91-1880 �R��I�'�� ,�---, ✓ r , � Council File # - � �� � Ordiaance # . �� Green Sheet ,# �3 /9� ORDINANCE O AINT P L, MINNESOTA , P�esented By �,1Referred To Committee: Date �(1�� -y � WHEELOCK BLUFF/RICE STREET 40-ACRE STUDY An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereo£ WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has made a survey of the area generally bounded by Wheelock Parkway and the bluff, the city limits, Rice Street, and the Burlington Northem Railroad, for the purpose of considering amendments to the Saint Paul Zoning Code, and has determined that: 1) the number of real estate descriptions being affected by the proposed changes would render obtaining written consent impractical; and 2) the proposed amendments are related to the overall needs of the community, to existing land use, or to plans for future land use; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, following a public hearing held for that purpose, has recommended that the Zoning Code be amended (Resolution File Number 91-63); and WHEREAS, the City Council has conducted a public hearing on the proposed Zoning Code amendments and does hereby amend the Zoning Code pursuant to the authority granted by and in accordance with the procedures set forth in Minnesota Statutes 462.357. . � THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend the Saint Paul Zoning Code by amending the zoning classifi�ations for the following properties on the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet No. 4, as incorporated by reference in Section 60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code: - Rezone from R-3 to R-2 �IN� ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPT'ION 24-29-23-13-0021-3 360 Wheelock Pkwy W Subj to sewer esmt, Lot 11, Block 2, Coleman Park ORIG�, �y,^��� �, , � 24-29-23-13-0022-6 364 Wheelock Pkwy W Subj to sewer esmt, Lot 12, Block 2, Coleman Park 24-29-23-13-0023-9 356 Wheelock Pkwy W Lot 13, Block 2, Coleman Park 24-29-23-13-0024-2 378 Wheelock Pkwy W Lots 5 and 6, Block 6, Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0084-4 Virginia Street Lot 18, Block 11, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-�85-7 Virginia Street Lot 19, Block 11, Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0086-6 Virginia Street S 1/2 of Lot 22 and all of Lots 20 and 21, Block 11, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0087-3 Virginia Street N 1/2 of Lot 22, Block 11, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0088-6 Wheelock Pkwy W S 1/2 of Lot 24 and all of Lot 23, Block 11, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0089-9 Wheelock Pkwy W N 1/2 of Lot 24 and all of Lots 25 and 26, Block 11, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0090-9 Wheelock Pkwy W Lots 27 and 28, Block 11, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0091-2 373 Arlington Ave W Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 10, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 2 ������fi�. °, ��- � �I-l� � 24-29-23-13-0107-6 Wheelock Pkwy W Lots 1 through 3, Block 1, Coleman Park 24-29-23-31-0063-1 415 Ivy Ave W Subj to Aves and Pkwy, Lot 18, Cottage Homes 24-29-23-31-0069-9 470 Wheelock Pkwy W Subj to widened Wheelock Pkwy, Part of Lot 17 sely of orig Pkwy and nely of L run nwly from se cor and at angle of 43 deg 28 min from s 1 of sd, Cottage Homes 24-29-23-31-0001-3 426 Wheelock Pkwy W Part lying sely of Wheelock Pkwy and nwly of a 1 175 ft, sely of and par to se 1 of sd Pkwy of w 85 ft of e 118 ft of Lot 4, Cottage Homes 24-29-23-34-0002-7 Ivy Ave W Subj to rd part nly of ry r/w of fol Lot 27 and e 1/2 of Lot 28, Cottage Homes 24-29-23-34-0003-0 Orange Ave W Ex Ivy Ave part n of n p ry r/w of w 1/2 of Lot 28, Cottage Homes 24-29-23-34-0005-6 474 Wheelock Pkwy W Ex w 135 ft part of Lot 17 sely of Wheelock Pkwy and swly of 1 run nwly from se cor of and at angle of 43 deg 28 min from s 1 of sd Lot 17 and ex w 135 ft the n 250 ft of Lot 29, Cottage Homes 24-29-23-34-0008-5 Orange Ave W Ex n 250 ft the w 30 ft of part nofnpryr/wofLot29, Cottage Homes 24-29-23-34-0009-8 490 Wheelock Pkwy W Subj to Pkwy Lots 1 through 3, Bernardine Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Minn. 3 �� . , �- ��j'�'� C�� ,�J 24-29-23-34-0010-8 Cohansey Street Lot 4, Bernardine Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Minn. 24-29-23-34-0011-1 Cohansey Street Lot 5, Bernardine Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Minn. 24-29-23-34-�12-4 Cohansey Street Lot 6, Bernardine Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Minn. 24-29-23-34-0013-7 Cohansey Street Lot 7, Bernardine Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Minn. 24-29-23-34-�14-0 Cohansey Street Lot 8, Bernardine Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Minn. 24-29-23-34-0016-6 Cohansey Street Lot 10, Bernardine Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Minn. 24-29-23-34-0017-9 Cohansey Street Lot 11, Bernardine Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Minn. 24-29-23-34-0018-2 Cohansey Street Lot 12, Bernardine Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Minn. 24-29-23-34-0019-5 Cohansey Street Lot 13, Bernardine Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Minn. 24-29-23-34-0020-5 499 Orange Ave W Lot 14, Bernardine Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Minn. 4 ,`�i�s��� ���"��� `� 24-29-23-34-0041-2 480 Wheelock Pkwy W Ex the w SS ft, that part of the w 135 ft of Lot 17 lying sly of Wheelock Pkwy and ex the w 55 ft, the w 135 ft of the n 250 ft of Lot 29, Cottage Homes 24-29-23-34-0047-0 Wheelock Pkwy W The w 55 ft lying sly of Pkwy of Lot 17 and w 55 ft of n 250 ft of Lot 29 and ex w 30 ft and ex n 250 ft; that part lying nwly of n r/w of Lot 29, Cottage Homes 24-29-23-42-0033-6 418 Wheelock Pkwy W Subj to Pkwy and Ave; the w 183ftofn120ftofLot3, Cottage Homes 24-29-23-34-0015-3 Cohansey Street Lot 9, Bernardine Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Minn. Rezone from R-4 to R-3 24-29-23-14-0080-9 1451 Albemarle Street Lot 13, Block 15, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0081-2 1445 Albemarle Street Lots 14 and 15, Block 15, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0084-1 199 Arlington Ave W W 8 ft of alley as vac in doc 1642713 adj and fol e 40 ft of s 120 ft of blk as indicated as iron works on recorded plat, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0085-4 205 Arlington Ave W E 80 ft of w 120 ft of s 127 ft of blk indicated as iron works on recorded plat, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0086-7 211 Arlington Ave W W 40 ft of s 120 ft of blk indicated as iron works on recorded plat, Rice Street Villas 5 ������'� ���-/�d s � C� 24-29-23-14-0097-7 1450 Marion Street Ex n 25 ft, Lot 12 n 16 ft of Lot 14 and all of Lot 13, Block 14, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0098-0 221 Arlington Ave W Ex n 16 ft Lot 14 and all of Lot 15, Block 14, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0103-1 241 Arlington Ave W Ex n 20 ft and e 72 ft; Lot 13 and ex e 72 ft; Lots 14 and 15, Block 13, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0107-3 1439 Marion Street Ex n 10 ft; Lot 11 and ex s 20 ft of part w of e 72 ft; Lot 13 and ex part w of e 72 ft; Lots 14 and 15, also all of Lot 12, Block 13, Rice Street Villas Rezone from R-4 to RT-1 24-29-23-14-0059-5 165 Arlington Ave W Lot 25, Block 16, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0060-5 1452 Albemarle Street Lots 26 and 27, Block 16, Rice Street Villas Rezone from RM-1 to R-2 24-29-23-12-0002-5 1623 Matilda Street Subj to Pkwy and ex part beg on sw cor of n 1/2 of Lot 15 th e 125 ft th swly to point on w line of Lot 15 and 25 ft s of sw cor of sd n 1/2 th n to beg the fol; s 1/2 of Lots 15 and 16, Sarahs Out Lots, Blocks 9 through 40 24-29-23-12-(�06-7 Unassigned Block A, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 6 .�. - �-�,_;�� � ,..�������������� � 24-29-23-12-0049-4 277 Wheelock Pkwy W Ex e 7 ft of vac Galtier St adj to n 1/2 of Lot 28 and all of Lots 29 and 30, Block 5 of Rice St Villas; all of vac Galtier St in doc 2219608 accruing and part nly of Wheelock Pkwy of Lot 17, Sarahs Out Lots, Blocks 9 through 40 24-29-23-13-0001-9 Unassigned Subj to st and ave Lot 32, Sarahs Out Lots, Blocks 9 through 40 24-29-23-13-0002-2 Matilda St Lot 8, Block 2, Coleman Park 24-29-23-13-0003-5 Matilda St Lot 7, Block 2, Coleman Park 24-29-23-13-0004-8 Matilda St Lot 6, Block 2, Coleman Park 24-29-23-13-0005-1 Matilda St Lot 5, Block 2, Coleman Park 24-29-23-13-0006-4 Matilda St Lot 4, Block 2, Coleman Park 24-29-23-13-0007-7 Matilda St Lot 3, Block 2, Coleman Park 24-29-23-13-0008-0 Matilda St Lot 2, Block 2, Coleman Park 24-29-23-13-0009-3 Matilda St Lot 1, Block 2, Coleman Park 24-29-23-13-0010-3 1505 Matilda St Lot 7, Block 5, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0011-6 1505 Matilda St Lot 8, Block 5, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0012-9 1505 Matilda St Lots 9 through 11, Block 5, Edwin M. Ware's Cti.imberland Addition, Plat 2 7 _s������ ���o� , �� 24-29-23-13-0013-2 Matilda St S 26.67 ft of Lot 13 and a11 of Lot 12, Block 5, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0014-5 Matilda St Ex s 26.67 ft; Lot 13 and the s 13.33 ft of Lot 15 and all of Lot 14, Block 5, Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0015-8 Matilda St Ex s 13.33 ft; Lot 15 and all of Lot 16, Block 5, Edwin M. Ware's Cti.imberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0016-1 Fanington St Lot 17, Block 5, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0017-4 Farrington St Lot 18, Block 5, Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0018-7 