91-1845��f������ ,-`�� Counci; File # _ %�-- �g�j� ' � � 6375 ` � � Green Sheet ,� RES LUTION �°`-�-�' C(TY OF SAIN PAUL, MINNESOTA . � Presented By Referred T Committee: Date SAINT PAUL BOARD OF HEALTH WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul throu�h its Division of Public Health is required to prepare an annual proposal for the St. Paul - Ramsey WIC (Women, Infants , and Children) Supplemental Food Program to receive funding; and WHEREAS , the Board of Health will be required to approve up coming contracts between the Minnesota Department of Health and the City of St. Paul Division of Public Health THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council sittin� as the Board of Health does accept and approve the proposal for the St. Paul - Ramsey County WIC Program for 1992-1993 . Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: �w.z t z � acea ee Community ervic e t tman —"'� un e e i son i By. � Adopted by Council: Date 0 CT � �? 1991 Form Approve y City ttorney Adoption C tif'ed by Counci ec �etary � , By; jG _z_ � - By� Approved by Mayor for Submission to A roved b Council ' Pp y yor: Date _ ., � B J�����1 gY; h�-�:�,�G�c=+�t / Y� P��lt3tfED OCT 19'91 � _ ��-��-s „ DEPARTJNGNT/OFFlCFlCOUNCIL DATE INITUITEO c.s./Public aea�th 9��0�9� GREEN SHEET No. 0375 OONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE� INRUU OATE INITIAUDATE o�a�aTM�r ar�croR C(TY COUNpI; Diane Holmgren 292-7712 N��� c�v�n�N�r crry c�EqK � - MUST BE ON COUNpI Af�ENOA BY(DATE) ROUTINO BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.3 MOT.SERVICES DIR. Scheduled for October 1, 1991 �urop��ss�sTnrm TOTAL N OF SIQNATURE PAGE8 � (CLIP ALL LOCATION8 FOR 810NATUR� ACTION REOUEBTED: City signatures on a Resolution for Board of Health approval of various grants to the Minnesota Department of �Health by the St. .Pau1 Division of Public Health.� . .. F�o01�t�1ENW►T�ONS:Mvr�+W o►AsMc+(Fry , COUNC�COMMI111�EE/RE8EARCH I�PORT OPTIONAL -����� _����,��,�� „�,� �E►�. IVED _�� _ , _���«,� _ `- ��: � ��=-t�.�cc` SEP �1 1991 . , � . _ . � ��,�����E�, � � C I TY ATTO . NNYIATIPK�PA08LEM.�BUE�OPPORTUNITY(Who.Wha.WI»n.WMn�Mlhy): The City of St. Paul, Division of Public Health requests Board .of Health approval of grant proposals to the Minnesota Department of Health for funding including � - Maternal and Child Health for 1992-1993 ($1,645,862) - WIC (Women, Infants and Children) Supplemental .Food Program for �10/1/92-9/30/93 ($2,325,00 ) - Refugee Health (Monitoring Program) for 10/1/92-9/30/93 ($49,270) . ; , .i, '. ._ . .,, . ' . . .- r ,. . .., .. .�� ,,:. „ . . - . . . � . . . . . . � . ':1'_:� d ... � � �DVMITMiE8 IF APPROVE�: . .,: • _' ,' _ , ` �" , .� . ... . . . `. The City, Division of Public Health will receive_approximately ;$4,020,132 to ,support these programs and activities. 't� ,}- . ... .. : .� � . � . a�l 1 i .w � � � . �� RECEIVED � .,; . . , � . . , _ _ . . , : �.� . �.. : � , . . .., . .. : .; , �y �:: , . ,. : ,.,�. r. ,SEP.2 6 19 . .... .. 91 .� : - . ��:: � . DISADVMITAGES IF APPROVED: ,. >. •'. ' . ,:t , � < .... .: . . ` .. , � ,s�.r � . � .. � � - 7 r ��-}'.� e� F^j:."i11 ..- .. .. ,.. NONE _ .. .- ;:, ,, ..� . . � • , -• .... . . t_�.� . . . .3��.c `;'R�CEIVED . . , . , �. ..rSEP 20�1991 . _ - � . . - . � ... . . . . . . . . . �..., � - - _... .AL r-. . :��..�. . .. �.. . . -: , . . . � . ..... �..:; ,.. "1. . �E: ::�. , . . - _ . - . .; . ; , -:-��MAYOR'S OFFIC£,-� � -. ois�ov�rrr�s�Nar�r�oveo: � -�'� .����� ,,�:.: ..: ,,.�. �LY•. � ,�,� x " ��,�.,E`.�qY�°�� � . . ..: -, �. . .. . .. ` `t ��, ,sa4 �i �t.� . . .;T i,>!a.',�k�a�'�"}�.