91-1942 �►�1G�!IA�� � q I - 19NZ �. / `; Council File # , Green Sheet � 1924 RESOLUTION Y OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date �s� WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code and following the public hearing held on November 29, 1990, did adopt a Resolution establishing the level of Street and Alley Maintenance Service to be performed in the City of Saint Paul, and the estimated amount of service charges to be levied against benefitted property, the work to be performed in 1991, and the charges to be collected with the regular taxes in 1992; and WHEREAS, The Department of Public Works has performed the approved street and alley maintenance work and submitted its report together with the total cost of street and alley maintenance in the amount of $15,951,568; and WHEREAS, The City Council determined that the City shall pay the sum of $7,925,568 of the street and alley maintenance costs from: Municipal State Aid ($1,736,800)� Trunk Highway Maintenance Aid ($309,404)� County Aid ($387,244), Miscellaneous Receipts ($299,183), General Fund ($3,395,052), Fund Balance ($297,885), Miscellaneous Grants ($1,500,000), and the remaining amount of$8,026,000 shall be assessed against benefitted properties, and further resolved that a Public Hearing was held in the Council Chambers on October 10, 1991, for the purpose of adopting the service charges against all benefitted properties; and WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul did hold a Public Hearing on October 10, 1991, for this purpose, and, having heard all interested parties, does hereby adopt the following service charges in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter and said Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code, now, therefore, be it (Page 1 of 2) e ��r�IN�,,; a i - ►��z �c�„�o., ' � RESOLVE�,That the Councii of the City of Saint Paul does hereby adopt and levy the foNowing service ' charges as special assessment against benefitted properties: Class I Downtown $3.24 per assessable foot Class II Outlying Commercial and Arterial Streets Commercial Property $223 per assessable foot Residential Property $1.01 per assessable foot Class III All Residential Streets Commercial Property $1.61 per assessable foot Residential Property $t.01 per assessable foot Class IV All Oiled and Paved Alleys Commercial Property $0.80 per assessable foot Residential Property $0.53 per assessable foot Class V Unimproved Streets Commercial Property $0.61 per assessable foot Residential Property $0.41 per assessable foot Class VI Unimproved Alleys Commercial Property $0.31 per assessable foot Residential Property $0.21 per assessable foot and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby directed to Vansmit a certified copy of this Resolution to the Ramsey County Auditor so that the service charges levied herein shall be extended on the property tax lists of the County and collected in 1992 along with current taxes, and said service charges to be payable in a single installment. (Page 2 of 2) ���,,��'..'L-- Requested by Department of: �� Yeas Nays Absent imon _�` PubliC Works (AJS) --�e�� ne t t.nn., / �+ Tht�rre � I w;7sr�n By: • Adopted by Council: Date QCT � � ;��� Form App ov d by City A or Adoption C i ' d b Cou il ecretary By� App ve by Mayor for Submission to By' Coun ' Approved by or: Dat .' Q�� � 5 1991 , By: .��e��'�' By: ��a��it� 9 P�IISNED OCT �6'91 .:.. �.,�,t,�: ,� ��,,� ;/a �� q/�/ DEPARTMENT/OFFICEICOUNCIL DATE INI � �`'1/��^T P�b��wo�s n�g. is, 1991 GREEN SHEET � N�.^ `r [ CONTACT PER80N 3 PHONE �OEPAR711ENT DIREC��� CITY COUNCIL W I7UIUDATE Allen J.Shetka 292-6676 ��� Ocmr�rrow�v .