Farrington St Lot 19, Block 5, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0019-0 Farrington St Lot 20, Block 5, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0020-0 356 Wheelock Pkwy W Subj to esmts Lots 9 and 10, Block 2, Coleman Park 24-29-23-13-0054-3 285 Arlington Ave W Subj to sts the w 90 ft of s 200 ft of Lot 33, Sarahs Out Lots, Block 9 through 40 24-29-23-13-0055-6 1497 Matilda St Lots 1 and 2, Block 12, Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland Addition, Plat 2 8 � , t� �����'✓ 24-29-23-13-0056-9 1489 Matilda St Lot 3, Block 12, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0057-2 1485 Matilda St Lot 4, Block 12, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0058-5 1483 Matilda St Lots 5 and 6, Block 12, Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0059-8 1469 Matilda St Lots 7 and 8, Block 12, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0061-1 295 Arlington Ave W E 1/2 of Lot 13 and all of Lot 12, Block 12, Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0062-4 305 Arlington Ave W W 1/2 of Lot 13 and all of Lot 14, Block 12, Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0063-7 309 Arlington Ave W Ex w 1 ft, Lot 15, Block 12, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0064-0 311 Arlington Ave W W 1 ft of Lot 15 and all of Lot 16, Block 12, Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0065-3 317 Arlington Ave W Lot 17, Block 12, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0066-6 1460 Farrington St Lots 18 and 19, Block 12, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 9 �RII�ItN� ���D ✓� �� 24-29-23-13-0067-9 1466 Farrington St Lots 20, 21 and 22, Block 12, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0068-2 1478 Farrington St Lot 23, Block 12, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0069-5 1482 Fanington St Lot 24, Block 12, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0070-5 1486 Farrington St Lot 25, Block 12, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0071-8 1488 Farrington St Lot 26, Block 12, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0072-1 1490 Farrington St Lot 27, Block 12, Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0073-4 1496 Farrington St Lot 28, Block 12, Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland Addition, ~ Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0074-7 1497 Farrington St N 1/2 of Lot 2 qnd all of Lot 1, Block 11, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0075-0 1489 Farrington St S 1/2 of Lot 2 and all of Lot 3, Block 11, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0076-3 1483 Famngton St N 10 ft of Lot 6 and all of Lots 4 and 5, Block 11, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 10 �+� :��i�C�01�,C��i �����,/ -,i,a,,, � � 24-29-23-13-0077-6 1477 Farrington St Ex n 10 ft Lot 6 and n 1/2 of Lot 7, Block 11, Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0078-9 1461 Farrington St. S 1/2 of Lot 7 and all of Lots 8 and 9, Block 11, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0079-2 321 Arlington Ave W Lot 12, Block 11, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0080-2 325 Arlington Ave W Lot 13, Block 11, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0081-5 331 Arlington Ave W Lots 14 and 15, Block 11, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0082-8 337 Arlington Ave W Lot 16, Block 11, Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0083-1 341 Arlington Ave W Lot 17, Block 11, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0102-1 1459 Farrington St Lots 10 and 11, Block 11, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0105-0 Matilda St Ex w 30 ft; n 40 ft of s 240 ft of Lot 33, Sarah's Out Lots, Blocks 9 through 40 24-29-23-13-0106-3 Matilda St Subj to st and ave and ex s 240 ft; Lot 33, Sarah's Out Lots, Blocks 9 through 40 11 �� J �RIGl�� �„�ir� 24-29-23-13-0108-9 279 Arlington Ave W Ex the w 90 ft, the w 145 ft of the s 200 ft (subj to rd) of Lot 33, Sarah's Out Lots, Blocks 9 through 40 24-29-23-13-0109-2 261 Arlington Ave W Ex the w 145 ft, the s 200 ft (subj to rd) of Lot 33, Sarah's Out Lots, Blocks 9 through 40 24-29-23-13-0110-2 1465 Matilda St Lot 9 and n 1/2 of Lot 10, Block 12, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0111-5 1459 Matilda St Lot 11 and s 1/2 of Lot 10, Block 12, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 Rezone from RM-1 to R-3 24-29-23-14-0069-2 Albemarle St Lot l, Block 15, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0070-2 Albemarle St Lot 2, Block 15, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0071-5 Albemarle St Lot 3, Block 15, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0072-8 Albemarle St Lot 4, Block 15, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0073-1 Albemarle St Lot 5, Block 15, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0074-4 Albemarle St Lot 6, Block 15, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0075-7 Albemarle St Lot 7, Block 15, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0076-0 1473 Albemarle St Lots 8 and 9, Block 15, Rice Street Villas 12 ����a1�� �-Q�-���,/ 24-29-23-14-0077-3 1461 Albemarle St Lot 10, Block 15, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0078-6 1457 Albemarle St Lot 11, Block 15, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0079-9 1453 Albemarle St Lot 12, Block 15, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0082-5 Unassigned N 19 20/100 ft of blk indicated as iron works on recorded plat, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0083-8 193 Arlington Ave W Ex w 40 ft of s 120 ft and ex e 40 ft of s 120 ft and ex n 19, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0087-0 Marion St Lot 1, Block 14, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0088-3 Marion St Lot 2, Block 14, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0089-6 Marion St Lot 3, Block 14, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-(�90-6 Marion St Lot 4, Block 14, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0091-9 Marion St Lot 5, Block 14, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0092-2 Marion St Subj to ry r/w over the e 30 ft, Lot 6, Block 14, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0093-5 Marion St Lot 7, Block 14, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-�94-8 1466 Marion St Subj to ry r/w over the e 30 ft, Lot 8, Block 14, Rice Street Villas 13 ������A►L �-�����D ,, v 24-29-23-14-0095-1 1466 Marion St Ex s 6 ft, Lot 10 and all of Lot 9, Block 14, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0096-4 1458 Marion St S 6 ft of Lot 10 n 25 ft of Lot 12 and all of Lot 11, Block 14, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-00100-2 Marion St Ex s 20 ft, Lot 8, Block 13, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0102-8 1465 Marion St S 10 ft of Lot 9 n 10 ft of Lot 11 and all of Lot 10, Block 13, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0106-0 Galtier St Lots 24 through 30, Block 13, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0109-9 1442 Galtier St Lots 16 through 23, Block 13, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0111-2 Marion St Ex s 37 ft; Lot 2 and all of Lot 1, Block 13, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0112-5 Marion St Ex s 28 ft; Lot 3 and s 37 ft of Lot 2, Block 13, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0113-8 1489 Marion St Ex s 19 ft; Lot 4 and s 28 ft of Lot 3, Block 13, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0114-1 1483 Marion St Ex s 10 ft; Lot 5 and s 19 ft of Lot 4, Block 13, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0115-4 1477 Marion St S 10 ft of Lot 5 and all of Lot 6, Block 13, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0116-7 1473 Marion St Lot 7, Block 13, Rice Street Villas 14 � . ����� ��/-���� ✓ 24-29-23-21-0014-0 1642 Cohansey St Subj to Ave Lot 1 and all of Lots 2 through 4, Block 3, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 1 24-29-23-21-0015-3 435 Idaho Ave W W 149.32 ft of Lot 5, Block 3, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 1 24-29-23-21-0017-9 Unassigned Lot 2, Block 4, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 1 24-29-23-21-0018-2 1649 Cohansey St Lot 3, Block 4, Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland Addition, Plat 1 24-29-23-21-0019-5 Unassigned Lot 4, Block 4, Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland Addition, Plat 1 24-29-23-21-0020-5 473 Idaho Ave W E 50 ft of Lot 5, Block 4, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 1 24-29-23-21-0022-1 485 Idaho Ave W Ex e 120 ft, Lot 5, Block 4, Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland Addition, Plat 1 24-29-23-21-0058-0 Arundel St Lots 10 through 12, Idaho Addition 24-29-23-21-0064-5 446 Idaho Ave W E 63 ft of Lot 1, Block 6, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 1 24-29-23-21-0065-5 Cohansey St Ex e 63 ft, Lot 1, Block 6, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 1 24-29-23-21-0072-6 474 Idaho Ave W E 100 ft of Lot 1, Block 5, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 1 15 ff����� � ��r-i� �i�►� ,� 24-29-23-21-0073-9 494 Idaho Ave W Ex e 100 ft, Lot 1, Block 5, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 1 24-29-23-21-0130-1 486 L.arpenteur Ave W Ex n 27 ft and subj to and with esmt; part of Lot 1, Block 4, wly of fol desc line; beg at pt on sl of n 27 ft sd Lot 1 76.68 ft w of el sd lot th swly to pt on sl Lot 1 101.85 ft, w of se cor sd lot and there term, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 1 24-29-23-21-0131-4 484 L,arpenteur Ave W Ex n 27 ft and subj to and with esmt; part