91-1954 �����` ��� Council File m � Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNES TA 6 � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date �d���� VVHEREAS, the Division of Public I�ealth has requested the City Council to hold public hearings to consider the advisability and necessity of ordering the repair or wrecking and removal of a two story, wood frame, condemned, deteriorated, dilapidated,boarded, vandalized duplex residentiai structure with a deteriorated, dilapidated detached garage, which are located on property hereafter refened to as the "Sub}ect Property" commonly known as 654 Wells Street. This property is legally described as: Lot 18, Chazles Weide's Subdivision of Block 37, of Arlington Hills Addition to St. Paul WHEREAS, based upon the records in the Rarnsey County Recorder's Office on June 10, 1991 and other information available to the Division of Public Health on or before August 20, 1991, the following persons are owners, interested and/or responsible parties of the Subject Property: 7ay A. Gans, 8221 Harrison Circle, Bloomington, MN 55437; Susan M. Gans, 8221 Harrison Circle, Bloomington, MN 55437; Secretary of Housing , and Urban Development, 220 South Second Street, Minneapolis, MN 55302; James W. Folea, Address Unknown; Office Manager - Revenue Division, Property Tax - Delinquent, 15 Kellogg Blvd. W., St. Paul, MN 55102. The addresses of the above noted persons were obtained from various sources including the Ramsey County tax records, phone books, mortgage companies, etc.; and VVHEREAS, the Division of Public Health has issued orders identified as an"Abandoned Building Notice with Dangerous Accessory Structure" da,bed July 15, 1991 whict�is attached and incorporated as part of this Resolution by this re,fGrence. This order was sesved in accordance with the provisions of Chapte�r 45 of the S�int Paul Legislative Code oa zll owners, interested andlor responsib�e p�rties of tl�e Subject Property thea� known to t� euforcement officer. The notice and order informed these parties that the two story, wood frtme, condemned, deteriorated, dilapidated, boarded, vandalized duplex residential structure located on the subject properiy is an abandoned building pursuant to Section 45.01, Subd. 1 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; the deteriorated, dilapidated detaahed garage located on the Subject Property is a dangerous structure pursuant to Section 45.01, Subd. 3 of the Sain� Paul Legislative Code; and both buildings are nuisances pursuant to Sections 45.02, Subd. 10 and Subd. 11 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. The July 15, 1991 ordex also had attached to it a list of deficiencies regarding the structures on the Subject Property, said list is attached and incorporated as part of this resolution; and QR��INAL �,��r-�9s� VVHEREAS, the July 15, 1991 ord� infom�ed all then known owners, int�rested parties and responsible parties that they must eather repair the structures on the Subject Property by correcting the list of deficiencies or demolish the buildings, eat�er�ction to take place by August 15, 1991. VVHEREAS, no action has been taken regazding compliance with the July 15, 1991 notice and order, and as a result the Division of Public Health requested that public hearings be scheduled to take place on Wednesday, October 2, 1991 before the Neighborhood Services Committee of the Saint Paul City Council to prepare a recommendation to be reviewed and deeided on �esday, October 8, 1991 by the Saint Paul City Council in considering the advisability and necessity of ordering the cornction of the nuisance conditions through the rehabilitation or, in the alternative, the demolition and removal of these structures; and WHEREAS, the above referenced owne,rs,interested andlor responsible parties have been served notice of the time, place and purpose of the public hearings bEfore the Neighborhood Services Committee of the City of Saint Paul City Cowicil on Wednesday, October 2, 1991 and the Saint Paul City Council on 'l�esday, October 8, 1991 in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and VVHF.REAS, a hearing was held before the Neighborhood Services Committee of the Saint Paul City Council on Wednesday, October 2, 1991 and all testimony and evidence was considered by the committee; and WHEREAS, the Neighborhood Services Committee after receiving testimony and evidence, made the recommendation to approve a request by the Division of Public Health to order