91-1959 Q+RIGIN1At . - �i-���_
C o�_�r,c�__ ''� '._ ,.
� ��, _-;:.. �},e e._ ,. --�f-��---
�i�.��O�:J � !C�l
C I i Y O�_ �/',��t,.�-r t�A l_!�-: 1��1 I?�N E,-`'�O_�A ,�,�_._..,
, ;; �fi1� ,
Prese;�ted By - ------ -
Ref_erred To _ ---- — Ccrunittee : Lr<�'ce --------
B� I 7LL RESOLVEC�, That the Cc�unc i 1 of the C i ty oi= Sa i nt Pau 1
hereby �ertifies and a�-�praves the action af the Property C:ode
Enforcement f�aard ofi A�pea 1 s pert.a i n i ng to the fio 1 1 ow i ng I i stec�
��i°�opert:y and ds shown by tr�se Excer�ted M i nutes of sa i � Prc�per ty
Code Enforcemen�. Boar�i af App�al5 and datec� Septernber 1U, 1991
ar7ci mar ked EXH T B T�T A��, an� �ttacl^�ed t�e��eto and made a part hereot
by r�ference.
�/ 10/�al 49--�1-H 540 �harles Ave. Dave Beaudet
BOAkD AC7-IVN : Gr�nted an extension of-� t.ime until aecember 1 � 19�I
t� scrape and repdint �the 9nterior of Unit #2.
PRUF'Et�1�Y C)ESC�I Nl I Grl ; M i che 1 ' s 5ubd i v i s i on of
E�lock 14, of Stinson' s
Uivision of Section 36
�own 7�, Range �3
Lot 11 B1k 2
C�/ 10/91 50-�1-H ll5�i Dayton Ave. Eunice SmitF7
E30A�D ACTION: Granted an extension af time until actober� l , 1��2
to do tt�e scrap�i nr� ar�d repa i nt. the exter i or �of the h�ouse.
PkOPERTY C�E5CR 1 P l�1 t7N: pnna E . f�amsey' s Add i t i on
to t.he C i ty af �t. F'au 1
Lot 14, BLk �
9/1 C7/�1 4d-�1-F 535 Asbury St. F�an�ia 1 Gegner
Bt�ARD AC1-IUN. Gran�ed an extens i on of t i me for �a months,
(Apt„i 1 1 , 1 y��2) to r-ep 1 ace the present c�e�ors on the occu�i �ci
units witP� 2G minute fire r-ate daors; t.he doors to th� unoccupied
un i t.s rnust be br��ught. up to code at i�he t i me th� un i t i s rented
and readY fQr occupancy.
PROPER�I�Y DE�C:RIPTION: Lyrnan D. Baird's Addition
Lc�t 1 B 1 k ;3
OR�G,I��� ��- oQ-�9
9/ 10/91 48-91-F 1303 Redrock Rd. Gerald Kowalke
Dakota Barge Serv.
BOARD ACTION: Granted an extension of time �or compliance:
1 . Tank Vehicle - (MC3�6) , not later that September 1 , 1992 ,
cease storage and dispensing of class I and class 1T
flammable and conbustibie liquids from this tanker. The
tanker may remdin on site for the storage and dispensing of
c1ass III lubricants.
2. Dispensing of Flammable and Combustible Liquids - Storage
and dispensing of class T and class II flammable and
combustible liquids shall be from an approved dispensing
system. Plans and specifications for the proposed system
shall be subrnitted to the Fire Prevention Division for
approval prior to insta1lation.
3 . Barge Fuel Dispensing - Not later than January 1 , 1y92,
the gasoline bein� dispensed on the bar�e will be stored and
dispensed in an approved fashion. The tank shall be removed
from the elevated stand and the fuel taken by suction from
the tap of the tank. In addition, the storage and
dispensing requirements of form AGT 1 sha) 1 be complied
4. Yard Office Fuel Dispensing - Not later than January 1 ,
1992, the gasoline being dispensed at the yard office
location shall be discontinued and the tank and apparatus
removed. Tn addition, not later than January 1 , 1992 the
diesel being dispensed at the yard office 1ocation shall be
dispensed in an approved fashion. In addition. the storage
and dispensing requirements of form AGT 1 shall be complied
PROF'ERI��Y DESCRIPTION : Section 14 Town 28 Range 22
com on S1 of & 448. 12 Ft E
from SW cor of SW 1 /4 th N
14 deg 42 mn W 81 ft to Beg
th N 75 deg 18 mn E 800 ft.
th N 14 deg 42 mn W 350. 41
ft th S 75 deg 18 mn W 151 .
