98-595������� Council File # �� _ �+ vS
RESOLUTION Green Sheet # 24 �Z 3
Presented By
Referred To
Commi.ttee: Date
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has approximately 26.91 miles (131.51 equivalent lane miles)
of designated trunk highways located within the aty limits which require annual routine
WHEREAS, a two year trunk highway maintenance agreement numbered 76160 and effective
from July 1, 1997 through June 30, 1999 has been negotiated between the City of Saint Paul
and the State of Minnesota wfiich details the terms and fimits of city force participation toward
the routine maintenance of the trunk highway system within the City of Saint Paul, and
WHEREAS, by the terms of the trunk highway routine maintenance agreement numbered
76160, the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) agrees to pay to the City of Saint
Paul $398,080.76 per fiscal year to provide annual routine maintenance to the aforementioned
trunk highway system within the time limits noted, and
WHEREAS, upon receipt by the City of Saint Paui Department of Public Works, the above funds
encumbered by the State of Minnesota for payment to the City of Saint Paul will be deposited
into Department of Public Works accounts numbered 225-42310-3450, 240-12005-3450, and
240-12006-3450, now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Ciry of Saint Paul enter into Agreement Number 76160 with the
Minnesata Department of Transportation, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to
execute said agreement ^ „ �
Requested by Department of:
Public Works
Stacy M. ecker, Director
Adoption Ce
By; �
Approved -by
Form Approved by City Attorney
B ;� � �
Adopted by Council: Date �2_Ca���
PuWic Works June 9. 1998 �� A� wrtuwarE
ca�rtacraErsor�ar�; ��a�wrwEaraaECroa �cmcouwca
GaryErichson 266-6229 . , nsscn �crtr�rrowgr . . cma.ewc
� , �8lll1CiETDIqEC70R
J iSI_� (� (-l-t� ��•1s2Y.1�I � �WYOfi(ORASSISTANij � . .
Council approval of aftached Routine MaiMenance AgreemeM #76160 beiween the City of Sairrt Paul and the State of Minnesop
�fective from July 1, 1997 to June 30. 1999. This agreemeM detai� the terms arid limits of pty force participation toward the routine
mairrtenance of the W nk highway system wihin the Ciry of SaiM Paul. The Minnesota State DepartmeM of Transportatan agrees to
pay to the Ciry of SaiM Paul $398,080.76 per fiscal year fw the routine maiMenance of trunk highways wi[hin Saint Paul ciry Iimits.
_ PLMNHJG COYYLSSION _GIVR. SEFiVICE COMNSSION 1. Has tl�ie persoNfirm� worked urMer a ContraU for Ulis depar�nem?
CIB COMMITTEE 2 HSS ihie Y ae aon/fum e�rer been a ary empoyce?
— — YES NO
— S7AFF _ � ia PereOr✓Brm Poasees a skill rrot notmalN Po%5essed by any curtent ary
suaPOars wtiMkt CouNC0. aBJ[crrvE9 �� aY yas owwas m sapara�� �ha�t a�d mtaeh io graen sheN
Routine maintenance responsibility of the trunk highway system within City of Saint Paul city limits.
Trunk highway system within C'ity of Saint Paul city limfts will receive routine maintenance by one agency.
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None �:�iV' � � 3���
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Another agreemerrt will have to be negotiated. ��
,UN �
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wN�*�� TrunkHiohwavfunds ACITVRYNUYBER ����'�'240-�ZWS3450'240.�ZU(�3450
� - S ° �5
Routine maintenance of certain portions of trunk highway(s) and bridges within the r,orporate limits of the
City of St. Paul upon the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.
Amount Encumbered
(Per Fiscal Year)
Two Year Contract
7!1/97 - 6/30/99
� ; - i
Mn/DOT Agreement No. 76160
Accounting information:
Processing information:
Contract:�J9��� .�-a79� r�/77�
Number/Date/Entry In+tials
Order. �li �-�17-����� ,�',�
N umber/Date/Signatures
[lndividua/ signing ceKifies that funds have been
encumbered as required by Minn. Stai. § 16A.15.j
Budget Office:
(Authorized Signature)
Mn/DOT Agreement No. 76160
THIS AGREEMENT, which shall be interpreted pursuant to the laws of the State of Minnesota, is by and
between the State of Minnesota through its Commissioner of Transpor[ation, hereinaRer referted to as
°MnfDQT", and the City of St. Paul, a body potitiC and corpcsrate undes the laws o4 the State a4 Minnesota,
hereinafter referred to as the "City",
WHEREAS, MnfDOT and the C+ty are empowered to enter into agreements pursuant to Minnesota
Statutes Section 471.59, subdivision 10 (1996); and
WkiEREAS, Qursuant to Minnesoha Statutes, Section 161.38 (1996), the parties desire to enter into an
agreement relating to the maintenance of trunk highways and bridges within the corporate limits of the
City upon the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement; and
WHEREAS, it is in the interest of both parties to work cooperatively in delivering these services.
A. The City shall provide routine maintenance on those portions of the trunk highways and bridges
within the corporate limits of the City partfcularly descrSbed as follows:
Trunk Highway The following 5.37 miles of trunk highway consisting of 25.47 equivalent lane
No. 5 miles, and designated in the Minnesota Department of Transportation records as
Control Section No. 6201; beginning at WheelerAvenue and Fort Road; thence
northeast on Fort Road to Wabasha Street; thence east on Eighth Street to
Robert Street (T.H. 952A); and the fotlowing 0.76 miles of trunk highway
consisfing of 3.78 equivalent lane miles and designated in the Minnesota
Department of Trensportation records as Controi Section No. 6228; beginning at
Robert Street and Eighth Street; thence easterly on Eighth Street to Seventh
Street (at Sibley Street); thence easteriy on Seventh Street to Mounds Boulevard
(T.H. 61); also the foliowing 3.02 miles of trunk highway consisting of 9.37
equivalent lane miles and designated in the Minnesota Department of
Transportation records as Controi Section No. 6229; beginning at Seventh Street
and Arcade Street (T.H. 61); thence easterly on Seventh Street to Minnehaha
Avenue; thence easterly on Minnehaha Av2nue to the east City fimits. This
description has a totai of 38.62 Equivalent Lane Miles.
Mn/DOT Agreement No. 76160
Trunk tiighway The foifowing 0.39 miie of trunk h9ghway consisting of 1.01 equivafent fane miles,
No. 13 and designated in the Minnesota Department of Transportation records as
Confrol Section No. 1902; beginning at thejunction with Trunk Highway No. 149;
thence westerly 0.39 mile on the south line of Ramsey County. Includes ali
portions of this highway located in the corporate limits of West St. Paul and
Mendota Heights. This description has a totai of 1.01 Equivalent Lane Miies.
Trunk fiigfiway The following 0.15 mi{e of roadway on Eleventh Street and on Tweifth Street
No. 35E between Robert Street and Jackson Street consisting of 1.31 equivalent lane
miles, and designated in the Minnesota Department of Transportation records as
Control Section No. 6280. This description has a totai of 1.31 Equivalent Lane
Trunk Highway The following 2.48 miles of trunk highway consisting of 9.91 equivalent lane miles,
No. 49 and designated in the Minnesota Department of Transportation records as Control
Section No. 6213; beginning at the north City limits and Rice Street; thence south
on Rice Street to University Avenue (T.H. 952A). This description has a total of
9.91 Equivaient Lane Miles.
Trunk Highway The foflowing 6.11 miies of trunk highway consisting of 36.30 equivalent lane
No. 51 miles, and designated in the Minnesota Department of Transportation records as
Contro4 Sectio� No. 6215; beginning at ihe north City limits (Hoyt Avenue) and
Sneiling Avenue; thence south on Snelling Avenue to Montreal Avenue; thence
east on Montreal Avenue to Fort Road (T.H. 5). includes ail portions of this
highway located in tfie corporate limits of Fafcon Heights. This description has a
total of 36.30 Equivalent Lane Miles.
Trunk Highway 'ihe foilowing 3.19 miles ot trunk highway consisting of 13.73 equivalent Iane miles
No. 61 and designated in the Minnesota Department of Transportation records as Contro�
Section No. 6221; beginning at the junction of Interstate 94 and Mounds Boulevard;
thence northwest on Mounds Boulevard to East Seventh Street; thence northeast
on East Seventh Street to Arcade Street; thence north on Arcade Street to the north
City limits. This description has a total of 13.73 Equivalent Lane Miies.
Trunk Highway The foliowing 1.52 miles ofi trunk highway consisGng of 5.61 equivalent lane miles,
No. 149 and designated in the Minnesota Department o[ Traasportation records as Control
Section No. 6223; beginning at the south City iimits Qunction T.H. 13) and Smith
Avenue; thence north and northwesterly on Smith Avenue to Fort Road (T.H. 5).
This description has a total of 5.61 Equivafent Lane Miles.
