91-1995�IGINAL � Council File # !2�� v Z3 Green Sheet # � � RESO!UTION - •� - CI F SA1NT PAUL, 1NNESOTA Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date WHEREA$ the Department of Fire an�l Safet Services Fund 735 has funding that is available for the purchase of fire app�ratus, and WHEREAS the Dep�rtment desires to a�ijust the bud et so as to prqvide for � the parfial funciing for 3 pumper bodies (to be pl�ced on 3 chassis's already on order) , and WHER�AS, The Mayor, ,pursu�nt to Section 10. Q7. � of the City Charter dQes certify that there is available for appropriation, fund balance suf�icient to cover purchase costs; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1991 Budget; CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET FINANCING PLAN: --------------- 735--FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT TRUST 0. 00 55001 FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT 4301 NORMAL ACTIVITY SERVICES 135756 -3173 132583 . 00 USE OF FUND BALANCE 18597 . 10 115254 . 00 133851. 10 ALL OTHER FUND FINANCING 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 SPENDING PLAN• 154353 . 10 112081. 00 266434 . 10 735--FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT TRUST 55001 FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT 0822 TRUCKS AND VANS 154307 . 10 112081. 00 266388. 10 ALL OTHER SPENDING 46. 00 0. 00 46. 00 154353 . 10 112081. 00 266434 . 10 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED,tFiat that the City Council adopts the above changes �o the 1991 budget. � RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL BUDG T DIRECTOR Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: ��-os.✓n � � FIRE AND FETY SERVICES �ona —7 �4'accaoee —? � —3 vne —?' �� i son BY• �� � Adopted by Council: Date n rT 2��Q� Form Appr d by City Attcrney Adoption ' fied by Council S c etary BY: � f'/�� � BY' Approv���by Mayt�r for Submissi,b� to Approved by M r: Date CT � � 1991 Council / f__._._...� �"`"-- o - , +y� � ...._ �� 1 ..--- ,, By: � By' _ A �. � � P�LISHED ��GV 2`9 t C�Q/-/��,� DEPARTM[NTlOFFICFJCOUNdI DATE INITIATED ^�^^ V FIRE & SAFETY SERVICES �.� ].p 91 GREEN SHE�T NO. y �� CONTACT PEFSOM 6 PHONE �NmAV TE. INITIAUDATE m DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �dTY COUNCIL AS$T CHIEF LARRY STANGER �� �CITY ATfORNEY �CITY CIERK MUBT BE ON COUNGL AOENDA BY(DATE� ROUTINO �BUOOET DIRECTOR �FIN.3 MOT.SERVICES DIR. ��roR��seisr�u,rn � C H I E F p, TOTAL A�OF SK�NATURE PAQES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SK3NATUR� ACiION RECUE8TED: TO APPROVE THE ATTACHED RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF 3 PUMPER BODIES FROM FIRE EQUIPMENT '�RUST ACTIVITY 55001. . SEE' GS. #9470 . FQR. .RELATED BUDGET INFORMATION. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approw(Iq a R�jsct(F� COUNCIL REPORT _PUWNINO COMMISS�1 _pVIL 8ERVIC�COMMISS�ON ANALYST PFI�IE NO. _CIB COMMIITEE _ • COMMENTB: _STAFF _ —DI87AICT OOURT _ SUPPORTS VVHIpi OOUPIpI OBJEC71VE9 INITIATIN(i PF�BLEM.�SBUE�OPPORTUNIIY(1Mp.NA��WIMn.M�hsro�Wh�: THE DEPARTMENT HAS ON ORDER 3 FIRE PUMPER CHASSIS`S FI�R DELIVERY DURING 1991. WE NEED TO ORDER 3 BODIES TO BE INSTALLED ON THEM. ADVANTAOE8 IF APPROYED: . OLDER AIGHER MAINTENANCE RIGS CAN BE TAKEN OUT OF FIRST LINE SERVICE. DIBADVANTAOES IF/1PPROVED: , NONE APPARENT. as�wv�wr�oes iF r�or�ve�: OLDER, LESS RELIABLE, HIGH MAINTENANCE RIGS WILL REMAZN IA1 FIRST LINE SERVICE. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TR�CTION = 112�O H 1.O O �gT/f�VENUE BUp�TEp�CNICLE ON� YES NO FUNDMI�i 80URCE FUNDS 7 3 5 ���y��q 5�0 O 1 FlNANdAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) �� � Nor�: oor��a�c�►s�ipc,�vo��n�+e a�N sH�u�s�ucrion� MANUAL AVAIIABLE IN THE PUACHASINO OFFIG'�(PHONE NO.298�4225). ROUTIPK3 ORDER: Bslow aro preMnsd routin�s for the Nve moat irequsM typss of documeMs: CONTRACTS (assum�s autlaAzed COUNGL RE30LUTION (Am�rid, Bdgts./ budpet sxists) Ac�M. (3rants) 1. Outside Agsncy 1. Department DflsCtor 2. Infriating Dspeutmsnt 2. Budpst Director 3. dtY AttansY . 