91-2006 R��./�' 6 r� � ,. ��-� � ::; �� � � �S Council File # �"" ��4 . r�--- ' . ` ,.,,,__r'`� Green Sheet # �� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NNESOTA . � . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, on August 13, 1991 the Saint Paul Division of Public Health inspected property located at 648 North Kent, Saint Paul, Minnesota, and determined that a nuisance existed on that property; and WHEREAS, on August 14, 1991, the Division of Public Health mailed a summary abatement order to the owners or responsible persons for the property located at 648 North Kent, including Mr. David Vietter, ordering each and all of them to remove all of the materials constituting the nuisance as described in the summary abatement order issued August 13, 1991; and WHEREAS, the summary abatement order of the Division of Public Health required the nuisance located at 648 North Kent to be corrected and abated by September 1, 1991; and WHEREAS, one of the owners or responsible persons for the property located at 648 North Kent, Trio Properties, �led a timely appeal of the summary abatement order with the City Clerk on July 30, 1991, the appeal application filed in the name of Trio , Properties as applicant appears to bear the signature of Mr. David Vietter; and � WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council, on September 26, 1991, conducted a public hearing on the appeal of Trio Properties and at the conclusion of the public hearing affirmed the summary abatement order and further ordered that the abatement of the nuisance at 648 North Kent be completed within fourteen (14) days after the publication of this resolution; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the summary abatement order of the Division of Public Health �, issued to the property located at 648 North Kent, Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, on August 13, 1991, is in all things affirmed except as modified herein, and be it ����71 NA L �P/-��� ti� � FtJRTHER RESOLVED, in the event that the nuisance is not abated within fourteen (14) days after the publication of this resolution, the City may proceed to perform of complete the work necessary to abate the nuisance with any costs incurred therefrom to be allocated and collected in the manner provided by law. Yeas Na s Absent Requested by Department of: imon ---` on � . acca ee i- e man �— une i son �- BY� Adopted by Council: Date 0 CT 2 4 1991 Form Approve by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Cou il ecretary gy; �L✓G���� � �' � � y �`' � BY� �--- Approved by Mayor for Submission to �; `� � ' . �; Council Approved �y �Iayor: Date ` ' ° ' ' `� ' By: By: P�t13!!ED �OU ;?'91 , . . . " ���.�°�� � � DEPARTM[NTIOFFICEICOUNGL DATE INITIATED City Clerk 1Q��4-9� GREEN SHE T '�NO. 88;���,DATE OONTACT PERSON d PHONE �pEpARTMENT OIRECTOFi �CITY COUNCIL Mo 1 1 y 0' Rou rke Z9H-�FZ 3� ��� �qTY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNGL AOENDA BY(DATE) ROUTMIG �BUD(iET aRECTOR �FIN.8 MQT.BERVICEB DIR. �MAYOR(OR ASSISTAN � TOTAL#�OF SKiNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR S{GNATURE) ACTION RECUE8TED: Resolution regarding the denial of an appeal by Trio Properti';es of a summary abatement order for property located at 648 Nortfi Kent, Saint Paul . ' RECOMMEN AT S:Approve pq a (Fq COUNCIL COMMITTEE/REBEARCH REPORT AL _PWNNINQ(�MMISSION _GVIL SERVI�COMMISSION A�� ! PNONE N0. _CI8 COMMITTEE _ COMMENT8: _STAFF _ _DI8TRICT OOURT _ SUPPORTB WHICM f�OUNpL OBJECTIVE? , INITIAIIN(i PROBLEM.IS8UE.OPPORTUNITY(Who�Whst�Whsn�Whsn�Why). � i i I � f��C��V�.rJ �i �CT � 7 � , � ADVANTAOES IF APPRpVED: � � DISAOVANTAOES IF APPROVED: i � I DISADVANT/K3E3 IF NOT APPROVED: � i 1' �i����'�i �r2�r.��!'��� �.'