91-2007 Q�r�����. ✓ , ° � � ;Council File # l-- QO , Green Sheet # �'9� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ,, � � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, on July 19, 1991 the Saint Paul Division of Public Health inspected property located at 711 St. Anthony Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota, and determined that a nuisance existed on that property; and WHEREAS, on July 24, 1991, the Division of Public Health mailed a summary abatement order to the owners or responsible persons for the property located at 711 St. Anthony Avenue, including Ms. Patrice M. Evans-Aina, ordering each and all of them to remove all of the materials constituting the nuisance as described in the summary abatement order issued July 24, 1991; and WHEREAS, the summary abatement order of the Division of Public Health required the nuisance located at 711 St. Anthony Avenue to be corrected and abated by July 29, 1991; and WHEREAS, one of the owners or responsible persons for the property located at 711 St. Anthony Avenue, Ms. Patrice M. Evans-Aina, filed a timely appeal of the summary abatement order with the City Clerk on July 30, 1991; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council, on September 5, 1991, conducted a public hearing on the appeal of Ms. Patrice M. Evans-Aina and at the conclusion of the public hearing affirmed the summary abatement order and further ordered that the abatement of the nuisance at 711 St. Anthony Avenue be completed within forty-eight (48) hours after the publication of this resolution; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the summary abatement order of the Division of Public Health issued to the property located at 711 St. Anthony Avenue, Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, on July 24, 1991, is in all things af�rmed except as modified herein, and be it Q����e`�. `. )� (/J�'���D/ s �, FURTHER RESOLVED, in the event that the nuisance is not abated within forty-eight (48) hours after the publication of this resolution, the City may proceed to perform of complete the work necessary to abate the nuisance with any costs incurred therefrom to be allocated and collected in the manner provided by law. Yeas Na� Absent Requested by Department of: mon �` �A��� , . / on l" ���� acca ee / e man une i son .� BY� Adopted by Council: Date ��T 2 � 1991 Form Approved y City Attorney Adoption Certified by Coun '1 ecretary g ,, y: C./G��¢---�, __ �' ,r � BY� `/��1r- �� � `-' A roved b Ma or for Submission to PP Y Y Approved by yor: Date Q�� � Q 1gg1 Council By: .��i���i� By' PId�t13NED NOU <?'91 . . �/aao 7 ��a:=�;�r: �•' ••:� CITY OF SAINT PAUL .O A ,; "r�� ;� OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY . �Q: �' 'w�� JANE A. MC PEAK, CITY ATTORNEY 800 I.andmark Towers Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 JAMES SCHEIBEL FAX 612-298-5619 MAYOR �F(`F�V�,� October 8, 1991 �C�` 11199� Mol ly O'Rourke �� .}K� City Clerk � 386 City Hall Dear Ms. O'Rourke: Enclosed please find attached three resolutions that you had requested this office to draft. There is a separate resolution for each of the following matters: 1. Resolution regarding the denial of an appeal by Trio Properties of a summary abatement order for property located at 648 North Kent, Saint Paul. 2. Resolution regarding the denial of an appeal by Ms. Patrice M. Evans-Aina of a summary abatement order for property located at 711 St. Anthony Avenue, Saint Paul. 3 . Resolution regarding the denial of an appeal by Mr. Charles A. Laurents of a summary abatement order for property located at 895 Edmund Avenue, Saint Paul. Please note for the Council's attention that each resolution contains language which may not have been addressed by Council at the