��:N. �a,_��' ,: . . . The City of St. °Paul, Division of Public Health may. not :receive full .funding for these activities � �CQU�1Ci� R@S8�C4''��;pt�#P.P' �y re �A� `� _ t, . :-SEP 2� 1991 , .. . : . ;- � . TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION i 4,020,132 ��COST/REVENUEjSlJDOETED�.E� O: NO ;.- . ` FUNDINQ SOURCE . State of Mlnnesota � . ; ,� , , ., '" ACTIVITY NUM6ERVarious � � FINANGAL INFORAAA710N:(F�(PWI� - `` .. .,., ... . � ., ,. , ,.,_. - . t � .r,;.J'� � : . - �;z d _ � � t,�� ��i-��-� 4� ' i CITY OF SAINT PAUL itllyt(;611 OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL PAULA MACCABEE SUSAN ODE Councilmember Legislative Aide Members: • Paula Maccabee, Chair Bob Long Janice Rettman Date: October 9, 1991 COMMITTEE REPORT HUMAN SERVICES, REGULATED INDUSTRIES AND RULES AND POLICY COMMITTEE 1. Approval of the minutes of the Human Services, Regulated Industries, and Rules & Policy Committee for: August 14, 1991; August 28, 1991; and September 11, 1991. COMMITTEE APPROVED, 3-0 2. Resolutions referred from the Board of Health (Referred 10-1-91) : A. Resolution 91-1842 - approving Refugee Health Grant for F.Y. 1992 - F.Y. 1993. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, 3-0 B. Resolution 91-1843 - approving 1992-1995 St. Paul-Ramsey County Community Health Services Plan,a nd the 1992-1993 Indian Health Grant for St. Paul and Suburban Ramsey County. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL AS AMENDED, 3-0 C. Resolution 91-1844 - approving 1992-1993 Maternal Child Health Plan for St. Paul . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, 3-0 _ D. Resolution 91-1845 - approving F.Y. 1992 - F.Y. 1993 Application for Administration of Local W. I.C. (Women, Infants and Children) Project. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, 3-0 3. Ordinance - amending Chapter 318 of the Legislative Code relating to Mechanical Amusement Devices (Last in Committee 9-25-91) . THIS ISSUE WAS LAID OVER TO THE OCTOBER 23, 1991, HUMAN SERVICES, REGULATED INDUSTRIES, AND RULES AND POLICY COMMITTEE MEETING CITY HALL ' SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5378 5�46 Printed on Recycled Paper , ' _ �Ql�l��`� _ 7" � MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH . . " . SPECIAL SUPPLEMENTAL F000 PROGRAM . FOR � WOMEN, INFANTS AND CHILDREN ('�f I C) FY '92 - FY '93 APPLICATION FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF A LOCAL WIC PROJECT October 1, 1991 to September 30, 1993 ` .. - - HE-00582-03 -• April , 1991 . :tifINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HE4LTH Face Sbeet Gcaat Appiication For ��� SDeCldl SUDD12IIIe21Cd1 Food p"[lo�ar+ nr WnmPn� Tnfantc �nd ('}+:ldren (WIC Program) Name of Grant l?1 APPLIC.4NT AGEiJCY with which conuact is to be executedl Legal Name Address Phone ('mclude area co3e) St. Paul Division of 555 Cedar Street Public Health St. Paul, 1�1 55101 612-292-7713 (3) DIRECTOR OF APPLICANT AGE.*iCY Name/Title Address Phone (inciude area code) Ratherine Cairns 5>j Cedar Street Public He�lth Director St. Paul, I►II�T 55101 612-292-7713 (ll FISCAL?�,NAGE'.�fEIrT OFFICER OF APPLICA.'`lT AGENCY Name/Titie Address Phone(inciude area code) r� OP�,aTZtiG AGENCY fif differeat from number 21 Name/Tule Address Phone('mdude area cade) !b1 CO':�T:�C'I'PERSON FOR OPER4TLtiG-AGE� ('tf different�om number 3) Name/7'ide Address Phone (iaclude area code) �Iary Peick 1954 IIniversity AVenue, Room 12 �vZC Coordinator St. Paul, MN 5�104 612-292-7000 �71 COI�TACI'P�2SON FOR FL'RTFi'E.�L'�IF'OR'�IATION ON,�PPLIC�►TION(if diffc:eat from number 61 tiame/Tide .�ddress Phone (iac:uCa 3re3 ca3e) i 3) COPIES OF THIS.�►PPLICA►TION HAVE BE...�I SE.'VT TO'I'fIE FOLLOWING REVIEW AGE.'