98-61Council File # � � 0 R! � � NA L Green Sheet # ��3 (e,s RESOLUTION ,���� CITY O� SAWT PAUL, MINNESC�TA � _. z2 Presented By Referred To 1 GO 2 3 RESOLVED, that the attached ordinance, which amends section 4.04 of the Charter of 4 the City of Saint Paul, shall be refened to the Charter Commission for its recommendauon 5 pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 410.12, subd. 7(1996), which state law allows an amendment to 6 such Charter upon the rewmmendation of the Charter Commission and upon the unaniinous 7 vote of all seven members of the City Council. Reguested by Department of: ���G�'� ���� - - �le� By: Foxm Ap roved by City Attomey s �• 'l _ / - ��/ r � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: By: Adopted by Council: Date (��c�., \��{ �—� Adoption Certified by Coun i Secretary j aY -�� 403�� council Chris Coleman � � � GREEN SHEET INITIAL/DATE INITIAUDATE � DEPARTMENTOIRECfOR � GINCOUNCIL 266-8620 A���N OCI7VATTORNEY �CffYCLERK NIJYBER FOfl ❑ BUDGET DIREGfOH � F1N. 8 MGT. SERViCES DIR. ROUTING ONDEP (—'� MAYOR (OR ASSISTANT� n TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES ALL LOCASIONS FOR SIGNATURE) That an ordinance which amends Section 4.04 of the Charter of the Gity of Saint Paul be xeferred to the Charter Commission for its recommendation. ncc�oe (a> or __ PLlWNWGCAMMiSS10N _ CNILSERVICE — CIB COMMfTTEE _ _ $TAFF _ � �ISTRICTCOUFiT _ SUPPoRTS WMICN COUNCIL O&IECTNE? PERSONAL SEflVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER iNE fOLLOWING QUESTIONS: t. Has this personfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? YES NO 2. Has this person�rm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curtent city employee? YES NO Explaln all yes answers on separnte sheet and etteeh to green sheet ir1ATINti PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPpqTUNITY (WhO. Wheq Whan, Whera.Why)' There are meetings on Che fifth Wednesday of some calendar months. Ordinance will be referred to the Charter Commission for its recommendation. IF APPROVED: None d�SAUVANTAGES IF Ordinance will not be referred Co the Charter Commission for its recommendation. � m �fS�i C+6�i�" _. . 1 n ' 3 3;i�� OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIqCLE ONE) YES NO 'JNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVI7Y NUMBER VANCIAL INFOR(AATION: (EXPLAIN) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORIGlNAL ., � � CITY /' ; !� Presented By l� _ - Referred To � y � �Z o Council File # �8 -� Ordinance # Green Sheet # y o 3 G 3 ORDINAIVCE SAINT PAUL, MINNES�T . An ordinance to amend Section 4.04 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul in accordance with Minn. Stat. � 410.12, subd. 7(1996). THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAi3L DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Section 4.04 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul is hereby amended to read as follows: "5ec. 4.04. Business meetings. The council shall hold at least one (1) meeting each week� meetin� in that calendar month. Notice of the date, time and place of any council meeting shall comply with the requirements of state law and any additional requirements adopted by the council. The president of the council may call special meetings of the council, and the secretary of the council shall do so on written request signed by four (4) councilmembers. Special meetings may be held anywhere in the city. Notice of the date, time and place of special meetings shall be served upan each member of the council and the mayor in a manner prescribed by the council. The business conducted at special meetings shall be confined to that stated in the notice. �, t-�q8 a �i � 8 `� � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ORIGINAL Section 2 This ordinance, upon recommendation of the Charter Commission of the City of Saint Paul, having been passed unanimously by an affirmative vote of all members of the City Council, shall be effective 90 days after its passage, approval and publication. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Hy: Approved by Mayor: Date BY: Form App oved by City Attorney s � �2 /! /—��� Approved by Mayor fos Submission to Council By: By: qg -�q �n?��(�l OEPAR7MENT�qFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED � v v v v c�t caun��i GREEN SHEE CpNT�CfPERSON6PHONE �DEPARTMENTDIRECfOR �CRYCOUNCIL �NRIAVDATE Chris Coleman 266-8620 ���N OCRYATCORNEY �GITYCLERK NUYBEfl FOFl MUST BE ON COt1NCl� AGENDA BY (�ATE) ROUTING O BUDOEf DIRECfOR � FIN & MGT. SERVICES DIR. ORDEP � Mpypp (OR ASSISTANT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION PEQUESTED: To amend Section 4.04 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, that the Council will not hold meeting on the fifth Wednesday of any calendar monYh. RECOMMENDATroNS� Appove (A) rn Paject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTflACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION �_ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION i_ Has Mis personMirm ever worketl under a oorrtract tor this Cepartment? _ CIB CAMMffTEE ` YES NO _ STnFF ` 2. Has mis person/firm ever been a city employee? YES NO _ DISTi11CSCOUAT _,_ 3. D085 t�i5 PBfSOnKR11 possess e skili not normally possessed by eny current city employee? SUPPOHTSNM1iICHCAUNCILO&IECTIVE7 YES NO E�[pla(n all yes anawers on separats shsst anA attech to preen sheet INITIATINCa PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (Wlw, What, When, Where, Why)� There are months in the calendar year which have a fifth Wednesday. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: There will be no meeting on the fifth Wednesday of the month. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPpOVEO: None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: There will continue to be meetings on the fifth Wednesday of the month. �IfiiCi� I`�4� (� ��rv � 3 �s�a TOTAL AMOUNT OF THANSAC710N S COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIqCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIpG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORRFATION. (EXPLAIN)