91-1794 OR1Gil�. � q� -� `7q� ✓ Council File # ( 2�-.�- �� Ordinance # y� l M Green Sheet # ���U`1 ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAU NESOTA r Presented By Referred To Committee: Date An ordinance amending the Saint Paul Legislative Code � so as to add provisions regulating the design, location, installation, use and maintenance of individual sewage treatment systems within the City of Saint Paul. The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: Section 1 That the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended so as to add the following provisions thereto: Chapter 50. Individual Sewage Treatment Systems Section 50.01. GENERAL. a. Short title. This ordinance shall be known and referred to as the Individual Sewage Treatment System Ordinance. b. Intent and purpose. This ordinance is adopted by the City of Saint Paul for the following purposes: (1) To protect the health, safety and welfare of the present and future residents of the community; (2) To regulate the design, location, installation, use and maintenance of individual sewage treatment systems; (3) To prevent the discharge of inadequately treated sewage to ground or surface waters; (4) To protect land, water and other natural resources within and outside the City of Saint Paul from impairment, pollution or destruction; (5) To prevent and avoid health and ecological hazards � attributable to bacterial and chemical contamination of lands and waters; j (6) To protect water supply wells from contamination by inadequate or improperly designed, located, installed � or maintained individual sewage treatment systems; i . Q�--���rc'�' v (7) To provide for the orderly development of the semi- . � rural areas of the community that are not served or planned to be served by public sanitary sewer. These standards are not intended to cover systems treating industrial waste or other wastewater that may contain hazardous materials. Sec. 50.02. DEFINITIONS. As used in this chapter, the terms defined in Minnesota Rules 1990, Chapter 7080.0020 are incorporated herein by reference and shall be applicable to the provisions contained here. The following additional definitions shall apply to this chapter. Bedroom. Any room within a dwelling designed, used or intended for use as a sleeping room. Building Official. The head of the Building Inspection and Design Division of the Saint Paul Department of Community Services. Division of Public Health. The Public Health Division of the Saint Paul Department of Community Services. Dosing. The periodic application of effluent to the soil absorption area. ��-��~ �}�~�� -' Drainfield rock. �-e���, e�Crushed igneous rock or similar insoluble, durable and decay- resistant material €�ee-��e�r►-�s�-, ��~a, sil�-a�-��a�� �3:��::>:::r��'�:>::�re>::;::��Sa�:;:::::�:'i�� ::��::5::::::::::::��'����:��::::::�::>�:::;�:�;�#�,�`'>:;:..:<:<,,,,,..>:.:,::».<,;.;:::>�;::::�:::;::::::,<,:::`:::::::::;;::>�,<°:::>:::;.;::::::>:;<: °::>::>:�`.::';`:":`:'::`:::;:';.:%:::�'>�'�::::>::;><>.;;�>>>''';`.:.;'>.:.<;.::::>::::���:�<::>::.;;;;;;:::::::::<:: �.::::.�.:.:.�.:::::::::::::::::.::. �' .�::::::���� .��„���.��.;:.;�;:.;�.���r� �+���.....�;�.:3.;;;:<�:�:�:�v�. ��.,xx� :.::.;:.::.::.::.::.::.::.:..:....:...:..::.............:.::::::.:::.::.::::::::.:::::.::::::.::::..:::::..::::::::::::.�::::::..:...::::.::.::::::::.:::.:::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..:::::::.:::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::. ����:::::>t��iri:::::::i��$::;:<:<:<:1::::::::»: �'�����::::::>�:::::>::::�ei �:;.;;;>.....::$'.�::.::::�•:�::::::>�:�:::::>:::::::.:.... :��.:�:.>::::>::�: :� � :::::::�.�:::.::::: :::.:::::::::::..::::::.:::::::: ..:::::.�::::::: ::::�:::.: .:::::::::�.i�:. :;:.;:�.;:<�u���.;:.;:��� ..::.:�.:.�...:.�..:..........................:�'...............�...........�......:.::..:..�:.....:.......:...:..::::...:...:......:...:...:. ;::::;:>.:>::::>::::::;::::::::::>;:::>:<.::.>„>°°:::::::::.>::>:::::::�::>::::>:::.::::;;:::.:::<.,.:,:::::.:...,. :.........,..:...::.:......::::::.::.:::.::::::.::::.:,.:_,,::.::::«:,.::.:.::::....::..::.:,::,..::::::.::,,. �E������,..,,.�,�,�.�.�:.:.:..�����. Tlie size sha11 range from three- �fourths���(��3�4) � iricfi��to two-and-one-half (2-1/2) inches. Failing system. Any system being used beyond its design capacity or that for any other reason has failed to properly treat and/or dispose of the entire sewage input. Characteristics of a failing system include, but are not limited to, : 1) discharging pollutants or any liquid to the surface of the ground or to any lake, stream or other water body; 2) not accepting sewage input from an occupied building; 3) creating a safety hazard due to unprotected or improper construction or maintenance; or 4) creating a public nuisance in any manner. Floodplain. That area adjoining a watercourse at or below the water surface elevation that has been or hereafter may be covered by the 100 year regional flood of the Mississippi River. Generally, those areas zoned RC-1, River Corridor - Floodway, or RC-2, River Corridor - Flood Fringe. Minnesota Rules 1990, Chapter 7080. The State Chapter containing minimum standards and criteria for the design, location, installation, use and maintenance of individual sewage treatment systems, as administered by the Minnesota ', Pollution Control Agency, Water Quality Division. 2 , . ��W����� MPCA. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. � Septic tank. Any watertight, covered receptacle designed and constructed to receive the discharge of sewage from a building sewer, separate solids from liquid, digest organic matter and store liquids through a period of detention, and allow the clarified liquids to discharge to a soil treatment system. Slope. The inclination of the natural surface of the land from the horizontal; commonly described as the ratio of length to height. Sec. 50. 03 . COMPLIANCE WITH MINNESOTA RULES 1990, CHAPTER 7080. Existing individual sewage treatment systems and new individual sewage treatment systems installed after the effective date of this ordinance shall comply with the requirements of Minnesota Rules 1990, Chapter 7080, unless modified in this ordinance. Sec. 50.04. EXISTING SYSTEMS. a. Diagram of existing system locations. Within six (6) months of the effective date of this ordinance, the owner shall have a diagram prepared for each individual sewage treatment system showing the location of the system and its components, ae�e-��as the location of �e i�i��t`� water su 1 well:°� if resent ` � ��::`::�:s�<:�:�:�>::>�i;�i:�:::::::��::;:'�;::::::�a`�>::>:'���:;:::::;���::����i�;:;<' ......PP....Y..................;:.;:..c................p.......................r.....::.:.;:.;;;:;.:;.::.:;.;:.;;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;;:.;;:.;:.;;:.;:.;:.;:.:.:.;:.;::�?!.:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.:.:.;:.;:.;:.;:.:.;:.;;;;:.;:.:.;:.;:.;;:��...'...:.;:.;;:.;:.;:.;:.:.;:;�:.:... t�s�i�<::::�I�: :��::::>to::>:::��e<:>:::��a�'�ri�i�:I:: ;::>:::�3°"'�<:>::�ra��:r;:<::����:::>?::��>:::::�d��c�::�:::>::::��'� :::::::.�.::::::::::::.:. ;>;:.;:.;:.:;:.;;;::.;:.;:.;:.:�.;:.;:.;:.;:.;;:.::.;;:.;:.;:.;::.;:.;:.:�:.;::.:::.:;;;;;;:;.;:;<::.;:.:;:.;;:.;:.;:.;;;:.;:.:�::.::.;;:.:;::�;;:.;:.;;;:.;;:;:.;:.;:.;;:.;:.;;;:.;;::.;:.;:.;;:.;;;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;;;:.;:.;;::.;;::.;:.:;.;:.:�:.:........................... :;::: . .:........ .. : , .�:.:..::;::.....;. ;..:....... ... . .. . . , .: ;.....:. :.; .: �::.::�+�::::::>�ir'i:::;::::::>'!xl��:�3�::::C>';;:<:;:�:f:::<:>���?::::::?� ' ':�`:>`::<:�d:>::::��:��:�:��:s»>#�::>:>��e:::>::'�'�#�i��:::::::::::,:..:. .�.::.::::::.�.::::.::�::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::.�:::.r...::::::::::::.�:::::.:::.::::::.�:::::::::::::::::.:::.::.�::::::::.�:::::::::::::::.:::::.: ::>::>::>::»>::»::>::>::>::>::>::>::>::>::>::>::>::>::>�;:::>:.::..�.::::.�::::::..:.:::::.:�::::.�:::::::::::::.:::::::..::..:.::..:.:.:::::::::::.::::::..:.:::::.:::::::.::::.�::::..::::.�:::::.::::::.::.::.::::.:.:::::.: One copy of the diagram sha11 �hereafter be kept on the premises, and a second copy shall be kept on file at the division of public health. The diagrams shall be updated when alterations or extensions are made to the system �r� �?r�:�:'�a'��;;'�iir�l�. ...... ................................:............ b. Inspection of existing systems. Within twelve (12) months of the effective date of this ordinance all existing individual sewage treatment systems shall be inspected by an individual or firm certified by the MPCA as an inspector. The inspector shall verify that the diagram of the system location is accurate at the time of the inspection. A copy of the inspection report, on forms to be provided by the division of public health, and proof that either the system meets the requirements of this ordinance or that any necessary repairs have been made, shall be submitted to the building official and the division of public health within the time specified. In addition to the inspection report, the property owner shall submit to the division of public health such fee as may be set by the city council. Upon receipt of a complete inspection report and fee, the division of public health shall send a certificate to the property owner verifying that the system conforms to the requirements of this ordinance. The certificate shall be in effect for a period of one year, and shall be renewed at the time of the annual maintenance inspection and upon payment of the re-certification fee. 3 �'r-r��� � c. Compliance with standards. The building official shall . ' examine the inspection report and shall notify the owner of the property if the system does not meet the requirements of this ordinance. Those existing systems which are not designed, located, constructed, installed or maintained in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, but that are not failing, shall be so redesigned, relocated, reconstructed, or replaced and otherwise brought into compliance within one hundred eighty (180) days of notice and order to comply issued by the building official. �e�Qe�e�e�e�t-k�a ;�; failing system that shows evidence of sewage tank effluent c�ischarge to the ground surface, ground or surface waters, or other evidence of failure to adequately treat the sewage tank effluent shall be replaced, reconstructed or repaired immediately when ordered to do so by the division of public health. Sec. 50.05. PERMIT. (a) Permit required. No person shall install, alter, repair or extend any individual sewage treatment system in the City of Saint Paul without first obtaining a permit from the building official for the specific work, and complying with the provisions of Chapter 33 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Permits shall not be required for normal routine inspection and maintenance of systems. (b) Treatment required. The system or systems shall be designed, installed and maintained to receive all sewage from the dwelling, building or other establishment served. Footing or roof drainage shall not enter any part of the system. Products containing hazardous materials must not be discharged to the system, other than a normal amount of household products and cleaners designed for household use. Substances not used for household cleaning, including solvents, pesticides, flammables, photo finishing chemicals or dry cleaning chemicals, must not be discharged to the system. (c) Application contents. Permit application shall be made in writing upon forms provided by the building official and shall contain data including, but not limited to, the following: (i) Correct legal description of the property on which the proposed work is to take place; (ii) Site plan, drawn to scale, showing the location of all proposed and existing structures in relation to the boundary lines of the property; present or proposed location of water supply facilities and water supply piping; the name of the individual or firm who will install the sewage treatment system; terrain features such as bluff lines, water ways and water bodies; buried utilities; easements and other unique features of the site. 4 , ��""����,1 (iii) A scale drawing showing the following, which ' shall be kept on file at the division of public health: (a) Lot dimensions; (b) House location; (c) Location and plan of the proposed individual sewage treatment system; (d) Relative elevations, in Saint Paul datum, of the house, lot corners and soil treatment area; (e) Locations and elevations of percolation test holes and soil borings; (f) Location of one alternate site for future expansion or replacement of the soil treatment area, if available; (g) Slope of ground at site of soil treatment area; and (h) Distance to all surface waters, wells, proposed wells, springs or other surface water within one hundred fifty (150) feet of the proposed soil treatment area. (iv) Soil test data, including soil boring logs, percolation test data with field notes, and location and identification of the test area; (v) Plans and details of the proposed installation or work, including engineering data when required and supporting data attesting to compliance with the minimum standards of this ordinance; (vi) Building plans showing existing and proposed room arrangement and uses; (vii) For other establishments, calculated or measured water use rates, occupancy and occupant load; and (viii) Evidence of compliance with State or other jurisdiction regulations where applicable. (ix) The following supporting data, which shall be kept on file at the division of health: (a) Log of all soil exploration work, including a description of the various strata encountered. (b) Groundwater conditions, including indications of seasonal c�roundwater fluctuations such as mottlin ::' .'<:>;::�l�d::>:::���::::>>���'�'�����:?�:::::>:�:�::>::>:>'.:7��:`,:�::'::���:�:: g ..�:.::.:::.::::.::::::.�::::::::::::.�..:�::.�:::::::::::::::::::::.�::::::::::.�.::::::.�.::::::::::::::::::. ................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................... 5 r�� .''�'� f,` d ' :.::::.::.>....>o->o->o->x<.>:.:'.:<.:::::»»::.s»so-:;::::::so-•.:..o>^:::<.»;:::t<:>:::tr:::...>:>••.::c>:n:>:t.>:::.::.::c::a:>ax".:»w;::a::tq•'o>:.>::.::.>:.>:>:>::::.:'.>:'>:: ���r���:�:an:::>::a�::;:::::�n�:�:+�a:�� : �:<::b;:<::::::a:::::::�a::�::::::::��1��:::<::w�3::��; :.................:............................................�.::::::.�.:.;:.:;:.;:.;:.;:.;;>:>:.;;;:.;>:.;>:.;:.;:.;;;:.;:�;:.;;;:.;:.;:.::.:.;:::.::.;:.;:.::.:::.: � �I''��::��3<��7(�>:«:��:::»'�i�'�:::>::+��>::>:�:��:1�:>::>��?��1;���:'�::�:>>���::4��':'>:..::::,::::::::..: , .::::.�.:::::::::.:.::::::::::.�::::::::.:_::::::::::::._.�.. (c) Design data for the system. (d) Soil test data derived from soil borings and percolation tests for each proposed site or installation. In accordance with Minnesota Rules 7080. 0110, subpart 3, at a minimum four (4) satisfactory soil borings per site shall be made. Borings shall be made by auger or excavation and shall be staked and protected until notification that field evaluation has been completed. If one (1) or more borings encounters unsuitable or limiting conditions, additional borings shall be made in order to outline an adequate area of suitable soil conditions. (e) Results of at least two (2) soil percolation tests per site performed according to Minnesota Rules 7080.0110, subpart 4 and including: (i) Within the outlined area, a minimum of two (2) percolation tests, evenly spaced, shall be made. Where soil conditions vary within the tested area, one (1) additional percolation test ............... shall be made in each soil type. �"�;:�.�:: s:a�:��::»�a>";<::�:��:<°>:,;>:{>�e:<::::���`:�:::::::t��ri:::::>r���::»:>::::>�.,;::;:::.::.::.::..... :::.::::.::::�?`:.:;.::::.:::.::��::.;:.;:.::.:::.::.::.:;.:::�'.::.::.:>:.::.::.::.::.::.::.:::.::.::.;:.::.::.::.;:.:;.::;<�;�::�:. �::: ������:�ri�'�::::;> `����:������>::::::��:�ti:�::::.::::.... :. ... ................. ...................................:::::<�':.::.::.::.:.::.:;:;:.::.;:.::.::.::.::.:.;:.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.:::;;:.;:.::.;:;. (ii) Percolation rates shall be determined for each test hole and recorded on worksheets showing all measurements and calculations. (x) No building permit shall be issued for the construction, alteration, expansion or remodeling of any dwelling or other establishment served by an individual sewage treatment system until the permit required for the treatment system has been issued. Occupancy shall be prohibited until a final inspection of the system has been conducted. Whenever the addition of bedrooms or plumbing fixtures, or a change in the character or intensity of the established use is proposed, the existing sewage treatment system shall be reviewed and evaluated as to its ability to accommodate increased flows. The property owner shall be responsible for the replacement, repair, alteration or expansion of the existing system or any portion thereof necessary to properly treat and dispose of the increased sewage input from the building. (d) Site evaluation. An evaluation of the site's suitability for an individual sewage treatment system according to the evaluation factors provided in Minnesota Rules 7080. 0110, Subpart 1 shall be made by an individual or firm certified by the MPCA as 6 . �-��'�`� a site evaluator. �-��s��=�a�=o~��T�i��-€e=—t-�z ' �►s��'�i-e�--e��-seee�r��t�tra-��e�age-��ea��te���-t=�! ;� . .;�.:;.:.;�.;:.;:.;:.;:.;....;:.;:.;��.;:.;;;;:.;:.;.;:.;;:.:;::.;;:.;:<.>;;:....::.>:.;:.::.;:.:.::..;.:...;�::�.;:.:.:.;::.;:.:�:.:.;;:::.;::;.::.;:.:��.;�::.;:.;:.;>:.;:.:;;:.;:.;:.:::.;:.>:.>:.>:.::.::.;;:.;:.;:.;��:.;:;:.:��.;::.;::..;;:::;::.;:.;:.;::::��;:.�.;::::;:.;:.;�.;:.:::::.;�:.:::.:::::::: :::;. .:..:>::>::>::»::::... ::::::> ::.:>. �>::»»>::»:::.:>..:::»:: � . . ::.:; :::.:: .� <:>::... .�::>::: .:.�� ::>::> �: . � �.;:;.: �: . � : �. ::>::>.:•....::»:: �:::.»::<:>::: ��:.:>... .;......:::.. :: :�::;::>::::>:::>�'�:>:;:�:�:�i�.:.:;.;:.;:.;:.;• •1'Y.:.;:.. . ....��:�3�:�:;:'���;:.;':��.:.:.:�..•:�:8>:>::: . .�8 �.;:.;: �:fl �.;;:.;8 ��.;:.;:.�:::.�:�•il'1 .�.....�..............................:.�:::::::::.:::::.:�:.::::::$�?L�.�.:::::::::.::�:::::::::::::::::::::::::::.�::::::;�':.:::.::.::�:�#:?��:.:.::.�.:::�..'.:::�`.:::::::�.:.::::::.�:::::::..�.�.....:::'�.�::.:�: :.:::::::..::.:::.:::.:::::::::::::.::::::::.:::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::�:::::.::::::::::.::::::::::.�.�:.:::::::..::.::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..:.�:::::::::::::::::::::::.:.............�.::.... ;..:..::. .. . ��..:;:<:�>�����'��'�!�'s::::>:�:T#t�:��3":�f��.�:#'�'��::�::::`.:::::':�`:��::::<:>�:���:::::..:.::..>...::::::><:.<,>::::...:.:::.:::::`::.:..::::.,,a.::::..;.. ,:..;.::..:.,:..::::,....:::;:::�.;.',,,:>�"«::::;:::;:�:�,'':: ... :::::::.;:�;::::.:;:::::.;<:.:�:::::::::::.�.::::::::::::::.�:::::::::::::::::.�..:�::::::::::::::::>::::::: ��� �..:.�.���...��.:..�����'��...�k�....��`,.�:::.::::.'�� :;::z�:�>:::.:��;.;:..:�:;.;::::�.::•::::::;:.:�::.;;;:.:::.:: ::.:.:.;:.;;:.;:.;�:.;�.:.:::::::::: :::::::::.�.�::��:: ::::::�:::::::::.::::::.::::.:.::::.::::::::.�::::�::;;:.:..:�.�::::;::�::;:::::��:::::::::::.:�::�:::.::.:::.:::.::;:::.:�:::::::::.;: •.��:.»:::>::>: ..:..::..:; 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The building official or his/her agent shall be qualified and certified by the MPCA as competent in the inspection of individual sewage treatment systems. (b) The building official shall have the power to issue orders to: (i) Suspend or revoke permits or stop action upon information indicating that the permit was issued in error or on the basis of incorrect or inadequate information, or that work is not being performed in compliance with the requirements of this ordinance. (ii) Require the correction of new or existing systems where, following inspection and evaluation, a system is determined to be defective. Sec. 50.07. DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH RESPONSIBILITY. (a) The division of public health shall be responsible for the administration and enforcement of the maintenance provisions of this ordinance, including, but not limited to, notifying the owners of individual sewage treatment systems of annual inspection dates, monitoring the results of annual maintenance inspections, insuring that pumping is performed as necessary, keeping on file annual inspection reports for each individual 7 . �`�i�g� � sewage treatment system, investigating complaints and ordering , ' corrective action necessary to protect the health, safety and welfare of the community. (b) The division of public health shall have the power to: (i) Require property owners to cease and desist from the use of an individual sewage treatment system operating in a manner creating a hazard to the public health, safety or welfare; and (ii) Condemn a dwelling as unfit for human habitation where the improper functioning or failure of an individual sewage treatment system constitutes a hazard to the public health, safety or welfare of the occupants of the dwelling. Such action shall be in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 34. Sec. 50.08. LOCATION IN GENERAL. Individual sewage treatment systems and each component thereof shall be located and installed to insure that, with proper maintenance, the system will function in a sanitary manner, will not create a nuisance and will not contaminate any domestic water supply well. Location shall consider lot size and configuration, proposed structures and other improvements, topography, surface drainage, soil conditions, depth to groundwater, geology, existing and proposed water supply wells, accessibility for maintenance, expansion or replacement of the system, and setbacks as required in Table IV of this ordinance. Installation of systems in low swampy areas or drainage swales is prohibited. Systems may be located in the floodplain as long as they are set back from the normal high water mark in accordance with this ordinance, Table IV. Systems shall not be located within utility or drainage easements or within dedicated public or private rights-of-way. Sec. 50. 09. CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS. (a) General. The design, construction and location of and the materials permitted for use in building sewers, shall be regulated by the Minnesota State Building Code, which incorporates by reference portions of the Minnesota Plumbing Code, and by specific provisions of the Minnesota Water Well Construction Code. (b) Meter. A water meter to measure flow to the soil treatment system shall be provided with all individual sewage treatment systems installed after the effective date of this Ordinance. (c) Sewage tanks. All sewage tanks, including septic and aerobic, shall be designed, constructed and shall conform with Minnesota Rules 7080. 0130. (d) Capacity of septic tanks. (i) The liguid capacity of a septic tank serving a dwelling shall be based on the number of bedrooms provided or contemplated in the dwelling served and shall be at least as large as the capacities given below: 8 . �l���g�✓ Number of Bedrooms Tank Liquid Capacities , ' (Gallons) 2 or less 1, 000 3 or 4 1,200 Number of Bedrooms Tank Liquid Capacities (Gallons) 5 or 6 1,500 7 - 9 2, 000 For ten (10) or more bedrooms, the septic tank shall be sized as an other establishment. For multiple-family dwellings containing two (2) or more dwelling units, the size shall be the sum of the individual dwelling unit requirements. (ii) If a garbage disposal unit is installed in a residence or other establishment at any time, septic tank capacity shall be at least fifty (50) percent greater than that required in item (i) above. Either multiple compartments or multiple tanks must be provided. (e) Location of septic tanks. Septic tanks shall be located as required in Minnesota Rules 7080.0130, Subpart 4, and may be placed in the floodplain as long as they are set back from the ordinary high water mark in accordance with this ordinance, Table IV. (f) Maintenance of new and existing septic tanks. Septic tanks shall be maintained as required in Minnesota Rules 7080. 0130, Subpart 5, and as follows: (i) Each newly installed septic tank and existing septic tank shall be maintained in proper operating condition at all times. (ii) The owner of each septic tank shall be responsible for an annual maintenance inspection of the tank, as required in section 3� �:�;t:;�:�: (c) of this ordinance. Verification of the inspection and a full reporting of the results of the inspection shall be submitted to the division of public health. (iii) Pumping for the removal of septage shall be performed only by persons or firms certified by the MPCA as pumpers. (iv) Disposal of septage shall be only at approved disposal sites or facilities. Dumping or spreading of septage on the surface of the ground is prohibited except where surface disposal sites have been specifically approved and permitted by the appropriate governmental unit. (v) The division of public health shall maintain appropriate records of septage pumping and disposal activities and shall require such reporting by owners 9 . ������✓ as is reasonable and necessary to insure that adequate . � maintenance and disposal is being accomplished. (vi) In any instance where it is determined that maintenance practices or procedures are inadequate or improper, the division of public health shall require the owner to comply with the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 50. 10. FINAL TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL. Final treatment and disposal of all sewage tank effluent shall be by means of a standard soil treatment and disposal system, except in those cases where use of an alternative system is required. System sizing, location, design and construction shall comply with the following requirements: (a) System sizing. System sizing shall be as provided in Minnesota Rules 7080.0170. Sewage flow shall be estimated based on Class I dwellings, as required in Table II of Minnesota Rules 7080. 0170 Subpart 2.A. (b) System location. System location shall be as required in Minnesota Rules 7080.0170, Subpart 2 .B. in accordance with the following table: Table IV Minimum setback distances (feet) Feature Sewage Soil treatment tank area Water supply well less than fifty (50) feet deep and not encountering at least ten (10) feet of impervious material 100 100 Any other water supply well or buried water suction pipe 75 75 Buried pipe distributing water under pressure 10 10 Buildings 10 20 Property lines 10 10 Established River Corridor bluff lines 40 40 The ordinary high water mark of: Recreation Development Lakes and Streams 75 75 Urban and Tributary River Segments 50 50 Wetlands (1 acre or larger) 50 50 10 �--����f In the floodplain soil treatment areas shall be set . ' back from the normal high water mark in accordance with the above Table IV. (c) System design and construction. System design and construction shall be as required in Minnesota Rules 7080. 0170, Subpart 2.C. , and as follows: (i) In soils having percolation rates of fifteen (15) minutes per inch or faster, the bottom of the filter material shall be at least four (4) feet above the water table or bedrock. (ii) In soils having percolation rates of sixteen (16) minutes per inch through sixty (60) minutes per inch, the bottom of the filter material shall be at least three (3) feet above the water table or bedrock. (iii) Excavation equipment or other vehicles shall not be driven on the soil treatment area. Sec. 50. 11. ALTERNATIVE SYSTEMS. General. Extreme caution and careful planning shall be employed for the design, location, installation, use and maintenance of alternative sewage treatment systems wherever limiting characteristics, including but not limited to proximity to water table or bedrock and rapidly or slowly permeable soils, exist. ;��'�i��#�;�:�:�;��:;;`;::�:;�';:�:�� .�:.:::::::.:..:::::.::.::..:::::::::.:::.:::.�::::..::::::..::::::::::.:.:.�::::.::::...:..................................................................::::::::.�:::::::.:::.�:::::::::::.::::::::::::::�.::.:.::::::.�:::::........... .:.. ..:...: .:. .:::::��:. .::.:....:::::a.;..:.......:....: .:..:::: . ..::..:...::.::.::;•:::::.r::::.:.�:.:.:.: .>:::.>'. :.>:.>:.a.>�.�.:::::::.;�::::._:::::::.:::::::._:: ...: .:. .:::::: .:�::::::.:�::::. .:.:.:�:.:::._:::. .::::.:: � ��'t8:�::::.::>::::8�;:43�<::::::l���u >::::>::. : . d�...���e:«<:3:r�����::::::��d:::>:::�:�t:�:<:>::o�:::::::Q�:>:<::�:�::�:> �d:::_::��:::<::;�:;;: .:.�....;:. .:: ....:::.:�.:.:::::.�:::::::::..::::::::::.::�:::::::::_:::::.:�:::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.�.�::::�.::.:::::.:::::::::::::::::::::..::..:...........................�..........................i���:��e� �� �Tri'��rio,.:case;,<:::.: _ are�� �rivies`"�`°s""" �t������<�'�:; ee<::<a;::<.e<.;:::.;;:it:s::>::<:<:.:.;_,.:;::;:<:,>:.<:: :<::<::<:::::>::<;P.::.:.«<:,;:::::;:.::.»::.;:::.<:.;;:;.;;:.;;:.;;;;: ;:::>::>::>;;:<::;:::::�;�; p......................�................P...g........P............�.....±�3G` cess ools....e�.. �r� fs allowed 1�r���iic�: :::::>�a�k�<`>:::s :.>�;::::::::::�::::::>::::.;�.,:::::;';�>:<,.�;.;.:::::::.>::;>:.:.;>:,.;;::;::..:<.;;:.::,�.,.::.:<__;;,>:.:;::�:.;;::.:;.>:.:, • .::::::::::::::::::::::. ::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::�a�.�.::.;�e:.;::���.fl��d;;.;���.: .;;:.;��n :::::::.�::::.:�:::::::.::..::::.::::::..�:.::::::.�:::::::::..::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::..:::::::::.:�.:::::::::::::::::::::.::::..........................::...........................:.:...............:�................:: :..:::.::::::::::..:::::.::.:.:.:.:::....�.:::::::..:.::.:.. ::.::::.:.::::::.:::.�::::::.:..:.:.::..:..:..:.:.:::::::::.::.:..:.::.::::::::::::::::.:.::.:�:::::::.:�::.::::::.::.::::::::.�:::::.::::::.::::.::..::::::::,:::::::. �. � : :: :;.;::::>:::�:::;:<:::.:,: ...;.; ;:.;:. ..:.;::. ;;:.: . ..: >.>:::>::.:::::�. ::::::.... .:.. ::..:::::::..:.. ::.;: :... 3�����.�t�'..::::;'��''�.:::�''� :�:..�s.E.:G�::>::::��E�':�:>;:;?��.x�.�:�:�:�3.::::>:::�; ::�'a���t::>:.;>:'��71�>:;;;;:���l;�.:�>;:.:.���;:;::�J� .::::::�:::.�:::.:.::::::::.:�.:.::.::...:.................................::..::::..�..::::::�::::::::::::::::f.:::::::::::::::.�.:::::::::::::::::::.�::::::..:�::::.�::::::::::. »<>:;:::::<::<::>«:>:.;:.; .:::::::::::::::.:.:::::.:::::::::. .::..;;...:.;:;;;;;.;....;:.;:.;:.;;:.;:.;:.;:.;��.;:;<.;:.;:.;:.;.:.;...:::::::.�::::::::::::::::::::::::::..:::::.. .:.:.:.:..:::::::::::.�.:�:::::.:..::::::::::::::... � :.:;::::: . . . . .:.�. . .:::. . .: ..�:: .. . . .:.:.: .:..:....::::..:::::...:.......::::. ..:.....:;::::�::;....;...::;:i:...:...:r•::��::>::> ��:�c��,r�s�::>�::��:»::��:::::>Q��: :i�a�::>::::�::;:���m<:;:::�o�<:>::a::>:::rt�::::>:��e�:�:i . :.;::......:..:...:�.: �n ;;;:.;'�.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:::<::.:::::. ::. ..�::�. :.��M��:�.. ;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.::.;:.:::.::.:::.;::::.;:.;:.;:.;::.::;:.;;:;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.: .........�.;;:.:;;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;;;;;:.;:.;:.;;;:.;:.;:.;;::<.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. .... .::.::::::::::::::,:,,. . . :...:..,......:. ...:..........:.:::,,::.,., :..:........... ...:;<:��«::;:.:::::::::;:.�;,:>::> :. genera��,��-�aY'�ernative systems for�`sewage�`treatment and c�isposal shall comply with the conditions found in Minnesota Rules 7080. 0180. Sec. 50. 12 . OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE. (a) General. reguirements. (i) Each individual sewage treatment system existing as of the date of adoption of this ordinance, as well as those installed under this ordinance, shall be operated and maintained according to the provisions of this section. (ii) Responsibility for the proper operation and maintenance of individual sewage treatment systems shall be as follows: (a) The owner of each dwelling unit or other establishment served by an individual sewage treatment system shall be responsible for the adequate and proper functioning and maintenance of the system. It shall be the owner's responsibility to show that the individual sewage treatment system is in conformance with all requirements of this ordinance, and that the system properly treats and disposes of all sewage input from an occupied building. 11 , 9��-/7�°�� (b) The division of public health shall investigate _ ' complaints and order corrective action to protect the health, safety and welfare of the community in the event that the responsible owner is negligent or fails to take action as required by this ordinance. (iii) It shall be unlawful for an owner or occupant to allow inadequately treated se}s�a�e ����:s�:� to seep or flow to the surface of the ground or into sur�`ace or ground waters, or to allow an overflow. Any system so performing shall be pumped immediately by an individual or firm certified by the MPCA as a pumper and as often thereafter as necessary until satisfactory repairs have been made. Any costs related to pumping and subsequent repairs shall be borne by the property owner. (b) Installation inspection. (i) Installation inspections shall be performed by the building official at each installation, prior to any work having been covered by backfill. (ii) The owner shall notify the building official at least twenty four (24) hours prior to the time work is ready for inspection or reinspection. (iii) Work that is backfilled prior to required inspection may be ordered to be uncovered whenever necessary to determine compliance. (iv) When, upon inspection, any part of the system is determined not to be in compliance with this ordinance, written notice shall be provided by the building official indicating the deficiency and any required corrections. (v) Noted deficiencies shall be properly corrected and reinspected before work on the project is continued. (vi) No individual sewage treatment system shall be placed or replaced in service until final inspection and approval of the installation. (vii) Fees for inspections or reinspections shall be as set by council resolution. (c) Maintenance inspections. (i) A maintenance inspection shall be performed annually by an individual or firm certified by the MPCA to provide inspection and maintenance services. Such inspection shall include, but shall not be limited to: (a) Measurement of accumulated sludge and scum in the septic tank. (b) Inspection of effluent levels in soil treatment systems provided with inspection wells. 12 , ����� � (c) Inspection of pumps and pump stations when , ' included as part of the system. (d) Inspection of distribution devices and drop boxes. (e) A description of any repairs or alterations made to the system since the last annual inspection. (ii) The owner or occupant of the property shall provide access at reasonable times for the purpose of performing an inspection as required under this ordinance. (iii) Within thirty (30) days of the annual inspection, the owner shall submit in writing a report to the division of public health, including a determination of the conformance of the system with the requirements of this ordinance. The report shall be on forms provided by the division of public health and shall be accompanied by such fee as may be prescribed by the city council. Upon receipt of a complete inspection report and fee, the division of public health shall send a certificate, to be in effect for one year, to the property owner verifying that the system conforms to the requirements of this ordinance. (d) Pumping. (i) Whenever inspection of the septic tank discloses that the accumulated sludge in the bottom of the tank has reached a point twelve (12) inches or less from the bottom of the outlet baffle device, or that the bottom of the floating scum layer is less than three (3) inches above the bottom of the outlet baffle device, the owner shall have the tank promptly pumped to remove all accumulated septage. If a conforming septic tank serving a dwelling is regularly pumped on an annual basis, the requirement for an annual inspection of sludge and scum accumulation shall be waived. Pumping shall be performed by an individual or firm certified by the MPCA as a pumper. (ii) No septic tank shall remain in service without being pumped at least once every three (3) years, whether or not the measurement indicates a sludge build-up. Each existing septic tank shall be pumped at least once within thirty six (36) months of the effective date of this ordinance and thereafter at least once within thirty six (36) months of each succeeding pumping. (iii) Whenever inspection of pump stations, distribution devices or drop boxes indicates the accumulation of solids, such devices shall be promptly cleaned. (iv) Every septic tank pumping shall be reported by the owner to the division of public health on forms provided for that purpose within thirty (30) calendar days of the pumping. The report shall include the 13 . . �,����� � , owner's name and address, the date of the pumping, the _ ' contractor who performed the pumping, the number of gallons removed and the location of sewage disposal. (e) Disposal of septage. Septage shall be disposed of only by approved means into the metropolitan sewage treatment system. Disposal of septage within the City of Saint Paul shall be by means approved by the department of public works. (f) Records and reports. It shall be the responsibility of the owner to maintain accurate records of maintenance, inspection and pumping, and to report such data annually to the division of public health on forms provided by the City. (g) Inspection. The building official or division of public health shall have the authority to inspect individual sewage treatment systems, following adequate notice, when there is probable cause to believe that a hazard to the public health, safety or welfare exists. (h) Owners failure to maintain, nuisance. Failure on the part of the owner to inspect, pump and/or maintain the owner's individual sewage treatment system as required by this ordinance may coristitute a nuisance and may be abated by the city pursuant to the provisions of chapter 45. s��rG::*::>::::.�:�✓::i�:�i:�:::::::`:;:«���:i�t';>;[�f��::.,.:.,...:�:...:,,.�.�.:...::.>,.,:.:�.:..,,�...:,:;:_:;:�.,:;•�.:�:::::..._:;::.'�'.:;,....:.:::::::..:_.;:::,,:.�..;::�,.,..:_�:.,:r::.�.,,,:,..:.�:.::::::.:;:.�.;,,,t:::.�.::::.:.::...::.;.:.:,::., +�t��`r�> ������ Q� �7Q�a� �.�� ����a���i�;� a':'�����r :�:.;y:.;,+�:.y:,:��{::;.�:i�::::}.;y:.�:.;:.;:�:>:;:.;:.:;::::;�;:.;:.�;:y.;:.�;:f.;:.;:.;:y.;:+.;�:.:�:.>:�> ...............:::::::::..:::...:.::.�::::..�:::.�::::::::::::::.�::::.::�::::::::::::::::.::.�::.::.:::::.::::::::::.�::::::.�::.�:::::::.:_.�::::::. .k::�L�.Li�:k:���:::::::Y�::L;�;2;��:;�:;;::::.................... .....:...::............................................................ ..._.__........_...............__................................. :';�:'�.''•ii:ii:iiii:i:.,':.>::»:.:.:'?ai::;:��.�°�::�:::;;['>�::%?'�<:,;;«;.,;::;'?'.i:»:a:;�:ii:iii:::::»�:..:�>s>:��<:.i;:::;.;>:�:.r.;;?•s>:�,..:_.:;:_:.::::�x.:i�?:.>::i.:':::'.?:>:�:�<i:?i <�<:><::�»::><::«�����.�� c��:,,�at��� �`�� ������:�s� �e��;�.:; 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Section 2 If any provisions of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions of this Ordinance that can be given effect without application of the invalid provision. To this end, the provisions of all articles, sections or subsections, or subdivisions herein and the various applications thereof are declared to be severable. 15 . ��-��� ,/ Section 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Section 4 This ordinance shall be deemed a part of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and shall be incorporated therein and given the chapter number and/or section number at the time of the next revision of the Legislative Code. Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: Dimond oswl z Y s--� OL�Tl �• Maccabee ✓" R�an '� iTFune ,�- Wi�n � By: � r NOV 2 � 1991 Form Ap roved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gy: ���3 BY �� � � �� �� ��- �-t-�� ����App ov d by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date ��K�„ ; -•,:� Coun '1 ' "�%�� s ay: ,����'�= �f' �` y' � �l��i���4�r� GE(; 7 '91 � /'i,c� �✓ ! , �" ' , Council File # _���,�t'�t - �;?'; �',,��t Ordinance # /���d ' . f. ;,, ��� .= r ° �.' ,�. Green Sheet # � � ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINN,ESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date ,,. � r` An ordinance amending the Saint Paul Legislative Code so as to add provisions regulating the design, location, installation, use�'and maintenance of individual sewage treatment systems within the City of Saint Paul. The Council of the City of Sa:int Paul Does Ordain: ;-'Section 1 That the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended so as to add the �ollowing provisions thereto: Chapter 50. Ind'ividual Sewage Treatment Systems Section 50. 01. GEI�ERAL. a. Short title.,;:' This ordinance shall be known and referred to as trie Individual Sewage Treatment System Ordinance. b. Intent and;' purpose. This ordinance is adopted by the City of Saint Paul for the following purposes: (1) To protec't the health, safety and welfare of the present and future residents of the community; (2) To regulate the design, location, installation, use and maintenance of individual sewage treatment systems; (3) To prevent the discharge of inadequately treated sewage to gra'und or surface waters; (4) To pr�tect land, water and other natural resources withi}� and outside the City of Saint Paul from impai�rment, pollution or destruction; ; (5) To prevent and avoid health and ecological hazards attrabutable to bacterial and chemical contamination of lan�s and waters; J� (6) To protect water supply wells from contamination by inadequate or improperly designed, located, installed or maintained individual sewage treatment systems; :���G � q� — c���{ � (7) To provide for the orderly development of the semi- rural areas of the community that are not served or planned to be served by public sanitary sewer. These standards are not intended to cover systems treating industrial waste or other wastewater that may contain hazardous materials. Sec. 50.02. DEFINITIONS. As used in this chapter, the terms defined in Minnesota Rules 1990; Chapter 7080.0020 are incorporated herein by reference and' shall be applicable to the provisions contained here. The following additional definitions shall apply to this chapter. Bedroom. Any room within a dwel�ing designed, used or intended for use as a sleeping �oom. f Building Official. The head of the Building Inspection and Design Division of the Saint Paul Department of Community Services. ��` ,' Division of Public Health. �The Public Health Division of the Saint Paul Department c�f Community Services. i Dosing. The periodic apg�ication of effluent to the soil absorption area. a' E� r ; i'���i�at��ra� Drainfi�eld rock. ^' �°- ���'�, c�rushed igneous rock or similaf insoluble, durable and decay- resistant material €��e-��c��r-�tirs�-�a-�a�s31��`��a�a� �'.�':�:;;��>.::>:::::'..`Q::>::��`:;;::.:...��>::::.::.:.>.<..>::<:'��::::<z�:� �..........�....................................�........................ ............................................................:.;:.;:�::'�?!::.;::�:;:.;:.:;:.>:.;::.;:.;:.::�::.;:.;:.;�!:�;:.:;?