98-616Council File # 1 a � �P � /— ������' � RESOLUTION Green Sheet # (�"Z�_(7_'_� ��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA r � � i Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 Whereas, the City of St. Paul and the City of Falcon Heights have previously entered into an 2 agreement for the construction of street paving and lighting on a portion of Hoyt Avenue, a border 3 street between the two Cities, and 4 5 Whereas, the City of St. Paul, through its Pub{ic Works Department has the ski11 and 6 expertise needed to service, repair and maintain street lights, and 7 8 Whereas, both Cities are willing to enter into an agreement whereby the City of Falcon 9 Heights purchases street light maintenance and repair services from the City of St. Paul; now, 10 therefore, be it 11 12 Resolved, that the proper City Officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute on 13 behalf of the City of St. Paul, the Lighting Maintenance Agreement Between the Cities of Saint 14 Paul and Falcon Heights, a copy of which is attached and incorporated herein by reference. Requested by Department of: � Public Works � � �� By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: App� By: Adopted by Council: Date � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: ���" ` �1 _ "• 4k -`1� DEPARTMENT/OFFICFICQUNqL DATEINITATED GREEN SHEET NO. 26 � 60 Public Works Department 6/18/1998 CONTACTPERSON&PHONE INITIA ATE INITIAUDATE MikeE Uffl '266-61� ���N DEPAflTMENTDIRECTO Q �CI7VCOUNCIL 99 (�UMBEpFOR �QT'ATTORNEY .p� . ♦ _ p❑CITYCLEflK MU5TBEONCOUNCILAGENDABY(DA'fE) pOUi1NCa �gUDGETDIRECTOR � ��� FlN. & MGT. SEAVICES DIR. � MAYOR (OR ASSIST � Coimal Research TOTAL S OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (�IIP ALL LOCATIONS PoH SIGNATIIR� � As�ate L � DEPT. ACCOUNrANT ACTON RE�UE57ED Approval of City Council Resolution authorizing and directing execution of an agreement with the City of Falcon Heights for City of St. Pauf lighting maintenance forces performing work on Falcon Heights street lights, with reimbursement by Falcon Heights. aECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or RejeU (R) PEHSONAL SERVICE COMRACTS MUST ANSWER T}iE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _PLANNINGCOMMISSION _CIVILSFAVICECOMMISSION �� ���sYES� NOerwoticetluntleraconVac[forthisdepartment? �� �p��� 2. Has this perso�rtn ever been a city employee? — — YES NO p' STAFF 3. Does this person/firtn possess a sidll not nortnally possessetl by any cument city — — employee? DIS7RICTCOUNCIL YES NO SUPPORTS WHICH COUNGL OBJECT7VE? Exp�ain all yes answers on separete sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIAi7NG PFOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH1�: As part of the 1998 Residential Paving Program, Hoyt Ave. is being paved and sYreet lighting is being constructed. Falcon Heights and St. Paul have entered into a agreement for splitting construction costs on this boundary street. The agreement authorized by the proposed resolution allows St. Paul to maintain the new street lights on the Faicon Heights side of Hoyt Ave., and to bill for those maintenance services. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: This wouid be the most efficient use of government services since St. Paul maintenance forces not only have the skill and expertise but stock the parts for these facilities. r ,� , °�U{1C:� �^cS£�t'�,`t1 �.ra�ttG�' ;,.. y�: JUN 3 0 i99� � 19�8 DNO�Ie TAGESIFAPPROVED: ' ����,� � , k .4 r �' t`-.._%i�l_...--_. �+- � " ��N '�5 1��$ �- � n;��,��G� ���� ��' � ������� W DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: All disadvantages would be to Falcon Heights; they would have to contract with some other public or private group for maintenance of these lanterns. 