the above referenced owners, interested parties and responsible parties and their assigns to malce the Subject Property safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safery and welfare and remove its blighting influence on the community by rehabilitating these structures and correcting those deficiencies set forth in the list previously referenced in a�cccordance with all applicable codes and ordinances, � in the alternative by demolishing and removing the structures and filling the ute in �ccordance with all appliGable codes and ordinances. The rehabilitation or demolition of the structures to be completed within thirty (30) days of the date of mailing of this resolution; uid WHEREAS, a hearing was held before the Saint Paul City Council on Tuesday, October 8, 1991 and all testimony and evidence including the action tak�en by the Neighborhood Services Committee was considered by the Council; and NOW, 7'I�RE�ORE, BE IT RESOLVED that based upon all of the testimony and evidence presented at the Tuesday, Oct�ber 8, 1991 hearing, tl�Saint Paul City Council hereby adopts the following Findings and Order concea�ing the structures at 654 We11s Street: 1. That since October of 1989 the buildings have been mutinely monitored by the Nuisance Buildings Code Enforcement Program. -2- �I������L �,���"�s� 2. That since October of 1989 the City of S�int Paul has on two occasions issued orders to the then known owners to make these bu�ildings secure and not accessible. Because of the inaction on the part of the owners, the City has had to hire a private contractor to make the buildings secure and not open to access. 3. That the Division of Public Health of the City of Saint Paul condemned this structure as "Unfit for Human Habitation" according to Chapter 34 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code in August of 1989. The building is still subject to this condemnation order. 4. That the owners of the Subject Property have repeatedly failed to register and pay the vacant building fee for this property as required by City Ordinance. 5. That there are now and have been since October of 1989 multiple exterior Housing Code or Building Code violations in existence at the Subject Property. 6. That the owneas, intsrested parties �nd responsible parties of these buildings aze as previously stated in thi� resolution. These individuals have been properly served notice of the Wednesday, Octobe�r 2, 1991 and the T�esday, Oct�ober 8, 1991 hearings conceming the$e buildings. 7. That on 7uly 15, 1991 an Abandoned Building Notice was sent to the then known owners, interested parties and responsible pazties ordering these persons to either demolish and remove these buildings or malce repairs and cure the list of deficiencies by August 15, 1991. 8. That the order of July 15, 1991 has been disregarded by the owners, interested parties and responsible parties. 9. That the two story, wood frame, condemned, det�riorated, dilapidated, boarded, vandalized duplex residential structure loc�tsd on the Subject Property is an abandoned building according to Section 45.01, Subd. 1, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code in that it is "a building or portion thereof which has stood unoccupied for longer than one (1) year" and during that period of time has been either "unsecured" or "boarded" or has had "multiple exterior Housing Code or Building Code violations". 10. That the two story, wood fiame, condemned, deteriorated, dilapidated, boarded, vandalized duplex residential structun located on the Subject Property is a nuisance as defined xcording to Saint Paul I.egislative Code Section 45.02,Subd. 11, in that it is su► abandoned building located in the City of Saint Paul that has created a dange,rous or unhealthy condition or which t�tens the public peace, health, safety or sanitary condition of the City or which is offensive or has a blighting influence on the community. -3- �����tNAI ��-�,-i9s� 11. That the deteriorated, dilapidated deta�ched garage located on the Subject Property is a dangerous structure a�ccording to Section 45.01, Subd. 3 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code in that it is "a structure whic�i is potentially dangerous to persons or property". 12. That the deteriorated, dilapidated detacheci garage located on the Subject Property is a nuisance as defined according to Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 45.02, Subd. 10, in that it is a dangerous structure locat� in the City of Saint Paul that has created a dangerous or unhealthy condition or which threatens the public peace, health, safety or sanitary condition of the City or which is offensive or has a blighting influea�ce on the community. 