�:�:::.::.::.::.... ::<::�:>�::::>'�>:��"�:���i�<:::::�`�:::<�:::`�°>�:'�.,`>.,.>'.'�:::�:::::::>;:<:.::.:>:.::::.:.::::_>:..:>.::.:;...>�:.:,;;,;,;,.>::..>�_.;::.....:::::.::.:.::::::::..:;:::;,:.;.::.:.;.:::.;;:;.:._.:..„.::.;..;:;.:>.<::.::..:::"`�`:>::�;::;::.:>.:.::.<.;:.<.�.�:: :.�::::<:�:::::�.;::.:::.::.::.::.::.:>:::>:>:.:>:::>:�::::;:��:���. ..p��s���:..�.. �u���.��� ..��� ��.��r� ��� .�� .::�:::::::::::::::.:.::::::.�::.�::.:.:�:::::::::::.:.:..:::.�:.:::::..�.:�:::.:::::.:.::::::.::::::::::::::::�::.�.::::::.:�.:�:::::.::..::::.:..:..:::.::.::::::.:..:.::.:..:::.:..::.:.::::::::::..�::::::::::::::::::::::. . ... ::.::. .: :. . :.:.::: . . :::.::.;.::.:...:::.:.: .: :.:. . .:..::::>::.�_�::>:>.. : �::.::...�...:�:::>::::: .: : ::.::..�...;:.:: :::::: :.:. .. .:..�.:�:::>::>.::...:.:.. �c��:�:::>:::��::::;:�r��:::>:::::�<:�::;>::::>::: .:.....:�$r��.;;:.b...;:.;:.�e:�.. :�.'�:.;:.; .a:��:in :>::<�;>::;:���.:::��s .:.:::::::�E.:::::�:..�:�'�:..�::::::::::::::.�:.��.::::::::::::::.�.:::::::.::.�!.:::....;:.::.:..::. .�:.....:..:.:::..::....:...::::.::::::::::.:::::. ....:::..�...:.::::::..:..:..:.::..:::::.�::::::::::.:�.�::. >':;:;::::;::;�:;::;�.:;:::::;;:;"';::t:i:i"::��'�r•:::i::.:::•.::.::.;;•.;::;:.;�.;�:.x.;:.;::.a::...:.::......::::.::::,:...:::::::,,,:,,,::.::::,,..:� :::;::::.>;;:::,.::. ��L�;l`t���;�::;':::;�:�.�.�:�.::::::::;�;�:;?�'�t�� T�e size sha11 range� from t�iree- ��`our£fis���"(`3��4��)���� incfi����to two-and-one-half (2-1/2) inches. Failing system. Any system being used beyond its design capacity or that for any other reason has failed to properly treat and/or disI�'ose of the entire sewage input. Characteristics �if a failing system include, but are not limited to, : 1r� discharging pollutants or any liquid to the surface of �he ground or to any lake, stream or other water body; 2) ot accepting sewage input from an occupied building; 3) cr±eating a safety hazard due to unprotected or improper const�uction or maintenance; or 4) creating a public nuisanc� in any manner. Floodplain. T at area adjoining a watercourse at or below the water surf ce elevation that has been or hereafter may be covered by he 100 year regional flood of the Mississippi River. Genera., ly, those areas zoned RC-1, River Corridor - Floodway, or Ra-2, River Corridor - Flood Fringe. Minnesota Rules 1990, Chapter 7080. The State Chapter containing minimum standards and criteria for the design, location, installation, use and maintenance of individual sewage treatment systems, as administered by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Water Quality Division. 2 ��� , q � - ��a� � �U�'�l�� MPCA. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Septic tank. Any watertight, covered receptacle designed and constructed to receive the discharge of sewage from a building sewer, separate solids from liquid, digest organic matter and store liquids through a period of detention, and allow the clarified liquids to discharge to a soil treatment system. Slope. The inclination of the natural surface of the land from the horizontal; commonly described as the ratio of length to height. Sec. 50.03. COMPLIANCE WITH MINNESOTA RULES 1990, CHAPTER 7080. Existing individual sewage trea'tment systems and new individual sewage treatment systems installed after the effective date of this ordinance shall comply with the requirements of Minnesota Rules 1990, Chapter 7080, unless modified in this ordinance. ,;,`' 1 S@C. 50.04 . EXISTING SYSTEMS.r�' ��'��� a. Diagram of existing syste�i locations. Within six (6) months of the effective date c�f this ordinance, the owner shall have a diagram prepare ' for each individual sewage treatment system showing th location of the system and its . ...... � components, a�s-�e�-as the ocation of �e Q���r water '.i":i:::i:::Y:i:::i"i::ii'''{:iii'.:.iiii::.iYiii:j•i::'ii:iki'iii::i::: su 1 well"�' if resent :� � ��:��''�:::�::::i�:�:��;:;>:::�E#"tE�::::>:����;;::.:�;:::>,t��::>:::'��E?&t:>:::::�:.�.>�'�:��>�:;: :> : .......PP...y...................:.::.:.!................p........................%.... .;:;.;:.;:;.;:.;�:.::.::.;:.;:.>:.;:.;:.::;.;:<;;.;::.;::>:'.::::.;:.;:.;:.>:.:..:.;:.:;.;:.;:.::;:.;;;:.>;;;:.;:.::.;:::.>:.::.:.;:;.:;.:::�:;.;::::.::.;:.;::;.;�:..... :::. ..�.�::::::.::::::::::::.::::.�.�:::::.:::::.::. :::::::...::::::::::. .::::::. .::::::::::: :.:�:::.�:.:.:::::: ' �„�:::::::'. e�,<:.:�:::::::'��:::>;'��>:::�::�ei��t���:�:> ::�':»::>IY?7:: �t:::::::!��:.�:�x'::::>:�'�;�t::::�::::>::Q�':::>::::: •�:. ::t�:.: <:>�?.:.;:::;;:. � :::�:::::::�:::. :�:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.�:.�:.:::::.: .::::::::::::. :::::::::::::::�::::.�:::::::::::::::::�.::::::::::::::::::���:..�:��.::::'�.:::. � :,:.:..:::::.�::::::.��:...::.:�..::::::::::::::::::.�::.:..�::::::::::::::.::.�:.::.::::::.::..::::::::..::�.:::::::::::::..:�.�..:�::::::.::i.:..:.:�::::::::::::::::::::.�::.::.::.�.�:::.�:::::::.::::::.�:::::::::::::. . :�..F.:.:•r..:i�":{:::::•:'1..:.:'.i' :'+::i:iy�:"�{..:..,,...i..:.1.j.�...::......:::::::.:: :::::•.,T["�.:� .Q.:.: :•:..::...i..::y�Q{��.�'.:•:::•:•:::•:::...i+.�.{..: ::•::i. .,,...{:',��A,^,iFy:,.:i�v1.r,:�.}.{:•:•:::y:i.�rl'�::..ii:::.r. 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Within twelve (12) months of the effect ve date of this ordinance all existing individual sewage t atment systems shall be inspected by an individual or firm ertified by the MPCA as an inspector. The inspector shall�verify that the diagram of the system location is accura at the time of the inspection. A copy of the inspection eport, on forms to be provided by the division of public health, and proof that either the system meets the requirem nts of this ordinance or that any necessary repairs ave been made, shall be submitted to the building official nd the division of public health within the time specified. In addition to the inspection report, the property owner shall submit to the division of public health such fee as may be set by the city council. Upon receipt of a complete inspection report and fee, the division of public health shall send a certificate to the property owner verifying that the system conforms to the requirements of this ordinance. The certificate shall be in effect for a period of one year, and shall be renewed at the time of the annual maintenance inspection and upon payment of the re-certification fee. 3 ��IGINAL a� - +�a�i �� c. Compliance with standards. The building official shall examine the inspection report and shall notify the owner of the property if the system does not meet the requirements of this ordinance. Those existing systems which are not designed, located, constructed, installed or maintained in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, but that are not failing, shall be so redesigned, relocated, reconstructed, or replaced and otherwise brought into compliance within one hundred eighty (180) days of notice and order to comply issued by the building official. �=�e�re��=--== t-�i�—a � failing system that shows evidence of sewage tank effluent c�ischarge to the ground surface, ground or surface waters, or other evidence of failure to adequately treat the sewage tank effluent shall be replaced, reconstructed or repaired immediately when ordered to do so by the division of public health. Sec. 50. 05. PERMIT. (a) Permit required. No person shall install, alter, repair or extend any individual sewage treatment system in the City of Saint Paul without first obtaining a permit from the building official for the specific work, and complying with the provisions of Chapter 33 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Permits shatl not be required for normal routine inspection and mainteriance of systems. (bj Treatment required. The, system or systems shall be designed, installed and mai�itained to receive all sewage from the dwelling, buildin� or other establishment served. Footing or roof drainage 5ha11 not enter any part of the system. Products contain,ing hazardous materials must not be discharged to the system:�` other than a normal amount of household products and �'leaners designed for household use. Substances not used for household cleaning, including solvents, pesticides, lammables, photo finishing chemicals or dry cleaning chemi als, must not be discharged to the system. ° { (c) Application con�ents. Permit application shall be made in writing upon for�s provided by the building official and shall contain data ncluding, but not limited to, the following: (i) Correct �1ega1 description of the property on which the proposed work is to take place; (ii) Site pl n, drawn to scale, showing the location of all pro osed and existing structures in relation to theaboundary lines of the property; present or proposed location of water supply facilities and water �upply piping; the name of the individual or firm who will install the sewage treatment system; terrain features such as bluff lines, water ways and water bodies; buried utilities; easements and other unique features of the site. 4 ������ }��� q� - ��aL� �� (iii) A scale drawing showing the following, which shall be kept on file at the division of public health: (a) Lot dimensions; (b) House location; (c) Location and plan of the proposed individual sewage treatment system; (d) Relative elevations, in Saint Paul datum, of the house, lot corners and soil treatment area; (e) Locations and elevations of percolation test holes and soil ba�ings; (f) Location of one�� alternate site for future expansion or r.,eplacement of the soil treatment are,�t, if available; (g) Slope of gr�und at site of soil treatment area; and s ;•" (h) Distance ;to all surface waters, wells, proposed��`wells, springs or other surface water w��thin one hundred fifty (150) feet of the prq�osed soil treatment area. � (iv) Soil test data,�including soii boring logs, percolation test data witht'field notes, and location and identification�of the test area; ;� (v) Plans and det�ils of the proposed installation or work, including en�ineering data when required and supporting data attesti��g to compliance with the minimum standards of this ord�nance; � (vi) Building p�ans showing existing and proposed room arrangemer�'t and uses; i (vii) For �ther establishments, calculated or measured wat� use rates, occupancy and occupant load; and (viii) Evi�ence of compliance with State or other ju�isdiction regulations where applicable. � (ix) Th� following supporting data, which shall be kept on file at the division of health: (a Log of all soil exploration work, including a description of the various strata encountered. (b) Groundwater conditions, including indications of seasonal. c�roundwater fluctuations such as :�:>:;<:::�:<;���:::;>::::>�;::;:;..::<.::;:::>::>���«:.;:::::;::��:: mottlin >��:<::::::>:�t�i�<:;:::'�:�t�:::::>:"�`���:��i`Jt?�:�::�:::��::::::. � �::�:�:�::::>�:�:�: 9 <#::::>::>::<:>::>::>::>::>::>::»::>::»::»:;;:>�':>:>::::;:»»::>::>::>::>::>::><»>::»::>:::>:;::>:::::�:::»:�:<::::�::»::»::>:«:::>:: 5 .�::����A►� 9 � ��q� .�`f�>,, ` ;; ::.a>:.:.>••:.:::.:.:t.:.:.:.:.:•'.:.::�:.::::..::.>:.:::.::.::.:::.:::..»x..>:.::••.:.::.>::..>:.:•:.:.:.:.::.:••:.::.:••.::.:.:.::.5•.:ttt.a:.::.:::a>:.:.:.:.:�::...>:.::.>:.::.::.:t:....>:.xt:tr::.::.::.::.:.:••.:••.::• V �:c� :oar�a: � ��:::_: �::::€::i�:�.:::::��:�:�d:::::::�. ::::>:::�t::::<::�€�:.::::::>::::>�:�:�::::t���:::::�<::� ;;;;;;::�;;;;;;:,.;;;��;:.;:.;;:.;>;;�:;;:.::.;:.;:.:>�t!��..::.::.::.::.:::.:::::::::..::::.:�`.;<:.:.:;;;;;>:.>;:.;:.>:��:.;:.;>;;>��:.>:.;;;;;:::.;>;>:�.;::.;;::. �;:::::�":��'C#qi�::::»?A:�:::::::<�tn#�:::::>#�`:::>:::��`�t�:<:>`;:::�;���'�:��:::'::>�t`��'£�:�.">�.:':::::,..;:,.::.,,. ::.;:;�.;;;;>:»>::.;;:.;:.;:.;;:.:;>::.;>;;>:.>;:.;;;:::;:.;;::.;:.>:�.�.�..: (c) Design data for the system. (d) Soil test data derived from soil borings and percolation tests for each proposed site or installation. In accordance with Minnesota Rules 7080.0110, subpart 3, at a minimum four (4) satisfactory soil borings per site shall be made. Borings shall be made by auger or excavation and shall be staked and protected until notification that field evaluation has been completed. If o�e (1) or more borings encounters unsuitable or limiting conditions, additional borings shall be made in order to outline an adequate` area of suitable soil conditions. (e) Results of at le.�st two (2) soil percolation tests per site performed according to Minnesota Rule� 7080.0110, subpart 4 and including: ` .�;;, a� (i) Within �he outlined area, a minimum of two (2� percolation tests, evenly space�, shall be made. Where soil cond��ions vary within the tested area, one �f1) additional percolation test sha 1 be made in each soil type. ;F:����:�: ��'::: :€��::;::��a::'�;::::>:::�`�;:::>.>;;:.;:_..:.:��;::"�:::::�iftQ��:::::<::�`�������::::::::�rr�:::::'��:�.:>1:::..,..;;;;:.;;:.;:.: :.;;»;::.::.::�::.::.::.::��.��:.;::.;:;;:.::.;>:.>:.::.;:.:;:'�:.::.::.::.::.:.::.::.::.::.:::.::.>::;:f.::.::.�.: � r'...•:�'�:�Y;'.....:::::•yi�".:i::..::.:.. ..�.::.}•i:..:i.i::.::iiy:i:�{.i'•:::t:i'.::i'7y',�:�::.iY:i,:/i:�i:i:.i:::i:,'}{,^'.�i:.�.i�:::}.i..:.i.::::::.:::..::::.:.::.:.:::::.. ��...i:��:�:M�:��::::::::Y,�.�.��f��j„I�����Mi/Y:�1!����:i�M�.,�,1,.�}�j (ii) P�rcolati.on.�..rates...'shall..�be...�determined �or each test hole and recorded on orksheets showing all measurements and �calculations. (x) No building p rmit shall be issued for the construction, alteration, expansion or remodeling of any dwelling or other establishment served by an individual s wage treatment system until the permit required fo the treatment system has been issued. Occupancy s all be prohibited until a final inspection of the syst m has been conducted. Whenever the addition o � bedrooms or plumbing fixtures, or a change in the cha acter or intensity of the established use is proposed, he existing sewage treatment system shall be reviewed a d evaluated as to its ability to accommodate increased �lows. The property owner shall be responsib :�e for the replacement, repair, alteration or expansion f the existing system or any portion thereof necessary o properly treat and dispose of the increased sewage input from the building. (d) Site evaluation. An evaluation of the site's suitability for an individual sewage treatment system according to the evaluation factors provided in Minnesota Rules 7080.0110, Subpart 1 shall be made by an individual or firm certified by the MPCA as 6 � -:�ii�:��"�:���P"."';\I� 9�- ��q� ✓ a site evaluator. ��-s••�'���e-�e��e��s�e--€e��e i ��a�a-��e�-e€--� s�-�—ir�el-i�ra•���c�a����e�t�ne���s��m -- � i ..;...::.;::�.;:.;:.>:.;:.:.....:.::.:��.::.:;.:;,.:.;::.;:.;:.>:.>:.:.:;.;::.::.::.>.....;:.;:.::.::.>:.;:.:..................:..........:.;:<.;;:.>:;:..::.:.;:<;:.;::.:::.:;:.:.:.;:.;:.;;>:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;;>:«�::,�:::�:::.>:.:••:.>:.::.:;.:.:.;:.;:.:::.................:. ....:...:........... ::<'�:::::::>::::::>:::::::. :�::::::::�:��`: ��'::;►::::::>::::>:::>::�::':::>�i�d�>�::::;;::�:�:::._>::::.��: �:>::::; � ' :::?::: :.�..; a:>:<:>:: : ��: �. ::::::>.::�s...::::::> ��;:.<:::>::`�:.:�C����s:'�':.�:::..:.;..: .:.::::.�.::...:::::�'�.::.�:::�..�.:::::.::�:::::�:::::::::::::::::.::1�'�.�:.:::at�::::��.:::��:�.:?.:.�.'�....�`�..:.:�::�t?�!��?�..:::�.:::...:�::�.:::�:;::.:�.:::�::..:::::�..�:. . :�.::::::..:::...::::::..:::::::.�:.::::,.....::::::.:::.,.:::::::::::::::::::.�::::::::::.::::::::::::.::.:.:::.::....::.:::.:.::::.::.::...:.::..:...:...:.:.::..:.::..::.:.:::...:.::.:.:::.:..::.::::::::.,:,:.::,:::,.:.:,:::::::�:::.�:.. �....;....:� ;::.:::.::.:.,..;....;�::...:...:�. :.::.:� :.::.:..::..:::.....:..:....�..:...:..;:...;:.:;::::.... .;::�.<.»:::.:.;.:.:...:,.,;..:.:..:.:.;..:::.::::>::: .;::::.:..:�:..;>::..:::..:::::�: >..:;.......>..: ..;��:.::.:>�.:...;:.::...;;;>;....: ::<:>. :� � �. ��::>::::���.�:�a�!'����:�:�s::�;:<:>:<��:�:>:::::�:c�:>�:::���;:�::�:::::>:��:�:::>;:��:<::<: ���. :. �:��:::>:::����:::>:::�:� ::::::::::�:::::::::.�:::::::::::::::�:::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::.�:.::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::>:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:�:..�:::::�.::::::::::::::::.�::::::::::::::::::::::: I ::::::::.:::::..::.�:::::::::.::.::::.�.:::..::::::::::..:::::.::.:::..:..:::::::::::::::::::::..�::::..::..:::::..::..:::::::::::::.�:::...�.�..:::::::::::::::::::.�..:.:::::..:.�..::::::::..::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::.�.�::::::.:::: :...:...;>:..::>::::>:...:... ., ...., .,::;....:>:<::: :.......»<:..:..::...:>::>::.:::...:.........::>:. :..,....:..;...:..:::::::.... ;.,.;.....:....<>::>:;::....: :;...:..:.:>. .:..:......::;;;.::...;.....:...::....:... �:�:��::»:::..:.���.'�.�.��:�::::::::�:��':;::>��e:::>::i�����:l��i��:«:::�r:� ��Q:>::<:�:�d�:�:�:�:��� s�:a.�:� .,.....:::�::::::::::.:�::::::::::.:�:::::::::::::::::::::::.�:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.�::::::::::::.�:.�::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::..::.:::::.::::::::::::::::::::.�:::�::::....................... , '��:�'��:�:'�::::`::�:>`:"�:'��:::�>:::::::<:�ri:::::::��<:>::�:�:�:��:>:>:���:�<:;:::ti:�i?��:>:'''��:�����:�:�;:::::<��:'��<:i�'��::>::::�:;����:`�:<:::::�� .::.�.:::::::::::::::::::r:::::::::::.�:::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::.::::.:::::::.:::::.�::::::::::.:::::::::�?'::::.::::.:.:::::: .::�:.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::. .....................,....,........... ........... �:.>:.::......v................ ::;::;::;::,::;::;::::::::>::..>::>:.;:::<:>::>::>::::>:.;:.;:.>:.:�:.:�:.;:.;:.;:.>:.::.;:.:.:,;:.>:.::.:;:.:�:.::.;:.;:.::.;:.;:.:�;:.;:.;��:.::.;:.;:.;:.;:...;:.;:.;:.:�:�:.;;::.:��:<..:;:;:::...::.::.::;.;:.>... :::::..:«:.::.:»:.:.:::::..�: :.:::. .::::::....<r.;:.>....::<:<.;...,.;...:::::::::::. �::.<:..r� � �:�::> �•..� � � :��::::>::�::.::�<�.�r::::::m.���:<:::> : >«::i� ��:. ::�:.:::::::: :. ::.>::>:::»;::..: ��: �<::::�: ���:� :: ;::>:�d...: �::.::�i�i�e�:>� :.:::::� :�:�:�.:::m�.::::.�::::: .:::::::::::::::.�::::::::::::::::::::;�.:::::::�:::::�::::�..�:�..:::::::;>:.�'�:�.:.:::::�:��d:::::::��::a�::.::::::::.:::::�::::: .:::::.::.:::::�:.:::..::::::..::..:::::.:::::.�:::::::�.:::::::::::::.:�::::::::.:::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::.::::::.�:.�.�:::::::::::::::::::::::::.�.:�::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::.:::::::::::::>.:.:::::::::: .:...: .: ..>..::.;:.;.:. ...:..... .;. .:;;;....;...::;;..:.:..:;:.:.�..::.:::::.:.:::;�. :.:;.:. ::..;.:..:::......;��::.::::::::..::..::::..:::.:...:.::.;:::................. .......................................................... � �:;�:��::>::>���::�::::::>��:::::>: :���.��::�?��::::><;���::«::�:�::�::::;:: :�:���: :.�:��::��: .:�:::�>;;;:.::.;;>:.::.::;.:::::.::::.;::::::::::.:;::::::::.;:.:::.::.::.::.::.::.:::.:>:�:.;:::�;;;;:;;;;;;: Sec. 50.06. BUILDING OFFICIAL'S RESPONSIBILITY. , (a) Building Official. The building official shall be ' responsible for administration and enforcement of the design, � construction and installation provisions.`of this ordinance, including, but not limited to, reviewing and evaluating technical matters relating to system design and installation, and providing � technical assistance and educational information to owners of individual sewage treatment systems. �`The building official or ' his/her agent shall be qualified and ,'certified by the MPCA as competent in the inspection of individual sewage treatment ' systems. �` (b) The building official shall have the power to issue orders to: (i) Suspend or revoke permits or stop action upon information indicating th � the permit was issued in error or on the basis of incorr�ct or inadequate information, or that work is not being pefformed in compliance with the requirements of this ordinance. #: ¢ (ii) Require the correction of new or existing systems where, following insped'tion and evaluation, a system is determined to be defec.tive. ��` Sec. 50.07. DIVISION OF��PUBLIC HEALTH RESPONSIBILITY. fi (a) The division of public health shall be responsible for the administration and enforcement of the maintenance provisions of this ordinance, includinc�, but not limited to, notifying the owners of individual sewt�ge treatment systems of annual inspection dates, monito�ing the results of annual maintenance inspections, insuring th�at pumping is performed as necessary, keeping on file annual �nspection reports for each individual sewage treatment system investigating complaints and ordering corrective action neces ary to protect the health, safety and welfare of the communit' . (b) The division of pu�lic health shall have the power to: (i) Require prope ty owners to cease and desist from the use of an individu sewage treatment system operating in a manner creating a hazard to the public health, safety or welfare; and (ii) Condemn a dwelling as unfit for human habitation where the improper functioning or failure of an individual sewage 7 ��e�a��l 4� -��r4� ✓ treatment system constitutes a hazard to the public health, safety or welfare of the occupants of the dwelling. Such action shall be in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 34. Sec. 50.08. LOCATION IN GENERAL. Individual sewage treatment systems and each component thereof shall be located and installed to insure that, with proper maintenance, the sys�em will function in a sanitary manner, will not create a nuisance and will not contaminate any domestic water supply well. Location shall consider lot size and configuration, proposed' structures and other improvements, topography, surface drainage, soil conditions, depth to groundwater, geology, ..existing and proposed water supply wells, accessibility for maintenance, expansion or replacement of the system, and setbacks as required in Table IV of this ordinance. Installation of syst..