98-617o� Council Fi1e n � v t L RESOLUTION Green Sheet T 322Q� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ?resenced By �eferred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2S 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 4VfiEREAS, Public Works is preparing the final closeout for the 10 year Sewer Separation and Street Paving Progtam,and WHEREAS, funding for street paving in conjunction with sewer separation esceeded costs, and WHEREAS, the 1998 Residential Street Vitality Paving (RSVP) program needs additional funding to insure awazd of all proposed contracts, and WHEREAS, the £mal appmved budget for the 1995 RSVP was $500,000 less than the original programmed amount, so THEREFOR.E BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by this CouncIl 3s hereby further amended in the following particular: Current Amended Budget Changes Budget FINANCING PLAN Combined Sewer Paving Project C95-2T528 Assessment Bond CIB 1994 CIB 1995 MSA 1995 Sewer Revenue Bond SPENDING PLAN Combined Sewer Paving Project C95-2T52S Construction � 215,865.54 215,865.84 395,206.33 395,206.33 1,753,59428 -497,219.07 1,256,37521 277,450.07 277,450.07 192,407.51 192,407.51 2,534,524.03 -497,219.07 2,337,304.96 2,534,524.03 -497,219.07 2,337,304.96 2,834,524.03 -497,219.07 2,337,304.96 1 q�-��� 37 3S 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 5S 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 FINANCING PI.AN Residential Street Paving - 98 C98-2T552 AssessmentBond Assessment City of Falcon Heights Sewer Repair F�nd CIB 1998 CIB 1995 SPENDING PLAN Residential Street Paving - 98 C9S-2T552 Construction FINANCING PLAN Local, Street, 5ewer & Alley C9&2T696 Assessment 1998 PL9 SPENDING PLAN Local, Street, Sewer & Alley C98-2T696 Construction FINANCING PI,AN Major Sewer Repairs C98-2T632 Sewer Service Fund Sewer Availability Credits 2,530,000.00 2,530,000.00 5,33520 a,33a20 195,05629 195,05629 173,805.33 173,505.33 7,500,000.00 7,500,000.00 497,219.07 497,219.07 10,030,000.00 871,415.89 10,901,415.89 10,030,000.00 571,415.89 10,901,415.89 10,430,000.00 871,415.89 10,901,415.89 320,OOQ.00 -5,3352a 314,664.80 100,000.00 100,000.00 420,0�O.OQ -5,33520 414,664.SQ 420,000.00 -5,33520 414,664.80 420,000.00 -5,33520 414,664.50 1,220,000.00 -173,505.33 1,046,194.67 120,000.00 120,000.00 1,340,000.00 -173,505.33 1,166,194.67 2 ORIG�NAt 79 SPENDING PLAN 80 Major Sewer Repairs 81 C9&2T632 S2 S3 Construction 84 1,340,000.00 -173,805.33 1,166,194.67 1,340,000.00 -173,805.33 1,166,194.67 ����i� "Shs St. Paul LAn9 - �� �'• :r`ral ?mg;r'��t�if?N�•. ; $ud5�t C43s'3?r.l"�`€�? ;eFeit:i;x 4tiis rrzE�t_i=> ; :f�! �' ��"� l _. �fl� i4ebttl5]bfi� I��t£� A -AAtC�w ,_,,..�.,, .�—^—" �,r---'--��f , �� Sisnad: ��. Approved by: ~' �� "`�"`-��`'�• ' ctor o F7nancial Services Requested by Department of: EJW/jb PUbI1C WOT'ICS 5-8-98 By: � Form Approved by ity Attorney By: Approved b yo : D te 1� By: 3 Adopted by Council: Date �� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: `��.- Q t'� public works Ed Wam 266-6142 MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAiE) 5-8-98 3 GREEN SHEET DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR 9k -Gl� N o. 32299 mmavoa�e CIiY COUNGL ASSIGN y���1_�S 7 GNATfORNEY 1 ° � Ct7�'CIERK NUMBERf-0R FiOUTING 4. p �� FlNANCIALSFAVICESDIR � FlNANCIALSERV/ACC7Ca ❑ MAYOR(OR ASSI5TANTj� Etl Warn f /� � � 0 �A�, 51�ls� �� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (Cl1P ALL LOCAT{ONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACiION qEQUE5TED Approvai of attached Council Resolution amending the spending and financing plan for the 1998 RSVP Program by u�ansferring funding from the 1995 CSSP Paving Ptogram, 1998 Major Sewer Repairs, 1998 Local Street, Alley & Sewer and adding funding from the City of Falcon Heights. RECOMMENDATIONSApprove (A) or Re�ect (R) __ PWNNINCaCOMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has Ihis persoNfirm ever worketl untler a contract for this tlepartment? YES NO 2. Has this personttiim ever been a ary employee? -'""����- YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirm po5sess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city employee? YES NO 4. Is this persoNfirm a targe[ed vendoR YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet INISIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNiTV (WHO, WNAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY)' Cosu for the 1997 RSVP program exceeded allowable funding so $560,000 (of 1998 CIB) was transferred from the 1998 RSVP in January, 1998 in order to pay outstanding contractor bills for the 1997 program. It now appeazs based on the award of 2 out of 4 1998 RSVP contracts that addidonal funds will be necessary to awazd a1141998 RSVP con4acts. Unspent CIB fundsdotaling $497,219.07 are available in the 1995 CSSP (Street Paving) activity. ��g(�i ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. Public Works wili be able to successfully award a114 1998 RSVP contracu. t u �4 DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED' None. ^ � y ���� � ,- . v��, .__ :�_�`,7 . K y..^„K tii:��; .. ;. � ' r` TI t?�i5t ���y�� " .. � ti- .. �. �'�6' DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVE�: Public Works may not be able to successfully award all 4 1998 RSVP conuacu, and may need to delay awazd of the BidwelUCongress contract until 1499 and push other RSVP planned azeas into later yeazs. fOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ 795ASfi 29 COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES No FUNDING SOURCE (`TR Acm(, CRF W('it� nf Fslron Heighic ACTIV6Y NUMBER C95-2T528, C98-2T552, C98-2T696 & FINANG�AL INFOFiMATION (EXPU+IN) C98-2T632 o� Council Fi1e n � v t L RESOLUTION Green Sheet T 322Q� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ?resenced By �eferred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2S 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 4VfiEREAS, Public Works is preparing the final closeout for the 10 year Sewer Separation and Street Paving Progtam,and WHEREAS, funding for street paving in conjunction with sewer separation esceeded costs, and WHEREAS, the 1998 Residential Street Vitality Paving (RSVP) program needs additional funding to insure awazd of all proposed contracts, and WHEREAS, the £mal appmved budget for the 1995 RSVP was $500,000 less than the original programmed amount, so THEREFOR.E BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by this CouncIl 3s hereby further amended in the following particular: Current Amended Budget Changes Budget FINANCING PLAN Combined Sewer Paving Project C95-2T528 Assessment Bond CIB 1994 CIB 1995 MSA 1995 Sewer Revenue Bond SPENDING PLAN Combined Sewer Paving Project C95-2T52S Construction � 215,865.54 215,865.84 395,206.33 395,206.33 1,753,59428 -497,219.07 1,256,37521 277,450.07 277,450.07 192,407.51 192,407.51 2,534,524.03 -497,219.07 2,337,304.96 2,534,524.03 -497,219.07 2,337,304.96 2,834,524.03 -497,219.07 2,337,304.96 1 q�-��� 37 3S 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 5S 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 FINANCING PI.AN Residential Street Paving - 98 C98-2T552 AssessmentBond Assessment City of Falcon Heights Sewer Repair F�nd CIB 1998 CIB 1995 SPENDING PLAN Residential Street Paving - 98 C9S-2T552 Construction FINANCING PLAN Local, Street, 5ewer & Alley C9&2T696 Assessment 1998 PL9 SPENDING PLAN Local, Street, Sewer & Alley C98-2T696 Construction FINANCING PI,AN Major Sewer Repairs C98-2T632 Sewer Service Fund Sewer Availability Credits 2,530,000.00 2,530,000.00 5,33520 a,33a20 195,05629 195,05629 173,805.33 173,505.33 7,500,000.00 7,500,000.00 497,219.07 497,219.07 10,030,000.00 871,415.89 10,901,415.89 10,030,000.00 571,415.89 10,901,415.89 10,430,000.00 871,415.89 10,901,415.89 320,OOQ.00 -5,3352a 314,664.80 100,000.00 100,000.00 420,0�O.OQ -5,33520 414,664.SQ 420,000.00 -5,33520 414,664.80 420,000.00 -5,33520 414,664.50 1,220,000.00 -173,505.33 1,046,194.67 120,000.00 120,000.00 1,340,000.00 -173,505.33 1,166,194.67 2 ORIG�NAt 79 SPENDING PLAN 80 Major Sewer Repairs 81 C9&2T632 S2 S3 Construction 84 1,340,000.00 -173,805.33 1,166,194.67 1,340,000.00 -173,805.33 1,166,194.67 ����i� "Shs St. Paul LAn9 - �� �'• :r`ral ?mg;r'��t�if?N�•. ; $ud5�t C43s'3?r.l"�`€�? ;eFeit:i;x 4tiis rrzE�t_i=> ; :f�! �' ��"� l _. �fl� i4ebttl5]bfi� I��t£� A -AAtC�w ,_,,..�.,, .