13. That the costs of abatement of these nuisances are est�mated to exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) or the abatement involves demolition of a building other than a structure accessory to a residential building. � The Saint Paul City Council hereby makes the following order: 1. The above referenced owners, interested parties and responsible parties and their assigns shall make the Subject Property safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safety and welfare and remove its blighting influence on the community by rehabilitating these buildings and correcting those deficiencies set forth in the list previously referenced in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances, � in the alternative by demolishing and removing the buildings and filling the site in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances. The rehabilitation or demolition and removal of these buildings must be completed within fi�i�38} days of the date of mailing of this resolution. 1"e� c��� -}-e n C�v� 2. If the above corrective action is not completed within the t�►�-(38) day time period, the proper City officials of the City of Saint Paul aze hereby authorized to take whatever stepa �re naressary to demolish and remove these buildings and fill the sit� and c,harge the costs incurrecl against the Subject Property pursuant to the provisions of Section 45.08 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. 3. In the event the buildings are to be demolished and removed by the City of Saint Paul, all pe,rsonal property or fixtures of any kind which shall unreasonably inte�rfero with the demolition and removal shall be removed from the buildings by the owners, interested parties and/or responsible parties by the end of the� �e n ��o� .�38j�day time pe�riod. If the personal property is not so removed, the City of Saint Paul shall remove and dispose of such property and fixtures as is provided by 1aw. -4- �►�`�����►i. �,�i-i9s� 4. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a certified copy of t�iis resolution and the incorporated orde�and list of deficiencies be mailed to the last known address of the owne�rs, interested parties �nnd responsible parties pursuant to Section 45.11, � Subdivision (5). -5- . zmon Yeas Navs Absent Requ sted by Department of: onw t z � �� JV�l �� � acca ee —7` ` t� ettman —�` i son —?" BY� � � � �f�.� Adopted by Council: Date �CT H �99� Form Appr ved by City Attorne Adoption Ce i ' d by Coun 1 ecretary By. �����,(�?�'��Z . "" � � � BY° Approved y ssion to Approved by Ma or: Da e �CT 9 1991 Counc 1 BY• a��y /1 By: i�-r.f P�USNEO OCT 19'91 . ,�_ - � ���---� � ; t�c�r�' /��� � ����!' �°�`� GREEN SHEE No. 0309 CONTACT PERSON d PHONE �WITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE ARTMENT DIRE CITY OOUNCIL Charles Vot�l 298-4153 ��� �y���y _L ���� M�CLO�@rUl�'AQ�BY(OATE) ROUTpiO ❑i UO(iET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.SERVICES OIR. 1771 MAVOR(OR A8813TAN TOTAL A�OF SIGNATURE PAGE8 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SI�iNATURE) "���ii to gass thi• r�solutioa w�ich Nill order �I�e o�r t x�o�r� or ca�plet� the repair of the refer��d b�ildinq� vritMi� thirty (30} days lrc�e t sailt�q of tkis resolution. If tl� ow�er lails to aooply ad,th tl�w rasol�tica, t City will b� a�thorized to remov� th� buildings. Tht subj�ct pro�i*ty is locat�cl st 65� lls atra�t. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approw(p a R�Jsct(F� Cp�NCI�ppMMpn'@E/p pEPppT _PLANNINQ COMMISSION _CML SERW�OOMMISSqN �YBT ��D PHONE NO. _GB COMMITfEE _ _STAFF _ COMMENTB: S E P Z C �Q�, _DIBTHICT COURT _ ! s�,�,w►�c�,00u�oe�c�� MAYOR'S Ut�r�C� � �"���i��'°�ir e ��°a��"��"s�tn"�`to Chap��r �5 ot th� Saia�k P ul LwqislativQ Code. The own�rs, int�rQSt�d parti�s a�nd r�apo�sibl� partis� knawaa to t Division of Fublic Health w�r� qivon an ordQr to s�pair or rwwv� tl� b�il�i:�qs at 6 .