�1CIES: AGEI�CY TYPE AGENCY:v.4ME(S) Mary Anderson, Chairperson Date xnt Re�onal DeveIopment Commission(s) Metropolitan Council, 230 E. Sth St. , St. Paul, June 3, 1991 »1 1 I Commaairy Health Board(s) -N/.�if thq Baard is . the Applicaat-- (9) I certify that the iaformation contained hezein is we and accurate to the best of my knowiedge aad that I submit this applicadoa on behalf of the applicant agency. . Signature of Director of Applicaat a,gency: 'L(� ���,��Z�(.c�i ( ���/�� Title• Public Health Director Date: 3 JI q� � HE-0127�-a2(3/15/91) -1- �/�/��5 MIN�IESOTA DEPARTi�fENT OF HFALTH ,- PROJECT INFOR.�TION (1) Svecial Supple�ntal Food Program for T�To�n, Infants and Children (WIC Program) (Name of Graat) (2) PROJECT INFORMATION APPLICA.'VT AGENCY St. Pau2 Division of Public Health BEGINIVING DATE END DATE PROJECT FUNDS REQUESTED October 1, 1991 September 31, 1993 Y� 1 Y�2 H/A I�/A SERVICE ARFA(City,Counry,or Counties) LOCr'�L Ma►TCH PROYIDED �/A Year 1 Year 2 � . ' �Q�J T�►.�C I.D. � N/A N/A . FED.I.D.�# (if applicable) . N/A N/A (3) NON-PROFiT STATUS: SOlC3 copy attached: Yes Not Applicable g (4) EVTDE?�TCE OF WORKERS' COMPE?�tSATTON TI�SLTR.�lYCE: Attac.�ed: Yes Y No Not Applicable (� AFPIR:�fATNE ACTiON: The ageacy has a certificate from the Commissioner of Humaa Rights, pursuant to �fianesota Statutes, Secxion 363.0?3: .�►Liached: . Yes No % _ Not Applicable becanse: a. TotaI contract is SS0,000 or less b. Ageacy has 20 or fewer full-time employers c. X Units of local government d. indian reserva[ioas -�- EoIDENCE OF COHPLIANCE State laW :vr�ids t�e Ca�.:.issioner of �ealt� from e�ter�nq i^to � any contract until t�e Cc�issioner receives acceptable evi�enca ot compliance with wcrkers' c�npensat?on i.^.sura^ce c�verage require�ents from the contractor. - T�e exce�tion to t�is require�e�t is a se2_*-e�ployed contractcr who has r.o erplcyees. An em�lcyee, as defi�ed by Minn. Stat. 176 . 011, sLbd. 9, is azy person who per=on►s ser�ices fcr another fcr hira, izcludinq ninors and fa�ily �e�ers. If you do not fall within the exception and you wish to enter into a contract with the Cemmissioner o� Health, ycu can furnish acceotable evidence ef ccnpliance wit� workers' compensatien coveraqe in any one of the following four ways: I. �tt3c:z a certificate ef i.^.surance (supplied by you wcrkers' c�mpezsa�icn carrier) to this Ex:zibit; or II. If you are selg-insurad, attac�ed a �ritten o:�er from the �inr.esota Ccmmissioner of Ce�un=rce allowinq you to self- • . � .. _.,__ III. If you a=a sel_-insure3 aad ycu ara a s�ate asenc•� or a �unic'_�al subdivisicn of t::e sta�e, purs�ar,t �� Minn. Stat. 1�5. 131, subd. 2 , and ara r.ct r=_�s�_�d �o cbtaiz a «ri�ten o��er :_em t!:e Ce�-�issicr.er o= Cc;a.�aerce, circ�e t�is enti=s i=e� aad sig:� and �ate t_^.e =er� be?cw i� the space �rovide3; or IV. ?ill iz �;e in�or:aat?cn fer eacZ ite:a be?cw a^.d sicn in t:�e sDace �rcv:ded: a. Na�e of Contr�c�or's insurance carrier: B, Acdress of Contractor's insurance carrier: � C. Ccntractor's insurance policy number: D. I aftir,a that all the employees of � , (Contractor's Name) � are covered by the workers' � _ coapensation insurance policy listed above. .,�y�, • S igned by: ���(7/1 ���.