public hearings on these matters. I have added the last "Further Resolved" paragraph to each resolution for clarification purposes. This additional language is consistent with the timeliness ordered by Council. However, the language makes it clear that in the event that the City must send a work crew to abate the nuisance, the City will proceed to recover any costs it incurred in abating the nuisance. If there are any questions or requested changes to these resolutions please contact me. As an aside, congratulations on your appointment. I look forward to working with you and your staff. Very uly yours, � .�G�e�C�✓""��'�yy'�—� Peter W. Warner Assistant City Attorney. . , . � % 4��°�7 DEPARTM[NT10FFtCE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED � � C i ty C 1 e rk 10-�a-9, 'GREEN SHE T �No. ��� n�mnv o re ir�ri�uo�� OONTACT PERSON 8 PMONE �DEPARTMENT DIHECTOH �CITY COUNqI Mo 1 1 y 0' Rou rke 2g 8-42 31 �� �aT,��„�Ne� � �cm c�eRK MUST BE ON f�UNdL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINO �BUDOET DIRECTOR � �FIN.b MOT:SERVICE8 DIR. �MAYOR(OR ASSI8T � TOTAL M OF SIONATURE PAGE8 2 (CLIP ALL LOCATION8 FOR 81tiNATUR� '� , ACTION RECIUEBTED: Resolution regarding the denial of an appeal by Ms. Patrice 1�. Evans-Asina of a summary abatement order for property located at 711 St. Anthc�ny Avenue, Saint Paul . REWMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)a Reject(iq COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RES RCN t�POiiT ANALYST ' PMONE NO. _PLANNINQ COMMISSION _dVll SERVI�(�MMISSION ' _d8 COMMITTEE _ OOMMENTB: STAFF — I _DIBTAICT COURT _ i SUPPORTS NMICH COUNpI OBJECTNE4 INITIATINQ PROBLEM,ISBUE.OPPORTUNITY(Who.Wh�t,WINn.Whs►s.WhI�: i . I ADVANTIU�EB IF APPROVED: • i � RECEtVE� ' �GT 17� ' CITY CLERK as�nv�rrr�es iF u+��o: i , I Di3ADVANTA0E8 IF NOT APPROVED: I Counc6l �ese�,rch Center �� I OCT 16 1991 �, TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = C08T/REVENUE SUDOETED(C#IRCLE ON!) YES NO FUNp�Np SOUqCE ACTtVITY NUMOER flNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPCAII� � d� . , . ,1VOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUQED IN THE�REEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHAStNG OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4Y26). ROUTING ORDER: Bslow are prefsrced routinps for the flve most froqusnt types of documsMs: CONTRACTS (assum�authorized COUNCIL RE80LUTION (Amend, Bdgts./ budpst exists) �. (3raMS) 7. Outside A�ency 1. DepaRment Director 2. Inftiating DspartmeM 2. Budgst Dfroctor 3. Gty Anomey 3. Gry Atbmsy 4. Mayor 4. MayoNAssfstaM 5. Flnence d�Mgmt 3vcs. Dfrector 5. Gty Council 8. Flnance/uxouriting 6. Chief AccountaM, Fln 8 Mgmt Svca. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budgst COUNqL RESOLUTION (all athsro) Reviebn) end ORDINANCE 1. Activky Managsr 1. IniEiating DepaRmeM Director 2. Departmsnt Aocountant 2. City Attomey 3. D�pertmsM Dfroctor 3. MayoNAssisteM 4. Budpet DireCtor 4. Gty CoUnCii 5. City qerk 6. Ch1ef Ac�ouMant� Fln 8 Mpmt 3vca. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all othsrs) 1. Inkiating DepactmeM 2. City AttornsY 3. May�x/AssisteM 4. City qerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SICiNA'fURE PACiE3 Indicate the#t of pages w�whidt signatures us required and papercl�P each of tt�se pa�es. ACTION�REOUE3TED Describs what the projsct/request seeks to accomplish In either chronologi- cal order or o►der of impoRanos,whichever ia moet appropNate for ths fasus. Do rrot write canpleta senMnc�. �gin�ch Rem in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in queMion has besn preasMed before any body, publ� or prtvete. SUPPORTS WHICkI COUNdI OBJECTIVE? �nd�ate wrdch counc��obj.cti�re(s)your p►o)ecvrequest supports by�isang the ksy word(s)(HOUSINO, RECREATION, NEK3HBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUD('3ET,SEWER SEPARATION).