� �iell� Str�t 2�y August 15, 1991. All partios fail� to ac�ply with thoa� ord�a�s. Ti�s il,dings hav� rae�ain�d unoccupi�d and �acant •inas Octc�r of 1989. i ' li ADVANTAOEB IF APPROVED: The City wiil �li�inat� two nuisu►ces. ', ' RECEIVED . OCT 0 71991 CITY CLERK as�v�r�r�s�F��oveo: A cost of approxirvat�ly $4,0�0.QO - $5,000.00 for rwoval a! t� bl�ildi�, if wrecking becomes n�c�s�ary. This cost will b� asae�s� aqainst t�►� p�rap�sty� taacas. � � as�ov�wr�oes iF aroT u+�WOVEO: I If th� building is nat r�t�abilftatad or torn down, a �u�ta�rs�-, titutinq a cerious health hazard (potontial fir� dang�r, rod�nt and ins�ct harbcarag�, pot�ritial crim� site � and bliqhtinq influ�nc� on th� n�iqhborhood) will r�main wi�his� t C . �, �uncit Res�arch Gent� OCT 01 i991 , TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION =S4.QOO-4S.000 COST/REVENUE SUDOETED(CIR�E ONE) YES NO ---� ����� Nuiaanc� Bousinq 7lbata�nt �����N�� 33261 FINANGAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) � � dw -�.� �.. ` , NOTE: COMPLETE DIREC110NS ARE INCLUDED IN THE OREEN SNEET IN3TRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILAB�E IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO.298�4225). ROUTINQ ORDER: Bebw are preferred routings for the five most frequent typsa of documents: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized COUNGL RESOLUTION (ilmend, Bdgts./ bud�et axists) � Accept.Cirarna) 1. Outside Agency 1. Dspartment Director 2. InitiaUng DspartmeM 2. Budget Directtor S. City Attomey 3. City Attomey 4. Mayor 4. MByoNA88iStaM 5. Flnance&M�mt 3vca. Director 5. Gty Council , 8. Flnance/►ccouMfng 8. Chief kxouMsrq. Fln b Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTFlATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNqI RESOLUTION (all othera) Revision) end ORDINANCE 1. Activity Manaper 1. Initiatinp Dspartmsnt Diroctor , 2. DepartmsM AocouMent 2. qry Attorney 3. D�paRm�nt Dfroctor 3. MayoNMsiNaM 4. Bud�et DireCtor 4. City CO�nCil 5. City qerk 8. G'hief Accountant, Fin�Mgmt Svcs. ADMINI3TRATIVE ORDERS (ell othsrs) 1. Initiiatinp D�artment 2. Cfty Attorney 4. C�qeA��istaM TOTAL NUMBER OF SK�INATURE PAOES Indicate the N af pagea on which�pnatures are required arb peperclip each of thsae� AGTION REQUESTED Dsacribs what the project/request sesks to accomplish In either chronologf- cal o�or order of importance.whictrever Is moM appropriate for ttte iasue. Do not write complste seMerx�s. Bepin each Rem in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complets B ths ise�s in qwNion has been preseMed before aryr body, public ot privata. SUPPORT3 WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE? Indiost�which Council objecrive(s)Irour ProJeCUrequ�supports bY 8sting ths keY word(a)(HOUSINO. RE(�iEATION, NEICiHBORHOODS� Ef)ONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUD�3Ef, SEYVER SEPAFlATION).(SEE COMPLETE LI3T IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) �UNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARqi REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REGIUESTED BY COUNGL INITIATINO PROBLEM, 133UE,OPPORTUNITY Explafn the sltuatfon or caiditlons that croued a need for your proJect or requeat. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whethsr this is simply an annual budpst proceduro requlred by law/ chartsr or whether�ere en spscificc In which the Gty of SaiM Paul and its citizens wiii bsnefit from this�thCtion. DISADVANTACiE3 IF APPROVED What negative�ffects or major chanpss to existfng or pest processes migM this projecUrequest produce ff it is passed(e.g.�treffic delays� noise� tax increasss or es�estmsnta)?To Whom?Whsn9 For how bng? DI3ADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the nspati�ro oonsequences if the promiaed action ia not epproved?InaWlity to delivsr asrvice?Continued high traffc, rwise, accidsnt rats?Loes of rsvenue? FINANqAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the iasue you ars add�rq,in yensral you must answer two questions: How much is it going to oost4 Who is qoinp to pay? � q�-��5f� - � �,�1==o, CITY OF SAINT PAUL � ; DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES �� �I�I1111 Q . . DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 (612) 292-7771 JAMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR . ABANDONED BUII,DING NOTICE WITH DANGEROUS ACCESSORY STRUCTURE July 15, 1991 Jay A Gans & Susan M Gans 8221 Harrison Circle Bloomington; MN 55437-1516 RE: 654 Wells Street Two story, wood frame, condemned, deteriorated, di�apidated, boarded, vandalized, duplex residential structure with a deteriorated; dilapidated detached garage Chas. Weide's Subdivision of Block 37 of Arlington Hills Addition to St. Paul Lot 18 Blk 37 Dear Sir or Madam: The Division of Public Health has determined that the above noted building is an abandoned buildi.ng, which Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code defines as: "any building or portion of a building which has stood with an incomplete exterior shell for longer than three (3) years or any building or portion thereof which has stood unoccupied for longer than one (1) year and which meets one or more of the following criteria; d (a) Unsecured, or (b) boarded, or (c) having multiple exterior Housing Code or Building Code violations, or (d) placarded as "Unfit for Human Habitation" pursuant to Chapter 34 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code.