91-1791 ���� ��,1' - � i� r � y � r�t Rw L,� � r ,t.��`�`i, : ;� y�, 9 ,/ � Council File # /�—��9� f� 2' ; Ordinance # /7�5 � Green Sheet � ORDINANCE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date An ordinance amending section 62. 108 (a) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Site Plan Review. The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: Section 1 That section 62. 108 (a) of the Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: sec. 62.108. Site plan review (all districts) . (a) Plan to be submitted. A site plan shall be submitted to and approved by the planning commission before a permit is issued for grading or the erection or enlargement of usable floor area for any development except one- and two-family dwellings, but including the following: (1) Any development of one- and two-family residences which together exceed two (2) acres (87, 120 square feet) in area. � In the "T" Tree Preservation District, any development of one- and two-family residences over one (1� acre (43 ,560 square feet) in area. (3) All residentially related uses in one-family districts, such as, but not limited to, churches, schools and public facilities. (4) Any industrial use in an I-1, I-2, I-3 or RCI-1 District abutting a residential district. (5) Any use which abuts to a major thoroughfare. (6) Any development on a slope of twelve (12) percent or greater. (7) Any development in the River Corridor Critical Area or in the Floodplaint District except one- and two-family dwellings which do not affect slopes or twelve (12) percent or greater. ��Q���.��� � � �,'; ;, �q��ir9� � (8j All off-street parking facilities except as noted in i7��S Section 62. 103 (b) . (9) Any other use or development for which the submission of a site plan is required by any provision of this code. (10) Earth-sheltered structures. (11) Detached, freestanding facilities constructed on parking facilities, including, but not restricted to, kiosks, fotomats, banks and similar uses. Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Navs Absent p�� �— Requested by Department of: Gosuitz � Lon �/ Macca ee i/ Rettman �� T une -✓'� Wi son v � BY= � Adopted by Council: Date N OV 2 � 1991 Form ved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Car�cil Secretary By. �(� "�_�J�� BY� ��� � � �� '� ��� ���;.f��l�°i Appro by Mayor for Submission to `" N 2 5 1991 �°'x'�;� Approved by Mayor: Date //' � �'; By: � r-;e!'�;-/.,;�:/' BY: ��i��6S��� C�i� 7 s91 �� . ' ` � �4�q��� ! •/ � • Fl �—c'S .. ,- , . , DEPPAR E ENUT(OFFICE/COUNCIL DA 9/12/91 G R E E N �T - N° 17505 CONTACT PERSON&PHONE AT� INITIAUUATE �DEPARTMENT OIRECTO �CITY COUNCIL Lucy Thompson 22g_3370 ASSIGN �CITYATfORNEY �CITYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY(DATE) NUMBER FOR a gUDGET DIRECTOR ' �FIN.&MGT.SERVICES DIR. ROUTING September 24� 1991 ORDER �MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED: Adoption of amendments to Section 62.108 (a) of the Saint Paul L�gislative Code pertaining to site plan review. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Reject(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSW�R THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: APLANNINa COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �• Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? _CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this personRirm ever been a city employee? ' �STAFF — YES NO _DISTRICT CouRT _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normall y possessed by any current city employee? SUPppq�S y1�11Cy COUNCIL 9BJECTIVE? YES NO ' HighvlOCKi DevelOpment POlicies, Explaln all yes answers on ssparate sheet and attach to green shset adopted by CC in July 1990. INITIATINQ PROBLEM,ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whet,When,Where,Why): i This is one of a package of comprehensive plan and ordinance amenjdments to implement the Highwood Development Policies. These policies promote low-densit� residential development to preserve the unique semi-rural character and natural environme,�t-of Highwood. � ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: j Development in the "T" Tree Preservation �verlay District will go through site plan review to determine compliance with the Highwood policies and with the tree protection requirements of the "T" District. I _ DISADVANTAOES IFAPPROVED: None CDUncil Research Center SEP 17 1991 ; DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The semi-rural character and natural environment of Highwood (and similar areas) may be threatened. R�CEIVED SEP 171991 CITY CLERK TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S N�A COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIR�CLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) ,J y., �� W I ' � , ' .