(3EE OOMPLETE LI3T IN INS"TRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) OOUNCIL CAMMITTEEIRESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATINQ PROBIEM, IS3UE,OPPORTUNI'TY Explain the situation or conditio�s that crostsd a need for your proJect or request. ADVANTACiES IF APPROVED Indicate whether thfs ia simply an annual budpet procsdure requirod by law/ charter or whe�her thsro arm spsciflc�r�in which the City of Saint Paul and Ra citizens wlll bensflt from this action. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What nspative eifects or major changes to sxisting or past prxesses mfght thia projsct/request producs If ft is pas�d(e.g.,traffic delays,noise, tax Incroases or a�ments)?To Whom?When?For how bng? DISADVANTA6ES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative con�equences if the promiaed action is not approved? Inabilily to deliver asrvice?Continued hi�h treiNc, ndse, accident rets?Loes of revenus? FlNANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tsilor the information you provide hsre to the issue you ere�dresainp,in p�neral ycw must answer two queations: How much is it going to cost7 Who is going to pay? ` `� { . . ,.` �� � -- : _ i q �. �,�'7`. � , � . . f _ � . . ;: _ , � ; . � ' . � _ � . , .. .. �.. i� . . . � ' � _ . . � . TOs Jauie McPeak � j City Attocnay . FR0�4:. Mol ly O'ltourke . � . � City Clerk , DATEs 3�ptember 13� i991 - . ' RE• 3u�aaty �nt Appeal �' . ; At the September 5, 1991 City Council meeting, the ap�eial of Patrice � M. Evans Aina to a Summary Abatement Order �for psopertyi at 711 �t. ' Anthony Avenue waus r7eniec� with co�letion of th� order +within 48 houre . after publicaticm of the re+ia�lution. � Will You Please pr�a�ce the pr�per re�►c,lution fmp].�ment��ng �t►is action. • lYJ:th _ ,, � ; � . . . . 1.. � . I . . . . . . � i . . . . . . . . . . . . - . � . ' . . . � , � • . . , . � . . . I!� � � . � ' . . . . " . � . ' .. . . . . i . . . . . .. . . " � � . - .. . . � � . . . ��:�. .. . . . . . . � � - - . . . � . . . . . � � �� . . � . . .. . � , . . � . � . : . � ' . . . 1 . � ... . � � . � " . . - ' . � t . � . , . - . . . . � . .. _{ . ., � . ' . . . . . . . '. . . . . ..... i � . ' , . . , . . � . � � . -. . . . . . .. r . . , . �' . . . � . . . ' . . . . . � , . ' .. . . v .. . .� . _ .. . ( . ., . . .. . . . . . .. . 4 . .� .. �. �. . .. �...._ . . , . , , :.�► ' (� ' � ���n . � r ..� } �. , i � / � ,;..�_:...�::,., i. , j .- _ ! ( ' �' .' � ; � Auqust 8� 1991. , , P�rtice M. B�ranaa Aina . ' 711 St. Anthony Avenue St. Pa�l, MN 55104 , Dea� Property Orie►ers , : � The St. Paul City Council will hald a pa�blic heaCing on A � t 22, 1991 at 9:U0 A.M. in the City Council Chambe�s`on ttie 3rd�,ftloor of � ; City Ha11 to conaider your appeal to a Swnnary Abatement C�cder of ' t�►e Health Division oonoernfng property at '711 St. Anthony Avenue. At that time the Council �ill h�ar all partiea re2ativ� to �his ac�ion. ` On 14ugugt 21, 1991 at 2:00�P.M. in the City Council Chaimb�ra on the , � 3rd f loor of City Hall� tl�w Neighborhax� SQrvice� Coa�anitt�e of the � , � , �i�y Council wi11 consi;der. this it�a. It is reco�nend�d phat you , att�nd this ccx�itte� meeting at Which the dotaila `of t#� ;is�ue will ` be di9cus�ed and a s�ecp�ndation to the Gity C�OUncil vil.� be prepared,. Sincerely, . , _ Albett B� Ol� . City Clerk � , . ; � ABO:th , � cc: Councilmember William Wslson 1 . � John Betz, Health Division ' ' Kathy Mohrland� Health Division - i , District 8 Commniiity Council Neighbbrhood 3�rvicea Cte. . . ` . ; ; . { . • - , , : ; < i � _ , � : , . ,.. . _ � . , .. . , _ . - , ,. - . _ -, . � �.. f � . � , . . ,, r � • � � -��,� �, .. .