° The Division of Public Health has also determined that there is a dangerous structure in the form of a deteriorated, dilapidated detached garage accessory to the above noted building, which Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code defines as: "any structure which is potentially dangerous to persons or property including but not limited to: , . �qr-�9s� Abandoned Building Notice - 654 Wells Street July 15, 1991 Page: 2 (a) a structure which is in danger of partial or complete collapse; or (b) a structure which has any exterior parts such as chimneys, eaves, porches, siding, railings, or trim which are loose or in danger of falling; or (c) a structure which has any parts such as porches, stairs, ramps, rails, balconies, or roofs which are accessible and which are either collapsed, in danger of collapsing, or unable to support a person." The ordinance further states that an abandoned building and a dangerous structure are both nuisances and may be ordered demolished and removed by the City. NOTICE: If you do not want to have the City begin action to have the buildings torn down, then the attached list of deficiencies must be repaired or you must demolish and remove the buildings on or before August 15, 1991. If you aze unable'to finance the correction or rehabilitation of the premises to comply with this order, there are state and local rehabilitation programs for which you may qualify. Information about these programs is available from the Department of Planning and Economic Development, Rehabilitation Section at (612) 228-3105. Ask to speak to a loan officer. If you sell, transfer or convey, in any manner, the ownership or responsibility for this property, you must within seven ('n days of such action, provide the Division of Public Health with the names and addresses of any new owners or responsible parties. You must also notify any new owners or responsible parties of this pending action by the Division of Public Health. Any repair or demolition must be completed in accordance will all applicable laws. , If the rehabilitation work is not completed or if you have not demolished and removed the house and the garage by the above date, the Division of Public Health will refer this matter to the City Council to receive authority to have the house and the garage demolished and . removed. All costs incuned in wrecking and removing the buildings will be charged against the real estate as a special assessment to be collected in the same manner as talces. The City Council will schetiule public hearings to consider the necessity and advisability of ordering the buildings repaired or demolished and removed. If public hearings become necessary, you will be notified of the times and dates of the hearings and you will be allowed to present evidence to the City Council. i'r � , �',c���9sf Abandoned Building Notice - 654 Wells Street July 15, 1991 Page: 3 A copy of this order will be kept on file in the City Clerk's Office and a resolution declaring this property to be a nuisance shall be on file in the Ramsey County Recorder's Office. Compliance with the attached list of deficiencies will remove your building from the list of abandoned buildings but it does not mean that the buildings comply with all applicable housing and building codes. The date for compliance with these orders shall not be extended unless you receive written approval from the Division of Public Health. If you wish to have the City demolish and remove your house and the garage, you may do so by requesting a consent form be sent to you from our office to sign and return to the Division of Public Health. I3owever, please be aware that all owners and interested parties must sign a Consent to Raze form before the City can demolish and remove the buildings without a City Council order. Also be aware that the cost of the demolition, if performed by the City, would become a special assessment against the property. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Dennis Sentv of the Vacant Buildings Section between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. at (612)298-4153 for more information. Sincerely, ' J �c� U�--�—D/�'1 Charles Votel Vacant Buildings Program Supervisor CV:jm cc: Sherry Pemberton Planning and Economic Development j. . I�'`-y�-�9.s� DEFICIENCY LIST FOR 654 Wells Street June 26, 1991 All repairs and new installations must be made in accordance with the appropriate codes. Permits must be obtained where changes and/or additions to an electrical system require upgrading of the service size to current National Electrical Code (N.E.C.) requirements. Some plumbing repairs may necessitate updating of the fixtures and/or piping involved. A permit is required for any repair or new installation. Permits may be obtained from the Building Inspection and Design Division, Room 445, City Hall. REMEDIAL ACTION The below list of deficiencies is not necessarily all the deficiencies present in the above referenced property. As first remedial action, a Code Compliance Inspection must be obtained from the Building Inspection and Design Division, Room 445, City Hall, identifying all necessary repairs. 1. The front porch area has rotted wood floors and ceilings. The support beams are deteriorated, the block holding the support beams are also deteriorated and crumbling. 2. The entire roof is deteriorated with missing shingles and appears to have more than two layers of shingles. The roof area shows signs of sagging and weakening causing structural damage inside. 3. The wood trim around windows, doors, fascia, soffit and eaves is rotted and deteriorated. ,' 4. There is cracked and missing siding throughout. 5. The storms and screens on exterior of building are missing or broken. 6. The second story has open, missing and broken windows. 7. There are several boarded windows on the first floor and also the front door is boarded. 8. The brick chimneys are deteriorated with missing bricks and mortar. 9. The concrete steps off the back of the house are crumbling and deteriorated. 10. The foundation wall on the back side is deteriorated with missing mortar. � � � , C��/-/9.5`� �F��:�°;� CITY OF SAINT PAUL "' �'-� DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES K o y�G. e� IIII IiI1tN' �� . �; `""' "'�� DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH °O�„ . ,.�� 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 ^�,:,N. (612) 292-77'I� George Latimer M�yor August 22 , 1989 Jay & Susan Gans 8221 Harrison Circle Bloomington, MN 55437 Dear Property Owners: This letter is to inform you that since the improvements needed to bring your property at 654 Wells Street, into compliance with the Saint Paul Housing Code have not been completed, it will be necessary for us to placard the property as "Unfit for Human Habitation" on August 21, 1989, and order it vacated by no later than August 28 , 1989 . . If you are unable to finance the correction or rehabilitation of the premises to comply with this order, there are State and Local rehabilitation programs for which you may qualify. As stated previously, for appeals information, call 292-7775. ; Yours tru , ��- � �`�� -� `'�;., � J�n Betz - Supervisor of Housing Inspection JB:jm C: Housing Information Office, 25 W. 4th St. Marland Mork - Welfare Dept. 160 E. Kellogg Vacant Buildings Program . ��y�-�G 5� Deficiency List - 654 Wells Street 7une 26, 1991 Page: 2 11. The wood stairwell off the back of the house is rotted and deteriorated with missing balusters. 12. The garage area in the rear has concrete block foundation that is eight (8) feet high all the way around three sides, lacldng roof the window is broken. Unfinished box ring inside. Lacks cap or guard rail and is dangerous 13. See attached list of deficiencies dated August of 1989 that resulted in the structure becoming condemned at "Unfit for Human Habitation". � . , C� -�9� ' �/ E�"T' °, ' CITY O� SAINT PAUL c4 4� _� •'� DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES 2� i;�i"`""' "� `%,� i,i u �� "'�<�,, - DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH °j°�rm�:N.