� � � - � �`. NOTE: COMPLETE DI�iECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL � MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTiNG ORDER: Below are correct routings for the five most frequent types of documents: CONTRACTS(assumes authorized budget exists) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend Budgets/Accept. Grants) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. Department Director 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Budget Director 4. Mayor(for contracts over$15,000) 4. Mayor/Assistant 5. Human Rights(for contracts over$50,000) 5. City Council 6. Finance and Management Services Director 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services 7. Finance Acxounting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(Budget Revision) COUNCIL RESOLUTiON (all others,and Ordinances) 1. Activity Manager 1. Department Director 2. Department Acxountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Mayor Assistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Council 5. Ciry Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Management Services ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS(all others) 1. Department Director 2. City Attorney 3. Finance and Management Services Director 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate the#of pages on which signatures are required and paperclip or Hag each of these pages. ACTION REQUESTED Describe what the projecUrequest seeks to accomplish in either chronologi- cal oMer or oMer of importance,whichever is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been presented before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objective(s)your projecUrequest supports by listing the key word(s) (HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET,SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: This information will be used to determine the.city's liabiliry for workers compensation claims,taxes and proper civil service hiring rules. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions that created a need for your project orrequest ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ charter or whether there are specific ways in which the City of Saint Paul and its citizens will benefit from this projecUaction. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past processes might this projecUrequest produce if it is passed(e.g.,traffic delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?When? For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequences if the promised action is not approved?Inability to deliver service?Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate?Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer two questions:How much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay? ^ T'� � . . �•. , , . �.r-�r�/7I� ,� Clt7 OP R�$ ; O ,' x � ����;����,�� �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL ° ^° OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL '•°+ � CITY HALL-?[h FLOOR-SAIti'T PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612-298-5506 TOM DIMOND RECEIVED COUNCILMEMBER V��� O 3 1991 +,ITY CLERK Members: Tam Dimond, Chair Paula Maccabee Dave Thune Date: September 25, 1991 COMMITTEE REPORT HOUSING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 1. Approval of the minutes of the Housing and Economic Development Committee for September 9, 1991. COMMITTEE APPROVED, 4-0 2. . 9ijprehensive Housing Assistance Program (CHAS) {Laid Over in Committee 6-26- TNIS ISSUE WILL BE BEFORE THE HOUSING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE ON OCTOBER 9, 1991 FOR AC7ION � . Highwood Comprehensive Plan and Ordinance amendments - Staff presentation and �`�� Public Hearing. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED� APPROVAL OF SUBSTITUTE ORDINANCES AS AMENDED, 4-0. CO�I���E€ ALSO RECOl�MENaED APP�t01fR� OF A�1 ADDiTIONJk� ORDIMANGE UN TNE TREE PRESElMIATI4N �VERLSY DISTRICTIAS AMENDED, 4-0. THIS ISSUE HAS ALSO BEEN REFERRED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS C4h1MITTEE, AND THE ORDINANCES WILL BE PUT ON THE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA AFTER THE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE HAS DISCUSSED THESE� - ORDINANCES. THE COMIMUNITY WOULD ALSO LIKE TO DISCUSS THESE ORDINANCES BEFORE THEY APPEAR ON THE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA. � 4. Tourism Initiative - Preliminary Staff report. • THIS ISSUE WAS LAID OVER TO THE OCTOBER 9, 1991 HOUSING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING 5. Preliminary approval and authorization to execute a memorandum of understanding concerning a South St. Paul Tax Exempt Revenue Bond issue for the HealthEast Corporation (Citywide) � (Referred from HRA 9-24-91) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, 4-0 (HRA) CHAIR: Housing and Redevelopment Authority & Housing and Economic Development Committee COMMITTEES: Public Works&Intergovernmental Retations Printed on Rccycled Paper �e�-s s �f�r����,� � 7 i � � Council File # —/ � `� � � Ordinance ,� ,��, Green Sheet #` /?�Q� ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �„V•_..��_:_ Preeented By / Referred To �dus.,.� a � .-,-1 rn. f�-��-c"� 1� �Committee: Date � �y � U � . / �� �./1./�!_1_'` .?� ��lL� F�`�-�P . !� /� An ordinance amending section 62.108 (a) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Site Plan Review. The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: Section 1 That section 62.108 (a) of the Legislative Cc�de is hereby amended to read as follows: ,�`' � � �� �� � sec. 62.ios. Site plan review (a�l districts) . (a) Plan to be submitted. A si�e plan shall be submitted to and approved by the planning c�mmission before a permit is issued for grading or the ��rection or enlargement of usable floor area for any develo ment except one- and two-family dwellings, but including he following: (1) Any development of �ne- and two-family residences which together exceed twd (2) acres (87, 120 square feet) in area. ti� � n the " " Tree P eservation District an develo ment of one- and two- amil residences over one 1 acre 4 560 s uare et in area. (3) All residential y related uses in one-family districts, such as, but no limited to, churches, schools and public faciliti�tees. � r (4) Any industrial use in an I-1, I-2, I-3 or RCI-1 District abutt'ng a residential district. (5) Any use which abuts to a major thoroughfare. (6) Any developm nt on a slope of twelve 912) percent or greater. (7) Any develop ent in the River Corridor Critical Area or in the Floodplaint District except one- and two-family dwellings which do not affect slopes or twelve (12) percent or greater. �' `� �� � � /� --1�--�7Q� ��� ������ � � '. � ' � (8) All off-street parking facilities except as noted in Section 62 . 103 (b) . (9) Any other use or development for which the submission of a site plan is required by any provision of this code. (10) Earth-sheltered structures. (11) Detached, freestanding facilities constructed on parking facilities, including, but not restricted to, kiosks, fotomats, banks and sim��lar uses. Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect��'�and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, approval,�and publication. � � �:. � h= .�� �> � ��. ��� � ��. �` <�� 44� A g9�� i1 �� .$ � S j� y, � Yeae Navs Absent Requested by Department of: imon oswi z on Planning and Economic Develo ment � acca ee e man �e i son BY� Form Ap oved by City orney Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: ►��/ By� Appro by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date Council By: �o�e�i���li1 By: �q��i�/ ✓ ����•_= o, , CITY OF SAINT PAUL � � DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ` ;�„�;,��,� � +.+ DIVISION OF PLANNING AND DESIGN m� ha . ��,�������•�, 25 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612-228-3200 iss+ ! ��` �8 +y �� FAX: 612-228-3220 JAMES SCHEIBEL �� � MAYOR �`��'V n� �r� T i,r..��.:1� MEMORANDUM: DATE: October 17, 1991 TO: City Council FROM: Lucy Thompson, PED ����' RE: Substitute Ordinances File # 91-1791, 91-1794, 91-1795 and 91-1796 Pertaining to Highwood Development Policies After final review by staff, as well as discussions by the Housing and Economic Development and Public Works Committees, four of the Highwood ordinances introduced for First Reading on September 24, 1991 require amendments. Substitute ordinances are attached for your consideration and introduction at the Second Reading on October 24, 1991. �Substitute language is indicated with shadowing. A brief description of the changes follows. l. File # 91-1791: Amending Section 62.108(a) of the Legislative Code pertaining to site plan review. Typo corrected in Sec. 62.108 (a)(6). 