91-1848����1���� � �/ . � �� Council File # ��— ��'T� Green Sheet # 8885 RESOLUTION CITY OF S 1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA Preaented By Referred Committee: Date RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby pre- scribe and rearrange the precinct polling places thereof for the City of Saint Paul as described in the attached Exhibit A, which Exhibit A shall be on file. in the Office of the City Clerk; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby directed to post in a conspicuous place in her office, notice of the changes as set forth in E�hibit A for a period of at least thirty days following the adoption of this resolu- tion. �� � Navs Absent Requested by Department of: �, � U ' O —� � � � �.>' C�"" 7 r , 8CC @B �r � -, e m v -� �ne � ) � son v BY� Adopted by Council: Date 0�T 3 1991 Fa�, pro e City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gy: s � „�� > � ���� y� �w"�tpproved by Mayor for Submission to pP y y — � 1991 Council , A roved b Ma or: Date �/���� By: i�e��� By: � r2 PIIeIISNED OCT 1 Z'91 �i ����' DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/OOUNCIL DATE INITIATED �p Cit Clerk's off��e - E�e�t�ons o9i24i9� GREEN SH �� NO. v��DATE � t E �DEPARTMENT OIRECTOR V '� �GTY OOUNqL �o�y �°."��ourke 298-4231 C rol A. Fo tai 298-5 1 N�� �ciTM�TTa+"�' � �aTr ae�c MUST BE ON COUNqL AQENOA BY(DA7'� ROUTINO �BUDOET DiRECTOR ' �FIN.8 MOT.SERVICES�R. October 4, 1991 �"AAVOR�0R"�'� ❑ TOTAL N OF 81GNATURE PAGEB one �(X�p/u,��pCAT10N8 FOR SIGNATURE) ��ON��D` Two polling locations .within District 3 will be chang d back to their initial and permanent buildings(Temple of Aa.ron and Jewish Co unity Center) for the ldovember 5th General Election. All other polling places remain.unchanged and ready for approval. REOOMMErw�►noNS:Mw�•W a�(pl COUNqL t�PORT _PUWNINO O�AMISSION _CIVII 8ERVI�COMM18810N ���Y� I PMON�CEIVED _p6 WMMI7TEE _ —�� _ �"""E"�: SEP 2 71991 ��� _ suPPORrs w�xa+aouwa�oaiec�� CI7Y ���'��� irxn�,nNO�oe�.�,o�ruNm�wno,wn.�.wne�,,wn�.,wnr). : We were unable to use the Jewish Community Center (3-23) and the Temple of Aaron (3-6) for polling places during the September 101th Primary due to the observance of a Jewish Holy Day. The polling place wi�.l be moved back to the original buildings for the November 5, 1991 Genera,l Election. I,, �viwr�oes��veo: We have received approval from building adminfstratio I and told all voters in District 3, Precincts 6 & 23 that they will be mov g back to thei,r regular polling places in November after the temporar change in September. � Reminders will be mailed to all registered voters affected by this temporary change so they will know the proper place to vote for the November General Election. DISADVANTAR�ES IF APPHOVED: We will have to inform all affected voters by sendinglpostal notifications, but funds are already in the current budget to pay for; these changes. , � DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: ' We will not have a polling place for voters in 3-6 anc� 3-23 for the City General Election in November. � C uncil R�s��rch Center i SEP261991 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = 1,000 (approx.) C08T/f�VENUE 01lOOETEO(C�E ONE) YE8 NO i �Np�p�� Elections and Voter Registration ���N��q 00263 -� 0221,0241,0297 �wwcwu.iNr�uia►noN:�acPwN� General� Fund � � �� _� • . _ � � � � � �� NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE(iREEN SHEET IN8TRUCTIONAL MANUAIL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASINi3 OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTINC3 ORDER: Bebw are