91-1958 ��'�'��� Council File # ����0
Green Sheet # �1 ��
Presented By
Referred To ' Committee: Date
, a e ouncil of the City of Saint Paul
hereby certifies and approves the action of the Pro�erty Code
Enforcment Board of Ap�ieals pertaining to the following listed
property and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes af said Property
Code Enforc�ment Board of Appeals and dated, September 10, 1991
and marked EXHIBI7 A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof
by reference: ,
9/ 10/91 40-91-R 1410 Edgcumbe Rd. Bruce E . Kiernat
BUARD ACTION: Granted a permanent variance on the two (2)
rainleaders on the West side of the house for the life of the
PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Gilbert' s Montcalm Place
Lot 2 BLk 2
and be it,
FURTHER RESOLVEC7, That upon passac�e of this resolution the
City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy
of this resolution for recording to the Ramsey County Office of
Register of Deeds.
Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of:
imon �— � >
oswitz t/ �� ,� ��,����
on ��
acca ee �
une ` By: �, � _�-->
i son ri
Q r7� �,���'
�r�- � � 1991 Form Approved by C'ty A torney
Adopted by Council: Date � f
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gy: /G �2—�j
By� - � � ��� Approved by Mayor for Submission to
Ap roved by Mayor: Date T i �7 1991 Council n ,
> ��'/
��/ By'
o � y �� s 9/3 0191 GREEN SH ET No. 619 2
Resolution approving the actian of the Property Coide Enforcement Board
of Appeals.
REOa�AMEN�nnONS:�pprow tN a�(�) COUNC� REPORT NA�
_sr,� _ oa�eHrs: g
_oisr�uwcr couRr — . ' Camry��/j��
Approving the action of the Property Code Enforcement Board of Appeals
for the meeting of September 10, 1991 . (See attached minutes)
i �� �
Variances granted to the property will be ratifiec�. �
1 - variances ; ��4YpR"so 9�
, F�c►��
ois�cvurr�es��ov�o: ;
None •
OCT 0 7 �gg�
The action taken by the Property Code Enforcemen�. Board of Appeals
will be returned to the Board by the City Counicl 'Ifor further review.
�oun�ci! t�search Center
� �OCT 0�1► 1991
���� n/a ���N� ! 3 3 2 6 3
� , ,
Bslow aro profsrred routirtge tor the five rrrost freque�typ�s of docuel�MS:
CONTRACTS (eseum�authorfzod COUNGL RE90l.1LTlON (14msnd,.Bdpts./
budgot exists) Accept. Grants)
1. Outside AQenCy 1. DepaRmeM Director
2_ In�lating Depenment 2. Bud�st Director
3• qtY AttomeY 3• Clly 1►ttornsY
4. Meyor 4. MayoNAs�ant
5. Flnence 8 Mgmt 3vcs. Di�ector 5. Gty Councll
6. Finer�ce AccouMing 6. Chief Axounta�t, Fln d�AAgmt 3vcs.
, Reviebn) and ORDINANCE
�. ,�y M,�.� �. i�niaunq oe�cmeM a�
a. Aecor
3. D�epertmsnt Dinector 3• MayodAaistant
4. Budpst DlreCtor 4. Cily COUhCiI
5. City Clerk
8. Chief Accou�r�t� Fln 8 Mgrr�t Sv�cs.
1. Initiatinp Dsputment
2• (�tY A►tto►neY
3. MayoNAeti�tant
4. Cny C�srk
Indicae Me#�of pepsa on which signetwes are requirod erM srcN
sach of these p� .
Describe wh�ths pro�ect/request sNk�to�omplish in eith�r chronologi-
c�d order or order of fmportance�whichsver b most apprapriitte for tlts
�sus. Do not write complNe seMences. Bsgin each item in your Ust with
a verb.
Complste if the issw in question hes bssn preseMed bsbre any body� Pub��c
or priveKe.
Indk;ate whfCh Councll obJ�cuve(s)Yow�c�/roqu�s�PPorts bY NsNng
Explain the situdbn or c�nditlons that created a need for Y��P�
or reqt�t.