�ms in low swampy areas or drainage swales is prohibited. Syst,ems may be located in the floodplain as long as they are set bacl� from the normal high water mark in accordance with this ordinance, Table IV. Systems shall not be located within utility or drainage easements or within dedicated public or private rights-of-way. Sec. 50. 09. CONSTRUCTION AND MA�ERIALS. d' (a) General. The design, constz�tzction and location of and the materials permitted for use in bti�ilding sewers, shall be regulated by the Minnesota Stat¢� Building Code, which incorporates by reference porti;�ns of the Minnesota Plumbing Code, and by specific provisio�is of the Minnesota Water Well Construction Code. " (b) Meter. A water meter t '�measure flow to the soil treatment system shall be provided wi `h all individual sewage treatment systems installed after the�effective date of this Ordinance. � (c) Sewage tanks. All sed�age tanks, including septic and aerobic, shall be designec�', constructed and shall conform with Minnesota Rules 7080.0130� (d) Capacity of septic �anks. r (i) The liquid ca�acity of a septic tank serving a dwelling shall be base on the number of bedrooms provided or contemplated �n the dwelling served and shall be at least as larg as the capacities given below: Number of Bed� Tank Liquid Capacities (Gallons) � I 2 or less � 1,000 3 or 4 1,200 Number of Bedrooms`'��_ Tank Liquid CaQacities (Gallons) 5 or 6 1,500 7 - 9 2,000 8 �Y������'_�� �, 91- I��� � _lu��_ . For ten (10) or more bedrooms, the septic tank shall be sized as an other establishment. For multiple-family dwellings containing two (2) or more dwelling units, the size shall be the sum of the individual dwelling unit requirements. (ii) If a garbage disposal unit is installed in a residence or other establishment at any time, septic tank capacity shall be at least fifty (50) percent greater than that required in item (i) above. Either multiple compartments or multiple tanks must be provided. (e) Location of septic tanks. Septic tanks shall be located as required in Minnesota Rules 7080.0130, S�ibpart 4, and may be placed in the floodplain as long as the�t' are set back from the ordinary high water mark in accordance with this ordinance, Table IV. (f) Maintenance of new and existing:` septic tanks. Septic tanks shall be maintained as required in �tinnesota Rules 7080.0130, Subpart 5, and as follows: -�`� (i) Each newly installed septic tank and existing septic tank shall be maintain�d in proper operating condition at all times. ;ti°' ,�" (ii) The owner of each s�tic tank shall be responsible for an annual maintenan e inspection of the tank, as required in sectior� 3� ;��:;�:::��: (c) of this ordinance. Verification of th� inspection and a full reporting of the results of th inspection shall be submitted to the division of publ�,� health. a, (iii) Pumping fo kthe removal of septage shall be performed �nly by persons or firms certified by the MPCA a,� pumpers. � t g (iv) Disposal of se�tage shall be only at approved disposal sites or faci�t'ities. Dumping or spreading of septage on the surfac� of the ground is prohibited except where surface dispo;sal sites have been specifically approved and permittec� by the appropriate governmental unit. � (v) The division� of public health shall maintain appropriate �records of septage pumping and disposal activities �nd shall require such reporting by owners as is reaso able and necessary to insure that adequate maintenance;? and disposal is being accomplished. f (vi) In any inst�nce where it is determined that maintenance practices procedures are inadequate or improper, the division o public health shall require the owner to comply wi ' the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 50. 10. FINAL TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL. Final treatment and disposal of all sewage tank effluent shall be by means of a standard soil treatment and disposal system, except in those cases where use of an alternative system is 9 ����If�IAL q� _ i,�q� ✓ required. System sizing, location, design and construction shall comply with the following requirements: (a) System sizing. System sizing shall be as provided in Minnesota Rules 7080.0170. Sewage flow shall be estimated based on Class I dwellings, as required in Table II of Minnesota Rules 7080.0170 Subpart 2.A. (b) System location. System location shall be as required in Minnesota Rules 7080.0170, Subpart 2.B. in accordance with the following table: Table IV Minimum setback distance� (feet) Feature Sewage Soil treatment ' tank ° area Water supply well less than �`�' ,: fifty (50) feet deep and not encountering at least ten (10) feet of impervious material 100 100 Any other water supply well �`' or buried water suction pipe ?�� 75 75 F Buried pipe distributing wate�� under pressure r 10 10 �: Buildings ;`� 10 20 r Property lines �;" 10 10 � Established River Corrido� bluff lines 40 40 ,; The ordinary high water inark of: ,. Recreation Development �akes and Streams ; 75 75 ; Urban and Tributary Ri�er Segments 50 50 Wetlands (1 acre or larger) 50 50 In the floodplain soil treatment areas shall be set back from the normal high water mark in accordance with the above Table IV. (c) System design and construction. System design and construction shall be as required in Minnesota Rules 7080. 0170, Subpart 2.C. , and as follows: (i) In soils having percolation rates of fifteen (15) minutes per inch or faster, the bottom of the filter material shall be at least four (4) feet above the water table or bedrock. 10 ��������. ��� - ��r�� ,/ (ii) In soils having percolation rates of sixteen (16) minutes per inch through sixty (60) minutes per inch, the bottom of the filter material shall be at least three (3) feet above the water table or bedrock. (iii) Excavation equipment or other vehicles shall not be driven on the soil treatment area. Sec. 50.11. ALTERNATIVE SYSTEMS. General. Extreme caution and careful planning shall be employed for the design, location, installation, use and maintenance of alternative sewage treatment systems wherever limiting characte�istics, including but not limited to proximity to water table: 'or bedrock and ,........ ........... .... ra idl or slowl ermeable soils, exist. ,';�::��:���:�,:��►i;::::;:':::��:;�:�� ::::.::�:..::..::.:�....::.:::::.::..:................X....�.......................................................................................::.,....::::::::.:::.:.:.,.:::::::::::::::::::::.:....�.�..'��.`:.::::.:::::::.:::::............ :.: ..::.:. .: .:::::..<.. :..:.:..:...:: :::::::: .::::::.::::::::..:.::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::.::::. :. .::::::.:::::.::::::>::::::::::::::f.:::::::::::::::..::. ::.:::::: .::::::::.:::.:::.:.:::::..:::>:::::.:::::.: . ����::�::::::>:�:�;�::::::>� .'�:..:::: . . .....::::. . ..,:... :.:...;.,:.<.;':' ;:;'�:;:»:;...,- :::;:::>:>.'.:�•�'�.<::;:..'...<:::::.�.' .�`•:::>::::>•::::::>�:>......::::>:` �:��.;:::::��.::.::' ;...'.•:..::.:..,,; ......... ���t.� ��.��� �.x���:��.e�.:::�.�;'��.:::� .::::��.:::���..�:.�:.::��:.:::��.�:�.�� ... .. ::.:�::.:.;::;.>;:.;:>.::.:;:>.;;>:.;:.:>::.:;;;::.::.:>:;;:.::<::.;;;:::.:>;:<.;:.;:.::;>;:.:>;:.;:.;>;>;;;;;;: viiiiii}:Y'iiiii".iiiiiiiii:i::.i}iiiik+ii?i}i:v::i}ii:.Ti:i:::ti.::• �e��:�:'��'�����'����ri"��'rio�'��case"'��are���privies, see a e its,— i� cess ools e� :.::>::<>;::.<::<::.>:,:::.:.:.:: .:::.;:.;::,>:.:��.;��.;:.::.;:.;:<;;.:::;;.:;.;:.:;.;�:.;:.;�.::.:��.;:.,.;....;��:.;;:.;��.;:.;:.;:.;<:.;::.:....;....;:.;:.;:.;;:.:::�.::.:::<::;:;:..::::::::::::...::::::::. �� fs allowed. ��d��:��::::::>���:'i:��:::»:���::�::'::::�?�:<'`:�t���:�:�:�::>::a�tJi�:::�::;::::���� .......................�� ::::::::::::::::::::::..C.�.:::::::::::::::::::::.�.:::.::�::::::::::::::._:::::::::x:::.::::.�.�::::::::::.�:::.::�:::::::.:�::�:.:::::::::::.�:::: ...................................... .:.:::.::�:::::.:�:::..::::::::::::.�:::::::::.:�:.:.::::::::::::.:::.::::::::::::::::::::::.�.::..::::::{::::::.::.::::.�:::::::::>:...:::::...�..::::::.:�::.�..:::::..:::::::::::::::.:::::::::::: �.��...::..:..:.................................:.::.............:.:...:..:.....:.:.::..:.....;::.;...:.,., .>.... .;.;:...:....;:.;;...:.:..... .::.....:.r:.::.;.... ..:........;:.:..... ..:...:::.:.::.;:.:...;:..:...::.::...;.... . :�. °:��<. >:::::�#::::>::�'�: ����:� : >::>:� �1�:::>::�C:�;:�'�:..:1':1 :>:>::3:.::�'� ::>::>::: �.� :. »::::: �.� .;.;::::;<:;.....;.�::::»��. .:.�::::::::::....:..........: .:::.�:::::::::::::::::. .::�;.::::...�.�.....�....:.�...�..�....::::::::.:::::::::::::::::�:.:::: :::::::. ::.�::::::.::..:�:.,,:<..�'.�..,�.i� .::::...�'.•.+....�:.�::,�.�:.�.::�:'.�:Q...�'.r..�..:::� .:::..: .:..:::::.:::�:.::�:::.:::::..�:.�::�!!:::::..::::::.:::::::::..::.�::..�::::::::::.:::::::::.:�:::::::�...�:.�::.::.� :::::::::::.:::::::�'.:.::::::::::::.�::::,::::...�.::.:�::::::::.:�. - �::.:.;:�.:..:.:.:.:. :.;..;:...;��:.:::>:;.. ...;....:.;:..:..:..:.,,.:...: .:....:..: :.:::.;..::.:.::..:..::.:....;:.;:: :...:�::..;:.;�:..::::;�.:�.::.;:: ..:..:�.:.:.:.:.: .;...::....>:.::.:.:...>.;:...;:.:.;........ �:�:�?�?�t:��::::>:�:�::::::::��;�;::>::?e'a�`:�:.�:;��;�:�:>:::::�:: :;�:���><:<:�� �:::::::: �>:>::: .::::::. . >.;;.:;:.., ::;:::::::.;...;,.::::���:: In .::::::::.�.,'�..::::::::::::::::::::::�:`:::::..:....:..;.....::..:�::::�.:::�#�:'�:.::�W'?c3�:.�:.��:..:.��,�t�.�.:'�:�:.. ;:.::;;:.;;;::.;:.::.;::.>:::.::.::.::.::.::.;:.::.>:.::.::.::.::.:::::::.;:.;:.;..... �...:..................... ............... . . . .. ,....:...:......:...:::.�:.. :...:.::.:::..:..,:::;.:::::.>�::.;�::.::;;;.:�:t.;;:;.:;��::...:::<:::.>�:::..;.::��:::.. . . . gerieral�������alterna��ive����sys��ems����f�or����s�ewage ��rea�iinen��'�'arid��"disposal shall comply with the conditions found in Minnesota Rules 7080.0180. ��`' Sec. 50. 12. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE. (a) General requirements. � 1' (i) Each individual sewage' treatment system existing as of the date of adoption of th�is ordinance, as well as those installed under this ordi�fance, shall be operated and maintained according to t�ie provisions of this section. E (ii) Responsibility for �the proper operation and maintenance of individual sewage treatment systems shall be as follows: j (a) The owner of��each dwelling unit or other establishment served by an individual sewage treatment s�stem shall be responsible for the adequate anc� proper functioning and maintenance of the system.i It shall be the owner's responsibility to show that the individual sewage treatment system is in conformance with all requireme�ts of this ordinance, and that the system prc�perly treats and disposes of all sewage input from an occupied building. , (b) The divis�on of public health shall investigate complaint� and order corrective action to protect the healt�, safety and welfare of the community in the event that the responsible owner is negligent or fails to take action as required by this ordinance. (iii) It shall be unlawful for an owner or occupant to allow inadequately treated ==r���= �:i�ti���� to seep or flow to the surface of the ground or into surface or ground waters, or to allow an overflow. Any system so performing shall be pumped immediately by an individual or firm certified by the 11 ������►1� q �- ��q� ✓ MPCA as a pumper and as often thereafter as necessary until satisfactory repairs have been made. Any costs related to pumping and subsequent repairs shall be borne by the property owner. (b) Installation inspection. (i) Installation inspections shall be performed by the building official at each installation, prior to any work having been covered by backfill. (ii) The owner shall notify the building official at least twenty four (24) hours prior to the time work is ready for inspection or reinspection. (iii) Work that is backfilled prior to required inspection may be ordered to be uncovered whenever necessary to determine compliance. r' J (iv) When, upon inspection, any p�rt of the system is determined not to be in com liance with this ordinance, written notice shall be pr vided by the building official indicating the d ficiency and any required corrections. i ; � (v) Noted deficiencies sha 1 be properly corrected and reinspected before wor on the project is continued. (vi) No individual sewage �treatment system shall be placed or replaced in serv�e until final inspection and approval of the ins� allation. (vii) Fees for ins ections or reinspections shall be as set by coun 1 resolution. (c) Maintenance inspectic�ns. (i) A maintenance nspection shall be performed annually by an individual r firm certified by the MPCA to provide inspection an maintenance services. Such inspection shall includ , but shall not be limited to: (a) Measur ent of accumulated sludge and scum in the septic�tank. (b) Inspe�ion of effluent levels in soil treatment syste�s provided with inspection wells. (c) Inspe�tion of pumps and pump stations when inclu ed as part of the system. (d) Insp ction of distribution devices and drop boxes. (e) A description of any repairs or alterations made to the system since the last annual inspection. (ii) The owner or occupant of the property shall provide access at reasonable times for the purpose of 12 ��������. 9 l- l�q� ✓ performing an inspection as required under this ordinance. (iii) Within thirty (30) days of the annual inspection, the owner shall submit in writing a report to the division of public health, including a determination of the conformance of the system with the requirements of this ordinance. The report shall be on forms provided by the division of public health and shall be accompanied by such fee as may be prescribed by the city council. Upon receipt of a complete inspection report and fee, the division of public health shall send a certificate, to be in effect for one year, to the property owner verifying that the system conforms to the requirements of this ordinance. (d) Pumping. (i) Whenever inspection of the se,�itic tank discloses that the accumulated sludge in the bottom of _the tank has reached a point twelve (12)};%'inches or less from the bottom of the outlet baffle' device, or that the bottom of the floating scum laye�` is less than three (3) inches above the bottom o:t the outlet baffle device, the owner shall have the;P�tank promptly pumped to remove all accumulated septage��� If a conforming septic tank serving a dwelling is r�gularly pumped on an annual basis, the requirement �for an annual inspection of � sludge and scum accum�lation shall be waived. Pumping shall be performed by�an individual or firm certified by the MPCA as a pum�ier. (ii) No septic tank shal remain in service without being pumped at least on e every three (3) years, whether or not the measureme indicates a sludge build-up. Each existing septic t nk shall be pumped at least once within thirty si ; (36) months of the effective date of this ordinance a�Id thereafter at least once within thirty six (36) linonths of each succeeding pumping. (iii) Whenever i spection of pump stations, distribution devices o � drop boxes indicates the accumulation of solids� such devices shall be promptly cleaned. (iv) Every septic ank pumping shall be reported by the owner to the ivision of public health on forms provided for hat purpose within thirty (30) calendar days of the �umping. The report shall include the owner's name ;and address, the date of the pumping, the contractor wY�o performed the pumping, the number of gallons remo�ied and the location of sewage disposal. (e) Disposal of septa�e. Septage shall be disposed of only by approved means into the metropolitan sewage treatment system. Disposal of septage within the City of Saint Paul shall be by means approved by the department of public works. 13 ���+���l�1�. q i -�'79 4 � (f) Records and reports. It shall be the responsibility of the owner to maintain accurate records of maintenance, inspection and pumping, and to report such data annually to the division of public health on forms provided by the City. (g) Inspection. The building official or division of public health shall have the authority to inspect individual sewage treatment systems, following adequate notice, when there is probable cause to believe that a hazard to the public health, safety or welfare exists. (h) Owners failure to maintain, nuisance. Failure on the part of the owner to inspect, pump and/or maintain the owner's individual sewage treatment system as required by this ordinance may constitute a nuisance and may be abated by the city pursuant to the provisions of chapter 45. .. ::::.>.::..,::•:.,::.�::.;::>::..;:::::::::::<::::.�.:�:::.:�::.�::::::::::::::::::::.::::::.::::::.:::.�:.::::�::::.�.:�.�:::::::::::::,::.:..:.,....:.,..::::::::.:.�:..�.:::...::::::::::::::::::::::.�::::.:::::::::.:::�::: .:::. . ... ��..:::::;:::<.�.�:;::::;�::.: :::::::;<::;::::>. : .::>�<��::::::: : :... .: .:::;:... . .: ;:>: � �:::::<�.;� :;::;; �?�.�..�;:.:;;.�.�.�E:..�:.:�.�>:�:.::<.;:.;:.:�. .�..�;:.;�;3�::��.;;;:��:'�'.��..�"�..;;:.t?I+�:::.::�A�'�:<:f'���::::::�:�7��:i�:��:::���:�C�s'i� ::,.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::.::::::::::.... 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VARIANCES. The propertyxFcode enforcement board of appeals, in accordance with the prov,�'sions of chapter 18 may, with the approval of the City Counc�l, modify or revoke any order and may grant an extension of timerwhere the board finds that there is practical difficulty or undue hardship connected with compliance with the provisions o�''this ordinance, or any applicable rules or regulations ��ssued pursuant thereto. In no event shall a variance be grantfi�d if to do so would cause a threat to the public health, s�'fety or welfare. Also no action by the board of appeals shall ;,��exempt an owner from meeting the inspection and reporting req��rements set forth herein. � � ��Section 2 , If any provisions of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or �ircumstance is held to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions of this Ordinance that can be given effect -xwithout application of the invalid provision. To this end,?'the provisions of all articles, sections or subsections, or subd�visions herein and the various applications thereof ar:e declared to be severable. s'� �� ;: :;,` �`f � f } 2 F� 9 � � 15 ;;�.J,���� � �� � 9 � - ��Q� J `J������,�►L Section 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Section 4 This ordinance shall be deemed a part of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and shall be incorporated therein and given the chapter number and/or section number at the time of the next revision of the Legislative Code. f4rr % � }fi� J 3� � q� .Y � 1 P � A� l� A�: Y3 l � i 1' 1 � f �� � � � � c i � f Yeas Navs Ab�ent Requested by Department of: Dimond oL�� �Z ` Planning and Economic Development Piaccabee R� mf an iT u�e GTi�n BY� Adopted by Council: Date Form Appr d by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gy: BY� Appr ve by or for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date Coun i - By: By: 16 �� ��� :.::.:.::.:::::.:::..::.::.::.:..::.:::.::::::::.::.:::.�::::.:..:::.::.::.::.:.:::.:.:..::.::.::::..::.:::.::.::.:...::.:.:...:.::.:::::.:::.::.:.:::::...:....::.::..:.:::.::.:::.::.::.:::..::.::.::.:..:...:::::.::.::.:....:.:::..::.:::.: �/ t�:�:>::::�:�:�:i:�atflr�:::::>��:>::::: ..:.:����:i�:<:::: �a:>::���:::::<::::::��a��� >::::::�:;ei:::::>�b�i�: �:»:b:.�:: ...... .:�:�.:::::::::::.�:.:::::::�-.::::::::r:::::::::::::::::::�:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,..'�,,�.�.:.:::::::::::::. :. ;:.;;:.;:.;:.;;:.:;.;:;.;:.::.::.:<.;>:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;;;:.;:.;:.:;.:�::.::.;:.:::::.�...............................................................................................................................� ���;:.{":.i:::.i}?i:::.}i'.}:,::.,::{.}:•.;;'��'.i�^':,j�:�ti�:::{;.iiii�:}d�i�/:}•rry�i�i'j.ii�:irL:i}i::::}i'niii::.:.:'.iiY.ii:i•i(i{'�'.:::�:}.?�:i{Y.i::rry:;37i�i::.i'::ryiiii�::i.�i{.i`."��i,ii:•i•::ini'•'�i: .ii��jL�i�i�ryii:':i.i':ivf�4: i'`:':ti!ti4: ::::i::�.���:. .#F:.1Ti::::::::��iF:�.TlY.�i::{:}::��:::::::���::i::vlR:�::T:v/i:�:i�f���i:?::.�1�✓i1Y''i::r���:iK�:i::v:. 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VARIANCES. The property code enforcement board of appeals, iri accordance with the provisions of chapter 18 may, with the appro���l of the City Council, modify or revoke any order and may grant,,��an extension of time where the board finds that there is praetical difficulty or undue hardship connected with compliance �iith the provisions of this ordinance, or any applicable�>�rules or regulations issued pursuant thereto. In no event sha�r'� a variance be granted if to do so would cause a threat to'` the public health, safety or welfare. Also no action by the ��ard of appeals shall exempt an owner from meeting the inspectti.on and reporting requirements set forth herein. ��, � Section 2 If any provisions of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions of this Ordinance that can be given effect without application of the invalid provision. To this end, the provisions of all articles, sections or subsections, or subdivisions herein and the various applications thereof are declared to be severable. 15 .. ...::>:•::+�>::•::.:a»:->:::•:x•5:•::•>:•>:••:•::�::::a;..:•a>••:..:,:t:::::�t:::::::::.........:::::::::::....,..M1�...v... •:'.:.:•:.::•::•>::.>•:: .. .. .. . .. . ..... . : :. .:::: • : . . :::. . ..:: . :. ..�:. . . .:. .. ...•::•<:..: ::::: . ...:•t�:.: :.:. ....... .::. ...........:. ,5' ":•:.e•v:::..x..::.>:":::.::.;:.;:.;.;:.:.;:...;:••.y::�::::�:. :��,s::::::. ::��:�:�:��n::.:��.::.:: ��::..�:::::���:�:��:����::�::::� �����:���><:��:��;�::�� �:�;::b::��: _ �9 ...