91-1855 � � Council File # �/--/a �f� V���� ./��'" Green Sheet � 6133 RESOLUTION CIN OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By �� � �c..�t����- ' Referred To Committee: Date `�iAB8BA3, Fund 305 - Public 8ealth Special 8evenue is requesting additional spending autnority for personnel costs for the fiIC Progras ,for pay�ent of Aonies to the Native AOerican Clinic, for blood lead tests, pxint chip analysis, and laboratory suppjies for the Lead Progran, and for various line iteas and the purchase of a �ood for the lead analyser for the Aealth Laboratory Frograo, WHB8fiA9, additionai authority, for 8IC personnei is needed because of additional personnel hired, for an increase in the Native Aoerican Contract, for an increase of testing in t6e Lead Pro�raA, and additional supplies, equipaent and services for the fleaith Laboratory Prograa; and HBBRBASt additional aonies are to be received fros the State of I{innesota for the WIC and Native Anerican Progra`s, and patient and tedical assistance billings 6ave increased in the Lead and flealt6 Laboratory Progravs to justify additional apending authority, and iiHBBBA31 The Hayor pursuant to Secti�n 10,07,1 of the City C6arter does certify that t6ere are available for appropriation revenues in excess of t6ose esti�aated in the 1991 bu�get; and iiHBBBA3, The ltayor recoaaends the folloWing changes to t6e 1991 budget: Current Aoended Budget Chaages Budget --------------- --------------- ------------------ FINANCING PLAN 305 Nealth 9pecial Bevenue Fund 332#7-3105 3PBC, SUPP FfiD FIiACflIC 1,061,OQ4 90,236 1,Q91,240 33252-3400 NATIVB AHBBICAN PEOC STATB 30,836 43,164 74,OOG 33239-4399 ASALTA LRB. BfiCBIPTB 25,000 18,100 �3,1U0 39890_4U9B OFfiFUND�BALAACE,CUNBfiSBxVBD�B RBC, 387,549 (27,Z60) 360,389 Undesignated Al1 Other Financin� 2,976,259 Q 2,976,239 --------------- --------------- ------------------ �,432,673 i52,540 4,385,215 SPBAGING PLAN 306 Healt6 3pecial Bevenue Fund 33247-6111 WIC PB&90NiifiL 384,321 0"2,976 447,297 33252-0299 NATIVB ANBBICAN - MI3CfiL, 30,836 43,169 74,000 33239-0275 LA80BATOBY - l{AINTBNANCB 618 900 1,�18 33239-0299 LABOBATOBY - BQUIP. BBPAIB 453 50G 953 33239-6299 LABOgATOgY - MI9CBLLANBOUS 1,23fi 800 2,036 33239-0353 LA608ATOEY - LAB, 3UPPLIB3 9,105 10,900 20,005 33239-0847 LABOBATO&Y - LAB, fiQUIPHBNT 6,�00 6,000 10,000 33249-021� LBAD POISONING - FBES 27,000 26,300 53,30Q 33249-0333 LBAD POISONING - LABb&ATOBY 9UP 3,370 2,000 5,376 305 All Other Spending 3,970,736 __________0 __.___3,970,736___ --------------- ---- d,932,613 15Z,S40 4,585,215 _ _ 9i - /��s� _ �����1��►�����, GREEN SHEET # 6133 page 2 NfiT CHANGB 152,540 BB30LVBD, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1991 budget, Appraval Beco�,ended /�-�'(-- --- -- ------------ Budget Dir ctor Ye,_ Navs Absent Re ested by Department of: imon Z � ` oswztz n Communi Services acca ee e tman '—� i une � $y: ^ i son /''� 0� �l2zA Adopted by Council: Date �CT 3 1991 Form Ap oved by Cit Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gy: ( r�� By: � � ����2� APPro e by Ma or for Submission to p '7 1991 Counc Approved by Mavor:. D�e �� By: ti����� By: - P�IISNEO OCT � �'91, , �j-/�.s'S' DEPARTM[NTlOFFlf�/00UNdL DATE INITIATED �.s./ Public Health 9/�/91 GREEN SHEE� No. �� ,���ATE I�dL�I l�l.d 1�115 E �L92-7713 DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNqL N��� CITY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK MUBT ON CAUNCIL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINQ ET DIRECTOR �FlN.d MfiT.SERVICE8 DIR. MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) � TOTAL#t OF 8K,INATURE PAGFS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 81GNATU!'� ' ACTION REGUEBTED: City Council approval for spending authority for Health Special F�nd activities 33249 Lead, 33247 WIC, 33239 Laboratory and 33252 Native American. I� , RE�ElVED � RE �Nw►TIONS:Mw�W«�(R> COtlNqL _PuwaiNO oo�e� _aw�sEAVic�coM�� i4NAL'� ., _cre c�o��e _ �ME�: EP 9 1991- — —�� _ --- ��� C I T!Y ATTO R N EY ��,������ . n�mnnrio�.�seu�,oP�suNrrv�who,wn.�.vn►�,wn.