91-1795 ����i�A1. _ , � �, ,�,�.�., �, � r .�-��. /� Council File # �� � ��`�� � Ordinance # / � � Green Sheet # �5 f 2 ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNES � r Presented By �' Referred To Committee: Date An ordinance amendinq Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Leqislative Code so as to add the ��T�� Tree Preservation Overlay District and the R- LL One Family Larqe Lot Residential District; sections 61.101, 62.101, 62.103, 62.104 (9) (c) , and 66.204 of the Leqislative Code. �hereas, the Planninq Commission of the City of Saint Paul has made a survey of the area of the City known as the Hiqhwood area, which area is bounded on the north by Lower Afton Road, on the east by McRniqht Road, on the south by the City limits and on the west by Hiqhway 61, and the Commission has determined that the number,_of real estate descriptions beinq affected �y:::::.;the proposed chanqes would make it impractical to obtain tl��e�`� necessary 2/3rd consent of contiquous property owners; and Whereas, The Commission, followinq public hearinqs beld for that purpose, has recommended that the zoninq code be amended, and the City Council, havinq considered the report and recommendations of the Commission, and havinq conducted a public hearinq on the proposed zoninq code amendments, does hereby amend the Zoninq Code pursuant to the authority qranted by and in accordance with the procedures set forth in Minnesota Statutes, section 462.357. � The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: ' Section 1 That section 60.201 of the Leqislative Code is hereby amended to read to add the followinq definition: Applicant. The applicant for a building, qradinq or fill permit, plat approval or site plan review. Section 2 That section 60.202 of the Legislative Code is liereby amended so as to add the followinq definition: Buildable area. That area of a platted lot lyinq within the required setbacks, exclusive of those areas that are prohibited 1 +��������i� q I -�'�95 U; from development due to steep slopes, wetlands, easements or other conclitions protected by ordinance or leqal aqreement. Section 3 That section 60.203 of the Leqislative Code is hereby amended so as to add the tollowinq definitions: Caliper inches. The lenqth of a straiqht line measured throuqh the trunk ot a tree sis (6) inches above the qround. Canopp. The horizontal extension of a tree�s branches in all directions trom its trunk. Section 4 That section 60.204 of the Leqislative Code is hereby amended so as to add the followinq detinitions: DBH. Diameter at breast heiqht, or the diameter in inches of a tree measured at four and one halt (4 1/2) feet above the existinq qrade. Drip line. An imaqinary vertical line that eutends from the outermost branches of a tree�s canopy to the qround. Section 5 That section 60.212 of the Leqislative Code is hereby amended so as to add the followinq definition: Li=its of disturbance. The total area within a development site that will be disturbed in any way for land alteration or construction. Section 6 That section 60.215 of the Leqislative Code is hereby ', amended so as to add the followinq definition: Individual sewaqe treatment system. A sewaqe treatment system or part thereof, servinq a dwellinq or other astablisbment or qroup thereof, that uses subsurface soil treatment and disposal or above-qround soil treatment in areas of hiqh �ater table or bedrock, or rapidly or slowly permeable soils. section 7 That section 60.218 of the Leqislative Code is hereby amended so as to add the followinq definition: itoot $one. The area under a tree that is at and within the drip line of a tree�s canopy. Section 8 That section 60.219 of the Leqislative Code is hereby amended by addinq the followinq definition: 2 �.r���►���. q i - i 7q5 � Sewaqe disposal system. (See ��individual sewage treatment svstem.��) Superintendent of parks. The superintendent of parks ot the City of Saint Paul. Section 9 That section 60.220 of the Leqislative Code is hereby amended by addinq the followinq definition: Tree. Any self-supportinq, woody, perennial plant, usually with one (1) main stem or trunk and many branches. Section 10 That section 60.300 of the Leqislative Code is hereby amended to add the R-LL One-Family Larqe Lot Reaidential District to the listinq of Residential Districts, and to add the �•T�� Tree Preservation overlay District to the listinq of Special DistriCts. Section �� That section 60.301 of the Leqislative Code is hereby amended so as to incorporate into the Zoninq Code the attached maps which designate and identify the area of the City of Saint Paul to be within the ��T�� Tree Preservation Overlay District and within the R-LL One Family Larqe Lot Residential District, which maps shall be a part of the Zoninq Code in the manner provi8ed for in section 60.301. Section 12 That Chapter 60 of tbe Leqislative Code is hereby amended so as to add the followinq provisions which establish the R-LL One- Family Larqe Lot Residential District and specifies the uses which may be permitted in that district: Division 2. 60.400. Residential Districts SubdiVisioA 1. 60.405. R-LL one-Family Larqe Lot Residential DistriCt. SeC. 60.406. Intent. The R-LL One-Family Larqe Lot Residential district is the lo�►est density residential district. The intent is to provide for a semi-rural environment of predominantly low-density, one- familp detached dwellinqs alonq with other residentially related facilities which serve the residents in the district. The district is desiqned to protect, maintain and enbance wooded areas, wildlife and plant resources, fraqile bluff areas, topoqraphy and larqe expanses of natural veqetative cover; to reduce erosion and excessive stormwater runoff associated with 3 ������1�,�#� � f - f'79 5 I/ hiqher-density development; and to facilitate installation of private �ells and individual sewaqe treatment systems for one- family detached dwellinqs. Sec. 60.407. Principal usea persitted. In the R-LL One-Family Residential District, the use ot land, the location and erection ot new buildinqs or structures, and the alteration, enlarqement, and movinq of existinq buildings or structures from other locations or districts shall aonform to the principal uses as permitted in Sec. 60.412. Sec. 60.408. Principal uses permitted subject to specfal conditiona. Additional uses shall be permitted, as allo�ed in Sec. 60.413, subject to the conditions imposed for each use and subject to the review and approval of the planniaq commission. Sea. 60.409. �rea, bulr and yard setbacY requireaents. See Chapter 61, schedule of Requlations, limitinq the heiqht and bulk of buildinqs, the minimum size of lot permitted by land use, the maximum density permitted and providinq minimum yard setback requirements. Section 13 That section 60.411 of the Leqislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 60.411. Inteat. The intent of the R-1 throuqh R-4 One-Fami�,y ResiBential districts is to provide for an environment of predominantly low- � density, one-family detached dwellinqs alonq with other residentially related facilities which serve the residents in the districts. Because of its residential nature, this district is not intended for more intensive uses such as small conference centers, private retreat centers and reception houses. Section 14 That chapter 60 of the Leqislative Code is hereby amended so as to add the followinq provisions establishinq a special district entitle8: ��Tree Preservation District��, and requlations pertaininq to that special district: Division 5. 60.700. Special Districts Subdivision 7. 60.780. ��T�• Tree Preservation District Sec. 60.781. Intent. The ��T�� Tree Preservation District is desiqned to preserve the essential character of those areas that are heavily-wooded and in a more natural state by encouraqinq a resourceful and prudent 4 � J � � y w d v_ �w Cl� N .� .� .� .-� .� •-� 2 2 2 = � .0'O 7 u. t �sN c. o.. o �o•�-oe ;o a, rt a� a a � < a a a < a � � m� z s z z z z z z z z WQoC� O J • � ��..��� a w v a,el ae ac �r ae Te x ax x x .+ ��.� o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � �X C Gt M M M M M M M U M 1! M t) � U� m m � d d 1-� L W .� = l0 If��' V1 D IA� V1 d I!1� IA d t(1� IA �1 t 0 L �. � � NI N N N N N N N d N� V�� C +' Y E V p � �+o � � W a+O � N N J V � 4! �0 H OI�I O.O �O d N.G 00 d OD d CD.a L L V 01 d L L�•N W O L C,� �y� H G N N � . •- � W d �� 0�1 Ol � �� G�1 Ql `_ U O a+ 'O C a1 ^ N L��•0 �+..- . . �� > a+N a+tA � N Cl i+IA � y CI p � L�-'L ++ L�t �+ O�C E 'J �,C 7 C � OI O �O �T � �! O� O� N t..� C! d N L� N W O E y g � � �3 C'i Ol � �3 G�7 Of � v-N �Cd O � � �' �� J va�0i o o)Al o'° �n a v�� �n� �n� in'a �n a �n d o a � � � M M W N l0 N l0 N �0 N �0 N �0 N N � tn � = Q �y, W W N u �� � � L N C 4! OI O O O O O O O O O cQ C s�+ Ol L r LL M M M M M �1' �f �t tA C E C'y �Gl 7 ^ [ S Y �� � L d X �Y •X N C�� MI M M M M M M M � C E C � f O y N C m O N � �+L • N Y � d��` � �I � .� �, s N d w w .� d N = � . Y � L �- y w '0 a r U N C � O O O O O O 61 W O! 01 �C N�� � � ti�Yi �O�I N O O O Cl '0 N d •� W � O L Q�i O� f� �O �A M C> U V N a+ JQN N U .L N � � � � l0 f0 W /0 �0 N W C C C C N C G C t�N- W '�O � � '�O � O J � � 1 y M ..- N �- fl V1 1-- W 1� CL d' OC � GC •�0 •�7 •�+ •j a' U y � � T a T � y � u. Y- ! .` p .E�� � � � � E 7 N d d < a+ .� w c E E E �o O 0. a� O.� � o v� a LL w �o � w u. r� • io • m •� �o � •+ u. u. � � r•� a+• : � � 2 C J N N 0� W 3 O 7 C 7 C 7 C � C o C � Gr ��`O ' O O O ~ ~ ��� �� � �� J � N �•^ N•� M•^ ; � � � N � N N N ,O �W J e0 � N M �T r r S N F W S N � tn N �O OC d'J OC K CC OC � C' OL OC OC OL C d' �+���i��/� q I- i�9 5 � approach to their development that includes minimal tree loss and mitiqation of tree removal resultinq from developmmnt. The ��T�� district is further provided to reduce stormwater runoff and minimise floodinq; aid in the stabiliaation of soil by preventinq erosion and sedimentation; aid in the removal ot ca=bon dioxide and the qeneration of oxyqen in the atmosphere; and maintain the visual screeninq, wind break, dust collection, heat and qlare reduction, and noise barrier characteristics exhibited bp trees. Sec. 60.782. Principal uses persitted and principal uses pers3.tted subject to special conditions. in the ��T�� Tree Preservation overlay district, principal uses permitted outriqht and principal uses permitted subject to special conditions are those specified by the correspondinq unclerlyinq district as established in Section 60.301, to the egtent that they are not prohibited by any other provision of the $oninq code. They are subject to standards speciffed in the correspondinq un8erlyinq district section and to those specified below. ' Sec. 60.783. Tree preservation plan. ...,::_..::>;:.;:::>:.;.::.;:.>:.::>:.>::>:.>:.:.>:.;:.::;...?::::::::�.;:��.:>:>:.:>�:.:.:::::::>:.>::;:.:>:>:.>;:.:;::;.;::.;:.;<:;.;<>:<::��:::����>:>::: (1) �Y aPPlication for a ��:��:?��:�. ::;::> :��::�::�::<::��t�::::::>��.. ;...:�:�:��:::::;:��:� � ....:::::?�`.::;�!..::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..:::.�:::::::::::.�:::::::::::::::: ::::.::.::.:::.;:.:;;;.;;::;.:��:.;:.;:.>:.;:.:....;:.;:.>:.::.;:;;.>:.;;:.;:.;;:.:.;:.:.;;:.;:.;;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.:.;::>::>:�::>::>::>::>::>::;:.;:.:::::::::: ::::.:......:::: .:......:.::::.:::::::: .::::�:.�::::::::::::............ , :;.::. r�:::::: : :: ad n t:e��:a�:::::::�f:::::::��e�::>:::�r:r:::::m�:r�::;::�rs�e�:::«;o�':::>:..�.�.......��.:;;��:::::::�::a> .. �ar::>:.::::::>: r i ...::::::�. ::::::::.�:.�:.g g .....'�............... >:<:::::::::;:;;;>�:<>::::>::::::>�>:::::>:::>>::>::::>::>::>�::<::>::>::<:,<:;:::>:>::>:<::<:»;:>�;:<::«::��::::::::>:::::::::::::::<::>::<::<::::::::::::::<::..;�:.,::,,:::::,::::::::::::. permit�;�"��"i�i1��"��permi�, 1ot spli�, plat approva� or any development requirinq site plan review shall include a tree preservation plan, 8rawn to scale, for that area within the limits of disturbance. The tree preservation plan shall be certified by a Minnesota reqistered land surveyor, landscape architect or forester. The plan shall be submitted to the planninq administrator for review and approval. (2) In the case of a subdivision approved after desiqnation as a ��T�� distriat where the applicant for plat approval and the applicant for a buildinq, qradinq or fill permit are different, tree preservation plans shall be submitted as follows: (a) The applicant for plat approval shall submit a tree preservation plan for any area to be disturbed in any way for the purposes of plattinq and/or site preparation. The tree preservation plan does not need to cover the buildable area of individual lots, unless the buildable area will be disturbed �or site preparation. (b) The applicant for a buildinq, qradinq or fill permit within a subdivision approved after desiqnation as a ��T�� district shall submit a tree preservation plan for the buildable area of the individual lot. (3) The tree preservation plan shall include the followinq: (a) The location, diameter at breast heiqht (DB8) and species of all existinq trees six (6) inches DBH or larqer within the limits of disturbance. It the superintendent of parks determines that the sise of the parcel and the nwnber of affected trees renders the 5 -�,-�, --� � ' ' q I - 1�95 „i �������� individual identification of all trees unreasonable, accepted methods of forest cruisinq may be substituted. Where forest cruisinq is used, all trees in eucess of t�elve (12) inches DBH shall be individually identified. (b) The location and dimension of all buildinqs (esistinq and proposed) , the location of easements, adjacent roadways and vehicular access driveways, euistinq and proposed qradinq, site drainaqe tacilities, parkinq areas, sidewalks and utilities. (c) The location of all trees that Nill be preserved and incorporated into the proposed site desiqn. Al1 tree drip lines shall be noted. (d) A description of how trees will be protected before and durinq construction. (e) The location ot trees to be removed, replacement trees and areas proposed for additional landsaapinq, includinq, but not limited to, the tree name (botanical and common) ; the quantity of each species; tree caliper, measured sis (6) inches above qround; and a typical plantinq detail. (4) A tree preservation plan shall not be required in the followinq cases: (a) Where the applicant can demonstrate that there are no existinq trees within the limits of disturbance. (b) For the reqular maintenance of existinq public utilities. (5) No cuttinq, clearinq, diqqinq or qradinq for site preparation sball be undertaken until a tree preservation plan has been approved. (6) No tree removal or replacement shall be undertaken until approval and issuance of the qradinq or fill permit, plat approval or site plan approval. (7) Where a tree preservation plan is approved with the final plat, a copy of the approved tree preservation plan shall be kept on file with the planninq administrator for 8etermination of compliance prior to issuance of a buildinq permit(s) at the time of construction. Sec. 60.784. Selection of trees to be preserved. ::�;1��::; Those trees shall be preserved that: (� �[) Protect and enhance the inteqrity of the natural ���� environment by maintaininq the natural veqetation and topoqraphy; 6 �R��►��I�: � i - � 7q 5 ./ (� �) Complement the project desiqn, includinq the enhancement of buildinq architecture and streetscape appearance; (� �s) Complement storm�ater manaqement t�chniques; (4 i�) Auqment or do not interfere with s�dimentation and �� erosion control desiqns; or (3 i�) Are recommended for preservation by the ���� superintendent of parks. :.:..::..:...:.::.;:.;:.;::......:::::.:;;:::>::.:::;:.;:.>:.:.::.:.;:.;:..;.>:<,�.<::;.::;:.><:`:;:::::::�:::.:..;::;.>:.;<:.;;:::»:���<::....>�::��:::�..:�...;,.,..::....:....:;<>;.;;:.;>:.;:.;....;:.;:.;:.;:.>:::.:.:.:.;:.::.::.;:.;:.::.:;.;:�•.:.::.::::.;<;;::;>..;:.:>•,;::�::::::>::":;:;.::�:.>�:.::�:.::.>:;.:�� � ..fi��a�:>:::. : ,:: �► � 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Sec. 60.785. Protection of trees to be preserved before constructfon. (1) Trees or tree areas that are to be preserved shall be visibly marked prior to construction. (2) Protection devices shall be installed prior to construction and shall be shown on the approved landscape plan. Protection devices include, but are not limited to, snow fencinq, board fencinq, silt fencinq or strinq and flaqqinq. Construction personnel shall be notified of the purpose and presence of the protection devices. (3) The applicant shall arranqe for an on-site inspection of all protection devices by the superintendent of parks prior to commencinq qradinq or construction. Sec. 60.786. Protection of trees to be preserved durinq construction. (i) Gradinq or fillinq shall aot occur inside the drip line of trees to be preserved, unless approved by the superintendent of parks. If qradinq or fillinq inside the drip line is approved, root aeration practices and/or tree wells or walls shall be used, subject to approval by the superintendent of parks. 7 � "�,���1�'�. 