3• CNY AttansY 4. Msyor 4. MayoNAselaant 5. Flnarx:s&M�nt 9�res. Diroctor 5. City Coundl 6. Finanos AccouMin� 6. CMsf Accou�ttaM, Fln d�AApmt 3vcs. - ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (�, OOUNCIL RE80LUTION (��)�� 1. 1lctivity Manaper 1. Initiating DepsrtrnsM Dirsclor 2. Depertmsnt A�couMant 2• �Y� 3. DepaRmsM Director 3. MayorUsNstaM 4. Budget DireCtor 4. City CoUncfil 5. Cily Clerk 8. Chief Aocountant, Fn d�Mpmt SvcR. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all dhero) 1. Inidadny Dsputnwnt 2. City Attornsy 3. 1AtyorUsd�f�nt 4. dly Gsrk ��, TOTAI NUMBER OF SKiNATURE PA(�ES , ;�' Indicds ths#�of pagss on whbh sipnatuns�re requirod and rel sech d d�se p��ss. /1CTI(NJ RE�UESTED Ds�c�iba what ths pr�Wr�qusst eNlcs to accron�plMh in sithsr chroralopl- cal ordsr or ordsr of N�au�os.wMche+ror is most�pprop�iate for ths issus. Do not write compl�te ssMsncss. Bpi�each item in your Nat with a verb. REOOMMENDATIONS Complete ff th�isws in quesNon has be�n preaeM�d before eny body.public j, �privats. p SUPPORT8 WHICH OOUNdI OBJECTIVE4 �dfc�e aA�ich Cour�cil o�thre(s)Y�P����'e4���bY��� dts ksY word(sI(HOUSINf3. RECREATION.PfE1CiN80RHO�S.EbONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BU[X3ET.SEWER SEPARATION).(8EE COAAPLETE U3T IN IN3TRUCTIONAL MANtJAL.) (�Ot1NCIL COMMITTEFJRESEAACH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REOUE8TED BY OOUNCIL INITIATIN(i PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situatbn or condfdons thet craated a need for your proJect or roqueat. ADVANTACiES IF APPROVED �ndicate whstner uas Is simpy►an annued budqM proosduro requlrod by Isw� chertsr or�a�sre ero.p.cinc wa fn whfdt the qty oi SotM Psul and its cidz�ns wfll bsneflt 1rom this pro�t/action. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED Whet nspetivs sfMcts or maja changss W existing or past proceseea mfght this proj�cNrequsst produce N it is�eed(s.g.,tcef�c dslays, noise, tax Incresses or aaessmenb)?To WFam?When?For how lonp? DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the nepatiw c;onesquer�ea if the promissd action is not approved?inability to deHwr eervics?Continued hi�h trafHc, noise,— aoadsnt rate?Loss of revsnua7 FINANqAL IMPAGT Although you must tailor the informatbn you provide here to the issue you are addressing, i�psneral you m�t answer two questions: M�ow much is it gang to coat?Who is going to psy't ������s � VEHICLE REPLACEMENT POLICY The vehicle replacement policy for the Department of Fire and Safety Services is to fund and purchase 1 1/2 engines and 1/2 ladder truck per year. Rescue Squads and Haz/Mat vans are included with the engines for planninq purposes. Under this policy, the estimated life cycle of an engine is 15 years of first line service and up to 5 years reserve of service if its condition permits. A minimum of 4 enqines are needed in the reserve fleet and a fifth assiqned to the Training Division.� The estimated life cycle for ladder trucks is 14 years firstline with several year in the reserve and the training fleet. Condition of the vehicle determines if it is to be placed in the reserve fleet. A minimum of � 3 reserve ladders are needed. Generally there is little value remaininq to the apparatus at the end of the cycle. Only a minimal amounts of cash is recovered when they are sold. The above schedule of replacement must be flexible as some apparatus is more heavily used dependinq upon where it is stationed in the city. Engines stationed in areas of the city with a high work load are replaced more frequently. The old engine is passed on to a station where the workload is less. This system assures all apparatus will have maximum use before it is scheduled to be replaced. The 2 hazardous materials response units were put in service in 1985 and 