98-609�������� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by Standazd Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it Council File # ��pQ Green Sheet # Coa 3� � � Refeired To Committee Date 1 An Administrative Resolution to establish the rate of pay 2 for the position of "Plan Review Coordinator" 3 RESOLVED that the rate of pay for the "Plan Review Coordinator" class be 4 established at the rate set forth in Grade 19, Section ID 4 of the Professional Employees Supervisory 5 0 7 FURTf�R RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following passage and approval of this resolution. Requested by Deparbnent of Benanav so�m coi�,� x�s Lantry Reiter � , � �: � C �'�� ✓ J � Form Approved by City Attotney ✓ r7 Pr r'1 BY� Adopted by Council: Date , Adoption Certified by Council By: c) , Approved by May te _ �� Council � °ts� -G�9 RECEIYECI DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCII.: DATE II�TTIATED GREEN SHEET NO.' xuman xesources �, a_ .� t 8,9 s s COIVTACf PERSON & PHONE: � �'�'�/�a'i'E �AYO�E��Y�.. Michael F. Foley 266-6484�j�y �ICN 1_DEPARTMENT D � 1 s_ crrr cocn�cn. Mark Robertson 266-6471 (�I� rruMSEx 2_cm ATroxx�r s_ cmr c�xx FOR 3_ BUIXiECDAi. FIN.&MGT.SERVICEDIIL MUSTBEONCaUNCII.AGENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINC 4 Mf+Y�A(OR � CIVILSERVICECOMkIISSIaN May 27, 1998 ORDER TOTAL#OFSTCNATUREPACES (CLIPALi.LOCATIONSFORSIGNATURE) acrcox xx.QUSSrEn: Approval of the attached resolution establishing the rate of pay for the title of "Plan Review Coordinator". RECOMMEENUATIONS:Appuve(A)arReJxt(A) PERSONALSERVICECONIRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOK'ING QUESfIONS _PLANNINGCOMMISSION _CIVI[.SERV[CE CObAtISSION I. Haithispasod5'meverwofkedundaacootradfa9usdepartmwt? _CID COMbff1TEE _ Yes No STAFF _ 2. HasiLispcsodfirmeverbeenacityemployceT DISTRICT COITAT Y� No SUPRORTSWIIICHCAL7NCII,OHIECRVE7 3. DoesthispersoofFi�mpossessaakitluotno�mallypoasasedbyanyauimtcity emp7oyce7 � Yea No ' . � Bzpla(n alt yes answets on upaiafe s4cetaud attachto green aheet It�'TTIATINGPROBLEM,iSSUE,OPPORTi1NCTY(WhqN6at,W6ev,WherqWhy): T�1C1SSf1¢SSIIII�D77IIC1illgtleYCIOpII1CIIteIIdbllild7IIgP0IlIItts113V¢ become more compleac as tecLnology impacts the building trades and as laws on eavironmentat issues and other concems increase. Tn addition the section now deals with site plan issues and deals with lustorical preservalion issues as well as single facility issues. This level of responsibility is not reflected in any existing class spectifications and LIEP aianagement believes that we need a new title to reftect these responsibi]ities. anvan^cncES r� arYeovEn: The position w�71 be propaly compensated wlrich means we will be more likely to keep a qualifi� candidate and will be more likely to atiract qualified oandida�es when this pasirion is vacated nisnnvnlv�rpcES 1F prrxovEn: There are no knowa disadvantages except an increase in salary cosCs. DISADVpN1'ACES IF NOT APPROVED: The person who is peTfotIDing illese dutteS Will nOt be properly conlp2nSated and could possibly leave ihe City. This would be a particulaz problem at Uils time since we do not have a Deputy for Construction and tliis couid result in real dangers to the public 2Lrough failure to properly accomplish inspections. Moreover, tl�e compensation will be such that the City may not be able to attract quaiiSed candidates when the pasition does become vacank - � -- -� TOTAL Ahi0UN1' OF TRANSACftON_ S 5,325 COST/AEVENIJE BUDCE'tED: YCS o`a ±�.. ;.. � F'UIVDAGSOURCE: IdEPSpecialFuod320-333S3-0t62 ACTIVITYNUbiBER:0162 ���� ,� ; } JFD FINAT�C7AI.INb'ORMATION: (EXPI,AIA� Cou�s�4 Rasearc�; Cer4ar ���. � � V ���� �� FIUSERS'iFAMTCLASSiFW Ai,V ERSCM'RE£NFRM.W PD � 4laslqs� q�'��`� OFF[CE OF HUMAN RESOURCES John fltmutron, Director C1TY OF SAT�VT PAUL Norne Coteman, Mayor r.. � y js ) 17�y� � Robert Kessler, Director Office of LIEP Ivfichael F. Foley '/ �/ % � Apri127, 1998 400 6ry Hall Aiuuc 2S West Founh Slreet Sai.� Paul, Minnesom SSIO2-1631 Twenty Day Notice - Plan Review Coordinator 7e]ephone: 7DD?IY.� 7abline: Facsin+ile: 612-266-6500 612-266-650I 612-266-6502 612-292-7656 It has been detemilned that the title and class specification of Plan Review Coordinator should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me withir tvventy days of rec:,ipt of th;s memo, if y�u wish Yo discuss This action. If I do not hear from you within that tuneframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process_ I will also be processing a resolurion to establish the rate of pay for the title of Plan Review Coordinator in Grade 19, Section ID4, of Yhe Profess9onal Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensarion. I hereby waive the t'sme remai�ung on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. %�'������ _ '� � � Name ate a8 -�09 CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Nornt Coleman, Mayor Apri127 1998 James O'Leary, President Saint Paul Supervisors Organization PED 1300 City Hall Annex St Paul, MN 55102 Dear Mr- O'Leary: OFFTCE OF HIIMAN RFSOIIRCFS Jolen Hm+utrort, Direcror 400 Cuy Aall Ama 2S Wes[ Founfi Sveet Sain[ Pau(, Miru�esom 55102-1631 7ekphone: 612-26G65IX1 ZDDfI7Y.� 6I2-266-650I Iobline: 612-26b6502 Facsimile: 6I2-292-7656 It has been deternuned that the title and ciass specificarion of Pian Review Coordinator should be created. I have attached a copy of the ciass specification for your review. Please noYify me within trveniy days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. ff I do not hear from you within thst timeframe, I will asseme agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the title of Plan Review Coordinator in Grade 19, Section 1 D 4, of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. Sincerely, � � � � �� ���� M�chael F. Foley Office of Human Resources I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day norice for the purpose of creating this title and class specificarion. ��/lnz� � C�L�C�,. i ,� t G� d Na� Date a8 -� �9 SUNIMARY OF CLASSIFICATION STUDY REPORT Senior Plan Examiner ��� The incumbent submitted the job profile with the approval of the management of LIEP. The position has absorbed additional duties over the last few years. The focus of the section has expanded to include site plan review as well as review of individual structure plans. The supervisory responsibility of the position has expanded while the technical and administrative demands have increased. LIEP management has a new emphasis on customer assistance and this position has customer assistance responsibilities. The incumbent believes that these changes justify a job study and management concurs. e.