of Lot 1, Block 4 ely of fol desc line; beg at pt on sl of n 27 ft sd Lot 1 76.68 ft w of el sd lot th swly to pt on sl Lot 1 101.85 ft w of se cor sd lot and there, Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland Addition, Plat 1 24-29-23-21-0134-3 Idaho Ave W Lots 4 through 9, Idaho Addition 24-29-23-14-0101-5 1469 Marion St S 20 ft of Lot 8 and ex s 10 ft Lot 9, Block 13, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-21-0021-8 479 Idaho St W 70 ft of e 120 ft of Lot 5, Block 4, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 1 Rezone from RM-1 to RT-2 24-29-23-31-0002-6 Wheelock Pkwy W Subj to Aves; ex part lying nwly of a 1 175 ft sely of and par to se 1 of Wheelock Pkwy; part sly of sd Pkwy of e 180 ft of Lot 4, Cottage Homes 16 � �1lV�►� ���i��✓ 24-29-23-31-0003-9 401 Cottage Ave W Unit No 1, Condominium Number 182, Hillcrest Townhomes Condominium 24-29-23-31-0004-2 399 Cottage Ave W Unit No 2, Condominium Number 182, Hillcrest Townhomes Condominium 24-29-23-31-0005-5 397 Cottage Ave W Unit No 3, Condominium Number 182, Hillcrest Townhomes Condominium 24-29-23-31-0006-8 395 Cottage Ave W Unit No 4, Condominium Number 182, Hillcrest Townhomes Condominium 24-29-23-42-0026-8 1437 Farrington St Subj to sts & esmts; the n 104 ft of e 175 ft of Lot 2, Cottage Homes 24-29-23-42-0027-1 1429 Farrington St Subj to st & esmt; the s 71 ft ofn 175ftofe 175ftofLot2, Cottage Homes 24-29-23-42-0028-4 1425 Farrington St Subj to st and esmts the s 75 ft of n 250 ft of e 175 ft of Lot 2, Cottage Homes 24-29-23-42-0029-7 336 Arlington Ave W Subj to ave and ex e 175 ft and ex w 60 ft the n 150 ft of Lot 2, Cottage Homes 24-29-23-42-0032-3 Arlington Ave W Subj to ave & ex w 183 ft; the n 120 ft of Lot 3, Cottage Homes 24-29-23-42-0035-2 1411 Virginia St S 45 ft of n 285 ft of e 1/2 of Lot 3, Cottage Homes 24-29-23-42-0036-5 1407 Virginia St Subj to esmts the s 120 ft of n 360 ft of w 1/2 and s 75 ft of n 360 ft of e 1/2 of Lot 3, Cottage Homes 17 V��� � ���"��� 24-29-23-42-0037-8 1397 Virginia St Subj to esmts the s 120 ft of n 480 ft of Lot 3, Cottage Homes 24-29-23-42-0038-1 355 Cottage Ave W Subj to ave and esmts and ex n 480 ft, Lot 3, Cottage Homes 24-29-23-42-0096-7 1417 Virginia Circle Subj to esmts & ave; the fol; the w 60 ft of n 150 ft of Lot 2 & ex e 175 ft; the s 100 ft of n 250 ft of Lot 2 and the s 120 ft of n 240 ft of Lot 3, Cottage Homes Rezone from RM-2 to R-2 24-29-23-42-0019-0 290 Arlington Ave W W 45 ft of e 140 5/10 ft of n 156 ft of Lot 9, Wolcotts Addition to Cottage Homes, Part w of Rice St 24-29-23-42-0020-0 294 Arlington Ave W Subj to Ave and ex e 140 5/10 ft the n 176 ft of Lot 9, Wolcotts Addition to Cottage Homes, Part w of Rice St 24-29-23-42-0021-3 302 Arlington Ave W Ex s 55 81/100 ft, Lot 1, Block 1, Winkler's Plat 24-29-23-42-0023-9 306 Arlington Ave W Lot 2, Block 1, Winkler's Plat 24-29-23-42-0024-2 312 Arlington Ave W Subj to st Lot 4 and all of Lot 3, Block 1, Winkler's Plat Rezone from RM-2 to R-3 24-29-23-11-0044-2 1585 Marion St Lots 9 and 10, Block 5, Rice Street Villas 18 �rE����� `� �="����� ./ 24-29-23-11-0045-5 1577 Marion St Lot 11, Block 5, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-11-0046-8 Marion St Lot 12, Block 5, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-11-0047-1 1569 Marion St Lot 13, Block 5, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-11-0048-4 1565 Marion St Ex s 40 ft Lot 15 and all of Lot 14, Block 5, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-11-0049-7 225 Hoyt Ave W S 40 ft of Lot 15, Block 5, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-11-0050-7 250 Wheelock Pkwy W Part of Galtier St accruing as vac lying ely of L beg at sw cor of Lot 16, Block 5 th n 7 deg 59 min w to sly L of Wheelock Pkwy & fol; part sly of sd pkwy of Lots 16 through 21, Block 5, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0028-1 1547 Marion St Lot 8, Block 12, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0030-4 Marion St Lot 10, Block 12, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0031-7 Marion St Lot 11, Block 12, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0032-0 Marion St Lot 12, Block 12, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0033-3 Marion St Lot 13, Block 12, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0034-6 Marion St Lot 14, Block 12, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0035-9 1505 Marion St Lot 15, Block 12, Rice Street Villas 19 ������ � _ �-������ ✓ 24-29-23-14-0036-2 Galtier St Lot 16, Block 12, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0037-5 Galtier St Lot 17, Block 12, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0038-8 Galtier St Lot 18, Block 12, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0039-1 Galtier St Lot 19, Block 12, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0040-1 Galtier St Lot 20, Block 12, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0041-4 Galtier St Lot 21, Block 12, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0042-7 Galtier St Lot 22, Block 12, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0043-0 Galtier St Lot 23, Block 12, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0044-3 Galtier St Vac alley accruing and Lot 24, Block 12, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0045-6 Galtier St Vac alley accruing and Lot 25, Block 12, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0046-9 Galtier St Vac alley accruing and Lot 26, Block 12, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0047-2 Galtier St Vac alley accruing and fol s 20 ft of Lot 28 and all of Lot 27, Block 12, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0029-4 Marion St Lot 9, Block 12, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0110-9 1556 Galtier St Vac alley accruing and s 20 ft of Lot 28 and all of Lot 29 and Lot 30, Block 12, Rice Street Villas 20 � I�����V;A�� ��q(-�� �1 ,/ Rezone from RM-2 to RT-1 24-29-23-14-0061-8 1454 Albemarle St _ Lot 28, Block 16, Rice Street , Villas 24-29-23-14-0062-1 1458 Albemarle St Lot 29, Block 16, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0063-4 1468 Albemarle St S 1/2 of Lot 32 and all of Lots 30 and 31, Block 16, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0064-7 1476 Albemarle St N 1/2 of Lot 32 and all of Lots 33 through 35, Block 16, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0065-0 1486 Albemarle St Lot 36, Block 16, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0066-3 Albemarle St Lot 37, Block 16, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0067-6 Albemarle St Lot 38, Block 16, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0068-9 Albemarle St Lot 39, Block 16, Rice Street Villas �g�� Navs Absent Requested by Department of: zmon �� �sw'�- � �la,�h�n n - �eiu vn cr�� on �acca ee e ma i � ., u e i � — j }-- i son � BY� % '� � � /.�/ Adopted by Council: Date NOV 1 2 1991 Form Appr ve by Cit" orn Adoption Certified by Counci,l ecretary By: c� // ' I 1 ,;` � By' � Approv d y Mayor f Submission to Approved by', yor: Date N�V �1 Q �Q�� Counci B � gy' ,�'�e��Lr/i%'�'' Y� PU��ISHEa NOV 2 3�91 . � . �=�r���° �. � . , DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL� g DATE INITIATED G R E E N S H E ET P.E.D. Plannin and Desi n 9/16/91 lr� 175 20 CONTACT PERSON&PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Donna Drummond ASSIGN �CITY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK NUMBER FOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY(DATE) ROUTING �BUDGET OIRECTOR �FIN.&MQT.SERVICES DIR. ORDER �MAVOR(OR ASSISTANT) � TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Approve ordinance to rezone property in the Wheelock Bluff/Rice Street Small Area Plan study area. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Reject(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TME FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: APLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �• Has this personlfirm ever worked under a contrect fof this departmentl CIB COMMITfEE YES NO �STAFF 2• Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DIS7RICT COURT — 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 YES NO Explaln all yss answers on separate ahset and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whet.When,Where,Why): The Wheelock Bluff/Rice Street 40-Acre Study looked at appropriate zoning for the area in District 6 that is bounded by Wheelock Parkway and the bluff, the city limits, Rice Street, and the Burlington Northern Railroad. The 40-Acre Study rezoning recommendations are based on recommendations in the accompanying small area plan. ADVANTACiE3 IF APPROVED: Property will be re����c� multi-family to townhouse and single-family zoning to reflect existing development and prevent further increases in residential density in this already dense residential �'�.p 1 �gg1 CITY CLERK ` . DISADVANTAQES IF APPROVED: RECEIVED Non apparent. C�CT 01 �991 CITY CLERK DI3ADVANTAQES IF NOTAPPROVED: Possibility of further increases in residential density in this neighborhood of existing single-family homes and apartment buildings with higher than desirable vacancy rates. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S � COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIHCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) �� . �. . , � NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCI.UDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE (PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are correct routings for the five most frequent rypes of documents: CONTRACTS(assumes authorized budget exists) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend Budgets/Accept.Grants) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. Department Director 2. City Attorney 3. City Attomey 3. Budget Director 4. Mayor(for contracts over$15,000) 4. Mayor/Assistant 5. Human Rights(for contracts over$50,000) 5. City Council 6. Finance and Management Services Director 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services 7. Finance Accounting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(Budget Revision) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others, and Ordinances) 1. Activity Manager 1. Department Director 2. Department Accountant 2. Ciry Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Mayor Assistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Council 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(all others) 1. Department Director 2. City Attorney 3. Finance and Management Services Director 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indlcate the#of pages on which signatures are required and paperclip or flag each of these pages. ACTION REQUESTED Describe what the proJecVrequest seeks to accomplish in either chronologi- cal order or order of importance,whichever is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been presented before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objective(s)your projecUrequest supports by listing the key woM(s)(HOUSINCi, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) PERSONAL SERVtCE CONTRACTS: This information will be used to determine the ciry's liability for workers compensation claims,taxes and proper civil service hiring rules. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual q get procedure required by law/ charter or whether there are specific ways which the City of Saint Paul and its citizens will benefit from this proj action. DISADVANTACiES IF APPROVED ;,�� What negative effects or major changeh�existing or past processes might this projecUrequest produce if it is pas (e.g.,traffic delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)?To Wh'om?When?For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequences if the promised action is not approved?Inability to deliver service?Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate?Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it gofng to cost?Who is going to pay? �� N a� � a N t'�' 01 {� a, � v � � " w � �� c � � •� � � � � w C .0 � ° N � � O N U � ro � w O � �, ror� � z � � x � _ s� v ° � � •� a � � � z° a�i u `� `� •� oa, � m � v •� � �� a +� ��� � �' •� �i � a�'i U p N � .0 S� N O •� O 04 .!a U Z � � O N � E ap � � L � N � � N ,� � . E1 d' O � � a ¢ � n- -� (r� o '--� ' N S. � ~ � a E � cn s- � w >- a� � J LL. 1-- L] +� Z U p ►-� c � V V � rti N �- >- Z � +� C f- F- �D ^' C O '-r �--i Op� `��t O � UUC`? _ V � . �i���� . . _ a�. • � O V YIF��L.� � i 1__. ` ,t, :�.,�.. t}FpFAIC� �� ` .;,, a' � {\F+��`��.`� � -°i '��i� C���• � . , D�C 10 9 1� �►� `92 , .,, ,��, , .�, ,Z COU�� � � _ `_ `,:�Y �Y . � C� C� i. V �/�� �+V i � � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) County of Ramsey ) ss. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ) Molly O'Rourke I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .City Clerk of the � � C ty of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have 91-1880 compared the attached copy of Council File No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �..r.._,_._..,....V,._.�_-�._�� November 12, 91 �• /v� O as adopted by the City Council. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19. . . . . . 4: � .�..� November 18, 91 �� . °'?:�,.�,,� and approved by the Mayor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.. . . . . e s,'i C� �•..� ; ._...,.,,-.�..�.,.$.�.. with the original thereof on file in my office. �;._.. _ ..�.��.,R ��;:�z._..,L �� ��'�" `'^.�.1 ;; � �"`"�"`✓ �, I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of said original and the whole thereof. a� WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, � Minnesota this . , , , , 30th . . . , day of . , , November. . . . . ,A.D. 19.92 ._ � � � � . . . . ������;�:`':'� .t/. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �• City Clerk. �, � ;� .4 ° �y�� �� � �i��� ���� . _? ����;.., �.,�� �� x j i %°. � �,�e�� �- �,� y�:: _ � ,� � � � .,�, , �7t�%�'`������H�!�.. /�"�,. / �J : - � Council File # -/ , `�,fj898i?r9 �'' Ordinance # Green Sheet � r 3 y�� ORDINANCE � O AINT P L, MINNESOTA , Presented By ,,/Referred To � / � c.-r-� � I Y ' Committee: Date ���� -� � ' -ti WHEELOCK BLUFF/RICE STREET 40-ACRE STUDY An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereo£ WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has made a survey of the area generally bounded by Wheelock Parkway and the bluff, the city limits, Rice Street, and the Burlington Northern Railroad, for the purpose of considering amendments to the Saint Paul Zoning Code, and has determined that: 1) the number of real estate descriptions being affected by the proposed changes would render obtaining written consent impractical; and 2) the proposed amendments are related to the overall needs of the community, to existing land use, or to plans for future land use; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, following a public hearing held for that purpose, � has recommended that the Zoning Code be amended (Resolution File Number 91-63}; and � WHEREAS, the City Council has conducted a public hearing on the proposed Zoning Code amendments and does hereby amend the Zoning Code pursuant to the authority granted by and in accordance with the procedures set forth in Minnesota Statutes 462.357. . .- � � � THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend the Saint Paul Zoning Code by amending the zoning classifi�ations for the following pr.operties on the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet No. 4, as incorporated by reference in Section 60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code: - Rezone from R-3 to R-2 � � - PIN � ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTTON 24-29-23-13-0021-3 360 Wheelock Pkwy W Subj to sewer esmt, Lot 11, � . � Block 2, Coleman Park � ��ca��, �,��,-,�� � � � 2689829 24-29-23-13-0022-6 364 Wheelock Pkwy W Subj to sewer esmt, Lot 12, Block 2, Coleman Park 24-29-23-13-0023-9 356 Wheelock Pkwy W Lot 13, Block 2, Coleman Park 24-29-23-13-0024-2 378 Wheelock Pkwy W Lots 5 and 6, Block 6, Edwin -` M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0084-4 Virginia Street Lot 18, Block 11, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0085-7 Virginia Street Lot 19, Block 11, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0086-6 Virginia Street S 1/2 of Lot 22 and all of Lots 20 and 21, Block 11, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0087-3 Virginia Street ' N 1/2 of Lot 22, Block 11, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0088-6 Wheelock Pkwy W S 1/2 of Lot 24 and all of Lot 23, Block 11, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0089-9 Wheelock Pkwy W N 1/2 of Lot 24 and all of Lots 25 and 26, Block 11, Edwin M. Ware's C�imberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0090-Q Wheelock Pkwy W Lots 27 and 28, Block 11, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0091-2 373 Arlington Ave W � Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 10, - Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 � � ,��UU (��.I`, � L' �- O� - � ��� � � � � 2689829 24-29-23-13-0107-6 Wheelock Pkwy W Lots 1 through 3, Block 1, Coleman Park 24-29-23-31-0063-1 415 Ivy Ave W Subj to Aves and Pkwy, Lot 18, Cottage Homes 24-29-23�31-0069-9 470 Wheelock Pkwy W Subj to widened Wheelock Pkwy, Part of Lot 17 sely of orig Pkwy and nely of L run nwly from se cor and at angle of 43 deg 28 min from s 1 of sd, Cottage Homes 24-29-23-31-0001-3 426 Wheelock Pkwy W Part lying sely of Wheelock Pkwy and nwly of a 1 175 ft, sely of and par to se 1 of sd Pkwy of w 85 ft of e 118 ft of Lot 4, Cottage Homes 24-29-23-34-0002-7 Ivy Ave W Subj to rd part nly of ry r/w of fol Lot 27 and e 1/2 of Lot 28, Cottage Homes 24-29-23-34-0003-0 Orange Ave W Ex Ivy Ave part n of n p ry r/w of w 1/2 of Lot 28, Cottage Homes 24-29-23-34-0005-6 474 Wheelock Pkwy W Ex w 135 ft part of Lot 17 sely of Wheelock Pkwy and swly of 1 run nwly from se cor of and at angle of 43 deg 28 nun from s 1 of sd Lot 17 and ex w 135 ft the n 250 ft of Lot 29, Cottage Homes 24-29-23-34-0008-5 Orange Ave W Ex n 250 ft the w 30 ft of part nofnpryr/wofLot29, Cottage Homes 24-29-23-34-0009-8 490 Wheelock Pkwy W Subj to Pkwy Lots 1 through 3, � Bernardine Addition to the - City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Minn. � �� : �-� . '. ; �� G/_ / U�V ��� �. _. 