91 -f'1R5 � (2) The followinq activities shall be prohibited within the drip line of the tree(s) to be retained: ' (a) trenchinq; (b) temporary storaqe of any construction materials or chemicals; (c) the routinq or parkinq of heavy equipment, includinq cars, trucks, bulldozers and constructfon trailers. (3) All sediment and erosion control silt fencinq or straw bales shall be placed at the limits ot qradinq or Mhere needed to minimiae the deposition of sediment Nithin the drip line of the protected tree(s) . (4) No protective devices, siqns, utility poles or lines, or other objects shall be nailed or attached to any trees that are to be preserved. , (5) Any other action within the drip line of the protected ' tree(s) that may result in the severinq of roots or compaction of soil, or that may impede the free access of air and water to tree roots shall be prohibited. (6) Other tree protection practices may be required at the discretion of the planninq administrator and/or superintendent of parks. (7) An amendment to the tree preservation plan shall be required prior to the removal of trees that were slated for preservation on the oriqinal tree preservation plan. Sec. 60.787. Protection of preserved trees after construction. (1) Construction barriers shall be removed from protected tree areas. (2) The applicant shall arranqe an on-site inspection by the i superintendent of parks for approval of post-construction ' tree protection practices. Such approval shall be required ' prior to the release of any security as provided in Sec. 60.789. Sec. 60.788. Replacement of trees. (i) While development shall retain the maximum number ot trees possible, it is recoqnized that a certain amount of tree removal is an inevitable consequence of urban development. (2) Trees removed for development or reasonably anticipated to be lost due to development shall be replaced accordinq to the followinq requirements. (a) Individual trees of at least twelve (12) inches DBH but less than eiqhteen (18) inches DBH shall be replaced on the basis of one (1) replacement tree for every one (1) tree removed. ' 8 +�i�fi�ti1��1�. �i -i�q 5 ✓' (b) Individual trees of at least eiqhteen (18) inches DHH but less than twenty four (24) inches DBH shall be replaced on the basis of two (2) replacement trees for every one (1) tree removed. (c) Individual trees of twenty four (24) inches DBH or larqer shall be replaced on the basis of three (3) replacement trees for every one (1) tree removed. (3) Trees desiqnated for removal withia the limits ot disturbance may be transplanted within the site and counted as replacement trees. (�) Deaiduous replacement trees of nursery stock shall be at least two and one half (2 1/2) caliper inches and of a species similar to the tree(s) lost or removed. Deciduous replacement trees shall be of the species indicated in Appendiu C to tbe $oninq code. At the discretion of the superintendent of parks, coniferous trees may replace deciduous trees that are lost or removed. (5) Coniferous replacement trees shall be at least six (6) feet in heiqht and of a species similar to the tree(s) lost or removed. Coniferous replacement trees shall be of the species indiaated in Appendix C to the zoninq code. (6) The applicant shall arranqe for an on-site inspection of all replacement trees by the superintendent o! parks prior to plantinq. (7) Replacement trees shall be planted no more than twelve (12) months after the removal of oriqinal trees, unless an extension is qranted by the superintendent of parks. The ' appliaant shall iriform the superintendent of parks that all ', replacement trees have been planted, at whiah time the ' superinten8ent of parks shall inspect the site. '' (8) If the number of replacement trees to be planted exceeds the number of trees that can be accommodated practically on- site, as determined by the superintendent of parks, off-site ' plantinq may occur at locations to be determined by the applicant and the superintendent of parks, or a fee-in-lieu of off-site planting may be required as provided in (9) ' below. When determininq off-site plantinq locations, priority shall be qiven to lots that are located within the ��T�� Tree Preservation District and in close proximity to the lot(s) from which the trees �ere removed. (9) Where tree replacement on-site is not practical and a suitable off-site location cannot be determined and aqreed upon by the applicant and the superintendent of parks, a fee-in-lieu may be assessed for the replacement required in Sec. 60.788(2) . The fee amount, which sball be equal to or qreater than the value of each tree established in the latest revision of ��A Guide to the Professional Evaluation of Landscape Trees, Specimen Sbrubs and Everqreens,�� prepared by the International Society of Arboriculture, plus ten (10) percent, shall be provided by the applicant and approved by the planninq administrator. All funds collected 9 ��r�����►� 9 i- �7q5 �j shall be expended exclusively for tree plantinq and maintenance as administered by the superintendent of parks. (lo) Any trees desiqnated for preservation on the tree preservation plan or that are outside the limits of � disturbance, but that Nere subsequently removed or damaqed, shall be replaced at the rate ot one (1) ne�► tree tor every tree lost or accordinq to the requirements stated in 8ec. 60.788 (2) , whichever is qreater; or throuqh payment ot a fee-in-lieu equal to or qreater than the value of each tree lost as established in tbe latest revision of ��A Quide to the Professional Evaluation of Landscape Trees, Specimen Shrubs and Everqreens,�� prepared by the Internatfonal 8ociety of Arboriculture. (11) The provisions of sec. 60.788 shall not apply to: (a) the removal of trees in areas to be occupied by buildinqs, private streets, driveways, areas required for accessory parkinq or Within a distance of fifteen (15) feet of a buildinq foundation; (b) the removal of trees determined by the superintendent of parks to be hazardous, diseased, dyinq or dead; (c) the removal of trees tra�splanted from one part of a development site to another; or (d) the removal of trees from commercial nurseries or horticultural properties such as tree farms, orchards or commercial forests. This exception shall not be interpreted to include lwnber harvestinq incidental to the imminent 8evelopment of land. Sec. 60.789. Security aqreesent. (1) Before the tree preservation plan is approved, the applicant shall file a performance bond, letter of credit, aash or escrow deposit equal to one-hundred twenty five (125) percent of the value of each replacement tree shown on the tree preservation plan as established in the latest version of ��A Guide to the Professional Evaluation of Landscape Trees, Specimen Shrubs and Everqreens,�� prepared by the International Society of Arboriculture. At the discretion of the zoninq administrator, additional security may be required in accordance with Sec. 60.788 (9) . (2) Release of the security shall be as provided in Sec. 62.108 (f) . (3) In the case of a subdivision approved after the effective date of this section where the applicant for plat approval and the applicant for a buildinq, qradinq or till permit are differeat, two separate securities shall be filed. The applicant for plat approval shall file one at the time of plattinq; the applicant for a buildinq, qradinq or fill permit to develop the individual lots shall file one at the time of permit approval. The amount of the security in each case shall be as required in Sec. 60.789 (1) . 10 ������� q � -17g 5 ,� ...4}:•i:?•i\•i:•i:•i:•:i�..::•:::::...::•:::•.}%{•}:i•:4i:4:•iY....:t\};•,v,•y{.;..�.:':•":•:�:L�:•:W:L.i:.i:.}�:...::::::........::::::::::::::{:.y...iY:•:{xq:+"nY.?':•;}:.};.;}vv{Lp;:�y:in ; . ...: .:r:$.:::::::::. :...:.i:::::.i.....:........... .::.:: .. :::: . . . f,..:: ::.::{j4:4:::.i'.i•i:.::. ::i'i::i".:i'::i'i:.i:.i:.:::titi'.i:r{:.. �e�:�:>�:::>::;:�. :���::'�:�:�<�::<::;:::<:::;;>::��e��It. ;:���::::::::::::>::::>::�'h�a::<:::�emc�:v:��::::>::o�::>:::����s:::<>:�. ::::_;,. .,..:��a: •� � :<>;:�... ......�'..'..4..::.....�'.�..:..::::::::::::::::::::......................... .:�..............................................................::::::.:.�......,-...:....:.:....�#:.::'�!'.�:.::::::::::.:��•.::::#?�::::::.� ..... ....�:::::::::::::::::::::::.�...:::::::::::::::..�.�.�:::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:........:,...�,.:::.:.,.:. ......,.......:::....................................::.... ::�>:;�:::;:�;::;:.>:.;::>:::;:.;::�..;::;:.:.:��.>:.:.:::�;;:.;:.: ..�::::::...:::::. .:::::. .: .::.�:::.::::::::.::..�:::::.::::. ::::.::::.:::::::::::::::::.�::::::-::.:::::::::::::.,$.:.. .::::::...::.�:::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::..,::. �:�'::::>::�:t��:':V.`��:�E:C�:�:>:::::���:�:�'::::::�i�..»:�:��F�'���'.1��8<'�::' �?:::::: :���; >::::>�:�:` �� 8 ' ��#�r�`:>'•:�:�:�j;. 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� I`7Q5,/ Tilia Euchlora Crimean Linden �� (1) Cratagus Oxyacantha English Hawthorn (m) Fraxinum Americana White Ash (n) Sophora Japonica Chinese Scholar Tree (o) ��ee (p) Fraxmus Pennsylvanica ,Varieties� Green Ash (q) Acer Rubrum (Varieties� Red Ma,ple (r) Ginkgo Biloba (,Male gra�l Gink o (s) Svringa Reticulata Japanese Tree Lilac (t) Aesculus Glabra Ohio Buckeve Section 16 That section 61.101, ��schedule of Requlations Limitinq Heiqht, Bulk, Density and Area for Residential Districts�� of the Leqislative Code is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 61.101. Residential districts. Section 17 That the ��Notes to section 61.101 Residential Districts�� of the Leqislative Code, is hereby amended so as to amend Note (b) , and to add Notes k and l, as follows: (b) For those uses permitted in residential districts (R-LL, R-1 throuqh R-4, RT-1, RT-2 and RM-1 throuqh RM-3) as ��principal uses�� and ��principal uses permitted subject to special conditions,�� other than residential uses, the front yard shall be equal to the front yard required for residential use and the side and rear yards shall be equal to one-half the heiqht of the buildinq but in no instance less than the minimum requirements of the district in which said use is located. � The actual lot size may de�end on how much square footaqe is needed to properly site and install an individual sewaqe treatment system. � The minimum lot size for residential lots created after :::.:�.::<:.:::::�::>:�;::;...:; ::;:.::>���>:;�.:;::;>::.::>�::::>::>:;:::::.>;�:<::.:>::»::>�;::::•;:;::�::.::::::;:.�::::,::::::::..:..:::::::::::::::.�::. .:::: . .. .:...:..::::...:...:. ::...:....:.::........ ,..;. ;. : :>::>. : :::>:::.:. <>::::>::...::: ::» >::>: :...... �... w ere over half of the lot has�"��sl�opes�����of����i�2�"�percent`����or���qreater���shall be 15,000 square feet. The minimum lot size for residential lots created ,� :..;�:.;;:;;:;;;;:.;;::..;...:.>:.;:.;:.>::.>;::.;::;:.;::»>:.:..;.;:.:���>:::;.:::::::<:;:.:::::..:.<:::�;:�:;:::::;:.;:.;:.»:.;:..;::.:::..:.:>:.>:.>:.:.::.::.<:.;:.;:.;:.: after �a�a�—��99�. ��,�:;:;:e�'�e�c:ti��<::::�a�e:::<::�:f::>�:>t�i:�::>:::��d�:�an��t wbere over half of the lot h""""'�� as s�opes�"o�`��.'l�es�s�`.than-.'1�2`.`.percen�"`.sl�all be 9,600 square feet. When determininq lot size, tbe slope shall be that in existence prior to any qradinq or tillinq. Alterations shall not be allowec! that will lower the slope from i2 percent or qreater to less thaa 12 percent prior to the creation of ne� lots. 13 �_� ;����� '�AL �i� ��r�� ✓ section 18 Tbat section 62.102 (e) (s) of the Leqislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: (e) Nonconforminq uses of structures and land. (8) In any R-LL, R-1, R-2, R-3 and R-4 District, an euistinq t�o- tamily residential use shall not be nonconforminq as to the use of structure and land, and may be enlarqed, eutended, reconstructed or altered provided the minimum yard setback requirements of the RT-1 District are met and that tbe mauimum percentaqe of the lot occupied by the main buildinq does not euceed that allowed. Section 19 That section 62.103 (q) (i) ��Residential Parkinq Requirements�� of the Leqislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: (q) Parkinq requirements by use. Except as provided in 8ection 60.574, the minimum number of off-street parkinq spaces by type of use shall be determined in accordance with the followinq schedule: Use Minimum Number of Parkinc Spaces Per IInit of Measure (1) RESIDENTIAL (aj Residential R-LL Two (2) for each dwellin� unit. (b)Residential (All zones One and one-half (1 1/2) for other than R-LL) each dwellinq unit. � Housinq for tbe One for every three (3) units; elderly providefl there is space available on the lot to meet the one and one-half (1 1/2) space requirements for multiple family. (d)-{-e} Trailer court One for each trailer site and one for each employee of the trailer court. (e)-fg-} Boardinqhouse Two (2) for each dwellinq unit plus one for every two (2) roomers. 14 ������I��. q� - ���5 f � Bed and breakfast One and one-half (1 1/2) for residence in residential each dwellinq unit and one for districts. each bed and breakfast unit up to and includinq three (3) quest rooms. Section 20 That section 62.104 (9) (c) of the Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: (9) Entrances and exits. (c) Entrances and exits to and from all parking facilities located in land zoned other than R-LL, R-1 through R-4, RT-1 and RT-2 shall be at least twenty-five (25) feet from any adjoining property in R-LL, R-1 through R-4, RT-1 and RT-2 zoning districts. Section 21 That the title to section 66.204 (Sign Ordinance) of the Legislative Code be amended to read as follows: Sec. 66.204. � R-LL throuqh RM-3 Residential Districts. Section 22 That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinances by amending the zoning classifications from R-1 to R-LL for the following properties on the zoning maps of the City of Saint Paul, Sheets numbered 40 and 44, as incorporated by reference in section 60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code: Legal Descriptions: Burlington Heights Division 1 Block 11: Lots 1-13, 16-18, 58-63, and SEly 10 ft. of Lot 15 Block 12: Lots 1-5, 6 (subj . to hwy. ) , 7 (excluding Highway 61) , 40-45, 34-39 Block 13: Lots 1-5 Block 14: Lots 1-21 Block 15: Lots 19-25 Block 16: Lots 1-11, 13-18 (vac. street accruing and with esmt. ) Lewiston Heights Block 1: Lots 1-7 Block 2 : Lot 1 (subject to water rights esmt. ) , Lots 2-4 15 �����ewis�on Heights Second Addition �l-��"iJ� Block 4: Lots 1-4 Block 5: Lots 1-5 Lewiston Heights Third Addition Block l: Lots 1-8 Block 2: Lots 1-8 Block 3: Lots 1-15 Lewiston Heiqhts Fourth Addition Block 1: Lots 1-11 Block 2: Lots 1-8 Leonard Oak Hills #3 Block 1: Lots 1-13 Leonard Oak Hills #5 Block 1: Lots 1-17 St. Joseph's Hill Block 1: Lots 1-2, 3 (subj . to rd. esmts. ) , 4-7, 8 (subj . to esmts. ) , 9-15, ,16 (subj . to rd. ) Bachman's Addition Block 1: Lots 1-76 Block 2: Lots 1-20 Block 3 : Lots 1-24 Block 4: Lots 1-58 Block 7: Lots 1-46 Block 8: Lots 1-13 Arthur and Dora Smith Addition Block 1: Lots 1-2 Registered Land Survey #47 Tracts A-H Lots 19-24, 27 Registered Land Survey #175 Tracts A-L, M (excluding NWly 5 ft. ) Com. at NW cor of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 th E on N line of SD SE 1/4 383.03 ft. th S 7 deg. 41 min. E to S line of Carver Ave. for pt. of beg. th cont S 7 deg. 41 min. E 510 ft. mol th W to E line of Pt. Douglas Rd. th N along rd. to S line of ave. th E to beg. in SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of 23-28-22, exc. for that portion 150 ft. by 150 ft. in the NW corner of the parcel. 16 �`��������. QI-1`1��.� � N 200 ft. of S 506.85 ft. of part of SE 1/4 Ely of STH 61 in 23-28- 22 . Exc. STH 61 and exc. N 165 ft. part of S 1/2 of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 Wly of L run N 235 ft. at ra with S L of SD 1/4 1/4 from pt. thereon 712 ' ft. W of SE cor. of SD 1/4 1/4 th at angle of 10 deg. 15 min. to left to N L of SD tract in 23-28-22. S 200 ft. of W 198 ft. of E 792 ft. of N 1/2 of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 and pt. of N 165 ft. of S 1/2 of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 Ely of STH 61 and exc. N 165 ft. part of S 1/2 of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 Ely of L run N 235 ft. at ra with S L of SD 1/4 1/4 from pt. thereon 712 ft. W of SE cor of SD 1/4 1/4 th at angle of 10 deg. 15 min. to left to N L of SD tract (subj . to rd. ) in 23-28-22. S 100 ft. of fol, beg. on N L of and 383.03 ft. E from NW cor of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 th S 7 deg. 41 min. E to S L of N 1/2 of SD 1/4 1/4 th W thereon to E L of hwy. th Nly thereon to pt. due W of beg. th to beg. in 23-28-22 . Comm. at NW cor of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 th E N line of SD SE 1/4 383.03 ft. th S 7 deg. 41 min. E to S line of Carver Avenue for pt. of beg. th cont. S 7 deg. 41 min. E to S line of N 1/2 of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 th E to a line 792 ft. W of E line of SD 1/4 th N on SD line to S line of ave. th W on SD ave. to beg. all in SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of 23-28-22. Subj . to ave. and flowage esmt. and exc. S 200 ft. the W 66 ft. of E 792 ft. of N 1/2 of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of 23-28-22. Exc. S 200 ft. lying W of E 594 ft. th fol; W 198 ft. of E 726 ft. of N 1/2 of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 (subj . to ave. and esmts. ) of 23-28-22. N 225.47 ft. of W 98 ft. of E 528 ft. of N 1/2 of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of 23-28-22. Exc. N 225.47 ft. of W 98 ft. ; the W 264 ft. of E 528 ft. of N 1/2 of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 (subj . to rd and esmts. ) of 23-28-22. Exc. ave. W 132 ft. of E 264 ft. of N 1/2 of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of 23- 28-22. Subj . to rd and ave. the E 132 ft. of N 1/2 of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of 23-28-22. Exc. E 6 acres, the S 330 ft. of part lying Ely of Hwy 61 of N 1/2 of NE 1/4 (subj . to rd) in 23-28-22. W 2 acres of E 6 acres of S 330 ft. of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of 23-28-22. 