2. File # 91-1794: Amending the Legislative Code to add provisions regulating the design, location, installation, use and maintenance of individual sewage treatment systems. Error conected on Page 9. No significant content change. 3. File # 91-1795: Amending Chapter 60 of the Legislative Code to add the "T"' Tree Preservation Overlay District and the R-LL One-Family Large Lot Residential District and to rezone certain parcels. Legal descriptions and maps have been added for those properties being rezoned to R- LL, and maps have been added to indicate which properties will receive "T' overlay zoning. In addition, language has been added to the "T' regulations at the recommendation of the HED Committee regarding the removal of large trees. The HED language will be discussed by the Highwood Task Force and neighborhood residents prior to the Third Reading and public hearing. n• 1' '' • • ��/ / ��/ � V City Council October 17, 1991 Page Two � 4. File # 91-1796: Amending Chapter 75 of the Legislative Code pertaining to subdivision regulations. Clarifying language has been added. No significant content change. Committee reports from HED and Public Works are also attached. Attachments . . �,,i-�..-� ' ,'°.:�.��..����''�,�,,,� 7.� ' ,'10/2z/91 ' � FINAL ORDER: Improving Nebraska Avenue APPROVED 3-0 /Q�-�`,�..�j`� . from Marion Street to the alley west of Marion Street by grading, paving and /,�Q� ���.✓ constructing concrete curb and gutter �- � : f and drainage structures. �f�8. 10/22/91 FINAL ORDER: Improving Winthrop Street RECOMMENDED ; from Larpenteur Avenue to Idaho Avenue APPROVAL OF by grading and paving, constructing SANITARY SEWER concrete curb and gutter and a street ONLY 3-0 lighting system. Constructing a sanitary sewer, sanitary sewer connections and storm water drainage facilities. Also constructing a storm sewer' in a 40-foot easement to be obtained approximately along the alignment of California Avenue extended from Furness Parkway to Winthrop Street. Also, constructing a water main and water service connections in Winthrop Street from Larpenteur to Idaho and taking an easement for the construction of slopes � in the grading and paving of Winthrop . Street form Larpenteur to Idaho. 9. RESOLUTION - 91-1781 --Amending the 1991 APPROVED 3-0 Capital Improvement Program by transferring financing & spending plans from the 1991 Maryland Avenue Lighting Project to the 1991 Combined Sewer Separation Paving Project. (Referred to Committee 9/24/91) . 10. RESOLUTION - 91-1782 - Amending the 1991 APPROVED 3-0 r Budget by transferring �100,000 from financing & spending plans of the Public Works Street repair and Cleaning Fund to the Refusal Disposal Fund to purchase recycling bins. (Referred to Committee � � 9/24/91) 11. ;;J����t��� FIRST REAUING - 91-1791 - An ordinance APPROVED 3-0 ��,�+y�,� amending Section 61.108(a) of the Legislative � Code pertaining to Site Plan Review. ��`� , (Referred to Committee 9/24/91) 12. (� N'��; FIRST READING - 91-1792 - An ordinance APPROVED 3-0 ,!," ��4,.�� �� amending Section 71.06 of the Legislative '� ij � �� Code pertaining to issuance of. house numbers � ` �' +, � by the Department of Public Works. (Referred . `���,,��" to Commi ttee 9/24/91) 13. ,� �'� FIRST READING - 91-1793 - An ordinance APPROVED 3-0 �`� �` Q w' amending Section 445.03 subdivision 10 of �,��� �' L� `' the Legislative Code relating to nuisance. �`�, '�,.U' �, � (Referred to Committee 9/24/91) �� � t��''I -? �,� (continued) ���r '• V '�T��;��, � i�� Council File � —/7<� ' r ' l I Ordinance ,� ,�._�; Green Sheet # /7�0� • ORDINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Preaented By , Referred To �G�s.;,� °� �..y-t dn„.- �.;�-i�?..-- lCommittee: Date � �y S/ . y� .�� /✓P �r� �.,�2�cb�G� ��-,�ti; �� / An ordinance amending section 62.108 (a) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Site Plan Review. The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: Section 1 That section 62.108 (a) of the Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 62.108. Site plan review (all districts) . • (a) Plan to be submitted. A site plan shall be submitted to and approved by the planning commission before a permit is issued for grading or the erection or enlargement of usable floor area for any development except one- and two-family dwellings, but including the following: (1) Any development of one- and two-family residences which together exceed two (2) acres (87,120 square feet) in