IndicMs whsther this is simply an annual budpet proceduh required by law/
chaROr or vrhether thsre ars�psdNc wa�►s in which ths Gty of SaiM Paul
and hs citizens will bsnefit from this p►o�ect/action.
What nepative effscb or major chanpss to encistinp or past procssses might
this project/requsat prod�N it b paseed(e.g..traiffc delays. noise�
tax incroases or astessmsnts)?To Whom?Whsn?For Frow lonq?
What wiN be ths neyativs cor►seqtances if the promised actfon is not
approved4 Inability to dsliver servk;s?CoMinusd hfgh traffic, noies,
accideM nte?Losa of rsvsnue?
Although you m�t tailor ths information you provide hsre to the issue you
are aidd►�ein�, in�ral you must answer two qusstions: Ho�ur much is it
going to c�t?Who is going b p�y?
, . C,�-qi"i�'.Sd''
+��RUF�E�:TY �1���DE �i�li�URr:��E�lEf�i�f LCrARO OF APPEA�S
�`��5 CtC1Ak �-(�kE��i.
:�A, i P� i� i�p,U� , h!I i`d�lF��Ci"i�P, 55 1 U I
M 1 f4U.! �:�. !'1EE�T 1 N(; OI= �,�:F='-(Ei"iB�h 1 �y ! `�)�.� 1
P�fF P1�E�:"-> 1=�F?ESE�!�i�: kon A.nk�r�v
S�l:ef�'�t�n i e (_;1��e�L'et-
J�mes Lauc�h I i r7
L�o�7a 1 � W�;d�
ME!�1BE�R`� P,3'��tl�!��: Rnn G i as�rr�ar��, C;f�a i r�rnar�
la� i 1 I i ai`r� L . �r�i ! ton
Jo�n P�aa�s�►-,
U�fHERS l�RE`�EN l : Pat. � i sl-�, Uer-�arLrr�ent: ��f� F i � e E� 5afe�t.�•
Phi 1 C�wens , Der���rtment afi f i z�e � ��Fel.�•
Cf7ar I es Vc�t.e ! , D i v i s i ar-� ot� �aub 1 i c Hea i l�t�
! i sa H�m��ie�� , Lec�a i A t"d� - P�l� ! i c l�ea i �Y7
Pe�t�r �� i si�e l , i ��r�4 Ur-�i ve►-s i ty Ave.
Stev� !-1er���L. . Ra i r;l eacier D i v i s i on
Dave �'eaucie�t. Eun i c� �arn i �tt-�
Rar�da 1 Ge��ne�� Wm. D. L i eb� 1 l.
G�r`a 1 d Kuwd i k� (_;iir i S't.,y Jo C�isi�Gi� s
B��uc� K i erna�. Lec> J . H�fi=e ; v
:� I AF!=' : �tc�s���ti i r�e �'. E3«r�c� i av�nn i
�i"i:� rn���t ; ����� �rr�s �a 1 , t��u.� t,� r�,��..�i�a_ E�:� Act�i r��a C����i .,m�t�, ��� . A: , ���:;
� 1 �ii m, a1 r� c.r t. 1 i -a c - , - �?xf��Ic31 !'lt'd �!�N
�I. _ . �_. i_�_.. H� w.._ c��m.�.� ...I�e .���,r,�e �r�t�._ �r��
�_,rt,c�r,-;���r�, stat. i n�7 ��.I�a+� wi��d�l. ti°�e i�oar-��1 �:�.��es i s r"�cc�n����er�i� �c� ivn
�.0 ,r f-�e C i 'tY CounC i I . He a ( so d�kFd �l.l��'t t!"ie S�c3�:.!?Cfl�!'1�C5 L�� !:�r°i ��f .
r'�f?� tr?�t' t.:.1�?E' �:l'ri�;TL ,.r�� '1�1�1�T"�' �4 j=c� { i O'r! C i i-. 1 ZE'f1S '�=.0 f'tn 1 r� i-Y��ni i r� �
-F�a i r� rnariner�.