�.........:::::::.......::::::::::...... ...�:::..:.�...........�......::.�:::::::::�.::::::::::...:.v::::..{..:.:::........:.:...:��.....:.:.:::. . r y . ........::... �::::::::.... ...{.. ...� � • ��........:..........:...�:::::.......,�:.�::....,.:.:.:.�:::. .........:.:�.:.::..:::::::.::.:::.::::v.:::::.:.v.-.::r...::.n .....::::.,:.::.::.::::::.::::..::.:::. . ..:..:.:::.::::::::..:::.:::::.:.::.::.::::::.::.:::::::.:::...:..:.:::..:::::::::::.:::::::..:::::.::::::::..::::��::::�:::::..� . :..:.:..::.::.:::.:..:.:...:.:: .:::.::.�� .:. .::::.:::.:. :.::::.:.:. : .. .::.::.: ✓ �::::::: .�:� :. � .::. ::�:::::::� : :::::::. :.�::::::.:: : �:::. : ::...::�.::: :::..�.:::�v.:: -:r:::: .::::.:: ::::::: :::::::: :::::: � ........... .::.�.:::::::��:�:..:.::::���:.:._�:�.�..���.,_.:�_�.;�:�.:�:�:��:..��...��:�.:��.:::�.��:�.�.�. . :::::.�:::::...... ...........:.:..:::.�::..:.............. .....��.:......:�..:.�:...:.:.. ..................:::::::.::::::..::........... ....:::.....,�:::::::.: ............:.... :.::.... ... af+:.•::�:.•.. .n:t:H'•r'i•1:r;}:•.;:.»:•::a•:>:•:<•::�:::.::�::::::.i:. ..:.:::::. :�:::.::.::.. ..:...::::::.:..i.n'::?�.::::;::::r::.::i•::":�`;i::::.. :;..,...,:::.,.:..,.::...;..:.:_<:':,.;:.�:::�::..::..i::. . .: •.;;.; ��:t��.. ::<:>: .:�:��:::::<�� ��:;::>:.�:�::::>::��::>::>..:::�:�c�:�..��:<:>:�:. :�;fi��:�:>{;:��::<�:.:�>:::.:�u:�<.::::;;::;::::»:::: ...�::.::::::....:::.::::..��..:.�.:::.::.:::.:::........ ..�:.........:....�.....:.:....:.>:..: . .:�....::::.:.,�..... .:..::�....:...r��:�,.�.:..::::. ::::;:«::«�:::.>:::::..::::.<:::........:::.......::.:..:.................:::::::�....:.,.::::::.::.::..:::::..:.:�:.:...... �.�.:...:.::......,.....:::::�`::::::.:::::::::.�::.�::::::::::.�:::. ::::::.:.:.:;::::. ..:..:.:..::..�.;:.>�.:<.;�.::.;:.;>.>:.:�::.;:.:::::;:..:.::�.;:..;::<.::.::�::::::.::::: ::..:�:<.::<.::.::.:.::::.: :.: :.�:...:--::<:.:::.x:.::::::r:::r.;::.:�.:;;:.::.::.:.:.:::::::,:...::::,:.::.:::.. 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X�:�;'��3;�:17[:::::>'��.�...Y.��.:>::>�:'�.8:#'f�S�:��::'��::::>::�:?�':�:>:::::�q�`:::<:<�:.�.��::�.�:>:::��:�:�•.":��:.< ;:�.::::::::::,:::�:�w.:: .............................,..,.........................................,.........................................................,.....,.....,.�::::�:>::;;::><>::: � �::::::::::::::::::::::::::.�.::.:::.:::::::::::.:::.>.;.:::;:.;:.;::.;:.::;.;:;.::.:::.>;:.;;:.;:<.;>:.;>;>;:.::.>::.:�:.:;:�:...................... .. :�.;:�:.;;. Sec. 50. 13_�:. VARIANCES. The property code enforcement board of appeals, in accordance with the provisions of chapter 18 may, with the approval of the City Council, modify or revoke any order and may grant an extension of time where the board finds that there is practical difficulty or undue hardship connected with compliance with the provisions of this ordinance, or any applicable rules or regulations issued pursuant thereto. In no event shall a variance be granted if to do so would cause a threat to the public health, safety or welfare. Also no action by the board of appeals shall exempt an owner from meeting the inspection and reporting requirements set forth herein. Section 2 If any provisions of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held to be invalic� - ��•^�- invalidity shall not affect other pr�--= -' that can be given effect without app: provision. To this end, the provisic (�I���1� � or subsections, or subdivisions here� ^ r � applications thereof are declared � �`�� r��'�`��� ��'�?� WpZt�r ��i'�i�Je `' �5 t� -�-�,,`� �r� ; �'�(� ���'- ,,,,tz..P ��) I�d,�, p �� �� �' _- ' . an�►,�•�,(� — � - . �rit�it�A.N�I , - �Wt� L�.,t�^�� i � �r� ���� � �� � 1,:;;/� e c �� , r y � .�lJt.�.t� ,-� _. � � (�G�,L- ���117 � . � � � `�- _..�- � � 15 I Section 3 � This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Section 4 This ordinance shall be deemed a part of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and shall be incorporated therein and given the chapter number and/or section number at the time of the next revision of the Legislative Code. Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: Dimond o�swi�z o��— Maccabee e man • une W"'i Ls on BY� Adopted by Council: Date Form Ap roved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gy- l��3 BY� App ov d by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date Coun ' ay: By' i :�� � . . � q,,3 y���9�,/ EPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED N� 17 5 0 9 P.E.D. 9/13/91 GREEN T T INITIAUDATE ONTACT PERSON&PHONE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTO �CITY COUNCIL Lucy Thompson 228-3370 Ag$I�N �CITYATfORNEY �CITYCLERK UST BE ON COUNCII Af3ENDA BV(DATE) ROUTINGFOR �BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.&MGT.SERVICES DIR. September 24, 1991 ORDER �MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Adoption of amendments to Saint Paul Legislative Code adding Chapter 50 pertaining to individual sewage treatments systems. RECOMMENDA71oNS:Approve(A)or Reject(R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TWE FOLLOWING�UESTIONS: A PLANNINCi COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �• Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department't _CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? A STAFF — YES NO _DISTRiCT COUR7 — 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVEI YES NO HighwoOd D@vE:lopmerit PoliCies Explain all yss answers on separete shset end attach to grsen sheet adopted by City Council, July 199 . INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): Implementation of the Highwood Development Policies may result in almost a doubling of the current number of septic tanks south of Highwood A "his is (and waul�l� coritinue� to be) the highest concentration of �. Yet, Saint Paul does not have requirementsfor th � ntenanae of these systems. This ordin �� CoVNC pM►�AITTEE� ` ��, ADVANTAGES IF APPRC 'L C This ordin� T�C,� MENT&pERSONNE �\ �n use and maintenance of individual � F�Np,NCE,MANAGE OPMENT ions will be required at which time G�E�NOM�GpEVEL dinamce or be repaired,so that they d� HpUSIN THpFtIT`� VELOPMENT AU ❑ HOUS►NG&REDE �STRIES, GUI-ASED IND SEFtVICES,RE DISADVANTAQES IF APPRO\ ❑ HUMAN p pOLICY None. AND RV�ES AN TALRELAT►ONS buncil Research Cent�r ❑ �N�RGpVERN►�EN I ❑ NEIGHBORH��SER�ICES S E P 1 7 �99� I S�UTILR�ES&T�NSPORTATION I ❑ pUBLIC WORK IDISADVANTACiES IF NOT APPROI � AGT�N Septic tanks wi. `ious threat to the health, safety a ❑ OTHER �'S, RECEIVED l � oATE EP 17 1991 FR�M _ _ -_ _ — TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTI -�H�DGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO � FUNDING SOURCE — — -- ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) �W See Attached NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE (PHONE NO. 298-4225). ROUTIN(i ORDER: Below are correct routings for the five most frequent types of documents: CONTRACTS(assumes suthorfzed budget exists) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend Budgets/Accept. Grants) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. Department Director 2. Ciry Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Budget Director 4. Mayor(for contracts over$15,000) 4. Mayor/Assistant 5. Human Rights(for contracts over$50,000) 5. City Council 8. Finance and Management Services Director 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services 7. Finance Accounting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(Budget Revision) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others,and Ordinances) 1. Activity Manager 1. Department Director 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Mayor Assistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Council 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(all others) 1. Department Director 2. City Attorney 3. Finance and Management Services Director 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIQNATURE PAGES Indicate the#of pages on which signatures are required and paperclip or flag eech of thsse pagea. ACTION REQUESTED Describe what the projecUrequest seeks to accomplish in either chronologi- cal order or order of importance,whichever is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete sentences.Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue In question has been presented before any body,public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objective(s)your projecUrequest supports by listing the key word(s)(HOUSINQ, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: This informatlon wili be used to determine ihe cirys liability for workers compensation claims,taxes and proper civil service hiring rules. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ charter or whether there are specific ways in which the City of Saint Paul and its citizens will benefit from this project/action. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past processes might this projecUrequest produce if It is passed(e.g.,traffic delays, noise, � tax increases or assessments)T To Whom?When?For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What wilt be the negative consequences if the promised action is not approved7 Inabiliy to deliver servicel Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate?Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay? �--�" ' GI/�/�,`��" ✓ G1TY OF R�$ p ' - ' a CITY OF SAINT PAUL a 11111111111 y � �u1 I1!ll r � � OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL �s6• CITY HALL-7th FLOOR- SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612-298-5506 TOM DIMOND ��CEIVED COUNCILMEMBER �'C�1� 0 3 1g91 �:�TY CLERK Members: Tan Dimond, Chair Paula Maccabee Dave Thune Date: September 25, 1991 COMMITTEE REPORT HOUSING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE l. Approval of the minutes of the Housing and Economic Development Committee for September 9, 1991. COMMITTEE APPROVED, 4-0 2. Comprehensive Housing Assistance Program (CHAS) (Laid Over in Committee 6-26- 91) . THIS ISSUE WILL BE BEFORE THE HOUSING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE ON OCTOBER 9, 1991 FOR ACTION 3. Highwood Comprehensive Plan and Ordinance amendments - Staff presentation and Public Hearing. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL OF SUBSTITUTE ORDINANCES AS AMENDED, 4-0. COMMITTEE ALSO RECOMMENDED APPROVAL OF AN ADDITIONAL ORDINANCE ON THE TREE PRESERVATION OVERLAY DISTRICT �AS AMENDED, 4-0. THIS ISSUE HAS ALSO BEEN REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE, AND THE ORDINANCES WILL BE PUT ON THE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA AFTER THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE HAS DISCUSSED THESE ORDINANCES. THE COMMUNITY WOULD ALSO LIKE TO DISCUSS THESE ORDINANCES BEFORE THEY APPEAR ON THE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA. 4. • Tourism Initiative - Preliminary Staff report. THIS ISSUE WAS LAID OVER TO THE OCTOBER 9, 1991 HOUSING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING 5. Preliminary approval and authorization to execute a memorandum of understanding concerning a South St. Paul Tax Exempt Revenue Bond issue for the HealthEast Corporation (Citywide) (Referred from HRA 9-24-91) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, 4-0 � (HRA) CHAIR: Housing and Redevelopment Authority & Housing and Economic Development Committee COMMITTEES: Public Works & Intergovernmental Relations Printed on Recycled Paper ae.,�p s ����� � , `'� , �f i: !�a`�� �� ` '�'���� � ,� Car►ci t Fi le # �� —� / / � � � Ordinance # !�V � ,. Green Sheet # ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date An ordinance amending the Saint Paul Legislative Code so as to add provisions regulating the design, location, installation, use and maintenance of individual sewage treatment systems within the City of Saint Paul. The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: Section 1 That the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended so as to add the foTlowing provisions thereto: Chapter 50. Individual Sewage Treatment Systems Section 50.01. GENERAL. a. Short title. This ordinance shall be known and referred to as the Individual Sewage Treatment System Ordinance. b. Intent and p� This ordinance is adopted by the City of Saint Pau ^ � �•�rnoses: ,-�9 ll,^ � (1) To protect f � f L(���,�, . of the present and � iity; �,? t'^;!1-� %r r; ,. (2) To regulate --�!� y ation, use and maintenance ��� . f�,,� � ` �t systems; � ,_�l�Y; -; ; (3) To prevent J `�L��t{'� treated sewage to ground � ' � �r (4) To protect \S ` `�'.�r��.(�;r �` �-�, Y , resources within anc -�--�, _.! il 'from impairmen� � �t' t'�'�'� , (5) To prever cal ha;zards attribut� contam��ation of lands and waters; (6) To protect water supply wells from contamination''by inadequate or improperly designed, located, installed or maintained individual sewage treatment systems;`, ��'������ i ; ,t�;. : (7) To provide for the orderly development of the semi- �"g����9� rural areas of the community that are not served or � planned to be served by public sanitary sewer. These standards are not intended to cover systems treating industrial waste or other wastewater that may contain hazardous materials. Sec'�:. 50.02. DEFINITIONS. As used in this chapter, the terms defined in Minnesota Rules 1990, Chapter 7080.0020 are incorpprated herein by reference and shall be applicable to the provisions contained here. The following additional definitions shall apply to this chapter. Bedroom. Any room within a dwelling designed, used or intended for use as a sleeping room. Building Official. The head of the Building Inspection and Design Division of the Saint Paul Department of Community Services. Division of Public Health. The Public Health Division of the Saint Paul Department of Community Services. Dosing. The periodic application of effluent to the soil absorption area. Failing system. Any system being used beyond its design capacity or that for any other reason has failed to properly treat and/or dispose of the entire sewage input. Characteristics of a failing system include, but are not limited to, : 1) discharging pollutants or any liquid to the surface of the ground or to any lake, stream or other water body; 2) not accepting sewage input from an occupied building; 3) creating a safety hazard due to unprotected or improper construction or maintenance; or 4) creating a public nuisance in any manner. Filter material. Clean rock, crushed igneous rock or similar insoluble, durable and decay-resistant material free from dust, sand, silt or clay that is insoluble in sewage tank effluent. The size shall range from `three-fourths (3/4) inch to two-and-one-half (2-1/2) inch@s. Floodplain. That area adjoining a watercours��� at or below the water surface elevation that has been or h�'eafter may be covered by the 100 year regional flood of th�; Mississippi River. Generally, those areas zoned RC-1, River''��orridor - Floodway, or RC-2, River Corridor - Flood Fringe. �'�., Minnesota Rules 1990, Chapter 7080. The State Chapter containing minimum standards and criteria for the design, location, installation, use and maintenance of individual sewage treatment systems, as administered by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Water Quality Division. MPCA. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. 2 �������Y ����_,7�� Septic tank. Any watertight, covered receptacle designed ��''Y �,, and constructed to receive the discharge of sewage from a � building sewer, separate solids from liquid, digest organic matter and store liquids through a period of detention, and allow the clarified liquids to discharge to a soil treatment system. Slope. The inclination of the natural surface of the land from the horizontal; commonly described as the ratio of length to height. Sec. 50.03. COMPLIANCE WITH MINNESOTA RULES 1990, CHAPTER 7080. Existing individual sewage treatment systems and new individuai sewage treatment systems installed after the effective date of this ordinance shall comply with the requirements of Minnesota Rules 1990, Chapter 7080, unless modified in this ordinance. Sec. 50.04. EXISTING SYSTEMS. a. Diagram of existing system locations. Within six (6) months of the effective date of this ordinance, the owner shall have a diagram prepared for each individual sewage treatment system showing the location of the system and its components, as well as the location of the water supply well, if present. One copy of the diagram shall thereafter be kept on the premises, and a second copy shall be kept on file at the division of public health. The diagrams shall be updated when alterations or extensions are made to the system. b. Inspection of existing systems. Within twelve (12) months of the effective date of this ordinance all existing individual sewage treatment systems shall be inspected by an individual or firm certified by the MPCA as an inspector. The inspector shall verify that the diagram of the system location is accurate at the time of the inspection. A copy of the inspection report, on forms to be provided by the division of public health, and proof that either the system meets the requirements of this ordinance or that any necessary repairs have been made, shall be submitted to the building official and the division of public health within the time specified. In addition to the inspection report, the property owner shall submit to the division of public health such fee as may be set by the city council. Upon receipt of a complete inspection report and `fee, the division of public health shall send a certif`�cate to the property owner verifying that the system confo'�ns to the requirements of this ordinance. The certificate shall be in effect for a period of one year, and shall be re�ewed at the time of the annual maintenance inspection and upo�payment of the re-certification fee. � c. Compliance with standards. The building offici�l shall examine the inspection report and shall notify the ow�er of the property if the system does not meet the requirements of this ordinance. Those existing systems which are not designed, located, constructed, installed or maintained in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, but that 3 C`�������� � .v ,: , q� are not failing, shall be so redesigned, relocated, ��f`�� reconstructed, or replaced and otherwise brought into � compliance within one hundred eighty (180) days of notice and order to comply issued by the building official. Provided however that a failing system that shows evidence of sewage tank effluent discharge to the ground surface, ground or surface waters, or other evidence of failure to adequately treat the sewage tank effluent shall be replaced, reconstructed or repaired immediately when ordered to do so by the division of public health. Sec. 50.05. PERMIT. (a) Permit required. No person shall install, alter, repair or extend any individual sewage treatment system in the CitX of Saint Paul without first obtaining a permit from the buil•ding official for the specific work, and complying with the�'��rovisions of Chapter 33 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Permits shall not be required for normal routine inspection and maintenance of systems. (b) Treatment required. The system or systems shall be designed, insta�led and maintained to receive all sewage from the dwelling, building or other establishment served. Footing or roof drainage shall not enter any part of the system. Products containing hazardous materials must not be discharged to the system, other than a normal amount of household products and cleaners designed for household use. Substances not used for household cleaning, including solvents, pesticides, flammables, photo finishing chemicals or dry cleaning chemicals, must not be discharged to the system. (c) Application contents. Permit application shall be made in writing upon forms provided by the building official and shall contain data including, but not limited to, the following: (i) Correct legal description of the property on which the proposed work is to take place; (ii) Site plan, drawn to scale, showing the location of all proposed and existing structures in relation to the boundary lines of the property; present or proposed location of water sup�i�.y facilities and water supply piping; the name of._the individual or firm who will install the sewage �reatment system; terrain features such as bluff lin�s, water ways and water bodies; buried utilities; '��asements and other unique features of the site. '� (iii) A scale drawing showing the follow g, which shall be kept on file at the divisi of public health: � (a) Lot dimensions; (b) House location; 4 C���� " ,/ ; �.,., � , , �`� (c) Location and plan of the proposed individual ��/�7�`� sewage treatment system; �� (d) Relative elevations, in Saint Paul datum, of the house, lot corners and soil treatment area; (e) Locations and elevations of percolation test holes and soil borings; (f) Location of one alternate site for future e�cpansion or replacement of the soil treatment area, if available; �`- (g) Slope of ground at site of soil treatment ���'�, area; and (''2�) Distance to all surface waters, wells, '4 proposed wells, springs or other surface `'�, water within one hundred fifty (150) feet of ` the proposed soil treatment area. (iv) Soil test data, including soil boring logs, percolation test data wifih field notes, and location and identification of the test area; (v) Plans and details of the proposed installation or work, including engineering data when required and supporting data attesting to compliance with the minimum standards of this ordinance; (vi) Building plans showing existing and proposed room arrangement and uses; (vii) For other establishments, calculated or measured water use