area. j� In the "T" Tree Preservation District, any development of one- and two-family residences over one (1) acre (43, 560 square feet) in area. (3) All residentially related uses in one-family districts, such as, but not limited to, churches, schools and public facilities. � (4) Any industrial use in an I-1, I-2, I-3 or RCI-1 � District abutting a residential district. (5) Any use which abuts to a major thoroughfare. (6) Any development on a slope of twelve 912) percent or • greater. (7) Any development in the River Corridor Critical Area or in the Floodplaint District except one- and two-family dwellings which do not affect slopes or twelve (12) percent or greater. i`� ...i ���'����,;�.; � � �-�i �?f r (8) All off-street parking facilities except as noted in ` ' Section 62 . 103 (b) . (9) Any other use or development for which the submission • of a site plan is required by any provision of this code. (10) Earth-sheltered structures. (11) Detached, freestanding facilities constructed on parking facilities, including, but not restricted to, kiosks, fotomats, banks and similar uses. Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication. • Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: imon oswi z on Plannin and Economic Develo ment � ee Ret�man � / i�son BY� I% • Form Ap oved by City orney Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By. ..��� •BY' Appro by Mayor for Submisaion to Council Approved by Mayor: Date �/��N� • , gy; rc � By: � � '' � � � � � �� y-�-� �9�` �� � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED P.E.D. 9/12/91 GREEN ET N° _ 17505 CONTACT PERSON&PHONE ATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTO. �CITY COUNCIL Lucy Thompson ASSIGN �CITYATfORNEY � �CITYCLERK 228-3370 NUMBER POR T BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY(DATE) ROUTING �BUDGET DIRECTOR a FIN.8 MCaT.SERVICES DIR. September 24 i 5.991 � ORDER �MAYOR(OR ASSISTAWn � TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Adoption of amendments to Section 62.108 (a) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to site plan review. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Reject(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: APLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �• Has this person/firm ever worked under a cOntract for this department? _CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO _&S7AFF _ 2. Has this person/firm ever been a«titty employee? YES NO _DiSTRICT COURT _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employeel SUPPQR7S_V11�1Qy COUNCiI 9BJECTIVE7 YES NO HigriHlooti DevelOpmerit POliCies, Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet adopted by CC in July 1990. INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): - This is one of a package of comprehensive plan and ordinance amendments to implement the Highwood Development Policies. These policies promote low-density residential development to preserve the unique semi-rural character and natural environment of Highwood. NTAOES IFAPPROVED: Development in the "T" Tree Preservation Overlay District will go through site plan review to determine compliance with the Highwood policies and with the tree_ protection requirements of the "T" District. " DISADVANTAOES IFAPPflOVED: None COUncii Researcti C�r►te� SEP 17 1991 : DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The semi-rural character and natural environment of Highwood (and similar areas) may be threatened. . RECEIVED SEP 171991 CiTY CLERK TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION s N�A COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDiNG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) �I- ' w _ ,� � , � � � �q�—i�/ „ a . . �t== �. CITY OF SAINT PAUL o��$ Q °� DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � � �„���ui�� „ DIVISION OF PLANNING AND DESIGN m� °11 �� �� �r' �'�'��;��;�M��� 25 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �ss� ��� 612-228-3200 � � `• FAX: 612-228-3220 JAMES SCHEIBEL .�J MAYOR �l TY C��j 3� MEMOR.ANDUM: DATE: October 17, 1991 TO: City Council FROM: Lucy Thompson, PED ����'oV�` RE: Substitute Ordinances File # 91-1791, 91-1794, 91-1795 and 91-1796 Pertaining to Highwood Development Policies After final review by staff, as well as discussions by the Housing and Economic Development and Public Works Committees, four of the Highwood ordinances introduced for First Reading on September 24, 1991 require amendments. Substitute ordinances are attached for your . • consideration and introduction at the Second Reading on October 24, 1991. �Substitute language is indicated with shadowing. A brief description of the changes follows. 