1 . A�:�n�•ov� I fo�� tt�e m i r�ut.e� „f- ��.f�� Auc�ust. 13 , i�t)1 mee�. i r��_� ��s
s ubrn i t.'t��! i r� ��rr� i�� i r�!�,
?�iot. i on mad� t�y J�m�s La�.s�f� l i n to ap�:,rc,ve i�t�� rn i nut�s c�f= .t.'r�e
�,u�au��t ? 3 , 19G 1 m��'t i r��;l. �ec:�Y�r�d�r_i ��� 5 te�h�n i e Ches ter� .
MUT i i)C�I CA,RR I EC� U��IAN I t�iUU�Ly`-
. . �G ql- °�`s�
� . 1.:A5E NE,4�I!�!GS :
�1.F;-��i-H 1� 1 2 ��ar7��r Ave. I�J i 1 I i an�i I~i�rnmes � Jr� .
( vacant b? ci�7 ? G701�Oi��.r�y Lyons
SUBJEC�T� : A����e I I ar��:. i s reUUes�t i rtg d wa i v�r firc�rrt t1��e vac�nt
bu i 'I d i nn fe�s i n t��e �r��our�t of � 1 . 27U . OU � ��cause of f=i nan��i a l
P7ardsf�i (��-
1='ostrone�+ ta tl�e Oct�bei� me�i�. i r�g.
%19-91--H 54� Char 1 es Ave. D�vc B�dude�t.
t2 urii �ts)
APP�ARA�ICE : Dave Beaude�tt
�U6�EC:;T: At-�Pe 1 i ar��l= i s rec��.�est i nc� a var i ance frarn th� re�7u i rcment ,
r�av i nc� t.o t�emove an�i t��surface a ! 1 areas , ( i �aci r�ai nt? fi-�rr�
i r�+���- �i c�z- �nr� ext.er i ot-; a 1 sc� �-��luest.i ng a ref�_:r�� of the f i 1 i ng fee
��f $?5. UU , f�ecause of f i r�anc i a 1 hardst-� i p-
i'RUCEED I NG:�: "fhe P.���e 1 1 ant state� that the un i t had beeri
i ns�_��cted ar�d approv�d Vy �the hea 1 th der�artrnent of�i c i a�I s ;}r 1 c�r�
1=.0 tf'l� �EflclCl'�� mov + ng i f1�.0 ttl2 JU 1 � CI 1 CIQ. Yf"l� A(=��-�E' i i an;.. was i IUt.
i nfarmed �.ha�t �here wou 1 d be a 1 cati i n�F��ec�t i ar�E m�ny rnan�l f��s aft.e��
't.Pie tenan�ts f1dC.� fIIOV�C� 1 Cl't.0 i:.�'lE UI"I 1�. . ��`IP l.lr!1 t �'1��={ F.��?'a,+ �t°?5i-1 ! �:
p�i ntec�, scrapi nq wYiere necessar�>�, ex�:.�er�t. fi�r th� i ns i cie of i.17�
��r� ndows .
Pe�ter� K,i st�e l , f rom the C�1 V 1 S 1 O!l of Puk�1 i c !-iea 1 t.t� siYa i_ed �ci i�r. ��n
F`e�ruar,y 4 , 1991 , Lynn Bdht� a Publ ic He�lt!-� Nui�s� had a rne�tin�
w i tr� the �wnez� at= the ��ropert.y t:o chGck. the clwe 1 1 i ng for the
i-e 1 acat i ori o�F a cf�� i 1 d that; was i dent i f i ed as h�v i na 1 �dd
��o i s��n i ng. Un Febt-uary 1 Z , 1 �?91 , on a ref�r�ra 1 fron� Ms, E3ar��:.a ,
r�ec.lu�sted �i� i r�spect i on of tn� pr�c+�er�t_y for �.�uss i 1�1 e 1 eaci haZar cI.