�'���� i � � � � � �j � OCT 1 � 1991 � � i TOTAI AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = COST/REVENUH 9UDOETED(pRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINQ SOURCE ACTIVITY NUM■ER i FINANCIAL INFORMA710N:(EXPWN) ! ' . . . . . . j � .. �� i � � :..J;�., . ` . . . �= . :, � NC1TE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE�REEN 8HEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABlE IN THE PURCHASINO OFFICE(PHONE NO. 2�-4225). ROUTINCi OROER: � Below are preferred►outings for the tive moet frsqueM types of documsnts: CQNTRACTS (sswrr�authorized COUNqL RESOLUTION (Ame�, Bdpts./ budget exists) Acc,ept.Orants) 1. Outside Apency 1. Depertment Director 2. Initi�ting DepartmeM 2. Budget Diroctor 3. City Attomey 3. City Attomey 4. Mayo� 4. AAayor/Assistant 5. Flnance 8 Mgmt Svcs. Dirsctor 5. City Coundl 8. Flnance Accounting 6. Chief AxouMant, Ffn d�M�mt 3vcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNdL RE30LUTION (all other3) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Manapsr 1. Initiating DepeRment Director 2. DspeRmsM AccouMaM 2• �Y��Y 3. Dspertmsnt Dinctor 3. Mayor/AaishM 4. Bud�st DireCtor 4. City COUncil 5. City Clerlt 8. Chisf Aa:ouMaM, Fin�Mpmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all dhers) 1. InRiatin�Dspartment 2. qty Attorney 3. MeyoNAssistant a. Ciy qe�lc TOTAL NUMBER OF SK3NATURE PAOES Indicate the#of pages on which si�nnatures aro required ar�1 paperclfP ea�h of the�� ACTION REtaUE3TED Des�ibe what the project/rpusst sssks�aocomplish in either chrorwlogi- cal order or ader of impwtancs,vrhfchswr fs most app►opriate for the isaus. Do not write complsts seMenced. Bepin se�ch�em in your list with a ve►b. RECOMMENOATIONS Complete if the issus in qusatfon hat besn preseMed before ar►y body� PubNc or pfirats. 3UPPORTS WHtqi OOUNqL OBJECTIVE4 Indk�te which Council obj*ctfve(s)your projsctlreq�t supports by lisdng ths ksy wo►d(s)(HOUSINO, RECREATION, NEICiHBORHOOD3, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUD(iET, SEWER SEPARATION).(3EE OOMPLETE LIST IN IN3TRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) CAUNGL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIOMAL AS REOUESTED BY OOUNCIL INITIATINCi PFIOBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situetion a conditions that created a nesd for your project or request. ADVANTAdES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply sn annwl bud�et proceduro required by law/ chaRer or whethsr thete are apsciflc wa in which ths Gty of Safnt Paul and its dtizens will bensflt from tNfs pro�ect/action. DISADVANTAl3E3 IF APPROVED What negative sffects or ma)or changes to existing or�st processes migM thls Proje�t/roquest p►oduc�N it is pasaed(e.g.,trefflc delays, rwise, tax incroas�or esesssmsnts)?To Whom?When?For how long? DISADVANTAOE3 IF NOT APPROVED Whet will bs ths ns�ative c�onssquences if the promised actiorr is nW approved7 Inabllity to deliver sKVice?CoMinued high traffic, noise, accidsnt rate4 l.oss of rsvenue4 FlNANCIA�IMPACT. Although you mwt taibr ths inMrtnation you provide here to the issue you are sddressirp.fn psnsrsl you muat anewer two qu�tions: How much ia it poir►y to oost?Who is�oinp to payt ; . ,: � ,, , ' .,�- �''� ' � � � � � . _� , � , September 26� 1991 , . _ f . Mm. Jane Mc�lr . City Attor[i�y - Rvo� 840• Lst�k 'i+cr�rsts . ' Dea�r Ms. McPeaks �At the 3sptembtc 26. 1991 CfCY C.ouncil meeting. the a�al of Trio Prvpetti� to a Summaty Abatemant Ot�dvr` for proparty t 648 N. l�mnt waa dsniocl with tha caapl�tion af the or�der �ourte�i �14) days aft�c � publieation of Ct;e reeolution. _ will you ploaee p�'epace th• Ptopar resoluticn implro�ting this a�etion. Vory truly youre� , /���' ���'+�� . � Mollyv0'Rourke �- . City Clerk � M�:th _ . ; - , . . . . . , .. � . j . _ . . . . . . . . r � � . � . - . � - . . .. . � . � . . . . � . - � . � . � - � j. . - . : . . . � . . . . _ . .. . . . .. �. '� . . . . . :� � ,.: . . _ , , .. , . . . . �. . . �. . t . .. ,�. . . . .. ,: � .. ..