70TAL AMOUNTOF7RANSACTION $ ACYUflI COSf COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES No FUNDING SOURCE City of Falcon Heights ACRVl7Y NUMBER FINANCIALINFORMA710N:(EXPLAIN) / �� r y\� 11G}iT1NG ifliAINTENANCE AGREEiNENT g�i NEE1�! THE GlTIES OF BAIIIT PAU! AND FALCON HE3GHTS An Agreemeni dated �is �V�day oi + � i � , 1898 by and , ul@ {.i{�j OS $niiu` PnU�, ;. Ferainaitar BC�+ �$i. 1�8ii�� cRC� u Ci�f Oi Faicon Heights, ivt'rrtnesota, hereinafter ralled'�afcon He'sgnts° WITNESSEi'rf: Whsreas, Sf. Paul possassas iha skiil and expertise via its Oepartment of Pubiic V+iorks, to service, rep2ir and mairrtain �eet lignts and have serriced its own tights fcr several decades (the 'Servicas'); and Whereas, Falcnn Heights has need oi the Servic2s at various focations within its 6ordess; and � Wheseas, both SY. Paul and Falcon Heights are wiiling to enter into an agreement whereby St_ Paul wiil provide Faicon Heights with Services and Falran Heiqhts witT pay St. Pau1 for tha same; and Whereas, bo3h St Paul and Falcon Heights are ae�ihorized pursvant ta Minnesota Statu�es §47�.59 ta enter into such and agreement, now'�hersfore, ST IS MUTIlALLY AGREcD BY ANO BETWEFa�1 ST. PAUL AND FALCQN NEIGt�iTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That St. Paui wil( provide general mairttenanc2 and repair Servic2s (inciuding bulb repiacemertt} for tha5e sueet lights lisied on Aatlenaum A which is incorporated herein 4y referes�Ce. 2_ 7hai Addendum A may be amended by Falcon }ieights at any time providing sucl� amendment is in writing and specifically describes Fhe nature and type of such matter, its location and effeci'�ve date of the chanoe. Such amendmeni shail be sent ta Traffic Operations Engineer, 899 N. Dale Sheet, Sairrt Paui, Minnesota 5�103_ 3. That said services shali includs repair of maifunctions and knockdowns as tt[ey occ�r. Painting of poles may be acranged though the C'rty ef Safrst Paul, or its contractor, which wiil ba paid direC,fy by Falcon lieights. Servicas corttetnplafed herein do not inclucfe energy costs_ 4. That afi electricai woric performed by fiL Paui wiil be irs canformance with the nationat elecuicai cade and in a neat and workmantike manner. �urther, traffic cantrol during any mainYenancQ periermed by H2. Pant shatl be suvciur8d acCOrving to Apaendix 8 of tY�e manual of uniform ,raffic cantrol devices. 5. i nat any constrvciion worlc, zxcavaiion wortc 2nd cane; ete wartc needed for tt�e affecti+�e instaltaticn, re{��ir or maintenanca of the streei lights serviced by SY. Paul ;hail be done by Falqn Hsights or coverer! under a separate agreemeni_ � � _ � k °lY -C�l. 6. That any damaged materiats ramoved tn/ St Paui from the straet lights pursuant to �is agraerr�ent sha11 be tumed over to Falcon Heignfs `or inspecaon and disposai_ 7_ That Falcoa Heights sha(t fur;�ish to S�. Paut a copy ot any anr! a(i reQair and maintenance martuals and revisicns of the same ror any an� ail equipmertL 8. i hat Falcon Heights shail, from Ume to 5me, provide a written Gs; of persans authoriZed by Falcon Heights to cail Eor sarvice heteunder. Arry cali for s2rvica by any other persons sh21! 6e verified by SL Paul beiora worK commences. 9_ That authorized Falcan HeigMs represeniatives snali direct tefephone calis �or Servic2s whe� needed between the hours of 7:,i0 AM and 4:3Q PM Monday through Friday excinding lega! ho{idays to St. Paui's tra�c operations center ai 457-7200. Ai 31i other times, caiis for service shali be directed to Si. Paui's 24-hou� dispatcf�er at 292-6H�0. 10. ?hat St Paul shali immediately dispatch qualified persa�net to repair and correct emergency or dangerous siivations on a priority basis considering a!1 sfraefiights m2intained by SL Paui, taking care of the most dangerous situations firsL i�. That St Aaut sfiait, for non-emergency or noR-dangerous situations, respand to cails fer service wrthirt twenty-four (24) hours if such caits are received between 7:00 AM and 5:34 PM, Monday tfirough Friday, exc:uding tegaf holidays. A caii 4or service at any other time st�all be respanded to within Severrty-finro (72) hours. 