Gn Ju I v 12 , 19��1 an i nspec� i or� was done c�n Un i t #2 by Chr i s Ayoka
en I nspectar, t=rarri tl-ie D i v i s i c�n af Pub) i c Nea 1 �tt��. At. �tY�at t i rne,
t�re i ve pa i nt. samp 1 es +Nere t.dk�r d, of wV�i ch r� i r�e exce�vec! �t7e . a`7�
1 ead content , Urdez�•s were �then i ssuecl c�n �!u 1 y 23 , 1��91 sf��aw i ng
the a���as �f 1 ead content that were sdnip 1 ec�. F'a i r�i� sarny��1 es ar�e
�n 1 y �Laken from b 1 i s�l.ereci, cracked, f 1 aked, sc�i ed ar �.,•!ia! ked .
?he comp 1 i ar�ce d�te for sct�aF i r�s� the �a i nt �r�as August b, 1 y9 1 ;
r�surfac i ng �f the 1 �dd pa i nt, camp 1 i arice dst:e �•ras A.�!��ust ?'� ,
1`�91 . Mr. Avc�ka ac�a i n , met w i th �the appe 1 1 ant on A,uc�ust 1 4 , 1991 ,
at tr►at t i rn�, an �xtens i or� was �i ven un�r i 1 5��-,tem�er �U , I y91 .
to cam�1 y w i ti�� fihe ordet,s , up �� tti i s t.i me noth i ng !�»s been �une.
Appe i ?ant. r e�uested a refund of the 1= i 1 i ng fee of �25. UU.
• . . �?,��-��.s�'
�UAF�D AC7 1 ON �1ot i on rnade b�� U�n I�le i da cieny i n� �.I�-�e r� e��uest fo�� d
var i ance on tr'�e s�,rapi ng an�i repa i nL i r���t of Un i t #2 at 54�J Chaz- i es
Ave. Tr7e a��r_�e 1 1 dni: was ��rant,eci �a-� e��t�r,s i on of t i rn� unt i i
JECemt�er 1 , 1��! to scr����e and repa i nt. t.he i r,i�.er i or of Un i t �f� .
�frie r��rauesr. for� a r efund �f the f i 1 i r�g fee of ��� . UU was �ien i ed.
'�ecor�ded �i�: St.ephan i p !'hes±:er- . M�JT I UN CP.F�R I ED UNA�1 I MOUSLY .
`��-91-H 1 !5�, Deyton Ave. Eur�i c� V. Srn i tt�i
( 1 uriit)
APPEA��A�fCE : Eunice V. 5mith
SUEJECT: Ar_:�pe 1 1 ant i s rec�ues�,i n�a an eytens i on of t i me to
I-�ra{_>er 1 y scr ape and repa i r��t. the Pxter i or af the l�,ouse.
PRJCEED I t�lGS; ?"I�e ar�pe i I ant st,�ted that she needs i n�ef i n i te
t i me ta do t.f ie neces sary scra�i ng drid repa i rit i nc� the exter i ar ci=
thE house. She stated that her husband is unernployec� a� tf-�is
�:l�iuck Vo�te I . from the U i �r i s i on of Put�i i c Hea I th rec�uested
the Appe 1 1 an�t �ae �i ven d def i n i te date, rather t.hen an
i ndef•i n;te �t i me for cornp 1 i ance on scrapi ng and repa i ni,i ng f:,i�c
ex�t.eT�i or� of the house.
C�OA?D P,CT 1 C.��f� Mot i on macie by James Laugh 1 i n �to denv -�r�e r�ciue5��:
i=or a vdr i arice, i nstead an ext:ens i on of t i me ��ras gr�nted unt ; i
Us�tob�r- 1 y 1 9y� to d0 i:.P��e scr�a�i ng and r�epa i nt ti-�e PYj-:F-'��-;y,;. ,_,�:
1:r�e I�c�use. Seconded k�y Don t�e i da. M07I ON CARR 1 ED ►.1iVAN 1_ MU��SLY.
�t�l--`�! -F 535 Ast�ury S�. Ranve 1 rw;��a!��e*-
{ 18 unii�s ? `
APPEARANCE : Randal Genner, Mry�- .