9.�- s�s
MNDOT Agreement No. 76160
Trunk Highway The following 0.80 miie of trunk highway consisting of 3.40 equivalent lane miles,
No. 156 and designated in the Minnesota Department of Transportation records as
Control Section No. 6219; beginning at the south City fimits and Concord Street;
thence northwest on Goncord Street to the west ramps ot Trunk Highway 52.
This description has a totai of 3.40 Equivalent Lane Miles.
Trunk Highway The fotlowing 3.12 miles of trunk highway consisting of 13.18 equivalent lane
No. 952A miles, and designated in the Minnesota Department of Transportation records as
Control Section No. 6217; beginning at the south City limits and Robert Street;
thence north and northwest on Robert Street to University Avenue; thence west on
University Avenue to Rice Street. This description has a total of 13.18 Equivalent
Lane Miles.
The above roadway descriptions have a totai of 123.07 Equivaient Lane Miles.
All pedestrian and roadway bridges over aii MnIDOT fteeways, expressways, and
aforementioned highways comprise an additional 8.44 Equivalent Lane Miles.
This Agreement covers a grand totai of 137.51 Equivalent Lane Miles.
Equivalent Larte Mifes are equal to the roadway width between the curbs, measured in feet,
muitiplied by the length of the roadway, measured in miies, divided by a standard lane width of
Cxeive (12) feet.
B. The City shali provide routine maintenance on the above described roadways and bridges in
accordance with the standards and guidefines the City uses to routineiy maintain its highway
system, and shall inciude the foliowing:
1. Maintain the roadways and bridges so as to keep the same in good repair and free from
obstructions and impediments that may intertere with the passage of vehicle and
pedestrian traffic. Maintenance shall include aii necessary routine maintenance to
preserve the roadbed, bridges, drainage structures and right-of-way in their present
condition, inciuding, but not limited to, patching of the road surface, joint and crack
sealing of the surtace, gravei shoulder repair and blading, minor slope repair, drainage
structure cleaning end repair, ditch cleaning, sweeping, and debris ctearance.
Maintenance shaii cover the entire width of the roadway and its appurtenances, such as:
shouiders, drainage ditches, curb and gutter, and sidewalk 'rf present.
a �-s°�5
Mn/DOT Agreement No. 76160
2. Pertorm routine maintenance to preserve the bridges in their present existing condition,
including, but not limited to, necessary deck spali patching, minor bridge raiiing repair,
proper and time(y sealing of ccacks in bituminous surfaced bridges, removai of graffiti,
minor slope paving maintenance, and sweeping of the bridge surtace and sidewalks, if
3. Keep the roadways, bridges and pedestrian waikways reasonably free and clear from
ice and snow, and undertake proper cleaning, and ice and snow control measures when
4. Maintain the highway signing, traffic control devices and safety devices such as
guardraii and attenuators, signals, and provide such roadway markings and lane striping
as may be necessary on the trunk highways, except that Mn/DOT wili furnish, install and
maintain suitable route markers for the guidance of traffic on such trunk highways.
5. Perform all necessary maintenance of vegetation including necessary and regular
mowing, tree trimming, noxious weed control, and litter or debris collection and disposal
within the highway right-of-way.
6. Administer, issue, regulate and inspect transportation permits, adopt-a-highway permits,
and permits to mai�tain existi�g utilities on the trunk highways described in Section I,
paragraph A.
MnlDOT shall retain its authority to administer, issue, and regulate access permits, sign
advertising permits, drainage permits and permits to install new utilities on the trunk
highways described in Section I, paragraph A.
7. Contact Gopher State One Call to arrange for underground utility location before
pertorming excavations or installing posts within the highway right-of-way.
C. The City shaii fumish all labor, equipment, materials, supplies, tools, and other items necessary
for the performance of the services to be provided for by the City under this Agreement.
D. All materials used by the City in the pertormance of the work under this Agreement shall conform
to the requirements of the Minnesota Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for
ConsVUCtion, 1995 Edition, and ta any subsequent amendments thereto.
Mn/DOT Agreement No. 76160
E. If there is a change in the routing of a trunk highway, a substitution of a new route for a trunk
highway, or a variation ftom the present trunk highway location by Mn/DOT, the City shall
maintain the new Vunk h(ghway in accordance with this Agreement during such period of
substitution and shail be paid the amount to which it is enYitled under this Agreement. If Mn/DOT
relocates any portion of the above described trunk highways and the present roadway reverts to
the City, the City wii{ maintain tfie reverted portion at its sole cost and expense.
A. Mn/DOT is responsible for any extraordinary maintenance, betterments, construction or
reconstruction on the trunk highways described in Section f, paragraph A. If Mn/DOT desires the
City to pertorm any such work, the parties will enter into a separate agreement therefor.
Extraordinary maintenance, betterments, construction or reconstruction shali inciude, but not be
limited to, overlay of the roadway surtace, milling and overlay of the roadway surFace,
replacement of drainage structures and cuiverts, and major washout repairs.
B. Mn/DOT shail retain its authority to administer, issue and regulate access permits, sign
advertising permits, drainage permits and permits to install new utilities on the trunk highways
described in Section I, paregraph A.
Mn/DOT shall send a copy of such approved permits and associated drawings and plans to the
City's Authorized Representative pursuant to Section IX, paragraph B. Mn/DOT's Authorized
Representative witi inform the City, at least twe�ty-four (24) hours prior to work starting, of the
date and time permitted work on or along the highway(s) will be performed, and of any Iane
closures or tra�c restrictions associated with the authorized work.
III. ANNUAL INSPECTION The Authorized Representatives of Mn/DOT and the City shali jointly
inspect tfie highways and bridges on an annua{ basis to review the adequacy of the maintenance
work being pertormed, and to determine if any extraordinary maintenance, betterments,
construction or reconstruction is required.
Mn1DOT Agreement No. 76160
A. The City may partialiy block the trunk highways and bridges for a period of time necessary for the
performance of the services covered under this Agreement. In cases of emergency, such trunk
highways and br+dges may be whofly biocked and the passage of traffic thereon prevented by the
City. At no time, however, shali the City confinue to obstruct the free passage of traffic on the
trunk highways or bridges for a longer period of time than is reasonably required for pertorming
the necessary work thereon. In the event of the total blocking or c4osing of any such trunk
highway or bridge, the City shall provide a suitable detour during such time, with the assistance of
Mn/DOT, as needed.
B. The City may close to travei the trunk highways and bridges at such time as it is necessary for the
emergency repair of water or gas mains, electric or telephone cables, or sewers. However, the
City shail not cause any portions of said trunk highways and bridges to be closed to traffic for any
reasons other than those above set forth and in no event for a time longer than reasonably
necessary to complete authorized work.
C. All partia� and total closures of the trunk highways and bridges covered under this Agreement
shal! be in con4ormance �vith the current Minnesota Manual on tSniform Traffic Control Devices.
A. Mn/DOT will pay to the City the sum of Three Thousand, Twenty-seven and No/100 Doi�ars
($3,027.00) per Equivalent Lane Miie, per year, duri�g the term of this Agreement for the
pertormance of the work and the fumishing of labor, equipment and materiais as set forth in this
Agreement. This payment shall be considered full and compiete compensation for ail work to be
pertormed by the City under this Agreement.
B. in the event this Agreement terminates prior to June 30, 1999, or there is a reduction in the
equivalent lane miles to be maintained by the City, the payment due to the City will be prorated
for the months and fractional months, if any, that the terms of this Agreement are in affect.
�t � 'Sq5
Mn/DOT Agreement No. 76160
C. During the term of this Agreement, quarterly payments will be made to the City in the amounts
listed befow.
Fiscai Year 1998
October 1, 1997
.fanuary 1, 1998
April 1, 1998
June 30,1998
$ 99,520.19
$ 99, 520.19
$ 99,520.19
$ 99,520.19
Fiscal Year 1999
October 1, 1998 $ 99,520.19
January 1, 1999
April 1, 1999
June 30, 1999
$ 99,520.19
$ 99,520.19
$ 99,520.19
D. Mn/DOT's maximum obligation during the first year of this Agreement is $398,080.76, and its
maximum obligation during the second year of this Agreement is $398,080.76.
A. Payment shall be made by Mn/DOT under this Agreement on a quarterly basis, as soon as
,�ossible after the respective dates of October 1, January 1, April 1 and June 30 of each fiscal
year, upon tHe submission by the City to Mn/DOT of a cost anaiysis listing all labor, materiais and
equipment used by the City during the quarter, and an invoice for the services performed, and a
certificate certifying that afl work done during the period for which the City seeks payment has
been performed in full conformity with this Agreement.
B. Atf services provided by the City pursuant to this Agreement shail be perfiormed to the satisfaction
of Mn/DOT, as determined at the sole discretion of its Authorized Representative pursuant to
Section IX, paragraph A, and in accordance wEth alf appiicable federal, state, and local laws,
ordinances, rules and regufations.
