91-1889 ��-!�ji��i�`��i���� �---,\ Council File # ��1��� / �`�� Green Sheet # � � RESO!UTION - •� - CITY OF AINT PAUL, NJ�INNESOTA � � Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date whereas, the Metro Region 911 Telephone Board has made grant money available for reimbursement of emergency medical service training expenses, and Whereas, the Department of Fire and Safey Services qualifies for the grant money, and whereas, the Metro Region 911 Telephone Board has offered the department , $55g. 00 , and Whereas, the money is reimbursement for 1990 training costs and includes no future obligations, therefore Be it resolved, the City of St. Paul accepts the reimbursement to be deposited to the general fund. ea Navs Absent Requested by Depa ment of: urron �Z �_ accaeee , ettman une / � i son � BY� � � �� Adopted by Council: Date ��T g 1991 F� pp v by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Coun ' ecretary By: ( � � � By� Approve by Ma or f is on to Approved by M yor: Da e O CT 9 Counci C R(�'f 7 ���o� By' - P�USNED OCT 19'91 �. . ' ��+��1�'i DEPARTM@NT/OFFiCEJCOUNCIL DATE INITIATED FIRE AND SAFETY SERVICES 09-17-91 GREEN SHE T No. 9481 CONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE �mw TE INITIAUDATE 2 2 4—7���. PARTMENT DIRECTOR c�rv couNCi� ASST CHIEF WARREN HAUB � ITY ATTORNEY �GTY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNqL AC�ENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINO UDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.SERVICES DIR. MAVOR(OR ASSISTA �J_(`HTF.F AC TOTAL N OF SIONATURE PAQES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 81GNATUR� ACTION REOUEBTED: TO APPROVE A COUNCIL RESOLUTION ACCEPTANCE OF A GRAN REIMBURSEMENT OF TRAINING COSTS FOR THE YEAR 1990 FROM THE METRO 911 EGIONAL TELEPHONE BOARD. , RECOMMENDATIONS:MPr�W a RsM�(� COUNCIL COMMITTEElRESEARCN REPORT L _PLANNINO COMMISBION _GViI 8ERVIC.COMMIS810N ��YST I PHONE NO. _GB WMMITTEE _ —srn� _ co�eHrs: EC �VED � —o���,� — SEP 2 8UPPORTS WMICM OOUNqL OBJECTIVE? : � �9 A� J INITIATINO PROBLEM.ISBUE.OPPORTUNITY(WAo,Wh�t,Whsn.N/Mr�,Wh�: A Y�R ' THE METROPOLITAN 911 TELEPHONE BOARD HAS REVIEWED G����PLICATTONS OF 54 METRO AREA EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE PROVIDERS AND H AWARDED $550 GRANTS TO EACH. THE GRANT IS REIMBURSEMENT FOR MEDICAL TRAI ING GIVEN TO ST PAUL FIRE FIGHTERS IN 1990. , ,I ADVANT/UiES IF APPROVED: � � $550 IN ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR TRAINING; TRAINING IS NE�ESSARY TO MAINTAIN CERTIFICATIONS AND TO REMAIN CURRENT IN FIELD OF EMER ENCY. MEDICAL SERVIC�S. � � , I� , �I D18ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: , RECE{VED NONE APPARENT. S�P 2 0 1991 — �u;�v�� ��ri�� i DI8ADVANTACiE3 IF NOT APPROVED: LOSS OF $550 THAT COULD HAVE BEEN USED FOR ADDITIONAL {jTRAINING. ; � RECEIVED COUnci! ���p�r�l� G�nt� i OCT O 1 �gg� I! !, Q�T �► ? 1991 CITY CLERK � � TOTAL AMOUNT OR TRANSACTION = 5 5�.0 0 �T������ � � ( �) Runa�sou� N'IETRO 911 REGIONAL TEL BOARD ACTIVITY NUMOER 0 1— 5101 FlNANpAI INfORMA110N:(EXPLAIN) 4 i �W i ,;P NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE OREEN SHEET INSTRUCTtONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE iN THf PURCHASINt3 OFFlCE(PHONE NO.296-4225). ROUTINCi ORDER: . � Below ero preMrrsd routin�for ths flve most frequeM typsa of documenta: CONTRACTS (aswmas autho�zed OOUNGL RESOLUTION (Amerrd� Bd�te.! budyet exists) �ux�ept.6►ar�ta) t. Outaids A�ncy 1. Department Dlrector 2. Initiatinq DepertmeM 2. Budget DlrecMr 3. dty Attomay 3. Clty Attomey 4. Ma�ror 4. MsyM/AseiBtsM 5. Ffnsncs�M�mt 3vcs. Direc�or 5. CNy Council 8. Flnanc:s Accour�ing 8. Chief Acoountant. Fln 8 Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budpet COUNCIL RE30LUTION (dl others) Revisia�) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Man�gsr 1. Initiatinp DepartmeM Director 2. D�putment AocouMant 2. City Aftomsy 3. Dep�Rrt�sM Director 3. MayaMaNteM 4. Budget dr�Ctor 4. City COUnCII 5. City qerk 6. Chi�f Accounfant. Fln�M�mt 3vcs. ADMIWI3TRATNE ORDERS (aN othe►s) 1. Initiatir�D�p�rtmsnt 2. t�iy Atbrney 3. Meyod/18eiatant 4. (�ty Clerlc ' TOTAL NUMBER OF SICiNATURE PAQES tndicate the�of payes on whkh si�aturos aro required and pepercNq escn a in•ee�ss. ACTION RECfUE3TED Ds�c�ibe v�at the projscUroquest seeks to accomplish M ei�sr chronologi- cal ordsr or ordsr of in�ortar�ce�wMchsvsr is most eppropriat�/�ths issue. Do nod writs oomplets esnt�nces. Bsgin each item in your Ilat with a verb. , RECOMMENDATIONS C.omplsto ff ths istw in qwstion h�bsen pre�nted bMwe anY�Y� P�� or private. 8UPPORT3 WHiCH COIJNqL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which CouncN obJ�ctive(s)Y�P�roQ��PP�bY lisdnq the key word(s)(HOU3INO, RECREATION, NEIOHBORHOOD3, Et:t�NOt�A1C DEVELOPMENT, ' BUD(iET, SEWER SEPARATION).($EE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MMIUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEFJRESEARCH RfPORT-OPTIONAL AS REOUE8TED BY COUNCIL INITIATING PFlOBLEM,IS3UE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situstbn w conditfons tl�at crqted a need for yair project or roquest. ADVANTAI3ES IF APPROVED Indk;ats whsthsr this is simpy an ennuel budpst procedure required by Iaw/ ch�rtor or whsthsr there aro speciflc in whkh the CRy of Sairn Paul and its cftiz�ns wfll benMk from thi�p�tle�tion. DISADVANTA(iE3 IF APPROVED ' � What�sgative efbcts or major chenp�s to existing or Pest Proc�ees migM thfs project/roqus�produce M k is pwed(e.�.,traf�c dNays, rwfae, tax incrsaaes or aswesmsnb)?To Whom?When?For Frow long? DISADVANTADES IF NOT APPROVED What will bs the negative conaequencee if the promised�tfon is not appranred?Inabilly to deUvsr ssrvice?Condnued high traffic, noise, sccidsM rat•?LOea of reti►Anue? FlNANCIAL IMPACT Altttrough you muat tailor ths In�orm�don you provide here to the issue you aro add►assing,in psnsral you must answer two qusetbns: Ha�r much is it 9��9 to cost?Who is 9��9�Pa►f