�''� �-,-� '� ' � %` - � . � y . ,� i • � , e�� a SUMMARY ABATEMENT EAL A p �O�CEIVE a�, � � � ��� n ��v V Requesting a hearing before City Council to appeai a summar� abat�����rtle�� 7 MU3T BE FILED IN THE GTY CLERK S OFFlCE, ROOIII•3Y6� CITY HALL� BEFORE e�Y C�ERK � �'tiE APPEAL DEAQUNE APPLICANT Name � ���— �/ Date Addresa l t�om• Phone v�v� s�'�U � �� � ' ' �;�:s'� S S�v Da�ftime phone �� _ � ; Zip Cods 'S-� /� ORDER BElNG APPEALED - ATTACH ICOPY From which oiftce Date mailed Regarding property at ' Deadline Issued to i What is appiica�t's interost tn the properfy ' . REASON FOR APPEAL ,� � �� ;� .�`� � ,:� � - . � o ,�c,�..u, , � ... ; � � . , � . 6� Q� ' t.�.�� � , i`` .�,_ , /�� . W.� �I/"'� �� � ( SIGNATURE `. :..-;;:• ::: . �:.:.:.,::.-: ..:,,... .... . : ::.-:. �c, ..{::,.. . .�.�,. .. .•<-�: .:.::,. RES�RSIE.i�>��4F.�v�.`�`. ,Q�<`<.t'r.t.�:>CL'F.fi�•��.t�F.IC `'�;;��'�'�;� z-,��;�s�•'�>.z;,.. :r:. ,�:1;<.x::��� '� :�•. .��< �c;.>:::;;::<:<;>;,:.: .,..�.;:.,.,::,...,tx.�:+:�_•"t•'.T;�:.vx:v a..+.t•;.y:•:t;•.,.;.,,-. .MT.\\:;ti, . � ��,'r�\ .\tt: pl;nk,�.,.::.:?i:i�: . ...3.. \ .;J.\•..:v>.o-.�:+,..;.y�� ,..k;.'•?C .3... \ '\`�,,: �<,t�, �)' •.,:.••,'��:. '';.ti.:.� :;.`w: x.:\. . \. �•� \'+ .�, ' ti+.s k .\•+. ,ti.y,..\; '<�:.��. h x> �, . .>. .::z:.•.:,... � �4 4 � �• v.\:�• .1\ ,'.\i�•..v v\�. �.................. v '.tis .\. q � � .x� �:..�:••:.::::•:::::�. ♦ ...�+�.. �4..\ yT�..�.�••. •:ti. � y� � y � k'i'�i•:^?;y:::;:;:;: �:i•�..:: .\\�. • � � . •`\ ..�':' ii::�v�. •`��nv�♦� � '+?i�>??•i'v'ti� �• \4•. 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I °~�°^��TM The appeal deadtine is 7 days after O�w�1N�MMS rp111011iN��Y��r67!01 Cmwlt � O�1�Jf R M1R�IMwi�O�� NIM . . . . ` SUMMARY ABATEMENT ORDER � , T - the date mailed, or the same as � t -�- Te � �---°M-°�M - the deadtine given in the order ' }u w M+M nal6r b MlnirrN�Wiy-'�� . . .. .. whichever comes first. � ■�11�MlM11M1 rM MM��� M M y�lY�yN Ciq�IIM .. � � . MIINt M IIIMMIIN�IN MN! �Mr�t tiM�Ka �M�M�M�r . . � M MYaW M M w��tq r p M MIw1 � � � � tALLWt TO COIlIY Y11�ALtO . . . � � . � NEOf!{RATf EOI�IT AQIION r.•� 2. Within 2 weeks, set hearing date � tt Yw hw��wWen� MM aM.M w�Y�t M�r�R . �'°'�'�`""'�""`" �'�" `""'"'`"'"` and piace on agenda ra��r rwr w.w.r ar,.h�w..a.faaa+�+b�a•wxrn.aws.r� MdqdMMMtisFi�a�11Y»�lid� NeaM4��w�rww�el�Y�Yral�r/� . . °���-°°�-��°-^��"��~~� Mark hearing date on front of r��.r:,,�..a.r.,.....�„�.�.«.,.�..«,��..�.�.��,� ,ANM.M.e.n.�...bi+tl,.Yw�.Y.,a..�,...N««.«.r.M y«...M�.aNn. � . .�.�,�...M�.»d,...N�..,»...�..�..,�.,w�.. aPPlication . wuiMnwrt,�L 7ir�wrlYe�w7MaI�/Mf19lN � . H�V 3. Determine the City Council district and citiien participation district in whieh the nuisance is located (census tract is marked on order) Mark nuisance location and districts on the front of the appiication in the shaded area ' 4. Send notice of hearing, with copies of appiication and order attached, to: 1. The applicant 2. Any other party to whom the summary abatement order is addressed � 3. Office which issued the order . 4. District council office for the district where the nuisance is located 5: Councilperson's office for the district where the nuisance is located j 5. After hearing send copy of the resolution to the same parties that ', received the notice of the hearing � 4-23-87 . t_ . . � A � � -zoo? . � ��� y r �+ � 1-90/a • Department of Community Services , J Division of Public Health � Date of Inspection: � 1 � l � Environmental Health Section Date Mailed: � 555 Cedaz Strcct Date Issued: � �-� �� I St. Paul, MN 55101 By: CT: 292 - 77�� RECEIVED SUMMARY ABATEMENT ORDER �u� 3 0 �99� . Gv��i,c.c�- Y� Y,lJG�10 C��-ov � /� �S/�Y CLERK To. Address: � � �C�`� a'`� � To: Address: To: — Address: As owner or person responsible for: �/ � � �sL�'�/f P'y`�- ��/�' � you are hereby notified to eliminate the following nuisance: , °d • �,(�� � _ � �� G-� ,1�'-e,�,Qi� �- Gv...