�. . � . _ _ ,.". _ � s;, ti;� ;�, , � j -t �'.2-+�'d�, ; , � ._ � . � � . ; . , � � i ,; ,, . September 9, 1991 , ! � Trio PropQrti�s ; � . P.O. Box 75061 _ . St. Paul� N�►i. 55175 ; - Ue�ar Prop�rty Ow��er: � ' , The SC. Pau1 City Council will hald a public hearinq c�iSepC�nber - 19. 1991 at 9:00 A.M. in the Ci�ty Coursc;i.l Chambers on t�e 3rd floac of City I3a11 to conai�er your appeal to a Swdnary Abatetuent Order of the Health Divi�sion c�ancerning prcperty at 648 N. #Ceht Stra�t. At that tim� the Council will hear a�.l parti�e relativalto thia action. On S�ptember 18, 1991 at 2:00 P.M. in Che Ctty Cc��uncil �hambers on t.he 3rd floor ot City Hall� the N�ighborhoad S�vicee Gf�anittee of the City Council wil;l conei�er this item. It is- re�rxl�3 that� you attAnd thi� c�oa�+itta! aaeti,rig at which tha dQt�i38 ±c�f the iasu� � � will be di8cusaad acx� a reca�tion to the City Cour�il yill b� pr�red. _ , : , Sincerely� ; ; . Molly O'Rourke : City �lerk , , ABO:th ; . . ; cc: Councilmember William wileon John Betz, Health Division � , Kathy Mohrland� g�lth Division . District 7 Comaau�ity Council � ; � N�i.ghbochood Services Cte. ' , , ; . � 7i . , ; , , - � . , . . � �. �. i - . i . � � ��� � � � � ��._ ..... �, _ • /a �. .��/. ----a. , • ql -- �d � • ,��tEi,;�p CITY OF SAINT PA.UL `�e' f1'°� � OFFICE OF THE CITY COIJNCIL .' DAVE THUNE Councilmember Members: Dave Thune, Chair Janice Rettman Roger Goswitz Date: September 19, 1991 COMMITTEE REPORT: Date: September 18, 1991 � Time: 2:00 p.m. � Place: Council Chambers 3rd Floor City Hall NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES COMMITTEE 1. Approval of September 4, 1991 meeting minutes. APPROVED. � 2 Y Ordinance - 91-1531 - amending Section 140.02 of the Legislative Code to �`��� prohibit the use of skates, skateboards, rollerblades or similar devices in the Skyway System or any pedestrian mall . APPROVED AS AMENDED. Amended Resolution is attached. 3. Ordinance - 91-1319 - amending Chapter 427 of the Legislative Code exempting non-profit organizations operating health/sports clubs from payment of license fees. RECOMMEND LAYOVER TO OCTOBER 2, 1991. 4. Ordinance - 91-1150 - amending Chapter 18 of the Legislative Code to provide for City Council amendment of any action of the Property Code Enforcement Board of Appeals concerning enforcement orders issued pursuant . to the housing, building and fire codes and a related notice and hearing process. RECOMMEND LAYOVER TO OCTOBER 2, 1991. : 5. Appeal of a Summary Abatement Order for the property located at 604 Winslow Avenue; Applicant - Marlin Schienbein. RECOMMEND TO STRIKE. Y� ' �` t�-���• Appeal of a Summary Abatement Order for the property located at 64 I Kent Street; Applicant - Trio Properties. RECOMMEND DENIAL OF APPEALorth , n � �.�. Appeal of a Summary Abatement Order for the property located at 895 Edmund G1"� Avenue; Applicant - Charles A. Laurents. RECOMMEND DENI • � CLEAN UP 48 HOURS AFTER PUBLICATION. Recommend Public Health obtaAn aITH � search warrant to clean up refuse in boarded garage. ' , CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5679 � s�nn46 I Printed on Recycled Paper p . -� . - . � �� r���,-� ��- :� � SUMMARY ABATEMENT APPEAL �kP 'ilION � '�1 - . �' l -�d Requesting a hearing before City Council to appeal a summ�ry abatement order �� MUST BE FlLED IN THE CiTY CIERK'S OFFICE, ROOY 386, qTY HALL, BEFOR� THE APPEAI DEADUNE APPLICANT t Name T/z�o R�PE,e��€s \v�� Ddte � -a�- `r/ . /� � '�99 Address f� d. Q 0 � 7 � O � � � �Home Phone ? ?