preferred routir�pe for tha Hve moM frequeM types of documeMa: � OONTRACTS (aesumes autlwrized OOUNCIL RESOLUTION (Antend, Bdyts./ budget exists) Accept.OraMs) 1. Outside Apsncy 1. DepaRment Director 2. Initlatfng DepertmerK 2. Budgst Dfrsctor 3. Gty Atbmey 3. Gty Attornsy 4. Mayor 4. MByodAasistaM s. Ffnance�Mpmt SvGS. Director 5. City Councfl 8. Flnance/�coouMing 6. Chisf AccountaM. Fln�Mgmt 3�s. ADMINI3TRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all othero) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Man�sr 1. Initlstinp DspartmeM Dirsctor 2. Dspertmsnt Aa:ouM�u�t 2• GtY AttomeY 4. DBepoRmeM DI►eCtOr 4. Citi nCiI�M udgsc aroctor 5. Gty Clerk 6. (:hfef Accournant. Fin 8 Mpmt Svca. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (sll others) 1. Inidating DepaRmsM 2. Gty Attorney 4. City�C�erk TOTAL NUMBER OF SKiNATURE PA(iES Indicats the A�of pagss on vrhich�gnatures are required and peperclip each of theae�ss. ACTION RE�UESTED Desc�ibe what ths projsd/request assks to axomplish in eithor chronologi. cal order or ordsr of importar�ce,whicMv�er is most appropriate tor the issus. Do not write compkte aeMences. Bepin each ftem in your Iist whh a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Compl�ts H the isws in question has been preeented bsfore any body� PubNc or priwte. SUPPORTS WHICH OOUNGL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council ob)sctiw(s)lrour ProjscU►eciuest supports by Ii�ing ths ksy worc!(8I(HOUSIN(3, RECREATION. NEIf3H80RHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUOGET, SEWER 3EPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUGTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEEIRESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUE3TED BY COUNGL INRIATIN(i PROBLEM, 133UE,OPPORTUNITY Explafn the situMion or c;onditlons thet creeted a nsed for your project or request. ADVANTACiES IF APPROVED Indicate whethsr thfs ie simply an annual budpM procedure requfrod by law/ charter or whether there aro speciflc wa in wl►�h ths Gty of SaiM Paul and its Citizens wiil benefit irom this pro�/action. DI3ADVANTA(3ES IF APPROVED What negativs sifects or major changss to existfnp or pest procesaes might this projectlrequest produce if k la pessed(s.p.,tratfic delays, ndae, tax Increasea or aseessrt�eMs)?To Whom?Whsn�For how long? DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED Wh�t will be the ns�ative conseq�s ff the promised action is not epproved?Inabflity to dsliver service?Continued high traffic, noise, aa�dsnt rete?Loes of rovsnus? FINANqAL IMPACT Although you must tailor ths infonneUon you provide here to the issue you aro addreesing,in psnsral you muat answmr tvro questions: How much is it qoinp to c�t?Who is�oi�to pay? �. �/ -/��� r. 1991 ST. PAUL POLLING PLACES FIRST DISTRICT 1-1 636 3 Central Lutheran School 775 Lexington Pky N 55104 1-2 66A 3 Wilder Square Apartments 750 Milton St N 55104 1-3 65A 3 Jackson School 437 Edmund Ave 55103 1 -4 65A 3 Scheffer Recreation Center 237 Thomas Ave 55103 1-5 * 66A 4 Mount Airy Neighborhood Center 91 Arch St E 55101 1-6 65A 4 Mount Airy Hi-Rise 200 Arch St E 55101 1-7 638 3 Galtier School 1317 Charles Ave 55104 1-8 65A 3 St Stephanus Church 739 Lafond Ave 55104 1-9 * 65A 3 Wilkins Lincoln/Mercury 1013 University Ave W 55104 1-10 * 66A 3 Scheffer Recreation Center 237 Thomas Ave 55103 1-il * 65B 4 Webster School /Grotto Door-W.Hail 707 Holly Ave 55104 1-12 65A 4 Skyline Hi-Rise 1247 St Anthony Ave 55104 1 -13 65A 4 Maxfield School 380 Victoria St N 55104 1-14 65A 4 Pilgrim Church 732 Central Ave W 55104 1-15 65A 