1. File # 91-1791: Amending Section 62.108(a) of the Legislative Code pertaining to site plan review. Typo corrected in Sec. 62.108 (a)(6). 2. File # 91-1794: Amending the Legislative Code to add provisions regulating the design, location, installation, use and maintenance of individual sewage treatment systems. Error corrected on Page 9. No significant content change. 3. File # 91-1795: Amending Chapter 60 of the Legislative Code to add the "T"' Tree � Preservation Qverlay District and the R-LL• One-Family Large Lot . Residential District and to rezone certain parcels. Legal descriptions and maps have been added for those properties being rezoned to R- LL, and maps have been added to indicate which properties will receive "T' overlay � zoning. In addition, language has been added to the"T" regulations at the recommendation of the HED Committee regarding the removal of large trees. The HED language will be discussed by the Highwood Task Force and neighborhood � residents prior to the Third Reading and public hearing. _ , . � � ' ��� i ��/ . , � City Council October 17, 1991 • Page Two 4. File # 91-1796: Amending Chapter 75 of the Legislative Code pertaining to subdivision regulations. Clarifying language has been added. No significant content change. Committee reports from HED and Public Works are also attached. Attachments � • � • � . ' • r ��f J�f : f�4i�l� .:P,L...:�yl��!1 �3 7.� "10/22/91 FINAL ORDER: Improving Nebraska Avenue �� APPROVED 3-0 r Q�-,�`�,��� . from Marion Street to the alley west of Mari on Street by grad i ng, pav i ng and ��/���7C�� constructing concrete curb and gutter (- 7 and drainage structures. .�� 10/22/91 FINAL ORDER: Improving WinthroP Street RECOMMENDED from Larpenteur Avenue to Idaho Avenue APPROVAL 0� by grading and paving, constructing SANITARY SEWER concrete curb and gutter and a street ONLY 3-0 lighting system. Constructing a sanitary sewer, sanitary sewer connections and storm water drainage facilities. Also constructing a storm sewer' in a 40-foot easement to be obtained approximately along the alignment of California Avenue . extended from Furness Parkway to Winthrop Street. Also, constructing a water main and water service connections in Winthrop Street from Larpenteur to Idaho. and taking an easement for the construction of slopes � in the grading and paving of Winthrop . Street form Larpenteur to Idaho. 9• RESOLUTION - 91-1781 -�Amending the 1991 APPROYED 3-0 � Capital Improvement Program by transferring financing & spending plans from the I991 Maryland Avenue Lighting Project to the 1991 Combined Sewer Separation Paving . Project. (Referred to Committee 9/24/91) . � RESOLUTION - 91-1782 - Amending the 1991 APPROVED 3-0 .. Budget by transferring 5100,000 from financing & spending plans of the Public Works Street repair and Cleaning Fund to the Refusal Disposal Fund to purchase recycling bins. (Referred to Committee t 9/24/91) 11. ,,•.J��`j�i�'�, FIRST READING - 91-1791 - An ordinance - r ,�� , �- APPROVED 3 0 �1��� .�� amending Section 61.108(a) of the Legislative lu� Code pertaining to Site Plan Review. (Referred to Committee 9/24/91) 12• C�. �'�y FIRST READING - 91-1792 - An ordinance APPROVED 3-0 , ��;� y.� ��,4 amending Section 71.06 of the Legislative �, '��� �'' �� Code pertaining to issuance of. house numbers , • , �v�� l,r� � by the Department of Publ i c Works. (Referred � jsL!� to Committee 9/24/91) 13. � �"� FIRST READING - 91-1793 - An ordinance APPROVED 3-0 j�v`� �,�J�''�g�w' amending Section 445.03 subdivision 10 of ��X, L the Legislative Code relating to nuisance. � J ��u t� (Referred to Committee 9/24/91) n`� � . �'���� n � '� U (continued) , , g/_r7�/ 9. ' Resolution - 91-2013 - authorizing accepting and disbur�ing a $3,0000 Challenge grant for the 1992 Summer Concert Program from the Saint Paul Foundation. �`�� . < COMMITTEE REFERRAL 10. Resolution -91-2014 - approving parking change in the vicinity of West Seventh Street and United/Children's Hospital Complex. (Public Works) . ORDINANCES 11. Final Adoption - 91-1881 - An ordinance granting permission to Macalester College, 1600 Grand Avenue to construct, operate and maintain a private telephone cable under and across Macalester Street Right-of-Way at two locations between Summit and Lincoln Avenues. (Council amended on October 17th - laid over from that