2689829 24-29-23-34-0010-8 Cohansey Street Lot 4, Bernardine Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Minn. 24-29-23-34-0011-1 Cohansey Street Lot 5, Bernardine Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey ' Co., Minn. 24-29-23-34-0012-4 Cohansey Street Lot 6, Bernardine Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Minn. 24-29-23-34-0013-7 Cohansey Street Lot 7, Bernardine Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Minn. 24-29-23-34-0014-0 Cohansey Street Lot 8, Bernardine Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Minn. 24-29-23-34-0016-6 Cohansey Street Lot 10, Bernardine Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Minn. 24-29-23-34-0017-9 Cohansey Street Lot 11, Bemardine Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Minn. 24-29-23-34-0018-2 Cohansey Street Lot 12, Bernardine Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Minn. 24-29-23-34-0019-5 Cohansey Street Lot 13, Bernardine Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Minn. 24-29-23-34-0020-5 499 Orange Ave W Lot 14, Bernardine Addition _ to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Minn. � ;:�i������ 2689829 1,�9����� � 24-29-23-34-0041-2 480 Wheelock Pkwy W Fac the w 55 ft, that part of the w 135 ft of Lot 171ying sly of Wheelock Pkwy and ex the w 55 ft, the w 135 ft of the n 250 ft of Lot 29, Cottage Homes 24-29-2�~34-0047-0 Wheelock Pkwy W The w 55 ft lying sly of Pkwy of Lot 17 and w 55 ft of n 250 ft of Lot 29 and ex w 30 ft and ex n 250 ft; that part lying nwly of n r/w of Lot 29, Cottage Homes 24-29-23-42-0033-6 418 Wheelock Pkwy W Subj to Pkwy and Ave; the w 183 ft of n120 ft of Lot 3, Cottage Homes 24-29-23-34-0015-3 Cohansey Street Lot 9, Bernardine Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Minn. Rezone from R-4 to R-3 24-29-23-14-0080-9 1451 Albemarle Street Lot 13, Block 15, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0081-2 1445 Albemarle Street Lots 14 and 15, Block 15, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0084-1 199 Arlington Ave W W 8 ft of alley as vac in doc 1642713 adj and fol e 40 ft of s 120 ft of blk as indicated as iron works on recorded plat, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0085-4 205 Arlington Ave W E 80 ft of w 120 ft of s 127 ft . of blk indicated as iron works on recorded plat, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0086-7 211 Arlington Ave W W 40 ft of s 120 ft of blk ' - indicated as iron works on recorded plat, Rice Street Villas � � ������� ��'� ��-/ ����� � ' 2689829 24-29-23-14-0097-7 1450 Marion Street Ex n 25 ft, Lot 12 n 16 ft of Lot 14 and all of Lot 13, Block 14, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0098-0 221 Arlington Ave W Ex n 16 ft Lot 14 and all of Lot 15, Block 14, Rice Street -� Villas 24-29-23-14-0103-1 241 Arlington Ave W Ex n 20 ft and e 72 ft; Lot 13 and ex e 72 ft; Lots 14 and 15, Block 13, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0107-3 1439 Marion Street Ex n 10 ft; Lot 11 and ex s 20 ft of part w of e 72 ft; Lot 13 and ex part w of e 72 ft; Lots 14 and 15, also all of Lot 12, Block 13, Rice Street Villas Rezone from R-4 to RT-1 24-29-23-14-0059-5 165 Arlington Ave W Lot 25, Block 16, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0060-5 1452 Albemarle Street Lots 26 and 27, Block 16, Rice Street Villas Rezone from RM-1 to R-2 24-29-23-12-0002-5 1623 Matilda Street Subj to Pkwy and ex part beg on sw cor of n 1/2 of Lot 15 th e 125 ft th swly to point on w line of Lot 15 and 25 ft s of sw cor of sd n 1/2 th n to beg the fol; s 1/2 of Lots 15 and 16, Sarahs Out Lots, Blocks 9 through 40 24-29-23-12-0006-7 Unassigned Block A, Edwin M. Ware's G�zmberland Addition, Plat 2 � . � i ��,, �_� ���� , J����j:���r��;�:�, 2689829 /- 24-29-23-12-0049-4 277 Wheelock Pkwy W Ex e 7 ft of vac Galtier St adj to n 1/2 of Lot 28 and all of Lots 29 and 30, Block 5 of Rice St Villas; all of vac Galtier St in doc 2219608 accruing and part nly of -� Wheelock Pkwy of Lot 17, Sarahs Out Lots, Blocks 9 through 40 24-29-23-13-0001-9 Unassigned Subj to st and ave Lot 32, Sarahs Out Lots, Blocks 9 through 40 24-29-23-13-0002-2 Matilda St Lot 8, Block 2, Coleman Park 24-29-23-13-0003-5 Matilda St Lot 7, Block 2, Coleman Park 24-29-23-13-0004-8 Matilda St Lot 6, Block 2, Coleman Park 24-29-23-13-0005-1 Matilda St Lot 5, Block 2, Coleman Park � 24-29-23-13-0006-4 Matilda St Lot 4, Block 2, Coleman Park 24-29-23-13-0007-7 Matilda St Lot 3, Block 2, Coleman Park 24-29-23-13-0008-0 Matilda St Lot 2, Block 2, Coleman Park 24-29-23-13-0009-3 Matilda St Lot 1, Block 2, Coleman Park 24-29-23-13-0010-3 1505 Matilda St Lot 7, Block 5, Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0011-6 1505 Matilda St Lot 8, Block 5, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0012-9 1505 Matilda St Lots 9 through 11, Block S, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland � Addition, Plat 2 - � � ��,���:����� �'�i��v , . . 2689829 24-29-23-13-0013-2 Matilda St S 26.67 ft of Lot 13 and all of Lot 12, Block 5, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0014-5 Matilda St Ex s 26.67 ft; Lot 13 and the s -• 13.33 ft of Lot 15 and a11 of � Lot 14, Block 5, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0015-8 Matilda St Ex s 13.33 ft; Lot 15 and all of Lot 16, Block 5, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0016-1 Farrington St Lot 17, Block 5, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0017-4 Farrington St Lot 18, Block 5, Edwin M. Wa.re's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0018-7 Farrington St Lot 19, Block 5, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0019-0 Farrington St Lot 20, Block 5, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0020-0 356 Wheelock Pkwy W Subj to esmts Lots 9 and 10, Block 2, Coleman Park 24-29-23-13-0054-3 285 Arlington Ave W Subj to sts the w 90 ft of s 200 ft of Lot 33, Sarahs Out Lots, Block 9 through 40 24-29-23-13-0055-6 1497 Matilda St Lots 1 and 2, Block 12, Edwin � M. Ware's C�mberland - Addition, Plat 2 � � ��I�O�I� ���-�� . . 2689829 24-29-23-13-0056-9 1489 Matilda St Lot 3, Block 12, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0057-2 1485 Matilda St Lot 4, Block 12, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, -� Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0058-5 1483 Matilda St Lots 5 and 6, Block 12, Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0059-8 1469 Matilda St Lots 7 and 8, Block 12, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0061-1 295 Arlington Ave W E 1/2 of Lot 13 and all of Lot 12, Block 12, Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0062-4 305 Arlington Ave W W 1/2 of Lot 13 and all of Lot 14, Block 12, Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0063-7 309 Arlington Ave W Ex w 1 ft, Lot 15, Block 12, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0064-0 311 Arlington Ave W W 1 ft of Lot 15 and all of Lot 16, Block 12, Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0065-3 317 Arlington Ave W Lot 17, Block 12, Edwin M. � Ware's Cumberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0066-6 1460 Farrington St Lots 18 and 19, Block.12, _ Edwin M. Ware's Ctiimberland Addition, Plat 2 � lv � �. ��� ������� � � . � 2689829 24-29-23-13-0067-9 1466 Farrington St Lots 20, 21 and 22, Block 12, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0068-2 1478 Farrington St Lot 23, Block 12, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, -� Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0069-5 1482 Farrington St Lot 24, Block 12, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0070-5 1486 Farrington St Lot 25, Block 12, Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0071-8 1488 Fanington St Lot 26, Block 12, Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0072-1 1490 Farrington St Lot 27, Block 12, Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0073-4 1496 Farrington St Lot 28, Block 12, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, � Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0074-7 1497 Farrington St N 1/2 of Lot 2 qnd all of Lot 1, Block 11, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0075-0 1489 Farrington St S 1/2 of Lot 2 and all of Lot 3, Block 11, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0076-3 1483 Farrington St N 10 ft of Lot 6 and all of Lots 4 and S, Block 11, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 _ .k9' < < __ ,i,-:;i � � -, � . ' D - ;hP`.�� '..Z��i� t_ " ��/-�� '•� - v r � 2�89829 24-29-23-13-0077-6 1477 Farrington St Ex n 10 ft Lot 6 and n 1/2 of Lot 7, Block 11, Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0078-9 1461 Farrington St. S 1/2 of Lot 7 and all of Lots -, 8 and 9, Block 11, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0079-2 321 Arlington Ave W Lot 12, Block 11, Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0080-2 325 Arlington Ave W Lot 13, Block 11, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0081-5 331 Arlington Ave W Lots 14 and 15, Block 11, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 � 24-29-23-13-0082-8 337 Arlington Ave W Lot 16, Block 11, Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0083-1 341 Arlington Ave W Lot 17, Block 11, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0102-1 1459 Farrington St Lots 10 and 11, Block 11, Edwin M. Ware's C�imberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0105-0 Matilda St Ex w 30 ft; n 40 ft of s 240 ft of Lot 33, Sarah's Out Lots, Blocks 9 through 40 24-29-23-13-0106-3 Matilda St Subj to st and ave and ex s 240 ft; Lot 33, Sarah's Out � Lots, Blocks 9 through 40 _ � l � _ ����� '`� 2689829 ��//-%�� 24-29-23-13-0108-9 279 Arlington Ave W Ex the w 90 ft, the w 145 ft of the s 200 ft (subj to rd) of Lot 33, Sarah's Out Lots, Blocks 9 through 40 24-29-23-13-0109-2 2b1 Arlington Ave W Ex the w 145 ft, the s 200 ft -, (subj to rd) of Lot 33, Sarah's Out Lots, Blocks 9 through 40 24-29-23-13-0110-2 1465 Matilda St Lot 9 and n 1/2 of Lot 10, Block 12, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 2 24-29-23-13-0111-5 1459 Matilda St Lot 11 and s 1/2 of Lot 10, Block 12, Edwin M. Ware's Cti.imberland Addition, Plat 2 Rezone from RM-1 to R-3 24-29-23-14-0069-2 Albemarle St Lot 1, Block 15, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0070-2 Albemarle St Lot 2, Block 15, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0071-5 Albemarle St Lot 3, Block 15, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0072-8 Albemarle St Lot 4, Block 15, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0073-1 Albemarle St Lot 5, Block 15, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0074-4 Albemarle St Lot 6, Block 15, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0075-7 Albemarle St Lot 7, Block 15, Rice Street ' Villas 24-29-23-14-0076-0 1473 Albemarle St Lots 8 and 9, Block 15, Rice _ Street Villas � l� M ��.