�i`�- �cmrc�wc YUST BE ON COUNCIL ALiENDA BY(DATq ROUTINO �BUDGET DIRECTOR ��` ��_ �FIN.8 M(iT.SERVICE3 DI August 29,1991 (City Clerk by Aug.22, 1991) °RDEk e,u,yoR�oR i�ss�sTU� ❑ TOTAL�OF SIGNATURE PAGES 4 (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR�` ACTION REW (1) Sat date. 1 StreeVAlley Maintenance Service Charge to be assessed against benefitted property and (2) Ftesolutbn ratdying cha�gas (Attachments A,B,C). (3) Set date of Pubtic Hearing to consider the level of streeValley mairnenance senric�s to tie pe�formed in 1992 and the amount of service charges to be a9sessed against benef'dted property and (4) Resolution authorizing streeValley mair�tenance (Attachments D,E,F�. -� : Rr-c�MMENDAT1oNS:App►ow(N a�ejaa(R� CWNCiI COAAMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONA _PLANNINGCOMMISSION _CMLSERVICECOMMISSION ANALYST : , , _� , s — PHONENO. _CIBCOMYITiEE _ COMMENTS _STAFF _ _DISTRICT COUNCIL _ SUPPORTS WHICFI COUNCIL OBJECTNET RECEIVED INITIATMKi PROBIEM,I33UE,OPPORTUNITY(WF�10.WHAT.WHEN.VN�ERE.WHh: . _ : AUG 2 0 1991 This will ratify the 1991 Program and albw for coilection of monies for funding the Program. �YOFt'S OFFICE - , This wiil author�ze street maintenance for 1992 at basically the same level as 1991 �-��" = . ; REC�IVED � - . , . __ . , ; . . , . � �.- ��,;�S�F,�P��� 1 y 1��1 t .. . � "a ir a. � : OF�'!r a OF TH� Uinc:CTOR • � t.` . _ ;; : SeeAbove D��¢;�TMENT UF f1iVANCE �- . � , ' - j: � y°n. �NU �v�NNAGEME►� . . •-� S�.RVIC�- ` < 'x ��,..sY � t ,. , , . . _ : . .. :. . s . , . _. .: , ..z: ;�;: _ . . ,�. „ , ., ,, , _ ,.- : ,.. : . . . _ . -. . . '. . . ` "� ' i'. ,' S , . . . „ DISADVANT/KiE3 IF APPROVEO: ,., . . , , RECEIVED �i��u 2 2 1991 ... " CITY CLERK DISADVANTMiE3 IF NOT APPROVED: - : � Council Researc� Center - AUG 21 199�� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION=��°$15,951,568;92=$17,328,228 ppgT�pEVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) � No • �Np����Assessmnts,GenFund,Aids,FundBal,MiscGrants ���Y r�uMeER 42310 through 42340 ` ' FINANCIAI.INFOHMATION:IEXPLAIM , . . ,; ". ' . _ ��V� AJS/tme � s��oN► �iiand ' ' - . . ' • ' • " i ndd 1N It/S , . � • i • ^^^ �ndd•ls�o ui� 3�dlsod •s•n �idw a31dOS3lid NW 'lf1Vd 1NIVS IIVH Jlll� 8lZ ssb��lsai� �f1Vd 1NIVS d0 JLLI� •6uueay ay}se�(ep awes a4}b���0'�eP�n41�'W'V 00�6-O�:g woa}s�aqwey�li�uno� ���ui a�ueua�uiew}aa��s ano�(�o}uewssesse mo�t uo suo��senb a�nuiw-�se��tue aannsue o�a�qe�iene aq��iM�e�s�(�� 'SZ�5-86Z II�'aBe�ua��o afuey�a�tias�ta��e�o lae��s�no�(�noqe suoi�sanb aney no�(� 0099-L6Z ��eqwnu s�y���e�asee�d`�iede��o e�ueue�uiew spaeu�ta��e�o�aa��s mo�� LSNOIlS311� •papun�aa a4 IIiM s�uaw�ted ay}'�n�sseoons si�eedde ay}�I 'leadde aapun si a�,ey�a4�}� uana'apew aq s}uaw�led�e�n6a��ey�se�inbe�apo�ani}e�}siuiwpy�ned�uieg ay��o gp�bg ua}��ey}a�ou aseald •a6�ey�e�Nes ay�wpa��eadde ue s�q�yad�ana�o�saw��pe�}�oeds ay�uiy�nn sa��ou ay�a�i�o�a�nl!�� �310N'�a���i�ay}y�iM Bui�i��o s�(ep p� uiy�iM�no����sia�o��e��ay�uuM e�i�ou awes ay�a���os�e}snw no�•}uawssesse ay�6ui�dope�epao ay��o s�tep pZ uiy�M�a����ay}yuM�eedde ano�t�o�spuna6 ay�6ui�e�s a��ou e a�i�}s�i��snw no���no�}��;s�4 ay�o�aB�ey�a�ties siyl�eadde�(ew no� 7t�'3ddd •pun��e�aua�s,��ay�wa}��E pue 'spie y6nay�%OZ'sa6aey�a�Nas yBnay� paaana�a� aq���nn%LL'�unowe siy}�p•�(��enuue uq��iw p�$�a�ewixo�dde a�e s�sa�wea6oad aoueua�uiew}aa��s aawwns pa�ewi�sa a4,1�sua�nq���uoo pun��e�aue�pue`s}dieoe�snoaue��a�w'p�d��uno�'p�y�tennyBiH�urul'p�y a�e�g�ed��unw wa�sewao�epuiewea ayl•s�te��e�enpin�pui pp�pue�teM-�o-�yB��;ae��s}o sa�iw 006�le�ew�xo�dde S3�IA�l3S �o a�ueua�wew ay� �o ua�od e �uo ao� Buipun� sep�nad aB�ey� a�ties e�ueua�uiew �tape�o/pue lae��s mo� ,�OlSO� #unowe pe�wawwo�ey sse� ssa�ppe�adoad a6e�uo�� #ol�adad S3JHtlH�3�1/I b3S 3�NdN31N1 dW a377d t10/aNd 133b1S �66� a3aN3WW0�3b �fib�-►b . NOTICE 1991 Street Maintenance Service Charge Recommended for Ratification, Public Hearing for 1991 Service Charge, and Proposed Service Charge rates for 1992 PURPOSE To notify property owners of two official public hearings before the City Council: OF THIS 1) Ratification of service charge recommended rates for 1991 street and alley maintenance services. NOTICE TIME: 9:00 A.M.,Thursday,October 10, 199i. PLACE: Council Chambers,3rd Floor, City Hali, & 15 W. Kellogg Blvd.Written and oral statements will be considered by the Council at this hearing. HEARING 2� proposal