C. If the City tails to pertorm any of the work according to the terms of this Agreement, Mn/DOT may
perEorm such work and may retain from any monies then due to the City or thereafter becoming
due under this Agreement, any amount of Mn/DOTs costs and any additionaf amounts required
a C�- S�S
Mn/DOT Agreement No. 76160
for the completion of the work. If MnlDOT retains any payment under this Agreement because of
the City's inadequate work, and the work is subsequenUy made adequate by the City, MNDOT
shall immediately pay to the City the amount of payment witMheid.
This paragraph shall not be construed to relinquish any rights of action which may accrue on
behalf of Mn/DOT as against the City for any breach of contract.
VII. TERM OF AGREEMENT This Agreement shall be in effect from July 1, 1997 and shali remain in
effect through June 30, '1999, subject to the legislature providing to MnIDOT sufficient
appropriations for this Agreement for each fiscal year during the term of this Agreement.
VIIL CANCELLATION This Agreement may he canceled by either party with sixty (60) days' prior
written notice to the other party, In the event of such a cancellation, the City shall be entitied to a
prorated payment for the months and fractional months, if any, that this Agreement was in affect.
?,. Mn/DOT's Authorized Representative for the purposes ot the administration of this Agreement is
Terry L. Zoiler, Maintenance Operations Engineer, Minnesota Department of Transportation Metro
Division, 1500 West County Road B2, Roseville, Minnesota 55113, (612)582-1424, or his
B. The City's Authorized Representative for the purposes of the administration of this Agreement is
Thomas J. Eggum, Dirsctos of Public Works, City of Sf. Paut, 600 City Haii Annex, 25 West Fourth
Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102-16fi0, (612)266-6070, or his successor.
C. MnIDOT's Authorized Representative shall have finai authority for acceptance of the City's
services. if such services are accepted as satisfactory, Mn/DOT's Authorized Representative
shall so certify on each invoice submitted pursuant to Section Vi, paragraph A, and shall authorize
A. Neither party shall assign or transfer any rights or obligations under this Agreement, in whole or
in part, without prior written consent of the other.
a �- S `iS
Mn/DOT Agreement No. 76160
B. AII contracts and agreements made by either party with third parties for the pertormance of any
work to be done under this Agreement shali be made in accordance with the terms of this
C. This Agreement shail not be construed as a relinquishment by Mn/DOT of any powers or controi
it may have over the Vunk highways and bridges covered under this Agreement.
Xi. AMENDMENTS This Agreement is the final expression of the agreements between the parties
and the complete and exciusive statement of the terms agreed upon, and shall supersede ail
prior negotiations, understandings, or agreements. Any amendments to this Agreement shali be
in wri6ng, and shaii be executed by the same parties who executed the original Agreement, or
their successors in office.
A. Ail persons employed by or on behalf of the City working on the highways and bridges under this
Agreement are empioyees or agents of the City and in no way empioyed by Mn/DOT; provided
however, that this ciause shafl not apply to persons empioyed directiy by P/InlDOT or by
contractors, other than the City, e�gaged by MnlDOT.
3. Each party shall be responsibie for its own acis and omissions, the acts and omissions of its
empioyees, and resuits thereof to the extent autfiorized by taw. The parties shall not be
responsible for the acts of any others and the results thereof. liability of Mn/DOT shall be
governed by the provisions of the Minnesota Tort Claims Act, Minnesota Statutes Section 3.736
(1996), and the liability of the City shall be governed by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 466 (1996).
This clause shail not be construed to bar any legal remedies each party may have for the other
party's failure to fulfill its obligations pursuant to this Agreement.
C. Each party to this Agreement shall defend at its sole cost and expense any action or proceeding
comme�ced for the purpose of asserting any claim of whatsoever character arising in connection
with or by virtue of performance of its own work as provided herein.
Mn/DOT Agreement No. 76160
XIII. WORKERS' COMPENSA710N Any and all persons employed by or on behaif of each party to
perform any of the work described in this Agreement shari not be considered empioyees of the
other party, and that any and all claims that may or might arise under the Workers'
Compensation Act or Unemployment Compensation Act of Minnesota or the Federai Employees
Liability Act on behalf of said emptoyees or persons while so engaged and any and all ciaims
made by any third person as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said
employees or persons while engaged in any of the work contemplated herein, shall not be the
obligation or responsibiliiy of the other party.
X{V. CiVlt RIGHTS The provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 181.59 (1996), and any app{icabie
local ordinance relating to civil rights and discrimination shall be considered a part of this
Agreement as if fuily set forth herein.
XV. STATE AUDITS The books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices of
the City, re{evant to this Agreement, shaif be subject to examination by Mn/DOT and the
Legisiative Auditor or the State Auditor, as appropriate.
,� .
Mn/DOT Agreement No. 76160
iN TESTIMONY WHEREOF the parties have executed this Agreement through their duly authorized officials:
Recommended� proval:
etro Division
A E, Maintenance
By �'v'— U�..�-A�
irect of Finance and
Management Services
Date � ' � � [ �
Authorized Signature
BY ���i.� r1P.c�
Dir ctor of Public Works
Approved as to Form and Execution:
�pproved as to Form a�cution:
By - Nt� e "
Assistant City Attorney
natP �. a�.
Authorized Signature
��.5' °I".�
Mn/DOT Agreement No. 76160
Citv's Signature Acknowledgment
State of Minnesota
County of Ramsey
This Agreement was acknowledged before me this .�_ day of ��2> ,
by �fY1 ��� and � �� t�/ , the
Ma or �
Y Q u; �
�me) � (Name)
and the Director of Finance and Management Services of the City of St. Paui, and did execute this
Agreement on behaif of the City intending to be bound thereby.
Notary Pubfic �-�-� ' `� ' l '�`�'
! l � � �� NOTARY STAt.�iP
My Commission Expires � f
�wouArru�ic uin�sor� �
LtYCort■n.f�irw,Nn. J1.2000�
������� Council File # �� _ �+ vS
RESOLUTION Green Sheet # 24 �Z 3
Presented By
Referred To
Commi.ttee: Date
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has approximately 26.91 miles (131.51 equivalent lane miles)
of designated trunk highways located within the aty limits which require annual routine
WHEREAS, a two year trunk highway maintenance agreement numbered 76160 and effective
from July 1, 1997 through June 30, 1999 has been negotiated between the City of Saint Paul
and the State of Minnesota wfiich details the terms and fimits of city force participation toward
the routine maintenance of the trunk highway system within the City of Saint Paul, and
WHEREAS, by the terms of the trunk highway routine maintenance agreement numbered
76160, the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) agrees to pay to the City of Saint
Paul $398,080.76 per fiscal year to provide annual routine maintenance to the aforementioned
trunk highway system within the time limits noted, and
WHEREAS, upon receipt by the City of Saint Paui Department of Public Works, the above funds
encumbered by the State of Minnesota for payment to the City of Saint Paul will be deposited
into Department of Public Works accounts numbered 225-42310-3450, 240-12005-3450, and
240-12006-3450, now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Ciry of Saint Paul enter into Agreement Number 76160 with the
Minnesata Department of Transportation, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to
execute said agreement ^ „ �
Requested by Department of:
Public Works
Stacy M. ecker, Director
Adoption Ce
By; �
Approved -by
Form Approved by City Attorney
B ;� � �
Adopted by Council: Date �2_Ca���
PuWic Works June 9. 1998 �� A� wrtuwarE
ca�rtacraErsor�ar�; ��a�wrwEaraaECroa �cmcouwca
GaryErichson 266-6229 . , nsscn �crtr�rrowgr . . cma.ewc
� , �8lll1CiETDIqEC70R
J iSI_� (� (-l-t� ��•1s2Y.1�I � �WYOfi(ORASSISTANij � . .
Council approval of aftached Routine MaiMenance AgreemeM #76160 beiween the City of Sairrt Paul and the State of Minnesop
�fective from July 1, 1997 to June 30. 1999. This agreemeM detai� the terms arid limits of pty force participation toward the routine
mairrtenance of the W nk highway system wihin the Ciry of SaiM Paul. The Minnesota State DepartmeM of Transportatan agrees to
pay to the Ciry of SaiM Paul $398,080.76 per fiscal year fw the routine maiMenance of trunk highways wi[hin Saint Paul ciry Iimits.
_ PLMNHJG COYYLSSION _GIVR. SEFiVICE COMNSSION 1. Has tl�ie persoNfirm� worked urMer a ContraU for Ulis depar�nem?
CIB COMMITTEE 2 HSS ihie Y ae aon/fum e�rer been a ary empoyce?
— — YES NO
— S7AFF _ � ia PereOr✓Brm Poasees a skill rrot notmalN Po%5essed by any curtent ary
suaPOars wtiMkt CouNC0. aBJ[crrvE9 �� aY yas owwas m sapara�� �ha�t a�d mtaeh io graen sheN
Routine maintenance responsibility of the trunk highway system within City of Saint Paul city limits.