1987. This was a new program and the vehicles were patterned after the State Haz/Mat response vehicle. They are now proving to be inadequate to carry the equipment necessary for H/M response. The estimated cost of an enqine today is $ 160,000. The estimated cost of a ladder truck for the industrial area or for downtown area is $ 425,000. The estimated cost ot' a ladder for the residential area is $ 340,000. To replace apparatus on life cycle schedule, a ladder truck or 3 engines should be budgeted bi-annually on an alternatinq basis in the General Fund Budget. Revenue qenerated by the department through contracts for fire and haz/mat response can be dedicated to supplement the General Fund for vehicle replacement. Budget $ 340,000 to $ 480,000 annually supplemented by estimated revenue of $ 150, 000. Ambulances are replaced or rebuilt after 5 years service. If condition warrants, some are placed in the reserve fleet. Budget 2 ambulances annually. ��i�q�s� page 2 vehicle replacement policy District and deputy chiefs cars are removed from first line service at 5 years. Two of the better cars are kept for reserve and traininq. Staff cars are replaced at 4 years and then used as needed by division personnel who are not on mileaqe allowance. Budget 2 automobiles annually. ($ 32,000) paqe 3 for schedule �Q�-i��.�� Vehicle Replacement Schedule F'iJND YEAR 1990 Enqine 4 1972 (1992=20 yrs) Enqine 9 1977 (1992=15 yrs) Enqine 19 1975 (1992=17 yrs) 1991 Ladder 7 1975 (1992=17 yrs) 1992 Ladder 10 1977 (1993=16 yrs) 1993 Enqine 20 1977 (1994=17 yrs) 10 1977 (1994=17 yrs) 15 1980 (1994=14 yrs) 1994 Ladder 5 1979 (1995=16 yrs) 1995 Engine 14 1981 (1996a15 y1B) Squad 1 1985 (1996=11 yrs) Squad 2 1985 (1996=11 yrs) 1996 Haz/Mat 1 1985 (1997=12 yrs) 1996 Haz/Mat 2 1987 (1997=10 yrs) 1997 Engine 24 1981 (1998=17 yrs) 23 1982 (1998=16 yrs) 17 1984 (1998�14 yrs) 1998 Ladder 22 1985 (1999=14 yrs) 1999 Engine 6 1984 (2000�16 yrs) 7 1987 (2000=13 yrs) 18 1987 (2000=13 yY's) 2000 Ladder 24 1985 (2001=16 yrs) 2001 Enqine 13 1988 (2002=14 yrs) 5 1988 (2002=14 yrs) 8 1988 (2002=14 yrs) 2002 Ladder 8 1986 (2003=(17 yrs) 2003 Engine 1 1988 (2004=16 yrs) Enqine 22 1990 (2004=14 yrs) 2004 Ladder 20 1989 (2005=16 yrs) vehieles.l ��-q� �99.5" ✓ Committee Report Finance, Management & Personnel Committee September 30, 1991 6. Resolution 91-1561 - authorizing the increase of voluntary leave of absence hours available to City employees under Civil Service Rule 19A. (Referred from Council 8�27/91) Discussion was held. Additional information will be provided by the Personnel Department at the October 7 meeting. Resolution 91-1562 - amending the Civil Service Rules in Section 19, Leave of Absence, by increasing the maximum allowable voluntary unpaid leave of absence from 160 hours to 480 hours. (Referred from Council �27/91) This resolution will be taken up at the October 7 meeting in conjunction with 91-1561. 7. Resolution 91-1671 - amending the 1991 Budget by adding $274,291 to the Financing and Spending Plans in the Department of Fire and Safety Services Fund-Fire Responsive Services to purchase new equipment. (Referred from Council 9/10/91. Approved 5-0. Resolution amending the 1991 Budget by adding $112,081 to the Financing �;�'�� and Spending Plans in the Department of Fire and Safety Services Fund- " ;� • Fire Fighting Equipment Trust to purchase new equipment. �'�) Motion for suspension of the rules to accept the resolution carried 5-0. Motion for approval of the resolution carried 5-0. (Attached) 8. Resolution 91-1625 - approving the transfer of Unprogrammed CDBG Funds to the Vacant Building Homestead Assistance Fund to implement the Houses to Homes Program. (Referred from Council 9/3/91) Motion to lay over to October 7 in order for PED to provide an update on the Houses to Homes Program carried 4-1. (Ayes - Maccabee, Rettman, Thune, Wilson; Nay - Goswitz) �FCF�VED �C� 141g91 ; :` � �;�KK :,