of service charge rates and service levels for 1992 street and alley maintenance. TIMES TIME: 7:00 P.M.,Thursday, November 14, 1991. PLACE: Council Chambers,3rd Floor,City Hall, 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. Written and oral statements will be considered by the Council at this hearing. SERVICE Your 1991 servlce charge will bethe amount ratified by the City Council atthe public hearing.The rates shown below CHARGE are the amounts recommended to the City Council for ratification. A list of the proposed service charges for all INFORMATION properties is available for review in the Finance Department, Room 218 City Hall. SERVICE Most Saint Paul homes are Class II or Class III Residential property.Example: a 48-foot Class III Residential bt with CHARGE an alley(Class IV)would be charged 48 X$1.01 and 48 X$0.53,or$73.92,for 1991 service. However,the charge RATES would be$74.00,because we are rounding off all payment amounts to the nearest dollar to simplify billing.Corner residential lots are not charged for long-side street or long-side alley frontage. Commercial property includes all apartment buildings of four or more units.All residential townhomes and condominiums will be billed for at least 20 feet of Class III street frontage,$20.00. You are not charged for an alley if you do not have one. SERVICE CHARGES PER FOOT AND SERVICE LEVELS Class Description 1991 Rate 1992 Rate Service Level' (Recommended) (Proposed) Class I Downtown Streets $3.24 $3.24 Flush 5 times/week, sweep 3 timesM�eek Class II Outlying Commercial and Arterial Streets Commercial Property $2.23 $2.23 Flush and sweep approximately Residential Property $1.01 $1.01 18 times in 1991; 13 times in 1992 Class III All Residential Streets Flush and sweep each spring and fall Commercial Property $1.61 $1.61 Oiled streefs—sand seal every 3 years Residential Property $1.01 $1.01 Paved streets—chip seal every 10 years Class IV All Oiled and Paved Alleys Flush and sweep each spring Commercial Property $0.80 $0.80 Oiled alleys—sand seal every 3 years � Residential Property $0.53 $0.53 Paved alleys—chip seal every 10 years Class V Unimproved Streets Commercial Property $0.61 $0.61 Pafch, blade, and place crushed rock Residential Property $0.41 $0.41 (primarily on a complaint basis) Class VI Unimproved Alleys Commercial Properry $0.31 $0.31 Patch, blade, and place crushed rock Residential Property $0.21 $0.21 (primarily on a complaint basis) 'A!I routine non-winfer maintenance, including patching and repairing, is done whenever necessary for all Classes. We rely on citizen participation fo identify problem areas throughout the year. You will receive a postcard showing the approved amount within two weeks of the hearing. This will allow you to pay your ratified service charge if you do not wish to have it appear on your statement of property tax payable in 1992. � q� -���a � NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held on the 21st day of Noveatber 1991 at 7:00 P.M. in the Saint Paul City Council Chaznbers,Ciiy Hall and Court House,Saint Paul,Minnesota. The purpose of the Public Hearing is to consider the level of service of street maintenance to be performed in the City of Saint Paul in 1992 and to consider the cost of such service to be charged against benefitted property in accordance with Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code. The particular service to be performed and the estimated costs as pmposed by the Deparfinent of Public Works are as follows: CLASS I-DOWNTOWN OR LOOP STREETS Descri,�tion• Class I service will be performed on all downtown streets within the following boundaries: Kellogg Boulevard on the south and west,Eleventh Street on the north, and Broadway on the east. Provosed 1992 Level of Services: _ The downtown streets will be swept three times per week and flushed five times per week. All routine maintenance,including patching and repairing of street surfaces, will be performed on an as-needed basis. Pro�osed Assessment: All Class I service