`.�UBJEC�i: A��:�e 1 1 ant i � rec�uest. i nc7 a vdr 7 ance t=rom Cocia, h�v i I1�'1 to
�'?rov i de �C� r��i nut.e f i �-e-rat"d �c�or•s tv a��artrner�ts .
PROCEED i f�IGS: l-�ie d�����I 1 an�: statec� that a±- -tl�i s �:.i rne ti-�Nre i s nr_�
cast-� f 1 ow to the Vu i 1 d i n�a, he{::au:�e �-.l-ie Vu i 1 d i r��� i s c�ver- I��� i �
+�'at F i si�y fr-c��n the Der�ar�tment c�f F i r�e & 5a�e�t•� states tl�at: t.t���se
dcors are ��ua�-ter- i nch r�an�1 doors , w!� i ch enter i nta a comman
r_�ar r� i dor , actua I 1 Y ther,e ar-e no f i re doors at �f�ie enci of t�f��
cc�rr� i dors. 7Y-ie�e doors are a l I a��en t�o each c��Eher . A fi i r�: i r�
�n�r uriN ��f ttie un i��s wo�.� 1 d r�ofi be conta i ned and cou 1 c� threaten _
tt��� �scd�-�e imou�:e. �(here are a coup 1 �: a 1 ternat i ves �to the cocie:
i . Ttie daars cc�u 1 d be upyraGec! to rneet. ttie r�c�u i 3�ed 20 m i n�tes
f�i re rat i r�g, c-�r- 2. �the ar��>e 1 t ant c�u 1 d i nsta 1 1 t=i re door�s a�: �t'r�e
�nc! ofi tl�e corr i dors .
. � ��'l-i9�r8'
BUARD P.0 l�f O�! : Mot i orl m�dG by �on P.nkery �o �J�r�y t!-�e 7-ec��.�est. fior_
a vdr i dr�!�e or� �k.t-fe �0 rri i nut.e 1= 'i r e �-ated doc�r s , i rist.ea�! tr�� i3od��d
clran tc�� �n extens i on a� t i me tor 6 mon�:Pis (Apr i I 1 , i�9�) tv
re� I ace tl��e r�resent door s ar� -r he �ccup i ed un i ts ���i�.ri 20 m i nute
f i re ratec! do�rs ; the �Ioor�s t.o tt�e ��nc�ccup i ed ��n i ts must be
r�r.��ugt��t ui� �:<� c�de �t tt�e t. i rr��e t.he un i�l i s r�ei�r�:eU arid r�eady �oz_
OCC;U��c�r"1C_y. 5ec:��nde�i by 5�.ephan i e Cl�ester� . MOT I ON C;ARR I E.C)
I.aNAN I tfOl!SL`f.
�i(�-91 -F 156U-! 5E�1 , 157U-r 57 1 ,
1580-1581 Wheelor�k Lane
Conc�vm i n i um ##247 Wrn. U . L i ��a�1�t.
(ye units?
APpEARARI�� : Wrn. U. L i ebe I i� 8 Leo J . Hzffe 1 y
SUBJE����T: Appe 1 1�nt 'i s a�.7��a I i nc� �he CEr-t. i f i ca�:� �f Ucc:upancy
cf-�arges , becau�e of a 1 ack �f c 1 ar i ty i n �the 1 aw regarc�i ng
c:onclo' s .
l�RtJCEED I NGS: itr�. L i ebe 1 t. stated tt��at �the reason foz� the ��:�pea i i s
�l.hat i-�e �ee 1 s Con��om i n i um ##247 i s be i ng undu i �� chaY��eci -F'���r t.he
c,ert i � i c�1-.e of Occupancy i nspec�i on. The com�-�1 ex t�tvs 6
bu i 1 d i r�gs . w i�th !b un i ts per bu i 1 d i ng. Each k�u i 1 c!i ng i s L�P i ng
�.r�ated as a s i ���i e en�t i�ty. Each bu i 1 �i ng i s be i n�: c���ar���e�!