17 ������j . �o ave. the W 66 ft. of E 528 ft. of S 330 ft. of NE 1/4 of NE ' _17q�� 1/4 of 23-28-22 . Subj . to ave. the W 80 ft. of E 462 ft. of S 330 ft. of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of 23-28-22. Exc. part in N 110 ft. of S 330 ft. of E 264 ft. of NE 1/4 NE 1/4; the W 150 ft. of E 382 ft. of S 230 ft. of SD 1/4 1/4 (subj . to rd) in 23-28-22. Subj . to ave the W 100 ft. of E 232 ft. of S 220 ft. of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of 23-28-22. Subj . to McKnight Rd. and Carver Ave. the E 132 ft. of S 220 ft. of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of 23-28-22. N 100 ft. of W 118 ft. of E 382 ft. of S 330 ft. of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of 23-28-22 . Subj . to rd the N 110 ft. of E 2 acres of S 330 ft. of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of 23-28-22 . Com at NW cor of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 th Sely par to tan part of CL of Hwy 61 for 799. 3 ft. to pt. th W par to NL SD 1/4 1/4 to EL of SD hwy and pt. of beg. then E par to NL of SD 1/4 1/4 180 ft. th Nwly par to SD hwy. CL tan 84 ft. th W par to SD NL 180 ft. to EL hwy. th Sely on EL hwy. 84 ft. to beg. in 23-28-22 . Com at NW cor of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 th Sely par to tan part of CL of Hwy 61 for 689.8 ft. and beg. th cont Sely 109.5 ft. th W par to NL SD 1/4 1/4 to pt 180 ft. E of E L SD hwy th Nwly par to SD tan 84 ft. th W par to SD NL 180 ft. to EL hwy th Nwly on SD EL 25.5 ft. th E to beg in 23-28-22. Exc. S 330 ft. and exc. Nly 799. 3 ft. measured on a L run Sely from NW cor of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 and par with tan part of CL of STH 61 part of N 1/2 of NE 1/4 bet SD par L and STH 61 in 23-28-22. Measuring on a L run Sely from NW cor of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 and par with tan part of CL of STH 61 th Nly 125.6 ft. of part of NE 1/4 bet SD par L and STH 61 in 23-28-22 . Com on Ely line of STH 61 and N L of NE 1/4, th Sly along Ely line of STH 61 for 344.2 ft. to pt. of beg. th E par with the N line of NE 1/4 for 597.9 ft. , th S 18 deg. 48 min. 38 sec. E for 222.54 ft. th W par with N line of NE 1/4 to the Ely line of STH 61; th Nwly along SD hwy. to beg, being part of N 1/2 of NE 1/4 of 23-28-22. 18 �� °"�om'aY"NW cor of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 th Sly par to EL Hwy 61 244.2 ft.�' '���� to beg. th E 198 ft. th Sly par to EL hwy. 100 ft. th W 597.9 ft. to EL of hwy. th Nwly on SD EL 100 ft. th E par to NL of NE1/4 399.9 ft. to beg. being part of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of 23-28-22. Measuring on a L run Sely from NW cor of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 and par with tan part of CL of STH 61 th Sly 118.6 ft. of Nly 244.2 ft. of pt. of NE 1/4, bet SD par L and STH 61 in 23-28-22. Exc. N 1123.42 ft. mol part Ely of hwy of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 in 14-28- 22. S 121.8 ft. of mol N 1123.72 ft. mol of part Ely of hwy of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 in 14-28-22 . S 108. 12 ft. of N 1001.62 ft. of part E of Hwy 61 of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 in 14-28-22. S 96.6 ft. of N 893 ft. lying E of STH 61 in SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 in 14- 28-22 . S 96. 6 ft. of N 796.9 ft. lying E of STH 61 in SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 of 14-28-22 . Subj . to 30 ft. rd esmt. along Wly L of S 193 .2 ft. of N 700. 3 ft. mol of part Ely of STH 61 of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 in 14-28-22 . � Subj . to esmt on W end and exc. 336 ft. the S 116 ft. of N 507.1 ft. of part Ely of STH 61 of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 in 14-28-22 . ' Exc. E 336 ft. the N 60 ft. of part Ely of STH 61 and S of N 10 acres of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 of SD 1/4 1/4 in 14-28-22 . Exc. E 461 ft. part Ely of STH 61 of S 232. 1 ft. of N 331. 1 ft. of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 in 14-28-22. E 461 ft. of S 232 . 1 ft. of N 331. 1 ft. of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4. Also S part of N 99 ft. of E 181.5 ft. of SD 1/4 1/4 being 33 ft. on W L and 49.5 ft. on E L in 14-28-22. Exc. part described as beg at a pt on EL of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 dist. 49.5 ft. S of NE cor thereof th S on SD EL 49.5 ft. th W 181.5 ft. th N 33 ft. th NEly to beg. ; N 99 ft. of part of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 lying Ely of STH 61 (subj . to ave) in 14-28-22. N 133.54 ft. of S 163.54 ft. of E 228.6 ft. of NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 (subj . to rd) in 14-28-22 . 19 ������` ql-�7q5 � W 94.4 ft. of E 322 .9 ft. of N 133.54 ft. of S 163 .54 ft. of NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 of 14-28-22. W 94.3 ft. of E 417.2 ft. of N 133.54 ft. of S 163.54 ft. of NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 of 14-28-22. Exc. W 94.5 ft. of N 133.54 ft. of S 163.54 ft. and exc. E 417.2 ft. of N 133.54 ft. of S 163.54 ft. and exc. N 163.54 ft. ; part, S of Registered Land Survey (RLS) #47 of E 606 ft. of NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 (subj . to rd. ) in 14-28-22. W 94.5 ft. of E 606 ft. of N 133 .54 ft. of S 163.54 ft. of NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 of 14-28-22 . Subj . to st and esmts, S 165 ft. of W 100 ft. of E 706 ft. of NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 of 14-28-22. Exc. S 163.34 ft. mol and exc. part lying Nly and Nely of a line beg. at a pt. on EL of NE 1/4 of SE1/4 80 ft. S from SE cor of RLS #47 th W 40 ft. th Nwly to a pt. on SL of SD RLS dist. 322.9 ft. W from SD EL and there term; the fol; E 606 ft. of NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 lying S of RLS #47 (subj . to rd) in 14-28-22 . Subj . to esmts. beg at SW cor of Tract D th W on extended S L of SD tract 37.73 ft. th N to pt. on extended N L of and 100 ft. W of NW cor of Tract E th E on SD extended L to W L of Tract D th S to beg. being part of SE 1/4 of 14-28-22 and in SD RLS part S of last desc. extended L of Tract D. S 470 ft. of E 278 ft. of W 478 ft. of S 1/2 of NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 subj . to ave. in 14-28-22 . Subj . to esmts. and exc. RLS #47 and exc. E 37.73 ft. mol W of SD RLS bet. ext. N and S lines of Tract E of SD RLS and ex. E 606 ft. and exc. W 200 ft. and exc. S 470 ft. of E 278 ft. of W 478 ft. and exc. S 165 ft. of W 100 ft. of E 706 ft. the S 1/2 of NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 in 14-28-22 . Subj . to Highwood Ave. and McKnight Rd. the E 600 ft. of part N of RLS #47 of NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 of 14-28-22. Subj . to Highwood and exc. W 200 ft. for Burlington Heights Division #1 and exc. E 600 ft. the N 1/2 of NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 of 28-22. Subj . to esmt and exc. E 180 ft. of N 852 ft. , Tract B, Burlington Heights Division #1. S 60 ft. of N 852 ft. of E 180 ft. of Tract B, Burlington Heights Division #1. 20 ����GIi�1�1,�� q 1-l�95 � Beg. on E L of and 546 ft. S from NE cor of Lot B th W to SE L of Skyway Dr. th SW thereon 10 ft. th S 240 ft. th E 180 ft. to E L of SD lot th N 246 ft. to beg part of Block B, Burlington Heights Division #1. Subj . to ave. part of Block B lying N of a L run W from pt. on E L of SD Block and 546 ft. S from CL of Highwood Avenue as opened over Block B. Section 23 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Y� Na•Ys Absent Requested by Department of: imon oswi z on � Planning and Economic Development acca ee e man � iuson f BY� �- Adopted by Council: Date Np� 2 � 1991 Form Approved by City Attorney A �' Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: �j�- � .% � By� ' ° Appro�ed by Mayor for Submission to �� \ App oved by Mayor: Date N�V 2 C 9ti�� Counci� � i� By: gy: �it������" , PU�usNEO DEr 7'9 t �K1�r���� � � q�- ,�q� ✓ g8^ o ° N ♦ C � 8 C m ' w a er c � � � � �y , �� o � y E , a C m .� 'o � m �' .io � r T, =c C-� � lL ll 'CCS .4�'� N C'� .G vf l C O C� Nt'7 �J � o F, � � m� � � jfA � NNl7qY�> � r N C 7 QT � U U U 9 9 � m (AN Ooc ¢ oc ¢¢ ►— i—¢ ¢ � � ¢ oca� mOmmmmmm = _s — v�dd ¢¢ ¢ �a ¢ i 1 s e e : � . i: :: � s � � � WJ a � � � 1 C � � / � I � I \ i . i,� i I � _ .J i . .\�' � � 'ti. ' i I - `O �\. 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E � ; WJ a Q � ---- � ,� I i� . �I I �----- --� ---�. 1 _. ««< �� � i J- -- :-�- -,:- •'.,��,:1'�•� � �J� � ;� �' � s � �i I — _ :�.. - �� I - �; — 3t - - .�. � " � . .. _ • F �N ' � , �, ao� "O�° � • L4 ., ( ` , � � � -g M �' ; i ,�.M��""""`� ' I � � � I g� , ; , r ��5 . , � : Z � . ���:uF ;t.�:�i ��crr�r���. q� - ��q5 , , Tree Preservation Overlay Zoning Distrlct m m 0 � � � � N Z M �� a o -e---o�o.._--- -- - � o ;� ao o e�, — o � - .a � � o�� � � - � .o�i<< • Q o °� e o i e a .e:� � _ ---- , vo e�o �„� o<o ,•�;. �- — -- � — � e ee e e� e� � �0 0 0 0 Q e I o 9��' ',. � e e�aooe� e o k�:: � 6� ---e e ` .� � o.�_ pI . � ... O I.j�U'b o�'l�ir���]r��70-��i`�s• �. :� . • a a� o ..• �.1� �OVM1NIw m,9RdOo p��t:��1��1�.�� � �t 4i��:°re•On•:Ci�ti �tee�'e`,� i.V� a I , �6( �� ����40� 1`I1 ed C{�{tr:' .'�6 f!��4 Er� e�� aJpA �� • � .S�a�f.����"ii�. 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O�� 04�0� � o °o �yy\�� ; �\y5��� : i � q'/-��Q.s J DEPARTMEN /OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED � �I(; P.E.D. GREEN ET N° 17512 CONTACT PERSON&PHONE E INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Lucy Thom S011 228-337D A3S16N �CITYATTORNEY �CITYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DATE) NUMBER FOR ❑BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.&MOT.SERVICES DIR. ROUTING ORDER MAYOR(OR ASSISTAN� Se tember 24 1991 0 � TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REDUESTED: Adoption of amendments to the Zoning Code to add two new dist�icts: R-LL (One Family Large ot Residential) and "T" Tree Preservation Overlay District, and �o rezone certain parcels. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Reject(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWINQ GUE8TIONS: A PLANNINO COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �• Has this person/firm ever worked under e conRect fOr thfs depertment? _CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO A STAFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? — — YES NO _DISTRICT COURT _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally posseased by any current city employeeT 3UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVET YES NO xighwood Development POl iCi@S Explaln all yes answers on separate shest and attach to green shsst adopted by CC in Juiy 1990. INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): ' The Highwood Development Policies promote low-density resident�al development to preserve the unique semi-rural character of Highwood. They also promot� the preservation of trees to rnaintain the area's natural environment. � ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: Creating a new very low-density residential district and rezoning R-1 land in South Highwood to R-LL will maintain its low-density character. Adoption of overlay zoning for tree preservation will result in the protection of trees during construction and the replacement of those lost to development. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The Tree Preservation District regulations require an extra ste�p in the review process- this may be an inconvenience for applicants. Courlcil Research Center SEP 171991 DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: The low-density character of Highwood may be threatened, and, ower time, development may result in a significant loss of trees. The uniqueness of I�ighwood (and similar areas) will be destroyed. ' RECEIVED SEP 171991 CITY CLERK TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETEp(�IRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) �� See Attached NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are correct routings for the five most frequent types of documents: CONTRACTS(assumes authorized budget exists) COUNCIL RESOLUTION(Amend Budgets/Accept. Grants) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. Department Director 2. Ciry Attorney 3. Ciry Attorney 3. Budget Director 4. Mayor(for contracts over$15,000) 4. Mayor/Assistant 5. Human Rights(for contracts over$50,000) 5. City Council j 6. Finance and Managemenf Services Director 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services , 7. Finance Accounting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(Budget Revision) COUNCIL RESOLUTION(all others,and Ordinances) 1. Activity Manager 1. Department Director 2. Department Axountant 2. Ciry Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Mayor Assistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Council 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(all others) 1. Department Director 2. City Attorney 3. Finance and Management Services Director 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate the#of pages on wh(ch signatures are required and paperclip orflag each of these pagss. ACTION REQUESTED Describe what the projecUrequest seeks to accomplish in either chronologi- cal order or order of importance,whichever is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write compiete sentences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been presented before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objective(s)your project/request supports by listing the key word(s) (HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET,SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: This information will be used to determine the citys liability for workers compensation claims,taxes and proper civil service hiring rules. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by Iaw/ charter or whether there are specific ways in which the City of Saint Paul and its citizens will benefit from this projecUaction. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past processes might this projecUrequest produce if it is passed (e.g.,traffic delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?When? For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequences if the promised action is not approved? Inability to deliver service?Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate?Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay? ORIGSNA L _ _ F �; � ,�,,"��,� ;�'�� . �, `� Council File #` �/' �?�� " �\ ;� �� Ordinance ,� � � "`"` Green Sheet #` ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �" --�-- Presented By ..� Referred To Committee: Date An ordinai�ce amendinq Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Leqist�tive Code so as to ad8 the "T" Tree Preservation Overlay District and the R- LL One Family`�;,Larqe Lot Residential District; sections 61.10Y:, 62.101, 62.103, 62.104 (9) (c) , arid 66.204 of the Leqislative Code. �' '-. ',', Whereas, the Planninq Con'h�nission of the City of Saint Paul has made a survey of the area di the City known as the �iiqhwood area, whiah area is bounded on ��e north by Lower Afton Road, on the east by McRniqht Road, on the�;,south by the City limits and on the west by Hiqhway 61, and the Co'�mission has determined that the number of real estate descriptions beinq affected ��<:;:;the proposed chanqes would make it imprac,tical to obtain tfie�� necessary 2/3rd consent of contiquous'��roperty owners; and ,� Whereas, The Commission, followinq`�ublic hearinqs held for that purpose, has recommended that the zo�inq code be amended, ana the City Council, havinq considered the report and recommendations of the Commission, and hav��q conducted a public hearinq on the proposed zoninq code amendmen,ts, does hereby amend the Zoninq Code pursuant to the authority qr�ted by and in accordance with the procedures set forth in Miannesota Statutes, section 462.357. ��,h The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: Section 1 �`'� That section 60.201 of the Leqislative Code is `hereby amended to read to add the followinq definition: Applicant. The applicant for a buildinq, qradinq or fill permit, plat approval or site plan review. section 2 `�` 'a ; That section 60.202 of the Leqislative Code is hereby amended so as to add the followinq definition: Buildable area. That area of a platted lot lyinq within the required setbacks, exclusive of those areas that are prohibited 1 �RIC��:�� ��-��i��.s,/ ',�Il. . ,,. f�om development due to steep slopes, wetlands, easements or otber conditions protected by ordinance or leqal aqreement. section 3 Tha�. section 60.203 of the Leqislative Code is hereby amended sd;,as to add the followinq definitions: Caliper inchs�s. The lenqth of a straiqht lins measurad throuqh the trunk of a'��tree siu (6) inches above the qround. Canopy. The hori2antal estension of a tree's branches in all directions trom its"��,trunk. "'4 Section 4 That section 60.204�°°of the Leqislative Code is hereby amended so as to add the followinq definitions: DBH. Diameter at breast hsight, or the diameter in inches of a tree measured at four and one ''�alf (4 1/2) feet above the existinq qrade. Drip line. An imaqinary vertical `a,�ine that extends from the outernaost branches of a tree's canopy to the qround. Section 5 That section 60.212 of the Leqislative Code is hereby amended so as to add tbe followinq definition: Lisits of disturbance. The total area with��n a development site that will be disturbed in any way for land a�teration or construction. '`�, . SeCtion 6 �'"� That section 60.215 of the Leqislative Code����,is hereby amended so as to add the followinq definition: �ndividual sewaqe treatment system. A sewaqe treati�ent system or part thereof, servinq a dwellinq or other establishm�nt or qroup thereof, that uses subsurface soil treatment and disposal or above-qround soil treatment in areas of hiqh water ta�le or bedrock, or rapidly or slowly permeable soils. ; S@Ct10II 7 That section 60.218 of the Leqislative Code is hereby�a, amended so as to add the followinq definition: .: < Soot �one. The area under a tree that is at and within the �lrip line of a tree's canopy. '_#; ; 'f Section 8 �� That section 60.219 of the Leqislative Code is hereby amended by addinq the followinq �efinition: 2 OR����� � � �`. -c,��c9r-i�s ?