65 ft th N 55 deg 23 1/2 mn
W 4b0. 49 ft th S 3Q deg 36
1/2 mn W 459. 47 ft th S 14
deg 42 mn E 400 ft to beg
i n SW 1/A of=
SEC 14 TN 28 RN 22
�'JRIGINA� �-�9-�9
9/ 10, 91 39-91-R 855 St. Clair, Ave. Christy Jo Caspers
BOARD ACTION: Appellant be allowed to reconnect downspout #1 to
the sanitary sewer system for the winter of
1991 / 1992; then by May 1 , 1992 the Appellant must
disconnect downspout #1 and bring it into
compliance by September 1 , i992.
PRUPERTY DESCRIPTION: Apartrnent Ownership No 6
Unit 103-104-203-204
Ye�s Navs Absent Requested by Department of:
imon ✓ � , r-,— _
oswitz' i/ C�E��t?d�' ! �� �P/�!/!GQ
on _�/ — --
Macca ee ✓ � '
ettman �—
une � By: ; _ �
i son �d-i ��i1I?7!9
Adopted by Council: Date
OCT � 5 1991 Form Ap ved by C' ty Attorney
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gy. � �-2 �
�-� �
gy: - � � �pproved by Mayor for Su ission to
T � � �gg Council
Ap roved by Mayor: Date �'
/i ��'v'���;��
By. sz��"/ By�
P�tISHED OCT Z 6'91 �
. �,��r�59
�ommunity services GREEN SHEEt NO. �19�
Jose hine P. B0I1 iovanni � CITYATTORNEY pTYCLERK
ASAP voR�op�sr� ' �
Re�olution approving the action of the Property Code', Enforcement Board
of Appeals.
—�� —
°°"�""E""�: � OCT -- 1 1991
—a����� _
Approving the action of the Property Code Enforcemenit Board of Appeals �
for the meeting of September 10, 1991 . (See attachJd minutes. ) _
Extensions of time to the property will be ratified.
Extensions of time - 5
I �C
. �D
OCj p
ois�vnNr�s��aov�o: �
None , MAYp�s O�,/rjC
. E`
OCT 0 71991
The action taken by the Property Code Enforcement Bc�ard of Appeals
will be returned to the Board by the City Council fcfr further review.
I Counc�+ R�A��r,�h Cs►�ter
OCT 0� 1991
�uNO��oun� n/a �cr�v�r N��t 3 3 2 6�
�nuwcia�iNr-oA►�umoN:�exPwN► �
'� ►w
_� �
BNow are p►Marrod routinps far the flve most frequent typss of documsnts:
OONTRACTS (assum�authorized (�UNqL RESOLUTION (Amend, BdgbJ
budget e�sts) Accept. (iranta)
1. Outside Agency 1. Department Di►ector
2. InitiaUng DspartmeM 2. Budpat arecbr
3. City Attorney 3. Cily Attornsy
4. Mayor 4. Mayor/Assiatent
5. Finance 8 AApmt Svca. Director 5. City Cour�cll
6. Flnanos AcoouMinp 8. Chlsf Aabuntant, Fin&Mgmt 3vcs.
Revision) and ORDINANCE
1. Activity Manapsr 1. Initiating DepartmeM Director
2. DspaRmsnt AccouMent 2. City Attomey
3. Dspartrn�M Dirocta 3. Mayw/MNstant
4. Budgst DfrsCMr 4. qty COUfICII
5. City Clerk
8. Chief Accour►taM� Fln d�Mgmt S1res.
1. IniNatin�D�paRment
2. City Attorney
3. Ma�ror/Assfstent
4. qty Gsrk
Indfcate the#t of pa�s on which sipnetur�are required and pepen�IP
eech of thsee pa�ss.
Deac�ibs what the p►ojsct/reqwet�to axomplish in eithsr chronologf-
cal oMsr or wder of importarn��whMF�ver is rtwat approp�late for the
issue. Do not write�mplete aeMerwes. Be�n esch item in your list with
a verb.
Complste if the ieaue in qusstion hes bssn preasnted bsfore any body, public
or private.
Indicate which CounCil objsctive(s)You�ProJect/request aupports by flsdng
Explain the aitustion or corMidons that crsated a need for your project
or roquest.
Indicate whether this is aimply an annual budpst procedure required by isw/
chaRer or whether tMn aro sp�cfflc wa in which tha qty of SeiM Peul
and fts citizena wIN bansM from this p�o�t/action.