��� � �9�"(��� 1 2�89829 24-29-23-14-0077-3 1461 Albemarle St Lot 10, Block 15, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0078-6 1457 Albemarle St Lot 11, Block 15, Rice Street Villas 24-29-2�414-0079-9 1453 Albemarle St Lot 12, Block 15, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0082-5 Unassigned N 19 20/100 ft of blk indicated as iron works on recorded plat, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0083-8 193 Arlington Ave W Ex w 40 ft of s 120 ft and ex e 40 ft of s 120 ft and ex n 19, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0087-0 Marion St Lot 1, Block 14, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0088-3 Marion St Lot 2, Block 14, Rice Street Villas � 24-29-23-14-0089-6 Marion St Lot 3, Block 14, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0090-6 Marion St Lot 4, Block 14, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0091-9 Marion St Lot 5, Block 14, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0092-2 Marion St Subj to ry r/w over the e 30 ft, Lot 6, Block 14, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0093-5 Marion St Lot 7, Block 14, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0094-8 1466 Marion St Subj to ry r/w over the e 30 ft, - Lot 8, Block 14, Rice Street Villas � �� ��;������ �j=�i�,��o . . 2689829 � 24-29-23-14-0095-1 1466 Marion St Ex s 6 ft, Lot 10 and all of Lot 9, Block 14, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0096-4 1458 Marion St S 6 ft of Lot 10 n 25 ft of Lot 12 and all of Lot 11, Block 14, _� Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-00100-2 Marion St Ex s 20 ft, Lot 8, Block 13, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0102-8 1465 Marion St S 10 ft of Lot 9 n 10 ft of Lot 11 and all of Lot 10, Block 13, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0106-0 Galtier St Lots 24 through 30, Block 13, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0109-9 1442 Galtier St Lots 16 through 23, Block 13, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0111-2 Marion St F�ac s 37 ft; Lot 2 and all of Lot 1, Block 13, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0112-5 Marion St Ex s 28 ft; Lot 3 and s 37 ft of Lot 2, Block 13, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0113-8 1489 Marion St Fx s 19 ft; Lot 4 and s 28 ft of Lot 3, Block 13, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0114-1 1483 Marion St Ex s 10 ft; Lot 5 and s 19 ft of Lot 4, Block 13, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0115-4 1477 Marion St S 10 ft of Lot 5 and all of Lot . 6, Block 13, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0116-7 1473 Marion St Lot 7, Block 13, Rice Street Villas � � � ��� t������'� . . ��������� ��:�: `` - t � - 2689829 24-29-23-21-0014-0 1642 Cohansey St Subj to Ave Lot 1 and all of Lots 2 through 4, Block 3, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 1 24-29-23-21-0015-3 435 Idaho Ave W W 149.32 ft of Lot 5, Block 3, -, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 1 24-29-23-21-0017-9 Unassigned Lot 2, Block 4, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 1 24-29-23-21-0018-2 1649 Cohansey St Lot 3, Block 4, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 1 24-29-23-21-0019-5 Unassigned Lot 4, Block 4, Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland Addition, Plat 1 24-29-23-21-0020-5 473 Idaho Ave W E 50 ft of Lot 5, Block 4, � Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 1 24-29-23-21-0022-1 485 Idaho Ave W Ex e 120 ft, Lot 5, Block 4, Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland Addition, Plat 1 24-29-23-21-0058-0 Arundel St Lots 10 through 12, Idaho Addition 24-29-23-21-0064-5 446 Idaho Ave W E 63 ft of Lot 1, Block 6, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 1 24-29-23-21-0065-8 Cohansey St Ex e 63 ft, Lot 1, Block 6, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 1 � 24-29-23-21-0072-6 474 Idaho Ave W E 100 ft of Lot 1, Block 5, _ Edwin M. Ware's Cti.imberland Addition, Plat 1 ...�` ����� � r � ��y�-��� � � ��� 2689829 � 24-29-23-21-0073-9 494 Idaho Ave W Ex e 100 ft, Lot 1, Block 5, Edwin M. Ware's C�mberland Addition, Plat 1 24-29-23-21-0130-1 486 Larpenteur Ave W Ex n 27 ft and subj to and with esmt; part of Lot 1, Block -� 4, wly of fol desc line; beg at ptonslofn27ftsdLotl 76.68 ft w of el sd lot th swly to pt on sl Lot 1 101.85 ft, w of se cor sd lot and there term, Edwin M. Ware's G�mberland Addition, Plat 1 24-29-23-21-0131-4 484 La,rpenteur Ave W Ex n 27 ft and subj to and with esmt; part of Lot 1, Block 4 ely of fol desc line; beg at pt on sl of n 27 ft sd Lot 1 76.68 ft w of el sd lot th swly to pt on sl Lot 1 101.85 ft w of se cor sd lot and there, Edwin M. Ware's Cumberland Addition, Plat 1 24-29-23-21-0134-3 Idaho Ave W Lots 4 through 9, Idaho . Addition 24-29-23-14-0101-5 1469 Marion St S 20 ft of Lot 8 and ex s 10 ft Lot 9, Block 13, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-21-0021-8 479 Idaho St W 70 ft of e 120 ft of Lot 5, Block 4, Edwin M. Ware's Cti.imberland Addition, Plat 1 Rezone from RM-1 to RT-2 24-29-23-31-0002-6 Wheelock Pkwy W Subj to Aves; ex part lying, nwly of a 1 175 ft sely of and par to se 1 of Wheelock Pkwy; part sly of sd Pkwy of e 180 ft of Lot 4, Cottage Homes � !� r . �Q/��G� '���'�� , � 2689829 24-29-23-31-0003-9 401 Cottage Ave W Unit No 1, Condominium Number 182, Hillcrest Townhomes Condominium 24-29-23-31-0004-2 399 Cottage Ave W Unit No 2, Condominium Number 182, Hillcrest -� Townhomes Condominium 24-29-23-31-0005-5 397 Cottage Ave W Unit No 3, Condominium Number 182, Hillcrest Townhomes Condominium 24-29-23-31-0006-8 395 Cottage Ave W Unit No 4, Condominium Number 182, Hillcrest Townhomes Condominium 24-29-23-42-0026-8 1437 Farrington St Subj to sts & esmts; the n 104 ft of e 175 ft of Lot 2, Cottage Homes 24-29-23-42-0027-1 1429 Fanington St Subj to st & esmt; the s 71 ft ofn175ftofe 175ftofLot2, Cottage Homes 24-29-23-42-0028-4 1425 Farrington St Subj to st and esmts the s 75 ft of n 250 ft of e 175 ft of Lot 2, Cottage Homes 24-29-23-42-0029-7 336 Arlington Ave W Subj to ave and ex e 175 ft and ex w 60 ft the n 150 ft of Lot 2, Cottage Homes 24-29-23-42-0032-3 Arlington Ave W Subj to ave & ex w 183 ft; the n 120 ft of Lot 3, Cottage Homes 24-29-23-42-0035-2 1411 Virginia St S 45 ft of n 285 ft of e 1/2 of � Lot 3, Cottage Homes 24-29-23-42-0036-5 1407 Virginia St Subj to esmts the s 120 ft of n 360 ft of w 1/2 and s 75 ft of _ n 360 ft of e 1/2 of Lot 3, Cottage Homes � I l) ����� �� �O�-q; ��o� 2689829 24-29-23-42-0037-8 1397 Virginia St Subj to esmts the s 120 ft of n 480 ft of Lot 3, Cottage Homes 24-29-23-42-0038-1 355 Cottage Ave W Subj to ave and esmts and ex n 480 ft, Lot 3, Cottage -' Homes 24-29-23-42-0096-7 1417 Virginia Circle Subj to esmts & ave; the fol; the w 60 ft of n 150 ft of Lot 2 & ex e 175 ft; the s 100 ft of n 250 ft of Lot 2 and the s 120 ft of n 240 ft of Lot 3, Cottage Homes Rezone from RM-2 to R-2 24-29-23-42-0019-0 290 Arlington Ave W W 45 ft of e 140 5/10 ft of n 156 ft of Lot 9, Wolcotts Addition to Cottage Homes, Part w of Rice St 24-29-23-42-0020-0 � 294 Arlington Ave W Subj to Ave and ex e 140 5/10 ft the n 176 ft of Lot 9, Wolcotts Addition to Cottage Homes, Part w of Rice St 24-29-23-42-0021-3 302 Arlington Ave W Ex s 55 81/100 ft, Lot 1, Block 1, Winkler's Plat 24-29-23-42-0023-9 306 Arlington Ave W Lot 2, Block 1, Winkler's Plat 24-29-23-42-0024-2 312 Arlington Ave W Subj to st Lot 4 and all of Lot 3, Block 1, Winkler's Plat Rezone from RM-2 to R-3 . 24-29-23-11-0044-2 1585 Marion St Lots 9 and 10, Block 5, Rice Street Villas ,� � � '-' ' #�`��� ` � �,�"�(�l� ✓ �-:'k�������� 2689829 24-29-23-11-0045-5 1577 Marion St Lot 11, Block S, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-11-0046-8 Marion St Lot 12, Block 5, Rice Street Villas 24-29-?.3�-11-0047-1 1569 Marion St Lot 13, Block 5, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-11-(�48-4 1565 Marion St Ex s 40 ft Lot 15 and all of Lot 14, Block 5, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-11-0049-7 225 Hoyt Ave W S 40 ft of Lot 15, Block 5, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-11-0050-7 250 Wheelock Pkwy W Part of Galtier St accruing as vac lying ely of L beg at sw cor of Lot 16, Block 5 th n 7 deg 59 min w to sly L of Wheelock Pkwy & fol; part sly of sd pkwy of Lots 16 through 21, Block 5, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0028-1 1547 Marion St Lot 8, Block 12, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0030-4 Marion St Lot 10, Block 12, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0031-7 Marion St Lot 11, Block 12, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0032-0 Marion St Lot 12, Block 12, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0033-3 Marion St Lot 13, Block 12, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0034-6 Marion St Lot 14, Block 12, Rice Street Villas - 24-29-23-14-0035-9 1505 Marion St Lot 15, Block 12, Rice Street Villas � �� . :����:�a�:���� . �� �r��-��� � . 