�` Sewaqe disposal system. � � , (See "individual sewaqe treatment svstem.") Superintendent of parks. The superintendent of parks of the City of Saint Paul. Section 9 That ssction 60.220 of the Leqislative Code is hereby amended by addinq the followinq definition: Tree. Any self-supportinq, wooay, perennial plant, usually with one (1) main stem or trunk and many branches. section 10 That section 60.300 'of the Leqislative Code is hereby amended to add the R-LL On�-Family Larqe Lot Residential District to the listinq of Residential Districts, and to add the •'T" Tree Preservation Overlay District: to the listinq of Special Districts. sectir�n 11 That section 60.301 of the Leqislative Code is hereby amended so as to incorporate into the Zoninq Code the attached maps which desiqnate and identify the'�area of the City of Saint Paul to be within the "T" Tree Preservation Overlay District and within the R-LL One Family Larqe Lot Residential District, which maps shall be a part of the Zoninq Code in the manner provided for in section 60.301. section 12 That Chapter 60 of the Leqislative Code i's hereby amended so �s to ada the followinq provisions which establ`�ish the R-LL One- Family Larqe Lot Residential District and speci��es the uses which may be permitted in that district: Division 2. 60.400. Residential Districts Subdivision 1. 60.405. R-LL One-Family Larqe Lot Residential District. 8ec. 60.406. Intent. The R-LL One-Family Larqe Lot Residential district is'';the lowest density residential district. The intent is to prov�de for a semi-rural environment of predominantly low-density, one- family detached dwellinqs alonq with other residentially related facilities which serve the residents in the district. The district is desiqned to protect, maintain and enhance wooded areas, wildlife and plant resources, fraqile bluff areas, topoqraphy ancl larqe expanses of natural veqetative cover; to reduae erosion and excessive stormwater runoff associated with 3 o�������� hiqher-density development; and to facilitate installation of �9��7�''�/ private wells and individual sewaqe treatment systems for one- J `:family detached dwellinqs. 8ec. 60.�07. Principal uses persitted. 'In the R-LL One-Family Residential District, the use of land, the location and erection of new buildinqs or structures, and the alteration, enlarqement, and movinq of euistinq buildinqs or structures from other locations or districts shall aontorm to the principal uses as permitted in Sec. 60.412. Sec. 60.�08. P�incipal uses peiaitted subject to special conditions. Additional uses shall be permitted, as allowed in Bec. 60.413, subject to ''the conditions imposed for each use and subject to the review and approval of the planninq commission. 8ec. 60.409. Area, bul�- and yard setbaclic requireaents. See Chapter 61, 8chedule of Requlations, limitinq the heiqht and bulk of buil8inqs, the" minimum siae of lot permitted by land use, the masimum density permitted and providinq minimum yard setback requirements. Sect�on 13 That section 60.411 of the Leqislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 60.411. Intent. , The intent of the R-i throuqh R-4 Oae-Family Residential ' districts is to provide for an environmen� of predominantly low- density, one-family detached dwellinqs alonq with other residentially related facilities which serve the residents in the districts. Because of its residential natur'8, this district is not intended for more intensive uses such as ``'small conference centers, private retreat centers and reception�. houses. Section 14 't That chapter 60 of the Leqislative Code is hereby amended so as to add the followinq provisions establishinq a special district entitled: "Tres Preservation District", an'd requlations pertaininq to that special district: Division 5. 60.700. Special Districts } Subdivisioa 7. 60.780. "T" Tree Preservation District Sec. 60.781. Intent. The "T" Tree Preservation District is desiqned to preserve the essential character of those areas that are heavily-wooded and in a more natural state by encouraqinq a resourceful and prudent 4 �RIGI�iAI � � �-��-���s ��;�,',�.. approach to their development that includes minimal tree loss and � mitiqation ot tree removal resultinq from development. The "T" district is further provided to reduce stormwater runoff and minimi$e floodinq; aid in the stabilisation of soil by praventinq erosion and sedimentation; aid in the removal of carbon dioxide and the', qeneration of ouyqen in the atmosphere; and maintain the visual screeninq, wind break, dust collection, heat and qlare reduction, and noise barrier characteristics eshibited by trees. Sec. 60.782.: Principal uses persittad and principal uses persitted suliject to special conditions. In the "T" Tree Breservation overlay district, principal uses permitted outriqht and principal uses permitted subject to speciml conditions, are those specified by the correspondinq underlyinq district as established in Section 60.301, to the extent that they are not prohibited by any other provision of the zoninq code. They are subject to standards specified in the correspondinq underlyinq district section and to those specified below. Sec. 60.783. Tree preservation plan. 1 An a lication for a ���� �{°>::...,.:,::;;:.,;,.>,>;.:>;.:_;<.<>::<:::>�:>.:::::;>::;_::.>��:°::>::>:�:�:::>:.>::::::::;.;:;;>�::;;:>::>:;;»>::::...:;:..>.::>:>::>:::...:�::::�:<:::;::: ( ) .......Y.......PP::::::.�:...::::::::::::. ......... .. .:::�����.�x+� ��f� ��ta� .�e��'�i��� �� .:::.;�.�::.:;�:::::::::.; .:::::..: .::::..:....:::.:»::>:;::.:::::;:::::.;:::::.;:.::.;::;>::»:: .. :;:::>. . ..:.;:.; .;... .. :..:....::;::>::>::: ::::::.. .: v :: �::>::::. :..::::». ::::>:�x >::>::: �.:::a:::::>>� .; .:..:�::>:::: : :;::;:; :: `a!::;:::: H<:::>. ..::>:::<�::. ...: : �>::::>::>: rac�in ��.;:.;±p��,:::�?r�`::.:��.�..�:::::�:::�1.:::�'::::::::::::�:�!�:::::.:�i�:::::�.��._:;::::�.:::::::t?r�l'`.:::�.#�`. ?��`.�:.:::.g q ... .....:�:1.::::::::::::::. �i:.i::::::i:.i:.i:.:::.:::'...i:•i:.::.:�ri::.�:::.i:•i:•ii:.iii:.i:.iiii:.i:.:Yi::.i:.i:.i:.i:.i:::.iiii:.i'.i:.ii:iv.i:.i:.i::::i.:y:.i':•iiiiiii:•i:.i:.i".:::.i:.i'.ii:.i:.i:.i:.i:.i:.ii:.i:.i:.ii:.ii:.i:.i:.i:......:.................. permit, fill permit, lot split, plat approva� or any development requirinq site'~plan review shall include a tree preservation plan, drawn to'�'scale, for that area within the limits of disturbance. The �ree preservation plan shall be certified by a Minnesota reqistered land surveyor, landscape architect or forester. The plan shall be submitted to the planninq administrator for revie� and approval. (2) In the case of a subdivision approved after desiqnation as a "T" district where the applicant for plat approval and the applicant for a buildinq, qradinq or fill permit ars different, tree preservation plans shall be submitted as follows: (a) The applicant for plat approval s2i�a11 submit a tree preservation plan for any area to lis disturbed in any way for the purposes of plattinq and,/or site preparation. The tree preservation glan does not need to cover the buildable area of indivi'dual lots, unless the buildable area will be 8isturbed �or site preparation. (b) The applicant for a buildiaq, qradinq or� fill permit within a subdivision approved after dssiqnation as a "T" district shall submit a tree preservation plan for the buildable area of the individual lot. "�; (3) Ths tree preservation plan shall include the fo`�lowinq: (a) The location, diameter at breast heiqht (DB$) and species of all existinq trees sig (6) inches'�. DBH or larqer within the limits of disturbance. If�`"the superintendent of parks determines that the size of the parcel and the number of affected trees renders the 5 ��������� � �- ���--f��s indiviaual identification of all trees unreasonable, f accepted methods of forest cruisinq may be substituted. Where forest cruisinq is used, all trees in excess of twelve (12) inches DBH shall be individually identitied. (b) The location and dimension of all buildinqs (szistinq ancl proposed) , the location of easements, adjacent roadways and vehicular access driveways, sxistinq and proposed qradinq, site drainaqe facilities, parkinq arsas, sidewalks and utilities. (c) The location of all trees that will be preservsd and incorporate8 into the proposed site dasiqn. Al1 tree drip lines shall be noted. (d) A description of how tress will be protected before and durinq construction. (s) The location of trees to be removed, replacement trees and areas proposed for additional landscapinq, includinq, but not limited to, the tree name (botanical and common) ; the quantity of each species; tres caliper, measurea six (6) inches above qround; and a typical plantinq detail. (4) A tree preservation plan shall not be required in the following cases: (a) Where the applicant can demonstrate that there are no esistinq trees within the limits of disturbance. (b) For the reqular maintenance of existinq public utilities. (5) No cuttinq, clearinq, diqqinq or qradinq tor site preparation shall be undertaken until a tree preservation plan has been approved. (6) No tree removal or replacement shall be undertaken until approval and issuance of the qradinq or fill permit, plat approval or site plan approval. (7) Where a tree preservation plan is approved with ths final plat, a copy of the approved tree preservation plan shall be kept on file with the planninq administrator for determination of compliance prior to issuance of a building permit(s) at the time of construction. Sec. 60.784. Selection of trees to be preserved. ;:�:�:�:: Those trees shall be preserved that: (� �) Protect and enhance the inteqrity of the natural ���� environment by maintaininq the natural veqetation and topoqraphy; 6 ' �;1�.����R�.N �, * , , .��t ;� �-��..,�795 (� �) Complement the project desiqn, includinq the � ���� enhancement of builSinq architacture and streetscape appearance; (3 :�) Complement stormwater manaqement techniques; (� �) Auqment or do not interfere with sedimentation and �� erosion control desiqns; or (3 �) Are recommended for preservation by the ���� superinten8ent of parks. ,:::::::.::�::>::;:::>::>::::.:.:>::;:>:::>�;;;::::.;:.;:.:>�>:.;;:.;;:.;::::��::>::<:�"���:«::::::�:°::.:,::::.;.::>�::.:>::::::;::>���::;;::::.:>::.::��::>::>::::::::::....;;.;/;.:<<.;:<>::::>:�::>�;:>�>:.;:.::.::.;:;:.;;;::::>:::>�;;:.:.,::::;:.:>:.;:>::>:;:.;<::;:::�;:>::>:>:.:<.::::.:>...:>�:::;��.;::;:.:>:�, �y�y'�.y�( }� �y�}p �y /,� :.;..::!�:�:l:»:::}����}• ,� � �: :�.�:r.:r�::»::: : . . :;>i:;� ��::••::i:EE. ,: ::;� :: .: . <:':�;'::::::::::::::��::::::�Yti:?Y.44M14`�q4:�::i:::Q�;:;::;�A't.:Y�h��.::::::::?�!�:::::::�.�Fi4.::.:::::.#1�l51F::;:::M�:::::::��. ....Ib. .....�.�i.�. 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Protection of trees to be preserved beforo construction. (1) Trees or tree areas that are to be preserved shall be visibly marked prior to construction. (2) Protection devices shall be installed prior to construction and shall be shown on the approved landscape plan. Protection devices include, but are not limited to, snow fencinq, board fencinq, silt fencinq or strinq and flaqqinq. Construction personnel shall be notified of the purpose and presence of the protection devices. (3) The applicant shall arranqe for an on-sits inspection of all protection devices by the superintendent of parks prior to commencinq qradinq or construction. Sec. 60.786. Protection of trees to be preserved durinq construction. (1) Gradinq or fillinq shall not occur inside the drip line of trees to be preserved, unless approved by the superintendent of parks. If qradinq or fillinq inside the drip line is approved, root aeration practices and/or tree wells or walls � shall be used, subject to approval by the superintendent of parks. I� (2) The followinq activities shall be prohibited within the drip ' line of the tree(s) to be retained: � (a) trenchinq; 7 �RfG�t�AL �:�� ���� �-�"�7� (b) temporary storaqe of any construction materfals or �/ chemicals; (c) the routinq or parkinq of heavy equipment, includinq cars, trucks, bulldozers and construction trailers. (3) All sediment and erosion control silt fencinq or straw bales shall be placed at the limits of qradinq or where needad to minimise the deposition of sediment within the drip line of th• protected tree(s) . (4) No protective devices, siqns, utility poles or lines, or other objects shall be nailed or attached to any trees that are to be preserved. (5) Any other action within the drip line of the protected tres(s) that may result in the severinq of roots or compaction of soil, or that may impede the free access of air and �ater to tree roots shall be prohibited. (6) Other tree protection practices may be required at the discretion of the planninq administrator and/or superintendent of parks. (7) An amendment to the tree preservation plan shall be required prior to the removal of trees that were slated for preservation on the oriqinal tres prsservation plan. Sec. 60.787. Protection of preserved trees after construction. (1) Construction barriers shall be removed from protected tree areas. (2) The applicant shall arranqe an on-site inspection by the superintendent of parks for approval of post-construction tree protection practices. Such approval shall be required prior to the release of any security as provided in 8ec. 60.789. Sec. 60.7s8. 8eplacement of trees. (1) While development shall retain the maximum number ot traes possible, it is recoqnized that a certain amount of tree removal is an inevitable consequence of urban development. (2) Trees removed for development or reasonably anticipated to be lost 3ue to development shall be replaced accordinq to the followinq requirements. (a) Individual trees of at least twelve (12) inches DBH but less than eiqhteen (18) inches DBH shall be replaced on the basis of one (1) replacement tree for every ons (1) tree removed. (b) Individual trees of at least eiqhteen (18) inahes DBH but less than twenty four (24) inches DBH shall be replaced on the basis of two (2) replacement trees for every one (i) tree removed. 