12. That to ihe exfertt possible, depending ort St. Paui's complement of avaitabie staff and avaiiabie parts, any streeUight covered hereunder shall be restored to nortnal opesation within 8eventy-two (72} haurs from the time the calf for sesvice is cecaived_ 13. f'nat SL Pau! wiii bitt Faicon FieigMs for Services rendered hereunder on a monthly basis detaling a descripIIon of the work irnotved; the labor and equipmeM used in the performanc2 thereof, and the parts and materiaES fumished. 14. That labor charges wi[1 be bil(ed by SL Pau3 at the wage ft Fsas esiablisheC as acijusted, via collective bargaining wifh the verieus occupationat groups whe actuaily perform the work Such wage rates will aiso bs adjusteti to reflecf tha casi of finge benefits paid by St. Paut to those oc�upationaf groups wha actuaiSy perio�n tr�e work. Further, the wage rates andior fringe benefits wiil be adjusted if the occupalionai groups are worKing holidays, are on oveRime status or have besn subject to caitbacic as the casa may be and as deiarmined by the time when wotk is performed hereundeC. The la6or charges rePerancad shali cammence at the time travel begins and terminate when trave! ends for any task perfocrtted for Falcan Heights hereunder. 15. i nat Faican rieighis sfiali be biiled for parts and matersats at SL Paui'S ativa! ccst ptus a rtarkup of tvreniy peresnt (20°/a) to caver fhe cosfs of resiocking, handling and onerating e�enses_ � 6. Thai Fatqn Heights wiil re�nit the s�ams p2yabie to St Paui wdhin Ehirty (30} days a#ier its receipt of same_ _ � r 17. 'f'Fiat att written nctirzs and other communications requi�ed hereunder shait be serrt to: FOR ST. PAUL .fOHN MAGZKO P.E 889 N. Daie Street SL Pant, MN 55103 Phone: 487-72afi FOR FALCON HEiGHTS: SUSAN HOYT 2477 W. Larpenteui Ave. Falran Heights. MN 5� i 13 Phof1@: 644-5050 18. That eiYher St Paut or Falcon Heights may tecminate this agreemesit w+thout causa upon siXt}+ (60) days w�itten noiice from one to the ofher and any charges for Servicas rendered prior to the termination date shali surrive �nti'1 paid. � 9. There shalt be no assignmertt ai this Agreement except upon the written consent or the nonassigning party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 2q, Excepi as provided in Paragraph 2, this Agreemesrt may 6e amanded or any of its terms modified oniy by written amendmern auiharized and executed by St. Paui and Faicon Heights. APPR�� AS TO FORM: Falco eigiiis�City Attomey C1TY OF FALCaN HE3G-f�ll'S By �/I w.,.. � � � (� , �tayor By its �Y r , Cit}+ Administrator ��—�tc� APPROVED AS T� FORM: St. Paul City Attomeys O�c� C!?Y OF SAtNT PAUL By IVom Coleman, Mayor :�1 Direcior Department of Public Wo�ics � Directot Department of Fnancs and Management Services Council File # 1 a � �P � /— ������' � RESOLUTION Green Sheet # (�"Z�_(7_'_� ��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA r � � i Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 Whereas, the City of St. Paul and the City of Falcon Heights have previously entered into an 2 agreement for the construction of street paving and lighting on a portion of Hoyt Avenue, a border 3 street between the two Cities, and 4 5 Whereas, the City of St. Paul, through its Pub{ic Works Department has the ski11 and 6 expertise needed to service, repair and maintain street lights, and 7 8 Whereas, both Cities are willing to enter into an agreement whereby the City of Falcon 9 Heights purchases street light maintenance and repair services from the City of St. Paul; now, 10 therefore, be it 11 12 Resolved, that the proper City Officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute on 13 behalf of the City of St. Paul, the Lighting Maintenance Agreement Between the Cities of Saint 14 Paul and Falcon Heights, a copy of which is attached and incorporated herein by reference. Requested by Department of: � Public Works � � �� By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: App� By: Adopted by Council: Date � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: ���" ` �1 _ "• 4k -`1� DEPARTMENT/OFFICFICQUNqL