Trunk highway system within C'ity of Saint Paul city limfts will receive routine maintenance by one agency.
?� h A" �, � C� -� � � . . .
��..'e... � � t:
None �:�iV' � � 3���
���� ����� �
.k, t`.��'��
Another agreemerrt will have to be negotiated. ��
,UN �
. __ - �a,,,..
wN�*�� TrunkHiohwavfunds ACITVRYNUYBER ����'�'240-�ZWS3450'240.�ZU(�3450
� - S ° �5
Routine maintenance of certain portions of trunk highway(s) and bridges within the r,orporate limits of the
City of St. Paul upon the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.
Amount Encumbered
(Per Fiscal Year)
Two Year Contract
7!1/97 - 6/30/99
� ; - i
Mn/DOT Agreement No. 76160
Accounting information:
Processing information:
Contract:�J9��� .�-a79� r�/77�
Number/Date/Entry In+tials
Order. �li �-�17-����� ,�',�
N umber/Date/Signatures
[lndividua/ signing ceKifies that funds have been
encumbered as required by Minn. Stai. § 16A.15.j
Budget Office:
(Authorized Signature)
Mn/DOT Agreement No. 76160
THIS AGREEMENT, which shall be interpreted pursuant to the laws of the State of Minnesota, is by and
between the State of Minnesota through its Commissioner of Transpor[ation, hereinaRer referted to as
°MnfDQT", and the City of St. Paul, a body potitiC and corpcsrate undes the laws o4 the State a4 Minnesota,
hereinafter referred to as the "City",
WHEREAS, MnfDOT and the C+ty are empowered to enter into agreements pursuant to Minnesota
Statutes Section 471.59, subdivision 10 (1996); and
WkiEREAS, Qursuant to Minnesoha Statutes, Section 161.38 (1996), the parties desire to enter into an
agreement relating to the maintenance of trunk highways and bridges within the corporate limits of the
City upon the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement; and
WHEREAS, it is in the interest of both parties to work cooperatively in delivering these services.
A. The City shall provide routine maintenance on those portions of the trunk highways and bridges
within the corporate limits of the City partfcularly descrSbed as follows:
Trunk Highway The following 5.37 miles of trunk highway consisting of 25.47 equivalent lane
No. 5 miles, and designated in the Minnesota Department of Transportation records as
Control Section No. 6201; beginning at WheelerAvenue and Fort Road; thence
northeast on Fort Road to Wabasha Street; thence east on Eighth Street to
Robert Street (T.H. 952A); and the fotlowing 0.76 miles of trunk highway
consisfing of 3.78 equivalent lane miles and designated in the Minnesota
Department of Trensportation records as Controi Section No. 6228; beginning at
Robert Street and Eighth Street; thence easterly on Eighth Street to Seventh
Street (at Sibley Street); thence easteriy on Seventh Street to Mounds Boulevard
(T.H. 61); also the foliowing 3.02 miles of trunk highway consisting of 9.37
equivalent lane miles and designated in the Minnesota Department of
Transportation records as Controi Section No. 6229; beginning at Seventh Street
and Arcade Street (T.H. 61); thence easterly on Seventh Street to Minnehaha
Avenue; thence easterly on Minnehaha Av2nue to the east City fimits. This
description has a totai of 38.62 Equivalent Lane Miles.
Mn/DOT Agreement No. 76160
Trunk tiighway The foifowing 0.39 miie of trunk h9ghway consisting of 1.01 equivafent fane miles,
No. 13 and designated in the Minnesota Department of Transportation records as
Confrol Section No. 1902; beginning at thejunction with Trunk Highway No. 149;
thence westerly 0.39 mile on the south line of Ramsey County. Includes ali
portions of this highway located in the corporate limits of West St. Paul and
Mendota Heights. This description has a totai of 1.01 Equivalent Lane Miies.
Trunk fiigfiway The following 0.15 mi{e of roadway on Eleventh Street and on Tweifth Street
No. 35E between Robert Street and Jackson Street consisting of 1.31 equivalent lane
miles, and designated in the Minnesota Department of Transportation records as
Control Section No. 6280. This description has a totai of 1.31 Equivalent Lane
Trunk Highway The following 2.48 miles of trunk highway consisting of 9.91 equivalent lane miles,
No. 49 and designated in the Minnesota Department of Transportation records as Control
Section No. 6213; beginning at the north City limits and Rice Street; thence south
on Rice Street to University Avenue (T.H. 952A). This description has a total of
9.91 Equivaient Lane Miles.
Trunk Highway The foflowing 6.11 miies of trunk highway consisting of 36.30 equivalent lane
No. 51 miles, and designated in the Minnesota Department of Transportation records as
Contro4 Sectio� No. 6215; beginning at ihe north City limits (Hoyt Avenue) and
Sneiling Avenue; thence south on Snelling Avenue to Montreal Avenue; thence
east on Montreal Avenue to Fort Road (T.H. 5). includes ail portions of this
highway located in tfie corporate limits of Fafcon Heights. This description has a
total of 36.30 Equivalent Lane Miles.
Trunk Highway 'ihe foilowing 3.19 miles ot trunk highway consisting of 13.73 equivalent Iane miles
No. 61 and designated in the Minnesota Department of Transportation records as Contro�
Section No. 6221; beginning at the junction of Interstate 94 and Mounds Boulevard;
thence northwest on Mounds Boulevard to East Seventh Street; thence northeast
on East Seventh Street to Arcade Street; thence north on Arcade Street to the north
City limits. This description has a total of 13.73 Equivalent Lane Miies.
Trunk Highway The foliowing 1.52 miles ofi trunk highway consisGng of 5.61 equivalent lane miles,
No. 149 and designated in the Minnesota Department o[ Traasportation records as Control
Section No. 6223; beginning at the south City iimits Qunction T.H. 13) and Smith
Avenue; thence north and northwesterly on Smith Avenue to Fort Road (T.H. 5).
This description has a total of 5.61 Equivafent Lane Miles.
9.�- s�s
MNDOT Agreement No. 76160
Trunk Highway The following 0.80 miie of trunk highway consisting of 3.40 equivalent lane miles,
No. 156 and designated in the Minnesota Department of Transportation records as
Control Section No. 6219; beginning at the south City fimits and Concord Street;
thence northwest on Goncord Street to the west ramps ot Trunk Highway 52.
This description has a totai of 3.40 Equivalent Lane Miles.
Trunk Highway The fotlowing 3.12 miles of trunk highway consisting of 13.18 equivalent lane
No. 952A miles, and designated in the Minnesota Department of Transportation records as
Control Section No. 6217; beginning at the south City limits and Robert Street;
thence north and northwest on Robert Street to University Avenue; thence west on
University Avenue to Rice Street. This description has a total of 13.18 Equivalent
Lane Miles.
The above roadway descriptions have a totai of 123.07 Equivaient Lane Miles.
All pedestrian and roadway bridges over aii MnIDOT fteeways, expressways, and
aforementioned highways comprise an additional 8.44 Equivalent Lane Miles.
This Agreement covers a grand totai of 137.51 Equivalent Lane Miles.
Equivalent Larte Mifes are equal to the roadway width between the curbs, measured in feet,
muitiplied by the length of the roadway, measured in miies, divided by a standard lane width of
Cxeive (12) feet.
B. The City shali provide routine maintenance on the above described roadways and bridges in
accordance with the standards and guidefines the City uses to routineiy maintain its highway
system, and shall inciude the foliowing:
1. Maintain the roadways and bridges so as to keep the same in good repair and free from
obstructions and impediments that may intertere with the passage of vehicle and
pedestrian traffic. Maintenance shall include aii necessary routine maintenance to
preserve the roadbed, bridges, drainage structures and right-of-way in their present
condition, inciuding, but not limited to, patching of the road surface, joint and crack
sealing of the surtace, gravei shoulder repair and blading, minor slope repair, drainage
structure cleaning end repair, ditch cleaning, sweeping, and debris ctearance.
Maintenance shaii cover the entire width of the roadway and its appurtenances, such as:
shouiders, drainage ditches, curb and gutter, and sidewalk 'rf present.
a �-s°�5
Mn/DOT Agreement No. 76160
2. Pertorm routine maintenance to preserve the bridges in their present existing condition,
including, but not limited to, necessary deck spali patching, minor bridge raiiing repair,
proper and time(y sealing of ccacks in bituminous surfaced bridges, removai of graffiti,
minor slope paving maintenance, and sweeping of the bridge surtace and sidewalks, if
3. Keep the roadways, bridges and pedestrian waikways reasonably free and clear from
ice and snow, and undertake proper cleaning, and ice and snow control measures when
4. Maintain the highway signing, traffic control devices and safety devices such as
guardraii and attenuators, signals, and provide such roadway markings and lane striping
as may be necessary on the trunk highways, except that Mn/DOT wili furnish, install and
maintain suitable route markers for the guidance of traffic on such trunk highways.