will be assessed at a rate of .24 per assessable foot for all. CLASS II-OUTLYING COMMERQAL AND ARTERIAL STREETS Description: Class II service will be performed on all outlying rnmmercial and arterial streets in the City. These are the major arteries in the City and have both heavy volumes of vehicular and pedestrian traffic and have frequent business or commercial properties fronting on them. Typical examples would be as follows: University Avenue, Snelling Avenue,West Seventh Street,East Seventh Street,Rice Street,Payne Avenue,Arcade Street,Summit Avenue,Grand Avenue and others. All of these Class II streets are accurately defined on a map available for viewing in the Department of Public Works,900 City Hall Annex. Proposed 1992 Level of Service: The Class II streets would be cleaned approximately 13 times per season. All routine maintenance,including patching and repairing of street surfaces,will be done on an "as-needed"basis. ia . - :���,✓�.> 2 Pronosed Assessmen� Under Class II service there will be two assessment rates,one commercial and one residential. The mmmercial property rate will be 2.23 per assessable foot and the residential property rate will be 1. 1 per assessable foot. CLASS III-ALL RESIDENTIAL STREETS Description: Class III service would be performed on all residential streets including oiled streets, paved streets and intermediate type streets. Pronosed 1992 Level of Service: � Residential streets,including oiled,paved and intermediate streets,would receive thorough deaning each spring which would include sweeping and flushing. Patching and repair work would be done on an"as-needed"basis. Appro�cimately 150 miles of oiled streets would receive a sand sealcoat and approximately 20 miles of paved streets will receive a chip sealcoat. In the fall (weather permitting) leaves would be picked up from these streets. Pro,�osed Assessment• Under Class III service to residential streets,we have two assessment categories. The commercial property rate would be 1.61 per assessable foot and the residential property rate would be 1.01 per assessable foot. CLASS N-ALL OILED AND PAVED ALLEYS Description: Class IV service would be performed on all oiled,paved and intermediate type alleys within the City. Provosed 1992 Level of Service: _ All oiled,paved and intermediate alleys would receive a thorough cleaning each spring. Efforts would be made to complete the cleaning by June 15th. All routine maintenance,including patching and repair of the alley surface,would be performed on an "as-needed"basis. Pro�osed Assessment: The proposed assessment rate is�per assessable foot for mmmercial property and �per assessable foot for residential property. /� . ���o�� 3 ('i.AS�V AND VI-UNIMPRUVED STREETS AND ALLEYS Descrintion: Class V and VI service will be performed on ununproved streets and alleys. By unimproved,we mean those streets and alleys that have not been developed for one reason or another. They aze platted City rights-of-way;however,the abutting residents have never petitioned for their improvement nor have there been any assessments levied. Because they are City rights-of-way,the City has the responsibility to perform minimal repairs and maintenance work to reduce hazards. Provosed 1992 Level of Services: _ The maintenance and repair of these streets and alleys will consist of patching, minor blading,placing of crushed rock and other stabilized material in order to make them passable and reduce hazards. Provosed Assessmen� _ The proposed assessment rate on unimproved streets is .�1 per assessable foot for commercial property and .41 per assessable foot for residential property. The proposed assessment rate on unimproved alleys is .31 per assessable foot for commercial property and .21 per assessable foot for residential property. ia , _ �C�,JTa.� * �� �9�� 4 1992 PROPO�ED EXPENDITLn?E�FOR�TREET NLAiNTE_NANCE � �3�1�38� Assess�r�ents(1) � � F31�.