� ������• Review of job profile Interview with incumbent Interview with supervisor Comparison to class specifications Comparison to other posirions QFS evaluation and analysis �s�., �� , �[ _. �� The duties performed by Yhe position in question were compared to duties described in the class specifications for the Plan Examiner Series, the Senior Plan Examiner, the Project ?+3aaager Series and the Trades Inspectors. The position in quesror. �erforms more responsible duties than described in any of the Plan Examiner class specs. While many of the duties are similar to the Project Manager series the position does not have the development component characteristic of this series. The various Trades Inspectors, particularly the Senior Inspectors, were found ta have similar responsihilities. � �. i � � '� � � The position in quesfion was compared to studies of positions assigned to the various classes described above. Again, the actual responsibilities were at a levei above those described for the Plan tifles. The Project Managers did have development responsibilities while the position c��-Go1 in question is more oriented to building code issues. The Trades Inspectors were found to have similaz levels of responsibility but the position in question tends to deal in resolving conflicts between the uades inspectors and to coordinate with other departments as well as other organizaflons outside the City. The position in question clearly has responsibilities at least equal to the trades inspectors and to ffie senior trades inspectors. { �� ,i� :�. The QES analysis supports allocation to Grade 19 in the SPSO unit. ::_�����•��, �� It is recommended that a new class entifled Plan Review Coordinator be established and that the position be allocated to this class and compensated as described above. ST[3DY CONDUCTEU BY: Michael F. Foley��� DATE: May 12, 1998 RESO �t���S�]y1ANAGII�4ENT APPROVAL: j/' /� .1 1 ,�.i-ett_- �/ii/p� (Signature) (Date) Council File # �0 � Green Sheet # Presented by RESOLUTION C(TY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Refeaed To CO�'� D� An Administrative Resolution to establish the rate of pay 2 for the posirion of "Plan Review Coordinatoi" RESOLVED that the rate of pay for the "Plan Review Coordinator" class be 4 established at the rate set forth in Grade 19, 5ecxion ID 4 of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it 6 FURTf�1t RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the Srst pay periad 7 following passage and approval oftivs resolurion. Requested by Department of: �S': � - Form Approved by City Attomey s5= ��� 'S � ( ) ` Approved by Mayor for Subuussion to Council Adoption Certified by Council secretary � Approved by Mayor: Date �'_ � Adopted by Council: Date ° Salary Informativn Regarc�ing Plan Review Coordinator Title Present Rate of Pay Bi-Week Present Rate of Pay nn al Senior Plan Examiner (C�trent) Plan Review Coordinator (Proposed) Difference $ 1998.07 $ 2201.95 $ 203.88 $ 52,149.63 $ 57,470.90 $ 5,321.27 0 PROPOSED TZTLE OF CLASS DESCRIPTION OF AORK ���L�� PIAN REVIEW COQRDZNATOR General Statement of Duties; CODE: 293A BU: a9 a EFFECTIVE: d 8' �� { _� Performs managerial, supervisory, and highly skilled technical work in the examination of building plans and the interpretation of codes, laws and regulations related to building construction, site development, and historic preservation; and performs related duties as required. Suvervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a division or section head. Sunervision Exezcis d; Eacercises general and technical supervision over assigned staff and acts as project leader as apgropriate. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Effectively makes personnel actions such as: hiring, discipline, reward and disc�arge, and conducts performance reviews. Assigns, distxibutes, and prioritizes work; orients and trains staff. Reviews plans for sites, buildings, and structures wh3ch incorporate...p complex architectural and structural concepts in their design. Makes mathematical computations to determine safe loads and the strength of various parts of structures. Makes complex interpretations and recommends or approves equivalents to the Building Code. Explains and enforces provisions of the building code, zoning requirements, environmental laws, historic preservation issues, and other laws and regulations related ta site development, and to the construction o£ buildings. Coordinates a varietq of issues with the Inspectors and Senior Inspectors of various trades, and with other elements of LIEP. Inspects sites and buildings to determine the legality of proposed architectural and structural changes. Answers questions and receives complaints regarding building code (continued on reverse side) PLAN REVIEW COORDINATOR � Page 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: PIAN REVIEW COORDINATOR regulations and violations from designers, builders, and the general public. Mediates disputes between applicants and assigned staff on code interpretation and equivalency determinations. Oversees the management of the historic preservation progxam. Coordinates plan examination with other related disciplines and affected City departments, and occassionally with other jurisdictions. May attend public hearings on site development snd other construction and development issues. Calculates associated £ees and issues building permits. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Considerable knowledge of architectural engineering practices and procedures. Considerable knowledge of general construction practices and procedures. Considerable ability to read blueprints and construction specifications. Considerable knowledge of the building code, zoning code, environmental laws, and other applicable laws and regulations. Considerable ability to deal ef£ectively and tactfully with all members o£ the bui2ding and construction professions and with the general public. Considerable ability to deal effectively and tactfully with e2eoLed officials, department heads, o£ficials in other jurisdictions, and others. Considerable ability to develop alternative solutions to problems. Considerable ability to persuade people to work towards alternative soluti.ons. Considerable abi2iiy to appZy knowledge to practica3 situations. Working ability to superoise others. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Six years experience in construction inspection, planning, and/or management incZuding at least two years as a Senior Plan Examinez and current certification as a Certified BuiZding Official of the State o£ Minnesota; or six years experience in construction.with responsibility for inspection, planning, and/or management, three years of which must be as an Inspector or Senior inspector in one of the trades, and current PLAN REVZEW COORDINATOR PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: Page 2 PIAN REVIEW COORDINATOR ' �(g�!/q regulations and violations from designers, builders, and the general public. Mediates disputes between applicants and assigned staff on code interpretation and equivalency determinations. Oversees the management of the historic preservation program. Coordinates plan examination with other related disciplines and affected City departments, and occassionally with other juYisdictions. May attend public hearings on site development and other construction and development issues. Calculates associated fees and issues building permits. 2CNOWI.EDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Considerable knowledge of architectural engineering practices and procedures. Considerable knowledge of general constsuction practices and pzoceduxes. Considerable ability to read blueprints and construction specifications. Gonsiderable knowledge of the building code, zoning code, environmental laws, and other applicable laws and regulations. Considerable ability to deal effectively and tactfully with all members of the building and construction professions and with the general public. Considerable ability to deal effectively and tactfully with elected officials, department heads, officials in other jurisdictions, and others. Considerable ability to develop alternative solutions to problems. Considerahle ability to persuade people to vork towards alternative solutions. Considerable ability to apply knowledge to practical situations. Working ability to supervise others. MTNIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Six years experience in construction inspection, planning, and/or management including at least two years as a Senior Plan Examiner and current certification as a Certified Building Official of the State of Minnesota; or six years experience in construction with responsibility for inspection, planning, and/or management, three yeaYS of which must be as an Inspector or Senior Znspector in one o£ the tYades, and current PLAN REVIEW COORDINATOR ' PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: Page 3 PLAN REVIEW COORDINATOR a� ��U� _� certification as a Certified Building Official of the State of Minnesota. Maintenance of current State certification is required for continued employment in this position. PIAN REVIEW COORDINATOR �������� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by Standazd Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it Council File # ��pQ Green Sheet # Coa 3� � � Refeired To Committee Date 1 An Administrative Resolution to establish the rate of pay 2 for the position of "Plan Review Coordinator" 3 RESOLVED that the rate of pay for the "Plan Review Coordinator" class be 4 established at the rate set forth in Grade 19, Section ID 4 of the Professional Employees Supervisory 5 0 7 FURTf�R RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following passage and approval of this resolution. Requested by Deparbnent of Benanav so�m coi�,� x�s Lantry Reiter � , � �: � C �'�� ✓ J � Form Approved by City Attotney ✓ r7 Pr r'1 BY� Adopted by Council: Date , Adoption Certified by Council By: c) , Approved by May te _ �� Council � °ts� -G�9 RECEIYECI DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCII.: DATE II�TTIATED GREEN SHEET NO.' xuman xesources �, a_ .� t 8,9 s s COIVTACf PERSON & PHONE: � �'�'�/�a'i'E �AYO�E��Y�.. Michael F. Foley 266-6484�j�y �ICN 1_DEPARTMENT D � 1 s_ crrr cocn�cn. Mark Robertson 266-6471 (�I� rruMSEx 2_cm ATroxx�r s_ cmr c�xx FOR 3_ BUIXiECDAi. FIN.