� 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55'101 (6'12)292-77�� George Latimer . Mayor August 22 , 1989 NOTICE OF CONDEMNATION AS IINFIT FOR FiUMAN FiABITAT20N Jay & Susan Gans 8221 Harrison Circle Bloomington, MN 55437 Dear Property Owners: The Division of Public Health, Section of Housing Code Enforcement of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, has found that the dwelling and premises at 654 Wells Street is "Unfit for Human Habitation" due to the want of repairs, and/or defects in the drainage, , plumbing, lighting or construction of said dwelling and premises, and/or for other causes affecting public health. If you are unable to finance the correction or rehabilitation of the premises to comply with this order, there are State and Local rehabilitation programs for which you may qualify. �s stated, for appeals information call 292-7775. All repairs and new installations must be made in accordance with the appropriate codes. Permits must be obtained where changes and/or additions to an 'electrical system require upgrading of the service size to present National Electrical Code requirement. Some plumbing repairs may necessitate updating of the fixtures and/or piping involved. A permit is required for any repair or new installation. Permits Ynay be obtained from the Building Inspection and Design Division, Room 445, City Hall . The following repairs and/or improvement are required before this dwelling may be reoccupied: Lower IInit 1. Kitchen sink waste drain leaks and is unvented. Repair and vent drains per Plumbing Code. 2 . The kitchen floor covering is in disrepair. Repair or replace floor covering. j.: . • � . , .��,��s�' � � 654 Wells Street Page: 2 August 22 , 1989 3 • The walls in kitchen are in disrepair. Repair. 4 . There is illegal extension cord wiring in kitchen. Remove extension cord wiring. 5. The bedrooms do not meet code for minimum light and ventilation. Install windows to meet code. 6 . The tile floor covering throughout unit is in disrepair. Repair or replace floor covering. 7 . The bathroom lacks a handsink. Install handsink per code. 8 . The bathroom lacks door. Install door. 9 . The bathtub does not drain. Repair. " 10. The walls and ceiling in the bathroom are in disrepair. Repair. 11. The smoke detector does not work. Repair. • Basement 12 . The stairs to. basement lack handrail . Install securely fastened handrail . 13 . There is illegally installed wiring. Updat�e electric in entire building. 14 . There are holes in the basement floor (rodent entrances) . Repair floor. . 15. The floor drain lacks a securely fastened cover. Install cover: 16. There is a rodent and cockroach infestation in this building. Exterminate ro�dents and cockroaches. IIpper IInit 17 . Stairs to upper unit lacks a handrail. Install handrail . Y8 . The smoke detector does not work. Repair. 19• Bathroom floor covering is in disrepair. Repair. 20• Bathroom sink waste is not vented. Vent per code. 21• Bath tub faucets leak. Repair. . , ' . // /- l�� . C`� ,, 654 Wells Street Page: 3 August 22 , 1989 22 . Kitchen sink waste drain is not vented. Vent per code. 23 . Kitchen sink faucets. leak. Repair. 24 . Kitchen stove flex gas line is improper. Install UL approved double wall flex line. 25. Remove the extension cord wiring from second floor unit to garage. Exterior 26. The roof covering is in disrepair. Repair roof. 27. There are broken and missing window panes. Repair. 28 . There are missing and broken screens. Repair. The dwelling must be vacated by August 28 , 1989. THIS DWELLING BHALL NOT AGAIN BE USED FOR HUMAN IiABITATION ITNTIF, WRITTEN APPROVAL IS SECIIRED FROM�=�HE DIVISION OF PIIBLIC HEALTH, SECTION OF HOIISING CODE ENFORCEMEP{T. . 6 .. �,•xy%�.r �.' ,�•-'. _..,--�,,t;-......__.,. _V- ._� P ,,F^�'r'����� ��r-'-:r �' ,a,f����. ., . �"� � '-�•°`�::,.' •" ..-•'�'.�`� -- -�''. �. J �f,.: oh � Betz Frank A. Staffer}son rvisor of Housing �nspection Environmental Health Director JB:FAS: jm enc. i�, . � . � _ . 1/-/��� �Y" � ► �� �.._ . CITY OF SAINT PAUL '`� .�� DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES �o � ;e �: ��t�I� °� DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH �' S55 Cedar Street, Sain[Paui,Minnesota 5510'I ����� (6�2)292-77�1 George Latimer Mayor August 22 , 1989 Jay & Susan Gans � g221 Harrison�Cir55437 Bloomington, Dear Property Owners: osted nclosed is a copy of an "�rder to Vacatein W a�cordancee wi h the E of the on the premises at 654 Wells Street, Subsection 5, Cha ter 34 , Legislative Code, City of Saint Paul, as provisions of Section 34 . 19 as amende , Housing Code ( P amended) . ention is called to the following provisions of Section Your att • entitled, "Vacation of Condemned and Placarded 34 . 