4 Central Hi-Rise 554 Central Ave W 55103 1-16 65A 4 Ravoux Apartments 280 Ravoux St 55103 1-17 * 65A 4 St George Church 1111 Summit Ave 55105 1 -18 65A 4 Hill School 998 Selby Ave 55104 1-19 65A 4 Martin Luther King Center 270 Kent St 55102 1 -20 65A 4 Neill Apartments 325 Laurel Ave 55102 1-21 64A 4 St Lukes Schoot 1065 Surnmit Ave 55105 1-22 65A 4 Fire Station 860 Ashland Ave 55104 1-23 65A 4 Webster School /Grotto Door-W.Gym 707 Holly Ave 55104 Ist Column - City Council District 8 Precinct 2nd Column - Legislative District 3rd Column - County Commissioner District * - Polling places located outside the boundaries of the precinct; Permitted by State Law, Minn. Stat. 204B. 16. � � � �- /�� � , SECOND DISTRICT 2-1 64A 4 SPA/Summit School 1150 Goodrich Ave 55105 2-3 64A 4 St Paul 's Youth Center 900 Summit Ave 55105 2-4 * 65B 4 St. John's Church 60 Kent St 55102 2-5 * 65A 5 TVI 235 Marshall Ave 55102 2-6 658 5 10 West Exchange Apartments 10 Exchange St W 55102 2-7 65B 5 Skyway YMCA 194 6th St E 55101 2-8 65B 5 Monroe School 810 Palace Ave 55102 2-9 * 64A 5 Edgcumbe Recreation Center 320 Griggs St 5 55105 2-10 65B 4 West 7th Community Center 265 Oneida St 55102 2-il 658 5 Humboldt High School 640 Humboldt Ave 55107 2-12 65B 5 Fire Station 296 7th St W 55102 2-13 65B 5 Kellogg Square Apartments 111 Kellogg Blvd E 55101 2-14 64B 5 Montreal Hi-Rise 1085 Montreal Ave 55116 2-15 658 5 Adams School 615 Chatsworth St 5 55102 2-16 658 5 Fire Station 754 Randolph Ave 55102 2-17 65B 5 Riverview School 271 Belvidere St E 55107 2-18 65B 5 Dunedin Terrace Apartments 469 Ada St 55107 2-19 65B 5 St Matthews Sociai Hall 500 Hall Ave 55107 2-20 65B 5 Ascension Church 315 Morton St W 55107 2-Z1 656 5 Baker Community Center 209 Page St W 55107 2-22 * 65B 5 Cherokee Heights School 694 Charlton St 55107 1�+t ����1 Umn - C i ty Counc i 1 D i str i ct 8 Prec i nct 2nd Column - State Legislative District 3rd Column - County Commissioner District " - Polling places located outside the boundaries of the precinct; Permitted by State Law, Minn. Stat. 2048. 16. • �j / - 1 �� � � THIRD DISTRICT 3-1 64A 4 Ramsey School 1700 Summit Ave 55105 3-3 64B 5 Rockwood Hi-Rise 2259 Rockwood Ave 55116 3-5 C4A 4 Mount Zion Temple 1300 Summit Ave 55105 3-6 64B 5 Temple of Aarnn 616 Miss River Blvd S 55116 9-7 * 64B 5 Groveland Park School 2045 5t Clair Ave 55105 3-8 64B 5 Nativity 5chool 1900 Stanford Ave 55105 3-9 * 64A 5 Macalester Pool Lobby Snelling & Goodrich 55105 3-11 64A 5 Edgcumbe Recreation Center 320 Griggs St S 55105 3-12 648 5 Horace Mann 5chool 2001 Eleanor Ave 55116 3-13 64B 5 St Paul Acaderny 1712 Randolph Ave 55105 3-15 * 648 5 Cretin-Derham Halt Gym Lobby 550 Albert 5t S 55116 3-16 64B 5 Clevelend High Rise Apartments 899 Cleveland Ave S 55116 3-17 648 5 Highland Park Library 1974 Ford Pkwy 55116 3-19 64B 5 Highland Park School 1700 Saunders Ave 55116 3-20 648 5 Gloria Dei Church 700 Snelling Ave 5 55116 3-22 648 5 St Therese Church 1926 Norfolk Ave . 55116 3-23 64B 5 Jewish Community Center 1375 St Paui Ave 55116 lst Column - City Council District 8 Precinct 2nd Column - State Legislative District 3rd Column - County Commissioner District " Polling places located nutside the boundaries of the precinct: permitted by State Law. . ' Minn. 204B. 16. �, ��_i��� FOURTH DISTRICT 4-1 * 66A 3 Chelsea Hts. School 1557 Huron St 55108 4-2 63B 4 Luther NW Student Ctr/Chapel 1490 Fulham St 55108 4-3 638 4 St Anthony Park School 2180 Knapp St 55108 4-4 63B 3 Holy Childhood Church 1435 Midway Pkwy 55108 4-5 63B 3 Lyngblomsten Care Center 1298 Pascal St N 55108 4-6 63B 4 Seat