8 ��IGit�A�l �- �� ,���,��9� (c) Individual trees of twenty four (24) inches DBH or �� `� larqer shall be replaced on the basis of three (3) replacement trees for every one (i) tree removed. (3) Trees desiqnated for removal within the limits of disturbance may be transplanted within the site and aounted as replacement trees. (4) Deciduous replacement trees of nursery stock shall bo at least two and one half (2 1/2) aaliper inches and of a species similar to the tree(s) lost or reaioved. Deciduous replacement trees shall be of the species indicated in Appendix C to the $oninq code. At the discretion of the superintendent of parks, coniferous trees may replaae deciduous trees that are lost or removed. (5) Coniferous replacement trees shall be at least siu (6) feet in heiqht and of a speciss similar to the tree(s) lost or removed. Coniferous replacement trees shall be ot th• spscies indicated in Appendix C to the zoninq codQ. (6) The applicant shall arranqe for an on-site inspection of all replacement trees by the superintendent of parks prior to plantinq. (7) Replacement trees shall be planted no more than twelve (12) months after the removal of oriqinal trees, unless an eutension is qranted by the superintendent of parks. The applicant shall iaform ths superintendent of parks that all replacement trees have been planted, at which time the superintendent of parks shall inspect the site. (8) If the number of replacement trees to be planted exceeds the number of trees that can be accommodated practically on- site, as determined by the superintendent of parks, off-sit� plantinq may occur at locations to be determined by the applicant and the superintendent of parks, or a fee-in-lieu of off-site plantinq may be required as provided in (9) below. Nhen determininq off-site plantinq locations, priority shall be qiven to lots that are located within the "T" Tree Praservation District and in close proximity to the lot(s) from which the trees were removed. (9) Nhere tree replacement on-site is not practical and a suitable off-site location cannot be determined and aqreed upon by the applicant and the superintendent of parks, a fee-in-lieu may be assessed for the replacement required in Sec. 60.788 (2) . The fee amount, which shall be equal to or qreater than the value of each tree established in the latest revision of "A Guide to the Professional Evaluation of Landscape Trees, Specimen Shrubs and Everqreens," prepared by the International Society of Arboriculturs, plus ten (10) percent, shall be provided by the applicant and approved by the planninq administrator. All funds collected shall be expended exclusively for tree plantinq and maintenancs as administered by the superintendent of parks. (10) Any trees desiqnated for preservation on the tree preservation plan or that are outside the limits of 9 ������� � ����� �p�� ��5/ disturbance, but that were subsequently removed or damaqed, V shall be replaced at the rate of one (1) new tree for every tree lost or accordinq to the requirements stated in Sec. 60.788 (2) , whichever is qreater; or throuqh payment of a fee-in-lieu equal to or qreater than the value of aach tree lost as sstablished in ths latest revision of "A Quide to the Professional Evaluation of Lanasaape Trees, Specimen Shrubs and Everqreens," prepared by the International Socisty of Arboriculture. (11) The provisions of Sec. 6o.78s shall not apply to: (a) the removal of trees in areas to be occupied by buildinqs, private streets, driveways, areas required for accessory parkinq or within a distance of fifteen (15) feet of a buildinq foundation; (b) the removal of trees determined by the superintendent of parks to be hazardous, diseased, dyinq or dead; (c) the removal of trees transplanted from one part of a development site to another; or (d) the removal of trees from commercial nurseries or horticultural properties such as tree farms, orchards or commercial forests. This exception shall not be interpreted to include lumber harvestinq incidental to the imminent development of land. Sec. 60.789. Security aqreement. (i) Before the tree preservation plan is approved, the applicant shall file a performance bond, letter of credit, cash or escrow deposit equal to one-hundred twenty five (125) percent of the value of each replacement tree shown on the tree preservation plan as establisbed in the latest version of "A Guide to the Professional Evaluation of Landscape Trees, Specimen Shrubs and Everqreens," prepared by the International society of Arboriculture. At the discretion of the zoninq administrator, additional security may be required in accordance with Sec. 60.788 (9) . (2) Release of the security shall be as provided in Sec. 62.108 (f) . (3) In the case of a subdivision approved after the effective date of this section where the applicant for plat approval and the applicant for a buildinq, qradinq or fill permit are aifferent, two separate securities shall be filed. The applicant for plat approval shall file one at the time of plattinq; tt►e applicant for a buildinq, qradinq or fill permit to develop the individual lots shall file one at the time of permit approval. The amount of the security in each case shall be as required in Sec. 60.789 (1) . ��C�:�:::>:::::�:�::�::��:�:�:::;:::;>�;;<::�'::��ti".:.,�`:::`,<:`::;;;;,;,;,;,,;;;;;,,;,;,;<,.,.:: :::>:>:::;;.;>:>._>:;:>�>;::>>�>,:.>«:>:::�::::::::::::<::>-::::.;.��:::�:>...��::>�>:::>.>:>..:;>: :::>'..:::;::::»:::::;<:>::�::�;:::::.::.<.;;<::>�>:::..;;::>�<:>:�::: :.;:.;:.;:.;::.;:.;:.;:.>:.;::.;;:.;:.::.::.::.::.::.:.::.;:.;:::::«::.>�>.;::::<.::>;;::.;;;��t��..... �'b.� �+�c��l �d�...���� �r� ��+���$c�i�k �# � �.:>:.�::::::;:::::: �:�:�.::::::�:..,,.>.::..:::::::...:.«::.:.�:::.: , ,;::.,,,.,.;�::.:::>::>:,.:;....,..;.:: ., ,,. ..:,: .::.:::::::::::.:::<:>:::..;�::.:�....:,;:..:::::;:�::.;;,..,>:.:.:>�.•;:.:.::::.;:::>�;::;:.:::;:.:.;::;.:«««::::.::>�::::;...,::::::: ��. �x�������a� ����� .� ������t��� � ����y m�.�d����r� ��.::: ..: .. ��>� :e�i�:::><:��>::>:� .:>::>� ; <. : ::»: :..:::::: ..:.:. ::..>: :� :: .. .... ..�....:�.f�e...��....s. ��.�.�e�.:::::��:::::>:��c�:. <:��.��::>:<:;.:>:.::: :::>::: : <:»::.:: :..:.. �::>:::: ..: ::::.:::.::>:::::::::���::::�.>°��. :::::::::�.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::�::::::::::::.:::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::.::::...:�a�.:::�.,:��.:::��::::��i�::::����.�.:::.�:.��tt ::...................... .<:.:.:r::;:�`�:.:�.:>:.;:.:>:��::.::<:::.::�<.>:.>:.>::�':�::::�:::��::::>.�:::;::::::':.::+>:.;;<:::::::�:.>::::��:������°`:>::>�`':.:.::;:::::�:«�::°::»::%<>:»:�::�:::�::::::>::��<�::::;;;:<:>:<:>:::r::>::>::>:::>::»>:>�:,:>::::;:;.:.:>:�:::"�°:°:0�::::>:::'.t`;..k"">,f.'°° �#:��'#p1��3�.3'�� c���.::�4..al�1k�:::Cr..�``.;::<��$.;:.;:�:�,�N�:.;:.'��t�...�4�1:�'�....��...�°�.. ...��.�:�...�t�:.:::���:� ...�:.......................::::::::::::::::::::::::: 10 ������,!. �� � ....�'� ` - � ����174� .:>_��:..;�:>:::...:.>..<:�.>:>�::>.:.>:.»>.;:;:...��_�������:�::��°::�::<:::::��:::��:>::�::;_:::::�.:>:.:>�;.;.:...;.�:>�:>::�°.:;::>;::.>,>.::>::.::>::�:::<:::�........>:..::::, � �:�:�:�::::>::��o�i�:�:±��.�a��. � ��� �a� �:...a�`....��s� .���...� ��....� �a. .:::::::::�:::::�.�:::::::::::::::::.�.�::::::::::.�:::::::............................... ....... :::>:::;;;;:::::.:::»»::.:.:::.:::.:�.::.:>:;::.::.:::.:>::.::.:::.::.::.::.:::.:>:>::.::.::.::.::.::.::»::.::.:.:>:»::.:::::.::.::.::.::.::.:.:.:;::.::::::�:�:.:::.:.::>::.::.:................ ................................................. ............................ :.;::..;:::.;. :: �<::<:.: .<:.:..:: >;:::>:::����::>::>:�. :.:�:�;::>::> ::... :.:. ..:..::.:::»:�:..:.:,.:.::..: >;.::...<:::,:::.:.: ::»: �:. :::>:::......:.:.; ;:..::>::::::::..:;:;.:: .,,.;:..:.:;;:; ....;:..:.,...>..:.;..::. ;..:.:...::..,,; ��:��b:�:i���<::<:�x�<:>:::��:>::>:��:��t:::>:<�:��i��::<:��:«<�:::;�<:>:��;�.de fi� ��� ���:�s������� ><:;;�;:>:;:>..:>u:::><:.:::<:�<<;><.><:<..:::.;.<:;;,:,>.....«:>::.>:;::<:;>;:<.><>::><><:<:;:::,;«:>:;;._..<.;::.::::>.<:»:;::<::>:>:.'.;;`::::;:�::':.::.<:>�:::.<:».�.::>:<:;:<:;<::«;::: ::::>::::::>�:>�;«:»::>: .:::::::::.;;:.::::<::::.:.:.:::.::.:.::::.::.:::.::.::.:>.:>�:::.::.>:.;:;::;:::.>::>�::::::><: �....��....��.��x� a�`....�����► .�...����� � �����:<:::�s��i:::>:::��:�:::::i���:�:'��:���:�:::>::>: :.::::::::.�::::::::.:::::::::::::::::�:.::::::�.�:::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::.::::.::::::.:::::::.:�:::::::::::.�::::::::::::::::�:::::::::::::::.�::::. :>::»::>::>::::>�;:>:;:.;<;::;::;:::>:;�:::::::.::.::.::.;.::...::.:.;:::;.;;:.;;>;;<>:...:...::.:....:...:...:. ...:. ..... ....:..:::.: .. :. .. . .......:.;.....;..:...:.. �;...`�.''.'@.:.,..:.�*��:::::>���:;�.>::':.:>:�:$R:#::::::�:��':�.�`��:�;�:4��E'::�:::::>:�?!�:#�::�:�'�'::�.:::>:::?(i�«::;::::�`�k�*��:�:�'r:��:::��s���:�'$�`.:;::::�':�A ::::::::�:::.�:::::::::::::. .:::::.�:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.�:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.�::.�::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::. .............................�..............................................................................................�...................................................................�.................................. ::..::�:<:'�:>:::<>:::>�::��::�:.,.:.:,,,.::,._:,::... :.;�:.;:::..1�� '::::>:����'.: :;;:<:;�::.;•:«.:�.'��`::<::`:�;:..::::.,.::. . . : . . . . . . ... ............ ................... ....................... ...........::.. .. ...... .. ?�Q$:::�::»:�.:`�»;:�� ,'' '�G�::>;:::.:'.�'�::>::>:�°�,`$�::�:�t. ............�!. ?�.;...1.(�� . ,�:'�'�l.':igi. '::<::�':$�k�'.�I'.... ....C►. .....�1�:�. ....... :$!I� :::::.:.�:�::::::::::::::::::::.�:._:::::::::::::::::::::::::�.�:::�:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.�:::::::.��:::::::::.�::::::::::::::::::::::.�::::::::::.�:::::::.::::::.�.�:::::::::::.�:::::::::::::::::::. '��.�3�i:��:::::::1'�i��i$�s:��:���::r;::i'�:<:>::�:@���'.��'�*�L�6l::>::::'!��#�!:���:0��►:>::::>::::>::::.:::.:...................................................................................... ..................................................................................... ::::.�.;:.;:.;:.:;.:;.;:.;;;:;:;:.;;;:.>:.>:;;;>:;:•;;;:•;;:•:;•:;:•>::•;;;>::;•;:•>::•:: Section 15 __ That Appendiz C to the saint Paul Zoninq Code, suqqested Plant Materials, be and is hereby amended to read as follows: Appendix C to Zoning Code Suggested plant materials (1) Evergreen Trees: Scientific Name Common Name (a) Juniperus Virginiana Red Cedar (b) Tsuga Canadensis Canadian Hemlock (c) Abies Concolor White Fir (d) Pinus Nigra Austrian Pine Pinus Resinosa Red Pine Pinus Strobus White Pine Pinus Sylvestris Scotch Pine (e) Picea Abies Norway Spruce Picea Glauca White Spruce �i�i��a Serbian Spruce Picea Pungens Blue Spruce Pinea Pungens Glauca Colorado Blue Spruce Pinea Pugens Kosters Blue Spruce (� Psuedotsuga Taxifolia Douglas Fir (g) Thuja Occidentalis 'Nigra' Dark Green Arborvitae Thuja Occidentalis 'Pyramidalis' Pyramidal Arborvitae (2) Narrow Evergreens: (a) Chamaecyparis Obtusa Hinoki C�press (b) Huniperus Virginiana Pyramidalis Hilli Dundee Juniper Juniperus Chinensis Pyramidalis Blue Column Chinese Juniper Juniperus Excelsa Stricta Spiny Creek Juniper (c) Pinus Strobus 'Fastigiata' Pyramidal White Pine (d) Pinus Cembra Swiss Stone Pine (e) Juniperus Virginiana 'Keteleeri' Keteleer Red Cedar (f� Ta�s Baccata Fastigiata Iris Yew (g) Thuja Occidentalis Douglas Pyramidalis Douglas Arborvitae (h) Thuja Plicata Columnar Giant Arborvitae (i) Pinus Ponderosa Western Yellow Pine (j) Taxu3c Cuspidata Japanese Yew (k) Thuja Orientalis Oriental (Siberian) Arbor (3) Tree-like Shrubs: il �►��C;��NAL ��;��� e���' ,� >, (a) Malus (Varieties) Flowering Crabapple (b) Elaeagnus Angustifolia Russian Olive (c) Sorbus Aucuparia European Mountain Ash (d) F���� White Flowering Dogwood (e) Cercis Canadensis Eastern Redbud (f) Hibiscus Syriacus Shrub Althea, Rose of Sharon (g) Carpinus Betulus 'Fastigiata' Pyramid European Hornbeam Ostrya Virginiana American Hornbeam (h) Crataegus (Varieties) . Hawthorn (i) Magnolia (Varieties) Magnolia (j) Amelanchier Canadensis Shadblow Serviceberry (k) Prunus Subhirtella Japanese Flowering Cherry (4) Large Deciduous Shrubs: (a) Lonicera (Varieties) Honeysuckle (b) Viburnum (Varieties) Viburnum (c) Philadelphus (Varieties) Mockorange (d) Forsythia (Varieties) Forsythia (e) Syringa (Varieties) Lilac (f) Physocarpus Opulifolius (Varieties) Ninebark (g) Cotoneaster Cotoneaster (h) Corylus Americana American Filbert (Hazelnut) (i) Eunonymus (Varieties) Euonymus (j) Ligustrum (Varieties) Privet (k) Rhamnus (Varieties) Buckthorn (1) Rhus (Varieties) Sumac (m) Abelia Grandiflora Glossy Abelia (n) Chaenomeles Legenaria (Varieties) Flowering Quince (o) Hamamelis (Varieties) Witchhazel (5) Large Deciduous Trees: (a) Quercus (Varieties) Oak (b) Acer Platanoides Norway Maple Acer Saccharum Sugar Maple (c) Celtis Occidentalis Hackberry (d) (e) Betula (Varieties) Birch �f� ��a�s-(�a�e�ies} �eeek (g) Ginko Biloba Maidenhair Tree (h) Gleditsia (Varieties) Honeylocust (i) (j) Ostruya Vuginica American Hophornbeam (k) Tilia Cordata Little European Linden Tilia Euchlora Crimean Linden �ie�e�aea �e�� (1) Cratagus Oxyacantha English Hawthorn (m) Fraxinum Americana White Ash 12 �R����, ;, .l� �.�"��ra�� (n) Sophora 7aponica Chinese Scholar Tree (o) ��ee (p) Fraxmus Pennsvlvanica (,Varieties� Green Ash (q) Acer Rubrum (,Varieties� Red Maple (r) Ginkgo Biloba ,Male g ar fted� Gink�o (s) �inga Reticulata Japanese Tree Lilac (t) Aesculus Glabra Ohio Buckeve Section 16 That section 61.101, "8chedule of Requlations Limitinq 8eiqht, Bulk, Density and Area for Residential Districts" of the Leqislative Code is hereby amended as follows: Sea. 61.101. 8esidential districta. Section 17 That the "Notes to section 61.101 Residential Districts" of the Leqislative Code, is hereby amended so as to amend Nots (b) , and to add Notes k and l, as follows: (b) For those uses permitted in residential districts (R-LL, R-1 throuqh R-4, RT-1, RT-2 and RM-1 throuqh RM-3) as "principal uses" and "principal uses permitted subject to special conditions," other than residential uses, the front yard shall be equal to the front yard required for residential use and the side and rear yards shall be equal to one-half the heiqht of the buildinq but in no instance less than the minimum requirements of the district in which said use is located. u The actual lot size may depend on how much square footaqe is needed to properly site and install an individual sewaqe treatment system. ,L1� The minimum lot size for residential lots created after ;...::..;:;�.;:::::::;:::;.;...;...;::.>:;;.:�;::;:;,:.;::::.:>::>::>:...;�.:>��:>�;:.:>::»:;�.;::..,::::>�:�:.::��:;.:::;:.;:::>::»•�;::.;:.::..:; :.::.;.:.::�;:.:::.:.;::;�:.: a: ::.::. .. =«> wher over half of the lot �as���s�Y�opes'�of'���12����percent���or����qreater����sha11 be 15,000 square feet. The minimum lot size for residential lots created ;�.::�:.::;:.;:::>::>:;;::;...;...::.;:.;:.;:.,:.;::.;:.;:.;:.;:.;;;;::...;:.;::.<.;:.;�.;:.;:.:.;:.;....::.>:..;....:.:.::<.;:::.�::::::::::..:..:::::::::::.�::::::: . . .. .. ....... after : ::::>:: .:: :�c:. :.:�sr. .::;>::: �: `:::>::: ::.:;<;;::.:: �:.::�:<:::::'��':; .::.::: �:� >� : ' �' where over half of the lot has�'��§�lopes ���of�����less��'�tlian''��i�'���percent""shall be 9,600 square feet. �hen determininq lot size, the slope shall be that in existence prior to any qradinq or fillinq. Alterations shall not be allowed that will lower the slope from 12 percent or greater to less than 12 percent prior to the creation of new lots. Section 18 That section 62.102 (e) (8) of the Leqislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 13 ���������} - �,�,�-��r��� � �.ta� , � (e) Nonconforminq uses of structures and land. (8) In any R-LL, R-1, R-2, R-3 and R-4 District, an euistinq two- tamily residential use shall not be nonconforminq as to the use of atructure and land, and may be enlarqed, eutonded, reconstructed or altered provided the minimum yard setback requirements of the RT-1 District are met and that the mauimum percentaqe of the lot occupied by the main buildinq does not exceed that allowed. Section 19 That section 62.103 (q) (1) "Residential Parkinq Requirements" of the Leqislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: (q) Parkinq requirements by use. Egcept as provided in Section 60.574, the minimum number of off-street parkinq spaces by type of use shall be determined in accordance with the followinq schedule: IIse Minimum Number of ParkinQ Spaces Per Unit of Measure (1) RESIDENTIAL (a) Itesidential R-LL Two__f2) for each dwellinq unit. (b)Residential (All zones One and one-half (1 1/2) for other than R-LL) each dwellinq unit. � Housinq for the One for every three (3) units; elderly provided there is space available on the lot to meet the one and one-half (1 1/2) space requirements for multiple family. (d)�e} Trailer court one for each trailer site and one for each employee of the trailer court. (e){�} Boardinqhouse Two (2) for each dwellinq unit plus one for every t�o (2) roomers. � Bed and breakfast One and one-half (i i/2) for residence in residential each dwellinq unit and one for districts. each bed and breakfast unit up to and includinq three (3) quest rooms. 14 �RI�;��AL �:"�.1 ; ���---,���� ( � Section 20 That section 62 . 104 (9) (c) of the Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: (9) Entrances and exits. (c) Entrances and exits to and from all parking facilities located in land zoned other than R-LL. R-1 through R-4, RT-1 and RT-2 shall be at least twenty-five (25) feet from any adjoining property in R-LL, R-1 through R-4, RT-1 and RT-2 zoning districts. Section 21 That the title to section 66.204 (Sign Ordinance)of the Legislative Code be amended to read as follows: Sec. 66.204. � R-LL throuqh RM-3 Residential Districts. Section 22 That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinances by amending the zoning classifications from R-1 to R-LL for the following properties on the zoning maps of the City of Saint Paul, Sheets numbered 40 and 44, as incorporated by reference in section 60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code: Legal Descriptions: Burlington Heights Division 1 Block 11: Lots 1-13, 16-18, 58-63 , and SEly 10 ft. of Lot 15 Block 12 : Lots 1-5, 6 (subj . to hwy. ) , 7 (excluding Highway 61) , 40-45, 34-39 Block 13: Lots 1-5 Block 14: Lots 1-21 Block 15: Lots 19-25 Block 16: Lots 1-11, 13-18 (vac. street accruing and with esmt. ) Lewiston Heights Block 1: Lots 1-7 Block 2 : Lot 1 (subject to water rights esmt. ) , Lots 2-4 Lewiston Heights Second Addition Block 4: Lots 1-4 Block 5: Lots 1-5 Lewiston Heights Third Addition Block 1: Lots 1-8 Block 2 : Lots 1-8 15 �,':1' �"w.