Whet npative efMcts or major chanp�W exiMiny or psst procssses migM
thia Prolect/request produce if it is pessed(s.g.,trafHc delays� nofae,
tax increases or�nts)�To Whom?Whan9 For how bnql
UVhat will bs the negative consequsnt:es if ths promfaed actbn is not
epprwred7 InabiHry to deliver eerv�s?Continusd hi�h traitio, nolae,
�cidem rete� Loss ot rwenue�
Although you must talbr the infom►atfon you provide here to the issue you
aro addreasin�, in peneral you must anawsr two questions: How much ia it
9��9 to coat4 Who is 9an�to PaY?
. �-�i��.��
. ������'�
i='RG�'EF?_�Y CCiDE EP�Ii-U��;r�E{hFf•!'(- ��i()A�U VF P,P1='�P,�J
`�`:�`�; (�tDAf� :��I RtE�(�
�.>A.I r�l t i�'A L1� . M t Pd I�t E��C��T A ��� 1 U i
Ni1NUl�`�, !''I�E.iIN�� U1= �E.l='-ItM�EF�' 1Q . lt:��a1
P1tP1�EN�> W�?E`�E:N�'f� . Ron Ari}�:er-�v
St.r�4.�I���r� i e �i�est�r
��m�s L�ucih I �i r�
Don� ! �± W�'i da
!�!�!�1�ER� AB:���!!-: F?�>n GTassrnan, ��i7a � r�rn�n
1�� i i I i r�rr! L . �i ! t c:�r��
�Oc�CI N"L-'c�i"S01'!
U�i�NEF�S F'REti�lV�?�: Pa�. f= i �I�i, E,�er�ar��:rr�er�t ��f F i r-e b� Safet,��
F'h i 1 UHrGn� , iJ�.r_>r�r tment vfi F i r? � ��F�L�•
CI-�ar I Ps \fc�t.� l , �1 i v i s i ar� ot F�ub i i c Hea 1 1�ty
! i sa H�n�i»er, . L��)a 1 A�de - F'ul� I i c Hea I ti�
N��:�r r<i si�e 1 , 1954 Ur� i ver-� i t.y Av�.
5±�evE !-i�r��rt . 1?a i r�i ea�ier D� v i s i on
Dav� �e�ucie t. Eun i ce �m i �tf-�
Randa i Ge��nei° Wn�. 0 . L 9 et��a 1 �.
Gr►-a'I U Kuwd 1 l�:� �I �i� i s't.y J�� C��;�e�� �
E3��uc� K i et..nat Leo J . H�ff��i v
ti � P,E= !� : ���sep�i i ne F. E�ar��a i ovann i
. .
''��:� iT!':�'C�u" 1 fl�� :^li�� C:� � i t�(.�{ ��c� G`i-c=„�,�i� - .i Q{�iv f,n,�_l �E��. i ,..r,,.:: . t-'.��. . .'"•.: .,_,I
y`r. 1 : �iJ �?.!Tl. }'�� 4tirf?1 �C:�l71E?�.:.t f�IIE 4r>r=�-'C..-'� 1 ;�t`t�� �ClC� F'.`,�r_�� � i n�.Ci '�,I iN
r,?-c„�ed�_�r��» s�.�t.iric� ��I�at. s�rf"�a�. �:i�'�� uoar-��i r�+c�es i � i��con�r��er�i_! uc��� ;vi �
t.c rhe C i�t:Y C�ur�c i l . He a ! s� d5kr�� 'l.hat t!��» s��a�:�mrn�.s L� �,r� i �r,
anrl tl-��t- i�l�� h}n�r�ri �;l"�-�.� (,:t�lYi�e �� f G � ��J�t; [,"i i- i -?���c i_.O w�F• 1 r'� %;r�uni i r� :a
f� i i" ffldllllE't" .
1 . A�,��..��va I fc�r �f�e !n i nu�ti.e5 of- �tf��� A�.�gust. i :3 d i��>! mee��.i r,c; ds
su�rr�i t.�ted i r� �,1r� i�t i r��a.
l�1���t i or� m�c{e by J�rn�s Lau�ah I i r�� ta ap��rov� t�r�� rn i n�.��,.es r_�f-� �r�.i��e
P,ug�us't: 1 3 , 1`_3G 1 m��'t t r�<�. Se��or�deri !-�>� 5 h_�ephar��i r Ct�c�ster' _
('��JT I i>t�l CARR I EL► U�dAIV 1 MOU�LY .
. �,,�q�i�'.�9'
� . c:.a�� Fj►�_.a�=�� r�c�� :
4 5-�,1-H I� 1 2 R�ar�e�✓ Ave. 1�i I I i am Hamm�� � J!_ .