5. Perform all necessary maintenance of vegetation including necessary and regular
mowing, tree trimming, noxious weed control, and litter or debris collection and disposal
within the highway right-of-way.
6. Administer, issue, regulate and inspect transportation permits, adopt-a-highway permits,
and permits to mai�tain existi�g utilities on the trunk highways described in Section I,
paragraph A.
MnlDOT shall retain its authority to administer, issue, and regulate access permits, sign
advertising permits, drainage permits and permits to install new utilities on the trunk
highways described in Section I, paragraph A.
7. Contact Gopher State One Call to arrange for underground utility location before
pertorming excavations or installing posts within the highway right-of-way.
C. The City shaii fumish all labor, equipment, materials, supplies, tools, and other items necessary
for the performance of the services to be provided for by the City under this Agreement.
D. All materials used by the City in the pertormance of the work under this Agreement shall conform
to the requirements of the Minnesota Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for
ConsVUCtion, 1995 Edition, and ta any subsequent amendments thereto.
Mn/DOT Agreement No. 76160
E. If there is a change in the routing of a trunk highway, a substitution of a new route for a trunk
highway, or a variation ftom the present trunk highway location by Mn/DOT, the City shall
maintain the new Vunk h(ghway in accordance with this Agreement during such period of
substitution and shail be paid the amount to which it is enYitled under this Agreement. If Mn/DOT
relocates any portion of the above described trunk highways and the present roadway reverts to
the City, the City wii{ maintain tfie reverted portion at its sole cost and expense.
A. Mn/DOT is responsible for any extraordinary maintenance, betterments, construction or
reconstruction on the trunk highways described in Section f, paragraph A. If Mn/DOT desires the
City to pertorm any such work, the parties will enter into a separate agreement therefor.
Extraordinary maintenance, betterments, construction or reconstruction shali inciude, but not be
limited to, overlay of the roadway surtace, milling and overlay of the roadway surFace,
replacement of drainage structures and cuiverts, and major washout repairs.
B. Mn/DOT shail retain its authority to administer, issue and regulate access permits, sign
advertising permits, drainage permits and permits to install new utilities on the trunk highways
described in Section I, paregraph A.
Mn/DOT shall send a copy of such approved permits and associated drawings and plans to the
City's Authorized Representative pursuant to Section IX, paragraph B. Mn/DOT's Authorized
Representative witi inform the City, at least twe�ty-four (24) hours prior to work starting, of the
date and time permitted work on or along the highway(s) will be performed, and of any Iane
closures or tra�c restrictions associated with the authorized work.
III. ANNUAL INSPECTION The Authorized Representatives of Mn/DOT and the City shali jointly
inspect tfie highways and bridges on an annua{ basis to review the adequacy of the maintenance
work being pertormed, and to determine if any extraordinary maintenance, betterments,
construction or reconstruction is required.
Mn1DOT Agreement No. 76160
A. The City may partialiy block the trunk highways and bridges for a period of time necessary for the
performance of the services covered under this Agreement. In cases of emergency, such trunk
highways and br+dges may be whofly biocked and the passage of traffic thereon prevented by the
City. At no time, however, shali the City confinue to obstruct the free passage of traffic on the
trunk highways or bridges for a longer period of time than is reasonably required for pertorming
the necessary work thereon. In the event of the total blocking or c4osing of any such trunk
highway or bridge, the City shall provide a suitable detour during such time, with the assistance of
Mn/DOT, as needed.
B. The City may close to travei the trunk highways and bridges at such time as it is necessary for the
emergency repair of water or gas mains, electric or telephone cables, or sewers. However, the
City shail not cause any portions of said trunk highways and bridges to be closed to traffic for any
reasons other than those above set forth and in no event for a time longer than reasonably
necessary to complete authorized work.
C. All partia� and total closures of the trunk highways and bridges covered under this Agreement
shal! be in con4ormance �vith the current Minnesota Manual on tSniform Traffic Control Devices.
A. Mn/DOT will pay to the City the sum of Three Thousand, Twenty-seven and No/100 Doi�ars
($3,027.00) per Equivalent Lane Miie, per year, duri�g the term of this Agreement for the
pertormance of the work and the fumishing of labor, equipment and materiais as set forth in this
Agreement. This payment shall be considered full and compiete compensation for ail work to be
pertormed by the City under this Agreement.
B. in the event this Agreement terminates prior to June 30, 1999, or there is a reduction in the
equivalent lane miles to be maintained by the City, the payment due to the City will be prorated
for the months and fractional months, if any, that the terms of this Agreement are in affect.
�t � 'Sq5
Mn/DOT Agreement No. 76160
C. During the term of this Agreement, quarterly payments will be made to the City in the amounts
listed befow.
Fiscai Year 1998
October 1, 1997
.fanuary 1, 1998
April 1, 1998
June 30,1998
$ 99,520.19
$ 99, 520.19
$ 99,520.19
$ 99,520.19
Fiscal Year 1999
October 1, 1998 $ 99,520.19
January 1, 1999
April 1, 1999
June 30, 1999
$ 99,520.19
$ 99,520.19
$ 99,520.19
D. Mn/DOT's maximum obligation during the first year of this Agreement is $398,080.76, and its
maximum obligation during the second year of this Agreement is $398,080.76.
A. Payment shall be made by Mn/DOT under this Agreement on a quarterly basis, as soon as
,�ossible after the respective dates of October 1, January 1, April 1 and June 30 of each fiscal
year, upon tHe submission by the City to Mn/DOT of a cost anaiysis listing all labor, materiais and
equipment used by the City during the quarter, and an invoice for the services performed, and a
certificate certifying that afl work done during the period for which the City seeks payment has
been performed in full conformity with this Agreement.
B. Atf services provided by the City pursuant to this Agreement shail be perfiormed to the satisfaction
of Mn/DOT, as determined at the sole discretion of its Authorized Representative pursuant to
Section IX, paragraph A, and in accordance wEth alf appiicable federal, state, and local laws,
ordinances, rules and regufations.
C. If the City tails to pertorm any of the work according to the terms of this Agreement, Mn/DOT may
perEorm such work and may retain from any monies then due to the City or thereafter becoming
due under this Agreement, any amount of Mn/DOTs costs and any additionaf amounts required
a C�- S�S
Mn/DOT Agreement No. 76160
for the completion of the work. If MnlDOT retains any payment under this Agreement because of
the City's inadequate work, and the work is subsequenUy made adequate by the City, MNDOT
shall immediately pay to the City the amount of payment witMheid.
This paragraph shall not be construed to relinquish any rights of action which may accrue on
behalf of Mn/DOT as against the City for any breach of contract.
VII. TERM OF AGREEMENT This Agreement shall be in effect from July 1, 1997 and shali remain in
effect through June 30, '1999, subject to the legislature providing to MnIDOT sufficient
appropriations for this Agreement for each fiscal year during the term of this Agreement.
VIIL CANCELLATION This Agreement may he canceled by either party with sixty (60) days' prior
written notice to the other party, In the event of such a cancellation, the City shall be entitied to a
prorated payment for the months and fractional months, if any, that this Agreement was in affect.
?,. Mn/DOT's Authorized Representative for the purposes ot the administration of this Agreement is
Terry L. Zoiler, Maintenance Operations Engineer, Minnesota Department of Transportation Metro
Division, 1500 West County Road B2, Roseville, Minnesota 55113, (612)582-1424, or his
B. The City's Authorized Representative for the purposes of the administration of this Agreement is
Thomas J. Eggum, Dirsctos of Public Works, City of Sf. Paut, 600 City Haii Annex, 25 West Fourth
Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102-16fi0, (612)266-6070, or his successor.
C. MnIDOT's Authorized Representative shall have finai authority for acceptance of the City's
services. if such services are accepted as satisfactory, Mn/DOT's Authorized Representative
shall so certify on each invoice submitted pursuant to Section Vi, paragraph A, and shall authorize
A. Neither party shall assign or transfer any rights or obligations under this Agreement, in whole or
in part, without prior written consent of the other.
a �- S `iS
Mn/DOT Agreement No. 76160
B. AII contracts and agreements made by either party with third parties for the pertormance of any
work to be done under this Agreement shali be made in accordance with the terms of this
C. This Agreement shail not be construed as a relinquishment by Mn/DOT of any powers or controi
it may have over the Vunk highways and bridges covered under this Agreement.
Xi. AMENDMENTS This Agreement is the final expression of the agreements between the parties
and the complete and exciusive statement of the terms agreed upon, and shall supersede ail
prior negotiations, understandings, or agreements. Any amendments to this Agreement shali be
in wri6ng, and shaii be executed by the same parties who executed the original Agreement, or
their successors in office.
A. Ail persons employed by or on behalf of the City working on the highways and bridges under this
Agreement are empioyees or agents of the City and in no way empioyed by Mn/DOT; provided
however, that this ciause shafl not apply to persons empioyed directiy by P/InlDOT or by
contractors, other than the City, e�gaged by MnlDOT.