���,r�,� ,�? Block 3 : Lots 1-15 ,-,e ` ���//���`�� Lewiston Heiqhts Fourth Addition Block 1: Lots 1-11 Block 2: Lots 1-8 Leonard Oak Hills #3 Block 1: Lots 1-13 Leonard Oak Hills #5 Block 1: Lots 1-17 St. Joseph's Hill Block 1: Lots 1-2, 3 (subj . to rd. esmts. ) , 4-7, 8 (subj . to esmts. ) , 9-15, 16 (subj . to rd. ) Bachman's Addition Block 1: Lots 1-76 Block 2 : Lots 1-20 Block 3 : Lots 1-24 Block 4: Lots 1-58 Block 7: Lots 1-46 Block 8: Lots 1-13 Arthur and Dora Smith Addition Block 1: Lots 1-2 Reqistered Land Survey #47 Tracts A-H Lots 19-24, 27 Registered Land Survey #175 Tracts A-L, M (excluding NWly 5 ft. ) Com. at NW cor of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 th E on N line of SD SE 1/4 383 . 03 ft. th S 7 deg. 41 min. E to S line of Carver Ave. for pt. of beg. th cont S 7 deg. 41 min. E 510 ft. mol th W to E line of Pt. Douglas Rd. th N along rd. to S line of ave. th E to beg. in SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of 23-28-22, exc. for that portion 150 ft. by 150 ft. in the NW corner of the parcel. N 200 ft. of S 506.85 ft. of part of SE 1/4 Ely of STH 61 in 23-28- 22 . Exc. STH 61 and exc. N 165 ft. part of S 1/2 of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 Wly of L run N 235 ft. at ra with S L of SD 1/4 1/4 from pt. thereon 712 ft. W of SE cor. of SD 1/4 1/4 th at angle of 10 deg. 15 min. to left to N L of SD tract in 23-28-22 . 16 ��KIC�I���. �;��,���� !; , �,- S 200 ft. of W 198 ft. of E 792 ft. of N 1/2 of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 and pt. of N 165 ft. of S 1/2 of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 Ely of STH 61 and exc. N 165 ft. part of S 1/2 of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 Ely of L run N 235 ft. at ra with S L of SD 1/4 1/4 from pt. thereon 712 ft. W of SE cor of SD 1/4 1/4 th at angle of 10 deg. 15 min. to left to N L of SD tract (subj . to rd. ) in 23-28-22. S 100 ft. of fol, beg. on N L of and 383 . 03 ft. E from NW cor of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 th S 7 deg. 41 min. E to S L of N 1/2 of SD 1/4 1/4 th W thereon to E L of hwy. th Nly thereon to pt. due W of beg. th to beg. in 23-28-22 . Comm. at NW cor of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 th E N line of SD SE 1/4 383 .03 ft. th S 7 deg. 41 min. E to S line of Carver Avenue for pt. of beg. th cont. S 7 deg. 41 min. E to S line of N 1/2 of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 th E to a line 792 ft. W of E line of SD 1/4 th N on SD line to S line of ave. th W on SD ave. to beg. all in SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of 23-28-22 . Subj . to ave. and flowage esmt. and exc. S 200 ft. the W 66 ft. of E 792 ft. of N 1/2 of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of 23-28-22 . Exc. S 200 ft. lying W of E 594 ft. th fol; W 198 ft. of E 726 ft. of N 1/2 of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 (subj . to ave. and esmts. ) of 23-28-22. N 225.47 ft. of W 98 ft. of E 528 ft. of N 1/2 of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of 23-28-22 . Exc. N 225.47 ft. of W 98 ft. ; the W 264 ft. of E 528 ft. of N 1/2 of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 (subj . to rd and esmts. ) of 23-28-22. Exc. ave. W 132 ft. of E 264 ft. of N 1/2 of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of 23- 28-22 . Subj . to rd and ave. the E 132 ft. of N 1/2 of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of 23-28-22 . Exc. E 6 acres, the S 330 ft. of part lying Ely of Hwy 61 of N 1/2 of NE 1/4 (subj . to rd) in 23-28-22 . W 2 acres of E 6 acres of S 330 ft. of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of 23-28-22. Subj . to ave. the W 66 ft. of E 528 ft. of S 330 ft. of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of 23-28-22 . Subj . to ave. the W 80 ft. of E 462 ft. of S 330 ft. of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of 23-28-22 . 17 � '' ,�: 4'�./5�� �� ^T���'� ,�e a . � �'%/� /��� �✓ Exc. part in N 110 ft. of S 330 ft. of E 264 ft. of NE 1/4 NE 1/4; the W 150 ft. of E 382 ft. of S 230 ft. of SD 1/4 1/4 (subj . to rd) in 23-28-22 . Subj . to ave the W 100 ft. of E 232 ft. of S 220 ft. of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of 23-28-22. Subj . to McKnight Rd. and Carver Ave. the E 132 ft. of S 220 ft. of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of 23-28-22 . N 100 ft. of W 118 ft. of E 382 ft. of S 330 ft. of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of 23-28-22. Subj . to rd the N 110 ft. of E 2 acres of S 330 ft. of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of 23-28-22 . Com at NW cor of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 th SEly par to tan part of CL of Hwy 61 for 799. 3 ft. to pt. th W par to NL SD 1/4 1/4 to EL of SD hwy and pt. of beg. then E par to NL of SD 1/4 1/4 180 ft. th NWly par to SD hwy. CL tan 84 ft. th W par to SD NL 180 ft. to EL hwy. th SEly on EL hwy. 84 ft. to beg. in 23-28-22. Com at NW cor of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 th SEly par to tan part of CL of Hwy 61 for 689.8 ft. and beg. th cont SEly 109.5 ft. th W par to NL SD 1/4 1/4 to pt 180 ft. E of E L SD hwy th NWly par to SD tan 84 ft. th W par to SD NL 180 ft. to EL hwy th NWly on SD EL 25.5 ft. th E to beg in 23-28-22 . Exc. S 330 ft. and exc. Nly 799. 3 ft. measured on a L run SEly from NW cor of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 and par with tan part of CL of STH 61 part of N 1/2 of NE 1/4 bet SD par L and STH 61 in 23-28-22 . Measuring on a L run SEly from NW cor of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 and par with tan part of CL of STH 61 th Nly 125. 6 ft. of part of NE 1/4 bet SD par L and STH 61 in 23-28-22. Com on Ely line of STH 61 and N L of NE 1/4, th Sly along Ely line of STH 61 for 344 .2 ft. to pt. of beg. th E par with the N line of NE 1/4 for 597.9 ft. , th S 18 deg. 48 min. 38 sec. E for 222 .54 ft. th W par with N line of NE 1/4 to the Ely line of STH 61; th NWly along SD hwy. to beg, being part of N 1/2 of NE 1/4 of 23-28-22 . Com at NW cor of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 th Sly par to EL Hwy 61 244.2 ft. to beg. th E 198 ft. th Sly par to EL hwy. 100 ft. th W 597.9 ft. to EL of hwy. th NWly on SD EL 100 ft. th E par to NL of NE1/4 399.9 ft. to beg. being part of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of 23-28-22. 18 ORIGIN�� ..lA<.� �-c�,�r�-�'s � Measuring on a L run SEly from NW cor of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 and par with tan part of CL of STH 61 th Sly 118. 6 ft. of Nly 244.2 ft. of pt. of NE 1/4, bet SD par L and STH 61 in 23-28-22 . Exc. N 1123.42 ft. mol part Ely of hwy of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 in 14-28- 22 . S 121.8 ft. of mol N 1123 .72 ft. mol of part Ely of hwy of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 in 14-28-22. S 108. 12 ft. of N 1001. 62 ft. of part E of Hwy 61 of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 in 14-28-22. S 96. 6 ft. of N 893 ft. lying E of STH 61 in SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 in 14- 28-22. S 96.6 ft. of N 796.9 ft. lying E of STH 61 in SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 of 14-28-22. Subj . to 30 ft. rd esmt. along Wly L of S 193 .2 ft. of N 700.3 ft. mol of part Ely of STH 61 of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 in 14-28-22. Subj . to esmt on W end and exc. 336 ft. the S 116 ft. of N 507 . 1 ft. of part Ely of STH 61 of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 in 14-28-22 . Exc. E 336 ft. the N 60 ft. of part Ely of STH 61 and S of N 10 acres of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 of SD 1/4 1/4 in 14-28-22. Exc. E 461 ft. part Ely of STH 61 of S 232 . 1 ft. of N 331. 1 ft. of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 in 14-28-22 . E 461 ft. of S 232 . 1 ft. of N 331. 1 ft. of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4. Also S part of N 99 ft. of E 181. 5 ft. of SD 1/4 1/4 being 33 ft. on W L and 49.5 ft. on E L in 14-28-22 . Exc. part described as beg at a pt on EL of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 dist. 49.5 ft. S of NE cor thereof th S on SD EL 49.5 ft. th W 181.5 ft. th N 33 ft. th NEly to beg. ; N 99 ft. of part of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 lying Ely of STH 61 (subj . to ave) in 14-28-22 . N 133 .54 ft. of S 163 .54 ft. of E 228. 6 ft. of NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 (subj . to rd) in 14-28-22. W 94.4 ft. of E 322 .9 ft. of N 133 .54 ft. of S 163 .54 ft. of NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 of 14-28-22 . 19 � �� -Y (/,l' y�1/ //7�}J� `:4:.:` /�� /��`I I • � W�• � W 94. 3 ft. of E 417.2 ft. of N 133 .54 ft. of S 163 .54 ft. of NE 1/4 f' `r of SE 1/4 of 14-28-22 . Exc. W 94 .5 ft. of N 133.54 ft. of S 163 .54 ft. and exc. E 417.2 ft. of N 133.54 ft. of S 163.54 ft. and exc. N 163 .54 ft. ; part, S of Registered Land Survey (RLS) #47 of E 606 ft. of NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 (subj . to rd. ) in 14-28-22. W 94.5 ft. of E 606 ft. of N 133.54 ft. of S 163 .54 ft. of NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 of 14-28-22. Subj . to st and esmts, S 165 ft. of W 100 ft. of E 706 ft. of NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 of 14-28-22 . Exc. S 163 . 34 ft. mol and exc. part lying Nly and NEly of a line beg. at a pt. on EL of NE 1/4 of SE1/4 80 ft. S from SE cor of RLS #47 th W 40 ft. th NWly to a pt. on SL of SD RLS dist. 322 .9 ft. W from SD EL and there term; the fol; E 606 ft. of NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 lying S of RLS #47 (subj . to rd) in 14-28-22 . Subj . to esmts. beg at SW cor of Tract D th W on extended S L of SD tract 37.73 ft. th N to pt. on extended N L of and 100 ft. W of NW cor of Tract E th E on SD extended L to W L of Tract D th S to beg. being part of SE 1/4 of 14-28-22 and in SD RLS part S of last desc. extended L of Tract D. S 470 ft. of E 278 ft. of W 478 ft. of S 1/2 of NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 subj . to ave. in 14-28-22. Subj . to esmts. and exc. RLS #47 and exc. E 37.73 ft. mol W of SD RLS bet. ext. N and S lines of Tract E of SD RLS and ex. E 606 ft. and exc. W 200 ft. and exc. S 470 ft. of E 278 ft. of W 478 ft. and exc. S 165 ft. of W 100 ft. of E 706 ft. the S 1/2 of NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 in 14-28-22 . Subj . to Highwood Ave. and McKnight Rd. the E 600 ft. of part N of RLS #47 of NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 of 14-28-22 . Subj . to Highwood and exc. W 200 ft. for Burlington Heights Division #1 and exc. E 600 ft. the N 1/2 of NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 of 28-22 . Subj . to esmt and exc. E 180 ft. of N 852 ft. , Tract B, Burlington Heights Division #1. S 60 ft. of N 852 ft. of E 180 ft. of Tract B, Burlington Heights Division #1. 20 �R�����:��. ���---�?��" ,f . Beg. on E L of and 546 ft. S from NE cor of Lot B th W to SE L of �` "'���'��� Skyway Dr. th SW thereon 10 ft. th S 240 ft. th E 180 ft. to E L of SD lot th N 246 ft. to beg part of Block B, Burlington Heights Division �1. Subj . to ave. part of Block B lying N of a L run W from pt. on E L of SD Block and 546 ft. S from CL of Highwood Avenue as opened over Block B. Section 23 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: zmon oswi z on acca ee e man une i son BY� Form App ed by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: BY� Approv' d y Mayo for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date By: By: g .��� �- Q o $ � � � � ; � � � �, � � � �� ` q � a v� �� 'E ; y E a ° Q .+ C m w y4 � �, m �' Tn .- � z� [� $ C C ll �L � N .4.E r- N C� .V � („) j V Q � '' �O O y l� O [� N C�f �� � �� � � � �2 � � J Vl � N N M � 1A U r N !7 4 T �i U U U �C m NN Oa� a� o�aca� ►-�- ¢ a� � � o� c� a� mOmmmmmm ; _ s _ �aa ¢ � o� < � � i � 0 _ . 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MYST�C . o0 1 /�-_� �_�� -_ ��� o� � LFS�Ra�WI�.�'" .�-� '/�f��'I' ' __ ' > ��^�� / �/ II/ /////// ' • �� ' i �dl� o�_ ,.- __ _ ; _. _ ____—_ oa,� � � �___� - G,�� /���,✓ Tree Preservation Overlay Zoning District � 0 � � � r �. Z � a —._ ����,�+����,�C���c'q������� �' > _ o _ - ; �'2.�`�"'���E'`�'�n`'��"� ��;.�$c�G3u�°i� >o�'�' Q '� ? ° -- �E�"> av ''� o - ' - `ot^ b'' _.�-�+r+ v w� ° � o ' ° �`J ° ' • _ _ o `> °° � ;��`� o ° — _ BJ� ��, -y"�-. y."���^�' ; /._ ,..,,.... m _..,-;,r^r.,- , ry,?c='.� �.G„" '�J f-. �J _.n.., � r""`�_. ''`-'° ��X:,'.w�^x"'"" � J� � . � cu�a°tl °� . ' I > �DO � ���0 Q\ a o o I y\��\�� i ���! �\ c-__-�-"'� r � 9/` /��� �/ . �trr o R�$ a v ° - � a CITY OF SAINT PAUL '� iiii�i ii°ti � �� ^° OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL �s6. CITY HALL-'7th FLOOR-SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612-298-5506 TOM DIMOND I�ECEIVED COUNCILMEMBER VC.?_ O 3 1991 �:�TY CLERK Members: Tom Dimond, Chair Paula Maccabee Dave Thune Date: September 25, 1991 COMMITTEE REPORT HOUSING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 1. Approval of the minutes of the Housing and Economic Development Committee for September 9, 1991. , COMMITTEE APPROVED, 4-0 2. 91jprehensive Housing Assistance Program (CHAS) (Laid Over in Committee 6-26- THIS ISSUE WILL BE BEFORE THE HOUSING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE ON OCTOBER 9, 1991 FOR ACTION 3. Highwood Comprehensive Plan and Ordinance amendments - Staff presentation and Public Hearing. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL OF SUBSTITUTE ORDINANCES AS AMENDED, 4-0. COMMITTEE ALSO RECOMMENDED APPROVAL OF AN ADDITIONAL ORDINANCE ON THE TREE PRESERVATION OVERLAY DISTRICT �AS AMENDED, 4-0. THIS ISSUE HAS ALSO BEEN REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE, AND THE ORDINANCES WILL BE PUT ON THE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA AFTER THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE HAS DISCUSSED THESE ORDINANCES. THE COMMUNITY WOULD ALSO LIKE TO DISCUSS THESE ORDINANCES BEFORE THEY APPEAR ON THE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA. 4. Tourism Initiative - Preliminary Staff report. THIS ISSUE WAS LAID OVER TO THE OCTOBER 9, 1991 HOUSING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING 5. Preliminary approval and authorization to execute a memorandum of understanding concerning a South St. Paul Tax Exempt Revenue Bond issue for the HealthEast Corporation (Citywide) (Referred from HRA 9-24-91) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROYAL, 4-0 (HRA) CHAIR: Housing and Redevelopment Authority & Housing and Economic Development Committee COMMITTEES: Public Works & Intergovernmental Relations Printed on Rceycled Paper .6�s __ _._. _ _ __ __ . _ . _ _ . _ _ ����'���L . _ ✓ � `�; Council File ,� �-i795 _ ./ Ordinance ,� Green Sheet ,� /� �rr� ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA '., y,.,"�--:r--_.. .- �resented By � Referred To e�rc..; r>. ; � � r _ -r,�.� .�. ��i r:__.,-Cbmmittee: Date ���-�,'� � f y � —� An o"rdinance amendinq Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Leqislative Code so as to add the "T" Tree Preservation Overlay District and the R- LL One F�mily Larqe Lot Residential District; sections '�61.101, 62.101, 62.103, 62.104 (9) (c) , and 66.204 of the Leqislative Code. Whereas, the Planninq Commission of the City of Saint Paul has made a survey of the:._ area of the City known as the Hiqhwood area, which area is bounded on the north by Lower Afton Road, on the east by McRniqht Road;°�,won the south by the City limits and on the west by Hiqhway 61, an�;, the Commission has determined that the number of real estate de�criptions beinq affected the proposed chanqes would make i'� impractical to obtain the necessary 2/3rd consent of contiquous property owners; and � Whereas, The Commission, followinq public hearinqs held for that purpose, has recommended tha'� the zoninq code be amended, and the City Council, havinq consi$ered the report and recommendations of the Commission, `and havinq conducted a public hearinq on the proposed zoninq codetamendments, does hereby amend the Zoninq Code pursuant to the autho�ity qranted by and in accordance with the procedures set forth in Minnesota Statutes, section 462.357. The Council of the City of Saint Paul Doe's Ordain: Section � That section 60.201 of the Leqislative Code is hereby amended to read to add the followinq definition: .,Q. Applicant. The applicant for a buildinq, qradin'g or fill permit, plat approval or site plan review. Section 2 That section 60.202 of the Leqislative Code is hereby amended so as to add the followinq definition: Buildable area. That area of a platted lot lyinq withia the required setbacks, exclusive of those areas that are pro'hibited from development due to steep slopes, wetlands, easements` or other conditions protected by ordinance or leqal aqreement. �������� section 3 C���y1��� " That section 60.203 of the Leqislative Code is hereby ended so as to add the followinq definitions: Ca iper inches. The lenqth of a straiqht line measured throuqh the �trunk of a tree six (6) inches above the qround. Canopy� The horizontal extension of a tree's branches in all directions from its trunk. '�"' Section 4 '�l `�, That se''�tion 60.204 of the Leqislative Code is hereby amended so as�.