( vac�ar��t b ! d�a) Dor�o��.f-�y Lvons
S�EsJE��T : A.r_>��e I I arrl. i s rectues�t: i n� a wa i vNr� firc�m 'ti�7e vac<�nt
�u i I �1 i n�� fiees i n tt�ie drnour,t of $ 1 . 27�1. OU , b�c:ause �i= i=i nanc i a 1
hardsh i ��.
Pas�ron�� �to th� UCtOb�t' f71a�i�. i nn.
�19-91--H 54� Char 1 es Ave. Dave F3�au�ie�t.
iL uni �ts ?
APPEAkANCE : Dave f3�aucie�tt
SUBJECI-: A���pe i I ar��t i s r�c�ues�t i n� a var i ancz �r-orn �the re�7u i r�ement ,
r�av i nc� t.� r•emove ancJ r �sur-fdc� a�+. 1 ar�ds , { } �aca r�a i nt} f=r-orr�
i r!r�t- i ot- �►�!� exter i or ; a 1 s� i�eQ�.�est.i ng a ref�_ind o�F tt�i� f i 1 i nc� fee
�f �2� . GG , because uf f� i rlanc i d 1 ha1-dsl�� i p.
PRUCEED 1 NGa: 1"1�7e Anpe 1 1 dnt state� that the un i i� haci been
i ns}_�ect�d and dpprovEd v�� th� hea 1 th depar�ment off i c i a 1 s ;�r i or
t.o the tenan�r.s rnov + ng i nto tl�� bu i 1 d i ng. -ff7e A������1 1 �ni� was no�_
i nforrn�d t.hat ther� wau 1 :� be a 1 ��ci i ns�-�ect i on many mc��7�tf�i�� aft��°
�t��e �:enar��ts hac� rnove�.' i r�to t!��e un i�L . i�he ur�i t had been f:°es!-� �y
���i i����, scrap i nc� w��ere necessary, Ex��er_�t. for� t.h� i ns i de <�f tl��
w� ndows .
Pe-(�er K i stie 1 , from th� G�i v i s i or! af Gub 1 i c Hea 1 tt� si.:ateci -ci���a l: or-�
Febr-uar�v G , I 99! . Lynn Baht�� a Pub 1 i c hiea 1 t!-� t�Eurse !�ad a rneet i �c;
w i tt� t}�e c�wne�� af �the ��rop�rt�� to check ti��e �we 1 1 i ric� fc�z� t.t�s
�-e 1 oca�t i or� of a cf�i 1 d �hat was i c�ent i �F i ed as hav i np 1 ead
poisoning. Un Febr�iary 12 , 1�?91 , on a ref=er�ral fr�c�m Ms. Baht.a .
iwec�uesl�ed an i nspect i on of 1�i�e pr�w��er�ty for �vss i I�1 � 1 ead 1-�azar�.
On Ju I v 1 Z , 19�1 an i ns�ec±� i or� �ras done on Un i t #�2 by Chr,i s Ayok�
an I n spector , f i°arr� tl��e D i v i s ��r� of �'ub 1 i c i-iea 1 th. At. �tYiat t i rne»
�tHre i ve �>a i nt. samp 1 es tNPT"E takcn, of wi7 i cf-� r�i �ie exce�ded t►�e . a`7,
1 ead con�tent. Urd����s were �then i ssuer� c�n �u 1 y >3 , 1991 show i ng
�.he a3�eas of 1 ead cont.ent �hat_ were san�p 1 ed. Pa i n� samt��1 �s ara
on1 y taken from v1 i stered, cracked. f 1 �ked, sca] �d or ��•i��1 k:ec�i.
The comp 1 i anc� �ate for sct-ap i n�� �the pa i nt Vras Aue�usi.:. 6> 1�91 ;
resurfac i nG �f the i �ad pa i nt, carnp 1 i arice dat:e �,ras A.�.!��tust ?�? ,
19y1 . Mr. Ayoka again, met wi�:h the appellant. on Auc�ust 14 , 1991 ,
at �that t i rne, an �xt�ns i on was �i ven un�t i 1 Se�-�terntier �0 , 1991 .
to com�1� w i t�-� the orde3,s , un t� �Y�i s t.i r7�e notr�i ng has been done.
Appe i l ant. r eq�..iested a r efund of the fi i 1 i ng f�e of $Z5 . Ul� .
