. All the figures , come to a total of $90, 100. 00. The assessed value of the building is $72, 000. 00. Mr. Schlomka stated that a team of inspectors were in the building to do a Code Compliance Inspection. Lisa Harn�ner, from the Division of Public Health: Vacant Building Section, stated that currently the fees are $ 1 , 140. 00. The City has been monitoring the building since August 1989. Ms. Hammer stated she spoke with a Ms . Berdt, Norwest Mortgage, and she stated that the way the purchase agreement was written was , that the buyer was responsible everything. Mr. Schlomka stated that there was a quit .claim deed, which basically was, that the new buyer is responsible for all or any encumbrances BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by to waive one-half of the vacant building fees, which will be the amount of $570. 00. The Appellant must pay the other half of the fees in the amount of $570.00. Seconded by Ron Ankeny. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------- 55-91-F 1842 Ashland Ave. Craig/Robert Miller (4 units) APPEARANCE: Craig Miller SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting an extension of time to scrape. and paint trim of building and garage; Also requesting a variance f'rom code requirement, having to replace present deadbolt locks to a one ( 1 ) inch throw. PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Miller stated because of the time of the year he would iike time until early spring to do the scraping and painting. Also the present deadbolts are not the one inch as code requires. BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Don Weida to grant an extension of time until June 30, 1992 to scrape and repaint the exterior of the building and the garage. Seconded by Ron Ankeny. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. FURTHER ACTION: Motion made Ron Ankeny to grant a variance on the present deabbolt locks, with the provision, that when repairs or replacement is necessary, at which time, they must be replaced with the one ( 1 ) inch deadbolts, as per code. Seconded by Don Weida. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOULSY. ---------------------------------- 4 . �.q,_a�a � 56-91-F 682-688 Holly Ave. Car-Nav II { 14 units) St. Anthony Mgt, Inc. Louis C. Sudheimer APPEARANCE : NONE SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance from Code requirement, having to replace transluscent glass in all unit doors to hallway, because of the guideline of the Heritage Preservation Comrnission. PRUCEEDINGS: Pat Fish from Department of Fire 8 Safety stated that Fire Department cannot support a variance on the present glass on the doors in the building. It was suggested that the Appellant could install fire rated glass on the room side of the door, without damaging the existing translucent glass. BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by William Tilton to deny the request for a variance on providing fire rated glass on the apartment doors in the building. Seconded by Don Weida. MOTION CARRIED UNANTMOUSLY. ---------------------------------- 53-91-F 1137-39 University Ave. ThE Cherokee Co. (6 units) John Lindeke APPEARANCE : John Lindeke SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance from code requirement regarding, overcrowding in Apt. #3 and Apt. #6; also requesting a variance from code requirement regarding, having to provide fire escape to ground. PROCEEDINGS The Appellant stated that he had three items on the agenda that needed to be addressed. 7wo of these have been resolved - 1 . overcrowding in Apartment #6, the tenants have moved, it has been rented to a couple with one child; and 2. having to provide a the fire escape to the ground floor, this has been done. The item to be addressed is overcrowding in Apartment #3. The apartment has two adults and four children living there. The bedrooms measure 8'6" x 12' . The living room measures llxl2. The tenants have the two young boys sleeping in the living room. Pat Fish, from the Department of Fire 8 Safety stated that there are two different issues from the housing code; one is the room size and the other is privacy. The Fire Department can not grant a variance on the issue. 5 . �-�l-a��'� BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Ron Glassman granting a variance to allow the present tenants in apartment #3 to remain, with the provision, that when the unit is re-rented, there must be a limited on the occupancy, four or less. Seconded by William Tilton. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------- 58-91-F 2026 Brewster St. Unit #4 Channell Brazelton SUBJECT: Appellant is the condemnation of her rental unit. PROCEEDINGS: Ron Glassman referred to a letter from Geraid G. Kaluzny, Attorney for the Appellant, wherein, he stated that the Appellant has moved from the above address and the circumstances surrounding the appeal is moot. She requested the board refund the filing fee of $25.00. BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Don Weida to deny the request to refund the filing fee of $25.00. Second by Ron Glassman. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . ---------------------------------- 54-91-F 421 Ashland Ave. Steve Johnson ( 11 units) APPEARANCE Steve Johnson SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting an extension of time to paint trim; also having to move the sprinkler heads in boiler area. PROCEEDINGS The Appellant stated that the reason that an extension of time for the •paint, because there is a tree that has to be removed, before the painting can be done, needs more time at least until June 1992. BOARD ACTION Motion made by William Tilton to grant an extension of time until June 30, 1992 to complete the painting of the trim. Seconded by Ron Ankeny. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADDITIONAL PROCEEDINGS The Appellant stated that the sprinkler heads are five feet from the boiler. Appellant stated that no one wants to grant a permit to move the sprinkler heads, as they feel it is not necessary for them to be moved. Pat Fish, from the Department of Fire and Safety stated that the sprinkler heads do not cover the area that need to be covered, and � permit is required, she would call the permit department to confirm this information, if need be. 6 . �y/—o•���� The Appellant requesting that the issue on escape windows be addressed also. The window is on the east side of the building and in a one room efficiency. Ron Glassman stated that if the room is a sleeping room then it must have a proper size escape window. Pat Fish, from the Department of Fire & Safety stated that proper escape windows in each sleeping room must be enforced. Light and ventilation has to equal 8% of the room size. Window sill must be 48" or less , or a platform rnust be insta) led below the window for escape. BOARD ACTION Motion made by William Tilton to grant an extension of time for 90 days until January 8, 1992 to move the sprinkler heads. Seconded by Ron Ankeny. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADDITIONAL BOARD ACTION Motion was made by Ron Glassman to deny the request for a variance on the basement escape window in the sleeping room, instead granted an extension of time until June 1 , 1992 to pravide the basement window with a step to meet the sili height requirement, as per code. Seconded by Ron Anekny. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOU5LY. ---------------------------------- 04-91-R 1327 Lafond Ave. Church of St. Columba Ms. Toni Leach APPEARANCE : Ms. Toni Leach, Administrator - St. Columba John Monge, Custodian SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance from code requirement, having to disconnect the rainleaders. PROCEEDINGS: Ms. Leach stated that the issue on the rainleader is very complex. The majority of the water is on the main roof. The water drains go together to four drain spouts on the top of the roof, these come together, and go down thru the middle of concrete pillars , all the way thru the church. Steve Herbert , from the Rainleader Division stated that there was a bid for $13 ,543 . 00 to go to ground. with exterior scuppers and downspouts. Ms. Leach stated that the parishioners are very unhappy about installing the downspouts on the outside of the church, as they feel it will spoil the architecture of the outside. 7 � �.q,�a,a� Chairman Glassman referred to a letter, from the Heritage Preservation Commission regarding the issue of disconnection on the rainleaders, which states that the project would be extremely difficult and very costly. The letter states , in part, "Based on preliminary study, the Candidates and Education Committee of the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission believes the Church is eligible for local historic designation and will do additional research to confirm this. Saint Columba's is noted in national and international architectural guides as an inportant work of modern church architecture. It shows the influence of German expressionism as weil as international and modern styles. " Ron Ankeny stated that he felt that the a variance should be granted in this case because it would create undue hardship. After much discussion, William L. Tilton suggested that he would like to make a decision regarding the issue of rainleader disconnection for St. Columba Church. Mr. Tilton advised the Board that he would like to grant a variance for six months, and would like the Board to write a letter to the Mr. Don Nygaard from the Sewer Division, requesting that they work with the Appellants to try help remedy this issue. John Monge Custodian, stated that when the city requested the rainleaders on the school and the rectory were to be disconnected, there were done so as to comply with code. The parish wants to preserve the unique and enduring architecture of St. Colurnba's church and should not be marred with scuppers and downspouts or other elements out of character with its original design. BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Don Weida to grant a variance for six (6) months. Seconded by Bili Tilton with a friendly amendment, that the motion would include, that a letter be written to the Sewer Division, from the Boardrnembers requesting that an Engineer from the Sewer Division work with the Appellants to try to help remedy or resolve the issue on the rainleader disconnection. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------- 8 . �q,_�i�6 57-y 1-R 1 1 l�7 Osceo 1 a Ave. James �tee ! 1 unit ) APPEARANCE James Ree SUBJEC�r: Ap�ellant is requesting a variance from code requirement, having to disconnect rainleaders . FkOCEEDINGS: Appellant feels if they have to disconnect rainleaders it will definitely create a prob�lem with water in the basement. 5ometime ago, the Appellant met with someone from the Rainleader Division, at that time, a variance was granted. The Appellant assumed that the issue on the rainleaders were resolved. On July 23, 1991 the Appellant received a letter from the Rainleader Division, wherein, it informed the Appellant that the variance was a limited variance. Ron Glassman suggested that rainleader #2 on the south side of the house could be diverted to the east of the house toward the front at least half-way to the retaining wall . Mr. Ree stated that if that were to be done, it would require an extension of 25 to 30 feet and could cause some problems such as freezing pipes and back-up of ice. Mr. Ree stated that he has put in lots of money into landscaping, (trees and perennials) and he stated that there is a chance of ruining the landscaping. The Appellant stated that Steve Herbert, from Rainleader Division suqgested that rainleader #3 could be on the east end of the house. Presently the rainleader is in the middle of the house on that side. The suggestion is to slope the gutter from east to west and have it run to the back yard. BOARD ACTTON: Motion was made by William Tilton to deny the request for a variance on rainleaders, with the exception of the west half of the northern gutter to remain connected to downspout #3. An extension of time was granted until June 1 , 1992 to raise the eastern half of the northern gutter to drain to the east, to the northeast corner, to a new downspout and out over the grass. Seconded by Don Weida. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------- 9 . �y,_a�ao 43-91-R 661 Woodlawn Ave. Herbert J. Garelick ( 1 unit) APPEARANCE : Herbert J . Garelick Sl18JECT: Appellant is requesting a variance from code requirement, having to disconnect rainleaders. PROCEEDINGS The Appellant stated that two (2) of the six (6) rainleaders have been disconnected. The whole area is built on a natural spring. The Appellant was before the Board two years ago, at that time the Board granted a variance for this property, untii a storm sewer was installed in the area, or in front of the house, at that time, the Appe) lant would disconnect the rainleaders. The storm sewer is on River Road, and the cost would be about �is, 000.00. The Appellant is requesting that he be allowed to disconnect the rainleaders in stages, rather than all at one time. BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Don Weida to deny the request for a variance on disconnection of rainleaders. The Appellant was granted a extension of time until June 1 , 1992 to disconnect the rainleaders. Seconded by Williarn Tilton. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ---------------------------------- The meeting adjourned at 3:40 p.m. 10 . . � . DDfiG;�'.��,. . . ... � (3FFt�t „�:� ... :r:ti_. FtAt�i` �';` _ , C�ii f - ., �.. � � , : ; �;, ��c Z 7 (1 �0 ��! '93 co�: 4� STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ' Q�., f�Y --��- .. . . _T Y f� C OUNTY OF RAMSEY ) ss. � CITY OF ST. PAUL ) RECORDED ON � AU G 2 7 1993 � I, Moliy O'Rourke, City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the attached copy of Council File No. 91-2120 as adopted by the City Council on November 21. 1991 and approved by the Mayor on November 25. 1991 with the original thereof on file in my office. I further certifiy that said copy is a true and correct copy of said original and the whole thereof. R���� "�� WITNESS, my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota �'e� this 24th day of Au�ust. 1993. �.�P� � �� ���'� , � �,,.X ��- -:_�. -� , _ ,, ,, �t TY CLERK ,t ..��� �� �� t , _ �r,�� > � _ , .,�.....r..�,._.r_ , E :��>� s�°::f .�..�. _ � . . . ' � .. . � � i � 7'.._> ,...��. � ..- . � ;�r'' �)'y°!i..'t��� .._. ; � 1� �3 {.. 'ia`t l' , ., «_