&MGT.SERVICEDIIL MUSTBEONCaUNCII.AGENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINC 4 Mf+Y�A(OR � CIVILSERVICECOMkIISSIaN May 27, 1998 ORDER TOTAL#OFSTCNATUREPACES (CLIPALi.LOCATIONSFORSIGNATURE) acrcox xx.QUSSrEn: Approval of the attached resolution establishing the rate of pay for the title of "Plan Review Coordinator". RECOMMEENUATIONS:Appuve(A)arReJxt(A) PERSONALSERVICECONIRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOK'ING QUESfIONS _PLANNINGCOMMISSION _CIVI[.SERV[CE CObAtISSION I. Haithispasod5'meverwofkedundaacootradfa9usdepartmwt? _CID COMbff1TEE _ Yes No STAFF _ 2. HasiLispcsodfirmeverbeenacityemployceT DISTRICT COITAT Y� No SUPRORTSWIIICHCAL7NCII,OHIECRVE7 3. DoesthispersoofFi�mpossessaakitluotno�mallypoasasedbyanyauimtcity emp7oyce7 � Yea No ' . � Bzpla(n alt yes answets on upaiafe s4cetaud attachto green aheet It�'TTIATINGPROBLEM,iSSUE,OPPORTi1NCTY(WhqN6at,W6ev,WherqWhy): T�1C1SSf1¢SSIIII�D77IIC1illgtleYCIOpII1CIIteIIdbllild7IIgP0IlIItts113V¢ become more compleac as tecLnology impacts the building trades and as laws on eavironmentat issues and other concems increase. Tn addition the section now deals with site plan issues and deals with lustorical preservalion issues as well as single facility issues. This level of responsibility is not reflected in any existing class spectifications and LIEP aianagement believes that we need a new title to reftect these responsibi]ities. anvan^cncES r� arYeovEn: The position w�71 be propaly compensated wlrich means we will be more likely to keep a qualifi� candidate and will be more likely to atiract qualified oandida�es when this pasirion is vacated nisnnvnlv�rpcES 1F prrxovEn: There are no knowa disadvantages except an increase in salary cosCs. DISADVpN1'ACES IF NOT APPROVED: The person who is peTfotIDing illese dutteS Will nOt be properly conlp2nSated and could possibly leave ihe City. This would be a particulaz problem at Uils time since we do not have a Deputy for Construction and tliis couid result in real dangers to the public 2Lrough failure to properly accomplish inspections. Moreover, tl�e compensation will be such that the City may not be able to attract quaiiSed candidates when the pasition does become vacank - � -- -� TOTAL Ahi0UN1' OF TRANSACftON_ S 5,325 COST/AEVENIJE BUDCE'tED: YCS o`a ±�.. ;.. � F'UIVDAGSOURCE: IdEPSpecialFuod320-333S3-0t62 ACTIVITYNUbiBER:0162 ���� ,� ; } JFD FINAT�C7AI.INb'ORMATION: (EXPI,AIA� Cou�s�4 Rasearc�; Cer4ar ���. � � V ���� �� FIUSERS'iFAMTCLASSiFW Ai,V ERSCM'RE£NFRM.W PD � 4laslqs� q�'��`� OFF[CE OF HUMAN RESOURCES John fltmutron, Director C1TY OF SAT�VT PAUL Norne Coteman, Mayor r.. � y js ) 17�y� � Robert Kessler, Director Office of LIEP Ivfichael F. Foley '/ �/ % � Apri127, 1998 400 6ry Hall Aiuuc 2S West Founh Slreet Sai.� Paul, Minnesom SSIO2-1631 Twenty Day Notice - Plan Review Coordinator 7e]ephone: 7DD?IY.� 7abline: Facsin+ile: 612-266-6500 612-266-650I 612-266-6502 612-292-7656 It has been detemilned that the title and class specification of Plan Review Coordinator should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me withir tvventy days of rec:,ipt of th;s memo, if y�u wish Yo discuss This action. If I do not hear from you within that tuneframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process_ I will also be processing a resolurion to establish the rate of pay for the title of Plan Review Coordinator in Grade 19, Section ID4, of Yhe Profess9onal Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensarion. I hereby waive the t'sme remai�ung on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. %�'������ _ '� � � Name ate a8 -�09 CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Nornt Coleman, Mayor Apri127 1998 James O'Leary, President Saint Paul Supervisors Organization PED 1300 City Hall Annex St Paul, MN 55102 Dear Mr- O'Leary: OFFTCE OF HIIMAN RFSOIIRCFS Jolen Hm+utrort, Direcror 400 Cuy Aall Ama 2S Wes[ Founfi Sveet Sain[ Pau(, Miru�esom 55102-1631 7ekphone: 612-26G65IX1 ZDDfI7Y.� 6I2-266-650I Iobline: 612-26b6502 Facsimile: 6I2-292-7656 It has been deternuned that the title and ciass specificarion of Pian Review Coordinator should be created. I have attached a copy of the ciass specification for your review. Please noYify me within trveniy days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. ff I do not hear from you within thst timeframe, I will asseme agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the title of Plan Review Coordinator in Grade 19, Section 1 D 4, of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. Sincerely, � � � � �� ���� M�chael F. Foley Office of Human Resources I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day norice for the purpose of creating this title and class specificarion. ��/lnz� � C�L�C�,. i ,� t G� d Na� Date a8 -� �9 SUNIMARY OF CLASSIFICATION STUDY REPORT Senior Plan Examiner ��� The incumbent submitted the job profile with the approval of the management of LIEP. The position has absorbed additional duties over the last few years. The focus of the section has expanded to include site plan review as well as review of individual structure plans. The supervisory responsibility of the position has expanded while the technical and administrative demands have increased. LIEP management has a new emphasis on customer assistance and this position has customer assistance responsibilities. The incumbent believes that these changes justify a job study and management concurs. e.� ������• Review of job profile Interview with incumbent Interview with supervisor Comparison to class specifications Comparison to other posirions QFS evaluation and analysis �s�., �� , �[ _. �� The duties performed by Yhe position in question were compared to duties described in the class specifications for the Plan Examiner Series, the Senior Plan Examiner, the Project ?+3aaager Series and the Trades Inspectors. The position in quesror. �erforms more responsible duties than described in any of the Plan Examiner class specs. While many of the duties are similar to the Project Manager series the position does not have the development component characteristic of this series. The various Trades Inspectors, particularly the Senior Inspectors, were found ta have similar responsihilities. � �. i � � '� � � The position in quesfion was compared to studies of positions assigned to the various classes described above. Again, the actual responsibilities were at a levei above those described for the Plan tifles. The Project Managers did have development responsibilities while the position c��-Go1 in question is more oriented to building code issues. The Trades Inspectors were found to have similaz levels of responsibility but the position in question tends to deal