� . C�i--���9
BOARD AC�f I�)h.l �1ot; i ori rnade by Don I�Je i da Ueny i n�� tl���e r�er�uest for a
vai- i anc� on tf��e scr�a��i nc� �r�c� r-er�a i nt i r��� of �Jn i t #2 at 5�#U Cf�ar 1 es
Ave. Ti-i� d����e 1 l an� �•ras ���-an�:ed an ex-tens i or� of t i me unt i 1
�ecemver 1 , 1��?1 t.o scra�e and repa i nt -t.he i n���er i ar af Un i t �#L .
-fhe r'erataest. for d refur�d of the f i 1 i r�ry fee c�f �2� . C�U was d�r� i ed.
Secor-�d�d b�� Ste�:�han i A Chestet� . MUT I Url CP.�R I ED UPjA�!I MQUSLY.
�0-��1-H 1l56 GaYton Ave. Eur�ice V. Smith
t 1 u r7 i t:}
APPEARANCE : Eunice V. Smith
SUBJEC"r: Ar_,pe 1 1 an1; i s reques�l:i na an extens i�n of t i m� to
E-�ror�er 1 y scr ape and re�a_i nt the exter° i or- of �the P�ous�.
PR��'FED I i�IGS: rhe appe i I ant si:ated that. she r�eeds i ri��lef i n i te
t i me tc� do �the necessdry serdp i nc� anc� repa i r�t i ng th� exter i c>r oi=
the house. 5tie s�ated that her husbar�c! i s unemp I oyeci at. tl�i s
Chuck Vo�t�l , f��orn th� Division of Pu�,Eic Health reyuested
the Appel 'lant be giv�r� a dPfinit� ddte, rather t.hen dn
i ndef�i n i�.e �t.i me fnr� ��mp 1 i ance ori s��rapi ng and repa i nt i ny �t�e
extet- i��a.. ��f the hous�.
L�t�AR�J P,rl"I OI�1 : Mo*_ i on rnade by James Lauah 1 9 r� �to dFn�i �ti��e r��t�ues���
for a v�r i dr�ce, i ns�teac ar� extens i on vf t i me was granted uE��t i 1
UC.'.�C�bf;Y- 1 : Z�ayJ tL� ra�� j_hrv SCY'c'3p 1 1'l� �3C1(YJ T"E?pt� i t?i' t:f'}a ey-t:�r i nr ,J-�
the ho�se. Seconr�ed k:�y D�n t�e i da. MOT?UN CARR I F L7 I�NAN? MUU�LY .
�t�t-�l -F 535 AsUury St. R�nGa ? t:,���i��er
! 1�- units) � ��
AF'PEARANCE : Randa 1 Gegner-, Mryz° .
SUSJEC�-i: Apr��e I 1 ant i s r�quest i ng � var i ance fi i-om (:;ocie. hav i r��� to
nrov i de 2C� ��i riut:e f i re-rat��c� r�o�r� to a��a�-�i:rn�r�ts . _
PROt�EEC�I h�IGS: TFie aE_,�,e I 1 an� s ivdl.ed th�t at th i s �� i me t�-�erN i s no
cas!-� t= 1 ow to the bu i 1��i ri�a, because the Vu i 1 d i r�g i � c���er i»1 f
Pat F i SPiy frc>��n the De.r_��r�tm�n� �fi F i r�e & Saf���-y sta��.es ±-.i�at tt��ese
r�c�ors ar�� quartei� i nch E�ane 1 r_ioors , wt�i ch enter i r7ta a c�mmor7
c�r r i dOI�'q c�r"tuc�1 1 y i�her-e are no f i r�e door-s at �t�e end of th�
cnrr i dors. Tr�ie�e dc�or-•s ar•e a l I c���en i�o ear.h c��ther . A i�i re i n
any or�e �f= the un i�l.s �rc�u 1 d not be con�a i ned an� c��u i d threaten -
tF��e eSCaE�� rou�.�. Ther�e ar-e d cour�l � a l ternat i ves �to th�e code:
I . The door-s cc�u 1 d be upgraded to rneet �the r��c�u i i�ed 20 m i �utes
� i re r�at i r�g, c-�r� �:. ��p-�e ar,pe 1 1 ant cc�u 1 c� i n:.�ta 1 1 f i re dc�c�rs a�� the
enG of tl-�e corr i dors .