rates, occupancy and occupant load; and (viii) Evidence of compliance with State or other jurisdiction regulations`where applicable. (ix) The following supporting data, w�iich shall be kept on file at the division of health: (a) Log of all soil exploration work, including a description of the various strata encountered. (b) Groundwater conditions, including'`indications of seasonal groundwater fluctuations such as mottling. (c) Design data for the system. (d) Soil test data derived from soil borings and percolation tests for each proposed site'.or installation. In accordance with Minnesota Rules 7080.0110, subpart 3, at a minimum four (4}, satisfactory soil borings per site shall be'�made. Borings shall be made by auger or excavation'�:,and shall be staked and protected until notification `"`� 5 C�►������� �� r. . , �q<<79� � that field evaluation has been completed. If o e (1) or more borings encounters unsuitable or ,/ limiting conditions, additional borings shall be made in order to outline an adequate area of suitable soil conditions. (e) Results of at least two (2) soil percolation tests per site performed according to Minnesota Rules 7080.0110, subpart 4 and including: (i) Within the outlined area, a minimum of two (2) percolation tests, evenly spaced, shall be made. Where soil conditions vary within the tested area, one (1) additional percolation test shall be made in each soil type. (ii) Percolation rates shall be determined for each test hole and recorded on worksheets showing all measurements and calculations. (x) No building permit shall be issued for the construction, alteration, expansion or remodeling of any dwelling or other establishment served by an individual sewage treatment system until the permit required for the treatment system has been issued. Occupancy shall be prohibited until a final inspection of the system has been conducted. Whenever the addition of bedrooms or plumbing fixtures, or a change in the character or intensity of the established use is proposed, the existing sewage treatment system shall be reviewed and evaluated as to its ability to accommodate increased flows. The property owner shall be responsible for the replacement, repair, alteration or expansion of the existing system or any portion thereof necessary to properly treat and dispose of the increased sewage input from the building. (d) Site evaluation. An evaluation of the site's suitability for an individual sewage treatment system according to the evaluation factors provided in Minnesota Rules 7080.0110, Subpart 1 shall be made by an individual or firm certified by the MPCA as a site evaluator. If a suitable additional site for the installation of a second individual sewage treatment system is available, it shall also be identified in the site evaluation. Sec. 50.06. BUILDING OFFICIAL'S RESPONSIBILITY. (a) Building Official. The building official shall be responsible for administration and enforcement of the design, construction and installation provisions of this ordinance, including, but not limited to, reviewing and evaluating technical matters relating to system design and installation, and providing technical assistance and educational information to owners of individual sewage treatment systems. The building official or his/her agent shall be qualified and certified by the MPCA as competent in the inspection of individual sewage treatment systems. 6 �� , ' �,/�/��79� �( �t � �`" (b) The building official shall have the power to issue � orders to: (i) Suspend or revoke permits or stop action upon information indicating that the permit was issued in error or on the basis of incorrect or inadequate information, or that work is not being performed in compliance with the requirements of this ordinance. (ii) Require the correction of new or existing systems where, following inspection and evaluation, a system is determined to be defective. Sec. 50.07. DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH RESPONSIBILITY. (a) The division of public health shall be responsible for the administration and enforcement of the maintenance provisions of this ordinance, including, but not limited to, notifying the owners of individual sewage treatment systems of annual inspection dates, monitoring the results of annual maintenance inspections, insuring that pumping is performed as necessary, keeping on file annual inspection reports for each individual sewage treatment system, investigating complaints and ordering corrective action necessary to protect the health, safety and welfare of the community. (b) The division of public health shall have the power to: (i) Require property owners to cease and desist from the use of an individual sewage treatment system operating in a manner creating a hazard to the public health, safety or welfare; and (ii) Condemn a dwelling as unfit for human habitation where the imprczper functioning or failure of an individual sewage treatment system constitutes a hazard to the public health, safety or welfare of the occupants of the dwelling. Such action shall be in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 34. Sec. 50.08. LOCATION IN GENERAL. Individual sewage treatment systems and each component thereof shall be located and installed to insure that, with proper maintenance, the system will function in a sanitary manner, will not create a nuisance and will not contaminate any domestic water supply well. Location shall consider lot size and configuration, proposed structures and other improvements, topography, surface drainage, soil conditions, depth to groundwater, geology, existing and proposed water supply wells, accessibility for maintenance, expansion or replacement of the system, and setbacks as required in Table IV of this ordinance. Installation of systems in low swampy areas or drainage swales is prohibited. Systems may be located in the floodplain as long as they are set back from the normal high water mark in accordance with this ordinance, Table IV. Systems shall not be located within utility or drainage easements or within dedicated public or private rights-of-way. 7 �'�������= �., . q�-���� ��c.%r.� �� Sec. 50.09. CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS. �. (a) General. The design, construction and location of and the materials permitted for use in building sewers, shall be regulated by the Minnesota State Building Code, which incorporates by reference portions of the Minnesota Plumbing Code, and by specific provisions of the Minnesota Water Well Construction Code. (b) Meter. A water meter to measure flow to the soil treatment system shall be provided with all individual sewage treatment systems installed after the effective date of this Ordinance. (c) Sewage tanks. All sewage tanks, including septic and aerobic, shall be designed, constructed and shall conform with Minnesota Rules 7080.0130. (d) Capacity of septic tanks. (i) The liquid capacity of a septic tank serving a dwelling shall be based on the numbe= of bedrooms provided or contemplated in the dwelling served and shall be at least as large as the capacities given below: Number of Bedrooms Tank Liquid Capacities (Gallons) 2 or less 1,000 3 or 4 1,200 Number of Bedrooms Tank Liquid Capacities (Gallons) 5 or 6 1,500 7 - 9 2,000 For ten (10) or more bedrooms, the septic tank shall be sized as an other establishment. For multiple-family dwellings containing two (2) or more dwelling units, the size shall be the sum of the individual dwelling unit requirements. (ii) If a garbage disposal unit is installed in a residence or other establishment at any time, septic tank capacity shall be at least fifty (50) percent greater than that required in item (i) above. Either multiple compartments or multiple tanks must be provided. (e) Location of septic tanks. Septic tanks shall be located as required in Minnesota Rules 7080.0130, Subpart 4, and may be placed in the floodplain as long as they are set back from the ordinary high water mark in accordance with this ordinance, Table IV. 8 C����I1��� ,� ,, �; �d-.,����� (f) Maintenance of new and existing septic tanks. Septic � tanks shall be maintained as required in Minnesota Rules 7080.0130, Subpart 5, and as follows: (i) Each newly installed septic tank and existing septic tank shall be maintained in proper operating condition at all times. (ii) The owner of each septic tank shall be responsible for an annual maintenance inspection of the tank, as required in section 3-� �:#�::k:;�:�: (c) of this ordinance. Verification o�`�A`t�e inspection and a full reporting of the results of the inspection shall be submitted to the division of public health. (iii) Pumping for the removal of septage shall be performed only by persons or firms certified by the MPCA as pumpers. (iv) Disposal of septage shall be only at approved disposal sites or facilities. Dumping or spreading of septage on the surface of the ground is prohibited except where surface disposal sites have been specifically approved and permitted by the appropriate governmental unit. (v) The division of public health shall maintain appropriate records of septage pumping and disposal activities and shall require such reporting by owners as is reasonable and necessary to insure that adequate maintenance and disposal is being accomplished. (vi) In any instance where it is determined that maintenance practices or procedures are inadequate or improper, the division of public health shall require the owner to comply with the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 50.10. FINAL TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL. Final treatment and disposal of all sewage tank effluent shall be by means of a standard soil treatment and disposal system, except in those cases where use of an alternative system is required. System sizing, location, design and construction shall comply with the following requirements: (a) System sizing. System sizing shall be as provided in Minnesota Rules 7080.0170. Sewage flow shall be estimated based on Class I dwellings, as required in Table II of Minnesota Rules 7080.0170 Subpart 2.A. (b) System location. System location shall be as required in Minnesota Rules 7080.0170, Subpart 2.B. in accordance with the following table: 9 �1���'��`�:�� ' �, �,'+�„ `' /�/��7q � Table IV � Minimum setback distances (feet) Feature Sewage Soil treatment tank area Water supply well less than fifty (50) feet deep and not encountering at least ten (10) feet of impervious material 100 100 Any other water supply well or buried water suction pipe 75 75 Buried pipe distributing water under pressure 10 10 Buildings 10 20 Property lines 10 10 Established River Corridor bluff lines 40 40 The ordinary high water mark of: Recreation Development Lakes and Streams 75 75 Urban and Tributary River Segments 50 50 Wetlands (1 acre or larger) 50 50 In the floodplain soil treatment areas shall be set back from the normal high water mark in accordance with the above Table IV. (c) System design and construction. System design and construction shall be as required in Minnesota Rules 7080.0170, Subpart 2.C. , and as follows: (i) In soils having percolation rates of fifteen (15) minutes per inch or faster, the bottom of the filter material shall be at least four (4) feet above the water table or bedrock. (ii) In soils having percolation rates of sixteen (16) minutes per inch through sixty (60) minutes per inch, the bottom of the filter material shall be at least three (3) feet above the water table or bedrock. (iii) Excavation equipment or other vehicles shall not be driven on the soil treatment area. Sec. 50.11. ALTERNATIVE SYSTEMS. General. Extreme caution and careful planning shall be employed for the 10 r._ ��-� � �,.+. r. � 1 ������� 4� �:_, ` ' �`�.-�/-/794< �-,,, design, location, installation, use and maintenance of f alternative sewage treatment systems wherever limiting characteristics, including but not limited to proximity to water table or bedrock and rapidly or slowly permeable soils, exist. In no case are privies, seepage pits, cesspools or holding tanks allowed. In general, alternative systems for sewage treatment and disposal shall comply with the conditions found in Minnesota Rules 7080.0180. Sec. 50.12. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE. (a) General requirements. (i) Each individual sewage treatment system existing as of the date of adoption of this ordinance, as well as those installed under this ordinance, shall be operated and maintained according to the provisions of this section. (ii) Responsibility for the proper operation and maintenance of individual sewage treatment systems shall be as follows: (a) The owner of each dwelling unit or other establishment served by an individual sewage treatment system shall be responsible for the adequate and proper functioning and maintenance of the system. It shall be the owner's responsibility to show that the individual sewage treatment system is in conformance with all requirements of this ordinance, and that the system properly treats and disposes of all sewage input from an occupied building. (b) The division of public health shall investigate complaints and order corrective action to protect the health, safety and welfare of the community in the event that the responsible owner is negligent or fails to take action as required by this ordinance. (iii) It shall be unlawful for an owner or occupant to allow inadequately treated septage to seep or flow to the surface of the ground or into surface or ground waters, or to allow an overflow. Any system so performing shall be pumped immediately by an individual or firm certified by the MPCA as a pumper and as often thereafter as necessary until satisfactory repairs have been made. Any costs related to pumping and subsequent repairs shall be borne by the property owner. (b) Installation inspection. (i) Installation inspections shall be performed by the building official at each installation, prior to any work having been covered by backfill. 11 ������ � � { f� �--�i i��� (ii) The owner shall notify the building official at J � least twenty four (24) hours prior to the time work is ready for inspection or reinspection. (iii) Work that is backfilled prior to required inspection may be ordered to be uncovered whenever necessary to determine compliance. (iv) When, upon inspection, any part of the system is determined not to be in compliance with this ordinance, written notice shall be provided by the building official indicating the deficiency and any required corrections. (v) Noted deficiencies shall be properly corrected and reinspected before work on the project is continued. (vi) No individual sewage treatment system shall be placed or replaced in service until final inspection and approval of the installation. (vii) Fees for inspections or reinspections shall be as set by council resolution. (c) Maintenance inspections. (i) A maintenance inspection shall be performed annually by an individual or firm certified by the MPCA to provide inspection and maintenance services. Such inspection shall include, but shall not be limited to: (a) Measurement of accumulated sludge and scum in the septic tank. (b) Inspection of effluent levels in soil treatment systems provided with inspection wells. (c) Inspection of pumps and pump stations when included as part of the system. (d) Inspection of distribution devices and drop boxes. (e) A description of any repairs or alterations made to the system since the last annual inspection. (ii) The owner or occupant of the property shall provide access at reasonable times for the purpose of performing an inspection as required under this ordinance. (iii) Within thirty (30) days of the annual inspection, the owner shall submit in writing a report to the division of public health, including a determination of the conformance 12 ��������. � � ��q,�r��� of the system with the requirements of this ordinance. The report shall be on forms provided by the division of public health and shall be accompanied by such fee as may be prescribed by the city council. Upon receipt of a complete inspection report and fee, the division of public health shall send a certificate, to be in effect for one year, to the property owner verifying that the system confonas to the requirements of this ordinance. (d) Pumping. (i) Whenever inspection of the septic tank discloses that the accumulated sludge in the bottom of the tank has reached a point twelve (12) inches or less from the bottom of the outlet baffle device, or that the bottom of the floating scum layer is less than three (3) inches above the bottom of the outlet baffle device, the owner shall have the tank promptly pumped to remove all accumulated septage. If a conforming septic tank serving a dwelling is regularly pumped on an annual basis, the requirement for an annual inspection of sludge and scum accumulation shall be waived. Pumping shall be performed by an individual or firm certified by the MPCA as a pumper. (ii) No septic tank shall remain in service without being pumped at least once every three (3) years, whether or not the measurement indicates a sludge build-up. Each existing septic tank shall be pumped at least once within thirty six (36) months of the effective date of this ordinance and thereafter at least once within thirty six (36) months of each succeeding pumping. (iii) Whenever inspection of pump stations, distribution devices or drop boxes indicates the accumulation of solids, such devices shall be promptly cleaned. (iv) Every septic tank pumping shall be reported by the owner to the division of public health on forms provided for that purpose within thirty (30) calendar days of the pumping. The report shall include the owner's name and address, the date of the pumping, the contractor who performed the pumping, the number of gallons removed and the location of sewage disposal. (e) Disposal of septage. Septage shall be disposed of only by approved means into the metropolitan sewage treatment system. Disposal of septage within the City of Saint Paul shall be by means approved by the department of public works. 13 ���������. ,; ,� : �'������� (f) Records and reports. It shall be the responsibility of � the owner to maintain accurate records of maintenance, inspection and pumping, and to report such data annually to the division of public health on forms provided by the City. (g) Inspection. The building official or division of public health shall have the authority to inspect individual sewage treatment systems, following adequate notice, when there is probable cause to believe that a hazard to the public health, safety or welfare exists. (h) Owners failure to maintain, nuisance. Failure on the part of the owner to inspect, pump and/or maintain the owner's individual sewage treatment system as required by this ordinance may constitute a nuisance and may be abated by the city pursuant to the provisions of chapter 45. Sec. 50.13. VARIANCES. The property code enforcement board of appeals, in accordance with the provisions of chapter 18 may, with the approval of the City Council, modify or revoke any order and may grant an extension of time where the board finds that there is practical difficulty or undue hardship connected with compliance with the provisions of this ordinance, or any applicable rules or regulations issued pursuant thereto. In no event shall a variance be granted if to do so would cause a threat to the public health, safety or welfare. Also no action by the board of appeals shall exempt an owner from meeting the inspection and reporting requirements set forth herein. Section 2 If any provisions of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions of this Ordinance that can be given effect without application of the invalid provision. To this end, the provisions of all articles, sections or subsections, or subdivisions herein and the various applications thereof are declared to be severable. Section 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication. 14 ������? � _, � _ �;�,l ,k . �',�q'i--r��� Section 4 " This ordinance shall be deemed a part of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and shall be incorporated therein and given the chapter number and/or section number at the time of the next revision of the Legislative Code. Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: Dimond Goswitz LOn9 Maccabee Rettman T— u� ui[son BY� Form A roved by City Attorney Adopted by Canci l: Date Adoption Certified by Camcil Secretary gY: �b—r—��1 BY� Approv by Mayor for Submission to Caxici t Approved by Mayor: Date ey: By: . . . n'/ ������"� '� `��Council File ,� ��� 7 `+' � \\ �, �,, ' Ordinance � •,� .__. �.. Green Sheet #` i `; ORDINANCE . `';� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ,.,` �-�--� Presented By�'`•:,. •/'� �� f ,. t r \� Referred To �.�nc, ` � r�,-<<;y�_, ,c o, � �,{ (..;;,,.- � Committee: Date �:�� �i/ ,� �� /t�l&�t./.�.� ,�E jC�-c./.��:! c i_ �f�, -IO , �;. ,. �. ,,� An ordinan�e amending the Saint Paul Legislative Code so as to ad�} provisions regulating the design, location, ins�tallation, use and maintenance of individual se�,age treatment systems within the City of Saint Paul. `�� The Council of the Cit� of Saint Paul Does Ordain: �''°� Section 1 � That the Saint Paul I:�egislative Code be and is hereby amended so as to add the fa.11owing provisions thereto: Chapter 50. Individt�al Sewage Treatment Systems Section 50. 