in resolving conflicts between the uades inspectors and to coordinate with other departments as well as other organizaflons outside the City. The position in question clearly has responsibilities at least equal to the trades inspectors and to ffie senior trades inspectors. { �� ,i� :�. The QES analysis supports allocation to Grade 19 in the SPSO unit. ::_�����•��, �� It is recommended that a new class entifled Plan Review Coordinator be established and that the position be allocated to this class and compensated as described above. ST[3DY CONDUCTEU BY: Michael F. Foley��� DATE: May 12, 1998 RESO �t���S�]y1ANAGII�4ENT APPROVAL: j/' /� .1 1 ,�.i-ett_- �/ii/p� (Signature) (Date) Council File # �0 � Green Sheet # Presented by RESOLUTION C(TY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Refeaed To CO�'� D� An Administrative Resolution to establish the rate of pay 2 for the posirion of "Plan Review Coordinatoi" RESOLVED that the rate of pay for the "Plan Review Coordinator" class be 4 established at the rate set forth in Grade 19, 5ecxion ID 4 of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it 6 FURTf�1t RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the Srst pay periad 7 following passage and approval oftivs resolurion. Requested by Department of: �S': � - Form Approved by City Attomey s5= ��� 'S � ( ) ` Approved by Mayor for Subuussion to Council Adoption Certified by Council secretary � Approved by Mayor: Date �'_ � Adopted by Council: Date ° Salary Informativn Regarc�ing Plan Review Coordinator Title Present Rate of Pay Bi-Week Present Rate of Pay nn al Senior Plan Examiner (C�trent) Plan Review Coordinator (Proposed) Difference $ 1998.07 $ 2201.95 $ 203.88 $ 52,149.63 $ 57,470.90 $ 5,321.27 0 PROPOSED TZTLE OF CLASS DESCRIPTION OF AORK ���L�� PIAN REVIEW COQRDZNATOR General Statement of Duties; CODE: 293A BU: a9 a EFFECTIVE: d 8' �� { _� Performs managerial, supervisory, and highly skilled technical work in the examination of building plans and the interpretation of codes, laws and regulations related to building construction, site development, and historic preservation; and performs related duties as required. Suvervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a division or section head. Sunervision Exezcis d; Eacercises general and technical supervision over assigned staff and acts as project leader as apgropriate. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Effectively makes personnel actions such as: hiring, discipline, reward and disc�arge, and conducts performance reviews. Assigns, distxibutes, and prioritizes work; orients and trains staff. Reviews plans for sites, buildings, and structures wh3ch incorporate...p complex architectural and structural concepts in their design. Makes mathematical computations to determine safe loads and the strength of various parts of structures. Makes complex interpretations and recommends or approves equivalents to the Building Code. Explains and enforces provisions of the building code, zoning requirements, environmental laws, historic preservation issues, and other laws and regulations related ta site development, and to the construction o£ buildings. Coordinates a varietq of issues with the Inspectors and Senior Inspectors of various trades, and with other elements of LIEP. Inspects sites and buildings to determine the legality of proposed architectural and structural changes. Answers questions and receives complaints regarding building code (continued on reverse side) PLAN REVIEW COORDINATOR � Page 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: PIAN REVIEW COORDINATOR regulations and violations from designers, builders, and the general public. Mediates disputes between applicants and assigned staff on code interpretation and equivalency determinations. Oversees the management of the historic preservation progxam. Coordinates plan examination with other related disciplines and affected City departments, and occassionally with other jurisdictions. May attend public hearings on site development snd other construction and development issues. Calculates associated £ees and issues building permits. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Considerable knowledge of architectural engineering practices and procedures. Considerable knowledge of general construction practices and procedures. Considerable ability to read blueprints and construction specifications. Considerable knowledge of the building code, zoning code, environmental laws, and other applicable laws and regulations. Considerable ability to deal ef£ectively and tactfully with all members o£ the bui2ding and construction professions and with the general public. Considerable ability to deal effectively and tactfully with e2eoLed officials, department heads, o£ficials in other jurisdictions, and others. Considerable ability to develop alternative solutions to problems. Considerable ability to persuade people to work towards alternative soluti.ons. Considerable abi2iiy to appZy knowledge to practica3 situations. Working ability to superoise others. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Six years experience in construction inspection, planning, and/or management incZuding at least two years as a Senior Plan Examinez and current certification as a Certified BuiZding Official of the State o£ Minnesota; or six years experience in construction.with responsibility for inspection, planning, and/or management, three years of which must be as an Inspector or Senior inspector in one of the trades, and current PLAN REVZEW COORDINATOR PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: Page 2 PIAN REVIEW COORDINATOR ' �(g�!/q regulations and violations from designers, builders, and the general public. Mediates disputes between applicants and assigned staff on code interpretation and equivalency determinations. Oversees the management of the historic preservation program. Coordinates plan examination with other related disciplines and affected City departments, and occassionally with other juYisdictions. May attend public hearings on site development and other construction and development issues. Calculates associated fees and issues building permits. 