DATEINITATED GREEN SHEET NO. 26 � 60 Public Works Department 6/18/1998 CONTACTPERSON&PHONE INITIA ATE INITIAUDATE MikeE Uffl '266-61� ���N DEPAflTMENTDIRECTO Q �CI7VCOUNCIL 99 (�UMBEpFOR �QT'ATTORNEY .p� . ♦ _ p❑CITYCLEflK MU5TBEONCOUNCILAGENDABY(DA'fE) pOUi1NCa �gUDGETDIRECTOR � ��� FlN. & MGT. SEAVICES DIR. � MAYOR (OR ASSIST � Coimal Research TOTAL S OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (�IIP ALL LOCATIONS PoH SIGNATIIR� � As�ate L � DEPT. ACCOUNrANT ACTON RE�UE57ED Approval of City Council Resolution authorizing and directing execution of an agreement with the City of Falcon Heights for City of St. Pauf lighting maintenance forces performing work on Falcon Heights street lights, with reimbursement by Falcon Heights. aECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or RejeU (R) PEHSONAL SERVICE COMRACTS MUST ANSWER T}iE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _PLANNINGCOMMISSION _CIVILSFAVICECOMMISSION �� ���sYES� NOerwoticetluntleraconVac[forthisdepartment? �� �p��� 2. Has this perso�rtn ever been a city employee? — — YES NO p' STAFF 3. Does this person/firtn possess a sidll not nortnally possessetl by any cument city — — employee? DIS7RICTCOUNCIL YES NO SUPPORTS WHICH COUNGL OBJECT7VE? Exp�ain all yes answers on separete sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIAi7NG PFOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH1�: As part of the 1998 Residential Paving Program, Hoyt Ave. is being paved and sYreet lighting is being constructed. Falcon Heights and St. Paul have entered into a agreement for splitting construction costs on this boundary street. The agreement authorized by the proposed resolution allows St. Paul to maintain the new street lights on the Faicon Heights side of Hoyt Ave., and to bill for those maintenance services. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: This wouid be the most efficient use of government services since St. Paul maintenance forces not only have the skill and expertise but stock the parts for these facilities. r ,� , °�U{1C:� �^cS£�t'�,`t1 �.ra�ttG�' ;,.. y�: JUN 3 0 i99� � 19�8 DNO�Ie TAGESIFAPPROVED: ' ����,� � , k .4 r �' t`-.._%i�l_...--_. �+- � " ��N '�5 1��$ �- � n;��,��G� ���� ��' � ������� W DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: All disadvantages would be to Falcon Heights; they would have to contract with some other public or private group for maintenance of these lanterns. 70TAL AMOUNTOF7RANSACTION $ ACYUflI COSf COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES No FUNDING SOURCE City of Falcon Heights ACRVl7Y NUMBER FINANCIALINFORMA710N:(EXPLAIN) / �� r y\� 11G}iT1NG ifliAINTENANCE AGREEiNENT g�i NEE1�! THE GlTIES OF BAIIIT PAU! AND FALCON HE3GHTS An Agreemeni dated �is �V�day oi + � i � , 1898 by and , ul@ {.i{�j OS $niiu` PnU�, ;. Ferainaitar BC�+ �$i. 1�8ii�� cRC� u Ci�f Oi Faicon Heights, ivt'rrtnesota, hereinafter ralled'�afcon He'sgnts° WITNESSEi'rf: Whsreas, Sf. Paul possassas iha skiil and expertise via its Oepartment of Pubiic V+iorks, to service, rep2ir and mairrtain �eet lignts and have serriced its own tights fcr several decades (the 'Servicas'); and Whereas, Falcnn Heights has need oi the Servic2s at various focations within its 6ordess; and � Wheseas, both SY. Paul and Falcon Heights are wiiling to enter into an agreement whereby St_ Paul wiil provide Faicon Heights with Services and Falran Heiqhts witT pay St. Pau1 for tha same; and Whereas, bo3h St Paul and Falcon Heights are ae�ihorized pursvant ta Minnesota Statu�es §47�.59 ta enter into such and agreement, now'�hersfore, ST IS MUTIlALLY AGREcD BY ANO BETWEFa�1 ST. PAUL AND FALCQN NEIGt�iTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That St. Paui wil( provide general mairttenanc2 and repair Servic2s (inciuding bulb repiacemertt} for tha5e sueet lights lisied on Aatlenaum A which is incorporated herein 4y referes�Ce. 2_ 7hai Addendum A may be amended by Falcon }ieights at any time providing sucl� amendment is