date) 12. Final Adoption - 91-1834 - An ordinance amending Section 125.01{a)(2) pertaining to fees for various locations permits for street obstructions. (For Action - laid over from October 17th) COMMITTEE REPORT 13. . Final Adoption - 91-1126 - An ordinance amending the Administrative Code by . adding a chapter thereto establishing a mechanism for the protection of Trade Secret Information filed with the City of Saint Paul. (Public Works Committee recommends approval as amended) 14. Resolution - 91-1897 - approving the Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS) (1992-1996) for the next five years and transmitting it to the Department of Housing & Urban Development for their approvaL (Housing & Economic Development Committee recommends approval - Council amended on October 17th - laid over from that date) 15. Resolution - 91-1788 - approving Comprehensive Plan amendments to implement the Highwood Development Policies. (Housing & Economic Development . Committee recommends approval) t P � 16. Secon Readi� 91-1791 - An ordinance amending Section 61.108(a) of the � • Legislative Code pertaining to Site Plan Review. (Housing & Economic - Development Committee and Public Works Committee recommend approval - recommended approval as amended) 17. Second Reading - 91-1792 - An ordinance amending Section 71.06 of the Legislative Code pertaining to issuance of house numbers by the Department of Public � Works. (Housing & Economic Development Committee and Public Works Committee recommends approval) . � . . � . f � ����7� . . . . . _ , ; � - �. . _ , . � . � � , _ f : . � � � - . � I . -, NOTICS OF PiJBLIC �FAIt�NG' I , , . . � . , , - , . ` , 4�� .NqticB. i� hereb� qa.ver� t�iat a�publi.c h inq will be he�d; before the ,' • Gity Ccsunc�,I on thc 2�h day of Octobe� at 9:00 i�.M. in �the Ci:#�r Cauncil . Cha�rs�, ,3rd fic�or of Cyty C�al1 to conside� propoe�+�d s to - �h,� St. P�ul Zt�n�rxx� Cod�j Chapter 62.108;•(a) �rtaini�g to 5f� Plau3 Rev�,+�v €Q�'�°High�aooc� iiill Area. At said time and pl�a+�, the Council • � wili t�ar all �e��ons reYative to this propoeal. ' � 1�ted'Oc�tSbec I8� 1991 � � ; Molxy t3'�tautke. ' ; . City Clerk � , ; � , . � � _ �� : J , . (October 19� 191) � : � 1 , . � . ; . . _ : . � ��. - _ � . ; . ; . . . - ` ,I _ i , , , i _ . � . : . , , � _ , . . , _ - , j : _ - , � i . � .. . _ _ . . . ; � . : � . : , ; _ ; . , , _ _ , � . . , � . : . . . _ � -� - � . � . , �� . . .,. . _ . . , � .,:. . . . . . � . . _ ; . . r -, . _ . � . � � . r � � , . . , __. __ . . , � . . '..�'. .. . . - . �:... -. : .� . ,.�.�. . �... .. .... . . ..:' .-,.� ���. . ..»..... ^..:��• _�l• .:•.....:' �..'._. . . ✓ . . -:.. .. . . .. . . .. - �.�'. . ., � . .._. . �.... .. . '.:�. .. � ... ...-'� '.� ' . .. Y .. . , �-� ' ' . . ..� . . . . ..". � .� . .. . . . . . . " � . . '- -. � . �. . . � � . . � ':4: . ,L._• '�'..S 0 ♦. ,. , . _ . . � . . . ' . � . . . , � , . . . . _. . � . . � ' : . . . . - . . _♦ . . . .. . . . � . , . ,� � . � � . i - �.:, . . . . - , . ., . . . . �. . '.. . � . . . ..-�.,' .. � -� ': . . , � .�.. .'. " ... ..� . • . � �. . '. 1 .. . . . . � '. .' '. . ...�'_r , �-..� .� - �� .. ,;.. .. .. . . . 1• . . . � . . . . . .� . .: . '... . . ... �. . . .. .. ._ . .- ..: . . .� . . � � , . . � . .. . i . . . .. . . . . ' .. . . . . , .J: ' ' . ' .. . .- ' _ '\ � � .. . . . � . -�. . . � . . . . . . . i ' . .,"- ` ..�. + .��. ` �'��, , ',' � . _ ��y.' y,�� . . . ,. '. . � :...: .' .. • .. . � . .... - .. � �, - � � - . . , .'. ':c- . '.' . .. ' ,. -�. � . . .� -. �, .. �.� : � . �.:: . , . •�' T� � � - - , : ' ry .. . -: . . . . . -r. .. .�.. ..., ,� 3 , _ . � .... . .. . - . . . . � _ : .. . . .�` x �. : � .. r ' ' ` �9j-/79/ � � � ... � :N01ICE OF.PUBLIC HEARIPI(i _ „�.. �� Noticeris hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the City Council�on,' the 29 dav nf'�ctober 1 1 at 9:00 A.M,in the City Council Chambers�3rd IIoor of ` City Hall to consider proposed amendments to the St.Paul Zoning Code;Chapter 62.108 ', (a)pertaining to Site Plan Revlew for the Highwood Hills Area.At said time and place, ' the Council wlll hear all persons relarive to this proposal.�. � - Dated October 18, 1991. _ ' ' � - ' - MOLLY OROURI�, City Clerk _ ' � •.(October 19. 1991) .- ` . . " l�t � '��~t'.?�;y'/• Zna '�� -� . . � � / 3rd — � U- � � � �'1� Adopted ` �/' � I-�'I j �. , - � � � � � � " � � 3 � - � �- � �f- ��/ � Yeas Nays . - DIMOND - _ GOSWITZ C/' �/ ���/ - - - -:LONG MACCABEE - RETTMAN . - - _ THUNE MR• PRESIDENT, WILSON