�UA�?D P.CT I OI�! : MO� !Or1 rn�dG by Nc,n A.nkcny t.o �i�ny tt��e req��iest- for
a var i anc�e on fi.Y�e 2U ni i i��ut.e f i r� e z�at,ed cir_�or s , i r�s�l.ead the i�oard
��rant.cd an exteris i on ��f t i me for � m��nthts {A�r i i 1 , 199�) t.o
re�i<�c� trie �?reseni: doc�rs an �tt��� �ccup i ed un i ts w i tY°i 2U m i nut.e
f i re ratec! d��ors ; �tr��e �I��.��rs �.:o t►�e ur�accupi ed !�n i ts must be
r�i_augt-�t ul�� �l.r� ccade �t t.he t i rr�e t.r�e un i t i s reni:ec! anc� ready for
oc•cupar�cy . Secon�ed by 5tephan i e C.Iiest�r, . MOT I GhJ CA�fZ I �D
46-91-F 15�iG-1 5E�2 , 1 57U-1 57 1 ,
158U-15�1 Whee1ock Lan�
Cor�d�m i n i um �#G�17 Wn�. f� . L i ebe 1 �r..
� (9� units ?
AF'PEAF�ANCE : Wrn. G�. L i ebe I 1� � Leo J . Hzffe I y
5UBJEC7: Appe 1 1 ar�t i s appe� f i nc� the CFr��t. i f i cate of Occupdncy
cl��arges , because of a 1 ack of c:l ar �i�.y i r� -rhe 1 aw r�egard i nc�
Conda' s .
PRUCEED I NGS : Mr. � i eb�1 t s tated tf-�a�G �the reason fot� the a�_���ea 1 i s
�i�t��t. i-�e fpN 1 s �:undan�i n i urn ##247 i s be i nc� undu 1 y charget� for t.l�ie
Ceri: i f i cate oi= Occupancy i nspect i on. The comp 1 ex i�as b
buildinUS . with 16 units per building. Each buildin� is being
treated as a 5 i n�1 e �n-r;-ty. Each bu i 1 ci i ng i s be i nu c}��ar��_se;_1
� 7 n a , p i� f��r a tc�t�l c>f �864. UU for the 6 f�u i 1 d i r�r�s . Conc±om i n i um
#�247 st�ou I d b� �tz,eate� as one un i t , and tf-» ct��arge siinu 1 d t�� �
f 1�-r f��� of �2�>U. UO fc,r �hc Cer t i f i cat.e of Ocru�dr`ti:.y i �s���c L i or��.
Pat F i �F�, fr�c�m t.he UepartmPnj� ofi t= i re & �af�e�t.y ��t.a��e�;�+ ti,��. �, ,�
1 aw i s ; eacl�� bu i 1 d i ng �f rnu'I 'r i un�ts must t�e c�rt i f i ed fur
ot:cupanc;�. Rccord 's nc� ��;,0 5t . F'a�.� i Leg i s 1 at.i ve ��'ade 33 . 05 i:.t��e fee
is nine (`�) d�l lars ��er residential unit , wi�:h a rninimum tee
$75 . UU and maximum f�e ofi �L50 . 00 . l"t�ese bei n�� sep���a�c
�u i 1 d i r�gs tV7eY must �ie tr-eated as sucli.
Jarnes La�.��,�h 1 i n stated that he f=e 1 t �Cf�at. C��ndon r' ri i um #2 17 , �aecause
the.Y az-e sePai�_ate bu i 1 c� i r�gs , they st��au 1 d be tT'?�tPl.i as se�ar°at�
entitie� , accor�ding t� coc9e.
�OARD ACT I Ul�i : Mot i ori rnade by D�n we i a� to deny the ��equest
fcr� d var i ance for� the fec or� the C:eri:i f i cat:e of Occ:u��ncy at
Condam i n i ��m �$247 , e�ch bu i 1 d i n� sl-�a i I i�e �r�eated an a s i nc�1 e
ent i t.y. Seconded by Jarnes Lau�at��l i n. MUT 1 UN CARR I�C1 UNAN 1 h10USLY .
� � ��qi-�9�9
�48-91-F 1303 Recir-ock Rd. Dakota B�rc�e Service
(CornmF�rc i a l ? ver�a i d Kc:�wa 1 ke
APPtARAN��E : Gerald Kr�walk�
SUBJEC7: A�pe 1 I ant i s r�ec7uest i n� a vdr- i ance from Cocie
rtqu i remEr�t hav i nc� to r��emave abovearounC gaso 1 i nP d i s�ens i r��
tanks; a I so ccase us i n�a of t.ar�k veh i c i es as a st.orac�e and
ti i sper�s i r��g un i t.