01. GENERAL. ' a. Short title. This ord�inance shall be known and referred to as the Individual, Sewage Treatment System Ordinance. b. Intent and purpose. This ordinance is adopted by the City of Saint Paul for the follo�aing purposes: (1) To protect the health, safety `and welfare of the present and future residents of� the community; (2) To regulate the design, location;�, installation, use and maintenance of individual sewage treatment systems; (3) To prevent the discharge of inadequa�tely treated sewage to ground or surface waters; (4) To protect land, water and other natural resources within and outside the City of Saint Paul from impairment, pollution or destruction; `"r� a. (5) To prevent and avoid health and ecological''`�•a�hazards attributable to bacterial and chemical cont�mination of lands and waters; ��� e:. (6) To protect water supply wells from contamination by inadequate or improperly designed, located, installed or maintained individual sewage treatment systems; ��I��g�`�::,;:: , �"��-1�9� (7) To provide for the orderly development of the semi- ✓ rural areas of the community that are not served or planned to be served by public sanitary sewer. These standards are not intended to cover systems treating industrial waste or other wastewater that may contain hazardous materials. Sec. 50. 02. DEFINITIONS. As used in this chapter, the terms defined in Minnesota Rules 1990, Chapter 7080. 0020 are incorporated herein by reference and shall be applicable to the, provisions contained here. The following additional definitions shall apply to this chapter. Bedroom, Any room within a dwelling designed, used or intended''-for use as a sleeping room. Building Off,icial. The head of the Building Inspection and Design Division of the Saint Paul Department of Community Services. Division of Publi'c Health. The Public Health Division of the Saint Paul Department of Community Services. Dosing. The periodic, application of effluent to the soil absorption area. Failing system. Any system being used beyond its design capacity or that for any other reason has failed to properly treat and/or dispose of the entire sewage input. Characteristics of a failing:; system include, but are not limited to, : 1) discharging .,pollutants or any liquid to the surface of the ground or tq any lake, stream or other water body; 2) not accepting sewage input from an occupied building; 3) creating a safety hazard due to unprotected or improper construction or maintenance; or 4) creating a public nuisance in any manner. Filter material. Clean rock, crushed igneous rock or similar insoluble, durable and decay-resistant material free from dust, sand, silt or clay that is insoluble in sewage tank effluent. The size shall range from three-fourths (3/4) inch to two-and-one-half (2-1/2) inches. Floodplain. That area adjoining a watercourse at or below the water surface elevation that has been or-,hereafter may be covered by the 100 year regional flood of �he Mississippi ' River. Generally, those areas zoned RC-1, River Corridor - Floodway, or RC-2, River Corridor - Flood Fringe. Minnesota Rules 1990, Chapter 7080. The State Chapter containing minimum standards and criteria for the ``-design, location, installation, use and maintenance of indY�idual sewage treatment systems, as administered by the Min,�esota Pollution Control Agency, Water Quality Division. �;� MPCA. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. ^�`� 2 ���'�%����a�. - �F-��--�7q�f Septic tank. Any watertight, covered receptacle designed ✓ and constructed to receive the discharge of sewage from a building sewer, separate solids from liquid, digest organic � matter and store liquids through a period of detention, and allow the clarified liquids to discharge to a soil treatment system. Slope. The inclination of the natural surface of the land from the horizontal; commonly described as the ratio of `:.length to height. Sec. 50.03 . COMPLIANCE WITH MINNESOTA RULES 1990, CHAPTER 708'(3�. Existing individual sewage treatment systems and new indi��dual sewage treatment systems installed after the effect�,ve date of this ordinance shall comply with the requireiitients of Minnesota Rules 1990, Chapter 7080, unless modif ied '"°�.n this ordinance. w� �� Sec. 50. 04.'`�4. EXISTING SYSTEMS. a. Diagram of; existing system locations. Within six (6) months of the e�:fective date of this ordinance, the owner shall have a diag�am prepared for each individual sewage treatment system showing the location of the system and its components, as well�'��;as the location of the water supply well, if present. Oi%� copy of the diagram shall thereafter be kept on the premises, and a second copy shall be kept on file at the division of'e>public health. The diagrams shall be updated when alterations or extensions are made to the system. b. Inspection of existing systems. Within twelve (12) months of the effective date 'of this ordinance all existing individual sewage treatment systems shall be inspected by an individual or firm certified by the MPCA as an inspector. The inspector shall verify that the diagram of the system location is accurate at the time of the inspection. A copy of the inspection report, on forms to be provided by the division of public health, and proof that either the system meets the requirements of this ordinance or that any necessary repairs have been made, shall be submitted to the building official and the division of public health within the time specified. In addition to the ``�.nspection report, the property owner shall submit to the division of public health such fee as may be set by the city council. Upon receipt of a complete inspection report and' fee, the division of public health shall send a certificate to the property owner verifying that the system conforms to the requirements of this ordinance. The certificate shall be in effect for a period of one year, and shall be renewed at the time of the annual maintenance inspection and upon payment of the re-certification fee. c. Compliance with standards. The building official shall examine the inspection report and shall notify the o�ner of the property if the system does not meet the requirem��ts of this ordinance. Those existing systems which are not '- designed, located, constructed, installed or maintained'..in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, but that 3 OR�Gl�iA:l ��q�-'79�' J are not failing, shall be so redesigned, relocated, reconstructed, or replaced and otherwise brought into compliance within one hundred eighty (180) days of notice and order to comply issued by the building official. Provided however that a failing system that shows evidence of sewage tank effluent discharge to the ground surface, ground or surface waters, or other evidence of failure to adequately treat the sewage tank effluent shall be replaced, reconstructed or repaired immediately when ordered to do so by the division of public health. Sec. 50. 05. PERMIT. (a) ` Permit required. No person shall install, alter, repair or extend any individual sewage treatment system in the City of Saint Paul without first obtaining a permit from the bui`lding official for the specific work, and complying with the provisions of Chapter 33 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Permits shall not be required for normal routine inspection and maintenance of systems. (b) Treatment required. The system or systems shall be designed, insta�led and maintained to receive all sewage from the dwelling, building or other establishment served. Footing or roof cTrainage shall not enter any part of the system. Products containing hazardous materials must not be discharged to the sy.�tem, other than a normal amount of household products and cleaners designed for household use. Substances not used for household cleaning, including solvents, pesticides, f'7�ammables, photo finishing chemicals or dry cleaning chemical's, must not be discharged to the system. (c) Application contents. `•.Permit application shall be made in writing upon forms provided by the building official and shall contain data including, `but not limited to, the following: (i) Correct legal description of the property on which the proposed work is to take place; (ii) Site plan, drawn to scale, ; showing the location of all proposed and existing structures in relation to the boundary lines of the,property; present or proposed location of water supply facilities and water supply piping; the name of the individual or firm who will install the sewage treatment system; terrain features such as bluff lines, water ways and water bodies; buried utilities; easements and other unique features of the site:: (iii) A scale drawing showing the fol� owing, which shall be kept on file at the di� .sion of public health: (a) Lot dimensions; ��� (b) House location; �� _1 �� 4 �Rl�i�lA.l . �f���f' r-��� ✓ (c) Location and plan of the proposed indivi�d"uaI sewage treatment system; �� (d) Relative elevations, in Saint Paul datum, of � the house, lot corners and soil treatment area; "'{,. , 4� (e) Locations and elevations of percolation test ;� holes and soil borings; � � �s� (f) Location of one alternate site for future expansion or replacement of the soil treatment area, if available; ?'�-,: (g) Slope of ground at site of soil treatment `' area; and '�� (h� Distance to all surface waters, wells, `�,; proposed wells, springs or other surface ''°•:water within one hundred fifty (150) feet of ��e proposed soil treatment area. (iv) Soil test data, including soil boring logs, percolation test data with'��:;field notes, and location and identification of the test area; (v) Plans and details�``°of the proposed installation or work, including engineering data when required and supporting data attesting to compliance with the minimum standards of this ordinance; (vi) Building plans showing existing and proposed room arrangement and uses; (vii) For other establishmerits, calculated or measured water use rates, occupancy and occupant load; and �. (viii) Evidence of compliance w'i�h State or other jurisdiction regulations wT�ere applicable. .�,, (ix) The following supporting data, whi�ch shall be kept on file at the division of health: (a) Log of all soil exploration work;, including a description of the various strata encountered. (b) Groundwater conditions, including indications of seasonal groundwater fluctuations such as mottling. 'y t. (c) Design data for the system. � � (d) Soil test data derived from soil borings nd percolation tests for each proposed site installation. In accordance with Minnesot Rules 7080. 0110, subpart 3, at a minimum four (4) � z satisfactory soil borings per site shall be made. Borings shall be made by auger or excavation and shall be staked and protected until notification 5 �RIC�a�IAI. � �=9%i79� ,/ that field evaluation has been completed. If one (1) or more borings encounters unsuitable or limiting conditions, additional borings shall be made in order to outline an adequate area of suitable soil conditions. (e) Results of at least two (2) soil percolation tests per site performed according to Minnesota Rules 7080. 0110, subpart 4 and including: (i) Within the outlined area, a minimum of two (2) percolation tests, evenly spaced, shall be made. Where soil conditions vary within the tested area, one (1) additional percolation test shall be made in each soil type. (ii) Percolation rates shall be determined for each test hole and recorded on worksheets showing all measurements and calculations. (x) No building permit shall be issued for the construction, alteration, expansion or remodeling of any dwelling or other establishment served by an individual sewage treatment system until the permit required for the treatment system has been issued. Occupancy shall be prohibited until a final inspection of the system has been conducted. Whenever the addition of bedrooms or plumbing fixtures, or a change in the character or intensity of the established use is proposed, the existing sewage treatment system shall be reviewed and evaluated as to its ability to accommodate increased flows. The property owner shall be responsible for the replacement, repair, alteration or expansion of the existing system or any portion thereof necessary to properly treat and dispose of the increased sewage input from the building. (d) Site evaluation. An evaluation of the site's suitability for an individual sewage treatment system according to the evaluation factors provided in Minnesota Rules 7080. 0110, Subpart 1 shall be made by an individual or firm certified by the MPCA as a site evaluator. If a suitable additional site for the installation of a second individual sewage treatment system is available, it shall also be identified in the site evaluation. Sec. 50. 06. BUILDING OFFICIAL'S RESPONSIBILITY. (a) Building Official. The building official shall be responsible for administration and enforcement of the design, construction and installation provisions of this ordinance, including, but not limited to, reviewing and evaluating technical matters relating to system design and installation, and providing technical assistance and educational information to owners of individual sewage treatment systems. The building official or his/her agent shall be qualified and certified by the MPCA as competent in the inspection of individual sewage treatment systems. 6 �RIGI�I�� �=�i-���� ✓ (b) The building official shall have the power to issue orders to: (i) Suspend or revoke permits or stop action upon information indicating that the permit was issued in error or on the basis of incorrect or inadequate information, or that work is not being performed in compliance with the requirements of this ordinance. (ii) Require the correction of new or existing systems where, following inspection and evaluation, a system is determined to be defective. Sec. 50. 07. DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH RESPONSIBILITY. (a) The division of public health shall be responsible for the administration and enforcement of the maintenance provisions of this ordinance, including, but not limited to, notifying the owners of individual sewage treatment systems of annual inspection dates, monitoring the results of annual maintenance inspections, insuring that pumping is performed as necessary, keeping on file annual inspection reports for each individual sewage treatment system, investigating complaints and ordering corrective action necessary to protect the health, safety and welfare of the community. (b) The division of public health shall have the power to: (i) Require property owners to cease and desist from the use of an individual sewage treatment system operating in a manner creating a hazard to the public health, safety or welfare; and (ii) Condemn a dwelling as unfit for human habitation where the improper functioning or failure of an individual sewage treatment system constitutes a hazard to the public health, safety or welfare of the occupants of the dwelling. Such action shall be in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 34 . Sec. 50. 08. LOCATION IN GENERAL. Individual sewage treatment systems and each component thereof shall be located and installed to insure that, with proper maintenance, the system will function in a sanitary manner, will not create a nuisance and will not contaminate any domestic water supply well. Location shall consider lot size and configuration, proposed structures and other improvements, topography, surface drainage, soil conditions, depth to groundwater, geology, existing and proposed water supply wells, accessibility for maintenance, expansion or replacement of the system, and setbacks as required in Table IV of this ordinance. Installation of systems in low swampy areas or drainage swales is prohibited. Systems may be located in the floodplain as long as they are set back from the normal high water mark in accordance with this ordinance, Table IV. Systems shall not be located within utility or drainage easements or within dedicated public or private rights-of-way. 7 �J�i��,��: ��"�����;.�, � ��-(j//79f� ✓ :�t Sec. 50.09. CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS. ��""� (a) General. The design, construction and location of and the materials permitted for use in building sewers, shall be regulated by the Minnesota State Building Code, which incorporates by reference portions of the Minnesota Plumbing Code, and by specific provisions of the Minnesota Water Well Construction Code. (b) Meter. A water meter to measure flow to the soil treatment system shall be provided with all individual sewage treatment systems installed after the effective date of this Ordinance. (c) Sewage tanks. All sewage tanks, including septic and aerobic, shall be designed, constructed and shall conform with Minnesota Rules 7080.0130. (d) Capacity of septic tanks. , (i) The liquid capacity of a septic tank serving a dwelling shall be based on the number of bedrooms provided or contemplated in the dwelling served and shall be at least as large as the capacities given below: Number of Bedrooms Tank Liquid Capacities (Gallons) 2 or less 1, 000 3 or 4 1,200 Number of Bedrooms Tank Liquid Capacities (Gallons) 5 or 6 1,500 7 - 9 2, 000 For ten (10) or more bedrooms, the septic tank shall be sized as an other establishment. For multiple-family dwellings containing two (2) or more dwelling units, the size shall be the sum of the individual dwelling unit requirements. (ii) If a garbage disposal unit is installed in a residence or other establishment at any time, septic tank capacity shall be at least fifty (50) percent greater than that required in item a above. Either multiple compartments or multiple tanks must be provided. (e) Location of septic tanks. Septic tanks shall be located as required in Minnesota Rules 7080. 0130, Subpart 4, and may be placed in the floodplain as long as they are set back from the ordinary high water mark in accordance with this ordinance, Table IV. 8 �RI�I�I�� ���-��� � (f) Maintenance of new and existing septic tanks. Sep�ic tanks shall be maintained as required in Minnesota Rules 7080.0130, Subpart 5, and as follows: (i) Each newly installed septic tank and existing septic tank shall be maintained in proper operating condition at all times. (ii) The owner of each septic tank shall be responsible for an annual maintenance inspection of the tank, as required in section 11 (c) of this ordinance. Verification of the inspection and a full reporting of the results of the inspection shall be submitted to the division of public health. (iii) Pumping for the removal of septage shall be performed only by persons or firms certified by the MPCA as pumpers. (iv) Disposal of septage shall be only at approved disposal sites or facilities. Dumping or spreading of septage on the surface of the ground is prohibited except where surface disposal sites have been specifically approved and permitted by the appropriate governmental unit. (v) The division of public health shall maintain appropriate records of septage pumping and disposal activities and shall require such reporting by owners as is reasonable and necessary to insure that adequate maintenance and disposal is being accomplished. (vi) In any instance where it is determined that maintenance practices or procedures are inadequate or improper, the division of public health shall require the owner to comply with the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 50. 10. FINAL TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL. Final treatment and disposal of all sewage tank effluent shall be by means of a standard soil treatment and disposal system, except in those cases where use of an alternative system is required. System sizing, location, design and construction shall comply with the following requirements: (a) System sizing. System sizing shall be as provided in Minnesota Rules 7080.0170. Sewage flow shall be estimated based on Class I dwellings, as required in Table II of Minnesota Rules 7080.0170 Subpart 2 .A. (b) System location. System location shall be as required in Minnesota Rules 7080.0170, Subpart 2 .B. in accordance with the following table: 9 E °� �. ����.�� X� �_. , �j_/�9� �/ �:� � Table IV Minimum setback distances (feet) Feature Sewage Soil treatment tank area Water supply well less than fifty (50) feet deep and not encountering at least ten (10) feet of impervious material 100 100 Any other water supply well or buried water suction pipe 75 75 Buried pipe distributing water under pressure 10 10 Buildings 10 20 Property lines l0 10 Established River Corridor bluff lines 40 40 The ordinary high water mark of: Recreation Development Lakes and Streams 75 75 Urban and Tributary River Segments 50 50 Wetlands (1 acre or larger) 50 50 In the floodplain soil treatment areas shall be set back from the normal high water mark in accordance with the above Table IV. (c) System design and construction. System design and construction shall be as required in Minnesota Rules 7080. 0170, Subpart 2 .C. , and as follows: (i) In soils having percolation rates of fifteen (15) minutes per inch or faster, the bottom of the filter material shall be at least four (4) feet above the water table or bedrock. (ii) In soils having percolation rates of sixteen (16) minutes per inch through sixty (60) minutes per inch, the bottom of the filter material shall be at least three (3) feet above the water table or bedrock. (iii) Excavation equipment or other vehicles shall not be driven on the soil treatment area. Sec. 50. 11. ALTERNATIVE SYSTEMS. General. Extreme caution and careful planning shall be employed for the 10 �������,� �c�l��79�✓ design, location, installation, use and maintenance of alternative sewage treatment systems wherever limiting characteristics, including but not limited to proximity to water table or bedrock and rapidly or slowly permeable soils, exist. In no case are privies, seepage pits, cesspools or holding tanks allowed. In general, alternative systems for sewage treatment and disposal shall comply with the conditions found in Minnesota Rules 7080. 0180. Sec. 50. 