in writing and specifically describes Fhe nature and type of such matter, its location and effeci'�ve date of the chanoe. Such amendmeni shail be sent ta Traffic Operations Engineer, 899 N. Dale Sheet, Sairrt Paui, Minnesota 5�103_ 3. That said services shali includs repair of maifunctions and knockdowns as tt[ey occ�r. Painting of poles may be acranged though the C'rty ef Safrst Paul, or its contractor, which wiil ba paid direC,fy by Falcon lieights. Servicas corttetnplafed herein do not inclucfe energy costs_ 4. That afi electricai woric performed by fiL Paui wiil be irs canformance with the nationat elecuicai cade and in a neat and workmantike manner. �urther, traffic cantrol during any mainYenancQ periermed by H2. Pant shatl be suvciur8d acCOrving to Apaendix 8 of tY�e manual of uniform ,raffic cantrol devices. 5. i nat any constrvciion worlc, zxcavaiion wortc 2nd cane; ete wartc needed for tt�e affecti+�e instaltaticn, re{��ir or maintenanca of the streei lights serviced by SY. Paul ;hail be done by Falqn Hsights or coverer! under a separate agreemeni_ � � _ � k °lY -C�l. 6. That any damaged materiats ramoved tn/ St Paui from the straet lights pursuant to �is agraerr�ent sha11 be tumed over to Falcon Heignfs `or inspecaon and disposai_ 7_ That Falcoa Heights sha(t fur;�ish to S�. Paut a copy ot any anr! a(i reQair and maintenance martuals and revisicns of the same ror any an� ail equipmertL 8. i hat Falcon Heights shail, from Ume to 5me, provide a written Gs; of persans authoriZed by Falcon Heights to cail Eor sarvice heteunder. Arry cali for s2rvica by any other persons sh21! 6e verified by SL Paul beiora worK commences. 9_ That authorized Falcan HeigMs represeniatives snali direct tefephone calis �or Servic2s whe� needed between the hours of 7:,i0 AM and 4:3Q PM Monday through Friday excinding lega! ho{idays to St. Paui's tra�c operations center ai 457-7200. Ai 31i other times, caiis for service shali be directed to Si. Paui's 24-hou� dispatcf�er at 292-6H�0. 10. ?hat St Paul shali immediately dispatch qualified persa�net to repair and correct emergency or dangerous siivations on a priority basis considering a!1 sfraefiights m2intained by SL Paui, taking care of the most dangerous situations firsL i�. That St Aaut sfiait, for non-emergency or noR-dangerous situations, respand to cails fer service wrthirt twenty-four (24) hours if such caits are received between 7:00 AM and 5:34 PM, Monday tfirough Friday, exc:uding tegaf holidays. A caii 4or service at any other time st�all be respanded to within Severrty-finro (72) hours. 12. That to ihe exfertt possible, depending ort St. Paui's complement of avaitabie staff and avaiiabie parts, any streeUight covered hereunder shall be restored to nortnal opesation within 8eventy-two (72} haurs from the time the calf for sesvice is cecaived_ 13. f'nat SL Pau! wiii bitt Faicon FieigMs for Services rendered hereunder on a monthly basis detaling a descripIIon of the work irnotved; the labor and equipmeM used in the performanc2 thereof, and the parts and materiaES fumished. 14. That labor charges wi[1 be bil(ed by SL Pau3 at the wage ft Fsas esiablisheC as acijusted, via collective bargaining wifh the verieus occupationat groups whe actuaily perform the work Such wage rates will aiso bs adjusteti to reflecf tha casi of finge benefits paid by St. Paut to those oc�upationaf groups wha actuaiSy perio�n tr�e work. Further, the wage rates andior fringe benefits wiil be adjusted if the occupalionai groups are worKing holidays, are on oveRime status or have besn subject to caitbacic as the casa may be and as deiarmined by the time when wotk is performed hereundeC. The la6or charges rePerancad shali cammence at the time travel begins and terminate when trave! ends for any task perfocrtted for Falcan Heights hereunder. 15. i nat Faican rieighis sfiali be biiled for parts and matersats at SL Paui'S ativa! ccst ptus a rtarkup of tvreniy peresnt (20°/a) to caver fhe cosfs of resiocking, handling and onerating e�enses_ � 6. Thai Fatqn Heights wiil re�nit the s�ams p2yabie to St Paui wdhin Ehirty (30} days a#ier its receipt of same_ _ � r 17. 