!='ROC:EED I f�1G5: �h i 1 Owens , f rorn 1�he Departmer�t af F i re & Saf=ety
s�ta�ed ti�at the Un i form F i re Code spec i f i ca 1 1 y pr�oh i b i�ts the
above �rounc s�or�age af gasoline ur dispensirig ir�to vehicles . It
a� sc� pr-�f-�ibits the �tor���e of Ci�ss I I 1 iquids (Di �se1 �ue) ) .
Tr;ere are same exceptians , tt-�at wi ] 1 allaw you to do this; Tanks
�.hat have heer� i n p 1 ace after October 2 , I 98�a. �fanks tl�at have
been i n p 1 ace prev i ous to �that date. the F i i°e Marsha 1 i�as �l:he
authnr i ty to a 1 1 ow tf�em to cont i nue, w i th rnod i �F i cat i oris. After
much d i scuss i on, Ac�t i ng Cf��ia i rrnan P,on Arikeny requestecJ ti��at t.���e
bQard rnake a c�ec i s i on tu the Ar�r�e 1 1 ant' s �°Equ�st.
BOARO ACT I Ot�i: Mot i�n was made ta d�r�y the reques�t for- a
var i ance. Tl�e Board d i d accept. t.he F i re Marst�a 1 ' s a 1 ternate
method fior� com�1 i anc•e and prav i ded an extens i on ofi t i m� f=or�
? . Tank vel��i c 1 e - (MC3U6} , not I��tei- tl-�an Septernber 1 , 199L,
cease stc��age anc� �is�ensing of class 1 �nd class II
f 1 ammab] e and conbust i b 1 e i i qu i ds fi r�om th i � �tank,er. I}�e
tanker may rEmain on site fr�r the s�t�.oraa� and disp�ns6ng of
class III lubricant.s .
L . D i spens i nc1 of F 1 arnmab 1 e and Combust i b 1 e L i��;u i ds - 5tora�e
arid d i sper7s i r�a ot= c 1 ass I and c 1 ass I I f?ammab l � ar�c�
combustible 1Squids shall be �rom an ap��x�ovad,' c�is�ensing
s.vstem. P 1 ans and speC i f i Cat i or�s f�r the E_�ro�asec� system
shall be submitt.ed ta the Fire Pi-evention Division for
apr-�roval prior to install �tion.
3 . Barc�e Fuei Uispensing - Not later �than Jar�uary l , 1992 ,
the gasoline being disf-�ensed on the bar�e will I�� stared and
d i spensed i n an approv�d fast�� i on. 7f�e tar�k sha 1 1 be removed
from the e 1 evat�d stand and ttie fue 1 t.aken �v suc:�L i c�n frorn
�tt-�e to�� of ±-he �.an4�:. I n add i t i on , i�.l�e storac�e and
d i speris i ng r��.�u i remenfis of forrn AG7 1 sha 1 1 be comp i i ed
� � . ��9i-��.s9
4. Yard Uffice Fuel DisF�ensinc� - Not. later than Januat�y l ,
1��C.�� , the �aso 1 i ne be i i�g d i sr?ensed at. the .vard off� i c�e
lacation shal1 b� discantinued and the tarik. and ap�ai-atus
rernoved. In addition, r�ot tater° than January l , 19G2 , the
d i ese 1 be i nc� d i s�ensed �t tt��� yai�d offi i c� i ocat i on sPia 1 1 be
d i s�er�sed i r� an apr�roved fash i on. I n adc�i � i an, �,:he stora��N
ar�d d i spens i n�� re��.�i i�ernents of form AGT 1 sha 1 I be com�1 i ed
w i t.h. MU71 ON C.4F�R I ED UNAN I MUU'�LY .
3y-91-R 855 St. Ciair Ave. Chris�y J� Cas�ers
t4 units )
AF�PEARANC;E : Chr i sty Jo Cas�ers
5UBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance from codE
requirement, having to �+isccnnect. rainlead�rs .
PROCEEDINGS: M5. Casr_�ers stated that she is coricerned about the
disconnection on the r�ainleader becduse of the way the land
s i opes anci t.he s i de Hra 1 k at. that po i nt, wh�re freez i n� i s
passible could end u� in a 1aw suit .
