D00670• ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, addirions wluch proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as Saint Paut Civic Center Expansion CP-1 Demolition Excavarion & Bridge Construcrion No. V1�.JtLJ Ll ) Dat� � G" �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. CP1.4 known as Conuact L City Project No.014440 Edwazd Kraemer & Sons, is composed of the following: 1. 2. 3. _ - City Clerk _ - Finance Dept. _ - Dept. Accounting (Civic Center) _ - Engineer (HGA) _ - Conuactor _ - Project M ana a o er (CPMn Excavation of building foundations south of Keilogg Boulevard. Reason: Field Condition. Provide testing services for unknown gas. Reason: Field Condi[ion. Provide catch basin at Kellogg Boulevard. Reason: Field Condition. 3,169.69 1,447.69 5,311.32 Total $9,928.70 • ORDERED, That the Ciry of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 9.925.70 said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, l�own as contract L-. 930-90300-0898-00000 Civic Center Expansion Fund. Expansion Coordinating Committee D'uector of Civic Center Arclu ect and wluch amount is ro be financed from: �l—l�f 19 S.� 19 � � .� Edwazd Kraemer & Sons Contractor By �lZ s Hea epartment o Fin DY �,� Adminisuative Assistant to the Mayor C J � � GREEN SH 9/15/95 1!t . i 30341 � DEPARTMEM DIRECfOR '�-✓ CITYATTOPNEY FON �� DIRECTOR ■ �YOR (Ofi ASSISTANi) CfiY CAUNCIL Q IERK IN. 8 MGT. SERVICES � �y.5{ on INRIAUDATE TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLiP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR � ✓ ' � 3. 4r�.�ar�axpn Co+wm' �C�ION REWEuTED: Contract Ghange Order 4l4 to contract between Edward Psaemer'and Civic Center for eacavation and bridge construction for the Civic Center Expansion IN CNIL SEPVICE _ C18 COMMITSEE _. STAFF A expansion _DIS7RICTCAUFiT _, SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? PEpSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEfi THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 1. Has ihis persoNfirm ever worketl under a coMract for this tlapartmeM? � YES NO 2. Has this personffirm ever been a ciry empioyee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firtn possess a sitill not normally possessed by any curtent city empioyee? YES NO Explain all yea anawers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who. What. When, KTere. Why): Certain conditions were not known when the contract was bid. These changes were needed for the contract to be completed correctly and to meet������ SEP 21 199a Project will be completed to meet codes DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED'. None Project will not be completed correctly REGEIVED OCT - 31995 CITY CLERK � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 9928. 70 CO57/qEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE City Sales Tax C8pit8�- Fllnd pCTIV17Y NUMBER 930-90300-0898-00000 FINANCIAI INFOflMATION: (EXPLAIN) �'�' I uu� C� • PRO.lEGT: Saint Paut Civic Center Expansion Project Saint Paul, Minnesota CONTRACTOR Edward Kraemer & Sons 1020 West Cliff Road Burnsville, MN 55337 Original Contract Amount: $5,317,785.70 CO No. Deduct Add C 1.1 14, 844.30 C1.2 7,104.85 C1.3 28,810.80 C1.4 9.928.70 Subtotai 00 �60.688.65 DATE ISSUED: CONTRACT NO.: CONTRACT TITLE: CONTRACT DATE: 15 August 1995 CP-1 Demolition, Excavation 8 Bridge Construction 29 March 1995 Net Amount of Contract including this Change Order: $5,375,474.35 • • COPl-T`HA:CTOR'S Contractor Proposal No.: � Project: Saint Paul Civic Center ���� P R O P O S A L Contraci No.: A cha�ge in the scope of the work is requested as indicated below: 1 �'-� �������� It is requested the completion date be t) extended, () decreased, () unchanged by _ calendar days. The adjusted compietion date will be Description of the change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if appiica6te). (Reference RFP No.: : CCD No.: FO No.: 1 3. Basis of paymeni: {Check one) (-�irm price for performing this change is ....................................5 3\�S-� Adequate supporting details and information Increased Deduct) must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. ( � Time and material per contract, but not to exceed $ () Actual cost at completion of work S Submitted by: �..� dcA �a.aN..� � S y.�-� Date: �- 3a 4s Contractor Contractor • u 1 2. Action Recommended: (Check one) () Change will not be made. Explain: CPMI Job No.: 3225 () Proceed on the foliowing basis: () As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptabie. () Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptable. () Basis of payment shall be S () The follOwing modification is recommended: () Change in completion date is accepted. () Change is acceptable with no change in price. () Change is accepta6le with no change in compietion date. Reason for Change: O Design Change O Client Request O Field Condition {) Suggested by Contractor () Design Omission or Other (explain} 3. Is this a part of the originaat contract scope? () YES l 1 NO 4. Is Contractor's Estimate attached? () YES ( 1 NO 5. A/E consulted. f) YES ( � NO Prepared by: CPMI) Approved by. Approved by (Ownerl Date• Date• Approved by: (Owner) Date: cc: Chris Hansen Bake Baker Mike Pederson Dick Zehring Eriks Ludins 3225- 3225- BL � SAINT PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION � ,:- �:��.e ��� • C O=Pi-T R A C-T O R' S P R O P O S A L Contractor Proposaf No.: � Date:_ Project: Saint Pauf Civic Center Contract A change in the scope of ihe work is requested as indicated below: 1. It is requested 2he completion date be extended, ( 1 decreased, (} unchanged by� calendar days. The adjusted completion date will be 2. Description of ihe change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicabie). (Reference RFP No.: - CCD No.: � FO No.: 1 3. Basis of payment: (Check one) () Firm price for performing this change is ....................................5 Adequate supporting details and information (Increased Deductl must be attached to allow Owner io eva4uate. () Time and material per contract, but not to exceed S () Actual cost at completion of work $ Submitted by: �J C� 1 2. Action Recommended: (Check one) () Change will not be made. Explain: Date: J5 SS CPMI Job No.: 3225 (} proceed on the fotlowing basis: () As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. () Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptabie. () Basis of payment shall be S () The follbwing modification is recommended: () Change in compietion date is accepted. () Change is acceptable with no change in price. ( y Cfiange is acceptable witfi no change in comptetion date. Reason for Change: O Design Change O Client Request O Field Condition () Suggested by Contractor () Design Omission or Other (explain) 3. Is this a part of the originaal contract scope? () YES ( 1 NO 4. Is Contractor's Estimate attached? () YES ( 1 NO 5. A!E consu{ted. ( 1 YES ( 1 NO Prepared by:. Approved Appraved by (Owner) Date: Oate: Approved by: (Owner) Date: cc: Chris Hansen Bake Baker Mike Pederson Dick Zehring Eriks Ludins 3225- 3225- BL SAINT PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION ���� � • � . BREAKDOWN SHEET CONTRACTOR'SPROPOSAL SAINT PAUI CIV1C CENTER EXPANSION LABOR, MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT DIRECT EMPLOYEE �ABOR MATERIAIS & EQUIPMENT INCORPORATED TOTAL LAB & MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT 15% FEE TOTAI LABOR, MATERIAL, EQUIP., & FEE SUBCONTRAGTORS 5°Jo FEE TOTALSUBCONTRACTORS &FEE OTHER COSTS TRAVEL & SUBSISTENCE MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT NOT INCORPORATED RENTALS TAXES PERMITS & LICENSE FEES UTILITIES, FUEL, FACILITIES AT SITE INC{DENTAL EXPEfdSES BOND & INSURANCE PROVISIONS TOTAL OTHER COSTS TOTALOFCHANGEPROPOSAL � S $ g l37 �.7 $ �S-Sy �'�vy� � S S S S 5 S S S c.P S S � s �yy7 = SA(NT PAUL CNtC CENTER EXPANSION .. , , �'� � c `.t . '-/ll.l'!1 1 O . n Contrector Project:� . • R`A-6 T,{� R' S P ft O P Contrac a> _ �� : .., A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicated below: 1. It is requested the comptetion date be ( 1 extended, () decreased, () unchanged by _ calendar days. The adjusted completion date will be 2. Description of the change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, iE applicabte). (Reference RFP No.: • CCD No.: � FO No.: 1 � ' , �� �'� 3. Basis of payment: (Check one) () Firm price for performing this change is ....................................$ Adequate supporting details and informaiion (Increased Deduct) must be attached to alfow Owner to evaluate. () Time and material per contract, but not to exceed S ( 1 Actual cost at completion of work S 1 2. Action Recommended: (Check one) i) Change wifl not be made. Explain: CPMI Job No.: 3225 () Proceed on the following basis: 1) As indicated above, change and basis of paymeni is acceptabte. () Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptabie. () Basis of payment shali be $ () The folV6wing modification is recommended: () Change in completion date is accepted. �) Change is acceptable with no change in price. () Change is acceptabte with no cfiange in completion date. Reason for Change: ( � Design Change () Client Request () Field Condition () Suggested by Contractor () Design Omission or Other (explain) 3. Is this a part of the originaal contract scope? () YES () NO 4. Is Contractor's Estimate attached? O YES { y NO 5. A/E consulted. ( 1 YES () NO Prepared by: CPMII Approved by (HGA) Approved by (Owner) by: cc: Chris Hansen Bake Baker Mike Pederson Eriks Ludins 3225- 3225- BL Daie: Date Date: � SAINT PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION Submitied by: �i��.r/.�?!� ��O�JIi�R t rOt/ Date: /`/ S� ���� � �J BREAKDOWN SHEET CONTRACTOR'S PROPOSAL SAINT PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION LABOR, MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT K DIRECT EMPLOYEE LABOR gX .��' MATERIA�S & EQUIPMENT INCORPORATED TOTAL LAB & MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT 15% FEE TOTAL LABOR, MATERIAL, EQUIP., & FEE SUBCONTRACTORS y37.� �- y/�3 � 5% FEE TOTALSUBCONTRACTORS & FEE OTHER COSTS TRAVEL & SUBSISTENCE MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT NOT INCORPORATED RENTALS TAXES PERMITS & LICENSE FEES UTIlIT1ES, FUEL, FACILITIES AT SITE INCIDENTAL EXPESVSES BOND & INSURANCE PROVISIONS TOTAL OTHER COSTS $ Z93 s /is� $ y� � - $ �° � � y� Z� s y� �o � $ z3o = yby/� 8 3 S S S S S S TOTAL OF CHANGE PROPOSAL � SAINT PAUL CNIC CENTER EXPANSION F..,�✓�z �.E..,r�.� sA,.P a C�.�T p��,c..P � s v� 3� 5 S3i