� •�. �'�� S 7_ y'� U C _ /�JN .s s/ ���G� Dl�yttme phone � ; ' 21p Code i , ORDER BElNG APPEALED - ATTACt� COPY From whlch office_ 0�P 7�/Z T n��✓'r e F Conr��,v,z? Se�d�c�s� Dats maited $ " ! `/r q/ Regarding property at � Y g /V' ft€N�T Deadiine �'l' Q� Issued to . TG2�o �2 o p��l,� 5 � What i� -appl�an�t's Interest ln the property D �N�l� �.��.��.� ,-- . REASON FOR APPEAL � �r s r/ To ,Q.�Pfir� G�2�c� �,r sTe.�o �F �12� � ! 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M�Y�Y�N tir M��wy N M . �.( M Mlw) . . nm.uK m ao�tr rRr�uo � ME{YliRATE COYIIT A6110M � Y�r1M: . n���� 1D��, ,��,��,�,,� 2• Within 2 weeks, set hearing date � � . „r�.,,..�..1�M In�N.""Yr.railM. 7q•777, �..a+..,..M...w. . . . ��,,..,,,�.,�.�m..,.,,..:,�...»��.,,,,,y�,.,�..,.�,� and place on agenda ,,..v a.M..b........d..s1u.Md�:N....w...a.....r.�.r.r...r..... . . °���--�����"�°�"�°� Mark hearing date on front of reu m.r.erM a.r�na�.n fr�n w.a�rawwy04q 1leo s.Qr Hr.L�a4 M1�s�ar. ZM Wp�w ti�r u S{�97f1r e�wt w�iM��/d fiY�aNr MM�r y�ll�a. � . � . .�.��.�.,,:�..M.,.�...�..»�..�..,...,Y...,.w�, aPPiication «�c�n.nrwr�.rrr.was�moa «�s�v _ 3. Determine the City Council district and citizen participation district in which the nuisance is located (census tract is marked on order) Mark nuisance location and districts on the front of the application in the shaded area � 4. Send notice of hearing, with copies of application and order attached, to: 1. The applicant 2. Any other party to whom the summary abatement order is addressed 3. Office which issued the order 4. District council office for the district where the nuisance is Iocated 5. Counciiperson's office for the district where the nuisance is iocated 5. After hearing send copy of tMe resolution to the same parties that received the notice of the hearing 4-23-87 . ., ;; � q � ^ 2�-� �� � � - 1-90/a , Department of Community Services � , �i Division of Public Health Date of Inspection: a ` �3 '�� Environmental Health Section Dace Mailed: _ " �- � - � 3 •C�/ 555 Cedar S treet. Date Issued: St. Paul, MN 55101 By: CT: 292 -7771 SUMMARY ABATEMENT ORDER � � �w ��n� �� . � -7�6/ To: TI'� Address: To: ���� `���� Address: � �� �� � � To: Address: As owner or person responsible for: -� �`� �v ���� you are hereby notified to eliminate the following nuisance: �I�� Ci��/.�r� 1S' �/ 1 f7D�-� �,��fi7�.R/v z:.o�j �� �- �/1/b /Z� 6 l�T' ���i�- �/� �I lSS 1� .�1 � � ���E , �bZy�� G��,vv�O Lr� �3l�..1��.�1 .S� O�. _ ��a n, 131LO 1��v , in� � ��✓x� ��v a �s, �.� �L�l1�v�n�G C,00s� 1.�-t,0 77� �' tr�/ �v�. L✓� 1�✓!d� 1�, j�v1n�. 1"l�i/La13�cic(e ���=�i� l�'r'b Nr' 1yl�n s�,p��6 1 s 7���o�'t�, �-�- 1�/� '✓�. . ���vv�. A 1 � ���yFs� �Re� Lv> >N If you do not conect the nuisance by � �� �l or file an appeal (appeal information below), the City will conect the nuisance and charge all costs against the property as a special assessment to be collected in the same way as property taxes. FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY ALSO �" V'v "�V NECESSITATE C O URT A C T I O N- I s s u e d b y: If you have any questions regarding this order,the requirements or the deadline,you may contact the inspector by calling 292 - 7771 between 8 and 9 a.m. You may appeal this order and obtain a hearing before the City Council by filing a written request with the city clerk before the appeal deadline which is the deadline above or seven calander days after the date mailed, which ever comes first. No appeals may be filed after that date. You may obtain an application from the City Clerk's Office, Room 386, City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102. The telephone number is 298-4231. You must submit a copy of this order with your application. ' If the City corrects the nuisance, the chazges will include the cost of correction,inspection, travel rime, equipment, etc... The hourly rate will be azound$130.