StEVe Herbert , fram the F�ainleadEr � ivision stated that �there are
a couple to thin�s that can be done to divert the water, such as
a sliyht bei-m between the buildings and tt��e si�ewa : k, ar raise
the side waik or tunnel under the sidewalk. The gutters 1-�ave been
disconnected, Ms . Cas�ers w�uld like to recannec�. -l:o the
SUARD ACTIUN : Motion made by Ron Ankeny �to deny tne reques�t i=or
a var i ance. �The Ap�e 1 i ant be a I }awe� t.o r scon!-nect downs�ou�. ##1
to the san i tary seo-rer systern fnr the H�i nter of 1991 / 1992 ; t.hen F�y
Ma,v 1 , 1 g�2 tt�ie Appe 1 1 ant rnus`t d i sr•onnect dc�wnspout #¢1 and
bring it inta compliance by 5eptember 1 , 1y92 . Seconded by
Stephanie Chester .
l'HE VOTE : Yeas (3 ) I�lays ! I ) We i cl� Abstent i�n { U)
, . �- -��s9
. 9�
4U-yl-R 1410 Ed�ecumbe Rd. f3ruce E. Kiernat
{ 1 unit )
APPEARANCE : Bruce E . Kiernat.
SUBJECT: App� 1 1 ani� i s ��eques±i n�a a var� i ance f rum C,�ode
requirement, having t.o ciisconnect. rainleaders .
PRQCEEDINGS: Mr. Kiernat stated that hE did compl _y with the
orclers , regarding t.he �isconnection ori tPie rainleaders . In
Oc�k.ober 1990 , Mr. Herbert. wen�t out to inspect the proper�ty at
141U Edgecumbe Rd , at thai� time, Mr. Her�ert stated to Mr. Kierr�at
that the s i tuat i on i s sucl�, �.ha�t Mr. P<i ernat shou 1 d re��.�est a
vai�i ance on th� two ra i n 1 eaciers on th��e west s i de af the hause.
Yf�e front yard slopes to the house. Mr . Kiernat s�ated tha1: the
two rainleaders on the wesi side of the t��ouse were reconnec�ted �a
t.he sanitary sewer system. The r�as�n they were reconnecteca is
because of �the tremendeus amount of damage ta the basernent. The
win�ow wells had to be sandbag��ed in order to stop �the rain fr�orn
go i ng i nt.o the k�asement. T n June of 19`�1 f Mr. K i err�dt. cd 1 l �d Nr .
Herber�t to inquire as to the status o�F the rainleaders . Mr.
Fierber�t. informed Mr. Kierndt that he had requested varianc�, but
tt�dt. the Department D i rec�or den i ed the rec��.�esi, on a var i ance.
The recommen��ia�tion Ly �he Department Head wa= to ex�tent the
ra� nleaders .
hir . Kiernat st�ted he received a notice to disconnect tre
ra� n 1 ead�rs . Mr. K i ernat re�uested �that Mr. Her�.ier°t & Mr .
Johnson (Head or" the Department) meet ti i m at �t.he pro�ert;� aga i n ,
�o r�ve i w the s i tuafi i on . The su�l�est i on ��s -rn e,•1-ent tr,�
rainleaders out to ge� drainage. In order to do this , the
exl��ns i or, cou 1 r_i ��e at. 1 east 20 feet a��ross the front. y�rd i�o �ll��
BUARD AC7IUN. Mo�:ion ma�1e by Ron Ankeny to �rant a rermanen�
var i ance on the two ra i r�1 eaders on tl-�e W�st s i de of the l�?ouse for�
the I ife �f tl�e horne. Secanded b� Stephanie Cl��ester. MOl'ION
� 7
. �-�i-��.�q
43-yl-R 661 Wo�dlawn Ave. HerbeT-t J . Gareiick
( 1 unit)
SUBJECI": A��pz 1 1 ant i s request i ng a var i ance fr-�rn Code
requirement, havin�� to disconnect rainleader,s .
PR I t)R HEAR I NG: O��TOBER 10 , 1989
BUAF2D'S ACT T ON : Var i ance was qranteci t.o a 1 1 ow connect i on �o a
future storm sewer .
, Postponed to the October meetir�g.
47-91-R 808 5ummit Ave. Richard J . Giatch
(2 units)
SUBJFCT: Appellant is requesting a variance from Code
requirement having �to disconnect rainleader #3 SW cornet� of the
B�JARD ACTI01�! c N4ot i on rnade by James Laugh 1 i n �o deny �he rp��.�est
for a v�riance on rainleader #3 SW corner of the l-,ouse.
Secand�d by Stcphanie Chester . MOTION CARRiEG UNANIMOUSLY. ~
51-�1 -H 2y5 Summit Ave. Antr,ony Strouth
(�l units)
SUBJECT: Inability to achieve a satisfactory res{�onse on the
p�lumbing from the Building Iris�action/Design Division, regarding
the basement unit. A���roval on the plumbing is needed to obtain
a Cer�. ificate of Occupancy.
Fostponed to the m�eting in October�.
Meetinq adjourned at �: OU p.m.