'f'Fiat att written nctirzs and other communications requi�ed hereunder shait be serrt to: FOR ST. PAUL .fOHN MAGZKO P.E 889 N. Daie Street SL Pant, MN 55103 Phone: 487-72afi FOR FALCON HEiGHTS: SUSAN HOYT 2477 W. Larpenteui Ave. Falran Heights. MN 5� i 13 Phof1@: 644-5050 18. That eiYher St Paut or Falcon Heights may tecminate this agreemesit w+thout causa upon siXt}+ (60) days w�itten noiice from one to the ofher and any charges for Servicas rendered prior to the termination date shali surrive �nti'1 paid. � 9. There shalt be no assignmertt ai this Agreement except upon the written consent or the nonassigning party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 2q, Excepi as provided in Paragraph 2, this Agreemesrt may 6e amanded or any of its terms modified oniy by written amendmern auiharized and executed by St. Paui and Faicon Heights. APPR�� AS TO FORM: Falco eigiiis�City Attomey C1TY OF FALCaN HE3G-f�ll'S By �/I w.,.. � � � (� , �tayor By its �Y r , Cit}+ Administrator ��—�tc� APPROVED AS T� FORM: St. Paul City Attomeys O�c� C!?Y OF SAtNT PAUL By IVom Coleman, Mayor :�1 Direcior Department of Public Wo�ics � Directot Department of Fnancs and Management Services Council File # 1 a � �P � /— ������' � RESOLUTION Green Sheet # (�"Z�_(7_'_� ��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA r � � i Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 Whereas, the City of St. Paul and the City of Falcon Heights have previously entered into an 2 agreement for the construction of street paving and lighting on a portion of Hoyt Avenue, a border 3 street between the two Cities, and 4 5 Whereas, the City of St. Paul, through its Pub{ic Works Department has the ski11 and 6 expertise needed to service, repair and maintain street lights, and 7 8 Whereas, both Cities are willing to enter into an agreement whereby the City of Falcon 9 Heights purchases street light maintenance and repair services from the City of St. Paul; now, 10 therefore, be it 11 12 Resolved, that the proper City Officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute on 13 behalf of the City of St. Paul, the Lighting Maintenance Agreement Between the Cities of Saint 14 Paul and Falcon Heights, a copy of which is attached and incorporated herein by reference. Requested by Department of: � Public Works � � �� By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: App� By: Adopted by Council: Date � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: ���" ` �1 _ "• 4k -`1� DEPARTMENT/OFFICFICQUNqL DATEINITATED GREEN SHEET NO. 26 � 60 Public Works Department 6/18/1998 CONTACTPERSON&PHONE INITIA ATE INITIAUDATE MikeE Uffl '266-61� ���N DEPAflTMENTDIRECTO Q �CI7VCOUNCIL 99 (�UMBEpFOR �QT'ATTORNEY .p� . ♦ _ p❑CITYCLEflK MU5TBEONCOUNCILAGENDABY(DA'fE) pOUi1NCa �gUDGETDIRECTOR � ��� FlN. & MGT. SEAVICES DIR. � MAYOR (OR ASSIST � Coimal Research TOTAL S OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (�IIP ALL LOCATIONS PoH SIGNATIIR� � As�ate L � DEPT. ACCOUNrANT ACTON RE�UE57ED Approval of City Council Resolution authorizing and directing execution of an agreement with the City of Falcon Heights for City of St. Pauf lighting maintenance forces performing work on Falcon Heights street lights, with reimbursement by Falcon Heights. aECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or RejeU (R) PEHSONAL SERVICE COMRACTS MUST ANSWER T}iE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _PLANNINGCOMMISSION _CIVILSFAVICECOMMISSION �� ���sYES� NOerwoticetluntleraconVac[forthisdepartment? �� �p��� 2. Has this perso�rtn ever been a city employee? — — YES NO p' STAFF 3. Does this person/firtn possess a sidll not nortnally possessetl by any cument city — — employee? DIS7RICTCOUNCIL YES NO SUPPORTS WHICH COUNGL OBJECT7VE? Exp�ain all yes answers on separete sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIAi7NG PFOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH1�: As part of the 1998 Residential Paving Program, Hoyt Ave. is being paved and sYreet lighting is being constructed. Falcon Heights and St. Paul have entered into a agreement for splitting construction costs on this boundary street. The agreement authorized by the proposed resolution allows St. Paul to maintain the new street lights on the Faicon Heights side of Hoyt Ave., and to bill for those maintenance services. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: This wouid be the most efficient use of government services since St. Paul maintenance forces not only have the skill and expertise but stock the parts for these facilities. r ,� , °�U{1C:� �^cS£�t'�,`t1 �.ra�ttG�' ;,.. y�: JUN 3 0 i99� � 19�8 DNO�Ie TAGESIFAPPROVED: ' ����,� � , k .4 r �' t`-.._%i�l_...--_. �+- � " ��N '�5 1��$ �- � n;��,��G� ���� ��' � ������� W DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: All disadvantages would be to Falcon Heights; they would have to contract with some other public or private group for maintenance of these lanterns. 70TAL AMOUNTOF7RANSACTION $ ACYUflI COSf COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES No FUNDING SOURCE City of Falcon Heights ACRVl7Y NUMBER FINANCIALINFORMA710N:(EXPLAIN) / �� r y\� 11G}iT1NG ifliAINTENANCE AGREEiNENT g�i NEE1�! THE GlTIES OF BAIIIT PAU! AND FALCON HE3GHTS An Agreemeni dated �is �V�day oi + � i � , 1898 by and , ul@ {.i{�j OS $niiu` PnU�, ;. Ferainaitar BC�+ �$i. 1�8ii�� cRC� u Ci�f Oi Faicon Heights, ivt'rrtnesota, hereinafter ralled'�afcon He'sgnts° WITNESSEi'rf: Whsreas, Sf. Paul possassas iha skiil and expertise via its Oepartment of Pubiic V+iorks, to service, rep2ir and mairrtain �eet lignts and have serriced its own tights fcr several decades (the 'Servicas'); and Whereas, Falcnn Heights has need oi the Servic2s at various focations within its 6ordess; and � Wheseas, both SY. Paul and Falcon Heights are wiiling to enter into an agreement whereby St_ Paul wiil provide Faicon Heights with Services and Falran Heiqhts witT pay St. Pau1 for tha same; and Whereas, bo3h St Paul and Falcon Heights are ae�ihorized pursvant ta Minnesota Statu�es §47�.59 ta enter into such and agreement, now'�hersfore, ST IS MUTIlALLY AGREcD BY ANO BETWEFa�1 ST. PAUL AND FALCQN NEIGt�iTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That St. Paui wil( provide general mairttenanc2 and repair Servic2s (inciuding bulb repiacemertt} for tha5e sueet lights lisied on Aatlenaum A which is incorporated herein 4y referes�Ce. 2_ 7hai Addendum A may be amended by Falcon }ieights at any time providing sucl� amendment is in writing and specifically describes Fhe nature and type of such matter, its location and effeci'�ve date of the chanoe. Such amendmeni shail be sent ta Traffic Operations Engineer, 899 N. Dale Sheet, Sairrt Paui, Minnesota 5�103_ 3. That said services shali includs repair of maifunctions and knockdowns as tt[ey occ�r. Painting of poles may be acranged though the C'rty ef Safrst Paul, or its contractor, which wiil ba paid direC,fy by Falcon lieights. Servicas corttetnplafed herein do not inclucfe energy costs_ 4. That afi electricai woric performed by fiL Paui wiil be irs canformance with the nationat elecuicai cade and in a neat and workmantike manner. �urther, traffic cantrol during any mainYenancQ periermed by H2. Pant shatl be suvciur8d acCOrving to Apaendix 8 of tY�e manual of uniform ,raffic cantrol devices. 5. i nat any constrvciion worlc, zxcavaiion wortc 2nd cane; ete wartc needed for tt�e affecti+�e instaltaticn, re{��ir or maintenanca of the streei lights serviced by SY. Paul ;hail be done by Falqn Hsights or coverer! under a separate agreemeni_ � � _ � k °lY -C�l. 6. That any damaged materiats ramoved tn/ St Paui from the straet lights pursuant to �is agraerr�ent sha11 be tumed over to Falcon Heignfs `or inspecaon and disposai_ 7_ That Falcoa Heights sha(t fur;�ish to S�. Paut a copy ot any anr! a(i reQair and maintenance martuals and revisicns of the same ror any an� ail equipmertL 8. i hat Falcon Heights shail, from Ume to 5me, provide a written Gs; of persans authoriZed by Falcon Heights to cail Eor sarvice heteunder. Arry cali for s2rvica by any other persons sh21! 