�:i n 4 , r)�i {;,r� a tor�l of $864. OU fer the 6 I�u i 1 d i r�i�s . Can�+�rn i ��,i um
�Z�17 �t��>�.a I d k�N �treate�� as c�ne un i t , and the char�e sY�uu! u i�Y �
t=t;�t- re� c>r �25�� , pU fior the Cert. i f i c�t e af UccuNar��cy � r7s��rc� �u�:.
Pat � ; sh, f=rorn t.hQ [J�partment Gr F i re Fs ��'ret.y �L.ateu l;!�u�. .,.:i_,e
1 aw i s : ea�r� hu i 1 d i ng ��f rnu I t i uri i t.s ntust k�E� czr-t.i fi i �d re?r�
accupency. a.c���orc!� n�a -to 5t. Na�!i Leg i s 1 at i ve Code 3� . 05 tt��e fre
is nine {.`a) cial ldr-s per residenti�l un�it , with a rninimum fee
$75� OU ar�� max i mum �ee ofi �L50 . OU . TheSe bei nr� 5epara�i:c
buildings they must be treated �s suct��.
Jarne� La��a�th 1 �i n st.ated t.hat t�e f=e 1 t tl�iat. (:or�don i r-� i um #�2�7 , because
1�1-ie.Y a�� set�ar.ate bu i 1 d i nc�s , t!�e,y sr�ou�! � b� tr-��ted as sFp�r�t�
en±- i t i e� , acco�-�d i n� ta cocie.
BOARD ACT I Ol�I : M�t i or� rnade by Don We i d.� i�o c�eny tl�e r�eques t
for� a var i �nce fa�- the fec �n th�e Cer� i f i ca�:P ofi Occup�ncY a�t
Cond�m i n i ��n� #�247, each bu i 1 d i n� sha i 1 be tr-�eateU an a s i nc71 e
ent i t..y. Seconded �y Jam�s Laugr� ! i n. MU��1UN CARR I EU UNAN I MOUSLY .
. ' . . �,�/'��.��'
Q8-91-F 1303 �;eUr-ock Rd. Uakota Barc�e 5ervi c�
(Cornm�rc i a 1 ) �er-a I d Kowa 1 ke
APPEARAN��E : Gerald Kowaike
SUB�JECT: Appe 1 1 ant i s rec�uest i ng a var i ance from Cc:�de
requ i remer�t hav i nc� to T-•emove dboveground gaso 1 i ne d i spens i ���r�
tanV:s; also cEase usiny of tank vehicles as � storaae and
disper�sir��q unit.
PROCEEU I NGS: Ph i l Owens , frorn �.he De�artmer�t of F i re & Safety
s�tated ti��at the Un i farm F �i re C�de s��ec i f i ca 1 1 y �roh i b i ts the
above gr,ounc! stora�e o� gaso i i ne or d i spens i n�t i nto veh i c i es . I t
a? s� prol-�ibits the stoT°��e of t�iass I I 1 iquids (Diesel Fuel ) .
Tt-�et�e are same except i ons, that w i 1 1 a 1 1 ow y��u �:a do th i s; Tznks
that havE l�Per� i n p 1 ace after Qctober 2 , 1�8`�. -fanks that have
be�n i n p 1 ace �rev i ous ta that date, the F i t�e Marsha 1 r�as �l:he
author i ty to a 1 1 ow tf�em to i:ont i nue, w i tr� rnod i �F i cat i or�s . Aftet�
much d i scuss i un, Ac�t i ng Cr�i�i rrnan Ron Ankeriy rer�uested that t.f�»
baard rnakP a dec � sion to the Appellant' s ��equest.
SUARa AC7 rOt�l : Mat i on was made to deny the request for� a
var i ance. The Board d i c! accept. the F i re Marst�a 1 's a 1±�ernatE
method fnt� cornp i i an�•e and prav i deU an �xtens i or, of t i me for
? . Tank vzl��i c ! e - {,Mr�3U�) , not I ater than Septernber� i , 1 9�L .
cease stor�qe dr�d dis�ensing of class 1 and class II
f 1 ar►�mab 1 e and conbust i b 1 e i i qu i ds from th i s tanker. 'I`he
tanker- rn�y rema i n on s i t� for the s�t:orage ar�d .:; s�ens i n�; �f
c 1 ass I I I i ubr i car��.s .