12 . OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE. (a) General requirements. (i) Each individual sewage treatment system existing as of the date of adoption of this ordinance, as well as those installed under this ordinance, shall be operated and maintained according to the provisions of this section. (ii) Responsibility for the proper operation and maintenance of individual sewage treatment systems shall be as follows: (a) The owner of each dwelling unit or other establishment served by an individual sewage treatment system shall be responsible for the adequate and proper functioning and maintenance of the system. It shall be the owner's responsibility to show that the individual sewage treatment system is in conformance with all requirements of this ordinance, and that the system properly treats and disposes of all sewage input from an occupied building. (b) The division of public health shall investigate complaints and order corrective action to protect the health, safety and welfare of the community in the event that the responsible owner is negligent or fails to take action as required by this ordinance. (iii) It shall be unlawful for an owner or occupant to allow inadequately treated septage to seep or flow to the surface of the ground or into surface or ground waters, or to allow an overflow. Any system so performing shall be pumped immediately by an individual or firm certified by the MPCA as a pumper and as often thereafter as necessary until satisfactory repairs have been made. Any costs related to pumping and subsequent repairs shall be borne by the property owner. (b) Installation inspection. (i) Installation inspections shall be performed by the building official at each installation, prior to any work having been covered by backfill. il ���������, P�4�-��79��/ (ii) The owner shall notify the building official at least twenty four (24) hours prior to the time work is ready for inspection or reinspection. (iii) Work that is backfilled prior to required inspection may be ordered to be uncovered whenever necessary to determine compliance. (iv) When, upon inspection, any part of the system is determined not to be in compliance with this ordinance, written notice shall be provided by the building official indicating the deficiency and any required corrections. (v) Noted deficiencies shall be properly corrected and reinspected before work on the project is continued. (vi) No individual sewage treatment system shall be placed or replaced in service until final inspection and approval of the installation. (vii) Fees for inspections or reinspections shall be as set by council resolution. (c) Maintenance inspections. (i) A maintenance inspection shall be performed annually by an individual or firm certified by the MPCA to provide inspection and maintenance services. Such inspection shall include, but shall not be limited to: (a) Measurement of accumulated sludge and scum in the septic tank. (b) Inspection of effluent levels in soil treatment systems provided with inspection wells. (c) Inspection of pumps and pump stations when included as part of the system. (d) Inspection of distribution devices and drop boxes. (e) A description of any repairs or alterations made to the system since the last annual inspection. (ii) The owner or occupant of the property shall provide access at reasonable times for the purpose of performing an inspection as required under this ordinance. (iii) Within thirty (30) days of the annual inspection, the owner shall submit in writing a report to the division of public health, including a determination of the conformance 12 �Ri�►����- �y'/� /�9��/ of the system with the requirements of this ordinance. The report shall be on forms provided by the division of public health and shall be accompanied by such fee as may be prescribed by the city council. Upon receipt of a complete inspection report and fee, the division of public health shall send a certificate, to be in effect for one year, to the property owner verifying that the system conforms to the requirements of this ordinance. (d) Pumping. (i) Whenever inspection of the septic tank discloses that the accumulated sludge in the bottom of the tank has reached a point twelve (12) inches or less from the bottom of the outlet baffle device, or that the bottom of the floating scum layer is less than three (3) inches above the bottom of the outlet baffle device, the owner shall have the tank promptly pumped to remove all accumulated septage. If a conforming septic tank serving a dwelling is regularly pumped on an annual basis, the requirement for an annual inspection of sludge and scum accumulation shall be waived. Pumping shall be performed by an individual or firm certified by the MPCA as a pumper. (ii) No septic tank shall remain in service without being pumped at least once every three (3) years, whether or not the measurement indicates a sludge build-up. Each existing septic tank shall be pumped at least once within thirty six (36) months of the effective date of this ordinance and thereafter at least once within thirty six (36) months of each succeeding pumping. (iii) Whenever inspection of pump stations, distribution devices or drop boxes indicates the accumulation of solids, such devices shall be promptly cleaned. (iv) Every septic tank pumping shall be reported by the owner to the division of public health on forms provided for that purpose within thirty (30) calendar days of the pumping. The report shall include the owner's name and address, the date of the pumping, the contractor who performed the pumping, the number of gallons removed and the location of sewage disposal. (e) Disposal of septage. Septage shall be disposed of only by approved means into the metropolitan sewage treatment system. Disposal of septage within the City of Saint Paul shall be by means approved by the department of public works. 13 ��IG���;N �y����9�J (f') Records and reports. It shall be the responsibility of the owner to maintain accurate records of maintenance, inspection and pumping, and to report such data annually to the division of public health on forms provided by the City. (g) Inspection. The building official or division of public health shall have the authority to inspect individual sewage treatment systems, following adequate notice, when there is probable cause to believe that a hazard to the public health, safety or welfare exists. (h) Owners failure to maintain, nuisance. Failure on the part of the owner to inspect, pump and/or maintain the owner's individual sewage treatment system as required by this ordinance may constitute a nuisance and may be abated by the city pursuant to the provisions of chapter 45. Sec. 50. 13. VARIANCES. The property code enforcement board of appeals, in accordance with the provisions of chapter 18 may, with the approval of the City Council, modify or revoke any order and may grant an extension of time where the board finds that there is practical difficulty or undue hardship connected with compliance with the provisions of this ordinance, or any applicable rules or regulations issued pursuant thereto. In no event shall a variance be granted if to do so would cause a threat to the public health, safety or welfare. Also no action by the board of appeals shall exempt an owner from meeting the inspection and reporting requirements set forth herein. Section 2 If any provisions of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions of this Ordinance that can be given effect without application of the invalid provision. To this end, the provisions of all articles, sections or subsections, or subdivisions herein and the various applications thereof are declared to be severable. Section 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication. 14 �r,����;�`���. � ��„ � 7�� ,1 Section 4 This ordinance shall be deemed a part of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and shall be incorporated therein and given the chapter number and/or section number at the time of the next revision of the Legislative Code. Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: Dimond oswz�z o� Planning a Economic Development �abee e man � �1� u3'� g C A�n Y: Form Ap oved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gY: _ BY� App v d by Mayor for Submission to Council _ Approved by Mayor: Date ������ _ / Y� By: By: . . . . �;�f���9� ✓ FINANCIAL IMPACT OF THE INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM ORDINANCE T'his ordinance is primarily the responsibility of the Building Official and the Division of Public Health. While the duties assigned the Building Official are already being done and thus do not require additional staff, those assigned the Division of Public Health are new and do require additional funding. We propose that this funding come from user fees paid by the owner of an individual sewage treatment system (septic tank) at the time of an initial inspection (for all septic tanks in existence at the time the ordinance is adopted) and on an annual basis when the systems are recertified. There are two points at which a fee would be required. First is at the time an existing septic tank is inspected. The ordinance states that, within 12 months of adoption of the ordinance, all existing systems shall be inspected and an inspection report (provided by the Division of Public Health) submitted to Public Health, along with such fee as may be prescribed by the City Council. Upon receipt of a completed and satisfactory report and payment of the fee, Public Health will send a certificate to the property owner verifying that the system conforms to the requirements of the ordinance. Thereafter, on an annual basis, the property owner is required to have an inspection of the system, submit a completed inspection report form and pay the requisite fee for recertification. All new septic tanks installed after the effective date of the ordinance must also file annual inspection reports and pay the recertification fee. In addition to the annual inspection, the ordinance requires septic tank pumping at least every three years. A pumping report must be submitted to Public Health for record-keeping. The proposed fees are: $50.00 initial certification fee for systems in existence on the effective date of the ordinance $20.00 annual fee to be paid at the time of recertification The initial fee is larger to cover start-up costs for the computer monitoring system and for initial data entry. The annual recertification fee will cover on-going data entry (of inspection and pumping reports) and monitoring of compliance with the ordinance (including a system to remind property owners that their annual inspection date is approaching). Fees may also pay for staff time to inspect systems that may constitute a public health hazard or to investigate complaints regarding improperly functioning systems. I �����" � V . $ClTY o. CITY OF SAINT PAUL �' °.� DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � ����j����� � DIVISION OF PLANNING AND DESIGN vm �o . �E;,r;;�r;�a�� 25 West Fourth Street, Saint Paut, Minnesota 55102 +ss� ��� 612-228-3200 � � '�� FAX: 612-228-3220 JAMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR �°��-V ����y� ! MEMORANDUM: DATE: October 17, 1991 TO: City Council FROM: Lucy Thompson, PED ����' RE: Substitute Ordinances File # 91-1791, 91-1794, 91-1795 and 91-1796 Pertaining to Highwood Development Policies After final review by staff, as well as discussions by the Housing and Economic Development and Public Works Committees, four of the Highwood ordinances introduced for First Reading on September 24, 1991 require amendments. Substitute ordinances are attached for your consideration and introduction at the Second Reading on October 24, 1991. Substitute language is indicated with shadowing. A brief description of the changes follows. 1. File # 91-1791: Amending Section 62.108(a) of the Legislative Code pertaining to site plan review. Typo corrected in Sec. 62.108 (a)(6). 2. File # 91-1794: Amending the Legislative Code to add provisions regulating the design, location, installation, use and maintenance of individual sewage treatment systems. Enor corrected on Page 9. No significant content change. 3. File # 91-1795: Amending Chapter 60 of the Legislative Code to add the "T' Tree Preservation Overlay District and the R-LL One-Family Large Lot Residential District and to rezone certain parcels. Legal descriptions and maps have been added for those properties being rezoned to R- � LL, and maps have been added to indicate which properties will receive "�' overlay zoning. In addition, language has been added to the "T' regulations at the recommendation of the HED Committee regarding the removal of large trees. The HED language will be discussed by the Highwood Task Force and neighborhood residents prior to the Third Reading and public hearing. . - � �,�_���� � City Council October 17, 1991 Page Two � 4. File # 91-1796: Amending Chapter 75 of the Legislative Code pertaining to subdivision regulations. Clarifying language has been added. No sign'�f'icant content change. Committee reports from HED and Public Works are also attached. Attachments I . � � ' r' , ^ ,n 1 � /J�' ,,�/ . R/-�..��� F�( 6-.,'' b."'""�f� ��� � �� .. ��' �5�� �/ �• .���� � ,:�, FIRST READING - 91-1794 - An ordinance APPROVED 3-0 ^:` , � � 'S� � amending the Legislative Code to add �-��4" :, ����� provisions regulating the design, ��—���� �.� : y � ;,;:� location, installation, use and � y maintenance of individual sewage treatment systems within the City of Saint Paul . (Referred to Committee 9/24/91) 15. RESOLUTION - 91-1862 - Amending the fee APPROVED 3-0 schedule for Use-of-Street permits pursuant to Section 125.01(a)(1) of the Legislative Code. (Referred to Committee 10/3/91) 16. RESOLUTION - 91-1863 - Approving APPROVED 3-0 ' interceptor maintenance agreements ' between the City of Saint Paul and the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission for the years 1989, 1990 and 1991. (Referred to Committee 10/3/91) 17• RESOLUTION - 91-1864 - Approving payment APPROVED 3-0 for the acquisition of property along Wheelock Parkway between Nebraska and Arlington for bluff preservation. (Referred to Committee 10/3/91) 18• RESOLUTION - 91-1898 - Approving MnDOT APPROVED 3-0 Plans .to modify ramps at Como and Hunting Valley Road and improve TH 280 . � pavement between University and Como Avenue. (Referred to Committee 10/8/91) 19• qj_� (� An ordinance amending the Administrative APPROVED 3-0 � Code by adding a chapter thereto and 7� � - y establishing a mechanism for the protection of Trade Secrets filed with � the City of Saint Paul as part of a utility regulatory matter. (Referred to Committee 6/20/91; Laid over in Committee 7/3/91, 7/17/91, 7/31/91, 8/7/91, 8/21/91, 9/4/91) 20• Letter of District Energy Saint Paul , Inc. • LAID OVER _ transmitting amendment to Hot Water 2 WEEKS Delivery Agreement. (Referred to Committee 9/17/91; Laid over in Committee 9/18/91) To be Laid Over 2 Weeks , 1 . ,S.econd Reading - 91-1793 - An ordinance amending Section 45.03 subdivision I/ � � ' 10 of the Le gislative Co d e r e l a t i n g t o n u i s a n c e. (H o u s i n g & E c o n o m i c � j?�N ,� Development Committee and Public Works Committee recommends �'�' p � approval) l � 19. Second Reading - 91-1794 -An ordinance amending the Legislative Code to add � provisions regulating the design, location, installation, use and maintenance of individual sewage treatment systems within the City of Saint Paul. (Housing & Economic Development Committee recommends approval as amended and Public Works Committee recommend approval) 20. Second Reading - 91-1795 - An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Legislative Code so as to add the `T" Tree Preservation Overlay District and the R-LL One Family Large Lot Residential District and to rezone certain parcels. (Housing & Economic Development Committee recommends approval as amended) 21. Second Reading - 91-1796 - An ordinance amending Chapter 67 of the Legislative Code pertaining to �ubdivision Regulations. (Housing & Economic Development recommends approval as amended) 22. Resolution - 91-1781 - amending the 1991 Capital Improvement Program by transferring financing & spending plans from the 1991 Maryland Avenue Lighting Project to the 1991 Combined Sewer Separation Paving Project. (Public Works Committee recommends approva� 23. Resolution - 91-1782 - amending the 1991 Budget by transferring $100,000 from financing & spending plans of the Public Works Street repair and Cleaning Fund to the Refusal Disposal Fund to purchase recycling bins. (Public Works Committee recommends approval) , 24. Resolution - 91-1862 - amending the fee schedule for Use-of-S#reet permits " � pursuant to Section 125.01(a)(f) of the Legislative Code. (Public Works ' Committee recommends approval) . 25. Resolution - 91-1864 - approving payment for the acquisition of property along � Wheelock Parkway between Nebraska and Arlington for bluff preservation. (Public Works Committee recommends approva!) . 26. Resolution - 91-1863 - approving interceptor maintenance agreements between the City of Saint Paul and the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission for _ the years 1989, 1990 and 1991. {Public Works Committee recommends approval) • 27. Resolution - 91-1898 - approving MnDOT Plans to modify ramps at Como and � Hunting Valley Road and improve TH 280 payment between University and Como Avenue. (Public.Works Committee recommends approval) � e. .� \ ' / 52 ,, /.�'` J1rt�i�! •M �""�j `• ; � �� � �C '`°;,�tl IC.��� S AMENDMENTS TO INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM ORDINANCE ���/��� REGARDING TESTING OF PRIVATE WELL WATER ON LOTS WITH BOTH A PRIVATE WELL AND A SEPTIC TANK � Add the following language to Chapter 50. Individual Sewage Treatment Systems. Sec. 50.04 EXISTING SYSTEMS. a. Diagram of eacisting system locations. Within six (6) months of the effective date of this ordinance, the owner shall have a diagram prepared for each individual sewage treatment system showing the location of the system and its components, as well as the location of the water supply well, if present. One copy of the diagram shall thereafter be kept on the premises, and a second copy shall be kept on file at the division of public health. The diagrams shall be updated when alterations or extensions are made to the system or,�rivate well. Sec. 50.13. WELL WATER TESTTNG ON LOTS WITH INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEMS. � Testin� of water from existing wells. �i�, Coliform bacteria and chemical (,nitrate� testin� of well water shall be conducted for those parcels containine both an individual sewa�e treatment system and a private water well on the effective date of this ordinance. It shall be the responsbility of the pro�ertv owner to either 11 submit well water samples, using . kits from the division of public health, to the division of public health for testing and analysis, or 21 contract with a laboratory cert�ed by the Minnesota ' Department of Health for collection, testin�and analysis. Testing and analysis � shall occur within twelve �12) months of the effective date of this ordinance. Test results shall be submitted by the property owner to the division of public health • on forms to be provided by the division of public health. along with such fee as may be set bv the ci ,ty council. The division of public health shall then issue a certificate, to be �ood for two (2Lyears, to the property owner ver' ing that the water samnles are within the standards set for public health. - � ,�u� After the initial coliform bacteria and nitrate testin� of water from all existing private wells, coliform bacteria and nitrate testing shall be conducted every two �2Lyears thereafter as described in (il above. Within thirty�30� days of the testin ,e; a copy of the test results, on forms to be provided by the division of public health, shall be submitted b�property owner to the division of public health, along;with such fee as prescribed b t�he citv council. The division of , public health shall then issue a certi�cate, to be good for two (2)years, to the property owner ver' in� that the water samples are within the standards set for public health. � , — V �/ /7�� , ���, �b Testin�; of water from wells installed after the effective date of this ordinance. I ji� Coliform bacteria and nitrate testing of water�from all private wells installed after the effective date of this ordinance shall be conducted everX two 21 Xears from the date of installation as described in (i? above. Within thirty (301 davs of the testin , a cop� of the test results, on forms to be provided by the division of public health, shall be submitted by the propertv owner to the division of public health, alongwith such fee as prescribed b, t,y he city council. The division of nublic health shall issue a certificate, to be eood for two ��vears, to the,property owner verifving that the water samnles are within the standards set for public health. Sec. 50.134. VARIANCES. _ _ _ , .. . �.� .. ..f'. .�..: 4 � - _ ' - � _ _ �_.. - r _ � "� i1 �: � r . . � ' ?�� •ri.` '! - ' : �"' 'K _ _:d - . � .,. . 4 .. < ... ..:.. _ - l - �. - - _ T 5 — ' ' �� _ -.�., y ' � lst ���� '' �� 2nd �� �0� �' �� k ` _ { 3rd _ � c� '2�1 ' P! Adopted ����-�—G� f : ; 3 � ( t- � - � � 3 � Il-�y- � l � -.j Yeas Nays � - i . - � . ° ,� ,}*t � `; DIMOND ����� � � � : ; � ��� � a � � � ' -� / � � � ; - -' GOSWITZ � ' L � � �_//� � /Y � �. - i LONG t - .' - - MACCABEE - i - _ - � RETTMAN - ; _ :1 , . THUNE , � - - ,�, 3 MR. PRESIDENT, WILSON {=` - � : ;_� , . - . , , _ __ ,_- : i t .z _ � �: � ; , - � �j` , `" , :� ' � ` _ -r _ - � .y ` y'` �::�: a - Z - ,. . � ' � ,x .t ._ .+ �.:'. a, _ � _ 7 i A Y'.i 3. _ - - 1 > ! : , 'S f ,t ' Y - L. 1 ��^ l. _ <"1 �..J � . . .. ..� ,� .. t : - . . :'3. � , � _a� __ - ,yi�" � � ti��� � _ ��� y _ f +, _ 5 1 " t _ ' F - . : _. .... ". " . � _ " . .. �.�R . .. . � ..