19 , Subsection 5 , Dwelling or Multiple Dwellings" : or multiple dwelling which has been condemned � "Any dwelling the enforcement ired and placarded as Va a a wi h n ar easonableytiiawfulrfor any officer shall be and it shall be un by the enforcement officer, erson for human habitation owner or operator to let to any P or dwellir.g unit; and no said dwelling, multiple dwelling un�t whi�h � and dwelling or multiple dw�lling person all occupy lacarded by the enf orcement of f icer has been condemned and p lacard of condemnation. " � after the date set forth in the p this condemnation, you may If you have any questions regarding section of contact Don Juenemann at th� 292 1���1 between the houtrs� of 8:00 and Housinq Code Enforcement. a g:00 a.m Yours Truly, � � �/ - � ohn Betz Inspection � upervisor of Housing JB:jm 1 �� y,> ., 3 . �V � „�-___ ���r ..:,a ` �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL . � 40 ., ''�. __._. � � � DEPARTMENT OF C011�LNRTNITY SERVICES '• -` DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEAI.TH "" sss c.a.�s�,s.�c�,�.a.ssioi (612)292-7771 JAMES SC�EL MAYOR RECEIVED September 11, 1991 c��� 12 1g9�� CITY CLERK Council President and Members of the City Council RE: 654 Wells Street Date of Hearings: Neighborhood Services Committee - Wednesday, October 2, 1991 City Council - T�esday, October 8, 1991 City Council Wazd: 6 District Council: 5 Dear Councilmember: The Division of Public Iiealth is hereby submitting its' report on the condition of the structure at the location referred to above. The owners, interested parties and responsible parties of record aze: Name and Last Known Address In r 7ay A. Gans Fee owner per Ramsey County Taxation 8221 Harrison Circle and Owners and Encumbrance Report; Bloomington, MN 55437 husband of Susan Gans Susan M. Gans Fee owner per Ramsey County Taxation 8221 Hazrison Circle and Owners and Encumbrance Report; Bloomington, MN 55437 wife of Jay A. Gans Secretary of Housing Mortgagee per Owners and Encumbrance �' and Urban Development Report 220 South Second Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 James W. Folea Mortgagor per Owners and Encumbrance Address Unirnown Report , q��i9s� � Notice of Public Hearing - 654 Wells Street Septembes 11, 1991 Page: 2 � Name and Last Known Address Interest Office Manager - Revenue Division Delinquent property taxes Property Tax - Delinquent 15 Kellogg Blvd. W. St. Paul, MN 55102 The legal description of this property is: Lot 18, Charles Weide's Subdivision of Block 37, of Arlington Hills Addition to St. Paul The building is a two story, wood frame, condemned, deteriorated, dilapidated, boarded, vandalized duplex residential structure with a deteriorated, dilapidated detached garage. The subject property has been routinely monitored by the Nuisance Buildings Code Enforcement Program since October of 1989. The building meets one or more of the conditions that constitute an Abandoned Building as defined in Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. On 7uly 15, 1991 the Division of Public Health mailed an order to the then known owners, interested parties and responsible parties of these buildings requiring that the buildings be either repaired, by correcting the attached list of deficiencies, or demolished on or before _ _ August 15, 1991. _ Inasmuch as the order has not been completed to the satisfaction of this Division and the continued abandoned condition of the building contributes a blighting influence and potential hazard to the neighborhood, it is the recommendation of this Division that the City Council pass a resolution ordering the owners, interested andlor responsible parties to either repair or demolish and remove the building in a timely manner to the satisfaction of the City. In the event the owners, interested and/or responsible pazties fail to comply with the Council Resolution, the Division of Public Health should be authorized to demolish and remove the building and assess all costs incurred in the demolition and removal against the real estate as a special assessment to be collected in the same manner as taxes. �. ��- e�� �� Notice of Public �iearing - 654 Wells Str�t September 11, 1991 Page: 3 This matter will have a Public Heazing before the Neighborhood Services Committee as well as the full City Council. Yours truly, Charles Votel Vacant Buildings Program Supervisor CV:jm Enclosure C: Edwin L,ee, Asst. City Attorney Steve Zaccard, Fire Marshall 7an Gasterland, Building Inspection and Design Division Karen Wilson, PED Jim Murphy, 702 City Hall District Housing Inspector