3. Each party shall be responsibie for its own acis and omissions, the acts and omissions of its
empioyees, and resuits thereof to the extent autfiorized by taw. The parties shall not be
responsible for the acts of any others and the results thereof. liability of Mn/DOT shall be
governed by the provisions of the Minnesota Tort Claims Act, Minnesota Statutes Section 3.736
(1996), and the liability of the City shall be governed by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 466 (1996).
This clause shail not be construed to bar any legal remedies each party may have for the other
party's failure to fulfill its obligations pursuant to this Agreement.
C. Each party to this Agreement shall defend at its sole cost and expense any action or proceeding
comme�ced for the purpose of asserting any claim of whatsoever character arising in connection
with or by virtue of performance of its own work as provided herein.
Mn/DOT Agreement No. 76160
XIII. WORKERS' COMPENSA710N Any and all persons employed by or on behaif of each party to
perform any of the work described in this Agreement shari not be considered empioyees of the
other party, and that any and all claims that may or might arise under the Workers'
Compensation Act or Unemployment Compensation Act of Minnesota or the Federai Employees
Liability Act on behalf of said emptoyees or persons while so engaged and any and all ciaims
made by any third person as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said
employees or persons while engaged in any of the work contemplated herein, shall not be the
obligation or responsibiliiy of the other party.
X{V. CiVlt RIGHTS The provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 181.59 (1996), and any app{icabie
local ordinance relating to civil rights and discrimination shall be considered a part of this
Agreement as if fuily set forth herein.
XV. STATE AUDITS The books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices of
the City, re{evant to this Agreement, shaif be subject to examination by Mn/DOT and the
Legisiative Auditor or the State Auditor, as appropriate.
,� .
Mn/DOT Agreement No. 76160
iN TESTIMONY WHEREOF the parties have executed this Agreement through their duly authorized officials:
Recommended� proval:
etro Division
A E, Maintenance
By �'v'— U�..�-A�
irect of Finance and
Management Services
Date � ' � � [ �
Authorized Signature
BY ���i.� r1P.c�
Dir ctor of Public Works
Approved as to Form and Execution:
�pproved as to Form a�cution:
By - Nt� e "
Assistant City Attorney
natP �. a�.
Authorized Signature
��.5' °I".�
Mn/DOT Agreement No. 76160
Citv's Signature Acknowledgment
State of Minnesota
County of Ramsey
This Agreement was acknowledged before me this .�_ day of ��2> ,
by �fY1 ��� and � �� t�/ , the
Ma or �
Y Q u; �
�me) � (Name)
and the Director of Finance and Management Services of the City of St. Paui, and did execute this
Agreement on behaif of the City intending to be bound thereby.
Notary Pubfic �-�-� ' `� ' l '�`�'
! l � � �� NOTARY STAt.�iP
My Commission Expires � f
�wouArru�ic uin�sor� �
LtYCort■n.f�irw,Nn. J1.2000�
������� Council File # �� _ �+ vS
RESOLUTION Green Sheet # 24 �Z 3
Presented By
Referred To
Commi.ttee: Date
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has approximately 26.91 miles (131.51 equivalent lane miles)
of designated trunk highways located within the aty limits which require annual routine
WHEREAS, a two year trunk highway maintenance agreement numbered 76160 and effective
from July 1, 1997 through June 30, 1999 has been negotiated between the City of Saint Paul
and the State of Minnesota wfiich details the terms and fimits of city force participation toward
the routine maintenance of the trunk highway system within the City of Saint Paul, and
WHEREAS, by the terms of the trunk highway routine maintenance agreement numbered
76160, the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) agrees to pay to the City of Saint
Paul $398,080.76 per fiscal year to provide annual routine maintenance to the aforementioned
trunk highway system within the time limits noted, and
WHEREAS, upon receipt by the City of Saint Paui Department of Public Works, the above funds
encumbered by the State of Minnesota for payment to the City of Saint Paul will be deposited
into Department of Public Works accounts numbered 225-42310-3450, 240-12005-3450, and
240-12006-3450, now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Ciry of Saint Paul enter into Agreement Number 76160 with the
Minnesata Department of Transportation, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to
execute said agreement ^ „ �
Requested by Department of:
Public Works
Stacy M. ecker, Director
Adoption Ce
By; �
Approved -by
Form Approved by City Attorney
B ;� � �
Adopted by Council: Date �2_Ca���
PuWic Works June 9. 1998 �� A� wrtuwarE
ca�rtacraErsor�ar�; ��a�wrwEaraaECroa �cmcouwca
GaryErichson 266-6229 . , nsscn �crtr�rrowgr . . cma.ewc
� , �8lll1CiETDIqEC70R
J iSI_� (� (-l-t� ��•1s2Y.1�I � �WYOfi(ORASSISTANij � . .
Council approval of aftached Routine MaiMenance AgreemeM #76160 beiween the City of Sairrt Paul and the State of Minnesop
�fective from July 1, 1997 to June 30. 1999. This agreemeM detai� the terms arid limits of pty force participation toward the routine
mairrtenance of the W nk highway system wihin the Ciry of SaiM Paul. The Minnesota State DepartmeM of Transportatan agrees to
pay to the Ciry of SaiM Paul $398,080.76 per fiscal year fw the routine maiMenance of trunk highways wi[hin Saint Paul ciry Iimits.
_ PLMNHJG COYYLSSION _GIVR. SEFiVICE COMNSSION 1. Has tl�ie persoNfirm� worked urMer a ContraU for Ulis depar�nem?
CIB COMMITTEE 2 HSS ihie Y ae aon/fum e�rer been a ary empoyce?
— — YES NO
— S7AFF _ � ia PereOr✓Brm Poasees a skill rrot notmalN Po%5essed by any curtent ary
suaPOars wtiMkt CouNC0. aBJ[crrvE9 �� aY yas owwas m sapara�� �ha�t a�d mtaeh io graen sheN
Routine maintenance responsibility of the trunk highway system within City of Saint Paul city limits.
Trunk highway system within C'ity of Saint Paul city limfts will receive routine maintenance by one agency.
?� h A" �, � C� -� � � . . .
��..'e... � � t:
None �:�iV' � � 3���
���� ����� �
.k, t`.��'��
Another agreemerrt will have to be negotiated. ��
,UN �
. __ - �a,,,..
wN�*�� TrunkHiohwavfunds ACITVRYNUYBER ����'�'240-�ZWS3450'240.�ZU(�3450
� - S ° �5
Routine maintenance of certain portions of trunk highway(s) and bridges within the r,orporate limits of the
City of St. Paul upon the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.
Amount Encumbered
(Per Fiscal Year)
Two Year Contract
7!1/97 - 6/30/99
� ; - i
Mn/DOT Agreement No. 76160
Accounting information:
Processing information:
Contract:�J9��� .�-a79� r�/77�
Number/Date/Entry In+tials
Order. �li �-�17-����� ,�',�
N umber/Date/Signatures
[lndividua/ signing ceKifies that funds have been
encumbered as required by Minn. Stai. § 16A.15.j
Budget Office:
(Authorized Signature)
Mn/DOT Agreement No. 76160
THIS AGREEMENT, which shall be interpreted pursuant to the laws of the State of Minnesota, is by and
between the State of Minnesota through its Commissioner of Transpor[ation, hereinaRer referted to as
°MnfDQT", and the City of St. Paul, a body potitiC and corpcsrate undes the laws o4 the State a4 Minnesota,
hereinafter referred to as the "City",
WHEREAS, MnfDOT and the C+ty are empowered to enter into agreements pursuant to Minnesota
Statutes Section 471.59, subdivision 10 (1996); and
WkiEREAS, Qursuant to Minnesoha Statutes, Section 161.38 (1996), the parties desire to enter into an
agreement relating to the maintenance of trunk highways and bridges within the corporate limits of the
City upon the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement; and
WHEREAS, it is in the interest of both parties to work cooperatively in delivering these services.
A. The City shall provide routine maintenance on those portions of the trunk highways and bridges
within the corporate limits of the City partfcularly descrSbed as follows:
Trunk Highway The following 5.37 miles of trunk highway consisting of 25.47 equivalent lane
No. 5 miles, and designated in the Minnesota Department of Transportation records as
Control Section No. 6201; beginning at WheelerAvenue and Fort Road; thence
northeast on Fort Road to Wabasha Street; thence east on Eighth Street to
Robert Street (T.H. 952A); and the fotlowing 0.76 miles of trunk highway
consisfing of 3.78 equivalent lane miles and designated in the Minnesota
Department of Trensportation records as Controi Section No. 6228; beginning at
Robert Street and Eighth Street; thence easterly on Eighth Street to Seventh
Street (at Sibley Street); thence easteriy on Seventh Street to Mounds Boulevard
(T.H. 61); also the foliowing 3.02 miles of trunk highway consisting of 9.37
equivalent lane miles and designated in the Minnesota Department of
Transportation records as Controi Section No. 6229; beginning at Seventh Street
and Arcade Street (T.H. 61); thence easterly on Seventh Street to Minnehaha
Avenue; thence easterly on Minnehaha Av2nue to the east City fimits. This
description has a totai of 38.62 Equivalent Lane Miles.