�—^—" �,r---'--��f , �� Sisnad: ��. Approved by: ~' �� "`�"`-��`'�• ' ctor o F7nancial Services Requested by Department of: EJW/jb PUbI1C WOT'ICS 5-8-98 By: � Form Approved by ity Attorney By: Approved b yo : D te 1� By: 3 Adopted by Council: Date �� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: `��.- Q t'� public works Ed Wam 266-6142 MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAiE) 5-8-98 3 GREEN SHEET DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR 9k -Gl� N o. 32299 mmavoa�e CIiY COUNGL ASSIGN y���1_�S 7 GNATfORNEY 1 ° � Ct7�'CIERK NUMBERf-0R FiOUTING 4. p �� FlNANCIALSFAVICESDIR � FlNANCIALSERV/ACC7Ca ❑ MAYOR(OR ASSI5TANTj� Etl Warn f /� � � 0 �A�, 51�ls� �� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (Cl1P ALL LOCAT{ONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACiION qEQUE5TED Approvai of attached Council Resolution amending the spending and financing plan for the 1998 RSVP Program by u�ansferring funding from the 1995 CSSP Paving Ptogram, 1998 Major Sewer Repairs, 1998 Local Street, Alley & Sewer and adding funding from the City of Falcon Heights. RECOMMENDATIONSApprove (A) or Re�ect (R) __ PWNNINCaCOMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has Ihis persoNfirm ever worketl untler a contract for this tlepartment? YES NO 2. Has this personttiim ever been a ary employee? -'""����- YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirm po5sess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city employee? YES NO 4. Is this persoNfirm a targe[ed vendoR YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet INISIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNiTV (WHO, WNAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY)' Cosu for the 1997 RSVP program exceeded allowable funding so $560,000 (of 1998 CIB) was transferred from the 1998 RSVP in January, 1998 in order to pay outstanding contractor bills for the 1997 program. It now appeazs based on the award of 2 out of 4 1998 RSVP contracts that addidonal funds will be necessary to awazd a1141998 RSVP con4acts. Unspent CIB fundsdotaling $497,219.07 are available in the 1995 CSSP (Street Paving) activity. ��g(�i ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. Public Works wili be able to successfully award a114 1998 RSVP contracu. t u �4 DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED' None. ^ � y ���� � ,- . v��, .__ :�_�`,7 . K y..^„K tii:��; .. ;. � ' r` TI t?�i5t ���y�� " .. � ti- .. �. �'�6' DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVE�: Public Works may not be able to successfully award all 4 1998 RSVP conuacu, and may need to delay awazd of the BidwelUCongress contract until 1499 and push other RSVP planned azeas into later yeazs. fOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ 795ASfi 29 COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES No FUNDING SOURCE (`TR Acm(, CRF W('it� nf Fslron Heighic ACTIV6Y NUMBER C95-2T528, C98-2T552, C98-2T696 & FINANG�AL INFOFiMATION (EXPU+IN) C98-2T632 o� Council Fi1e n � v t L RESOLUTION Green Sheet T 322Q� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ?resenced By �eferred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2S 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 4VfiEREAS, Public Works is preparing the final closeout for the 10 year Sewer Separation and Street Paving Progtam,and WHEREAS, funding for street paving in conjunction with sewer separation esceeded costs, and WHEREAS, the 1998 Residential Street Vitality Paving (RSVP) program needs additional funding to insure awazd of all proposed contracts, and WHEREAS, the £mal appmved budget for the 1995 RSVP was $500,000 less than the original programmed amount, so THEREFOR.E BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by this CouncIl 3s hereby further amended in the following particular: Current Amended Budget Changes Budget FINANCING PLAN Combined Sewer Paving Project C95-2T528 Assessment Bond CIB 1994 CIB 1995 MSA 1995 Sewer Revenue Bond SPENDING PLAN Combined Sewer Paving Project C95-2T52S Construction � 215,865.54 215,865.84 395,206.33 395,206.33 1,753,59428 -497,219.07 1,256,37521 277,450.07 277,450.07 192,407.51 192,407.51 2,534,524.03 -497,219.07 2,337,304.96 2,534,524.03 -497,219.07 2,337,304.96 2,834,524.03 -497,219.07 2,337,304.96 1 q�-��� 37 3S 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 5S 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 