6e verified by SL Paul beiora worK commences. 9_ That authorized Falcan HeigMs represeniatives snali direct tefephone calis �or Servic2s whe� needed between the hours of 7:,i0 AM and 4:3Q PM Monday through Friday excinding lega! ho{idays to St. Paui's tra�c operations center ai 457-7200. Ai 31i other times, caiis for service shali be directed to Si. Paui's 24-hou� dispatcf�er at 292-6H�0. 10. ?hat St Paul shali immediately dispatch qualified persa�net to repair and correct emergency or dangerous siivations on a priority basis considering a!1 sfraefiights m2intained by SL Paui, taking care of the most dangerous situations firsL i�. That St Aaut sfiait, for non-emergency or noR-dangerous situations, respand to cails fer service wrthirt twenty-four (24) hours if such caits are received between 7:00 AM and 5:34 PM, Monday tfirough Friday, exc:uding tegaf holidays. A caii 4or service at any other time st�all be respanded to within Severrty-finro (72) hours. 12. That to ihe exfertt possible, depending ort St. Paui's complement of avaitabie staff and avaiiabie parts, any streeUight covered hereunder shall be restored to nortnal opesation within 8eventy-two (72} haurs from the time the calf for sesvice is cecaived_ 13. f'nat SL Pau! wiii bitt Faicon FieigMs for Services rendered hereunder on a monthly basis detaling a descripIIon of the work irnotved; the labor and equipmeM used in the performanc2 thereof, and the parts and materiaES fumished. 14. That labor charges wi[1 be bil(ed by SL Pau3 at the wage ft Fsas esiablisheC as acijusted, via collective bargaining wifh the verieus occupationat groups whe actuaily perform the work Such wage rates will aiso bs adjusteti to reflecf tha casi of finge benefits paid by St. Paut to those oc�upationaf groups wha actuaiSy perio�n tr�e work. Further, the wage rates andior fringe benefits wiil be adjusted if the occupalionai groups are worKing holidays, are on oveRime status or have besn subject to caitbacic as the casa may be and as deiarmined by the time when wotk is performed hereundeC. The la6or charges rePerancad shali cammence at the time travel begins and terminate when trave! ends for any task perfocrtted for Falcan Heights hereunder. 15. i nat Faican rieighis sfiali be biiled for parts and matersats at SL Paui'S ativa! ccst ptus a rtarkup of tvreniy peresnt (20°/a) to caver fhe cosfs of resiocking, handling and onerating e�enses_ � 6. Thai Fatqn Heights wiil re�nit the s�ams p2yabie to St Paui wdhin Ehirty (30} days a#ier its receipt of same_ _ � r 17. 'f'Fiat att written nctirzs and other communications requi�ed hereunder shait be serrt to: FOR ST. PAUL .fOHN MAGZKO P.E 889 N. Daie Street SL Pant, MN 55103 Phone: 487-72afi FOR FALCON HEiGHTS: SUSAN HOYT 2477 W. Larpenteui Ave. Falran Heights. MN 5� i 13 Phof1@: 644-5050 18. That eiYher St Paut or Falcon Heights may tecminate this agreemesit w+thout causa upon siXt}+ (60) days w�itten noiice from one to the ofher and any charges for Servicas rendered prior to the termination date shali surrive �nti'1 paid. � 9. There shalt be no assignmertt ai this Agreement except upon the written consent or the nonassigning party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 2q, Excepi as provided in Paragraph 2, this Agreemesrt may 6e amanded or any of its terms modified oniy by written amendmern auiharized and executed by St. Paui and Faicon Heights. APPR�� AS TO FORM: Falco eigiiis�City Attomey C1TY OF FALCaN HE3G-f�ll'S By �/I w.,.. � � � (� , �tayor By its �Y r , Cit}+ Administrator ��—�tc� APPROVED AS T� FORM: St. Paul City Attomeys O�c� C!?Y OF SAtNT PAUL By IVom Coleman, Mayor :�1 Direcior Department of Public Wo�ics � Directot Department of Fnancs and Management Services