2CNOWI.EDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Considerable knowledge of architectural engineering practices and procedures. Considerable knowledge of general constsuction practices and pzoceduxes. Considerable ability to read blueprints and construction specifications. Gonsiderable knowledge of the building code, zoning code, environmental laws, and other applicable laws and regulations. Considerable ability to deal effectively and tactfully with all members of the building and construction professions and with the general public. Considerable ability to deal effectively and tactfully with elected officials, department heads, officials in other jurisdictions, and others. Considerable ability to develop alternative solutions to problems. Considerahle ability to persuade people to vork towards alternative solutions. Considerable ability to apply knowledge to practical situations. Working ability to supervise others. MTNIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Six years experience in construction inspection, planning, and/or management including at least two years as a Senior Plan Examiner and current certification as a Certified Building Official of the State of Minnesota; or six years experience in construction with responsibility for inspection, planning, and/or management, three yeaYS of which must be as an Inspector or Senior Znspector in one o£ the tYades, and current PLAN REVIEW COORDINATOR ' PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: Page 3 PLAN REVIEW COORDINATOR a� ��U� _� certification as a Certified Building Official of the State of Minnesota. Maintenance of current State certification is required for continued employment in this position. PIAN REVIEW COORDINATOR �������� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by Standazd Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it Council File # ��pQ Green Sheet # Coa 3� � � Refeired To Committee Date 1 An Administrative Resolution to establish the rate of pay 2 for the position of "Plan Review Coordinator" 3 RESOLVED that the rate of pay for the "Plan Review Coordinator" class be 4 established at the rate set forth in Grade 19, Section ID 4 of the Professional Employees Supervisory 5 0 7 FURTf�R RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following passage and approval of this resolution. Requested by Deparbnent of Benanav so�m coi�,� x�s Lantry Reiter � , � �: � C �'�� ✓ J � Form Approved by City Attotney ✓ r7 Pr r'1 BY� Adopted by Council: Date , Adoption Certified by Council By: c) , Approved by May te _ �� Council � °ts� -G�9 RECEIYECI DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCII.: DATE II�TTIATED GREEN SHEET NO.' xuman xesources �, a_ .� t 8,9 s s COIVTACf PERSON & PHONE: � �'�'�/�a'i'E �AYO�E��Y�.. Michael F. Foley 266-6484�j�y �ICN 1_DEPARTMENT D � 1 s_ crrr cocn�cn. Mark Robertson 266-6471 (�I� rruMSEx 2_cm ATroxx�r s_ cmr c�xx FOR 3_ BUIXiECDAi. FIN.&MGT.SERVICEDIIL MUSTBEONCaUNCII.AGENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINC 4 Mf+Y�A(OR � CIVILSERVICECOMkIISSIaN May 27, 1998 ORDER TOTAL#OFSTCNATUREPACES (CLIPALi.LOCATIONSFORSIGNATURE) acrcox xx.QUSSrEn: Approval of the attached resolution establishing the rate of pay for the title of "Plan Review Coordinator". RECOMMEENUATIONS:Appuve(A)arReJxt(A) PERSONALSERVICECONIRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOK'ING QUESfIONS _PLANNINGCOMMISSION _CIVI[.SERV[CE CObAtISSION I. Haithispasod5'meverwofkedundaacootradfa9usdepartmwt? _CID COMbff1TEE _ Yes No STAFF _ 2. HasiLispcsodfirmeverbeenacityemployceT DISTRICT COITAT Y� No SUPRORTSWIIICHCAL7NCII,OHIECRVE7 3. DoesthispersoofFi�mpossessaakitluotno�mallypoasasedbyanyauimtcity emp7oyce7 � Yea No ' . � Bzpla(n alt yes answets on upaiafe s4cetaud attachto green aheet It�'TTIATINGPROBLEM,iSSUE,OPPORTi1NCTY(WhqN6at,W6ev,WherqWhy): T�1C1SSf1¢SSIIII�D77IIC1illgtleYCIOpII1CIIteIIdbllild7IIgP0IlIItts113V¢ become more compleac as tecLnology impacts the building trades and as laws on eavironmentat issues and other concems increase. Tn addition the section now deals with site plan issues and deals with lustorical preservalion issues as well as single facility issues. This level of responsibility is not reflected in any existing class spectifications and LIEP aianagement believes that we need a new title to reftect these responsibi]ities. anvan^cncES r� arYeovEn: The position w�71 be propaly compensated wlrich means we will be more likely to keep a qualifi� candidate and will be more likely to atiract qualified oandida�es when this pasirion is vacated nisnnvnlv�rpcES 1F prrxovEn: There are no knowa disadvantages except an increase in salary cosCs. DISADVpN1'ACES IF NOT APPROVED: The person who is peTfotIDing illese dutteS Will nOt be properly conlp2nSated and could possibly leave ihe City. This would be a particulaz problem at Uils time since we do not have a Deputy for Construction and tliis couid result in real dangers to the public 2Lrough failure to properly accomplish inspections. Moreover, tl�e compensation will be such that the City may not be able to attract quaiiSed candidates when the pasition does become vacank - � -- -� TOTAL Ahi0UN1' OF TRANSACftON_ S 5,325 COST/AEVENIJE BUDCE'tED: YCS o`a ±�.. ;.. � F'UIVDAGSOURCE: IdEPSpecialFuod320-333S3-0t62 ACTIVITYNUbiBER:0162 ���� ,� ; } JFD FINAT�C7AI.INb'ORMATION: (EXPI,AIA� Cou�s�4 Rasearc�; Cer4ar ���. � � V ���� �� FIUSERS'iFAMTCLASSiFW Ai,V ERSCM'RE£NFRM.W PD � 4laslqs� q�'��`� OFF[CE OF HUMAN RESOURCES John fltmutron, Director C1TY OF SAT�VT PAUL Norne Coteman, Mayor r.. � y js ) 17�y� � Robert Kessler, Director Office of LIEP Ivfichael F. Foley '/ �/ % � Apri127, 1998 400 6ry Hall Aiuuc 2S West Founh Slreet Sai.