High Rise 625 Seal St 55114 4-7 63B 4 Newell Park Recreation Center 900 Fairview Ave N 55104 4-9 63B 3 Hancock School 1599 Englewood Ave 55104 4-10 638 3 Hamiine Branch Library/Side Door 1558 Minnehaha Ave W 55104 4-11 63B 3 Hamline Hi-Rise 777 Hamline Ave N 55104 4-12 63B 4 Desnoyer Park Recreation Center 497 Pelham Blvd 55104 4-14 638 4 Bethlehem Church 436 Roy St N 55104 4-15 64A 4 Bethel Christian Fellowship 1466 Portland Ave 55104 4-16 63B 4 Longfellow School 318 Moore St 55104 4-17 64A 4 St Mark's School 2001 Dayton Ave 55104 4-18 64A 4 Family Tree (Old Gordon School ) 1619 Dayton Ave 55104 4-19 64A 4 St Paui Seminary (Brady Center) 2261 Goodrich Ave 55105 4-20 * 64A 4 St Mary's Church 1895 Laurel Ave 55104 4-21 64A 4 Fire Station ill Snelling Ave N 55104 4-22 64A 4 Cleveland Ave Church 225 Cleveland Ave S 55105 4-23 64A 4 Pilgrim Church 1935 St Clair Ave 55105 lst Column - City Council District 8 Precinct 2nd Column - State Legislative District 3rd Column - County Commissioner District " - Polling places located outside the boundaries of the precinct: Permitted by State Law, Minn. Stat. 204B. 16. y 9�-� 8��" FIFTH DISTRICT 5-1 66A 3 Cheisea Hts 5chooi 1557 Huron St 55108 5-2 66A 3 Emmaus Church 1074 Idaho Ave W 55117 5-4 * 66A 3 North Dale Recre�tion Center 1414 St Albans 5t N 55117 5-5 66A 3 Maternity of Mary/St Andrews Sch 592 Ariington Ave W 55117 5-6 66A 3 St Bernard' s P�rish Center 147 Geranium Ave W 55117 5-7 66A 3 North End School 27 Geranium Ave E 55117 5-8 66B 3 McDonough Community Center 1544 Timberlake Rd 55117 5-9 66B 6 Wheelock Schooi 1521 Edgerton St 55101 5-10 63B 3 Atrium Office Bldg 1295 Bandana Blvd N 55108 5-11 66A 3 Como Park 5chool 780 Wheelock Pkwy W 55117 5-12 66A 3 Como Park High School 740 Rose Ave W 55117 5-13 66A 3 No End Multi -Svc Center 1021 Marion St 55117 5-14 66A 3 Orchard Recreation Center 875 Orchard Ave 55103 5-15 66A 3 Front Ave High Rise 727 Front Ave 55103 5-16 66A 3 North Emanuel Church 301 Hatch Ave 55117 5-17 66A 3 Lewis Park Apartments 180 Wayzata St 55117 5-18 * 66A 3 Rice Street Library 995 Rice St 55117 5-19 668 6 East Consolidated School 409 Case Ave 55101 5-20 66B 3 Zion Church 784 Jackson St 55117 5-21 66B 6 St Patrick Schooi 471 Magnolia Ave E 55101 lst Column - City Council Oistrict 8 Precinct 2nd Column - State Legislative Distri�ct 3rd Column - County Commissioner District " - Polling piaces located outside the boundaries of the precinct; Permitted by State Law, Minn. 5tat . 2048. 16. � � � �/ ��8� SIXTH DISTRICT 6-1 * 66B 6 Johnson H.S. /Auditorium Lobby 1349 Arcade St 55106 6-2 668 6 Phalen Park Recreation Center 1000 Wheelock Pkwy E 55106 6-3 * 66B 6 Our Redeemer Church 1390 Larpenteur Ave E 55109 6-4 67A 6 Frost Lake Recreation Center 1518 Idaho Ave E 55106 6-5 67A 7 Hilicrest Hi-Rise 1743 Iowa Ave E 55106 6-6 67A 7 Hayden Hts Recreation Center 1975 Hoyt Ave E 55119 6-7 666 6 Fire Station 1226 Payne Ave 55101 6-8 66B 6 Duluth-Case Recreation Center 1020 Duluth St 55106 6-9 67A 6 Prosperity Hts School 1305 Prosperity Ave 55106 6-10 67A 7 Hayden Hts School 1350 Hazel St N 55119 6-11 67A 7 Hayden Hts Baptist Church 1298 Van Dyke St 5�119 6-12 668 6 Arlington Recreation Center 665 Rose Ave E 55106 6-13 * 67A 7 Hazel Park Recreation Center 919 Hazel St N 55119 6-14 66B 6 Edgerton High Rise 1000 Edgerton St 55101 6-15 66B 6 East Side YMCA 1075 Arcade St 55106 6-16 66B 6 Phalen Lake School /Gym 1089 Cypress St 55106 6-17 67A 6 Fire Station 1038 Ross Ave 55) 06 6-18 67A 6 Maryland Armory 1530 Maryland Ave E 55106 6-19 67A 6 Ames School 1760 Ames P1 55106 6-20 67A 6 Hazel Park Church 1831 Minnehaha Ave E 55119 lst Column - City Council District 8 Precinct 2nd Column - State Legislative District 3rd Column - County Commissioner District * - Polling places located outside the boundaries of the precinct; Permitted by State Law, Minn. Stat. 2048. 