�1�'& Summer $10,103,098(3) $8,026,000 $1,541,141 0 $535,957 0 Bridge 831,607 0 831,607 0 0 0 Wintca 3,368,231 0 78,179 3,290,052 0 0 Recycling Management $2,861,384 0 0 0 0 $2,861,384 TOrI'AL $17,164,320 $8,026,000 $2,450,927 $3,290,052 $535,957 $2,861,384 (1) $1.01 per assessable foot for residential property paid with 1992 Property Tax (2) Municipal State Aid - $1,455,098 Trunk Highway Aid - 338,585 County Aid - 387,244 Miscellaneous Receipts - 270,000 (3) Includes Repayment of General Fund Cash Advance - 542,500 �3 - 9�- i� ��. Councll F11e No.91-1579--B3'Roger 1•� _ WI•�REAS.'fhe City Council.Pnrsuant'to Chapter 62 of the Admin�strallve Code did hold a pubHc hearing on November 29. 1990,in the City Council Cham� �� `: pu�o{q�biishing the level of strcet and aliey m�iutenance to be petf City of Saint Paul and the amount nf servict charges to be lcyied aga�net bene5tted • pr°pet�ty, and ent of Public Works did pedorm the 1991�eet amd a11ey WHEREAS,The Departn► as set forth and approved by the��$'��c11 and malntenance aervices 1n a man�►er -descrlbed i�►the report of the Departa►er►t of Public Worksc and ent of , _ Vf�iEREAS.Pursuant ta Ghapter 82 of tt►e Adminfstrarive Code.the Departm t of Finanee and Management Se�vices a ; -- Public Works has submitted ta th��n of such � repo=t shovving the total c�t of stce�et tnelntenance ta be 8i5.951.568.�a coPY � report has heretofore been delivered to the CSty Cotmcfl:now.therefort.be it RESOLVED.That the City shall pay 87.925.588 of the eost o�f�sttee�s�.� inaintenance by uaing Municipal State Aid(81.736,800).��Fund t33.395,052) " County Aid(8387.244),Miscellaneous ReceiPffi t8^�99.183). Fund Balance E$297,88.5),Miacellaneous(3rants(81.500.000): and be�it further - _ gESOLVED. Tt�at:88.026.000 sha�l be asaeeaed a$ainst benafltted propertY _ ' accc�cdtnB to the following rates: ble foot - - - � C2ass I Downtown 5324 per�asaeaea � �.` �` ;; C}aep II �_� �R'�� '� ' : ercial and Arterial Streeta �� . f _ ._� _ - - - _ . • � `- : , - . . ° ��M11�4 iE�slt!r�'i . . �:M�! M�� ;i��+r�w��: � � . - ..;. . --- , a�i�wrrMt� - . - - iM�M► � � - - �';° �II�iI1IM�<f'M�' , - - � � �r��'�'� �r�ptr a�� _ Residential ProPerty • $(1.53 pei assessable foot � Class V U C�erclal ProP�n3' SE1.61 per aeaessable foot � ; ' - • '� Residenttal PropertY 80.41 per asseseable foot - - ,.� Claes VI UnimProved N1� 50.31 ptir assssBable foot �� _ . . _ . Coa►merciai PropertY g0.21 p���fbot � . _ . _, - . :,;- � �� � ResMenttal Froperty ' -_ _ ` aiui tie�further . Rg90LVED.That a Publle Hearing ahall be held in the 19910 r�h purp�� ! (�ty d 3'si�ut Panl at 9:00 A.M. �� lOth da���be co ected 1n the same �othei' ProPertY t�ia t99�,��C�Y Getk fe��Y�� - the� aat W Minneaota St�►tute Cha�pter 429w and the _ pntb�Ih�notice of this HearinB P�t'8u - . �ent of FYnaabe ia hereby direc�ed to nwdl �tt� � �.vv�tii said_ ; � 429." . , �1,dp�d by Catuicll August 29, 1991. , ; ' -.:: •: . Appc�►'ed.�Y��8ul�t 3�.+1991. • - . �.- .. ._ ._, (Septe�tber"7. 1991) __ __ -,--`_ - _ , - - _ - _ _ - f _ _ . _... , . : _ . _ , , .. .. , ..�. : _ , �:. , ., � _ ., , : : . . . .. - . -� . - _ ; �.: ._ .. ;, . : s: - ; ; � • _.:. . `: . � ,. ;. . .. _ - �. _ , .- . :; . � - -. . . . - . . _ . _ . _: .. . . . ,.; _ .t � _ � - ' t - . _ . . ... . . . _ , . - ,. . _ .,, ..: ._� : ,;: : _.. . , .` � ,, �. : � . � ... • � • # . � � - � � ��- 14�f2' � :�-•• M S � CITY�OF SAINT PAUL � .�„ r��z t�' - IN?ERDEPARTMENUL MEMORANDUM � To: Ken Peterson, Mayor's Office City Council Members Chris Leifeld, Information and Complaint Tom Eggum, Public Works A1 Shetka, Public Works (5 copies) Len Olson, Ramsey County Taxation (2 copies) From: Roxanna Flink � RECEIVED Real Estate Division S E P 2 3 1991 �ate: september 23 , 1991 CITY CLERK Re: COPY OF THE 1991 STREET MAINTENANCE PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE AND GENERAL STREET MAINTENANCE INFORMATION Attached is a copy of the 1991 Street Maintenance Public Hearing Notice that is scheduled to be mailed Wednesday, September 25, 1991. The form being used this year is a one page mailer, the same as last year with current information. The invoice (a