FINANCING PI.AN Residential Street Paving - 98 C98-2T552 AssessmentBond Assessment City of Falcon Heights Sewer Repair F�nd CIB 1998 CIB 1995 SPENDING PLAN Residential Street Paving - 98 C9S-2T552 Construction FINANCING PLAN Local, Street, 5ewer & Alley C9&2T696 Assessment 1998 PL9 SPENDING PLAN Local, Street, Sewer & Alley C98-2T696 Construction FINANCING PI,AN Major Sewer Repairs C98-2T632 Sewer Service Fund Sewer Availability Credits 2,530,000.00 2,530,000.00 5,33520 a,33a20 195,05629 195,05629 173,805.33 173,505.33 7,500,000.00 7,500,000.00 497,219.07 497,219.07 10,030,000.00 871,415.89 10,901,415.89 10,030,000.00 571,415.89 10,901,415.89 10,430,000.00 871,415.89 10,901,415.89 320,OOQ.00 -5,3352a 314,664.80 100,000.00 100,000.00 420,0�O.OQ -5,33520 414,664.SQ 420,000.00 -5,33520 414,664.80 420,000.00 -5,33520 414,664.50 1,220,000.00 -173,505.33 1,046,194.67 120,000.00 120,000.00 1,340,000.00 -173,505.33 1,166,194.67 2 ORIG�NAt 79 SPENDING PLAN 80 Major Sewer Repairs 81 C9&2T632 S2 S3 Construction 84 1,340,000.00 -173,805.33 1,166,194.67 1,340,000.00 -173,805.33 1,166,194.67 ����i� "Shs St. Paul LAn9 - �� �'• :r`ral ?mg;r'��t�if?N�•. ; $ud5�t C43s'3?r.l"�`€�? ;eFeit:i;x 4tiis rrzE�t_i=> ; :f�! �' ��"� l _. �fl� i4ebttl5]bfi� I��t£� A -AAtC�w ,_,,..�.,, .�—^—" �,r---'--��f , �� Sisnad: ��. Approved by: ~' �� "`�"`-��`'�• ' ctor o F7nancial Services Requested by Department of: EJW/jb PUbI1C WOT'ICS 5-8-98 By: � Form Approved by ity Attorney By: Approved b yo : D te 1� By: 3 Adopted by Council: Date �� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: `��.- Q t'� public works Ed Wam 266-6142 MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAiE) 5-8-98 3 GREEN SHEET DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR 9k -Gl� N o. 32299 mmavoa�e CIiY COUNGL ASSIGN y���1_�S 7 GNATfORNEY 1 ° � Ct7�'CIERK NUMBERf-0R FiOUTING 4. p �� FlNANCIALSFAVICESDIR � FlNANCIALSERV/ACC7Ca ❑ MAYOR(OR ASSI5TANTj� Etl Warn f /� � � 0 �A�, 51�ls� �� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (Cl1P ALL LOCAT{ONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACiION qEQUE5TED Approvai of attached Council Resolution amending the spending and financing plan for the 1998 RSVP Program by u�ansferring funding from the 1995 CSSP Paving Ptogram, 1998 Major Sewer Repairs, 1998 Local Street, Alley & Sewer and adding funding from the City of Falcon Heights. RECOMMENDATIONSApprove (A) or Re�ect (R) __ PWNNINCaCOMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has Ihis persoNfirm ever worketl untler a contract for this tlepartment? YES NO 2. Has this personttiim ever been a ary employee? -'""����- YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirm po5sess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city employee? YES NO 4. Is this persoNfirm a targe[ed vendoR YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet INISIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNiTV (WHO, WNAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY)' Cosu for the 1997 RSVP program exceeded allowable funding so $560,000 (of 1998 CIB) was transferred from the 1998 RSVP in January, 1998 in order to pay outstanding contractor bills for the 1997 program. It now appeazs based on the award of 2 out of 4 1998 RSVP contracts that addidonal funds will be necessary to awazd a1141998 RSVP con4acts. Unspent CIB fundsdotaling $497,219.07 are available in the 1995 CSSP (Street Paving) activity. ��g(�i ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. Public Works wili be able to successfully award a114 1998 RSVP contracu. t u �4 DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED' None. ^ � y ���� � ,- . v��, .__ :�_�`,7 . K y..^„K tii:��; .. ;. � ' r` TI t?�i5t ���y�� " .. � ti- .. �. �'�6' DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVE�: Public Works may not be able to successfully award all 4 1998 RSVP conuacu, and may need to delay awazd of the BidwelUCongress contract until 1499 and push other RSVP planned azeas into later yeazs. fOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ 795ASfi 29 COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES No FUNDING SOURCE (`TR Acm(, CRF W('it� nf Fslron Heighic ACTIV6Y NUMBER C95-2T528, C98-2T552, C98-2T696 & FINANG�AL INFOFiMATION (EXPU+IN) C98-2T632