2��9�29 24-29-23-14-0036-2 Galtier St Lot 16, Block 12, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0037-5 Galtier St Lot 17, Block 12, Rice Street Villas 24-29-2�'=14-0038-8 Galtier St Lot 18, Block 12, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0039-1 Galtier St Lot 19, Block 12, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0040-1 Galtier St Lot 20, Block 12, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0041-4 Galtier St Lot 21, Block 12, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0042-7 Galtier St Lot 22, Block 12, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0043-0 Galtier St Lot 23, Block 12, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0044-3 Galtier St Vac alley accruing and Lot 24, Block 12, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0045-6 Galtier St Vac alley accruing and Lot 25, Block 12, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0046-9 Galtier St Vac alley accruing and Lot 26, Block 12, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0047-2 Galtier St Vac alley accruing and fol s 20 ft of Lot 28 and all of Lot 27, Block 12, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0029-4 Marion St Lot 9, Block 12, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0110-9 1556 Galtier St Vac alley accruing and s 20 ft of Lot 28 and all of Lot 29 - and Lot 30, Block 12, Rice Street Villas � � I � �` ���°�'t►� (�I��_�(� ���� ��.. � � 2�8�sz� ,/ Rezone from RM-2 to RT-1 24-29-23-14-0061-8 1454 Albemarle St _ Lot 28, Block lb, Rice Street � , Villas 24-29-23-14-0062-1 1458 Albemarle St Lot 29, Block 16, Rice Street -� Villas 24-29-23-14-0063-4 1468 Albemarle St S 1/2 of Lot 32 and all of L.ots 30 and 31, Block 16, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0064-7 1476 Albemarle St N 1/2 of Lot 32 and all of Lots 33 through 35, Block 16, Rice Street Villas � 24-29-23-14-0065-0 1486 Albemarle St Lot 36, Block 16, Rice Street Villas 24-29-23-14-0066-3 Albemarle St Lot 37, Block 16, Rice Street � Villas 24-29-23-14-0067-6 Albemarle St Lot 38, Block 16, Rice Street � Villas 24-29-23-14-0068-9 Albemarle St Lot 39, Block 16, Rice Street � Villas Yeas Navs Absent Requeated by Department of: imon �- oswitz � - � on �-- Pia�+h�n����� - ��ci,,,p:m c.�1` acca ee — � ettman i ����i _, } � , une � B /( ,����,,1 ' 1/.✓ '� i son � Y� _ �) ) ' � � i _ / Adopted by Council: Date NOV 12 l99� Form Appr ve by City-� orn � � _ Adoption Certified by Coun�/1 ecretary By: �, � �� ` / � By� � t `-� �� Approv d y Mayor fd Submission to � t� � �q Counci � Approved by;, yor: Date ��}� '� :, �<��. , ,� By: ��*�t�%'�'' By: �E1��1��l�� �iflV 2 3°91 �� �1l— l�?84. . b �--r�. a 7�4� (--- ! ���,,,,� __ r . , � , ,� .����� r��.� -��,.r 1--���:� ' -��� l-� s ��.,�t== �, , CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� , ; DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ° ���u�mu ; � DIVISION OF PLANNING AND DESIGN +� °t1 �� „0 25 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 +�.. 612-22&320�1' FAX: 612-22&�2'20 ]AMES SCHEiBEL • :: MAYOR ' i V` '�` r � MEMORANDUM - y�.T r r —..s �-s 1 DATE: October 28, 1991 TO: Wheelock Bluff/Rice Street Small Area Plan Mailing List FROM: Donna Drummond RE: CANCELLATION OF OCT. 30 CITY COUNCIL HOUSING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING The City Council's Housing and Economic Development Committee meeting for Wednesday, October 30, has been cancelled unexpectedly. There will be a public hearing on the Wheelock Bluff/Rice Street Small Area Plan and 40-Acre Study at the full City Council on Tuesday, November 5, 9 a.m., City Council Chambers, 3rd F1oor City Hall. The Council meeting starts at 9 a.m. I am not sure where this public hearing will fall on the agenda. Please call the City Clerk's office (298-4231) if you want more information. Because of the cancellation of the HED meeting, the plan and 40-acre study are going directly to City CounciL Please call me (228-3365) if you want more information or have questions. I am very sorry for the inconvenience this has caused. cc: Dan Comejo Ken Ford � Don Crotty f -�� � �,�y�-�l� . NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the City Council on the 5th day of November, 1991 at 9:00 A.M. in the St. Paul City Council Chambers, 3rd floor of City Hall, to consider proposed amendments to the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 60, regarding the rezoning of property within the Wheelock Bluff/Rice Street Small Area Plan and 40 Acre Study. The plarimaYes rscommendations regarding zoning, land use, op�n space/parks and residential development for this neighborhood south of Larpenteur Avenue and west of Rice Street to approximately the Wheelock Parkway bluff. At said time and place, the Council will hear all persons relative to this proposal. Dated Uctober 21, 199:1 Molly O'Rourke City Clerk � ,_..;��e� �6� ���1) /�-.s ,� , �° � - - �� � ��. . . ���. q %i�� . . J . . \ . � _ . xaeigucu uy u�c rtc�aum va aauco�.m.a.o...... ""--'--- . Paui,thence North 89 d 57.mtnutea 45 ° � � � � .1n the body=of the certlilrate,the followtng, eBr� :C.Hovorka,dxeseed:Thevnknown helrs of Mary � '��: ' , eeconds East on an assumed bearing along the`•a Hovorka.deceaeed:Theunknown hetraofGeorge (� / � . ,SubJect to the retained easements and S°uth llne of sald Block 1 125.03 feet to the T.d3ovorka,deceascd:The unknown helrs of Henry / righta 1n Chapter 130 0(the SG Paul Northwesterty rlght-o[-way Lne oC the Chtcago Sh'epers.,deceaeed:.alee a1T heiro and devlsees of �e. • Mllwaukee.SL Paui and Paclilc Railroad.thence '-�Y o������persona who are deceaaed. J c?�(� � '.f,eglslatl� Code. as amrnded. as to Northwester alon sald rl t-of-wa ..a curn`'+: , •' Fran'cea Street, vacated, undertying h' g � y and'allotherperaonsorpairtleaunimown.clalming / � g, - concavetotheSoutheastwltharadlns.of1918.0 �y��t.tiUe.eatate.llet�or lnterest In the teal Tract A.Regtstered Land Survey No. -.feet,central an e of 10 d ees 28 a►inutes 30 pp� r c 32 ' + "' (herc lnaeit the number of the � � �state deecrlbed 1n the a icaUon herein 'i of eeconds.a distance of 350.60 ket to a polnt of �� ,-� _, �-f` � � r�_.Registercd Land Survey as asslgned . compound curvature, thence conflciuing' ��knde'i't'' `r" '`F'�!``.' 'ti'-`�-ES S'-' by the Reglstrar of 1Ydes): Y B 8h Y� `T� STATE DF�MINNESO'fA TO�Tf�ABOVE it � ' Northeasterl alon said d t-of-wa :a curve . ,� - and ahow on aald transkr certiticate of UUe the �ncave to the Southeast wlth a r¢dius o[937.3 ':�NAMED DEFENDANTS.::., ;,,, ••`::' �.`�.;;r'; folloaMng memorlals: � � You_are here summoned and required ;to he : , , feet.centrat an e of O 1 de 36 minutes 30 ;, . bY, .. ng Doc.No:653706-9utt Clalm Deed in favor �nda a dlstance of 26.31 ket.to the North Ifne__ �nswer the appllcatlon of the applicant 1n the atiove ;t , bf the City of Salnt Paul, alfects Tract E. of sald Block 1,and tbere terminatlng:, ,.`, enUtled proceeding and,to fl1e your answer to°the� . hc ; .•, Registered Land Sumy No.`'_(here insert � •- " `• ` °' ' aaid'applicaUon In' the oftice of the court . . all of the alley ln Btock 1.�BECK AND � � the number of the Registered Land Survey_as ggECKENRIDGEADDITlONtoStPanl,vacated. ���atrator daaid court,in safd county,withln �st assigned by the Registrar o[TfUes). . �g��n the Westerly llne of eafil Block�1 �2�daY°a1t�r°°rvlce of thla eummona upon you � Doc.No.912299-NoUce d Lis Pendena t11ed and Northweaterlyofallnedeacribed aabeginning �uslve of the day of such eervlce,and,!f you fall �a �'January 5. 1990.Distrlct Court Case No.C5- at a polnt on the North llne of Lot 181n eaid B1ock :.�O��r the appllcation within the tlme aforesaid. 72 89-13706. • . . - , .1 dlstant 73.82 feet from the Northwest comer o[ '�e appllrant in thla proeeeding wlll aPPiy to the � '�but omit from eald 'transfer certiIlcate the Lot 17 1n aald Block 1. ffience Northwesterly' °OUrt for the rellefdemanded thereln. -: °° :' �:memorlals of all other lnstrumenta aPpearinB along a curn concave to the Southeaat and .`'. �'�NESS. J.E:";GOCKOWSIiI.�-DlatriM Court a •�-on CertlRcate, of Title No. 279117 and the having a radlue of 1918.0 feet,to a polnt ori the �•�minlstrator o[satd court,and the seal theieof,at of ` ' South llne of Lot 6 ln said Block 1 distant 53.43;. St.Paul.In eald county,ffife 25 day of Ocfober. � ' memorlal of thie Order: - _ `+, " , - 2..Show.by memorlal on Certlficate of TIUe No. feet East from the Southwest corner of Lot 7 in' �1991 � _ .� �5: . .-.eaid Block 1,e�xept that part of the North halfof l � � ,`,.J..E.GOCKOWSKI ' � ; 279117 ffiat the memorlal of the Order of thls ' �d aliey,vacated,which abuts Lot?in aaid - "Dlstrlct Court Adminlatrator. da ' Court flled as Document No. 847137 be g�ak 1 and Hes behveen the acten�ona acroas . - =" `=.-By:SUSAN CRUZ he smended to omlt the repeUUon of the 11rat �d aliey of the East and West llnes'o[eaid Lot � --� • i-° _ -L Deputy ,.,, .>-.._ ..: words o[the accepted property as follows:'all � ., ' All ,• ' . 7 and Northweaterly of a Lne descrlbcd as - . -- �, of Lots 1 to_12,lnclusive and Lots 21 to 33. ����g at a point on tt►e North line of Lot 18 MEIER KENNEDY&QUINN CHARTERED. ` - lncluafve :' ` ' CHARI.ES'M.BICHLER� �1� •. , , ; . . . �.� -- �, ,fn eaid Block 1 dlafan4 73.82 feef Eabf from the,'.� ,4 3.Show by memorlai on.Certlllcate of TIUe No. IYorthwest corner of Lot 17 ln sald Block 1 Attomey Reg.No.209818 °.= r � � ' .•. s 1 279117 that the legal deecrlpdon for the land � thence Northweatvly along a curve�concave to`.Attomeys for Applicant .C.:;r� ,_' ` ��: �, .=•` :"'.appeaHng on said cerUIIcate Is further revlsed �";C'.�e Southeast and havinga radiui of 1918.0 teet-f Sulte 2200.North Central I�ife Tow�. � r�,:;� 17 " by adding the following thereto:. �,, - },�a point oq the South 11ne of Lot 6 tn sald Block � • "' ��� 4; � - in. ; 't'I�actsA B,C D E.Reglsterod ^ 1 dletant b3.43 feet East from the southweat 4i5�nneso 5St �D� � , S P MN 101-2100 Ex�ep ,i ; . . � ..y . .'kr�o-� ti �=ar ,'I612)ZZH-1911�'t��;w,,,a �`P�._ t - 1x� 'Land Survey No `_Uneert number - ,��.,corner of sald Lot 9 �"-.na�R; tyri KM�r s`:._ .