Mn/DOT Agreement No. 76160
Trunk tiighway The foifowing 0.39 miie of trunk h9ghway consisting of 1.01 equivafent fane miles,
No. 13 and designated in the Minnesota Department of Transportation records as
Confrol Section No. 1902; beginning at thejunction with Trunk Highway No. 149;
thence westerly 0.39 mile on the south line of Ramsey County. Includes ali
portions of this highway located in the corporate limits of West St. Paul and
Mendota Heights. This description has a totai of 1.01 Equivalent Lane Miies.
Trunk fiigfiway The following 0.15 mi{e of roadway on Eleventh Street and on Tweifth Street
No. 35E between Robert Street and Jackson Street consisting of 1.31 equivalent lane
miles, and designated in the Minnesota Department of Transportation records as
Control Section No. 6280. This description has a totai of 1.31 Equivalent Lane
Trunk Highway The following 2.48 miles of trunk highway consisting of 9.91 equivalent lane miles,
No. 49 and designated in the Minnesota Department of Transportation records as Control
Section No. 6213; beginning at the north City limits and Rice Street; thence south
on Rice Street to University Avenue (T.H. 952A). This description has a total of
9.91 Equivaient Lane Miles.
Trunk Highway The foflowing 6.11 miies of trunk highway consisting of 36.30 equivalent lane
No. 51 miles, and designated in the Minnesota Department of Transportation records as
Contro4 Sectio� No. 6215; beginning at ihe north City limits (Hoyt Avenue) and
Sneiling Avenue; thence south on Snelling Avenue to Montreal Avenue; thence
east on Montreal Avenue to Fort Road (T.H. 5). includes ail portions of this
highway located in tfie corporate limits of Fafcon Heights. This description has a
total of 36.30 Equivalent Lane Miles.
Trunk Highway 'ihe foilowing 3.19 miles ot trunk highway consisting of 13.73 equivalent Iane miles
No. 61 and designated in the Minnesota Department of Transportation records as Contro�
Section No. 6221; beginning at the junction of Interstate 94 and Mounds Boulevard;
thence northwest on Mounds Boulevard to East Seventh Street; thence northeast
on East Seventh Street to Arcade Street; thence north on Arcade Street to the north
City limits. This description has a total of 13.73 Equivalent Lane Miies.
Trunk Highway The foliowing 1.52 miles ofi trunk highway consisGng of 5.61 equivalent lane miles,
No. 149 and designated in the Minnesota Department o[ Traasportation records as Control
Section No. 6223; beginning at the south City iimits Qunction T.H. 13) and Smith
Avenue; thence north and northwesterly on Smith Avenue to Fort Road (T.H. 5).
This description has a total of 5.61 Equivafent Lane Miles.
9.�- s�s
MNDOT Agreement No. 76160
Trunk Highway The following 0.80 miie of trunk highway consisting of 3.40 equivalent lane miles,
No. 156 and designated in the Minnesota Department of Transportation records as
Control Section No. 6219; beginning at the south City fimits and Concord Street;
thence northwest on Goncord Street to the west ramps ot Trunk Highway 52.
This description has a totai of 3.40 Equivalent Lane Miles.
Trunk Highway The fotlowing 3.12 miles of trunk highway consisting of 13.18 equivalent lane
No. 952A miles, and designated in the Minnesota Department of Transportation records as
Control Section No. 6217; beginning at the south City limits and Robert Street;
thence north and northwest on Robert Street to University Avenue; thence west on
University Avenue to Rice Street. This description has a total of 13.18 Equivalent
Lane Miles.
The above roadway descriptions have a totai of 123.07 Equivaient Lane Miles.
All pedestrian and roadway bridges over aii MnIDOT fteeways, expressways, and
aforementioned highways comprise an additional 8.44 Equivalent Lane Miles.
This Agreement covers a grand totai of 137.51 Equivalent Lane Miles.
Equivalent Larte Mifes are equal to the roadway width between the curbs, measured in feet,
muitiplied by the length of the roadway, measured in miies, divided by a standard lane width of
Cxeive (12) feet.
B. The City shali provide routine maintenance on the above described roadways and bridges in
accordance with the standards and guidefines the City uses to routineiy maintain its highway
system, and shall inciude the foliowing:
1. Maintain the roadways and bridges so as to keep the same in good repair and free from
obstructions and impediments that may intertere with the passage of vehicle and
pedestrian traffic. Maintenance shall include aii necessary routine maintenance to
preserve the roadbed, bridges, drainage structures and right-of-way in their present
condition, inciuding, but not limited to, patching of the road surface, joint and crack
sealing of the surtace, gravei shoulder repair and blading, minor slope repair, drainage
structure cleaning end repair, ditch cleaning, sweeping, and debris ctearance.
Maintenance shaii cover the entire width of the roadway and its appurtenances, such as:
shouiders, drainage ditches, curb and gutter, and sidewalk 'rf present.
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Mn/DOT Agreement No. 76160
2. Pertorm routine maintenance to preserve the bridges in their present existing condition,
including, but not limited to, necessary deck spali patching, minor bridge raiiing repair,
proper and time(y sealing of ccacks in bituminous surfaced bridges, removai of graffiti,
minor slope paving maintenance, and sweeping of the bridge surtace and sidewalks, if
3. Keep the roadways, bridges and pedestrian waikways reasonably free and clear from
ice and snow, and undertake proper cleaning, and ice and snow control measures when
4. Maintain the highway signing, traffic control devices and safety devices such as
guardraii and attenuators, signals, and provide such roadway markings and lane striping
as may be necessary on the trunk highways, except that Mn/DOT wili furnish, install and
maintain suitable route markers for the guidance of traffic on such trunk highways.
5. Perform all necessary maintenance of vegetation including necessary and regular
mowing, tree trimming, noxious weed control, and litter or debris collection and disposal
within the highway right-of-way.
6. Administer, issue, regulate and inspect transportation permits, adopt-a-highway permits,
and permits to mai�tain existi�g utilities on the trunk highways described in Section I,
paragraph A.
MnlDOT shall retain its authority to administer, issue, and regulate access permits, sign
advertising permits, drainage permits and permits to install new utilities on the trunk
highways described in Section I, paragraph A.
7. Contact Gopher State One Call to arrange for underground utility location before
pertorming excavations or installing posts within the highway right-of-way.
C. The City shaii fumish all labor, equipment, materials, supplies, tools, and other items necessary
for the performance of the services to be provided for by the City under this Agreement.
D. All materials used by the City in the pertormance of the work under this Agreement shall conform
to the requirements of the Minnesota Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for
ConsVUCtion, 1995 Edition, and ta any subsequent amendments thereto.
Mn/DOT Agreement No. 76160
E. If there is a change in the routing of a trunk highway, a substitution of a new route for a trunk
highway, or a variation ftom the present trunk highway location by Mn/DOT, the City shall
maintain the new Vunk h(ghway in accordance with this Agreement during such period of
substitution and shail be paid the amount to which it is enYitled under this Agreement. If Mn/DOT
relocates any portion of the above described trunk highways and the present roadway reverts to
the City, the City wii{ maintain tfie reverted portion at its sole cost and expense.
A. Mn/DOT is responsible for any extraordinary maintenance, betterments, construction or
reconstruction on the trunk highways described in Section f, paragraph A. If Mn/DOT desires the
City to pertorm any such work, the parties will enter into a separate agreement therefor.
Extraordinary maintenance, betterments, construction or reconstruction shali inciude, but not be
limited to, overlay of the roadway surtace, milling and overlay of the roadway surFace,
replacement of drainage structures and cuiverts, and major washout repairs.
B. Mn/DOT shail retain its authority to administer, issue and regulate access permits, sign
advertising permits, drainage permits and permits to install new utilities on the trunk highways
described in Section I, paregraph A.
Mn/DOT shall send a copy of such approved permits and associated drawings and plans to the
City's Authorized Representative pursuant to Section IX, paragraph B. Mn/DOT's Authorized
Representative witi inform the City, at least twe�ty-four (24) hours prior to work starting, of the
date and time permitted work on or along the highway(s) will be performed, and of any Iane
closures or tra�c restrictions associated with the authorized work.
III. ANNUAL INSPECTION The Authorized Representatives of Mn/DOT and the City shali jointly
inspect tfie highways and bridges on an annua{ basis to review the adequacy of the maintenance
work being pertormed, and to determine if any extraordinary maintenance, betterments,
construction or reconstruction is required.