` ��2��/17.d _�,�7i/T p Tltl e: Public Health Director Date: S�31�91 -3- , q�/��s - PART I A6ENCY IDENTIFICATION 1 . Type of Applicant Agency: Public. x • Private, non-profit. Tax exempt number: Indian Health Service (IHS) service unit. Indian tribe, band or group which operates a health clinic is provided health services by an IHS service unit. � Intertribal council or group that is an authorized representative of tribes, bands, or groups, which operates a health clinic or is provided � health services by an IHS service unit. 2. Classification of Applicant Agency: a. Excluding WIC, approximate percentage of applicant agency's budget spent on: Health services 100 y, Non-health human services x b. Excluding WIC, approximate percentage of applicant agency employee work hours related to: �Health services 100 �, - Non-health human services � 3. If the operating agency is not the same as the appiicant agency, explain the relationship between the two agencies. (Not applicable x ) m3====�a=o=a===xas�==3aamss===ss=�3m===�sss=�sa�m=xsx��msaasso=msmasa=��o==aso PART II SCOPE OF OPERATIONS 1. 'What geographic area do you propose to serve? If your proposed project is not bound by county borders, please describe the boundaries or� attach a map of the service area. All of Ramsey County � . 2. If your proposed project will service "members of populations" within the area described above, describe the population to be served and how membership in that populatio� is determined. (See Instructions for the definition of "members or populations.") (Not applicable x ) -4- ;�< . m _S ' L �C . . V � U r L . i-� m ' y+ '- N d O � . � C • 'o � c� � i " �-1 A r � m d !'�1 m C L 1 ' � Cf m •-_�_-•_--_ '-. _ '. +� 7 m � O L O L Qf L � r0 q . � � C t , C � � � . � � i� 3 Q r r Qf > L +� C O 3 C O L m m O_ r0 E N � • W � U > �-r p � G. Ql m N W � m c/'! 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C C � m +- t � � C � m � C V v� � L E 4 � C m O r0 C }� fA �O L w tfl E N � � � � � i � � O c = � �"'' a� a m �o m � m O a c . ++ R -o � � �`" �° 3 .� � 7 Ifl • iJ N � � IA i.� � O C G � �D � i0 � 3 a. � O C C C N N � N m � N m G IA = � O m {� m (,� � y = {� ." m � � � r0 7 � C R � E O m m �+ � � (,7 L ��. t C� m � C� � C � N C A G � m � 7 O +� C� C �+ +� m C � +'v ^ CJ� C'� �C � � � C � O'] > C m i0 C? � � �. � C � C > t� O G � m r- � m �+ m � > V V � O C .i� t� G p .� L ` � U �0 N �L � C E YI U ►�+ C Ifl L �7 < m O L C V • i� C C am � i r- = � � i � ami c � m � � d . - � � �, �-. rn � � a � L w � i �n E � V �.. � � • � � � t p L O � � � • � d .r E i� �t � v a, �a c� � sca .� = = c ,�— •� s- ...+ n� - L � � c v+4- 2 �, u � � eo o c: _ ������s 2. For health services provided directly by your applicant agency, describe any eligibility criteria for participation, such as age, income or residency. -The Family Planning Program at the St. Paul Division of Public Health has no specific eligibility requizements. Cost foz services (NOte applicable ) is based on family size and income but no one is denied service based on inability to pay. Services are available to all at both city and suburban sites under a Title % grant which prohibits discrimination. -The immunization program at St. Paul Division of Health asks for $10.0 in payment from city residents. No city resident is turned away based o$ inab�li � to ay. on- it resident e har d cost plus an a in�s ra on f�e� �erv��e� are avai�Ia�`�e €o a�g. 3. A participant w�io is no� rece�ving ongoing, routine pediatric and obstetric care through his/her own provider is identified through the certification process and must be provided with the recom�r�e���d care schedule. -Pediatric services are available to refugee c i ren who have lived i- the U.S. 12 months or less. This is the only criterion for participaL_ a. If your agency provides health care directly, how will such a participant be referred into your health care system? (Not applicable ) The participant is referred in one of the following waqs: a) He or she mav be "walked over" to the service. b) He or she may be given a "Be Healthy" referral form (attached) � with