16. i 9 /-/(J %� SEVENTH DISTRICT 7-1 67A 6 Parkway Schooi 1363 Bush Ave 55106 7-2 67A 7 St Thomas Apostle Schooi 2169 Stillwater Ave 55119 7-3 66B 6 Merrick Center 715 Edgerton St 55101 7-4 67A 5 St John's Lutheran School 771 Margaret St 55106 7-5 * 67B 6 Dayton's Bluff School /Upper Gym 262 Bates Ave 55106 (Conway Parking Lot) 7-6 67A 6 Margaret Recreation Center 1109 Margaret St 55106 7-7 67B 6 Harding High School 1540 6th St E 55106 7-8 678 6 St Pascal 's School 1770 3rd St E 55106 7-9 67B 7 Eastern Hgts Lutheran Church 616 Ruth St N 55119 7-10 67B 6 Highwood Hills School 2188 Londin Lane 55119 7-il 678 5 Dayton's Bluff School /Lobby 262 Bates Ave 55106 7-13 67B 6 Wilson Hi-Rise 1300 Wilson Ave 55106 7-14 678 6 Marian Care Center/Main Lobby 200 Eari St 55106 7-15 67B 6 Fire Station 273 White Bear Ave N 55106 7-16 676 6 Sunray Branch Library 2105 Wilson Ave 55119 7-17 67B 6 Battle Creek Jr High 2121 North Park Drive 55119 7-18 67B 6 Battle Creek Recreation Center 2076 Upper Afton Rd 55119 lst Column - City Council District 8 Precinct 2nd Column - State Legislative District 3rd Column - County Commissioner District * - Polling places located outside the boundaries of the precinct; permitted by State Law, Minn. Stat. 204B. 16. . . ��- ��� �' F�t��T� ,� s CITY OF SAINT PAUL � * OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK o a � �ii�lt ri � ''o �° BUREAU OF ELECTIONS ,... Lowry Professional Bidg. #285 355 Wabasha Street North 1AMES SCHEIBEL Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 MAYOR • 612-298-5441 T0: ALL VOTERS IN DISTRICT 3 — PRECINCT 6 FROM: SAINT PAUL ELECTION BUREAU ' SUBJECT: POLLING PLACE RELOCATION FOR NOVEMBER 5, 1991 This is to notify you of the polling place change for the General Election of November 5, 1991. The Temple of Aaron was not available to use on September 10, 1991 Primary Election due to the observance of a Jewish Holy Day. There- fore, voting took place at the Ford Union Hall as your precinct's temporary polling location. . For the November 5, 1991 General Election the polling place will be moved back to the Temple of Aaron where you normally vote. TEMPLE OF AARON 616 MISSISSIPPI RIVER BLVD. S. SAINT PAUL, MN 55116 Thank you for your cooperation and remember to VOTE November Sth. . ��-����' `�,TT ,, � . CITY OF SAINT PAUL R� ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK o a � =1�11�� o o � BUREAU OF ELECTIONS ,��. Lowry Professional Bldg. #285 355 Wabasha Street North JAMES SCHEIBEL Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 MAYOR 612-298-5441 T0: ALL VOTERS IN DISTRICT 3 - PRECINCT 23 FROM: SAINT PAUL ELECTION BUREAU SUBJECT: POLLING PLACE RELOCATION FOR NOVEMBER 5, 1991 This is to notify you of the polling place change for the General Election of November : �, 1991. The Jewish Community Center was not available to use on September 10, 1991 Primary Election due to the observance of a Jewish Holy Day. Therefore, voting took place at the Highland Senior High as your precinct's temporary polling location. For the November 5, 1991 General Election the polling place will be moved back to the Jewish Community Center where you normally vote. JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER 1375 ST. PAUL AVENUE . SAINT PAUL, MN 55116 Thank you for your cooperation and remember to VOTE November 5th.