�,w►Nr). State funded activities 33247 (WIC) needs spending authority in 0111 for additional State authorized personnel and 33252 Nat�ve American Program needs authmrity to pay the American Indian Health Ass. the amount fo the State Grant. The Lead Progr�m needs authority for an increase in blood lead testing, paint chip samplies and laborator�r supplies. The Health Laboratroy Program needs authority for equipm�nt maintence & repair, disposal and 1ab. suppli s. The lab. also needs authority for the purchase of hood for the L�ad Analyzer machine. . ncwu�rr�s��r�aoveo- , .The WIC Program will be able to keep its staff at the level aut�orized by their State Grant .The American Indian Health Care Association ��ill receive additi nal funding from the ���J. Dept of Health. .The Lead and Health Laboratory Programs would have spending aut�ority for their costs. , _ I'I ois�ov�rir�es��o: Council Research Center NoNE . SE� 11 1991 SEP 17 �991 �AYQR'S��ICE as�v�wr�s iF Nor�+Ppoveo: , i Programs would not be able to perform needed services. RECEI�/ED SEP 2 5�I 1591 • CITY CI�ERK TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN�ACTION i 152�540 COST/REVENUE SIIDOETED(CN�.E ONE) YES NO �Na��� State rrbni es & recei nts ��rv�N�R 33239, $3247. 33249. & 33252 Fir,,wa�u.iNFO�u►noH: � , � W �. _�; d ; . , t�r'... .. � . . .. � - . - � iI NOTE: COMPLETE OIRECTIONS ARE INGLUDEQ IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVA{lAB1.E IN THE PUt�FtASINti OFFICE(PHONE NO.398-4225). ROUTIW(3 ORDER: Below are pneferred rot�tin�s for ths ilve mo�t irequsnt typea of dxur�tts: COMTRAGTS (asurn�s authorized COUNqL RESOLUTI�IV (�nend� Bdpts./ budyef exists) �kx�pt. Granta) 1. Outside Agency 1. Oepartment DirsCtor 2. Ini�ating D�rtmeM 2. Budgst Director 3. City Attomsy 3. City Attomsy 4. Mayor 4. Maycx/J1e�atant 5. Financo�MyrtK S�res. Director 5. Cfty Cou�il 6: Flnar�cs/1oc:ouMMg 6. Chisf Accountant. Fin d�Mgmt Sres. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget C4UNClL RE30LUTION (aN othKS) Rsvieion) and OROINANCE 1. Activity INanqpr t. Inftfdinp Dsputment Director 2. a s: �a�t s. �aya� 4. Budpst DireCtor 4. qty COUnCiI 5. City Gerk 8. Chisf Acc�ndu�t� F1n�AA�mt Svca. ADMINt8TRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. U�iating Dspatment 2. CitY�►ttomsY 3. Mayorf/�Star�t 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SItiNATURE PA(3E3 Indicate the#��peipes on vrl�iCh sipr�are nquirsd and�srclie emch of the�� ACTION REGIUESTED Descdbe wMt ths projecUrequsst sssks�acoompli�h in ekFwr chrondogi- cul oMK or orcler of in�ortancs.vd�icfts�sr is most�oprie�e tor the i�us. Do not write compleEs e�. Bspin Kch item in�ur Ilst wlth a ve►b. REf�AAAAENDATIONS Complste H th�fewe in q�n h�s bs�n Prossnted bsip'�anY�Y� P�� or private. 3UPPORT3 YVHICH OOUNpL 08JEC'flYE? I�s vrhich Oo�dl abl�(s1 Y���Q��bY��� ths keY wo►d(a)(HOU81N0. RECREATK�t. NEKi#f80RHOOD8.ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDQET.SEVVER SEPARATION).(8EE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRt1CTIONAL MANUAL.) OOUNqL COMMITTEE/RE8EARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REOUE3TED BY OOUNqL INITIATINO PHOiBLEM,183UE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the�or condlda�that crseded a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGE3 IF APPROVED Indicate MA�ether this ia�imphr an annual budpd proc�duro roquind by lawf chartsr or wt�athsr thsre are spodflc in whfch the Gty of Salnt Paul and its citizsna wi0 benslit trom thh prc�/�ctioe. DISADYANTAt3ES IF APPI�VED What nepaNve eifscts c�major ch�nws to sxistirp or pest proceaea migM this proJect/request prodt�ff it is pu�ad(e.p..Kaffic dNays. nofse, tax increasss or as�esen�snts)?To Whom?When?For how long? DISADVANTA(3ES iF NOT APPROVED What will be the nsp�ttivo oomequsr�ces ff tl�e promiaed action le not apprared? InabilRy to dslivsr ssrvice7 Condnued h,igh trafflc, ndse, accidsnt rate?Loss of rsvenus7 FlNANCIAL IMPACT AltFwu�h you mwt t�ilor ths iMormation you provide here to the iasue you aro addressing, in p�w�sl you must answer two qusstions: How much ia it 9��9 to cost7 Who is�oirq to WY? , . � C.//�/ �/��✓ � Committee Report Finance, Management, and Personnel Committee September 16, 1991 9. Resolution 91-1545 - approving appointment of Christopher Sandberg as outside counsel to provide legal advice to the Ethical Practices Board regarding an investigation currently before the Board. (Referred from Council 8/22/91) Approved 3-0 10. Green Sheet No. 13258 - Resolution amending tort liability and judgment and compromise budgets for 1991 to provide funding for payment of settlements and .iudqments. No Committee action was taken. 11. Resolution 91-1544 - amending the 1991 Budget by adding $10,000 to the Financing and Spending Plans for PED for the promotion and development of the film industry for the City of Saint Paul . (Referred from Council s/22J91) Approved 3-0. 12. Discussion of Finance, Management, and Personnel Committee procedures for the 1992 Budget Hearings. Chair Rettman presented a draft schedule and outline of the 1992 budget process and the manner in which the hearings will be conducted. A discussion was held with Mayor Scheibel . A letter and budget hearing schedule will be forthcoming. - 3 -