the desired or needed service circled. b. If your agency provides health care through written agreements with another agency or private physicians, or through referrals to private physicians, how will such a participant be given a written referral to an agency or a physician with whom you have an agreement or letter of understanding? . . (Not applicable ) _ _ � Given a list of the agencies or physicians who have signed an agreement or letter of understanding X Given a referral form addressed to an agency or a physician who signed an agreement or iet�er of understanding � . Other (specify) . -8- a� � � omT amis mcyoo � oT � a�i � � n� x � � � - � Tm • c� oo � � � c� o- '-' '� Q- � � n °c. °a. � � � m 3 a. 3 � 3 � m � m � � cc o � � ? � � 2� � � � o a� �' � a�i � p`< � �, 3 � � � D� � o o � Q- m = � � 3 fD � � �- L � � � m n � c� p � � � o, ctn �� �' � �7Z 2 � �tW O -� I I � C � � � � fn '� �p � � � t�i� � � � � O n � � O cD � cD � T > > : D d ��j' O p� � Q, C O O N_�Q � N y � O cD ^' fv � s cD �� � � � � A Q�' "' � O �. 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How and when will you follow-up on the referral? i . Contacting the participant x • Contacting the agency or physician Other (specify) . ii . At next pickup appointment x At next certification appointment Other (specify) . iii . Written follow-up � Verbal follow-up x d. How will you document the referral and follow-up in the participant's chart? Health history form Nursing notes SOAP chart Referral follow-up sheet x Other (specify) . 4. How will your applicant agency provide integrated referral services with the local Public Health Nursing/Maternal and Child Health Program? - � Not applicable, because all participants receive health services through IHS and/or Public Health Agency �Agency is part or a subgrantee of the local Public Health Nursing/ �ommunity Health Services structure x Agency subcontracts with local Public Health Nursing to provide some WIC services Agency has a letter of understanding with local Public Health Nursing/ . Community Health Services -9- PAR? :'I STAF=:`+G 1. Activittes to be pertormed by canpetent prcress�cnal au:norttles. a. Indtcate all posttlon(s) rhich xtll perf�r� :�e ac�'vitles belox. Mhe!1@!' �np'oyeC by� your applicant or operating agenc�, or oota!r,aa from another source. Ccmoiete and attach quatification requi�ement .ancsnee�s as t�dicated. � ampetent Assass Prescrfbe ! P-scare Provid• Oeveioo ; ( :.:.mpieLe rofessional Nutritional Food I Nutr. _�. ?lan; One-to-Ons Indt. Care � a-a AuthoriLy R1sk; Package; �co�ove Nutrition Plans for ' �:tach �� ype Assign C�ange � Nu:-. =c. Educa:ton t�t5n Rtsx � Priorlty Package : Wate�tais Par*ictoants ' aaassssssaassassssai ssssasssssasa ssassas:3sa ��--=-'--�---- sassssssssa_ ----- ---_ - --� _--_' hystcian I � I ! I NutritloMst rith i Nutritton or i � i�tettcs O�grs� g A � Y Y � Y � � � - - � an� Econanist ! • � I ! '++orx- rith Ea�phasls � � s^ee: � 1n Nutrition � ' g Y : Y X I Y a or 3 � IReglstered � � � � 1stlLian � � ; .� � � ; Y � % Y � f i � •Regfstered Nurse � I � � X , _� � Y � _� � �'hyslctan's I ) �c^K- 1 �Assis�ant i � :naet ; � i ' - - - - � � iL{C 8f1 Sed �1 C rx_ �rac:tcal Nursa I s;eet , , g Y Y ; o: � . � I ; Oletet:C '' , jTaca�ician ' i _ _ scaet_ : � , R Y % _ ; � �� � �Other Individual ! �+crr- � �Currant'Y AQProved � :nee: � ias a Com�etent � i �rofessional g � � Autlarity ` I j -:0- � - �,�,��-,�� b. Tell us the source of any non-WIC positions indicated above: (Not applicable ) Another program within your applicant or operating agency x Another agency under subcontract to your agency . Attach a copy of your agreement(s) with such