2 . D i spens i ng Gf F 1 arnma�i i e and Combust i b 1 e L i��u i ds - Stnracie
ar�d d i spens i ng oi� c 1 ass I and c 1 ass I I f l arnmab i � ar��
comhustible liquic�s shall be from an ap�rov�ry clispensing
sysl:em. P 1 ans anci spec i f i cat i ons fc+r ttie proposed system
sha 1 1 be su�,m i i��l.ecl to the F i i�e Prevent i on D i v i s i an f�r
approval prior ta installation.
3 . Barqe Fuel Uispensing - Not later ti�an Jar�uary 1 , i99� ,
the gasoiine being dispensed on the bar�e will b� stored and
d i spensed i n an approv�ci fasP�i on. Tt�z� tar�k sha 1 1 he r?moved
from the e f evated stand and the fuel t.aker� h�r suc-ti on fram
�th� *o�� af �he �:ank. I n add i t i on . ��.hs s��rac�e and
d i spens i r�g requ i remen'ts c�f form A��f 1 sha I 1 be cornp I i ed
. . � ��� �����'
4 . Yard �Jffi i ce Fue I D i sppr�s i ng - Not I ater� thdn Jar7uary ? ,
1�a9� , the gaso 1 i ne L?e i n� d i sr�enseci at. t.he ;�at°d off-�i ce
l�cation shall be discontinued ar�U ttie tar�k and apparatus
r��rnaved. I n add i t i or�, r�o�C 1 ater� �i�dn Jar�uary 1 , 1��2 , the
d i ese 1 be i nn d i spens�d at tt-�� var-c� offi i ce I ocat i on sPia 1 1 be
d i spensed i n an aC�l"�roved fast��i on. I n add i t i on , 7:.he sto��a��e
and dispens9n�� re�uirern�nts of form AGl- 1 shal ! b� complied
witl�. MU�fION C.A�P.IED lJl�loIV1MUU�LY .
3y-91-R 855 St . Cidir Ave. Christy Jo Casp�rs
(4 unitG )
APPEARP,I�ICE : Clli" 1 5t.,y Jo Caspers
SUBJE!�T: A��pe 1 1 ant i s reques�r i ng a vdr i ancP fi r�rn code
re�u i ��•emer�t, hav i ng to d i scen��ect r-a i r� I eadFrs .
PROCEEDINGS: M5 . Casr�ers stated that shE i � concerned at�out the
disconnectian on the r�ainleader because of the way the lan�
s 1 opes anU �t.he s i de wa 1 k at that �?o i nt, a�h�re fi�Ee�i ng i s
possible cc�uld end up in a law suit .
Steve H�rbUrt , from tf�e F2a i n 1 eadEr� C� i v i s i on stated that �l.herE are
a couple to thin�s that can be done t� divert the water, such as
a s I i c�ht bern�� between the bu i 1 d i n��s and the s i dewa l �. ar i�a i se
the side walk or tunnel under the sidewalk. The aul:ters I��ave been
disconnected, Ms . ��aspers would fike to recannect �to ti�e
�3VARCJ P.0('d UN: Mc�t i on made by Ron Ankeny �to deny the reques�t fot-
a var i ance. The Appe 1 1 ant be a 1 f owec� t.o ��econnec� downs�aou� #i
to the san i±ary sewer s��stEm for �he +�r i nter of 1991 / 1 9a2 ; then f�y
May 1 , 1 g�2 the Apr�e 1 1 ant rnu st d i sconnect dc�wnspout ##1 and
brinc� it into compliance by September 1 , 19�L . Seconcled by
Stephanie Chester.
THE VOTE : Yeas (3 ) Nays ( 1 ) Weid� Abstentic�n ( U)
� . � � �,�q/-��',,r�
4U-qi-R 1 �11U Edgecumbe �d. �ruce E . i{iernat
( 1 unit )
APPEARANCE : Sruce E . Kiernat.