� Paul, Minnesom SSIO2-1631 Twenty Day Notice - Plan Review Coordinator 7e]ephone: 7DD?IY.� 7abline: Facsin+ile: 612-266-6500 612-266-650I 612-266-6502 612-292-7656 It has been detemilned that the title and class specification of Plan Review Coordinator should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me withir tvventy days of rec:,ipt of th;s memo, if y�u wish Yo discuss This action. If I do not hear from you within that tuneframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process_ I will also be processing a resolurion to establish the rate of pay for the title of Plan Review Coordinator in Grade 19, Section ID4, of Yhe Profess9onal Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensarion. I hereby waive the t'sme remai�ung on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. %�'������ _ '� � � Name ate a8 -�09 CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Nornt Coleman, Mayor Apri127 1998 James O'Leary, President Saint Paul Supervisors Organization PED 1300 City Hall Annex St Paul, MN 55102 Dear Mr- O'Leary: OFFTCE OF HIIMAN RFSOIIRCFS Jolen Hm+utrort, Direcror 400 Cuy Aall Ama 2S Wes[ Founfi Sveet Sain[ Pau(, Miru�esom 55102-1631 7ekphone: 612-26G65IX1 ZDDfI7Y.� 6I2-266-650I Iobline: 612-26b6502 Facsimile: 6I2-292-7656 It has been deternuned that the title and ciass specificarion of Pian Review Coordinator should be created. I have attached a copy of the ciass specification for your review. Please noYify me within trveniy days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. ff I do not hear from you within thst timeframe, I will asseme agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the title of Plan Review Coordinator in Grade 19, Section 1 D 4, of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. Sincerely, � � � � �� ���� M�chael F. Foley Office of Human Resources I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day norice for the purpose of creating this title and class specificarion. ��/lnz� � C�L�C�,. i ,� t G� d Na� Date a8 -� �9 SUNIMARY OF CLASSIFICATION STUDY REPORT Senior Plan Examiner ��� The incumbent submitted the job profile with the approval of the management of LIEP. The position has absorbed additional duties over the last few years. The focus of the section has expanded to include site plan review as well as review of individual structure plans. The supervisory responsibility of the position has expanded while the technical and administrative demands have increased. LIEP management has a new emphasis on customer assistance and this position has customer assistance responsibilities. The incumbent believes that these changes justify a job study and management concurs. e.� ������• Review of job profile Interview with incumbent Interview with supervisor Comparison to class specifications Comparison to other posirions QFS evaluation and analysis �s�., �� , �[ _. �� The duties performed by Yhe position in question were compared to duties described in the class specifications for the Plan Examiner Series, the Senior Plan Examiner, the Project ?+3aaager Series and the Trades Inspectors. The position in quesror. �erforms more responsible duties than described in any of the Plan Examiner class specs. While many of the duties are similar to the Project Manager series the position does not have the development component characteristic of this series. The various Trades Inspectors, particularly the Senior Inspectors, were found ta have similar responsihilities. � �. i � � '� � � The position in quesfion was compared to studies of positions assigned to the various classes described above. Again, the actual responsibilities were at a levei above those described for the Plan tifles. The Project Managers did have development responsibilities while the position c��-Go1 in question is more oriented to building code issues. The Trades Inspectors were found to have similaz levels of responsibility but the position in question tends to deal in resolving conflicts between the uades inspectors and to coordinate with other departments as well as other organizaflons outside the City. The position in question clearly has responsibilities at least equal to the trades inspectors and to ffie senior trades inspectors. { �� ,i� :�. The QES analysis supports allocation to Grade 19 in the SPSO unit. ::_�����•��, �� It is recommended that a new class entifled Plan Review Coordinator be established and that the position be allocated to this class and compensated as described above. ST[3DY CONDUCTEU BY: Michael F. Foley��� DATE: May 12, 1998 RESO �t���S�]y1ANAGII�4ENT APPROVAL: j/' /� .1 1 ,�.i-ett_- �/ii/p� (Signature) (Date) Council File # �0 � Green Sheet # Presented by RESOLUTION C(TY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Refeaed To CO�'� D� An Administrative Resolution to establish the rate of pay 2 for the posirion of "Plan Review Coordinatoi" RESOLVED that the rate of pay for the "Plan Review Coordinator" class be 4 established at the rate set forth in Grade 19, 5ecxion ID 4 of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it 6 FURTf�1t RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the Srst pay periad 7 following passage and approval oftivs resolurion. Requested by Department of: �S': � - Form Approved by City Attomey s5= ��� 'S � ( ) ` Approved by Mayor for Subuussion to Council Adoption Certified by Council secretary � Approved by Mayor: Date �'_ � Adopted by Council: Date ° Salary Informativn Regarc�ing Plan Review Coordinator Title Present Rate of Pay Bi-Week Present Rate of Pay nn al Senior Plan Examiner (C�trent) Plan Review Coordinator (Proposed) Difference $ 1998.07 $ 2201.95 $ 203.88 $ 52,149.63 $ 57,470.90 $ 5,321.27 0 PROPOSED TZTLE OF CLASS DESCRIPTION OF AORK ���L�� PIAN REVIEW COQRDZNATOR General Statement of Duties; CODE: 293A BU: a9 a EFFECTIVE: d 8' �� { _� Performs managerial, supervisory, and highly skilled technical work in the examination of building plans and the interpretation of codes, laws and regulations related to building construction, site development, and historic preservation; and performs related duties as required. Suvervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a division or section head. Sunervision Exezcis d; Eacercises general and technical supervision over assigned staff and acts as project leader as apgropriate. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Effectively makes personnel actions such as: hiring, discipline, reward and disc�arge, and conducts performance reviews. Assigns, distxibutes, and prioritizes work; orients and trains staff. Reviews plans for sites, buildings, and structures wh3ch incorporate...p complex architectural and structural concepts in their design. Makes mathematical computations to determine safe loads and the strength of various parts of structures. Makes complex interpretations and recommends or approves equivalents to the Building Code. Explains and enforces provisions of the building code, zoning requirements, environmental laws, historic preservation issues, and other laws and regulations related ta site development, and to the construction o£ buildings. Coordinates a varietq of issues with the Inspectors and Senior Inspectors of various trades, and with other elements of LIEP. Inspects sites and buildings to determine the legality of proposed architectural and structural changes. Answers questions and receives complaints regarding building code (continued on reverse side) PLAN REVIEW COORDINATOR � Page 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: PIAN REVIEW COORDINATOR regulations and violations from designers, builders, and the general public. Mediates disputes between applicants and assigned staff on code interpretation and equivalency determinations. Oversees the management of the historic preservation progxam. Coordinates plan examination with other related disciplines and affected City departments, and occassionally with other jurisdictions. May attend public hearings on site development snd other construction and development issues. Calculates associated £ees and issues building permits. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Considerable knowledge of architectural engineering practices and procedures. Considerable knowledge of general construction practices and procedures. Considerable ability to read blueprints and construction specifications. Considerable knowledge of the building code, zoning code, environmental laws, and other applicable laws and regulations. Considerable ability to deal ef£ectively and tactfully with all members o£ the bui2ding and construction professions and with the general public. Considerable ability to deal effectively and tactfully with e2eoLed officials, department heads, o£ficials in other jurisdictions, and others. Considerable ability to develop alternative solutions to problems. Considerable ability to persuade people to work towards alternative soluti.ons. Considerable abi2iiy to appZy knowledge to practica3 situations. Working ability to superoise others. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Six years experience in construction inspection, planning, and/or management incZuding at least two years as a Senior Plan Examinez and current certification as a Certified BuiZding Official of the State o£ Minnesota; or six years experience in construction.with responsibility for inspection, planning, and/or management, three years of which must be as an Inspector or Senior inspector in one of the trades, and current PLAN REVZEW COORDINATOR PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: Page 2 PIAN REVIEW COORDINATOR ' �(g�!/q regulations and violations from designers, builders, and the general public. Mediates disputes between applicants and assigned staff on code interpretation and equivalency determinations. Oversees the management of the historic preservation program. Coordinates plan examination with other related disciplines and affected City departments, and occassionally with other juYisdictions. May attend public hearings on site development and other construction and development issues. Calculates associated fees and issues building permits. 2CNOWI.EDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Considerable knowledge of architectural engineering practices and procedures. Considerable knowledge of general constsuction practices and pzoceduxes. Considerable ability to read blueprints and construction specifications. Gonsiderable knowledge of the building code, zoning code, environmental laws, and other applicable laws and regulations. Considerable ability to deal effectively and tactfully with all members of the building and construction professions and with the general public. Considerable ability to deal effectively and tactfully with elected officials, department heads, officials in other jurisdictions, and others. Considerable ability to develop alternative solutions to problems. Considerahle ability to persuade people to vork towards alternative solutions. Considerable ability to apply knowledge to practical situations. Working ability to supervise others. MTNIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Six years experience in construction inspection, planning, and/or management including at least two years as a Senior Plan Examiner and current certification as a Certified Building Official of the State of Minnesota; or six years experience in construction with responsibility for inspection, planning, and/or management, three yeaYS of which must be as an Inspector or Senior Znspector in one o£ the tYades, and current PLAN REVIEW COORDINATOR ' PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: Page 3 PLAN REVIEW COORDINATOR a� ��U� _� certification as a Certified Building Official of the State of Minnesota. Maintenance of current State certification is required for continued employment in this position. PIAN REVIEW COORDINATOR