postcard) will be mailed within one or two weeks after the public hearing offering the citizens the opportunity to pay the amount if they do not want it on their 1992 property tax statement. PLEASE NOTE: The hearing date is Thursday, October 10, 1991 at 9:00 AM. for the Ratification of costs for 1991; and The hearing date for the estimated costs for 1992 has been scheduled for November 14, 1991 at 7: 00 PM Street Maintenance has been scheduled to coincide with the Ratification of Town Square and all of the Operation and Maintenance Costs for the Above Standard Street Lighting Projects. The public hearing for each of these projects, except street maintenance and Town Square has a duel purpose, they are: 1) . Ratification of costs for 1991, and; 2) . Final Orders for estimated costs for 1992 . In order to allow the necessary 30 day payment perio�l, the 1991 _ - ratification needs to take place on October 10�_ _1941� . Adoption-.�of . the estimated costs for 1992 may occur during tl� r�c�rr.zaa�: hudget: - process. - � _-.- �o� � � � � � T�-° a a� � ��� , . . ���I9�z Please share this infonaation with anyone not listsd ahove whQ you • _ believe should receive a copy. If you have any questions, I can be reached at 292-7028. cc: Rich Gehrman Pete White RF:dl attach. . , , . q I- 1�42 GENERAL STREET MAINTENANCE INFORMATION - BACKGROUND Early in the 1900's, Saint Paul was a prosperous and growing community. As growth continued and the population rose, by the late 1900 's, the traffic on the streets of Saint Paul created a dust problem. The citizen's approached the City requesting something be done about the problem. The City's response to the problem was watering the streets to keep the dust settled, however, watering the street was an added expense the City could not afford. To solve the problem for the citizen's and the City, the cost of watering the streets was charged back to the citizen's in the form of street maintenance. This charge was added to the taxes for the first time in 1909. Although the street maintenance performed today is quite different than it was in 1909 , the program still remains in effect. The Department of Public Works provides various services such as; patching, flushing and sweeping, oiling or seal coating, emergency service, weed control on right-of-ways, litter pick-up, etc. COMMON RESPONSES Q. Who pays this? A. Anyone who has access to a public right-of-way. Q. My street was torn up all summer, why do I have to pay? A. Street maintenance is charged every year at a moderate cost even if the cost of the work done in one year exceeds the amount being collected. Q. What kind of emergency service do I get? A. If your strest was washed out in the middle of the night, you could call Public Works and someone would come out to put up barricades, and your street would be repaired at no additional cost to you. Q. I have this dead animal in front of my house on the street, what do I do? A. Call Public Works and someone will be out to pick it up. Q. What do I pay taxes for? A. The City of Saint Paul only receives approximate1y.25� of the: tax� � dollars you pay to Ramsey County. The School Qi.stric� rece�ives - , - approximately 50� and Ramsey County and Other �s�v�ernment=Agencies:- � � receive approximately 25�. The City's share of the� taxes you-�pay' cover the expenses of General Government functions, Police and Fire service, and Parks and Recreation programs. _ _ _ . , _ � �I- IQ��. Q. I don't use the alley, why do I have ta pay^for�-it? -_-° -- � � A. The alley is there for your use, if you choose not to use it, that's your choice. Q. I don't have an alley, why should I pay for one? A. Ask them what appears in the class section of their notice. If there isn't a Class 4 or a Class 6 they are not paying for an alley. This year, requests for work or answers to questians such as when did you do my street or alley will be answered by Public Works staff at 292-6600. My staff will continue to answer questions reqarding frontage and calculations at 298-5125.