`to add the followinq definitions: � , DBH. Diameter ��t breast heiqht, or the diameter in inches of a tree measured at�ur and one half (4 1/2) feet above the existinq qrade. Drip line. An imaqi�}ary vertical line that extends lrom the outermost branches ot'�,a tree�s canopy to the qround. ,,� �'�Section 5 �r. That section 60.212 a,f the Leqislative CoBe is hereby amended so as to add the fo,t�lowinq definition: ti Limits of disturbance. The t�al area within a development site that will be disturbed in any�ay for land alteration or construction. � Secti�n 6 � That section 60.215 of the Leg�islative Code is hereby amended so as to add the followinq 8�finition: 6 � Individual sewaqe treatment system. l�,, sewaqe treatment system or part thereof, servinq a dwellinq or ot�,er establishment or qroup thereof, that uses subsurface soil trea�aent and disposal or above-qround soil treatment in areas of l�iqh water table or bedrock or ra idl or slowl ermeable s�ils. section 7 ' �, That section 60.218 of the Leqislative � ode is hereby amended so as to add the followinq definitio��, Root $one. The area under a tree that is at a� within the drip line of a tree�s canopy. :� .} section 8 �tl�Y � � That section 60.219 of the Leqislative Code i� hereby amended by addinq the followinq definition: `� Sewaqe disposal system. �--a�z�e=—�e�-Qe3bee�t��gea�� Qara-�-�sgaai v=e=r-e�-�e cira�e7 sire�3�-1��--��6;'-c�i�t�--�s-6@pste 2 `�'������"��, ���- �7� (See "individual sewaqe treatment ✓ ' system.") �°°�uperintendent of parks. The superintendent of parks of the City o� Saint Paul. ' SeCtioII 9 �� Th�t section 60.220 of the Leqislative Code is hereby amended by addinq the followinq definition: Tree. Any `self-supportinq, woody, perennial plant, usually with one (1) main' stem or trunk and many branches. Section io That section °°60.300 of the Leqislative Code is hereby amended to add the R-LL One Family Larqe Lot Residential District to the listinq of Residential Districts, and to add the "T" Tree Preservation overlay I9istrict to the listinq of Special DistriCts. Section 11 That section 60.301 of -�,the Leqislative Code is hereby amended so as to incorporate �`into the Zoninq Code the attached maps which desiqnate and identify the area of the City of Saint Paul to be within the "T" Tree Preservation Overlay District and within the R-LL One Family Larqe'"'Lot Residential District, whicb maps shall be a part of the Zoninq:<,Code in the manner provided for in section 60.301. Section i�t That Chapter 60 of the Leqislative `��ode is hereby amended so as to add the followinq provisions which�`'establish the R-LL One- Family Larqe Lot Residential District and ?'�pecifies the uses which may be permitted in that district: "�,a � Division 2. 60.400. Residential Districts ��� Subdivision 1. 60.405. R-LL �'�-; One-Family Larqe Lot Residential;'� District. ��. `�, '', Sec. 60.406. Intent. � � `�� The R-LL One-Family Larqe Lot Residential distric� is the lowest density residential district. The intent is to provide for a semi-rural environment of predominantly low-densit�, one- family detached dwellinqs alonq with other residentially �related facilities which serve the residents in the district. The. district is desiqned to protect, maintain and enhance woodsd areas, wildlife and plant resources, fraqile bluff areas, ``-, topoqraphy and larqe expanses of natural veqetative cover; t'� reduce erosion and excessive stormwater runofg associated wit� hiqher-density development; and to facilitate installation of 1r, 3 �RlGi�Al �r�`� ��Qs private wells and individual sewaqe treatment systems for one- � family detached dwellinqs. �` Sec. 60.407. Principal uses permitted. 4ti. r` � �°� In the R-LL One-Family Residential District, the use of l�nd, the location and erection of new buildinqs or structures, an�, the alteration, enlarqement, and movinq of existinq buildinqs or �tructures from other locations or districts shall conform to the p�incipal uses as permitted in Sec. 60.412. Sec. 60.408. Principal uses permitted subject to special conditioas. Additional uses shall be permitted, as allowed in Sec. 60.413, sub�pct to the aonditions imposed for each use and subject to th� review and approval of the planninq commission. Sec. 60.�09. Ar$a, bulk and yard setback requirements. �. ;i See Chapter ��, Schedule of Requlations, limitinq the heiqht and bulk of buildiric�s, the minimum size of lot permitted by land use, the maximum de�sity permitted and providinq minimwn yard setback requirements.`�, �� '`� Section 13 �`�. �, That section 60.411 0"� the Leqislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows:��� �, Sec. 60.411. Intent. �� ;�. b� �Q—��s�rrr0���--�'��@�a�r�-z«�z�Q�S�9�-�9���-ra The intent of the R-1 throu h R-4 �ne-Famil Residential districts is to provifle for an envi :onment of predominantly low- density, one-family detached dwellin�s alonq with other residentially related facilities whic�, serve the residents in the districts. eecause of its residentialk�ature, this district is not intended for more intensive uses suc� as small conference centers, private retreat centers and rece�tion houses. �'t Section 14 '� x, That chapter 60 of the Legislative Code �"'�s hereby amended so as to add the followinq provisions establishin`g a special district entitled: "Tree Preservation District'�;, and requlations pertaininq to that special district: Division 5. 60.700. Special District��, � '� Subdivision 7. 60.780. "T" Tree Preservation Di�strict Sec. 60.781. Intent. The "T" Tree Preservation District is desiqned to preserve the essential character of those areas that are heavily-wooded and in a more natural state by encouraginq a resourceful and prudent approach to their development that includes minimal tree loss and 4 �RI�I�.�� �q�--��� mitiqation of tree removal resultinq from development. The "T" � y',; district is further provided to reduce stormwater runoff and `'��4minimize floodinq; aid in the stabilization of soil by preventinq erosion and sedimentation; aid in the removal of carbon dioxide ai��d the qeneration of oxyqen in the atmosphere; and maintain the visual screeninq, wind break, dust collection, heat and qlare redu+ction, and noise barrier characteristics exhibited by trees. Sec. 60.782. Principal uses permitted and prinaipal uses permitted subject to apecial conditions. In the "T";Tree Preservation overlay district, principal uses permitted outriqht and principal uses permitted subject to ' special condi$ions are those specified by the correspondinq underlyinq district as established in Section 60.301, to the extent that theg are not prohibited by any other provision of the zoninq code. They are subject to standards specified in the correspondinq underlyinq district section and to those specified below. �::�s Sec. 60.783. Tree p�eservation plan. ,"�� (i) Auy application foi�:Ka qradinq permit, fill permit, lot split, plat approval�,wor any development requirinq site plan review shall include �a� tree preservation plan, drawn to scale, for that area wti�thin the limits of disturbance. The tree preservation plan s,�all be certified by a Minnesota reqistered lan8 surveyor,��� landscape architect or �orester. The plan shall be submitt��} to the planninq administrator for review and approval. � b (2) In the case of a subdivision ��pproved after desiqnation as a "T" district where the applica�t for plat approval and the applicant for a buildinq, qradi q or fill permit are different, tree preservation pla�s shall be submitted as f o l lows: `1R, � � (a) The applicant for plat approva7� shall submit a tree preservation plan for any area to be disturbed in any way for the purposes of plattinq�and/or site preparation. The tree preservati� n plan does not need to cover the buildable area of ind�vi8ual lots, unless the buildable area will be disturb� for site preparation. � g�. (b) The applicant for a buildinq, qradinq�;or fill permit within a subdivision approved after de�'siqnation as a "T" district shall submit a tree prese��vation plan for the buildable area of the individual lo�� � (3) The tree preservation plan shall include the f��lowinq: (a) The location, diameter at breast heiqht (DB��),, and species of all existinq trees six (6) inches -DHH or larqer within the limits of disturbance. If the superintendent of parks determines that the size of the parcel and the number of affected trees renders the individual identification of all trees unreasonable, accepted methods of forest cruisinq may be substituted. 5 �RIGli�Al �����q6 . Where forest cruisinq is used, all trees in eucess o � twelve (12) inches DBH shall be individually identif ied. (b) The location and dimension of all buildinqs (existinq and proposed) , the location of easements, adjacent roadways and vehicular access driveways, existinq and proposed qradinq, site drainaqe facilities, parkinq areas, sidewalks and utilities. (c) The location of all trees that will be preserved and incorporated into the proposed site desiqn. All tree drip lines shall be noted. (d) A description of how trees will be protected before and durinq construction. (e) The location of trees to be removed, replacement trees and areas proposed for additional landscapinq, includinq, but not limited to, the tree name (botanical and common) ; the quantity of each species; tree caliper, measured six (6) inches above qround; and a typical plantinq detail. (4) A tree preservation plan shall not be required in the followinq cases: (a) Where the applicant can demonstrate that there are no existinq trees within the limits of disturbance. (b) For the reqular maintenance of existinq public utilities. (5) No cuttinq, clearinq, diqginq or qradinq for site preparation shall be undertaken until a tree preservation plan has been approved. (6) No tree removal or replacement shall be undertaken until approval and issuance of the qradinq or fill permit, plat approval or site plan approval. (7) Where a tree preservation plan is approved with the final plat, a copy of the approved tree preservation plan shall be kept on file with the planninq administrator for determination of compliance prior to issuance of a buildinq permit(s) at the time of construction. Sec. 60.784. Selection of trees to be preserved. Tbose trees shall be preserved that: (1) Protect and enhance the inteqrity of the natural enviroament by maintaininq the natural veqetation and topoqraphy; (2) Complement the project desiqn, includinq the enhancement of buildinq architecture and streetscape appearance; (3) Complement stormwater manaqement techniques; 6 ��� � � AL C��i���s (4) Auqment or do not interfere with sedimentation and erosion ' control desiqns; or �` (5) Are recommended for preservation by the superintendent of parks. Sec. 60.785. Protection of trees to be preserved before construction. (1) Trees or tree areas that are to be preserved shall be visibly marked prior to construction. (2) Protection devices shall be installed prior to construction and shall be shown on the approved landscape plan. Protection devices include, but are not limited to, snow fencinq, board fencinq, silt fencinq or strinq and flaqqinq. Construction personnel shall be notified of the purpose and presence of the protection devices. (3) The applicant shall arranqe for an on-site inspection of all protection devices by the superintendent of parks prior to commencinq qradinq or construction. Sec. 60.786. Protection of trees to be preserved durinq construction. (1) Gradinq or fillinq shall not occur inside the drip line of trees to be preserved, unless approved by the superintendent of parks. If qradinq or fillinq inside the drip line is approved, root aeration practices and/or tree wells or walls shall be used, subject to approval by the superintendent of parks. (2) The followinq activities shall be prohibited within the drip line of the tree(s) to be retained: (a) trenchinq; (b) temporary storaqe of any construction materials or Ch@II11C813 f (c) the routinq or parkinq of heavy equipment, includinq cars, trucks, bulldozers and construction trailers. (3) All sediment and erosion control silt fencinq or straw bales shall be placed at the limits of gradinq or where needed to minimize the deposition of sediment within the drip line of the protectecl tree(s) . (4) No protective devices, siqns, utility poles or lines, or other objects shall be nailed or attached to any trees that are to be preserved. (5) Any other action within the drip line of the protected tree(s) that may result in the severinq of roots or compaction of soil, or that may impede the free access of air and water to tree roots shall be prohibited. 7 ��������� /��� (6) Other tree protection practices may be required at the (,�'�7�"'�?�✓`' .� discretion of the planninq administrator and/or superintendent of parks. (7) An amendment to the tree preservation plan shall be required prior to the removal of trees that were slated for preservation on the oriqinal tree preservation plan. Sec. 60.787. Protection of preserved trees after construction. (1) Construction barriers shall be removed from protected tree areas. (2) The applicant shall arranqe an on-site inspection by the superintendent of parks for approval of post-construction tree protection practices. Such approval shall be required prior to the release of any security as provided in Bec. 60.789. Sec. 60.788. Replacement of trees. (1) While development shall retain the maximum number of trees possible, it is recoqnized that a certain amount of tree removal is an inevitable consequence of urban development. (2) Trees removed for development or reasonably anticipated to be lost due to development shall be replaced accordinq to the followinq requirements. (a) Individual trees of at least twelve (12) inches DBH but less than eiqhteen (18) inches DBH shall be replaced on the basis of one (i) replacement tree for every one (i) tree removed. (b) Individual trees of at least eighteen (18) inches DB8 but less than twenty four (24) inches DBH shall be replaced on the basis of two (2) replacement trees for every one (1) tree removed. (c) Individual trees of twenty four (24) inches DBH or larqer shall be replaced on the basis of three (3) replacement trees for every one (1) tree removed. (3) Trees desiqnated for removal within the limits of disturbance may be transplanted within the site and counted as replacement trees. (4) Deciduous replacement trees of nursery stock shall be at least two and one half (2 1/2) caliper inches and of a species similar to the tree(s) lost or removeS. Deciduous replacement trees shall be of the species indicated in Appendix C to the zoninq code. At the discretion of the superintendent of parks, coniferous trees may replace deciduous trees that are lost or removed. (5) Coniferous replacement trees shall be at least six (6) feet in heiqht and of a species similar to the tree(s) lost or removed. Coniferous replacement trees shall be of the species indicated in Appendix C to the zoninq code. 8 ����F� 6 � e C - �,/`''"7�'-'�7� (� Th appli ant shall arranqe for an on site inspection of all � / replacement trees by the superintendent of parks prior to V plantinq. (7) Replacement trees shall be planted no more than twelve (12) months after the removal of oriqinal trees, unless an extension is qranted by the superintendent of parks. The applicant shall inform the superintendent of parks that all replacement trees have been planted, at which time the superintendent of parks shall inspect the site. (8) If the number of replacement trees to be planted exceeds the number of trees that can be accommodated practically on- site, as determined by the superintendent of parks, off-site plantinq may occur at locations to be determined by the applicant and the superintendent of parks, or a fee-in-lieu of off-site plantinq may be required as provided in (9) below. When determininq off-site plantinq locations, priority shall be qiven to lots that are located within the "T" Tree Preservation District and in close proximity to the lot(s) from which the trees were removed. � (9) Where tree replacement on-site is not practical and a suitable off-site location cannot be determined and aqreed upon by the applicant and the superintendent of parks, a fee-in-lieu may be assessed for the replacement required in Sec. 60.788 (2) . The fee amount, which shall be equal to or qreater than the value of each tree established in the latest revision of "A Guide to the Professional Evaluation of Landscape Trees, Specimen Shrubs and Everqreens," prepared by the International Society of Arboriculture, plus ten (10) percent, shall be provided by the applicant and approved by the planninq administrator. All funds collected shall be expended exclusively for tree plantinq and maintenance as administered by the superintendent of parks. (10) Any trees desiqnated for preservation on the tree preservation plan or that are outside the limits of disturbance, but that were subsequently removed or damaqed, shall be replaced at the rate of one (1) new tree for every tree lost or accordinq to the requirements stated in Sec. 60.788 (2) , whichever is qreater; or throuqh payment of a fee-in-lieu equal to or qreater than the value of each tree lost as established in the latest revision of "A Guide to the Professional Evaluation of Landscape Trees, Specimen Shrubs and Everqreens," prepared by the International Society of Arboriculture. (11) The provisions of Sec. 6o.78s shall not apply to: (a) the removal of trees in areas to be occupied by buildinqs, private streets, driveways, areas required for accessory parkinq or within a distance of fifteen (15) feet of a building foundation; (b) the removal of trees determined by the superintendent of parks to be hazardous, diseased, dyinq or dead; 9 ������I�� ��'�'�� �79�' , (c) the removal of trees transplanted from one part of a �/ 8evelopment site to another; or (d) the removal of trees from commercial nurseries or horticultural properties such as tree farms, orchards or commercial forests. This exception shall not be interpreted to include lumber harvestinq incidental to the imminent development of land. Sec. 60.789. Security aqreement. (1) Before the tree preservation plan is approved, the applicant shall file a performance bond, letter of credit, cash or escrow deposit equal to one-hundred twenty five (125) percent of the value of each replacement tree shown on the tree preservation plan as establishefl in the latest version of "A Guide to the Professional Evaluation of Landscape Trees, Specimen Shrubs and Everqreens,�� prepared by the International Society of Arboriculture. At the discretion of the zoninq administrator, additional security may be required in accordance with Sec. 60.788 (9) . (2) Release of the security shall be as provided in Sec. 62.108 (�) . (3) In the case of a subdivision approved after the effective date of this section where the applicant for plat approval and the applicant for a buildinq, qradinq or fill permit are different, two separate securities shall be filed. The applicant for plat approval shall file one at the time of plattinq; the applicant for a buildinq, qradinq or fill permit to develop the individual lots shall file one at the time of permit approval. The amount of the security in each case shall be as required in Sec. 60.789 (1) . 