91-1792�RI�IIV�,� ' , n -/��,�a` ✓ , � � �� Council File # � / ��'' Ordinance #` /����0 Green sheet # d ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ..�"_..' Presented By J�Referred To �"7�OVSa�na �` f�a-n�m� � }�-r � �ct:�� �ommittee: Date �� p � �! .t:������:�� %r!�� ::��,�.. r,'� ,,. �,. An ordinance amending section 71.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to issuance of house numbers by the department of public works. The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: Section 1 That section 71.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 71.06. No permits until number has been issued. Every applicant for a new building permit, �e--�z any sewer or water connection permit, or private well or individual sewage treatment system permit shall first obtain from the department of public works an official designated number for the structure to be built before such permit or permits shall be issued. Except in the R-LL district, no number shall be issued for property which does not abut upon a graded and surfaced street, or which does not have available for connection public sewer or water services. In the R-LL district, an official designated number may be issued for property which abuts an unimproved street and which is to be served by a private well and/or individual sewage treatment system. The director of the department of public works after consultation with the city planning administrator may waive the requirements for graded street, sewer or water when it is determined that because of unique practical difficulties it is not feasible to install such public sewers, water or grade and surface the adjacent street, and that unimproved streets and lack of public sewer and water systems will not pose a threat to the ' public health and safety. Any person aggrieved by the decision of the director may appeal the decision to the council of the City of St. Paul; provided, that such appeal shall be taken within thirty (30) days from the notification of the director's decision. No waiver granted by the director or city council shall be valid for a period longer than one (1) year from the date of issuance, unless a building permit for the proposed structure is obtained within such period and the construction of the structure is proceeding in accordance with the terms of such permit, unless the director or city council grants an extension not to exceed one (1) year. I���?,�,a;���'`�� . � �9/--/�/r'� ✓ . � section 2 17��0 I . This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication. , e s Navs Absent Requested by Department of: , imon � onwz z —� Planning a d Eco 'c Develo ment acca ee ✓ e man ,� ' une z son � BY� � Adopted by Council: Date NOV 2 � 1991 Form Ap oved by C ty Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: � ..3�.f� BY� — ,j'� ' !.�App ov by Mayor for Submisaion to � ���� � Ap�iroved by Mayor: Date ' 2 � Coun _ I ( i: /. , BY, �,-.li;� �.,�=��,1 By: ?������l�� ���C 7 '91 �. � V +, + r � { G,��_i� ' � ' � 9_�3 � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL __ • DATE INITIATED N� ���(�Q L " GREEN �T t�" �.E.D. 9/13/91 CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTO �CITY COUNCIL LUC Thom SOIl 228-3370 ASSIGN �CITYATfORNEY �CITYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY(DATE) NUMBER FOR �BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.&MGT.SERVICES DIR. ROUTING September 24� 1991 ORDER �MAYOR(OR ASSISTANI) � TOTAL#OF SIC3NATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: ' Adpotion of amendments to Section 71.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the issuance of house numbers. RECOMMENDA710NS:Approve(A)or peject(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSW�R THE FOLLOWING�UESTIONS: A PLANNINO COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �• Has this person/firm ever worked under a contradt for this departmeM? _CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? A 3TAFF — YES NO _DISTaICT COURT _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE9 YES NO Highwood Development POliCieS Explaln all yss answers on'separate shset and aRtach to groen shest adopted by CC in July 1990 INITIATINO PROBLEM,13SUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): This is one of a package of comprehensive plan and ordinance amen�clments to implement the :iighwood Development Policies. These policies promote low-densityl residential development to preserve the unique semi-rural character and natural environment of Highwood. ADVANTACiES IF APPROVED: The semi-rural character of South Highwood (which will be zoned R'-LL) will be maintained, without requiring connection to city sewer and water or location on graded and surfaced street. Currently, a waiver is required for this; this amendment would allow issuance of a house number in these situations without a waiver. OISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ' Councii Research Center None SEP 16 1991 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: None RECEIVED SEP 17 1991 CITY CLERK TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S N�A COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER ' FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) �� � � � �. .� � + # , v , NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO. 298-4225). � ROUTING ORDER: Below are correct routings for the five most frequent rypes of documents: CONTRACTS(assumes suthorized budget exists) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend Budgets/Accept. Grants) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. Department Director ,_2,, Ciry_Attorney , 3. City Attorney 3. Budget Director 4. Mayor(for contracts over$15,000) 4. Mayor/Assistant 5. Human Rights(for contracts over$50,000) 5. City Council 6. Finance and Management Services Director 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services 7. Finance Accounting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(Budget Revision) COUNCIL RESOI.UTION (all others, and Ordinances) 1. Activity Manager 1. Department Director 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Mayor Assistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Council 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(all others) 1. Department Director 2. City Attorney 3. Finance and Management Services Director 4. City Clerk TOTAI NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate the#of pages on which signatures are required and paperclip orflag each of these pages. ACTION REQUESTED Describe what the project/request seeks to accomplish in either chronologi- cal order or order of importance,whichever is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been presented betore any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objective(s)your projecUrequest supports by listing the key word(s)(HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET,SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAI MANUAL.) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: This information will be used to determine the city's liabiliry for workers compensation claims,taxes and proper civil service hiring rules. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ charter or whether there are specific ways in which the Ciry of Saint Paul and its citizens will benefit from this project/action. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past processes might this project/request produce if it is passed(e.g.,traffic delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?When?For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What wili be the negative consequences if the promised action is not approved?Inability to deliver service?Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate?Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer two questions:How much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay? ���� r •. ' ' + : � , V . . �tTr o � � �.r�� ���.z' F'�` �; ` � x CITY OF SAINT PAUL a � 111111 UIII 9 ` ���� ����� � OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL pm hC '.a. CITY HALL-7th FLOOR-SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612-298-5506 TOM DIMOND RECEIVED COUNCILMEMBER (�C'�_ � 3 1991 +%�TY CLERK Members: Tam Dimond, Chair Paula Maccabee Dave Thune Date: September 25, 1991 ' COMMITTEE REPORT HOUSING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 1. Approval of the minutes of the Housing and Economic Development Committee for September 9, 1991. COMMITTEE APPROVED, 4-0 2 91)prehensive Housing Assistance Program (CHAS) (Laid Over in Committee 6-26- THIS ISSUE WILL BE BEFORE THE HOUSING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE ON OCTOBER 9, 1991 FOR ACTION 3. Highwood Comprehensive Plan and Ordinance amendments - Staff presentation and Public Hearing. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL OF SUBSTITUTE ORDINANCES AS AMENDED, 4-0. COMMITTEE ALSO RECOMMENDED APPROVAL OF AN ADDITIONAL ORDINANCE ON THE TREE PRESERVATION OVERLAY DISTRICT �AS AMENDED, 4-0. THIS ISSUE HAS ALSO BEEN REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORI�S COMMITTEE, AND THE ORDINANCES WILL BE PUT ON THE CITY COUNCIt AGENDA AFTER THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE HAS DISCUSSED THESE ORDINANCES. THE COMMUNITY WOULD ALSO LIKE TO DISCUSS THESE ORDINANCES BEFORE THEY APPEAR ON THE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA. 4. Tourism Initiative - Preliminary Staff report. • THIS ISSUE WAS LAID OVER TO THE OCTOBER 9, 1991 HOUSING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING 5. Preliminary approval and authorization to execute a memorandum of understanding concerning a South St. Paul Tax Exempt Revenue Bond issue for the HealthEast Corporation (Citywide) (Referred from HRA 9-24-91) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, 4-0 � (HRA) CHAIR: Housing and Redevelopment Authority& Housing and Economic Development Committee COMMITTEES: Public Works & Intergovernmental Relations Printed on Recycled Paper <e�,S �. � � 10/22/9I �INAL, ORDER: Improving Nebraska Avenue APPROVED 3-O (�"yf �7�� � ' ' � f'rom Marion Street to the alley west of ` Marion Street by grading, paving and constructing concrete curb and gutter , and drainage structures. �� 8. 10/22/91 FINAL ORDER: Improving Winthrop Street RECOMMENDED � from Larpenteur Avenue to Idaho Avenue APPROVAL OF by grading and paving, constructing SANITARY SEWER concrete curb and gutter and a street ONLY 3-0 lighting system. Constructing a sanitary sewer, sanitary sewer connections and storm water drainage facilities. Also constructing a storm sewer' in a 40-foot easement to be obtained approximately along the alignment of California Avenue extended from Furness Parkway to Winthrop Street. Also, constructing a water main and water service connections in Winthrop Street from Larpenteur to Idaho and taking an easement for the construction of slopes � in the grading and paving of Winthrop Street form Larpenteur to Idaho. 9• RESOLUTION - 91-1781 --Amending the 1991 APPROVED 3-0 Capital Improvement Program by transferring financing & spending plans from the 1991 Maryland Avenue Lighting Project to the 1991 Combined Sewer Separation Paving Project. (Referred to Committee 9/24/91) 10. RESOLUTION - 91-1782 - Amending the 1991 APPROVED 3-0 , Budget by transferring �100,000 from financing & spending plans of the Public Works Street repair and Cleaning Fund to the Refusal Disposal Fund to purchase recycling bins. (Referred to Committee , 9/24/91) �L _,- t�_��t 11. •�-k�'�t'� ,� °' FIRST READING - 91-1791 - An ordinance APPROVED 3-0 ��`�,� ,��.)� ' amending Section 61.108(a) of the Legislative ` ��` Code pertaining to Site Plan Review. ''t5'� , (Referred to Committee 9/24/91) 12• �� �'�'� FIRST READING - 91-1792 - An ordinance APPROVED 3-0 , il;��' � amending Section 71.06 of the Legislative \,�' Code pertaining to issuance of house numbers �'1�.'��� 1 by the Department of Public Works. (Referred `�` to Committee 9/24/91) 13. � �'v FIRST READING - 91-1793 - An ordinance APPROVED 3-0 �,�"�' amending Section 445.03 subdivision l0 of ��,t�' , the Legislative Code relating to nuisance. � ;) ���.�"' (Referred to Commi ttee 9/24/91) � ���Li ,� (continued) � .. ._ . - . . . ._ ,. �'-'. . � ...... �� . � . , �-:. . . 4 _ . , f �. . K. �_�L/'�/ <, 2nd �C� `� '�'-�� ' � _. . 1_ . �_ _ - . . � . . . ... . ' � I 3rd I v "��i " � ( Adopted i � _ _ i - 7 — � � '� � c �� � `� � � f ' � � t Nays � _ Yeas . _ DIMOND /�/— / 77 °2/ ' ��l - GOSWITZ : - :LONG MACCABEE . _ _ RETTMAN THUNE - - ` ' MR. PRESIDENT� WILSON , _� -. ..: : - ` _ . . . . , .. �.: ".-. ._.� . ... .. . . . �_. :..'. _ .� _"''.. -. • ..-.� ��. .� _ .. 4