agency(ies) . Specify agency name(s) : Other (specify) . c. Do you have a plan for (providing a qualified replacement or postponing the clinic) in the absence of the competent professional ' authority(ies) indicated above. - Yes Y No, explain (substitution o= qualified staff) 2. Other activities. a. List all position/job title(s) which will perform the activities below, whether employed by your applicant agency or obtained from another source. i . Initial determination of eligibility (category, residence and t�COme) . vutritionists and ;lutrition Assistants Clezical Trainees Urban Corps Students , Cler� Typists Health and Education assistants . . Office Manager Medical Assistants , ii . Collection of certification data (dietary intake, medical history, _ anthropometric and hematologic data) . Nutritionists and Nutrition �ssistants Nurses Urban Corps Students L.P.N.s Health and Education Assistants Lab Technicians Medical Assistants - Note: We also use certificativn data less than 60 days old from M.D.s, clinics � 111 . Voucher 15SUd�C2. and agencies including HMOs, community clinics, Health St� • Clerical Trainees (M.I.C.) . People employed in a variety of job titles Clerk Typists probably collect this information (for example, 1rIDs, RNs, Nutritionists and Nutrition Assistants �Ns, Lab Technicians) Urban Corps Students b. Does your WIC Program have a contract with another agency to collect certification data? If so, attach a copy of the contract. No -11- r PART Y PROGRAM OPERATIONS 1. Indicate the agency which will provide the administrative services listed � below. Provided by the Provided through a applicant or the written agreement ooeratina aqencv with another aaencv3 a. Supervision and management x b. Financial management x c. Procurement g d. Property management x e. Program reporting x f. Records maintenance x � 2. Provide the following information regardingyouur agency's financial management system: a. Do your agency's accounting record keeping systems meet federal financial management standards as established under Office or Management and Budget Circulares A-21, A-87, A-102, A-110 and A-122, as applicable? Yes � No Specify: b. What type of accounting system does your agency use? Accrual x Cash Other Specify: c. Haw will WIC funds be accounted for? Separate WIC bank account Ledger Account with in a general fund X ' Other Specify: — 3Attach a copy of the agreement. -12- ' �'/-�8"�1�5 3. Provide the following information regarding your proposed clinic operations. d. Cl inic name/city b. Certification c. Voucher d. Nu�er of days e. If scaft travel co f. Ctinic are3 •� site pickup per mo�th clinic, round trip desi;ra:�a site distance one-trio ron-scxki-_ -• Division of Public Health 01-81 x x 18 9.4 miles I Yes 555 Cedar Street St. Paul, MN 55101 ?, Dayton Avenue Presbyteria Church (02-82) x x 15 7.0 miles � Yes _1 Macku in St. Paul, l�T 55104 � 1. LaClinica (03) 153 Concord St. g x I 4 15.8 miles I Yes St. Paul, MN 55107 �. :IcDonough Homes (15-83) 1544 Timberlake x x 10 14.0 miles Yes ' St. Paul, �Li 55117 i. St. Stephen s Church (25) I965 E. County Road E x I x 11 I 29.2 miles � Yes white 3ear Lake, yIld »110 I I I I I i. r�alph Reeder Center (32) :00 lOth St. v.W. s I x 9 I 19.0 miles , Yes Vew Bri�hton, yIl�T SS1I2 I ( I i. St.Paui-�amsey :Sedical Centzr ��0-�8-84-37) s s I 16 ( 10.0 �iles I Yes ou0 Jac{son St. I S t. Paul �ff�T 55101 i. ramily Tree (�1) I�99 Selbv• avenue s x 1/2 3.8 miles I Yes St. Paul, �.�PiT 55104 ( (satell�te of Ramsev) �. Cantral Higz School (57) { '!�!arshall & Lesin ton x x I 1/2 S.0 miles I Yes S t. Paul, .