8@Ct1011 15 That Appendix C to the Saint Paul Zoninq Code, Suqqested Plant Materials, be and is hereby amended to read as follows: Appendix C to Zoning Code Suggested plant materials (1) Evergreen Trees: Scientific Name Common Name (a) Juniperus Virginiana Red Cedar (b) Tsuga Canadensis Canadian Hemlock (c) Abies Concolor White Fir (d) Pinus Nigra Austrian Pine Pinus Resinosa Red Pine Pinus Strobus White Pine Pinus Sylvestris Scotch Pine (e) Picea Abies Norway Spruce Picea Glauca White Spruce 10 �R9�IN�L �'�'� ��95 . �r` �ieea�e��l�a Serbian Spruce Picea Pungens Blue Spruce Pinea Pungens Glauca Colorado Blue Spruce Pinea Pugens Kosters Blue Spruce (f) Psuedotsuga Taxifolia Douglas Fir (g) Thuja Occidentalis 'Nigra' Dark Green Arborvitae Thuja Occidentalis 'Pyramidalis' Pyramidal Arborvitae (2) Narrow Evergreens: (a) Chamaecyparis Obtusa Hinoki C�press (b) Huniperus Virginiana Pyramidalis Hilli Dundee Juniper Juniperus Chinensis Pyramidalis Blue Column Chinese Juniper Juniperus Excelsa Stricta Spiny Creek Juniper (c) Pinus Strobus 'Fastigiata' Pyramidal White Pine (d) Pinus Cembra Swiss Stone Pine (e) Juniperus Virginiana 'Keteleeri' Keteleer Red Cedar (f) Taxus Baccata Fastigiata Iris Yew (g) Thuja Occidentalis Douglas Pyramidalis Douglas Arborvitae (h) Thuja Plicata Columnar Giant Arborvitae (i) Pinus Ponderosa Western Yellow Pine (j) Taxux Cuspidata Japanese Yew (k) Thuja Orientalis Oriental (Siberian) Arbor (3) Tree-like Shrubs: (a) Malus (Varieties) Flowering Crabapple (b) Elaeagnus Angustifolia Russian Olive (c) Sorbus Aucuparia European Mountain Ash (d) 6e�er-�de White Flowering Dogwood (e) Cercis Canadensis Eastern Redbud (� Hibiscus Syriacus Shrub Althea, Rose of Sharon (g) Carpinus Betulus 'Fastigiata' Pyramid European Hornbeam Ostrya Virginiana American Hornbeam (h) Crataegus (Varieties) Hawthorn (i) Magnolia (Varieties) Magnolia (j) Amelanchier Canadensis Shadblow Serviceberry (k) Prunus Subhirtella Japanese Flowering Cherry (4) Large Deciduous Shrubs: (a) Lonicera (Varieties) Honeysuckle (b) Viburnum (Varieties) Viburnum (c) Philadelphus (Varieties) Mockorange (d) Forsythia (Varieties) Forsythia (e) Syringa (Varieties) Lilac (� Physocarpus Opulifolius (Varieties) Ninebark (g) Cotoneaster Cotoneaster (h) Corylus Americana American Filbert (Hazelnut) (i) Eunonymus (Varieties) Euonymus 11 � I ./._'.;'.�, �� :. . ����,���A`����, � �7Q5 �,�q_ v` (j) Ligustrum (Varieties) Privet (k) Rhamnus (Varieties) Buckthorn (1) Rhus (Varieties) Sumac (m) Abelia Grandiflora Glossy Abelia (n) Chaenomeles Legenaria (Varieties) Flowering Quince (o) Hamamelis (Varieties) Witchhazel (5) Large Deciduous Trees: (a) Quercus (Varieties) Oak (b) Acer Platanoides Norway Maple Acer Saccharum Sugar Maple (c) Celtis Occidentalis Hackberry (d) n..:�..*„i ni.,..o+�oo (e) Betula (Varieties) Birch �f� �eee�t (g) Ginko Biloba Maidenhair Tree (h) Gleditsia (Varieties) Honeylocust (i) (j) Ostruya Virginica American Hophornbeam (k) Tilia Cordata Little European Linden Tilia Euchlora Crimean Linden �ea�i�e� (1) Cratagus Oxyacantha English Hawthorn (m) Fraxinum Americana White Ash (n) Sophora Japonica Chinese Scholar Tree /0\ TI.,t..,,�., T«oo \ J (p) Fraxmus Penns,ylvanica (Varieties� Green Ash (q) Acer Rubrum (Varieties� —-- Red Maple (r) Ginkgo Biloba �Male grafted� Gink�o (s) Svringa Reticulata Japanese Tree Lilac (t) Aesculus Glabra Ohio Buckeve Section 16 That section 61.101, "Schedule of Requlations Limitinq Heiqht, Bulk, Density and Area for Residential Districts" of the Leqislative Code is hereby amended as follows: Bec. 61.101. Residential districts. 12 , �9i ��9s � Section 17 That the "Notes to section 61.101 Residential Districts" of the Leqislative Code, is hereby amended so as to amend Note (b) , and to add Notes k and l, as follows: (b) For those uses permitted in residential districts (R-LL, R-1 throuqh R-4, RT-i, RT-2 and RM-1 throuqh RM-3) as "principal uses" and "principal uses permitted subject to special conditions," other than residential uses, the front yard shall be equal to the front yard required for residential use and the side and rear yards shall , be equal to one-half the height of the buildinq but in no instance less than the minimum requirements of the district in which said use is located. u The actual lot size may depend on how much square footaqe is needed to properly site and install an individual sewaqe treatment svstem. ,� The minimunt lot size for residential lots created after January 1, 1992 where over half of the lot has slopes of 12 percent or qreater shall be 15,000 square feet. The minimum lot size for residential lots created after January 1, 1992 where over half of the lot has slopes of less than 12 percent shall be 9, 600 square feet. When determininq lot size, the slope shall be that in existence prior to any qradinq or filling. Alterations shall not be allowed that will lower the slope from 12 percent or qreater to less than 12 percent prior to the creation of new lots. section i8 That section 62.102 (e) (8) of the Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: (e) Nonconforminq uses of structures and land. (8) In any R-LL, R-1, R-2, R-3 and R-4 District, an existinq two- family residential use shall not be nonconforminq as to the use of structure and land, and may be enlarqed, extended, reconstructed or altered provided the minimum yard setback requirements of the RT-1 District are met and that the maximum percentaqe of the lot occupied by the main buildinq does not exceed that allowed. section 19 That section 62 .103 (q) (1) "Residential Parkinq Requirements" of the Leqislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 13 . ���r i��5 � (q) Parkinq requirements by use. Except as provided in Section 60.574, the minimum number of off-street parkinq spaces by type of use shall be determined in accordance with the followinq schedule: IIse Minimum Number of ParkinQ Spaces Per Unit of Measure (1) RESIDENTIAL (a) Residential R-LL ............................................................................................. '.�'(�?'ta:::::::>:::�::.�::`�::>:�:���'::::>:����i:::>::.�'4Vi��::�;:�'�ti►:'�': ..:::�.::::�:.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::.:::::::::.::::� ;:.:;:;.......:...::.�:::.�.:�:::::::::::::::::.�:::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::.�:::: :l�I�l�:;x'::.. .................. ................... .................. (b)Residential (All zones one and one-half (1 ij2) for other than R-LL) each dwellinq unit. � Housinq for the One for every three (3) units; elderly provided there is space available on the lot to meet the one and one-half (1 1/2) space requirements for multiple family. (d)-{-e3- Trailer court one for each trailer site and one for each employee of the trailer court. (e){-�} Boardinqhouse Two (2) for each dwellinq unit plus one for every two (2) roomers. � Bed and breakfast One and one-half (1 1/2) for residence in residential each dwellinq unit and one for districts. each bed and breakfast unit up to and includinq three (3) guest rooms. Section 20 That section 62 . 104 (9) (c) of the Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: (9) Entrances and exits. (c) Entrances and exits to and from all parking facilities located in land zoned other than R-LL, R-1 through R-4, RT-1 and RT-2 shall be at least twenty-five (25) feet from any adjoining property in R_LL, R-1 through R-4, RT-1 and RT-2 zoning districts. 14 ����7�� � Section 21 That the title to section 66.204 (Sign Ordinance)of the Legislative Code be amended to read as follows: Sec. 66.204. � R-LL throuqh RM-3 Residential Districts. Section 22 That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinances by amending the zoning classifications from R-1 to R-LL for the following properties on the zoning maps of the City of Saint Paul, Sheets numbered 40 and 44, as incorporated by reference in section 60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code: Legal Descriptions: � 15 �cq� ��9��� � Section 23 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: imon oswi z on Planning Ec nomic Development acca ee e tman une i son BY� Form Appr d b City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary g � Y� BY� Apprpved by Mayor for Submission to Coun�'il Approved by Mayor: Date ' By: By� ', R��"°,1�`�'" ;��._,�.::....:::..:::..:.�:_.:.:. . i o_ �..� �j�lj� /'74.� �. 2�yio'�� _�j, :� i,c..:.•..::c':^c::r.c:i� I ��-7� r ',,, . • `:'jT:�S�i.l:Xtl:i'Ji'�l�%':'d���:.':::::?;;i•`;'• .�.�- �;��,:r'.`< ;.,�._>>,:::::�:::::.:�:::::.::.:�s ., J , :s ;. . .::_= '-`a;.;?cr,;�;L;:::�i::. • ;`t•�,,� :::•;,�;►,'3�,.•,,;:,. ._..• � � : ::;•� Lower Afton Road , :•45:.z�:�`oi:u.a:��'�'"•�"`::ir`:''°''� . ..,. - I ; ' � � ,i'�t;t� � •K.�:;• �.�� ' � ' I ,ae��`Ji���i,�f!��i1:.�`. ^�i.j,�.",+^.`� � �—�i�' I •ilQic,!�����atti=1%�+ yt '.Y� .'�:' ' ":":��f�b$rtN�•is< ':'�� , '1:, n :�: a ���::., �{"..6�'t��"'' �;��� ' �.` ..�.j. � .�.i. .�\�S, \ ;•;.'�'. •"iM. :.��.�:,��y " ;:; F�r�:.u_ �� : o ,f��� .,�_ ° F::,ti - �i� `'�' '��;:i � �I - � . ' �.� a�._. _ :E�: , .�.i. HIGHWOOD ���' "�- I � � — ��W :�• -- REZONING PROPOSALS ', . � � . August 1991 �, i • � :�. �_ I, ����. r. '', '�. �°' '�;;,'�, . '• ��. � - I � Proposed 'T"Tree Preservation . �� ;;� :f����:' i � �.�. : Overlay District .. ��.� s.. . i� ..,, � '�-� � �„.M ,;, . ��.': .�;:' ��i,-� � ���� - ��;�.��`,��.;,,=<.o,.��,(� 1.��.- ■■■ Rezone from R-1 to R-LL ��,� �' ��� :6� .,.;� � __ except for shaded parcels ' ' • \`,�,e f�� � 'r,'. �'.�' � . :��� �7 � ".� , — --t–.�,, - - :'.=' - � �;%. � ;� , , ,_,... ,, , , . . . . `,�`� �a, • , ��� , ;,;;: ' ,; `1 ' ,+�` .' --; ; � ° �`�_ �� ����:��� . . ; - ., �. . ;, �.,; - . I � � ^��� Highway, F. .� , ,� . �' i 61 �� �'` ,�.�.�� �. � `�;, . i . . , � ;I .. � ' .., Highwood Avenue ' � . �.. ; -., ^; � : .�. , � • . j ,� � ', 'I Q . . . ;�I "� ✓-;• � � � . . � - ', o ' � - t ' , . . .. • � � . 1� :�': � � _ I ' _ :,�.� � ; . . ��� -;.;.�:�. , -- . ,� � .� � � . ��`� �'� :.�� $ � . � ��;� . �_ � . . �:; N io ,,, — . . :�'.� .- . ,' .� � • ' � . 4,i.'1 •i��� � • �.11 . • , 1 •�' ��� ,�, ' e ••�,1, ,,'d: . . ��1:��'• :.�' ` '', :-s s� • / `j�t1'�1 '1 y%- , F;c ;1 i`: � y� .o� � . • . . I �— - ,'-•_... � -�—---�_. ,`1� ,"• . ��� ��Q� r . � FINANCIAL IMPACT OF TREE PRESERVATION DISTRICT REGULATIONS In the "T' Tree Preservation District, any person applying for a grading permit, fill permit, lot split, plat approval or site plan review within the "T" District must submit a tree preservation plan to the Planning Administrator. We are envisioning review of the tree preservation plan to be handled like site plan review, with PED staff consulting with the City Forester for comments. The tree preservation plan will be kept on file in PED for determination of compliance prior to issuance of a building permit. The City Forester is responsible for four inspections after approval of the tree preservation plan: 1. An on-site inspection, prior to grading or construction, of protection devices for trees that will be preserved. 2. An on-site inspection after construction is completed to ensure that post-construction tree preservation devices are adequate. 3. An on-site inspection prior to planting of replacement trees to determine that they are healthy and of the proper species. 4. An on-site inspection after planting of replacement trees to determine that they have been properly planted and in the location(s) shown on the tree preservation plan. In previous discussions with staff, the City Forester has stated that these duties can be assumed , as part of the regular work load, and that no additional staff or funding is necessary to implement the "T" district regulations. i . . �/ �/ ��� � 6�•_= o. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,�� �� DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ` ����j������ ro DIVISION OF PLANNING AND DESIGN ,�� ���� �� �� ^a . �'�'�,'` ` �- 25 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 l'�.�`,=„�J 612-22&3200 +es+ ���" � � _�� FAX: 612-22&3220 JAMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR �`��-� � �� ��r.,-�� MEMORANDUM: DATE: October 17, 1991 TO: City Couneil FROM: Lucy Thompson, PED ����'oY�` RE: Substitute Ordinances File # 91-1791, 91-1794, 91-1795 and 91-1796 Pertaining to Highwood Development Policies After final review by staff, as well as discussions by the Housing and Economic Development and Public Works Committees, four of the Highwood ordinances introduced for First Reading on September 24, 1991 require amendments. Substitute ordinances are attached for your consideration and introduction at the Second Reading on October 24, 1991. Substitute language is indicated with shadowing. A brief description of the changes follows. 1. File # 91-1791: Amending Section 62.108(a) of the Legislative Code pertaining to site plan review. Typo corrected in Sec. 62.108 (a)(6). 2. File # 91-1794: Amending the Legislative Code to add provisions regulating the design, location, installation, use and maintenance of individual sewage treatment systems. Error corrected on Page 9. No significant content change. 3. File # 91-1795: Amending Chapter 60 of the Legislative Code to add the "T' Tree Preservation Overlay District and the R-LL One-Family Large Lot Residential District and to rezone certain parcels. Legal descriptions and maps have been added for those properties being rezoned to R- LL, and maps have been added to indicate which properties will receive "T' overlay zoning. In addition, language has been added to the "T' regulations at the recommendation of the HED Committee regarding the removal of large trees. T'he HED language will be discussed by the Highwood Task Force and neighborhood residents prior to the Third Reading and public hearing. I . , `�/�/7�� ,/ ciry coun�il October 17, 1991 Page Two � 4. File # 91-1796: Amending Chapter 75 of the Legislative Code pertaining to subdivision regulations. Clarifying language has been added. No significant content change. Committee reports from HED and Public Works are also attached. Attachments c��-,��s : __._ . . . . , .._ . . � `_ � ' NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING �? `.,��}� , .�E ' � _,,: : . . .. - - " ._.;��,r�:. `� Norice is hereby giveri that a public hearing will be held before the City Council on'�� ���arv,.��...,r n�rnber. 1991_at 9:00 A.M.in the City Councll Chambers,3rd floor of., City Hall to consider proposed amendments to Chapter Ti0 of the Legislative Code to add ` '; the`.T",Tree Preservatton Overlay District and the R-LL One Family Large Lot Residenrial District and rezone certain parcds;secrions 61.101; ¢2.101;62.103; 62.104(aHc)and 66.204,(Highwood Hills Area).At said tlme and place,the Council will hear all persons relative to this"proposal ~ .-�j-=�- .- - . . �r`> . Dated Ocfober 18. 1991. "=� � - ` { � - ° ``�' ''�` 'MOLLY O'ROURKE City Clerk '`' ' `` ` "x�`''� ' ` (Octobe; 19, 1991) '` �" " ;�`��° -.- .,... ._.� ,...u, � :, ; .. . .. ,..�s �..r, .r _..j-?�'�:ir��.. , . t ... . . •: -� > : _ _ . - . _ 2nd �� � ��� �� _,� ---�1 �i , : . . �St � �_�i ( . _ 1 � :LS-`1 ( Adopted �r � 3rd � � �_ �-(�`�� i . _ � I-�` t � � Nays j . � � yeas , ` r DIMOND CJ�-�/ 7 �`� � . � � �j�`�'f � GOSWITZ ��O" ` _ :LONG __ MACCABEE ' - RETTMAr1 ` . _ THUNE ' �. PRESIDENT, WIL�N - i _ - � . ,