SUBJE�;1-: A�pe i 1 ant i s re�uest.i nq a var� i anc? fr�om Code
re�au i i-emer�t, hav i r�g t.o ci i sconnect ra i n 1 Paders .
PRQCEEC�I N��S: Mr. K i ernat stated that he d i c! comp 1 y w i t�h the
order s , regai�d i nc� t.he d i scannect i on or� the ra i n 1 edders. I n
Oc�tober 1990, Mr. Herbert Hren�� out ta i ns�sct tt�e proper�ty at
i �t 10 Ed�aecumbe Rd, at that t i me, Mr. Herbe��t stated to Mr. Ki erriat
that the s i tua�i on i s such, tl�at Mr. F<i er-nat shou 1 d i-equest a
varidnce on the two rainleaders on the w�st side af the hause.
The front yard slopes to the house. Mr. Kiernat stated that the
two ra i n 1 eaders on the west s i de of the t�iouse wer� reconneci.ed t.c�
the sanitary sewer system. The reas�n -they were reconn�cted is
b�cause of �the tremendous amount of darnage to the �asement. 7he
windaw wells had to be sandbag�,�ed in order to sto� �the rain fr�orn
go i ng i nto the k�asement . 1 n June of 19`�1 , Mr . F<i ernat: ca l 1 �d N�r .
Herber�t to inquire as t� the status of the rainleaders . N!r_
Herber�t i nformed Mr. K i ernat ti��at he had requested var i ance, b:�-t
tt��at. the Departmer�t D i rector den i ed the rec�uest on a var i ance.
The recornmendat�on by the Department Head was to ex�ten� t�-�e
rainleaders .
Mr . K i ernat: statec� he rece i ved a not i ce to d i sconnect �:i�e
ra i n t eac+�rs . Mr. K i ern�t r�queste�+ �that Mr. HerL�er�t & Mr .
Johnson (Head of the Gepartment) meet h i m a� �t.he �ro���erty aga i n ,
t�o reve i w the s i tuat i on . The sug�est i on was t�� exi�ent tr�a
ra i n 1 eaders ou�: to get dra i nage. I n order to do tt�i s , �.i-7e
eyi�ens i on caul �I be at i �asi: 2(] feet ac��oss tt-�e front yard �Lo tf-�e
BOARU ACTIUN; Mot.ion made by Ron Ankeny to �ran��. a permanen�
var i ance on t.he �two ra i n 1 eaders on t!-�e Wes� s i de of the house �F�r
the life of tre home. Secanded by Stephani � Cf�ester . MUYION
, 7
. , ,- , . ��-��- ��'.s'P"
�13-�!-R Ea61 Woad 1 awn Ave. Herk�ert J . Gare 1 i ck
( 1 unit)
SUBJECY: A��pellant is requ?sting a variance frorn Code
requ i rernent, hav i nr� to d i sconnect ra i n 1 eader-s .
BUARD'5 ACTION: Variance was granted to ailow connection �.o a
future st.orm sewer .
, Postponed to the October meeting.
47-91-R 808 5ummit Ave. Richard J . Gtatch
(L units)
SUBJECT: Appeltant is req�,�esting a variance from Co�+e
r��equirement having to disconnect rainleac�er #3 SW corner of the
bu i 1 :�i ng.
BCARD ACTION : Motion made by James Laughlin to de.^.y �he req��e=t
f�r a variance on rainleader #3 SW corner of the r�ouse.
Secanded by Stephanie Chester�. MOTIQN CARRIED JNAi�IMOl15�Y.
51-�1-H �95 Summit Ave. Anthony Strouth
t�l units)
5UBJECT: Inability to achieve a satisfactory response an �he
plumbing from the Building Inspection/Design Qivision, re��ard?n�
the basement unit. Approval on the plumbing is needed to obtain
a Ceri:ificate o� Occupancy.
�ostponed to the meeting in October.
Meetin� adjourned at 4: 00 p.m.