� .;• ] { �:�r f.7.:`(OcL 30-Nov.6) '��� �'[�'i?`' nq ' - of reglstered land survey to be 111ed all in�B1oCk 1. BECK�AND BRECKENRIDGE ::s�.sa:ST.PAUL LE(iAL LEDGER.s::ssaa he hercwlth) . _ r k• ? , rt t. - 8 and that ln the lasuance o[new certlllcates for ' c � ' ' ue . ,the land se dexrlbed hereln.Yhe Registraz of = `� � , � - ` ,: s �,t zzt s ,?jt4' c wt,S .� .r� ,�,3�v� t��..�.►� ,3 �� ` a les Tltlee shall add tlie foregotng exception to the -' � � �, . ,, � . , :w .r .+:�. '�..._.<.�:,t ac..:�,...t£ .? .a.°�.'��.c�-.. •xi�� ', s►e ,: ,:�egai deacrlptlon in the body of the certiticate - rk, and omlt from ealc�fu'ture certillcafea of Utle t �,. ° rly the memorlals of Doc.Nos.453238.546737 �, ,, -c�?� r � J " . � �� . .b95942.se8,46.94��3,.�a �,��,e�a�� ��PUBI�IC.;-NOTICES,� �.� . a oc cni,ora«. "BEG�JSE>-THE PEOPLE,MUST KNOW �� -�-� �.� ,� ;.:_ , "-....• . _ ' z .>-k,sar.`.t.:>z..f` i ,.�'�y ,.` �, .. s. :a.:' . " . � he .IT IS FCTR1'fiER ORDERED.that ffile order be' -��� ';�.^`.. • : . �• eer'ved:-(a)at leait 7 day'a prlor to auch hearing � `'�' ne�;• upon all of the aliove named partlea res(dtng in � _ � � � r�3' '... thia,etate In tha manner provlded by law for the � � ; �� „,;;, _-,� ..:�; � _ fn �yy�re of a watmons 1n a clvli action:(b)at Iraat - � _ ��f . 10 daya prfor Eo such tlearing upon any of the . � `s �, 3 , '� ' - SL• above named Rartlee not reaiding in thfa atate by - � '.;. ` " .- ' � _�� ��'-� { at- : aending a copy of thls order by reglstered,or �x =�'' . •ItE80LUTION `' `" � lnt certlited mall. return rxeipt. to each O�BUCFl ' 4 , 5 � .��t -y {'. �` • '7' 'eet partfes at hia post oflice address:(c)upon any of , ` ! `:; =� ' `;''" - ; ; .� " � �. the above named.parUee who canno4 be found by .CounCil File.No.91-2032 ,By Bill Wilson . - - ' . ,r.: . .,: s�. . two week,pubitshed notice and at least lo days ' WHEREAS, the Charter ComTnission of the City of$ain't Paui has�`passed a i of � p�or to the hearing by:endtng a.copy of this r�olutlon concerning thc stnicture of the Saint'Paul CSty CouncA to'be.9dded to the �Y order by nrst clasa ma�t to each of auch parties at _ballot of the elecrion on November 5, 1991; • :• � - - ` . �e his last Imown addreea and at hls addresa as _ . ` x.. . St: - atatcd in the certtOcate of tlUe if hls address is so , - T��FORE BE IT RESOLVED,that the followliig question be presented to votersc _.,. . : , ,,, ,i < <t �;,£ rly s��: � - - ` � '"Shall the Charter of the City of Saiut Paul be amended so that , . `ce Dafed:October 24. l9s i. - `� .. ``� '' ` a) the Council wlll publish summarles of its actions rather than�the tcxt of the `` :he _ JOHN S.CONNOLLY resolutlons: and ,_ - . ` : -- - � :'� ' ?'. ; �ip ` - . _ , ,.Judge b)publicatton will occur within 30 days which"is later than the present system Snd i. ; :he Atcendanoc is not required at sald�me axept to c)resolutions will take eifect before they are published?" .. � �+ �� t��F:t he obJect W the entry of the above dc.scrlbed order: ; _ _ ,' � � 3 ;�i, Adopted by Council October 29 �1991. ' " , Y APPROVED:�' , a z� ,�' � � � ROBERT BEUTEL Apprwed by Mayor October 29 199L x h . � - �Y Examiner of 1'itlea �. + . _ ' �(October 30, 1991) ; _.. , . . ... � �" •' ,- bn By:DEMVIS W.McPARTLIN � � `• ` � Dep,uty Examiner - _ ' � . . . �t►e PETERSEN.TEWS&SgUIRES. N01TCE OF PUBLIC SEARING �_ _ � Profeaaional AaeociaUon. � = ys, :- By:;TOSEPH L.NUNEZ: ,/ Notice is hereby given that a public.hearing wlll be held before the City Councll on : ' ,ea, ' 'Attorneys for Peuuoner. ' �. V ` �e 5th day of November, 1991 at 9:00 A.M.in the S�Paul City Couricil Chambers,3rd � ' md 4800 IDS Cmter, � � fl�r of City Hall,to consider proposed amendments to the St:Paul Zoning Ordinaiice, �-� �" »e SO S.sth SG. ' _ Cha ter 60,re azdi the rezoriin of ro e wlthiti the Wheelock Bluff/Rice Street . - _Mlnneapolia.MN 55402-2208 P g � g P P.� ,, ,Lucy (612)344-1 soo Small Area Plan and 40 Acre Study.The plan makes recommendarions regarding zoning: � (Oct.30-Nov.6) land use,open space/parks and residential development for this�neighborhood south . of thO . ��"as::ST.PAUL LEGAL LEDGER.______= of Larpenteur Avenue and west of Rice Street to apprwdmately the,Wheelock Farkway ,tter. � b1utL At said time and place,the CouncII wlll heaz all persons relative to this proposal. reons Dated October 21, 1991. _ :2otn Past performance does count, but MOLLY O'ROL7RKE, Ctty Clerk ' RO°`" not anywhere near like the actions of (October 30-November 6. 1991) � sald ,,�a today and tomorrow. � . , .� � �,�_ �� , ���_= o. CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� � DEPARTMENT OF PLANNiNG AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � � a ���������� ; DIVISION OF PLANNING AND DESIGN `v+ °t1 ����� ^e' ' 25 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 i�s• 612-228-3200 FAX: 612-228-3220 IAMES SCHEIBEL. MAYOR � <��('�EVE� July 15, 1991 �CT � 9 �91 ���rr� ��E ..K The Saint Paul Legal Ledger 640 Minnesota Building St. Paul, MN 55101 Dear Sir or Madam: Please print the attached public hearing notice on July 23 and August 6, 1991, in The Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please invoice the Planning & Design Division of the Department of Planning and Economic Development, 1100 City Hall Annex, 2� West Fourth Street, Saint Paul, MN 55102, in care of Daniel Cornejo. � If you have any questions, please contact me at 228-3365. • Sincerely, � ,�� �� �� � °�'�.�,�,�,.�.�.-�( � �=�' , - Donna Drummond City Planner /dd Attachment. = .� �--�r �� - ���_= o. , � CITY OF SAINT PAUL F'' y ' DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 4 ?� a „'��;��'� � DIVISION OF PLANNING AND DESIGN �� ^a 25 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612-228-3200 "'� FAX: 612-228-3220 JAMES SCHEIBEL , ��rFEVED MAYOR � - �CT � 9 199� e�.::'T�' �t..�' '.��`'K NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING � The Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul will hold a public hearing on the Wheelock Bluff/Rice Street Small Area Plan and 40-Acre Study on Friday, August 9, 1991, at 8:30 a.m., Room 1504 of the City Hall Annex, 25 West Fourth St. The plan makes recommendations regarding zoning, land use, open space/parks, and residential development for this neighborhood south of Larpenteur Ave., and west of Rice St. to approximately the Wheelock Parkway bluff. All comments concerning the plan and rezoning proposals will be heard at this time. Copies of the documents are available from Donna Drummond of the Dept. of Planning & Econ. Development at 228-3365. . � ���'�-/� ` R�4�._= o„ ,. CITY OF SAINT PAUL � � DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ; � ��������� ; DIVISION OF PLANNING AND DESIGN ;� �_�� �� �� ^� 25 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612-228-3200 �as• FAX: 612-228-3220 ]AMES SCHEIBEL ?��E►VED MAYOR �C r � 9 1991 MEMORANDUM �`:��j�e� r'� �� ;�K , DATE: October 4, 1991 TO: Wheelock Bluff/Rice Street Small Area Plan Mailing List and Owners Whose Property is Proposed for Rezoning ' FROM: Donna Drummond, Planning Division, PED RE: NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE PUBLIC HEARING The Planning Commission has recommended approval of the Wheelock Bluff/Rice Street Small Area Plan and 40-Acre Rezoning Study. The City Council is now beginning its review of the plan and rezoning proposals. They have been referred to the City Council's Housing and Economic Development (HED) Committee for consideration. The HED Committee will hold a public hearing on both items on Wednesday, October 2�. 1991, 2 p.m., City Councii Chambers, 3rd Floor City Nall, (15 W. Kellogg Blvd.). The committee meeting starts at 2 p.m., although the public hearing is tentatively scheduled to begin at about 2:30 p.m. Anyone who wishes to make comments about the plan or any of the proposed rezonings is invited to attend. HED Committee agendas are sometimes subject to change. Please call the City Clerk's Of�ce (298-4231) or me (228-3365) a day or two before October 23 to confirm the HED Committee agenda. The HED Committee will develop its recommendation and send it on to the full City Council. A second public hearing will be held at the full Council. That public hearing is tentatively set for 9 a.m. in the City Council Chambers. This date is tentative, so again, please call the City Clerk's office (298-4231) or me (228-3365) a day or two before November 5 to confirm this date. You should have received a copy of a summary of the small area plan and rezoning recommendations. If you did not, or if you wish to receive a copy of the full study, please give me a call (228-3365). /dd cc: Councilmembers Dimond and Rettman, Don Crotty, Dan Cornejo, Ken Ford . . . .. - ,. . .: . . ., .: .,, _ _:- :. :. .. _. _ - .., ,. . , . .. .� ... - . .:. _ x - . . _ - - . . . . .� � T - � . � � -. - r. � � . ., -.,- .: . .. , . . . .- . : �: . ,-.. - ,-, -�� _ . F . , . .,, -- �, : _ . . ;.. ., ... .. ...- _ _ . - . t - �`�� ��' �" :� '�' - . . .. -.� .,., . ,..._. ...._.., .. „_. .... _,._ _. . � ' , ' - ., lst ������- /- �� +2nd r � D � � S � � - _ ;: _ �. � - - 3rd ( (� - � 0 - C{ 1 Adopted , -�.,�-�-�-�--t�-�� a ' '~ Yeas (�-�ii� ��5�� �/ ,�� , _ - r ��^ 3 � 4 l�d' �� '- > �` DIMOND � q/' .q "" � � t : � [�.�f.-7 ,4 3J'�� � y - ! . / l V / / r y' � � ` _ . .. � . ; t ;r ; GOSWITZ ` LONG � � — t 1..: ` �- MACCABEE � , ' - _� `� ! . `5 1 � � ��+�y}��7��� ..�, � - . L\L'l ll'Jt1l'1 �'< `l'HIJNE ; _ _ _ , ;'� •: ° R N1R. PRESIDENT� WILSON _ Y -y S Tr ' t t • a. . - :: ..:: _ � _'— ' ° - i � '� �� ' ' .-t' {" y ' 'x 'v 4f t "� S _ k`� _ .'� >' . , _ ., , ,.. . . . - ._ � . .,, . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -_ ::, ,: - . ' _ ax - - - ,� _ z _ _