Mn1DOT Agreement No. 76160
A. The City may partialiy block the trunk highways and bridges for a period of time necessary for the
performance of the services covered under this Agreement. In cases of emergency, such trunk
highways and br+dges may be whofly biocked and the passage of traffic thereon prevented by the
City. At no time, however, shali the City confinue to obstruct the free passage of traffic on the
trunk highways or bridges for a longer period of time than is reasonably required for pertorming
the necessary work thereon. In the event of the total blocking or c4osing of any such trunk
highway or bridge, the City shall provide a suitable detour during such time, with the assistance of
Mn/DOT, as needed.
B. The City may close to travei the trunk highways and bridges at such time as it is necessary for the
emergency repair of water or gas mains, electric or telephone cables, or sewers. However, the
City shail not cause any portions of said trunk highways and bridges to be closed to traffic for any
reasons other than those above set forth and in no event for a time longer than reasonably
necessary to complete authorized work.
C. All partia� and total closures of the trunk highways and bridges covered under this Agreement
shal! be in con4ormance �vith the current Minnesota Manual on tSniform Traffic Control Devices.
A. Mn/DOT will pay to the City the sum of Three Thousand, Twenty-seven and No/100 Doi�ars
($3,027.00) per Equivalent Lane Miie, per year, duri�g the term of this Agreement for the
pertormance of the work and the fumishing of labor, equipment and materiais as set forth in this
Agreement. This payment shall be considered full and compiete compensation for ail work to be
pertormed by the City under this Agreement.
B. in the event this Agreement terminates prior to June 30, 1999, or there is a reduction in the
equivalent lane miles to be maintained by the City, the payment due to the City will be prorated
for the months and fractional months, if any, that the terms of this Agreement are in affect.
�t � 'Sq5
Mn/DOT Agreement No. 76160
C. During the term of this Agreement, quarterly payments will be made to the City in the amounts
listed befow.
Fiscai Year 1998
October 1, 1997
.fanuary 1, 1998
April 1, 1998
June 30,1998
$ 99,520.19
$ 99, 520.19
$ 99,520.19
$ 99,520.19
Fiscal Year 1999
October 1, 1998 $ 99,520.19
January 1, 1999
April 1, 1999
June 30, 1999
$ 99,520.19
$ 99,520.19
$ 99,520.19
D. Mn/DOT's maximum obligation during the first year of this Agreement is $398,080.76, and its
maximum obligation during the second year of this Agreement is $398,080.76.
A. Payment shall be made by Mn/DOT under this Agreement on a quarterly basis, as soon as
,�ossible after the respective dates of October 1, January 1, April 1 and June 30 of each fiscal
year, upon tHe submission by the City to Mn/DOT of a cost anaiysis listing all labor, materiais and
equipment used by the City during the quarter, and an invoice for the services performed, and a
certificate certifying that afl work done during the period for which the City seeks payment has
been performed in full conformity with this Agreement.
B. Atf services provided by the City pursuant to this Agreement shail be perfiormed to the satisfaction
of Mn/DOT, as determined at the sole discretion of its Authorized Representative pursuant to
Section IX, paragraph A, and in accordance wEth alf appiicable federal, state, and local laws,
ordinances, rules and regufations.
C. If the City tails to pertorm any of the work according to the terms of this Agreement, Mn/DOT may
perEorm such work and may retain from any monies then due to the City or thereafter becoming
due under this Agreement, any amount of Mn/DOTs costs and any additionaf amounts required
a C�- S�S
Mn/DOT Agreement No. 76160
for the completion of the work. If MnlDOT retains any payment under this Agreement because of
the City's inadequate work, and the work is subsequenUy made adequate by the City, MNDOT
shall immediately pay to the City the amount of payment witMheid.
This paragraph shall not be construed to relinquish any rights of action which may accrue on
behalf of Mn/DOT as against the City for any breach of contract.
VII. TERM OF AGREEMENT This Agreement shall be in effect from July 1, 1997 and shali remain in
effect through June 30, '1999, subject to the legislature providing to MnIDOT sufficient
appropriations for this Agreement for each fiscal year during the term of this Agreement.
VIIL CANCELLATION This Agreement may he canceled by either party with sixty (60) days' prior
written notice to the other party, In the event of such a cancellation, the City shall be entitied to a
prorated payment for the months and fractional months, if any, that this Agreement was in affect.
?,. Mn/DOT's Authorized Representative for the purposes ot the administration of this Agreement is
Terry L. Zoiler, Maintenance Operations Engineer, Minnesota Department of Transportation Metro
Division, 1500 West County Road B2, Roseville, Minnesota 55113, (612)582-1424, or his
B. The City's Authorized Representative for the purposes of the administration of this Agreement is
Thomas J. Eggum, Dirsctos of Public Works, City of Sf. Paut, 600 City Haii Annex, 25 West Fourth
Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102-16fi0, (612)266-6070, or his successor.
C. MnIDOT's Authorized Representative shall have finai authority for acceptance of the City's
services. if such services are accepted as satisfactory, Mn/DOT's Authorized Representative
shall so certify on each invoice submitted pursuant to Section Vi, paragraph A, and shall authorize
A. Neither party shall assign or transfer any rights or obligations under this Agreement, in whole or
in part, without prior written consent of the other.
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Mn/DOT Agreement No. 76160
B. AII contracts and agreements made by either party with third parties for the pertormance of any
work to be done under this Agreement shali be made in accordance with the terms of this
C. This Agreement shail not be construed as a relinquishment by Mn/DOT of any powers or controi
it may have over the Vunk highways and bridges covered under this Agreement.
Xi. AMENDMENTS This Agreement is the final expression of the agreements between the parties
and the complete and exciusive statement of the terms agreed upon, and shall supersede ail
prior negotiations, understandings, or agreements. Any amendments to this Agreement shali be
in wri6ng, and shaii be executed by the same parties who executed the original Agreement, or
their successors in office.
A. Ail persons employed by or on behalf of the City working on the highways and bridges under this
Agreement are empioyees or agents of the City and in no way empioyed by Mn/DOT; provided
however, that this ciause shafl not apply to persons empioyed directiy by P/InlDOT or by
contractors, other than the City, e�gaged by MnlDOT.
3. Each party shall be responsibie for its own acis and omissions, the acts and omissions of its
empioyees, and resuits thereof to the extent autfiorized by taw. The parties shall not be
responsible for the acts of any others and the results thereof. liability of Mn/DOT shall be
governed by the provisions of the Minnesota Tort Claims Act, Minnesota Statutes Section 3.736
(1996), and the liability of the City shall be governed by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 466 (1996).
This clause shail not be construed to bar any legal remedies each party may have for the other
party's failure to fulfill its obligations pursuant to this Agreement.
C. Each party to this Agreement shall defend at its sole cost and expense any action or proceeding
comme�ced for the purpose of asserting any claim of whatsoever character arising in connection
with or by virtue of performance of its own work as provided herein.
Mn/DOT Agreement No. 76160
XIII. WORKERS' COMPENSA710N Any and all persons employed by or on behaif of each party to
perform any of the work described in this Agreement shari not be considered empioyees of the
other party, and that any and all claims that may or might arise under the Workers'
Compensation Act or Unemployment Compensation Act of Minnesota or the Federai Employees
Liability Act on behalf of said emptoyees or persons while so engaged and any and all ciaims
made by any third person as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said
employees or persons while engaged in any of the work contemplated herein, shall not be the
obligation or responsibiliiy of the other party.
X{V. CiVlt RIGHTS The provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 181.59 (1996), and any app{icabie
local ordinance relating to civil rights and discrimination shall be considered a part of this
Agreement as if fuily set forth herein.
XV. STATE AUDITS The books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices of
the City, re{evant to this Agreement, shaif be subject to examination by Mn/DOT and the
Legisiative Auditor or the State Auditor, as appropriate.
,� .
Mn/DOT Agreement No. 76160
iN TESTIMONY WHEREOF the parties have executed this Agreement through their duly authorized officials:
Recommended� proval:
etro Division
A E, Maintenance
By �'v'— U�..�-A�
irect of Finance and
Management Services
Date � ' � � [ �
Authorized Signature
BY ���i.� r1P.c�
Dir ctor of Public Works
Approved as to Form and Execution:
�pproved as to Form a�cution:
By - Nt� e "
Assistant City Attorney
natP �. a�.
Authorized Signature
��.5' °I".�
Mn/DOT Agreement No. 76160
Citv's Signature Acknowledgment
State of Minnesota
County of Ramsey
This Agreement was acknowledged before me this .�_ day of ��2> ,
by �fY1 ��� and � �� t�/ , the
Ma or �
Y Q u; �
�me) � (Name)
and the Director of Finance and Management Services of the City of St. Paui, and did execute this
Agreement on behaif of the City intending to be bound thereby.
Notary Pubfic �-�-� ' `� ' l '�`�'
! l � � �� NOTARY STAt.�iP
My Commission Expires � f
�wouArru�ic uin�sor� �
LtYCort■n.f�irw,Nn. J1.2000