�S�Ti 55104 I (satellite of Ramsey) 3. Face to Face Health � Counseling Service x x 8 12.0 miles Yes 642 E. 7th St. St. Paul, :�IN 55106 -13- � PART VI CIVIL RI6tfT5 COMPLIANCE 1. a. Is your applicant agency a current or recent (within three years recipient of State or Federal funds? Yes x No b. If yes, has your applicant agency had any civil rights complaints filed against it or experienced any other civil rights problems within the last three years? . • Yes No x If yes, describe and note any corrective action taken: 2. Are all of your proposed procedures, clinic sites, and hours of operation designed in such a manner so as not to discriminate against person based on race, color, national origin, age, sex or handicap? Yes g No If no, describe the problem(s) and indicate your corrective action plan: 3. If the applicant agency must contract for WIC services (for example, ongoing, routine pediatric and obstetric care, clinic space or certification staff), do the contractual agreements contain the proper nondiscrimination assurances? Yes X No NA If no, indicate your corrective action plan: ' _ _ . Based on Census data, what is the statistical racial/ethnic composition of your proposed s2rvice area? , (Not applicable because proposed project will service "members of . populations" ) �� County: County: Count y: Ramsey Wh i te � ss 9'. g; x B1 ack 4,� � 9', r Hispanic * 2.9 9', 9'0 % � Asian/Pacific Islander 5.1 � �; � American Indian 9 � �, x Other �� ye � :Iote: These percentages are from 1990 census data. (See attached page) . *Hispanics are already counted in other _jq_ groups (primarily the White group) . Therefore the percentages will add up to 102.9X . . }/'/��J �. POPULATION OF RAMSEY COUNTY BY RACE AND ETHNIC GROUP According to the 1990 U.S. Census NUMBER OF PERSONS PERC�NT OF PERSONS RACE and ETHNlC GROUP Ramsey City of Ramsey City of County S� Paui County St Paui All rac2s, totai.............»........ 485.76� 272,235 100.0% 100.0°6 White................................... 427,677 223,947 88.0°'0 82.3°ia 81acic................................... 22.074 20,083 4.7°'a 7.4°'0 indian...............»................. 4,509 3.697 0.9°'a 1.4% Asian..............»............_..... 24,792 19,197 5.i°0 7.1°�a Other................................... 6,113 5,311 1.3°�0 2.0% All ethnic groups, totai......... 485.76� 272,235 100.0°0 100.0°�0 Hispanic............»......._....... 13,890 11.476 2.9°'0 4.2% No�-His�anic...................._ 471,875 250,759 97.1°'a 95.8°% NOTE: Hisaanic persons are persons who reported Hispanic origi�or descant from suct�Spanish-speaking cauntries as Spain. Mexica. Puerto Rica. Cuba. and other countries of South and Central America. H/spanic does not denote a raca. Hispanics may be of any race, and in the U.S. Census, individual selt-identification of racs detertnined the racial category of each Hispanic. � 10inay9 r _ . . , 5. Is there a non-English speaking population in your proposed service area? Yes a No If yes, what languages are spoken? Hmong Spanish Cambodian Describe the staff, volunteers or other translation resources available to serve this population: We hane seven Hmong/Eaglish biliaguals on staff as well as the services of a Cambodian interpreter. Several staff inembers are flueat in Spanish. We also use, if necessary, the translation resources desczibed in the Minnesota Operations Manual. 6. Do you have appropriate staff, volunteers or other translation resources available to serve any hearing impaired participants? Yes X No If no, indicate your corrective action plan: 7. Who will be responsible for training new WIC staff on civil rights? Name: Susan Mihelick Tttl@: Nutritionist II Agency Name' St. Paul Division of Public Health -15-