�^' � �, Cc� � , � �, If you do not correct the nuisance by � �� (� � or file an appeal (appeal information below), the City will conect the nuisance and chazge all costs against the property as a special assessment to be collected in the same way as property taxes. �--- FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY ALSO l NECESSITATE COURT ACTION Issued by: / If you have any questions regarding this order, the requirements or the deadline,you may contact the inspector by calling 292 - 7771 between 8 and 9 a.m. You may appeal this order and obtain a hearing before the City Council by filing a written request with the city clerk before the appeal deadline which is the deadline above or seven calander days after the date mailed, which ever comes first. No appeals may be filed after that date. You may obtain an application from the City Clerk's Office, Room 386, City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102. The telephone number is 298-4231. You must submit a copy of this order with your application. If the City corrects the nuisance, the charges will include the cost of correction, inspection, travel rime, equipment, etc... The hourly rate will be around$130. • � . . _� . . .. , .. _ � .. , y . _ , , _ - : ` . . : � . . ; . _ , . . ,, � . , , . ; :. � � � • - _ _ , , , � s . - �,�a q r _ ���7 . � . r .o✓�.. .-1 t '� i ,r`J , CITY OF SAINT PAUL eu��ii n OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL DAVE THUNE Members: Counc�7member Dave Thune. Chair Janice Rettman Roger Goswitz Date: August 22, 1991 COMMITTEE REPORT: Date: August 21, 1991 �- Time: 2:00 p.m ��� 5 f Place: Council Chamb 3rd Floor City Hall NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES COMMITTEE 1. Approval of August 7, 1991 meeting minutes. APPROVED. 2. Resolution - 91-1289 - authorizing agreements with the City of Roseville for use of Saint Paul Fire Department Training Facility. RECOMMEND APPROVAL. 3. Resolution - 91-1052 - approving the Contract with State Fire Marshall 's Office for the City to inspect Public Schools. LAID OVER TO SEPTEMBER 4, 1991. 4. Resolution - 91-1053 - authorizing proper City officials to negotiate an agreement with the State Fire Marshall for mandated inspections. LAID OVER TO SEPTEMBER 4, 1991. 5. A discussion regarding �Dutch Elm diseased trees requested by John Stone, James Fong and Marie Strohmayer. RECOMMEND TO STRIKE. 6. Appeal of a Summary Abatement Order for the property located at 711 St. Anthony Avenue; Applicant - Patrice M. Evans Aina.. LAID OVER TO SEPTEMBER 4, 1991. 7. Appeal of a Summary Abatement Order for the property located at 1763 Princeton Avenue; Applicant - Joe Rocheleau. LAID OVER TO SEPTEMBER 4, 1991. 8. Appeal of a Summary Abatement Order for the property located at 1060 Iglehart Street; Applicant - Tena Investments. RECOMMEND TO STRIKE. � CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5679 s��ae Printed oo Recycled Paper � w w � • 9. Resolution - ordering the owner to remove or complete the repair of the referenced building, located at 1381 Prosperity Street. If the owner fails to comply with this resolution, the City will be authorized to remove the building. RECOMMEND DEMOLITION OR REPAIR WITHIN 180 DAYS. 10. Resolution - ordering the owner to remove or complete the repair of the referenced building, located at 619 South Robert Street. If the owner fails to comply with this resolution, the City will be authorized to remove the building. RECOMMEND DEMOLITION OR REPAIR WITHIN 10 DAYS. Requested staff contact PED on possible Selective Clearance process on this property.